The Piers Plowman Electronic Archive, Vol. 6: San Marino, Huntington Library, MS Hm 128 (Hm) William Langland Edited by Michael Calabrese, Hoyt N. Duggan, and Thorlac Turville-Petre Associate Editors: M. Gail Duggan and Patricia R. Bart Technical Editor: Daniel Pitti Graduate Research Assistants Michael Blum, John Ivor Carlson, Peter J. Eubanks, Carrie Lindley, Timothy L. Stinson, and Jordan Taylor. Computer Consultants and Programmers Robert Bingler, Chris Jessee, Daniel Pitti, and John Unsworth. The Medieval Academy of America and the Society for Early English and Norse Electronic Texts (SEENET) by Boydell and Brewer, Ltd. Woodbridge, Suffolk ISBN: 9781843840923 2008

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Society for Early English and Norse Electronic Texts, Series Series A.9 San Marino, Huntington Library, MS Hm 128 Combined facsimile & documentary edition. Identification of hands PMB and PRB = Patricia Bart HND MC = Michael Calabrese IRA = Robert Adams TTP = Thorlac Turville-Petre 1 computer optical disk : col. ; 4 3/4 in. The University of Michigan Press and SEENET Ann Arbor Source copy consulted: San Marino, Huntington Library, MS Hm 128

Attribute Values brown ink anglicana bastarda italic Lombard Cap ornamented capital, N lines high rubricated touched in red textura underlined underlined in red green ink blue ink

Latin French German 18 Nov 2000 revise header Hoyt N. Duggan New header created
[Prologue] I N a someres somer seysoun · whan set softe Hm.P.1: CrHm read set. Other B manuscripts have soft. Skeat argued that since set was written over an erasure in Hm, the error was introduced after the publication of Cr. See Skeat, xxii and n.1; and xxxiii, n. 1. However, George Kane, The Evidence for Authorship (London: Athlone Press, 1965), p. 41, n. 3, correctly points out that the first twelve lines were erased and written over by an early fifteenth-century scribe and thus could owe nothing to the Crowley editions. We cannot agree with Kane's further contention that the hand is different from that of the original scribe: the revision is probably by the original scribe. However, Kane is correct that "it is therefore indeterminable whether the agreement of HmCr in reading set resulted from vertical or lateral transmission. But that Hm acquired this reading very early is not in doubt." The fullest explanation of the causes of the erasure is by Captain R. B. Haselden, who detected no change of hand on this leaf. was the su nne y schoop me in -to shrowdes · as y a sheep were in abyte of as an heremyte · vnholy of werkes wente wyde in þis world · wondres to here ac on a maij mornynge · on maluerne hilles me bifel a ferly · of fayrye me thougthe y was wery for -wandred · and wente me to reste vnder a brode banke · by a bornys syde and as y lay and lenede · and loked on the watres y slombred in -to a slepyng · it swyȝed sweyued sweyed so merye · Thanne gan y meetyn · a merueylows sweuene that y was in a wyldernesse · wyste y neu ere where as y be -helde into the Eest · an hye vnto to the su nne y sawe a tour on a tofte · rychely trielich y -maked a deep dale byneþe · a dongeou n there -ynne wyth deep dyches and derke · and dredfull of syȝte a fayre feelde full of folke · fonde y there bytwene of alle man ere of men · the mene and the ryche wurchyng e and wandrynge · as the world asketh Su mme putten hem to the plough · pleyȝeden full selde in settynge and in sowyng e · swonken full harde Hm.P.21: Hm omits the following line, here in the spelling of L: And wonnen that wastours with glotonye destruyeth. In view of Hm's occasional agreement with F, it is perhaps worth noting that the same line is dislocated in F, where it appears after KD.P.24. and su mme putten hem to pryde · apparayleden he m there -after in contynaunce of clothyng e · comen dysgysed in prayers and penaunces penaunce · putten hem many e all for the loue of our lord · leueden full streyte in hope to haue aftyr · heuene -ryche blysse as ancres and heremytes · that holden hem in here selles · that And coueytyn nouȝt in contree · to kary..en a -bo.wte for no lykerouse lyflode · here lykham to plese and su mme chesou n chaffare · thei cheueden the bettre as it semyth by to our syȝt · that suche men .......schulde þryueþ and su mme merthes to make · as a[s] as menstralles ku nneth and geten golde w yt h her gle · synne...?...?...les y leeue ac iapers and iangalers iudas chyldren feyne.den hem fantasyes · and folys hem · and han her wytt at wylle · to werke yf they schulde that poule p recheth of hem · y nel nouȝt preue it here Qui loquit ur turpeloquiu m · ys lucyfer his hyne bydders and beggers · faste abo..wte ȝede wyth here belyes and here bagges · of brede full cra mmed ycrammed Fa ytede..... for her food · fouȝten at the nale · In glotanye god it woot · goo they to bedde and rysen wyth rybawdye · þoo roberdes knaues slepe and sory slewthe · sueth hem euere pylg rymes and palmers · plyȝten hem to -gydre for to seke seynt Iame · and seyntes ate Rome they wenten forþe in here way · w yt h many wyse tales and hadden leue to lyȝen · all Hm.P.48: All and the <en> of lyȝen have been restroked in the same darker ink as the corrections in line Hm.P.49, just below, possibly compensating for the erasures in that line having damaged these characters. here lyfe after y say su mme that seyd en · they....... hadden souȝt seyntes to eche eche a tale that they tolde · her tonge was tempryd to lyȝe more than to seye sothe · it semeth semed by here speche heremytes on an hepe · wyth hokede staues wenten to walsyngh am · and here wenches after grete lobyes an.d longe · that loþe were to swynke cloþeden hem in copes · to be knowe from othere and schopen hem h eremytes · to hauen her ese here ese to haue I fond there freres · alle the foure ordres prech...yng the peple · for p rofit of hem -selfe glosede the gospel · as hem good lykede for couetyse of copes · construyd it as they.... wolde many of these mayst er freres · mowen cloþe hem at lykyng for here money and here marchandyse · macchen marchen meten to -gydres for syþþe charyte haþ be chapma n · and cheef to schryue lordes many ferlyes han fallen · in a fewe ȝeres but holy chyrche and they · holden bettre to -gydre · þe most myscheef on molde · ys mou ntynge wel faste there prechede a p ardener · as he a preest were brouȝte forthe a bulle · wyth many buschopes seales and seyde that hym -self myȝte assoylen he m alle of falshede of fastyng · and of a -vowes broken lewed men lykede leued belevid hym wel · and leueden lyked ..........his wordes komen vp knelynge · to kussen hys bulles and rauȝt wyþ hys ragama n · rynges and broches He bonched hem with his breuet · & blered here eyes Hm.P.73-74: In relation to other B manuscripts, these lines are transposed uniquely in Hm. he bunchede hem wyþ his breuet · and blessede blered her yȝen And rauȝte with his ragman · rynges and broches thus thei gyven here golde · glotones to kepe and leneþ it suche loselles · that lechery haunten were þe buschop blessed yblissed · and wurþ boþe his .....heren eris Hm.P.77: Heren, "ears," is written over an erasure, and what appears to be an otiose tilde is actually part of the material erased. Hm and F have the <-en> plural in place of the eris of most manuscripts. his seal schulde nouȝt by sent · to disceyue þe peple ac it ys nouȝt by the buschop · that the boye precheþ for the paryscheprest parysche prest and the pardener · parten the seluer that the porayle of the parysch · schulde haue if þei ne were p arsones and parysch prestes · pleynede hem to the buschop that here paryschenes parisshes parysch were pouere · sytthe the pestilence tyme to haue a lycence and leue · at londou n to dwelle and syngen there for symony · for syluer ys swete buschopes and bachilers · bothe maystres and doctorys that han cure vndyr cryst · and crownyng in tokene and sygne that they schulden · schryuen here p areschenes p rechen and prayȝen for hem · and the pouere feede and nowe they lyȝen Liggen at londou n · in lenten and Elles sumtyme Somme & summe s erue the kyng · and his money siluer tellen in cheker and in chauncelrye · chalengen his dettes of wardes of wardemotys · of weyves of and streyves and su mme s eruen. of as s eruauntz · lordes and ladyes and in stede of stewardes · sytten and demen here masse and here matynes · and many of her oures arn doon . · vndyuoutlyche · drede ys at the laste leste cryst in consistorye · accuse acorse curse full manye y parceyuede of the powere · that petur hadde to kepe to bynden and vnbynden · as the book telleth howe he it lefte wyth loue · as our lord hyȝte amonges foure vertues · the beste of alle vertues that cardynals ben callede · and closynge ȝates there cryst crist is in his in kyngdome · to close and to schutte and to opene it to hem · and heuene blysse schewe ac of the cardynalys ate the courte · that kauȝten of the þat name and power p resumede in hem · a pope to make to han that power that pet ur · hadde inpu ngnen y nelle for in loue and lettrure · the eleccyon bylongeth Hm.P.109: Hm uniquely omits the following line, here given in the spelling of L: For -þi I can and can nauȝte of courte speke more . than came ther a kyng · knyȝthode hym ladde myȝt of the comenes · made hym to regne and þanne came wytt · and clerkes he made forto conseyle the kyng · and the comune saue þe kyng and the and & his knyȝthode · and clergye bothe kasten that the comune · schulde hem -selfe fynde the comune tho contreued contreued · of kynde wytt craftes and for p rofit of the peple · ploughmen ordeynede to tyllye and to trauayle · as trewe lyfe as.keþ the kyng.. and the comune · and wytt the þrydde schopen lawe and leaute · eche man to knowe his owne thanne lokede vp a lunatyk · a lene thyng w yt halle and knelynge to þe kyng · clergeally he seyde Hm.P.122-133: Captain Haselden notes that lines Hm.P.122-133 "are written over an erasure, occupying the space of eleven lines of the text as it was first written. With the aid of the ultra-violet lamp the erased writing (barely visible in the facsimile) can be read in certain places, and indicates that the line omitted by the original scribe was line 5." The first six lines to the word lowed have been supplied by the original scribe (Hand1) and the remainder of the passage is the work of Hand3. See the Introduction, § II.1.3.2. Cryst kepe þe syre kyng · and thi kyngryche and leene the lede þy lond · so leaute þe louye and for þy ryȝtfull rewlynge · be rewarded yn heuene and syþen yn þe ayer an hiȝe · an aungel of heuene lowed to speke in latyn · for lewyd men ne cowde · iangle ne iugge þat iustefye hem schulde but suffren and seruyn · for -thi seyde the aungel · Sum rex sum princeps · neutru m fortasse deinceps · O · qui iura regis christi specialia regis · Hoc vt quod agas melius iustus es esto pius · Nudu m ius a te vestiri vult pietate · Qualia vis metere · talia g rana sere Si ius nudat ur · nudo de iure metat ur Si p?serit. ur pietas · de pietate metas thanne greued e him a golyard.... . Goliardeys Hm.P.137: It is difficult to determine what Hm's reading might have been before the erasure following the final <d> of golyard. All other B manuscripts have Goliardeys. a glotou n of wurdes and .to the angel an hyȝe · answer..ed after Du m rex a regere · dicatur nomen habere Nomen habet sine re · ............studeat nisi nisi studet iura tenere thanne gan alle the comune · crye in verse of latyn to the kynges conseyl · construe who -so wolde Precepta regis · sunt nobis vincula legis Wyth that ran ther a route · of ratones at ones and smale Mees wyth hem · mo than a þousand and comen to conseyl a conseille · for the comen p rofit for a kat of a contree · came whan hym lykyde and ouer lepe hem lyȝtly · and lauȝt hem at his wylle and pleyȝ..ed wyth hem p erelously · and possede aboute for doute of diuerse dredes · we dare nouȝt wel loke and if we grucche of his gamen · he wolde wil greue vs alle cracche vs and clawe vs · and in his cloches holde that vs lotheth the lyfe · ere he lete vs passe myȝt we wyth eny wytt · his wylle to wille wit wythstonde we myȝte be lordes on lofte · and lyuen at our ese a ratou n of renou n · moste resonable renable of tonge seyde for a souereyn · helpe ...?...? hym -sylue y haue seyn segges q uod he · in the sytee of londou n beren beyȝes full bryȝt · a -boute her nekkys and su mme colers of crafty werk · vncoupled they wente wenden bothe in wareyne and in waast · where hym hem -self lyketh and other while they arn elles -whare · as y here telle Hm.P.163-173: Hand 1 initially wrote ten lines which he erased and replaced with these eleven lines in a lighter ink. were þer a belle on her beye · by ihesu as me thynkeþ men mygth wete where þey wente · and awey renne and rygth so quod that ratou n · resou n me scheweþ to bygge a belle of bras · or of brygth syluer and knyttyn it on his a coler · for owr comyn p rofyt Hm.P.167: Cr 1WHmG omit the following line present in all other B manuscripts: And hangen it vp -on þe cattes hals þanne here we mowen , here given in the spelling of L. where he rytt or resteþ rest · or renneth to pleye and ȝif hym lyke list forto layke · thanne loke we mowe ...?...and apperen yn his p resence · therwhile hym pleye lykeþ and ȝif hym wraþþeþ be -war · and his weye schonye All þis rowte of ratou ns · to this resou n assented · ac tho þe belle was ybrougth · and on the beye hanged · ther nas no ne was was no nas ne was a ratou n in all that þe om. route  Hm.P.174:For reasons unclear to us, the scribe begins to mark the caesura with a punctus elevatus. See the Introduction I.8 for all the Reme of f raunce that durste a haue om. Hm.P.175: HmF's unique reading a is an unstressed form of haue, the reading of the other B manuscripts. bounden the beyȝe belle bond  a -boute the kattys nekke ne haue take the kat by the Ne hangen it aboute þe cattes hals  all Engelond to wynne and holden helden hem vnhardy  and her conseyl feeble and leetou n her labo ur loste  and all her longe studye · a mous that moche good cowde  as men thouȝten me thouȝte stroke forthe sternely  and stood by -fore hem alle and to the route of ratouns  rehercede thes wurdes though we kullen culled the katt  ȝet schall sholde ther come a -nother to cacche vs and all our kynde  though we crepe vnd ur benches · for -thi y conseile all the comune  to late the kat wurche worthe and be we neuer so bolde  the belle belle hym to schewe · for y herde my syre seyn  it is seyn is seuene ȝeer passed · ther the catt ys a ketou n  the court ys full ...elengeyn. that wytnesseþ holy .....wryt · who -so wole it rede Ve terre vbi puer est rex For ther For may no thyng renke þere reste haue  for ratou ns by nyȝte ther Þe For while the kat he kaccheth kony nges  he