L.P.77KD.P.77 And lenethL.P.77: The reading could as well be leueth. such loseles · þat lecherye haunten
M.P.77KD.P.77And leneth itM.P.77: M's original reading without it agreed with OC2CLH. such loselus þat lecherie haunten
Cr1.P.77KD.P.77 And leueth it to suche losells as lecherie haunteth
W.P.77KD.P.77 And leneþW.P.77: The reading could as well be leueþ. it swiche Losels . as leccherie haunten
C.P.77KD.P.77 And lenys swilke losels · that liccherie haunctys
G.1.77KD.P.77 & lenvenG.1.77: In the case of G, the G Cr12 reading leven results from the mistaken identification by the <u> to <v> corrector (hand1.1) of the letter <n> as a <u> (Most manuscripts
read leneth). It seems possible that the reading in Cr12 was taken from G or from a G-related manuscript; see Introduction II.2.1.2. ytt suvch loseles þat leychyrye hawnten
O.P.77KD.P.77And louenO.P.77: OC2 alone have louen; most B manuscripts have leneþ. siche loselis þat leccherie haunten
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