fol. 68r (cont.)I
AGeynF.12.1: The ornamental capital is blue with red and green flourishes in the left margin the length of the page. The scribe's guide
<a> for the rubricator is visible in the middle of the rubricated letter. y gan to sleepe softe / & my syȝde y gan to turne. These two lines appear only in F.
¶ It is a ful triȝe tree quod he good trewþeF.12.6: Alpha is responsible for trewþe, though R lacks good. Beta witnesses have trewely. to telle.
Mercy is þe moste þereof / þe myddil stook is rewthe.F.12.7: A drypoint <x> appears in the right margin.
I wolde trauayleF.12.12: An otiose curl is written above the <y>. þis tre to seen / quod y .xx.ti hundred myle.
Herte . hatte þat herber / þat þe tree in groweth.F.12.17: F's reading is unique. Bx has "þat it Inne groweþ."
& vndir isF.12.19: Alpha is responsible for the intrusion of And, but F alone reverses the hierarchy by adding is. pers þe plowhman / to pyken it & weden it.
Þe world is a wikkid wynd / & wendeth a-mong þe levis.F.12.29: Eye-skip caused alpha to omit the b-verse and following a-verse. Interestingly, a drypoint <x> appears in the right margin
at this point, suggesting awareness of text outside alpha. Bx reads as follows:
The world is a wikked wynd to hem þat willen truþe
Coueitise comþ of þat wynd and crepeþ among þe leues.
The world is a wikked wynd to hem þat willen truþe
Coueitise comþ of þat wynd and crepeþ among þe leues.
Þe fyrste pyler y calle / ys Potencia deiF.12.31: F's reading is unique. Bx has "Thanne with þe first pil I palle him doun þat is potencia dei patris."
fol. 68vI
With prayeris & penauncesF.12.39: F's a-verse is unique. Beta witnesses have "Thoruȝ preieres and þoruȝ penaunces." Alpha is responsible for "With" in place
of the first "Thoruȝ," but R has the second. / & cristis passioun in myȝnde.
& casteþ vp / to þe croop / vn-kende conseyl ofte.F.12.43: F has revised the b-verse significantly. Bx reads "vnkynde Neighebores."
Videatis qui peccat in spiritum sanctum . numquam.F.12.50: Beta manuscripts have remittetur after numquam, probably because of a defective exemplar. R has re &c.
¶ But whatF.12.52: Beta witnesses correctly read whan. F retains what from alpha. þe fend & þe fleschȝ / forþ with þe world
& puttyþ a-doun þe powke / priuylyF.12.55: Alpha is responsible for priuyly. Beta witnesses have pureliche. þorghȝ grace.
fol. 69rI
¶ I prayede Peers / to pullyn doun / an appil if he wolde.F.12.77: Roman numeral xj is written (erroneously) in a lighter brown ink in the right margin.
& a-noon waggede wedewhod / & sore wepteF.12.80: The scribe initially wrote a long <s> which he converted to make a <p>. after.
Þan had y rewþe / whan peers ruschedF.12.82: Alpha is probably responsible for rusched. R has rused, while beta witnesses have rogged. / it gradde so rewfully.
¶ Þane spak spiritus sanctus / in gabriellisF.12.94: The barred double <l> is ambiguous, usually standing for <-e>, but sometimes unmistakably representing <-is> or <-es>.
MS R alone among the remaining B manuscripts lacks the genitive inflection, so the ambiguity is nearly complete. mowthe.
¶ Þe Maide myȝldely þo / þe messager she grauntyd.F.12.101: The scribe marks the last two words for separation with a tick above and below the line.
Tyl he wex aF.12.106: The graph actually looks more like the scribe's <&> than capital <A>. fawnt þorgh hire flesch / & on fytȝfy[ȝt] he coude.
fol. 69vI
¶ Þe Iewis Ianglyd þere a-geyn / þo þat Iugged þe lawes.F.12.125: F's b-verse is unique. Most beta manuscripts read "and Iuggede lawes." Alpha is responsible for F's þat, but F uniquely has þo and þe.
fol. 70rI
& kest hym to by cawht þer-by / & kyllyd þorghȝF.12.160: Alpha has þorghȝ. Beta witnesses have of. þe Iewis.
Suffreþ myn apoostlis in pees / priuyly forþ to gange.F.12.169: F's reading is unique. Bx has "Suffreþ myne Apostles in pays and in pees gange."
A-geyn deeþ & þe deuyl / þe day for þe nyght he made.F.12.175: F melded two lines into this one. Bx reads as follows:
Ayeins deeþ and þe deuel destruyed hir boþeres myȝtes
Deide and deeþ fordide and day of nyȝt made.
Ayeins deeþ and þe deuel destruyed hir boþeres myȝtes
Deide and deeþ fordide and day of nyȝt made.
. Passus .xijus.