coueyteth nought our careyne but fedeth him w yt h venysou n  dyffame we hym neuere but For bet ur ys a lytyll lo.s · than a long sorowe the mase amonge vs alle  though we mysse a scherewe for many mennys malt  we mees wolden destruye and alle -so the route of ratou ns  rende mennys clothes nere the kat of the courte  that kan ȝowe ouer -lepe for hadde ȝe rattes ȝo ur wylle  ȝe kowthe nat rewle ȝowe-sylue Hm.P.198: There is a one space erasure between yow and sylue, probably an <e>. Part of the <w> is restroked over this erasure by hand1. · y sey for me quod the mous  y se so muche after schall neuer kat þe cat ne ketou n þe kitoun  by my conseyl be greuyd ne no Ne Thoruȝ carpyng of his þis coler  that coste me neuere and thouȝ it hadde costed me katel  byknowe it y nolde but suffre as hym -sylf wolde  to do as hym lyketh coupled and vncowpled  to kacche what thei mowe forþy eche a wyse wyȝt y warne  wyte wel his owne What thes metels bymeneth  ȝe men that ben merye dyuyne ȝe for y ne dar  by dere god in heuene ȝit houed there an hundryd  in hures houues Hm.P.208: Hures, "head coverings, caps" (OF). of selk sergeauntes it bysemyd semed  that s erueden at the barre pleteden for penyes  and poundes the lawe and nauȝt for loue of our lord · vnlose her lyppes ones þu myghtyst bett er meete the myst  on maluerne hulles than gete a Mu m of here mouthe  tyl money be schewede barou ns and burgeis  and bonde -men als y say in this assemble  as ȝe schull here after bakesters and brewesters  and bochers manye wollen websters  and weuers of lynnen taylours and tynkers  and tollere tolleres in markatys masou ns and myno urys  and many othere kraftes of alkyn lybbyng laborers  lopen forthe su mme and As dykers and deluers  that done here dedes ylle and dryven forthe the longe day  w yt h dieu vo us saue Hm.P.222: The word saue is perhaps written over an erasure, though it may be explicable as roughness in the vellum. dame Emme kookes and her knaues  cryeden hote pyes hote goode gees and grys  go we dyne go we tau erners vntyl hem  tolden the same wyth wyn of oseye  and reed wyn of gascoyne Of the ryne Hm.P.227: Oddly, the final <e> appears to have been written over an erased <e>, perhaps reflecting scribal self correction? and of the rochel  the roste to dyfye all this say y slepyng  and seuene sythes more · Passus p rimus de visione · w W hat this Montayne bemeneth  and the merke dale and the felde full of folk  y schall ȝowe fayre schewe a louely lady of lere  in lynnen y -clothed cam dou n fro a castel  and full callede me full called me fayre and seide sone slepest thu  seest thu peple howe besy thei ben alle  a -boute the mase the moste party of peple  þat passeþ on this erthe haue thei wurschipe in this worlde  thei wylne no bettre of oþer heuene than here  holde thei no tale y was a -ferde of her face  thouȝ sche fayr were and saide m ercy madame  what ys this to mene the tour on the tofte q uod sche Hm.1.12: A rough spot on the vellum makes quod sche appear to be written over an erasure.  trewthe ys þ erynne and wolde that ȝe wrouȝten  as his woord techeþ for he ys fadur of feyþe that formede formed ȝowe alle bothe wyth fel and wyth face  and ȝafe ȝowe fyue wyttes for to wurschipe hym ther -wyth  while that ȝe ben here and therfore h.e hiȝte the erþe  to helpe ȝowe echone of wullen of lynnen  of lyflode at nede in mesurable man ere  to make ȝowe at ese and comaundede of his curtasy  in comune þre thynges arn none mnydfull nedful needfullere Hm.1.21: One minim is erased to make <n> of <m>. but thoo  and ne mpne hem y thenke and rykne hem by resou n  reh erce ȝe hem after that on ys vesture  fro chele the to saue and mete at. mele  for mesese of thi -seluen and drynke whan thu druyest  ac do nat out of resou n that thu wurche worth the wurce  whan thu worke schuldest for loo.t in his lyfdayes  for lykyng of drynke dide by his dought eres  that the deuel well lykede lyked delytede hym in drynke  as the deuyl wolde and lechery hym lauȝte  and lay by hem bothe and all he wytte it the wyn  that foule þat wykked dede Inebriam us eu m vino dormiam us -q ue cu m eo · vt seruare possim us de patre n ostro semen · þorough wyn and thorough wo mmen  there was looht encombred and there he gate in glotanye  gerles that were cherles forþi drede delytable drynke  and thu schalt do the bettre mesure ys medycyn  al -......thow þouȝ þu moche ȝerne · it is nat all good to the goste  that the gut asketh ne lyflode to thi lykh am  for a lyȝere it hym him Hm.1.38: Hm uniquely adds it, perhaps in an attempt to make better sense of a line marred by an omission in his exemplar. techeþ Hm.1.38: LWHmC delete a b-verse and an a-verse, combining the two by eye-skip from likame to likame. Most other B manuscripts read as follows: Ne liflode to þi likam þat leef is to þi soule Leue nauȝte þi likam for a liere hym techeþ . that ys the wrecchid world  wolde the betraye for the fend and thi flesch  foloweth to -gydre this and that s.leth seeþ thi soule  and seyth it in ...thi þin h erte and for thu schuldest bewar  y wysse the þe beste madame m ercy q uod y  me lykeþ well ȝour wordes ac th..e money on of In this molde  that men so faste holdeth telle me to wham madame  that tresour appendeþ goo to the gospel q uod sche  that god sey de hym -sylue þo þe peple hym apposed  wyth apeny a peny in the temple wheþyr thei schulde ther -wyth  wurschipe the kyng Cesar and god asked of hem  of wham spak the lettrure lettre and the ymage y -lyk  that ther -ynne standeth cesares thei seiden  we seen hym wel echone Reddite cesari q uod god  that Hm.1.52: There is the appearance of erasure here because of a crease in the manuscript. There is some bleed-through as well. cesari be -falleth and que sunt dei deo  or elles ȝe don ylle Hm.1.53: A horizontal tear in the manuscript extends from the <n> of and to the end of sunt. The tear appears to have become worse since the microfilm was made in the early 1940s. for ryȝtfull resou n schulde · rewele ȝowe alle and kynde wytt be wardeyn  ȝour welthe to kepe and tut ur of ȝour tresour  and take it nouȝt it ȝowe at nede for husbondry and hy  holdeth to -gyders thanne y freyned her fayre  for hym that me made that dongeou n in the dale  that dredfull ys of syȝt what may it be to mene  madame y ȝowe by -seche that ys the castell of care  who -so cometh ther -ynne may banne that he borne borne was · to body or to soule ther -ynne wonyth a wyȝt  that wrong ys y -hote fadyr of falshede  he and founded it hem -selue hym -selue(n) adam and Eue  he egged to ylle Hm.1.65: The following four lines are omitted by eye-skip in Hm, here supplied in the spelling of L: Conseilled caym to kullen his brother Iudas he iaped with iuwen siluer And sithen on an eller honged hym after He is letter of loue and lyeth hem alle that trysten on his tresour  by-trayeth he hem he alle sonest sonest thanne hadde y wond ur in my wytt  what wo mma n sche it were that suche wyse wordes  of holy wrytt schewede and y And asked here in the heyȝe name  er sche the nnys ȝede what sche were wyt....erly · that wyssed me so fayre holy cherche y am q uod sche  thu auȝtest me to knowe y the furst  and the fey the feyth Hm.1.72: Fey, "faith." This is the only occurrence in the manuscript of this form for "faith." A misdivision of feythe probably accounts for the form here. Cf. the similar error at Hm.10.53 where merthey þey is written for merthe þey. tauȝte and thu broughtyst me borwes  my byddyng to full -fulle and to loue me lely  the while thi lyf endureth dureth than y cowryd courbed on my knes  and cryȝede her of g race and p rayed her pytously  to praye for my synnys and all -so kenne me kyndely  on cryst to beleue that y myȝt werchen his wylle  that wrouȝt me to man teche me to no treso ur  but telle me thys ylke howe y may saue soule  that seynt arte y -holden whan all tresourys arn tried q uod sche · Trewthe ys the beste y do it on deus carytas  to demen the sothe yt ys all -so as derwurthi derworth a drury  as dere god hym -seluen Who -so ys trewe of his tonge  and ...?... telleþ non oþ er · Hm.1.84-94: The scribe has erased nine lines in the space now occupied by lines 84b-94, having skipped one line in his exemplar. There are now 41 lines on this page. The omission was caused by eye-skip from and telleþ to and wylneþ line 85). Thus telleþ none other from 88 and the a-verse of 89 were omitted. The remains of an erased lofte are visible in the margins to the right of line 85. ...?...?...and doiþ þe werkes þ erwiþ and wylneþ noman ylle ...?...?...he is a god by þe gospell · a ground and on lofte ...?...?...and ylyk to owr lord · by seynt lukes woordys ...?...?...þe clerkes þat knowen þys · schulden kenne it abowte ...?...?...for crysten and vncristen · cleymen it echone ...?...?...kynges and knygthes · schulden kepen it by resoun ...?...?...ryden and rappen dou n · in rewmes abowte ...?...?...and taken transgressours · and tyen hem faste ...?...?...tyl trewþe had termynyd · her trespas to þe ende ...?...?...& þ at is þe p rofessiou n ap ertly · þ at appendiþ to knyȝtes and nat to fasten a fryday  in fyue score wynter but holden wyth hym and wyth here  that wolden alle trewthe and neuer leuen hem forto for loue  ne for lakkyng of syluer for dauid in his dayes  thus dubbede his dubbed knyȝtes and dide hem swere on his here a swerd · to s erue treuthe eu ere and who -so passede that poynt  was apostota apost[a]ta in the ordre but cryst kyngene kyng  knyȝtede ten cherubyn and seraphyn  suche seuene and othere and ȝaf hem myȝt in his mageste  the meryer hem thought and ouer his mene meyne  made hem archaungels tauȝte hem by the t rinyte  trewthe to knowe to be buxu m at his byddyng  he bad hem nought elles lucifer wyth legyou ns  lernede it in heuene but for he brak buxu mnesse  his blys gan he tyne and fel fro the þat felaschipe  in -to in a fendes lyknesse In -to a deep derk helle  to dwelle there for -eu ere and mo þousandes wyth hym  than man kouthe nu mbre lopen out wyth lucyfer  in loythlyche forme for thei leueden vp -on hym  that lyȝede hem lyed in this manere Pona m pedem in aquilone & similis ero altissimo · and alle that ......hopede it myȝt be so  noon heuene myȝt he m. holde ...but f.yllen out in fendys lyknesse  nyne dayes to -gyders tyl god of his goodnes  gan hem gan stable and stynte and gart the heuene to  and stonde stonden in quyete Whan these wykked wenten out  in wondyrwyse thei fullen · su mme in eyr su mme in erthe  and su mme in helle depe ac lucifer lyth lowest there lowest lith  of hem alle for pryde that he put out  his peyne hath noon ende and all that wurche wyth wrong  wenden thei schulle after her deth -day thider deth -day  and dwellen w yt h that scherewe ac tho that werken wel  as holy wrytt telleþ and enden as y ere seide  in trewthe that ys the beste many be syker that her soulys  schull wende to heuene there trewthe sytt is in t rinyte  and troneþ hem alle forþy y seye as y seide ere  by syȝt of thes textes whan alle tresours arn tryed  trewthe ys the beste lereþ on this lewed men  for lettrud men it knoweth that trewthe ys tresour  the tryest vp -on on In erthe ȝit haue y no kynde knowyng knowing quod I ȝyt ȝet mote ȝe ye mote kenne me bettre by what crafte in my cors  it comseþ and where thu dotede daffe quod sche  full dull dulle to dulle are thi wyttes to lyte litel Hm.1.136: Hm never elsewhere uses the lyte form, and may have been affected by the immediately following <l>. latyn thu lernedest  .....lewyd lede in thi ȝouthe Heu michi qui quia sterilem duxi vita m iuuenilem · it ys a kynde knowyng q uod sche  that kenneth in thyn h erte for to louen thi lord  lerne leuer thanne thi -selue no dedly synne to do  deyȝe though thu schuldest this y trowe be trewthe  who kan teche the bettr e loke thu suffre him to seye  and sytthen lerne lere it after Hm.1.142: CrHmC 2F have lerne, where other B manuscripts have lere. The <l> of lerne is perhaps written over an erasure, but the rest of the phrase is added in a different ink over a blank space. CrWHmGH omit the following line (supplied here in the spelling of L): For thus witnesseth his worde worcheth þow þere -after . for trewthe telleth that loue  ys tryacle of heuene may no synne be on hym sene  that vseth that spice and alle his werkes he wrouȝt  w yt h loue as hym luste and lerned it moyses for the leuest thyng  & most lyk to heuene and all -so the plente of pees  most p recyous of v ertues for heuene myȝt nat holden it  it was so heuy of hym -selue tyl it hadde of the erthe  eten his fulle and whan it hadde of this food folde  flesch & blood taken was neu er lefe vpon lynde  lyȝtere ther -after and portatyf and peysand persant Hm.1.152: Hm's peysand, "powerful, forceful," is a unique form. See MED, s. v. pesaunt. Other B manuscripts have persant.  as the poynt of a nedyll that myȝt no armure it lette  ne noon hyȝe walles for this For -þi is loue ledere  of the lordes folk of heuene and a mene as the meyr. ys  bytwene the kyng and þe comene ryȝt so ys loue a ledere  and the lawe schapeth vpon aman a man man for his mysdedys  the amercyme nt merciment ...?...he taxith Hm.1.157: It is not possible to determine what was erased, but F and H read askeþ. and for to knowen it kyndely  it comseth by myȝt and in the herte there ys the ... hed · and the heyȝe w.elle for in kynde knowyng in h erte  there . myȝt bygynneth and that falleth to the fadur  that formede vs alle lokede on vs w yt h loue  and leet his sone deye mekely for our mysdedes  to amende vs alle and ȝit wolde he hem no wo  that wrouȝten hym that peyne but mekely wyth mouthe  mercy he bysoughte to haue pyte on that peple  that pynyd peyned hym to dethe here myȝt thu see ensamples  in hym -sylfe one that he was myghtfull and meke  and mercy gan g raunte to hem that hungen hym an hye  and his herte thirlddeed forþi y rede ȝowe ryche men riche  haueth rewthe on the pore though ȝe ben myȝtfull to mote  beth meke in ȝo ur werkes for the same mesure that ȝe meten  a -mysse oþer elles ȝe schullen be weye ther -wyth  whan ȝe wende hennes Eadem mensura qua mensi fueritis remecietur vobis · for thowe ȝe be trewe of ȝour tou nge  and trewely wynne and all -so as chast as y..achild a child.. that in cherche wepyth but if ȝe louen lely  and lene the pouere suche gode as god ȝowe sent  goodlyche departeth parteth ȝe ne haue nomore meryt  in masse ne in ourys than malkyn of her maydenhode  that no man desyreth for Iames the gentyle  Iugede in his bokes that feyth wyth -outen the ....werk faite Hm.1.182: The reading werk, added over an erasure, is unique to Hm among B witnesses, but it appears in A manuscripts Ha and U. Several other B manuscripts have faite, "deed." · ys ryȝt no thyng wurthy and all -so as dede as a dore -tree  but if the dedys folowe Fides sine operibus mortua est · forþy chastyte wyth -outen charyte  worþ cheyned in helle it ys all -so as lewede as a laumpe  that no lyȝt ys ynne many chapeleynes arn chaste  ac charyte ys aweye arne no men aueroushere . than they  whan they ben auamsed aua[un]sed auaunced vnkynde to her kyn  and to alle crystene schewen her charyte  and chiden aftyr more suche chastyte wyth -outen charite  wurth cheyned in helle many curatours kepen hem  clene of here bodyes and Thei arn encombred acombred wyth couetyse  þey can nat put it away don it fram hem so harde hath auaryce  haspede hem to -gyders and that ys no trewthe of the t rinyte  but trecherye of helle and lernyng to lewed men  the lattere for to dele forþy thes wordes ben wryten  in the holy gospel gospel · date and dabitur vobis  for y dele ȝowe alle and that ys the lo...?...?...k of loue · and leteþ owt my grace · to conforte the carefull  acombred wyth synne loue ys leche of lyfe  · and next our lord hym -selue and all -so the grete graith gate  that gooth into heuene forþy y sey as y seide  here ere Hm.1.203: Here is a reverse spelling for ere, the reading of most other B manuscripts. be thes þe tixtes whan alle tresours arn tryed  trewthe ys the beste nowe haue y tolde the what trewþe ys  þ at no tresor ys betr e y may no lenger le....ue lenge the whyþ Hm.1.206: Whyþ, "with." Hm reads whyþ, which is not an error but a reverse spelling indicating the loss of aspiration in [hw] in the scribe's dialect.  