Readings for line KD.8.42

Þat þorugh þe fende and þiL.8.43: LR alone have þi, which explains the corrector's <+> in the left margin. Most other B manuscripts have þe. flessh · and þe frele worlde
Þat þourȝ þe flessh and þe feendeM.8.43: M's reading of flessh and þe feend is not shared by other B manuscripts, which read feend and þe flessh. and þe frele worlde
That through the fleshe and the frayle worlde ,
That þoruȝ þe fend and þe flessh . and þe frele worlde           W.8.43:nota
that thorough the fende and þe flesch · and the frele worlde
Þat thourth þe fende and þe flessh · and þe freel worlde
that thruvgh þe fende þe Flesshe & the freyle worlde
Þat þoruȝ þe feend & þe flesch  & þe frele werld
Þat þoruȝ þe fende and þiR.8.39: L agrees with R here, but all other beta copies attest þe in place of R's þi or F's oure. Ax agrees with the common beta variant, but Cx agrees with F, reading oure at this point. flesch  and þisR.8.39: R's þis is a unique reading among the B witnesses. The others all agree on þe (which is also the reading of Ax). But Cx agrees with R. frele worlde .
Þat þorgh þe feend . & oure flesh / & þe false world also.