Readings for line KD.P.216

Þan gete a momme of here mouthe · but monoy were shewed
.....Than gete a momme of here mouthe but monoye were shewed
Than gette a mumme of her mouth til mony be shewed
Than gete a mom of hire mouþ . til moneie be shewed
than gete a Mum of here mouthe  tyl money be schewede
Than gete a Momme of hir mouthe · but moneye were schewed
then gett a muomme off hys moth. mowthe tyll money be shewed
Þan gete a mumme of her mouþe  but money be schewid
Þan gete a mumme of here mouth  her mony hem byR.P.89: In place of alpha's er, beta copies read til or but. Only R adds hem after mony. Later in this half-line, most B witnesses read be, but LMCY attest were. Among the C manuscripts, most P family witnesses agree with beta's til, while a majority of the X family agrees with alpha's er. However, at the end of the half-line, the C families fragment their allegiances, most of the P group (and four of the X group — P2CotLcBo) now aligning with the more widely attested B reading, be, while some of the best X witnesses read wer(e), agreeing with LMCY. Both sets of variants were already attested in various A copies. I-shewed
Þan getyn a Mum of here mowht / erF.1.207: Alpha is responsible for er. Beta manuscripts have til or but. mone be shewyd.F.1.207: F omits the following line from Bx: "Barons and burgeis and bondemen als."