nowe loke the our lord · Passus secundus de visione · Hm.2.0: Though not legible, something, perhaps guide words for the heading, has been scraped and cropped in the right margin. Or perhaps the vellum is merely rough, for no ink shows with ultraviolet light. ȝ Ȝ yt y courbede on my knes  and cryede here of g race · and seide mercy madame  for mary loue of heuene that bare that blysfull barn  that boughte vs on the rode kenne me by sum crafte  to knowe the false · loke vpon thi lyfthalf lyft half  and loo where he standeth boþe fals and fauel  and here ferys manye y loked on my lefthalf left half  as the lady me tauȝte · and was ware of a wo mman  wurthily clothed purfyled wyth pelure  the fynest vpon erthe crowned wyth a crowne of golde corone  the kyng hath non bettre Fetysly hure fyngres weren  Hm.2.11: The Hm scribe, like the scribes of MO, has misplaced the caesura that should have followed fyngres. Frettyd wyth wyre golde wyre and ther -on rede rubyes  all -so as rede as eny glede and a dyamand diamantz of derrest p ris  and duble manere saphires oryentals and ewers ewages  envenymes to destruye her robe was full ryche  of rede scarlet Engrenyd · wyth rybane ribanes of rede golde  and of ryche stones here aray me rauaschide  suche rycchesse sawhe y neu ere y hadde wondyr that what sche was  and whos wyfe it she were What ys this wo mma n quod y  so wurthily atyryd that ys meede the mayde quod sche  haþ noyed me full ofte and y -lacked my le mman  that leau.te ys hoten and bylowen hire to lordes  that lawes han to kepe In the popys paleys  sche ys p riue as my -selue but sothnesse so wolde nat so  for sche ys a bastard for fals was hure fadur  that hath a fykel tonge and neu er sothe seide  sytthen he come an to erthe and mede ys manerd aftyr hym  ryȝt as kynde asketh Qualis pater talis filius  bona arbor bonu m fructu m facit · y auȝt ben herrer than sche  y kam of a betre my fadyr the grete god ys  and ground of alle .....grace o god wyth -outen gynnyng  and y his good dought er and haþ ȝouen me m ercy  to mary wyth my -selue and what man be mercyfull  and lely me loueþ schall be my lord and y his leef  in the hyȝe heuene and what man taketh mede  myn...?...?... hed dar y legge þat he schall lese for her loue  a lappe of his of caritatis howe construeth Dauid the kyng  of men that taketh mede and men of this molde  that mantayneth trewthe and howe ȝe schulle saue ȝowsylue  the Saut er bereþ w ytnesse Domine quis habitaubit in tabernaculo tuo tuo &c · and nowe wurth this mede y -maryed  vnto to al to amased a mased a mansed scherewe to on fals fykel tong  a feendes byȝete fauel thurgh his fals faire speche  full thyk hath hath folk þis folke enchaunted and all ys lyers ledynge  that sche ys thus y -wedded to -morowe wurth y -maad  that þe maydens maryage bruydale and there myȝt thu wytyn if thu wylt  whiche þey ben all þat longen to that lordschipe  the lasse and the more · knowen know[e] knowe Hm.2.48: The error is probably caused by attraction to longen in the preceding line. hem there if thu kanst  and kepe thu thi tonge and lakke hem noȝt but late hem wurthe  tyl leaut leaut[e] leaute were here be Iustyce and haue power to punsche hem  than put forthe thi resou n nowe y bykenne the cryst quod sche  and his dere clene moder and late no conscience combre acombre the  for couetyse of mede thus mede left me that lady  lyggen and slepe liggyng aslepe and And how mede was y -maryed  in metelles me thouȝt ...?...þ at al þe riche retenaunce  that regneth wyth fals þe false were boden to the brydale  on bothe two sydes of alle manere of men  the mene and the ryche to marye this maiden  was many man assembled as of knyȝtes and of clerkes  and other comune peple and As sisours and sumnors  and scherreves Shireues and her clerkys bedelys and baylifis  and procures brokoures of chaffare forgoers and vytaylers  and voketys of the arches · y kan nouȝt rekne the route  that ran aboute meede ac symony and Cyuyle  and cisours of contres courtes · weren most pryuey wyth mede  .of any men me thought ac fauel was the fyrst  that fette her out Hm.2.66: An otiose mark appears above the <o>. of boure and as a .brocour brought here  to be to with fals Iunyd enioigned Whan symony and Cyuyle  syȝen her bothe wylle thei assentide for syluer  to seye as bothe wolde than lepe lyȝere foorth  and seide lo here a charter that gyle wyth his grete othes  ȝaf hem to -gydre and p rayed Cyuyle to see  and symony to rede it than Symony and Cyuyle  stonden forthe bothe and vnfoldeden vnfoldeth that Feffement  that þe fals hadde hath maked · and thus bygynnen thes gomes  to gedren full hye Sciant presentes & futuri · & c etera · Wyteþ and wytnesseth  that wonyeth on vpon this erthe that mede ys maryed  more for here goodes than for eny v ertue of fayrnesse  for or any fre kynde falsnesse ys fayn of here  for he wote her ryche and fauel wyth his fykyl speche  Feffeth by this chart ur to be p rinces in pryde  and pouerte to despyse to bagbyten bakbite and to bosten  and to and bere fals wytnesse to scorne and to scolde  and sclaundyr to make vnbuxu m and bolde  to breke the ten hestes and the erldam of envye  and wratthe to -gyders wyth the chastelet of cheste  and chatryng out of resou n · the comyte counte of couetyse  and alle costes þe costes aboute that y y[s] is vsure and auaryce  alle y hem g raunted graunte in bargayne bargaines and brocage brokages  w yt h all the burgh of thefte and all the lordschipe of lecchery  in lenghþe and in brede In As in werkes and in wordes  and in waytyng waitynges of with yȝen in And in wedes and in wyschynges  and in with ydell thouȝtys there as wyl wolde  and werkmanschipe fayleth glotany he ȝaf hem eke  at dyu erse tauernes Hm.2.95: Hm, probably due to eye skip from and in the b-verse of KD.2.93 to at in the b-verse of KD.2.94, uniquely runs these two lines together, thus omitting the b-verse of KD.2.93 and the a-verse of KD.2.94, which read: and grete othes togydere | And alday to drynke. and ther to iangle and iape  and Iuge her ...emc ristene Hm.2.96: Initial <e> and <m> are written over an erasure of three characters, possibly reflecting original eue(ne), the reading of all other B witnesses. and on in fastynge -dayes to frete  er ful tyme were and than to sytten and soupen  tyl slepe hem assaile · and breden a as burgh swyn  and bedden hem esely tyl slewthe and slepe  slyken her sydes and than wanhope to awake hem so  w yt h no wyl to amende for thei he leuen to be loste  this ys her laste ende and thei to haue and to holde  and her eyres after a dwellyng wyth the deuel  and dampned be for eu ere wyth alle the purtynaunce of p urgatory  in -to the pyt pyne of helle ȝeldyng this for þis thyng  at oo ȝeres ende · her soules to sathanas sathan Hm.2.107: HmH have the A form sathanas against sathan in all other B manuscripts.  to suffre w yt h hym peynes and wyth hym to wonye wyth wo  while god ys in heuene in wytnesse of whiche thyng  wrong was the furste and pers the pardener  of paulyns doct rine bette the bedule  of bokyngh am -schire Reynald the Reue  of rutlond sokene Mmunde Hm.2.113: A lower case <m> appears to have been written over initial <M>, though the priority of forms is difficult to determine. the mellere  and many mo othere in In þe date of the deuel  this dede ys aseled by syȝt of syre Symony  and Cyuyle cyuyles leue thanne tened hym theology  whan he this tale herde and seide to Cyuyle  Sorowe now sorwe moste thu haue Hm.2.117: The following line, here in the spelling of L, is omitted in Hm: Such weddynges to worche to wratthe with treuthe. and er this weddyng be wrouȝt  woo the be -tyde For mede ys a is Mulier  of amendys .engendred and god graunteþ to gyve  mede to trewthe and thu haste ȝouen her to agylo ur a gylo ur  nowe god ȝyue the sorowe þy tyxt telleth me þe nouȝt. so · trewthe wote the Sothe for dignus est operarius  his hire to haue and thu hast fastned fest her to fals  fy on thi lawe for all by lesynges thu leuest  and lecherouse werkes Symony and thi -self  schend..en holy cherche the notaryes and ȝee  anoyȝeth noyeth the peple · ȝe schull a -biggen it bothe  by god that me made Well ȝe wyten wernardys  but yf ȝour wytt faile that fals ys feythles  and fykell of in werkes his werkes her werkes and was a bastard y -bore  of belsabub his belsabubbes kenne and mede Mede is mulier  a mayden of goode sche And myȝt kusse the kyng for cosyn  yf that an sche wolde forþy wurcheth by wysdam  and by wyt al -so and ledyth her to londou n  there it is y -schewed if eny lawe wole loke  that thei þei lygge to -gyders and thouȝ iustices iugen. here · be to be ......eiuyned to fals ȝit be war of weddyng  for wytty ys treuþe and conscience ys of his conseyl  and knoweth ȝowe echone and if he fynde ȝowe in defaute  and w yt h fals þe fals holde it schall by -sytte ȝour soulys  full soure at the laste · here -to assenteþ Cyuyle  and symony ne wolde ...?...tyl he hadde siluer for his s eruyse  and all -so the notaryes than fette fauell forth  floreynes y -nowe and bad gyle go gyve  golde all a -boute and namly to the notaryes  that thei hem nouȝt none fayle and fastne feffe fals wytnes  wyth floreynes y -nowe for thei may mede maystren amaistrye  and maken at her my wylle tho this gold was gyue  grete wyth was that was þe thonkyng to fals and fauell to fauel  for her fayr gyftes and comen to comforte  fram care the fals · and seiden certys sere  cessen schull we neuere tyl mede be thi wedded wyfe  . thorowh wyttes of vs alle for we han mede y -maystryed  wyth our mery speche that sche g raunteþ to gon  wyth good a gode wylle to londou n to .loken  if the lawe wolde iuge ȝowe iuyntly  in ioyȝe for euere than was fals falsenesse fayn  and fauel all -so as blyue blithe and lete su mne Hm.2.159: Sumne, "summon." alle segges  in schires aboute and bad hem alle be bou n  beggers and ellis othere to wend e wyth hem to westmest er  to w ytnesse this dede and than cared thei for caples  to caryen hem thider and fauel fett forth than  foles y -nowe and sette mede vpon a scherrefe  schod all newe and fals sate on a Cyso ur  that softyly trottede and fauel on a flaterere  fetysly atyred tho hadden notaryes none  a -noyȝed thei were · for symony and Cyuyle  schulden on her feet gon · and than swore symony  ...?...?...and cyuyle bothe that su mnors schulde be sadelyd  and s eruen hem echone and lete app arayle thes p rouyso urs  in palfreys wyse syre symony hym -sylf  schall sytten vpon her bakkes denes and subdenes  drawe ȝe ȝow to -gyderes erchedeknes and officials  and alle ȝour regestres and late Lat sadele hem wyth syluer  our sy nne to suffre as voutrye auoutrie and vorsers deuoses  and derne vsure to bere buschopys aboute  a -brode in vysitacyou ns visytynge paulynes prynces pryues for playntys in consistorie schullen s erue my -sylf  that Cyuyle ys nempned and cartsadele the comyssar e  our cart schall he lede and fecchen vs vytaylys  at fornicatours fornicatores and makeþ of lyere a long cart  to leden all thes othere as freres and faito urs  that on her feet rennys and thus fals and fauel  fareth forþ to -gyders and mede in the myddes  and all these men aftyr I haue no tome to telle  the tayle that hem folowyth Hm.2.186: Cr 1WHmG omit a line found in the other B manuscripts, given here in the reading of L: Of many maner man þat on þis molde libbeth. This could have been caused by eye skip from the last three letters of KD.2.186 to KD.2.187: eth. ac gyle was forgoer  and gylyd gyed hem alle soþnesse hym wel  and seide but a lytyl and pryked his palfray  and passed hem alle and come to the kynges court  and conscyence it tolde and conscience to the kyng  carpede it after nowe by cryst quod the kyng  and y kacche myȝte fals er or fauel  or eny of his ferys · y wolde be wroken on of tho wrecchis  that werken so ille and done hem hange by the hals  and alle that hem maynteyneth schall neuer man vpon on of molde  manpryse the leste · but ryȝt as the lawe wole loke  late falle on hem alle and comaundede a constable  that kam at the firste to tache attache tho tyrau ntys  for eny thyng y hote and fretteth fettereth fetter fast fals falsenesse  for eny kyn ȝiftes and girde of gylys hede  and leteth hym go no ferther and if ȝe klacchen lyere  leteth hym not askapen er he be put on the pylory  for eny p rayer y hote and bryngeþ mede to me  maugre hem alle drede at the dore stod  and the dome herde howe the kyng comau nded  constables and sergea ntes fals Falsenesse and his felaschipe  to fetren and bynde to bynden Thanne drede wente wyghtly · and warnede fals þe fals Hm.2.208: A modern hand has added "Fragment begins here," indicating where Hm 2 starts. The same hand also marked this leaf as "9th" in accord with his note on 96r in Hm 2, which directs the reader to the corresponding text here on Hm's 9th leaf. Hand2 begins here and continues throughout the text of Hm. See Thorlac Turville-Petre, "Putting it Right: The Corrections of Huntington Library MS Hm 128 and BL Additional MS 35287," The Yearbook of Langland Studies 16 (2002): 43-51. And bad hym fle for fere · and his felawes alle Fals Falsenesse for fere fere þanne Hm.2.210: Note that þanne appears as an addition above the line in M. · fley. to the freres and gyle dooþ hym forto to go  agaste forto deye ac marchauntes metten wyth hym  and maden hym abyde And byschetten hym in here schoppes · to schewen here ware Apparayleden hym as app rentys · the peple to serue Full lyg htly Liȝtlic lyere tho · lepe lepe awey thanne Lurkynge thorough lanes · lugged to -lugged of manye he was nawhare welcome · for his manye tales Ou eral y -hunted · ...