Readings for line KD.P.67

The moste mychiefmy[s]chiefL.P.67: A <+> appears in the left margin at the head of this line, marking erroneous mychief. The correction was not made. The scribe also wrote mychief at L3.178, but he corrected it there. on molde · is mountyng wel faste
The mooste meschief on molde  is mountynge wel faste. vpwardis FastM.P.67: The alteration is not supported by any other B manuscript. The same scribe is probably responsible for drawing the hand in the left margin and for the underlining, and perhaps also the alteration in MP.66 above.
The most mischiefe on molde is mountinge wel fast .
The mooste meschief on Molde . is mountynge wel faste
þe most myscheef on molde · ys mountynge wel faste
Þe maste meschief on molde · is mounctyng wel faste
þe most myscheyfe on mold ys mouvnyttyng vpG.1.67: G's reading vp for most manuscripts wel was originally shared by O. However, O adds wel to give vp wel, a reading shared with C2. fast
Þe moost myscheef on erþeO.P.67: OC2 alone have erþe in place of molde.  is mountynge vp welO.P.67: OC2 alone include both vp and wel. faste
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Þe mooste myschef on moolde / ys mountynge faste