& yhote trusse Tyl p ardeners hadden pyte · and pulled hym to house They wuschen hym and wypten hym · and wounden hym in clothes cloutys And senten hym wyth seles · on sonendayes to cherche And ȝaf. p ardoun for pans · pounde-mele aboute Thanne loureden leches · and lettres they sente That he schulde wonye wyth hem · watres to loke Spycers spooken wyth hym · to aspyen here ware For he coude ..on of here crafte · and knewe manye go mmes · Ac menstrals and messageres metten wyth hym ones And helden hym an halfe ȝere and enleuene dayes Freres wyth here fayre faire speche · fecched fetten hym thennes and for knowynge of comers · copeden hym as a frere · Ac he hath leue to lepen oute · as ofte as hym lyketh · And is welcome wha nne he woll · and woneth wyth hym hem ofte · Alle fledden for fere · and flowen into hernes Saue mede the mayden · nomo dursten abyde Ac trewly to telle · sche trembled for drede And And ek wepte and wronge · whan sche was attached Passus tercius de visione · n N Owe is mede the mayde · and nomo of hem alle wyth Bedelles and wyth ..baylyfs · brougth bifore the kynge The kynge callede a clerke · ne can y can I nougth his name To take mede the mayde · and make here at ese I schall assaye here my -selfe  and so...þli appose what man vpon of þis molde · that here were leueste And ȝif sȝe she Hm.3.7: Hm uniquely has the unusual form sȝe against she in most B manuscripts. wurche by wytte. and my wyll folowe y wol forȝyue forgyue hyre this gylt. . so me god helpe Curteysly the clerke thanne · as the kynge hyȝte Tooke mede by the myddel · and brougth hire into chambre And there was merthe and menstralsye  Hm.3.11-14: The punctus elevatus in this and the following three lines has a horizontal bar between the bottom and top parts. mede to plese They that wonen in westmynstre  wurschipeden here alle Gentylyche wyth ioye  the iustyces somme · buskeden hem to the boure  there the burde dwellede To conforten hire kyndely · by clergyes leue and seyden moorne thu nougth nought Mede · ne make thu no sorowe for we woll wysse the kynge · and thy weye schape to be wedded at thy wylle · and where the leef lyketh · for all consciences caste · or crafte as y trowe Myldely mede thanne · me...?...rcyde hem alle of here grete goodnesse · and gafe hem echone coupes of clene golde . and cuppes of seluer · rynges wyth rubies · and rycchesses manye · the leste man of here meyne · a motou n of golde · thanne laught they leue · these lordes at mede · Wyth that comen clerkes · and conforteden to conforte þe same and beden hire be blythe · for we beth thyn owne forto wurche thy wylle · the while thy lyfe þow myȝte Hm.3.28: HmHm 2 alone read thy lyfe against þow myȝte in most B manuscripts. The reading is taken from the A version which has a T-type line. lasteth Hendely sche thanne · byhigth hem the same to louen hem lely · and lordes to make and in the concystorye at courte . do callen her names schall no lewednesse lette · the lede that y louye that he ne wurth ferste au aunced · for y am by -knowen there connynge clerkes · schull clokke byhynde Thanne come there a confessoure · coped as ....a frere to mede the mayden · he menede mellud Hm.3.36: The word could be either menede or meuede. these woordes and seyde full softly · in schryfte as were though lewed men and lered · hadden leye by the bothe And fals falsenesse hadde fowled the · all this fyfty wynt er y schall assoyle the my -selfe . for a seem of whete and be also be thy bedeman · and bere well thy message amonge knyghtes and clerkes · conscience to turne Thanne mede for here mysdedes · to that man kneled e and schorfe sch[ro]fe shroue here of here schrewdnesse · schameles y trowe tolde hym a tale · and toke hym a noble forto ben here bedeman · and here brocour al...sse Thanne he soyled assoilled here sone · and seþþen he seyde we haue a wyndowe in werchinge · woll sytten vs fulhiȝe ful hiȝe woldest þu glase that gable · and graue þ erynne þyn name ful syker Siker schulde þy soule be · heuene to haue Wyste y that q uod that womman · y wolde nougth spare forto be ȝoure frende frere · and fayle ȝowe neuere while ȝe loue lordes · that lecchery hauntyn and lakken nougth ladyes · that louen wel the same yt ys a frealte of flesch · ȝe fynden yt in bookes · A comyn And a cours of kynde · where -of we comyn alle who may scapen that þe sclawndre · the scathe ys sone amended yt ys a is synne of the seuene · sonnest relessed God haue Haue mercy q uod mede · on of men that yt hauntyn and y schal couer ȝoure cherche kirke · ȝoure cloyst er make do maken and ȝoure wowes Wowes whyten do whitten · and wyndowes glasyn do paynte and portraye · and paye for the makynge that euery segge schal seye · y am suster of ȝoure hous · ..But Ac god to alle good folke · suche grauynge deffendith to wryten in wyndowes · of here wel -dedys · yn aduenture pryde be peynted þere · and pompe of the worlde for cryste knoweth thi conscyence · and þy kynde wylle and þy coste and thy couetyse · and who the catel ...?...owghte · For -þy y lere ȝow lordes · leueþ suche werkes to wryten in wyndowes · of ȝoure wel -dedys · or to gredyn after goddes men · whan ȝe delen doles yn aduenture ȝe haue ȝoure huyre here · and ȝoure heuene als Hm.3.72: A modern librarian has written "- fragment ends here." in the right margin, referring to Hm 2, which ends after the following Latin line. Nesciat sinistra manus sinistra  quid faciat dextra · late nougth thy lefte halfe · late ne rathe · wyete what thu werchest · wyth thy rygth syde · for thus byddeþ the gospel · good men done here alm....esse · Meyres and m......ercers maceres · that menes ben bytwene the kynge and the comune · to kepe the lawes to punysche on pyloryes · and pynynge stoles brewesters and baksters · bochers and cokes for þese arne men of on this molde · that moste harme wurcheth to the poore peple · that p arcelmel beggen buggen Hm.3.82: HmG read beggen to other B witnesses' buggen. Hm omits the following two lines because of eye-skip: For they poysoun þe peple priueliche and oft Thei rychen þorw regraterye and rentes hem buggen . wyth that the poore peple · schulde putten in here wombe for tooke they on treuly · they tymbred nougth so hye ne bouhten no burgages · be ȝe full certayn Ac mede the mayde · the meyre haþ bysougth of alle suche sullers · suluer to take or p resentes wyth -outen pans · or as peces of seluer rynges or other rycchesse · the regratours to ma......nteyne For my loue q uod that lady · loue hem echone · and suffre hem to selle · somdel aȝen reson Salamon the sage a sarmoun he made forto amende m.eyres · and men that kepen lawes and tolde hem this teme · that y telle thenke Ignis deuorabit tabernacula eor um · qui libent er accipiu nt mun era · Amonge these lettred ledes · this latyn ys to mene that fuyr schall falle · and brenne al to blo askes the houses and homes · of hem that desyreth ȝyftes or ȝeres -ȝyftys · by -caus.e of here offyces The kynge fro the fro conseyl came · and called after mede and of -sente hire also as blythe swythe · wyth sergeau ntes manye that brougth here to boure · wyth blysse and ...wiþ ioye Curteysly the kynge thanne · comsed to telle to mede the mayden mayde · and meneth melleth Hm.3.104: Hm's reading is clearly related to W's he meneþ and H's menyd. these woordes vnwyttyly womman · wrougth haste thu ofte ac wrouhtest thu neuere wurse worse wrouȝtestow neure · than whan þo thu fals tooke but y furȝyue forgyue the that gylte · and graunte graunte þe m.y grace hennys to thy deth -day · do so namore Y haue a knygth conscyence · came late from byȝonde ȝif he wylneth the to wyue · wylt. thu hym haue Ȝe lord q uod the þat lady · lorde furbede yt elles but y be holly atte ȝoure heste · late hange me sone And thanne was conscyence called · to come and appere byfore the kynge and his conseyl · as clerkes and othre knelynge to the kynge · conscyence conscience · to þe kynge lowtede to wyten what his wylle were · and what he do schulde Wolte Woltow wedde this womman quod the kynge · if sche I woll assente for sche is fayn of þy felauschipe · forto be thi make Quod conscyence to the kynge · cryste yt furbede me forbede ere y wedde suche a wyf · wo me bytyde for sche is frele of here ....feyþ · and fykel fykel of hure speche and makeþ men mysdo · many score tyme truste of hure tresoure · trayeþ full manye Wyues and wydewes · wantownesse sche techeþ and lereþ hem lechery · that louen here ȝiftes · ȝoure fader sche felde · thorough fals byheste and haþ puysound popes · and appeyred peired Hm.3.127: Hm and alpha read appeyred/appayreth against the apheretic form peired in most B manuscripts. holy cherche ys naugth a bettre bawde · by hym that me made bytwene heuene and helle · in erthe thouh men sougth · for sche is tykel of here tayl . tale -wys of here tunge As comune as carteway a cartwey · to eche Hm.3.131: The ascender of the <h> has been flourished. knaue that walketh to monkes to menstralles · to meselles in hegges Sysours and somnours · suche men hure preyseth Scherreues and of schyres · were schent if sche ne were for sche dooþ men lese here londe · and here lyfe bothe sche lateth passe prysoners · and for hem ofte payeth payeth for hem ofte and ȝyueþ gyueth the gaylers golde · and grotes to -gydres ...?...& vnfetreþ fals · to To vnfettre þe fals flee where hym lyketh and taketh þe trewe by the top · and tyeth hym faste and hangeth hym for haterede · that harme dede neuere To be cursyd in concystorye · sche counteþ nougth a bene for sche copeþ the commissarye · and coteth his clerkes sche ys asoyled also as sone · as here -selfe lyketh and may almost also neiȝe as muche do · in a moneth ones as ȝoure secrete seal · in syxe score dayes · for sche is pryue wyth the pope · p rouysours yt knoweth for syre symony and here -selfe · selen the bulles Sche blesseþ these buschopes · thouwh they seme be lewed prouendreth p arsouns · and preestes manteyneth to haue lemmans and lotobyes · all here lyfe -dayes · and bryngeth foorth barns · aȝen forbode lawes there sche is wel wyth the kynge · wo ys that þe rewme for sche is fauourable to fals · and fouleþ trewthe ofte By ihesu wyth hure iewelles · ȝoure yustyces ofte sche she schendeth and lyeþ aȝen the lawe · and letteþ hym the gate that feyth may nougth haue his foorþ · hure floreyns gone so þykke sche ledeth the lawe as hure leste · and louedayes maketh · and dooth men lese for þorw hure loue Hm.3.158: Kane and Donaldson took the scribe to have written iloue, with <il> smudged. There is damage or a stain, but the reading is clearly loue. · that lawe mygth wynne the mase for a mene man · þouȝ. he mote hure euere lawe ys so lordlyche · and loth to make ende wyth -oute p resentes or pans · sche pleseth wel fewe · Barouns & burgeys · sche bryngeþ in sorowe and al the comune in care · that lyue wolde coueyten lyue in trewthe for clergyse clergye and couetyse · sche cowpleþ to -gydres that Þis is þe lyfe of þat lady · lorde now lorde · ȝyue hure sorowe and alle that ma......ynteyne here men · schame meschaunce hem bytyde for poore men mowe haue · no power hem to pleyne to pleyne hem Hm.3.167: Hm divides the line here, creating a new line to follow and thus demanding the creation of a b-verse for the newly made line. Hm.3.168 takes what may have been the last three words of its exemplar's 167 tyl þey sore smerte and fills the line out with the bland, unalliterating and lowe a -downe falle. · tyl þey sore smerte · and lowe a -downe falle suche a mayster is mede · a -monge men of goode Thanne mornyd mede · and menyd hure to the kynge to haue space to speke · spede ȝif sȝe mygth e The kynge grauntyd hure grace · wyth a good wylle excuse the ȝif þu canste · y can namore segge for conscyence acuseþ the · to congeye the for -euere Nay lorde quod that lady · leueþ hym the wurse whan ȝe wyten wytterly · where þe wronge lyggeþ there the þat myschefe is grete mede may helpe and thu knowest conscyence · y came nougth to chyde ne to praue depraue thy p ersone · wyth a proude herte wel thu woste wernard · but ȝif thu wolte gabbe thu haste hangyd on myn hals half · enleue tymes · and also gryped my golde . ȝyue gyue yt where the lyked and why wratthest þow wratthest the nowe . wondre me thynkeþ ȝit y may as y mygth e · menske the wyth ȝiftes and mant....eyne thy manhode · more than thu knowest Ac thu haste defamed famed me foule · byfore the kynge here for kyllyd y neuere kynge no kynge . ne counseyled therto þer -after ne dude as thu nowe þow demeste · y do yt on the kynge · In normandy nas was he nougth · noyhed for my sake ac thu thy -selfe soþly · schamedest hym ofte crope in in -to a caban · for colde on of thy nayles wendeste that wynt er · wolde haue laste lasted euere · and dreddest to haue be be dede . for a dym clowde and hyedest homward · for hungur of thyn wombe Wyþ -outyn pyte pylour · poore men thu robbe....dest and borere here bras at thy bakke · to caleys to sylle there y lafte wyth my lorde · his lyfe forto saue y made his men murye · and mornynge lette y batred hem on the bakke · and bolded here hertes and dede hem hoppe for hope · to haue me atte wylle hadde y ben mareschal of his men · by marye of heuene · y durste haue leyde my lyfe · and no lasse wedde he schulde haue ben lorde of that londe · in lengþe and in brede and also kynge of that kyth · his kynrede kynne to for to helpe the leste brolle of his blood · a barouns pere Cowardly thu conscyence · conseyledest hym thennys to leuyn his lordschipe · for a lytyl seluer · that ys the ryccheste rewme · that reyn ou erhoueth · yt bycomyþ to a kynge · that kepeth a rewme to ȝyue mede to men · that mekely hym serueth · to alyens and to alle men · to honoure hem wyth ȝyftes · mede maketh hym bylouyd · and for a man holdyn · Emp eroures and kynge s / Erlis Hm.3.213: The virgule metacharacter replacing the punctus elevatus was inserted after <s> was added to kynge by hand3. and alle manere lordes for ȝyftes haue ȝonge men · to renne and to ryde the pope and and and alle his and alle p relates · p resentes vndyrfongyn and meden men hem -selfe · to ma......yntene here lawe lawes sergeauntes for her seruyce · we seen wel the sothe taken mede of here maystres · as they mowen acorde beggers for here byddynge · asken bidden men mede menstralles for here merthes murthe · mede they asken the kynge hath mede of his men · to make pes in londe men that techen chyldren · crauen of hem mede p restes that p rechen the peple · of god to gode asken mede and massepans and here mete · atte the mele -tyme alkyn crafty men · crauen mede for here p rentys marchauntes and mede · mote nede go to -gydres no wygth as y wene · wyth -oute mede may lybbe Quod the kynge to conscyence · by cryste as me thynketh mede is wel wurthy · the maystrye to haue Nay quod conscyence to the kynge · and kneled · to the erthe · there are two manere of medes · my lorde wyth ȝowre leue that on god of his grace · graunteth in his blys to tho that wel werkyn · while that whil they ben here the p rophete p recheth ...eþ erof · and putte yt in the sawter · Quis Domine quis habitabit in tabernaculo tuo · &c etera · Lorde who schall wonye in thy wones · ... wyth thyn holy seyntes or resten in thyn holy hul hilles · this asketh dauid · and dauid assoyleth it hym -selue · as the saut er telleth Qui ingreditour Hm.3.239: The dot above the first <i> is unusually elaborate, almost an <s>. sine macula & op eratur iusticiam &c etera iusticiam · Tho that entren of one colour · and of one wylle and haue wrougth werkes · wyth rygth and resou n with reson · and he that vseth nougth · the lyfe of vsure and enforme þ poore men · and pursueth trewthe · Qui pecuniam suam non dedit ad vsuram & mun era sup er innocentem non accepit &c · And alle that helpen the innocente · and holdyn wyth the rygthful wyth -outen mede dooth hem good · and the trewthe helpeth · suche manere men my lorde · schull haue the ferste mede of god atte here a grete nede · whan they gon hennys · There is an nothur mede mesurles · that maystres desyreth · to maynteyne mysdoers · mede they take · and there þere -of seyth the sawter · in a psalmes ende In quor um manibus iniquitates sunt dextra eor um repleta est mun eribus · &c etera muneribus And he that grypeth hure golde · so me god helpe schall abuyen yt b.yttre · or the booke lyeth · p restes and p arsouns · that plesynge desyreth that take mede or and moneye · for messes that they synge take here mede here · as mathewe vs telleth · Amen amen ...?...?...dico vobis amen receperunt mercedem suam · That laborers and lewed folke taken of here maystres yt is no manere of manere mede · but a mesurable huyre In marchaundyse ys no mede · y may it wel a -vowe yt is a p ermutacyoun ap ertly · a peny penyworth for an nother ac reddest thu neu ere · regu m · thu recrayede mede why the vengeaunce fel on saul · and on his chyldren god sente to saul · by samuel the p rophete to Þat agag of amaleke and al his peple aftyr · schulde deyen for a dede · that done hadde here eldres For -thy seyde samuel to saul · god hym -selfe hoteth the to be be buxum at his byddynge · his wyll to fulfulle wende to Amalek wyth thyn oste · and al that what thu fyndest fyndest þere sle slee it burwes Biernes and bestes · brenne hem to dethe wydewes and wyues · wommen and chyldren mebles ...& vnmebles · and al that thu mygth fynde brenne yt bere yt nougth a -way · be yt neu ere so ryche for mede nor for moneye · loke thu destruye yt · spylle yt spare and spare yt nougth · thu schalt spede the bettre And for he coueytede the her catel · and the kynge sparede forbare hym and his bestes bothe · as the byble wytnesseth oþerwyse than he was warnyd · of the p rophete god seyde to samuel · that saul · schulde dye · and alle his seed for that synne · schendfullyche endede ende suche a myschefe mede made · saul the kynge to ....haue that god hated hym for euere · and alle his eyres after The culoru m of this caas · kepe y nougth to telle yn aduenture yt noyȝed men  none ende woll y make for so is this worlde wente · wyth hem that hauen powere · that who -so seye seyth hym hem here sothes sothes · ys sonnyste y -blamyd I conscyence knowe this · for kynde · wytte me yt taughte that reson schal regne · and rewmes gouerne and rygth as agag hadde · happe schulle summe · samuel schall sle hym · and saul schal be blamyd and dauid schall be dyademyd · and dawntyn hem alle and one crystene kynge · kepyn hem alle Schal namore mede be mayster · as sche ys nouthe ac loue and lownesse · and leauute to -gydre these schulle be maystres · on molde · trewthe to saue and who who -so trespaceþ aȝen treuthe · or takeþ aȝen his wylle leaute schal done hym lawe · and no lyfe elles · schall none sergeaunte for here seruyce · were a selken howue · ne no pelure in his clooth cloke · for pledynge atte barre mede of mysdoers · maketh manye lordes · and ouer lordes lawes · rewleþ the rewmes Ac kynde loue schal come ȝette · and conscyence to -gydres and make of the of lawe a laborer · suche loue schal aryse and suche a pes amonge the peple · and a p arfyte trewþe that iewes schul wene in here wytte · and wexen glade wonder glade that moyses or messyas Messie · be comen into this erthe and haue wondre in here hertys · that men beth so trewe Alle that beren bazelard · brode swerde or launce axe other hachet · or eny wepne elles · schall be demyd to the deeth · but but if he do yt smythye ynto sykel or sythe to sithe · to schare or to cultur · Conflabunt gladios suos · in vomeres · &c etera · Eche man to pleye wyth a plouwh · pykoyse or spade spynne or sprede donge · or spylle hym -selfe wyth slowthe Preestes and p arsouns · wyth placebo to hunte · and dynge vpon dauid · eche daye tyl eue · Huntynge or haukynge · ȝif eny of hem yt vse vse his boste of his benefys · woll be worth bynomyn hym aftyr schall neu ere neither kynge nor ne knygth · constable ne meyre ouerlede the comune · ne ne to the courte somne ne putten hem in panel · to done hem plygth here trewthe but after the dede that ys done · oo dome schall rewarde mercy or no mercy · as trewthe woll accorde kynges courte and comune courte concystorye and chap....itle al schall be butte oo courte · and oo baroun baroun be iustyce than worth trewe tonge a tydy man · that tenyd me neuere batayles schull none ben · ne noman bere wepne and what þ at smythieth eny ony smyteth · be smyten ther -wyth to dethe Non leuabit gens contra gentem gladium · &c etera And ere this fortune falle · fynde men schal the wurste by syxe sonnes and a schyppe · and halfe a schefe of Arwes and the myddel of a moone · schall make the iewes to turne and sarsyns for that sygth · schull synge gl oria in excelsis for makameet and mede · myshappe schull that tyme For melius est bonu m nomen q uam diuicie multe · &c etera Als wroth as the wynde · wexe mede in a while y kan no latyn quod sche · clerkes wytyn the sothe see what salamon seyth · in sapyence bokes they that That hij þat ȝyuyn ȝiftes · the vyctory wynneth and moste wurschipe haue þ erwyth · as holy wrytte telleth honorem adquiret qui dat mun era & c etera · I leue wel lady quod conscience · that thy latyn be trewe ac thu arte art like a lady · that radde a lessoun ones was om nia p robate · and that plesyd here herte For that lyne was no lengour · atte the leues ende hadde sche loked that othur halfe and the leef turnyd sche schulde haue founde fele woordes · folowynge aftyr þer -after · Quod bonu m est tenete · trewthe that texte made And so ferde ȝe madame · ȝe couthe nomore fynde tho ȝe loked on sapience · syttynge in ȝoure studye · this texte that ȝe haue tolde · were good for lordes Ac ...ȝe ȝow faylede a kunnynge clerke that couthe the lefe haue turnyde and ȝif ȝe sechyn sapyence efte · fynde ȝe schall shal ȝe that foloweth a fulteneful ful teneful texte · to hem that taketh mede · That is And þat is a ni mam autem aufert accipienciu m · &c etera and that is the tayle of the texte · of that þat þat sche Hm.3.357: Perhaps since Bx provided only the unfortunate þat þat where something like þat teme is required (see Kane's and Donaldson's introduction, p. 201), the scribe of Hm, thinking the doubling was wrong, omitted the second þat. schewed · that thowe we wynne wurschipe · and wyth mede haue victorye · the sowle that the soude taketh · by so muche ys bounde · Passus quartus de visione · c C Ece seyde the kynge y suffre ȝowe no lenger ȝe schulle sauȝtle forsothe · and serue me bothe kysse here quod the kynge conscyence y hote Nay by cryste quod conscyence · ere congeye congeye me for euere but resoun rede me therto · rather wolde y wil I deyȝe And y comaunde the quod the kynge to conscyence thanne rape the to ryde · and resoun thu fecche comaunde hym to þat he come · my counseyl to here for he schal rewle my rewme · and rede me the beste Hm.4.9: Kane-Donaldson supply the following line from Cr 2-3OC 2Y: Of Mede and of mo oþere, what man shal hire wedde. and acounte wyth the conscyence · so me cryste helpe · howe thu lerneste the peple · the lered and the lewed · Y am fayn of þat forowarde · seyde the freke thanne Hm.4.12: At this point, all other manuscripts contain three lines not found in Hm, here given in the spelling of L: And ritte riȝte to resoun and rowneth in his ere And seide as þe kynge badde and sithen toke his leue I shal arraye me to ride quod resoun reste þe a while . The omission was probably caused by eye-skip because both KD.4.14 and KD.4.17 begin with and. The mistake may have been easy to miss since the line still makes sense syntactically. and called Catou n his knaue · curteys of speche and also To mme trewe tunge · telle me no tale tales no Ne lesynge to laugh of · for y loued hem neuere and sette my sadull vpon Suffre · tyl y se my tyme and late warrokke hym well · wyth wytty woordes gerte gerthes and hange on hym an þe heuy brydel · to holde his heed lowe or For he woll make we -he · twyes or Hm.4.19: Or, "ere." he be there Thanne conscyence vpon his capull · caryeth foorth faste and resoun wyth hym rygth · rownynge togydres whiche maystryes mede · maketh on this erthe # On waryn wysdom · and wytty his fere folowed hym faste · for they hadde to done yn the Eschequer cheker and yn in þe chauncerye · to be descharged of thynges · and ryde faste for resoun schulde · rede hem the beste forto saue hem for seluer · fro schame and fram harmes And conscience knewe hem well · they loueden couetyse and badde resoun ryde faste · and recche of here neythur there are wyles in h.ere woordes · and wyth mede they dwellen · Hm.4.30-38: A drypoint shield is inscribed in the right margin. there -as wraþþe and wranglynge is · there wynne þey seluer · ac where is loue and leaute · they woll nougth come there Contricio & infelicitas in vijs eorum · & c etera They ne ȝyuen gyueth nougth of god · oo gose wenge Non est timor dei ante oculos eor um · & c etera For god woote they woll do more · for a dozeyn chyknes or as many capou ns · or for a seme of otes · than for the loue of oure lorde or alle his leue seyntys for -...thi resoun late hem ryde · tho ryche by hem -selue for conscyence knoweth hem nougth · ne cryste as y trowe and thanne resoun rode faste · the rygth hie gate and As conscyence hym kennyde · tyl they come to the kynge Curteysly the kynge thenne · cam. aȝenste resoun and bytwene hym -selue · and his sone · sette hem hym on benche and woordedyn fulwysly ful wysly wel wyseli · a grete while togydres And thanne came pes into p arlemente and putte foorth a bylle howe wronge aȝenste his wylle · hadde hijs wyfe taken and howe he rauasched rose · reynaldes loue and Margarete of here maydenhode · mawgre here chekes bothe my gees and my · his gadlynges feccheth · y dare nougth for drede fere of hem hym · fygth ne chyde he borowed of me baȝarde and brougth hym neu ere aȝen home neure ne no ferþynge therfore · for ougth y couthe plede he manteneth his men · to morthre myn hewen forstalleth my markett es feyres · and fyȝteth in my chepynge and breketh vp my bernys berne doore · and bereth a -wey my whete and taketh me but a tayle for ten quarters otys · ȝette And ȝet he beteth me therto · and lyggeth by my mayde y am nougth so hardy hardy · for hym · vnnethe forto to loke The kynge knewe he seyde soth · for conscyence hym tolde that wronge was a wykked lyfte · and wrougth moche sorowe wronge was affered thanne · and wysdome he sougth e to make pes wyth his pans · and p rofred hym manye and seyde hadde y loue of my lorde · the kynge · lytyl wolde y recche thouhe Pes and his power · pleyned e hem .euere Tho wente wysdome · and sere wareyne the wytty · for that wronge hadde wrougth ywroȝt · so wykked a dede and warnyd wronge wronge þo wyth suche a wys tale who -so werketh by wylle · wratthe maketh ofte y seye it by my -selfe · thu schalte yt wel fynde but ȝif mede it make · thy myscheefe ys vppe for bothe thy lyfe and thy londe lyeth in his grace Thanne wowed wronge wysdome ful ȝerne to make his pes wyth his pans · handydandy payed wysdome and wytte thanne · wenten to -gydres and tooken meede wyth hem · mercy to wynne Pes putte foorth his hede · and his panne blody wyth -outen gulte · god ytte wote gate y this scathe conscyence and the comune · knewen knowen the sothe ac wysdome and wytte · weren abowte faste to ou ercome the kynge · wyth catel ȝif they mygth e The kynge swoore by cryste · and by his crowne bothe that wronge for his werkes · schulde wo tholye and comawnndede a cunstable · to caste hym in yrens and late hym nougth this seuene · ȝere · sene his feet ones God wote quod wysdome · that were nougth the beste and he amendes mowe make · leteth late ...?...hym meynpris meynprise hym haue and be borowe for his bale · and beggen hym boote and so amende that is mysdo · and euermore the bettre wytte accorded therwyth · and seyde the same · bettre is that bote · bale adowne brynge · thanne bale be · and bote neuere the bettre And thanne gan mede to mengyn here · and mercy besougth e and p rofred pes a p resente · all of pure golde haue this · man of me quod sche · to amende ...thi scathe for y woll wagen for wronge Hm.4.96: A raised point is added over the erased <e>. · he woll do so nomore Pytously pes thanne · prayede to the kynge to haue mercy · on that man · that mysdede hym so ofte for he hath waged me well · as wysdome hym taugth e and y furȝiue hym that gulte wyth a good wylle so that the kynge assente · y can seye no bettre for mede me hath hath amendes maad made me amendes · y may namore aske · Nay quod the kynge · so þo so me cryste me helpe wronge wendeth nougth so away so away · furste y woll arst wil I wyte more for lepte he solygthly so lygthly · laughen he wolde and efte baldere þe balder be · to bete myn hewen · but resoun haue rewthe on hym · he schall reste in my stokkes · and that also as longe as he lyueth · but lownesse hym borowe · Summe Somme men radde resoun tho to haue rewthe on that schrewe · and forto conseyle the kynge and conscyence after · that mede muste be maynp ernour · resoun they besougth e · Rede me nougth q uod resoun · no rewþe to haue tyl lordes and ladyes · louen alle trewthe · and hatyn alle harlotrye · to here or to mowthe yt · tyl p ernell purfyl · be putte in here hucche and chyldren cheryschynge · be chastysed chastyng by with ȝerdes · and harlotes holynes · be holdyn for an hyne tyl clerkyn couetyse · be · to cloþe poore þe pore and fede and relygyous romers · recordare · in her cloystres · a.s seynte benet hem bad... bernarde and Fraunces and tyl p rechours p rechynge · be p reuyd on hem -selue tyl the kynges counseyl · by be the comune p rofyte tyl Buschopes bayardes · ben beggers chambres · here haukes and here houndes · helpe to poore relygyous and tyl seynte Iames be sougth · there y schall assygne that noman go to Galyce · but ȝif he go for euere and alle rome -renners · for robbers byȝonde bere no seluer ouer the see see · that sygne of kynge scheweþ neyther graue nor ne vngraue · golde neyþer syluer · vpon forfeture of that fee · who -so fynte yt hym atte douer · but ytte be Marchaunte or his man · or messagere wyþ lettris p rouysour or preste · or penaunte for his synnes · And ȝette Hm.4.133: The original scribe wrote ȝette. A corrector erased the final <te> and restroked the first <t>. q uod resoun by the rode · y schall no rewthe haue while mede haþ the maystrye · in this mote -halle ac y may schewe ensamples · as y see otherwhyle y seye yt by my -selfe quod he · and yt so were that y were kynge wyth corowne to kepe þe rewme schulde neuere wronge in this worlde that y mygth wyte wite myȝte ben vnpunsched in my power · for p eryl of my soule ne gete my grace for ȝiftes · so god me me god saue ne for no mede haue mercy · but mekenesse yt made for nullum malum the man · mette wyth inpugnitu m inp[u]nitum inpunitum · and badde nullum bonum be irremuneratum Late ȝoure confessour syre kynge · construe this vnglosed and ȝif ȝe wurchyn this it werke in werke · y wedde myn eres that lawe schall ben a laborer · and lede afelde dungge and loue schall lede þy londe · as the leef lyketh Clerkes that weren confessours · coupled hem to -gydres alle to construe þis clause · and for þe kynges p rofyte ac nougth for p rofyte conforte · of þe comune · ne for the kynges soule for y say mede yn þe Mothalle · on men of lawe wynke and þey lawynge loopen to here · and lefte resoun manye wareyne wysdome · wynked vppon mede · and seyde Madame y am ȝoure man · what -so my mowthe iangle y falle ynyle falle in floreyns q uod that freke · and fayle speche ofte All rygthfull recordede · that resoun trewþe tolde and wytte accordede þerwyth · and comended his woordes and þe moste peple in þe halle · and many of þe grete and leten mekenesse amayst er a mayst er · and mede mansed a mansed schrewe Loue leet of here lygth · and leaute well ȝit lasse and seyde it so hye · that all the halle yt herde who -so wylneþ here to wyue · for welþe of here goodes but he be knowe for a cokewolde · kutte of myn nose Mede mornyd tho · and made heuy chere for þe moste comune of þat courte called here an hore and a sysoure and a sumnoure · seweden here faste and a scherreues clerke bysch.....rewyd was all al þe route for ofte haue y quod ...she Hm.4.168: The spelling, inserted over an erasure probably by hand3, is unique in this manuscript for she. Hand1's and hand2's normal spelling is sche. · holpen ȝowe atte barre and ȝet ȝoue ȝe me neuere · þe worþ of a rusche The kynge called conscyence · and aftyrward resoun · and recordede that resoun · hadde ryghtfully schewed and modyly vpon mede · wyth mygth the kynge loked · and gan wexe wroth wyþ lawe · for mede hadde yt schente almoste had shent it and seyde thorowe ȝoure lawe lawe as I leue · y lese many enchetes chetes Mede ouermaystreth lawe · and moche trewþe letteth · ac reson schall rykene wyth ȝowe · yf eny while y reygne I regne any while and deme ȝowe by this day · as ȝe haue deseruyd · mede schall nougth maynp rise ȝowe by the marye of heuene y woll haue leaute in lawe · and leue lete all be al ȝoure ianglynge and as moste moste folke wytnesseþ well · wronge schal be demyd Quod conscyence to the kynge · but the comune woll assente yt is full harde by myn hede · here to brynge yt Alle ȝoure lyche lige ledes · to lede thus euene · by hym that reste rauȝte on the rode · q uod resoun to the kynge but But if y rewle thus ȝowre rewme · lete rende rende out guttes ȝif ȝe bydden buxumnesse · be of myn assente And y assente q uod the kynge by seynt Marye my lady by my comen conseyl conseille comen · of clerkes and of erles ac redyly resoun thu schalte nougth ryde fram me for also as longe as y leue · lete the y nylle · y am all redy q uod resoun · to reste wyth ȝowe euere so conscyence be of oure conseyl · y kepe no bettre Hm.4.192: After this line, all other manuscripts contain a line not found in Hm, here given in the spelling of L: And I graunt quod the kynge goddes forbode it faile. Perhaps the omission is due to an eye-skip, for both the omitted line and the next begin (in most manuscripts) with the letter A. Despite the omission, the lines make perfect syntactic sense, though now the final line would have to be spoken by Reason rather than the King, whose words begin the omitted line. · also longe as oure lyfe lasteth · lyue we to -gydres · Passus quintus de visione · t T he kynge and his knyȝtes · to the cherche kirke wente to here matyns of the day · and the masse after thanne wakyd y of my wynkyng & wo was wyþ -alle that y ne hadde slepte saddere · and y -seye more Hm.5.4-17: The original scribe scraped the text from the beginning of line four through the end of the leaf and recopied the passage over this erasure. A whole line must have been deleted, almost certainly on the basis of eye-skip prompted by six lines within the passage beginning with and. The page accordingly has forty-one lines in place of the usual forty. ac er y hadde faren a furlong · feyntyse me hente that y ne mygth ferþere a fote · for deffaute of slepyng and y And sat softly a -doun · and seyde my byleeue and so y babled on my bedys · þey brouhten me aslepe And þanne sawȝ y moche more · than y bifore tolde for y sawȝ a þe feld ful of folk · þat y before of seyde and how resoun gan araye hym · all þe rewme to p reche and wyþ a cros byfore þe kyng · comsed þus to teche He preuyd that þise pestylences · weren for pure synne and þe sowþwesterne wynd · on saturday at euyn · was p ertlyche for pure pryde · and for no poynt elles · pyryes and plumtrees · weren puffed to þe erþe yn ensaumple þat ȝe segges ȝe segges ȝe · schuldyn do the betre · beechis and brode okes · were blowe to the grounde turned vpwarde here tayles · in tokenynge of drode dr[e]de drede that dedly synne or domesday · schall fordone hem alle On Of this matere y mygth · mamelen full longe ac y schall seye as y sawe so me god helpe howe p ertly afore the peple · resoun bygan to p reche · He badde wastour go wurche · what he beste co...wde and wynnyn his wastynge · wyth sum manere crafte and prayde p ernele · here purfyl to lete · and kepe it in here coffre · for catel at here nede To mme stowe he taught · to take two staues · and fecche Felyce home · fram the wyuen pyne he warned watte · his wyfe was to blame for Þat here heed was wurth halfe marke · and his ...?...hood nat agrote a grote and badde bette to cutte kut · a bowh other tweyne and betyn betou n therwyth · but sche wolde wurche And thanne he charge.hd chapmen · to chastyse here children late no wynnynge hem forwanye · while they ben ȝonge ne for no pouste of pestylence · plese hem nougth oute of resoun my syre seyde so to me and so dede my dame that the leeuyr chylde the more lore behoueth · and salamon seyde the same · that sapyence made Qui parcit virge · odit filium · & c etera · The englysch of this latyn latyn is · who -so woll yt knowe who -so spareth the sprynge · spylleth his chylde children And syþþen he prayed p relates · and preestes to -gydre that ȝe p reche to the peple · p reue yt on ȝowe -sylue and doth it in dede · yt schall drawe ȝowe to goode yf ȝe lyuen as ȝe leren vs · we schull leeue ȝowe the bettre and sytthe he radde relygyoun · here reule to holde leste the kynge and his conseyl · ȝoure comunes appeyre and be stywarde of ȝoure stedes · tyl ȝe be rewled bettre And syþþen he cou nseyled the kynge · his comunes to louye yt is thy tresoure ȝif resou n tresoun ne were · and tryacle at thyn nede And sytthen he prayde the pope · haue pyte on holy cherche and ere he ȝyue any grace · gouerne gouerne firste hym -sylue And ȝe that haue lawes to kepe · late trewthe be ȝoure couetyse more than golde or othyr ȝiftes · ȝif ȝe wyle god plese for who -so contraryeth trewthe · he telleth in the gospel · that he god knoweth hym nougth · ne no seynte of heuene · Amen amen Amen dico vobis nescio vos · & c etera · vos And ȝe that seeken seynte Iame and seyntes atte of Rome · seeketh seynte trewthe · for he may saue ȝowe alle Qui cum patre & filio · that fayre hem befalle ¶ Tthat sueth my sarmou n · and thus seyde resou n · .Thanne ran repentaunce · and reherced his teme and made gert wyll to wepe · wat er wyth his yȝen · Sup erbia · P ernele proude -herte · platte here to the erthe and laye longe or sche loked · and lorde mercy cryede and behiȝte to hym · that vs alle made · sche schulde vnsowyn here scherte serke · and sette there an hayre · to affayten here Flesch · that feers was to synne schall neuere hyȝe herte me hente · but holde me lowe and suffre to be myssayde · and so dede y neuere but nowe woll y meke me · and mercy beseche for all this y haue · hated yn myn herte Lur(?)xuria Thanne seyde lechoure lecchoure seyde alas  and on oure lady cryede · to make mercy for his mysdedes · bytwene god and his soule . wyth that he schulde the saturday · seuene ȝere there -aftyr drynke but wyth the doke · and dyne but onys . Inuidia Envye · wyth heuy herte · asked after schryfte · and carefully · mea culpa · Hm.5.79: The Latin mea culpa here is clearly in display text, given the clubbed minims on the <m>, but the scribe has also written such an <m> in the English word comsed which follows. he comsed to schewe he was also as pale as a polet pelet Hm.5.80: Hm alone reads polet, "pullet," against the pelet, "pellet, cannon ball" of most B manuscripts. · in the palsye he semyd · and clothed yn a caurymawry · y couthe yt nougth descreue · yn kertel and curtepy · and a knyfe by his syde · of a freres frokke · were the fore -sleues · and as a leeke that hadde leye yleye · longe yn the sonne so loked he wyth lene chekes · lowrynge fowle · his bely body was alto bolne al tobolne to-bolle(n) · for wratthe he þat he bote his lyppes and wryngynge he ȝede wyth the fuste · to wreke hym hym -self he thougthe wyth werkes and or wyth woordes · whan he sawhe his tyme Echa Ech a woorde that he warpe was of an addre addres tunge of chydynge and of ianglynge chalangynge · was his cheefe lyflode wyth bagbytynge and bysemere · and berynge of fals wytnesse this was all his curtasye · where -so where þat euere he schewed hym · y woll wolde be schryuen quod that þis schrewe · and y for schame durste y wolde be gladdere by god · that gybbe hadde meschaunce ¶ Tthan þowh y hadde this wyke wonne · .a wayye of Esex chese y haue a neyȝbur nye me · y haue noyȝed ennuyed hym ofte and lowen on hym to lordes · to make don hym lese syluer his siluer · and made his frende frendes be his foo foon · thorowe my fals tonge · his grace and his good happes · greuen me fulsore ful sore Bytwene man and man many and many · y make debate ofte that bothe lyfe and lyeme · ys loste by þorw my speche and whan y mete hym in markate · that y moste hate y halse hailse hym hendely · as y his frende were for he is douhtyer than y · y dare done none othur ac hadde y maystrye and mygth · god wote my wylle And whan y come to to þe cherche kirke · and schulde knele to the rode and praye for the peple · as the preeste techeth for pylgrymes and palmers · and for for alle peple þe poeple after thanne y crye on my knees · that cryste ȝyue hem sorowe that bare aweye my bolle · and my brokyn schete Aweye fram the aut er thanne · turne y my face eyghen and byholde howe .eleyne hath a newe cote y wusched wisshe thanne yt were myn · and all the we...?...b after and of mennys lo.s lesynge y laughe · that lyketh myn herte and for here wynnynge y wepe · and wayle þe tyme and deme that they done ylle · there y do wel wurse who -so vndyrnymeth me hereof · y hate dedely hym dedly aftyr · y wolde that echa ech a wygth · were my knaue · for who -so haþ more than y · that angreth me sore and thus y lyue loueles · lyke a lythur dogge · that al my body bolneth · for bytt er of my galle y mygth nougth etyn many ȝeeres · as a man augth e for envye and euyl wyl · ys euyl to deffye may no sugor no ne swete thinge abate asswage my swellynge ne no dyapenydyon · dryue yt from myn herte ne Ne noyther schryfte ne schame · but who -so schrape my mawe ȝus redyly quod repentaunce · and radde me hym to the beste sorowe for of synnes ys saluacyou n · of soules y am sory quod the þat segge · y am but selde other and þat maketh me thus megre þat for y ne may me avenge venge amonge burgeys y haue haue I ben · dwellynge atte londou n and dude gert bakbytynge by Hm.5.132: By, "be." a brocour · to blame mennys ware whan he solde and y nougth · thanne was y redy · to lye and lowre to loure on my neybo ur · and to lakke his chaffare y woll amende þis ȝif y may · þorowh mygth of god almyghty · Ira Nowe awaketh wratthe · wyth two whyte yȝen · and snevelynge wyth the nose · wyth and his nekke hangynge · y am Wratth quod he · y was sumtyme afrere a frere and the couent es gardynere · forto graffyn ympes · on lymytours and on and lystres · lesyng es y ympyd · tyl þey beeryn leues of lowe speche lordes to plese · and syþþen they blosmyd abrode · in boure to here schryftes · and nowe is fall þ erof a fruyte · that folke haue wel leuere schewen here schryfte schriftes to hem · that tha[n] þan schryuen hem to here p arsou ns · And nowe p arsou ns haue p arseyued · that freres p artyn wyth hem these po...ssessours possessioneres p reche · and dyspraue depraue freres · and Freres fynde hem in deffaute · as folke bere wytnesse that whan they p reche the peple · yn many places aboute y wratthe walke wyþ hem · and wysse hem on of my bokes · thus þey spekyn of my spyrtualte · that eythur despyseth oþ er · tyl they ben boþe beggers · and by by my spyrtualte lyuen or ell es alle ryche · and rydyn aboute y wratthe reste neu ere · that y ne muste folowe these wykked folke · for suche is my grace I haue an Aunte to Nonne · and an abbesse bothe · here were leuere · swowe or swelte · þan suffre eny peyne y haue ben kooke in here kechene · and þe couente seruede many · wyth hem · and wyþ monkes bothe y was þe pryoresses · potag er · and othur poore ladyes · and made made hem iowtes of ianglynge · that dame Iohane was bastard a bastard · and dame claryce a knyht es douht er · a cokewald was her syre · Hm.5.161: After this line, all other B manuscripts contain the following line, here given in the spelling of L: And dame Peronelle a prestes file Priouresse worth she neuere. The error, obviously caused by an eyeskip, changes the subject of Hm.5.162 by giving dame Claryce the child that belongs to dame Pernele in the Bx archetype. for sche hadde childe in chyrye -tyme · all oure chaptre yt wyste of wykked woordes in I wraþþe · y here here wurtys made tyl thu lixte and thu lixte · lopen oute atte ones · and eyþ er redyly hytte hitte oþer · vndyr the cheke hadde þey hade knyues by cryste · eyþer hadde kylled oþ er Seynte Gregory was a good pope Hm.5.167: A latter hand has partially erased the word pope. · and hadde a good forwyt that no p rioresse were p reeste · for that he ordeynede Hm.5.169-170: Hm has expanded into two lines what exists as one long line in most other B manuscripts. Kane and Donaldson's 5.168 is a reconstruction of Bx, but most B manuscripts read Þei had þanne ben infamis þe firste day þei can so yuel hele conseille , here given in L's spelling. Hm uniquely adds whan they been agreved as the b-verse to the newly created Hm.5.170. they haddyn tha nne ben ..infames infamis · the ferste daye they can so euyl helye he[yl]e hele conseyl · whan they ben agreued · Amonge monkes y mygth be · ac many tymes y schonye for thenr ben many felle frekes · myne feres to aspye · boþe pryoure and suppryour · and oure pat er abbas · and ȝif y telle any tales · they taken hem to -gydres · and done me faste Frydayes · to brede and wat er to water · and chalenged am chalanged in the chaptre -hous am y · as yt were a childe as I a childe were and balaysed on the bare ers · and no breeche bytwene · for -thy haue y no lykynge · wyth tho ledes to wonye y ete there vnhende fysch · and feble ale drynke ac otherwyle whan wyne · cometh · and y at eue yt drynke I drynke wyn at eue y haue a flix of a foule mouthe · fyue wel fyue dayes after al the wykkydnesse that y wote · by eny of oure breþern y couthe yt in oure cloyster · that alle the couente yt wote wote it Nowe repente the quod repentaunce · and reherce thu neuere conseyl that thu knoweste · by contynaunce ne rygth bi riȝte · and drynke nougth ouer -delycatly · ne to depe neythur · that Þat þi wyll be cause ther -of · to wratthe mygth turne Esto sobrius he seyde · and assoyled me after · and bad me wylne to wepe · my wykkydnesse to amende Cupido · And thanne came couetyse · can y nougth ...hym hym nouȝte ....discryue so hugely hungriliche and holowhe · syre heruy hym looked · he was bytturbrowed bitelbrowed · and baburlyppyd also · wyth two blere d eyȝed yȝen · as a blynde hagge and as a letherne purs · looked lolled his cheekes · wel syddere than his chyn · they chyueled for elde and as a bonde -man of his bacou n · his berde was bawdy bidraueled wyth an hoode on his heed · a lousy hatte aboue and yn a tanne tauny tabarde · of twelue wynt er age and all Al to -torne and bawdy · and full of lees · crepynge bute that if þat a lous couthe · haue lopyn the bettre sche schulde nougth haue walked there on þat welche · so was yt thred -bare y haue be couetous quod this cayteefe y am a -knowe biknowe it here for sumtyme y seruede · symme atte style and was app rentys his prentis y -plygth · his p rofyte to wayte Furste y lernyd to lye · a lefe other tweye wykkydly to weye · was my furste lessou n · to wyy and to wynchestre · y wente to the f....eyre wyth manye manere of marchaundyse marchandise · as my mayster me hygth ne hadde the grace of gyle y -goe amonge my chaffare yt hadde ben vnsolde · seuene þis seuene ȝere here -after so me god helpe Thanne drowhe y me amonge drapers · my donet to lerne to drawe the lyser alonge · the lengre ytte semyde amonge the ryche rayes · y rendred my a lessoun to broche hem wyth a paknedele · and plyte plaited hem to -gydres · and putte hem in a p resse · and pynnyde hem therynne tyl ten ȝerdes other or twelue · hadden tolde tolled oute thryttene My wyfe was a webbe · and wullyn cloth made · sche spake to spynsters · to spynnyn hit oute ac the pounde that sche payde by · weyed a quartou n quat[r]oun quarteroun more than myn owne aunser · who -so weyed trewthe y brougth bouȝte her barly malt · sche brewe yt to selle peny -ale and puddynge -ale · sche pouryd to -gydres · for laborers and for lowe folke · that laye by hym -syluyn · the beste ale lay yn my boure · or in my bedde -chambre and who -so bummyd thereof · payde bouȝte ther -after it þer -after a galou n for a grote · god yt god wote no lasse and ȝit yt came yn cuppe -mele · this crafte my wyfe vsed · Rose the regratour · was here rygth name sche hath holdyn hukstry hokkerye · all here lyfe -tyme ac y swere nowe so theeke that synne wol y lete · and neuere wykkydly weye · ne wykkyd chaffare vse but wende to walsyngh am · and my wyfe als · and bydde the rode of bromholme · brynge me out of dette Repen.tedest Repentestow the euere quod repentaunce · or restytucyou n madest ȝus ones y was herberwed quod he · a -monge with an heep of chapmen · and y I aros roos whan they were yn reste arest · and ryflyd here males · That was none restytucyou n quod repentaunce · but robbers a robberes thefte · thu hadde haddest ben bettre wurthy · ben hangyd therfore than for al that thu haste · herefoorth nowe here schewyd · I wende ryflynge were restytucyou n · for quod he for y lernyd neu ere on book · and y can no frensch yn feyþ · but of the ferthest ferthest ende of northfolke vsedest thu euere any vsure vsurie quod repentau nce yn all thy lyfe -tyme nay soothly he seyde · saue yn my ȝowthe y lernyd amonge lumbardes · and iewes a lessou n to weye pans wyth a peys · and pare the heuyeste and lene yt for loue of the croys · to leye wed a wedde and lese yt suche de....ttys dedes y dede wryte · ȝif he is his day breke y haue more moneye maneres of þorw arerages rerages · than by þorw miseretur & comodat · I haue lente lordes and ladyes · my chaffare and ben her brocour aftyr · and b.....ought it my -sylfe eschaunges and chyuysaunces · wyth suche chaffare y dele and lene folke that lese woll · a lyppe at euery noble and wyth lumbardes lettres · y hadde ladde golde to rome and toke yt by tayle here · and tolde hem there lasse lentyste thu euere to lordes lordes · for loue of here mayntenaunce ȝhe y haue lente lordes · that louedyn loued me neuere aftyr and haue maad many a knygth · bothe merc er and draper · that payde neuere for his p rentyshode · a nouȝte a peyre of glouys gloues haste thu pyte on poore men · that motyn nedys borwe y haue as muche pyte on poor men · as peddere pedlere hath of kattes that woold culle hem · ȝif he hem cacche cacche hem mygth e Hm.5.261-262: Hm uniquely divides the line after mygthe, thus creating a new line, adding as his praye asketh as the b-verse. For the newly created a-verse of 262, the scribe has replaced the Bx archetype's skynnes with the alliterating cotes. The one line in Kane and Donaldson reads as follows: That wolde kille hem if he cache hem myȝte for coueitise of hir skynnes. for couetyse of here cotes · as his praye asketh · Arte thu manlyche amonge þy neyȝbo ur urs · of þy mete and drynke y am holde also as hende q uod he quod he as hende · as hounde is yn kechyne amonge my neyȝbo urs namly · suche aname a name y haue Nowe god lene þe neuere q uod repentau nce · but thu repente þe the rather rather · grace Þe grace on this grounde · thy good wyl to bysette · ne þyne eyres after · the · haue ioye of þat þu wynnyste ne þyne executo urs · wel bysette · þe moneye siluer that thu hem leueste and þat was wonne q uod with wronge wyþ wykkyd men be despendyd for were y frere of that hous · þ ere good feyþ and chearyte is y nolde cope vs wyth thy catel · ne oure kyrke amende ne haue a peny to my pytaunce · so god my sowle helpe hele for þe beste booke yn oure hous · þouȝ of brende brent golde were þe .....leues · and y wyste wytturly þow were · suche as thu telleste Seruus es alt erius · cum fercula pi nguia · queris Pane tuo pocius · vescere liber eris · & c etera nil Thu art an vnkynde creature · y can þe nougth assoyle til þu make restituciou n · and rykene wyþ hem alle and syþe þat resou n rollyd rolle it · in þe regystre of heuene þat þu hast maad eche aman a man man good · y may þe nougth assoyle Non dimittitur p ecc atum · donec restituatur .ablatu m · & c etera For alle þo þat þat han of þy good · haue god my trowþe ben holdyn at þe hyȝe doom · to helpe to þy þe to restituciou n restitue and he þat who -so leeueþ nat þat þys be soiþ nouȝte þis be soth · loke yn þe sawt er glose In miserere mei deus · wheþ er where y mene trewþe Ecce eni m veritatem dilexisti · & c etera Schall neuer werkman yn þys world · þryue wyþ þat þu wynnest Cum sancto sanctus eris · construe me that yn on englisch Thanne wax þat schrewe yn wanhope · & wolde haue hangyd hym -sylue ne hadde repentaunce raþ er þe rather · conforted reconforted hym yn þys manere haue mercy yn þy mynde · and wyþ þy mowþ biseche biseche it for goddys mercy is more · þan alle his oþer werkes and alle þe wykkednesse in þis world · þat man may myȝte werk or þenke nys nomore to þe mercy of god · þa n in þe se a glede Om nis iniquitas quantu m ad m isericordiam dei est · q uasi sintilla i n medio maris · Forþy haue mercy in þy mynde · and marchaundyse leue leue it for þu hast no good ground · to gete þe wyþ a wastel · but ȝif it were wyþ þy tonge · or elles wyþ þy two handys for þe good þat þu hast getyn · bygan all wyþ falshede and as longe as thu lyuest þ erwyþ · þu ȝeldest nought but borwest and ȝif thu wete neu ere to whiche · ne to whom whom to restytewe · bere yt to the buschop · and bydde hym of his grace ...þ at he bysette Bisette yt hym -sylfe · as beste be is for þe þi sowle for he schal answere for þe · atte the hye dome for þe and for many moo .(?) þat man schal ȝyue a ryknynge what he lernyd ȝowe yn le...nte · lyeue ȝe none oþer and what he lente ȝowe of oure lordes good · to lette ȝowe fro synne Nowe bygynneþ glotonye glotoun · forto goo to cherche schrifte Gula · and caryes hym to kyrward kyr[ke]ward kirke -ward · his culpe to schewe ac betou n þe brewstere · badde hym good morowe and axed of hym wyth that · whiderward he wolde To holy cherche q uod he · forto here masse · and suþþyn y woll by Hm.5.314: By, "be." schryue · and synne nomore I haue good ale gossyb q uod sche · glotou n wolte thu assaye haste thu augth yn thy purs · any hote spyces y haue p..epur and pyonyes · and quod (s)he and a pounde of garleek a ferþynge wurþ of fenel -seed · for fastynge -dayes Thanne geth glotou n yn · and grete othes aftur cysse the sowt er souteresse · sate on the benche watte the warn er · and his wyfe bothe symme the tynkere · and tweyne of his p rentys hykke the hakeny -man · and howe the nedlere clarys of cokkeslane · and the clerke of the cherche dawe þe dykere · and a dozeyn othre · syre peers of prydye · and p ernele of Flaundres · a rybybour a ratoner · a rakyere of chepe a ropere a redynge-kynge · and rose the dyschere godfrey of garleekhythe · and gryffyn the walsche and vpholdesters vpholderes an hepe · erly by the morowe geuyn glotou n wyth glad chere · good ale to hancell clemente the cobelere · caste of his cloke and atte the newe feyre · he nepnyd ne[m]pned nempned yt to sylle hykke the hakeneyman · hytte his hood aftur and badde bette þe bocher · ben on his syde there were chapmen y -chose · þis chaffare to preyse who -so hadde the hood · schulde haue amendes of the cloke Two rysen vp yn rape · and rownyd to -gydres · and p reysedyn these penywurþes · a -p arte by hym -sylue hem -selue they cowde nougth by her conscyence · accordyn yn trewthe tyl robyn the rop ere · arose by þe southe and nemphym nemp hym nempned hym for a nounpere · that no debate were · Hykke the hostler · hadde the cloke · yn couenante that clemente · schulde the cuppe fulle · and haue hykkes hood the ostlere · and holde hym seruyd and who -so repente repented ratheste · schulde ryse arise after and grete glotou n sire glotoun · wyth a galou n of ale ale · there was lawhynge and lowrynge · and late go the cuppe · and setyn so stylle tyl til euesonge · and songyn vmwhile · and blewhe his rounde ruet · atte his reggebonys ende · Hm.5.350: After Hm.5.349, the scribe has written an entire line out of order (KD.5.342), which he will repeat in its proper place four lines below at Hm.5.354. The lines differ in spelling, and in its second appearance, Hm's line uniquely omits rounde before ruet, which the misplaced line at Hm.5.350 does not do. Therefore, the version of the misplaced line is closer to the B archetype. The error in Hm must come from dittography since Hm.5.349 and Hm.5.353 end with while. It is surprising that the scribe corrected his sequence, but did not strike out the extra line. tyl glotou n hadde globred yglobbed · a galou n and a gylle his guttys gonne to gotholon · as two gredy sowes · he pyssyd a potel · yn a pater noster while · and blewe his ruet [rounde] ruet rounde ruet · atte his ryggebonys ende · that alle þat herdyn that horne · heldyn her noses after · and wuschedyn yt hadde be wexed · wyth a wyspe of fyrsys He mygth neyther steppe ne stonde · ere he his staf.e hadde and than gan he to goo lyke a gluemannys bycche sumtyme all a -syde aside · and sumtyme arere · as who -so leyth lynes · forto cacche lacche fowles · and whan he drowhe to þe doreward dore · thanne dy mmyd his yiȝen he stombled on the threschfolde · and threwe to the erthe clemente the cobelere · kaugth hym by the myddel · forto lyftyn hym on lofte · and leyde hym on his knowes · ac glotou n was a grete cherle · and a grym yn lyftynge þe liftynge and cowhed vp a galou n caudel · yn clementys lappe there nas Is none hungry so hungri hounde · yn hertfordschire durste lape of tho þat leuynges · so vnlouely yt smakkyd smauȝte Wyth all the wo of the þis worlde · his wyfe and his wenche ...?...beryn hy m h om to his bedde · and brougthen hym therynne and aftur al this accesse · he hadde an accydye that he slepe saturday and sonynday sonday · tyl the sonne sonne ȝede to reste thanne wakyd he of his wynkynge · and wypyde his yȝen · the furste woorde that he spake warpe · was where ys the bolle his wytte gan edwyte hym tho · howe wykkydly he lyuede and repentaunce rygth so · rebukyd hym that tyme ......As þow wyth woordes and werkes · .....hast wrougth euyl in thy lyue schryue the and be a -schamyd þ erof · and schewe yt wyþ þy mowthe I glotou n quod the grome gome · gulty y me me ȝelde that y haue trespassyd wyth my tonge · y can nougth telle howe ofte sworn goddes sowle · and so god helpe me atte þe holy dome god me help and halidom there no nede was · nyne.. Hm.5.382: A scribe has retraced the word in a darker ink. hundryd tymes · and ouerseyne ouer -seye me at my sop er · and sumtyme atte nones that y glotou n gyrte yt vp · or y hadde gone a myle and so And spylte that mygth be sparyd and spendyd on sum hungry ouerdelycatly on fastyngdayes · dronkyn and ete bothe and sate sumtyme so longe þere · þat y sleep and ete boþe eten at onys for loue of tales yn tauernes · to drynke þe more y dynede and hiȝed to the mete or none · whan fastynge -dayes were This schewynge schryfte q uod repentaunce · schall be meryte to the · and þanne gan glotou n to grete grete · and grete doel made to make · for his lyþer lyfe · that he lyued hadde and avowed to faste · for hungor or for thurste · schal þ ere Shal neu ere fysch on frydayes fryday · deffyen yn my wombe tyl abstynence myn Aunte · haue ȝyuyn me leue · and ȝette y hated haue I hated here · all my lyfe-tyme Accidia Thanne came slewthe all beslabred · wyth two slymy eiȝen y moste sytte q uod seyde the segge · or elles schulde y nappe y may nougth stonde ne stowpe · ne wyth -oute stool a stole knele · were y brougth a -bedde · but ȝif my taylende yt make made schulde no ryngynge do me ryse · er y were rype to dyne he bygan benedicite wyth a bolke · and his breeste knokkyde and roxid and roryde · and rutte atte the laste What awake renke q uod repentaunce · and rape the to schryfte ȝif y schulde deye by this day · me luste nougth to loke y can nougth p artfully par[fitly] parfitly my pat er -noster · as the preeste yt syngeth but y can rymes of robynhood · and randolfe erle of chestre · ac neythur of oure lorde ne of oure lady the leste that euere was maked · y haue maad a -vowes fourty · and forȝete hem on the morowe y p erformyd neuere penaunce · as the preest me hygthe ne rygth ......sory · for my synnys · ȝet was y neuere and ȝif y bydde any bedes · butte ȝif yt be yn wratthe ¶ Tthat y telle wyth my tonge · ys two myle fro myn herte y am occupyd echa ech a eche day · halyday and othre wyþ ydel tales atte the nale · and otherwhile yn cherche cherches · goddes peyne and his passyou n · full selde thenke y ther -onne I vysyted neu ere feble men · ne fettred men folke yn pyttes · y haue leuer here an harlotrye · or a somer gamyn of sowters · or lesynges to laughe · at and bylyȝe my neyȝbours than al that euere marke made · math.ew Iohan and lucas · and vygylyes and fastynges fastyng -dayes · alle these late y passe and lygge a -bedde yn lentyn · and my lemman yn myn armys · tyl masse and matyns matynes and masse ben don · and thanne go to the freres · come y to ite missa est · y holde me y -seruyd · y am nougth schryuen sumtyme · but ȝif yt syknesse but if sekenesse make it make nougth twyes in two ȝere · and thanne vp gesse y me schryue I schryue me I haue ben preest and p arsoun · passynge xxx ty thyrty wynt er ȝet can y neythur solfe nor ne synge · ne seyntes lyues rede but y can fynde yn a feelde · or yn a furlonge an hare bettre than in beatus vir · or yn beati omnes construe oo clause wel · and kenne yt to my p erschenes y can holde louedayes · and here a reues ryknynge ac yn canou n nor yn decretals · y can nougth rede alyne a lyne If y bygge and borowe ougth · but ȝif yt be y -tayled · y forȝete yt also as ȝerne · and ȝif men me yt aske sixe sythes othur or seuene · y forsake yt wyþ othes and thus tene y trewe men · ten hundred tymes · and my seru auntes sumtyme · her salary ys byhynde reuthe is to here the rykenynge · whan we schull ȝelde rede acountys so wyth wykkyd wyl and wratthe · my werke -men y paye Ȝif eny man dooth me a byenfete · or helpeth me at nede · y am vnkynde aȝenste his curtesye · & can nougth vndurstonde yt for y haue and haue hade sumdele haukes maners ...?...?...y am nat lured wiþ loue · but ougth lygge vndyr the thombe · The kyndenesse that myne euyncrystyn · kydde me ferne....ȝere sixe Sixty syþes y slewthe · haue forȝetyn ytte sythe yn speche and yn sparynge of speche · y -spylt manye atyme a tyme bothe flesch and fysch · and many othre vytayles bothe brede and ale · buttre myllk and chese · forsleuthid yn my seruyse · tyl yt mygth serue no man · y ran aboute yn ȝouthe · and ȝafe me nougth to lerne ...?... Hm.5.451: A word of perhaps five characters appears to have been erased from the right margin. and euere sytthe haue y ben beggere · for my fowle slowthe heu Heu michi quia sterilem · duxi vita m iuu..enilem · Repentedest thu nougth q uod repentaunce · and and riȝte þ erwyþ with þat he swownyde tyl vigilate the veyl · fette wat er at his yȝen · and flatte hit on his face · and faste on hym cryed and seyde ware the fro wanhope · wolde the betraye y am sory for my synnys · seye to thy -sylue and bete thy -sylfe on the breste · and bydde hym of grace · for here is is no gulte so here so grete · that his goodnesse is more Thanne sate sleuthe vp · and seynyd hym swyþe · and made a vowe to -fore god · for his fowle slowþe · schall þer Shal none sonenday sondaye be this seuyn ȝere · but ȝif but syknesse it lette that y schal ne shal done me er day · to the dere cherche and here matyns and masse · as y a monke were schal none ale aftur mete · holde me thennys tyl y haue euesonge herd · y behote to the rode and ȝet woll y ȝelde aȝen · yf y so muche haue al that y wykkydly wan · sytthe y lyfe wytte hadde And thowe my lyflode lakke · lettyn y nelle that eche man schall haue his · ere y hennys wende and wyth the residue · and the remenau nt · by þe rode of chestyr y schal seeke trewthe · ere arst ar y see rome · Robertde the robbere · on reddyte lookyd and for ther was nougth · wherof · he wepte swythe sore ac Ac ȝet the synfull schrewe · ȝit seyde seyde to hym -.....sylue Cryste that on caluarye · vppon the croys deiȝedyst · tho dysmas my brothur · besougth ...?...the ȝow of grace and haddest mercy on that man · for memento sake · so rewe on þis robbere · that reddere ne hau.e ne neuere wen.e to wynne · wyth crafte that y vse owe · for But for þy muche muchel mercy · mytygacyou n y byseche ne dampne me nougth on at domysday · for that y dude so ylle What byfel of this felou n · y can nougth fayre ......schewe · wel y wote he wepte · faste · wat er wyth bothe his eiȝen · and knowlechid his gulte to cryste ȝet. efte-sones that penitencia · his pyke · he schulde pulsche newe and lepe wyth hym ouerlonde all his lyfe -tyme for he hadde leyne by latro · lucyfers aunte · and thanne hadde repentau nce rewthe · and radde hem alle to knele for y schal beseche for all synful · oure sauyoure of grace to amende vs of oure mysdedys · and do mercy to vs alle Nowe god q uod he þat of thy goodnesse · gon the worlde make and of nougth madest augth · and man moste lyche to thy -sylue and syþþen suffredust to for to synne · a syknesse to vs alle and al for the beste as y byleue · what -euere the booke telleth O felix culpa o nessessariu m peccatum ade · & c etera for þorowht that synne thy sone · sente was to this erthe and bycame man of a mayde · mankynde to saue and maduste thy -sylfe wyth thy sone · ...?...?...and vs synful yliche Faciamus ho mi nem ad ymaginem · & similitudinem n ostram · & alibi Qui manet in caritate · in deo manet & deus in eo · & c etera nil · and sutthen wyth thy -sylue sone · yn oure sute deydest on goodfryday good fryday for mannys sake · at ful tyme of the daye There þy -sylue nor ne thy sone · no sorowe yn deeth feledeste but yn oure secte was the sorowe · and þy sone yt ladde Captiuam duxit captiuitatem & c etera The sonne for sorowe therof · lees sygth þ at for a Hm.5.508: Hm, as the result of erasure, and G read at þat against for a in most other B manuscripts. tyme a -boute mydday whan moste lygth is · and meel -tyme of seynt is feddest wyþ thy fresch blood · oure formefadres forfadres · yn derknes Populus qui ambulabat in tenebris · vidit lucem magnam · & c etera nil And þorough þat þe lygth þat leep out of the · lucyfer was blente and blewe all þy blyssyde · ynto the blysse of paradys The þrydday þryd day aftur · thu ȝedust yn oure suyte a synful mary th.e sawh · .ar seynte mary th.i da mme and alto al to solace þe solace synful · thu suffredyst þat yt it so were Non veni vocare iustos · sed peccatores ad penitenciam And all þat euere þat marke haþ maad ymade · Math eu Ioh an & lucas of thyn douhty dedys · were don yn oure armes Verbum caro factum est · & habitauit in nobis & c etera nil And by so muche me semeth · þe sykerere we mowe bydde and beseche · ȝif it be thy wylle · that arte oure fadur and oure brothur · be mercyable to vs and haue reuthe on these rybaudes · þat repentyn hem here sore ...?...?...þ at eu er wraþþed þei wratthed þe in þis world · yn woord þougth or dede ...?...Than hent he vp Þanne hent hope Hm.5.526: Hm alone reads he vp against hope in all other B manuscripts. Kane and Donaldson thought he was added by a different hand, but the addition consists of three words. an horn · of deus tu conu ersus viuificabis · and blewe yt wyth Beati quor um · remisse sunt iniquitates · that alle the alle seyntys yn heuene · songyn at onys Ho mi nes &iumenta & iumenta saluabis · quemadmodu m multiplicasti · m isericordiam tua m deus · & c etera A thousand of men tho · þrongou n to -gydres · ...?...& cryden Criede vpwarde to cryste · and to his clene moder · to haue grace go wiþ hem · trewthe to seeke Ac þ er was wygth none so wys · þat þe þe wey wey þider .....cowde Hm.5.533: Following this line, Hm alone omits a line found in all other B manuscripts, here given in the spelling of L: But blustreden forth as bestes ouer bankes and hilles. tyl late was and longe · that they a lede mette apparayled as a paynym · yn pylgrymes wyse he bare a burdou n y -bounde · wyþ a brode lyeste yn a wythe -wyndes wyse · y -boundyn ywounden aboute a bolle and a bagge · he bare by his syde an hundred of ampulles · on his hatte seetyn · sygnes of synay · and schelles of galyce and many a crouche on his cloke · and keyes of rome and the vernycle byfore · for men schulde knowe and see by his sygnes whom he sougth hadde This folke fraynede hym furste · whennes fro whennes he come f ram synay he seyde · and fro oure lordes sepulcre yn bedleme and yn babyloyne · y haue ben yn bothe yn heremonye ermonye yn Alysaundre · yn manye othre places ȝe may seen by my sygnes · that syttyn on myn hatte that y haue walked ful wyde · yn wete and yn drye and sougth good sentys · for my soule helþe knowest Knowestow ougth a cors -seynte that men callyn trewthe ...?...canst þu Coudestow ougth wyssen vs the weye · where that wye dwelleþ Nay so me god helpe · seyde the gome thanne y sawe neuere palmere · wyth pyke nor ne wyth scryppe aske aftur hym ere · tyl nowe yn this place · Petur q uod a plowman · and putte foorþ his hede y knowe hym as kyndely · as clerke dooth his bookes conscyence and k....ynde wy.t · kennyd me to his place and dude me suryn hym sykerly · to seruyn hym for euere bothe to sowe and to sette · the while y swynke mygth e · y haue ben his folwere · all this fyfty wynt er boþe sowyn his seed · and suyd his bestes · wyþ -ynne and wyþ -outyn · waytou n wayted his p rofyte y dyke and y delue · y do that trewþe hoteth · Sumtyme y sowe · and sumtyme y thresche yn taylours crafte and tynkers crafte · what trewthe can deuyse · I weue and y wynde · and do what trewthe hoteth · for þowe y seye yt my -selfe y serue hym to paye y haue myn huyre wel · and othurwhiles more he is the prestest payere · that poore men knoweth · he ne wyþ -halte none h...yne hewe his huyre · that he ne haþ it at euyn he is also as lowe as a lombe · and louely of speche and ȝif ȝe wylneþ to wyte · where that he dwelleth · y schall wysse ȝowe wytturly · þe weye to his place Ȝee leue peers q uod thes pylgrymes · and p rofred hym huyre forto wende wyþ hem · to trewþes dwellynge place Nay by my soule helþe my soules helth q uod peers · & gan forto swere y nolde fonge a ferþynge · for seynte Thomas schryne trewþe wolde loue me the lasse · a longe tyme þ eraftur after ac ȝif ȝe wylneþ to wende wel · this ys the weye þyder Ȝee motyn go þorowe mekenesse · boþe men and wyues tyl ȝe comyn ynto conscyence · that cryste wyte þe sothe · that ȝe louyn oure lorde god · leuest of alle thynges · and þanne ȝoure neybours nexte · yn none wyse apeyre oþerwyse þan þu woldest · he wrougth to thy -sylue And so boweth forby forth bi a brooke beth buxum of speche tyl ȝe fynde a foorde ȝoure fadres honoureth · Honora patrem & matrem · & c etera · Wadeþ yn ...?...þ at water · and wascheeþ ȝowe wel there and ȝe schull lepe þe lyȝtloker · al ȝour lyfe-tyme and so schalte thu swere nougth · but ȝif it be for nede · and namly yn ydel · the name of god almyghty · Than schalt þu come by a crofte · but come þu nougth þ erynne that crofte hatteth hat coueyte þu nougth nouȝte · mennys catel nor ne here wyues ne none of here seruauntys · that noyȝen hem mygthte loke ȝe breke no bowe bowes þere · but ȝif it be ȝoure owne Two stokkes þere stondeth · ac stynte ȝe nougth þere þey hattyn stele nougth ne slee slee nouȝte · stryke foorþ by boþe and leue hem on thy lefthalfe left halfe · and loke nougth þer -after and holde wel thyn halyday · hiȝe tyl it be til euyn Than schalte thu blenche at a bergh · bere no fals wytnesse he is frythed yn wyþ floreyns · and oþir fees manye loke þu plukke no plante þere · for p ereyl of þy .....sowle than schul ȝe seye se sey sooþ · so it be to done · yn no manere elles nougth · for no mannys byddynge Than schalte thu come to a courte · as cleer as the sonne the moot is of mercy · the manere aboute and alle þe walles ben of wytte · to holdyn wyl ....owte and kyrnelde wyth crystyndome mankynde to saue botrased wyþ byleue so · or thu beste nougth besauyd [y]sauyd ysaued · And alle þe houses ben hyled · halles and chambres · wyþ no led but wyþ loue · and lowe speche as bryþerne the brygge is of bydde wel · the bet may thu spede eche pylar ys of penaunce · and of prayers to seyntes of almysdedys ar the hokes · that the gates hange on Grace hatteth hatte the gateward · a good man forsothe · his man hatteþ hatte amende ȝowe · for many men hem man him knoweþ telleþ hym this tokne · that trewþe w.ete wite the sothe y p erformed the penaunce · the preest me ........enioyned and am fulsory ful sory for my synnys · and so schal y I shal euere whan y þenke þ eron · they y were a pope Hm.5.621: The reading pope was partially erased but is still legible. Byddeth amende ȝowe meke hym tyl his mayst er onys · to wayue vp the wyket · that the wo mman schette · to Tho Adam and Eue · etyn applys vnrostyd P er euam cunctis clausa est · & c etera nil Et p er maria m virginem · patefacta est · & c etera · For he haþ the keye and the clyket · thowe the kynge slepe and ȝif grace graunte the · to goo yn this wyse thu schalte se yn thy soule selue · trewthe yn thyn herte yn a cheyne of charyte · as thu a chylde were to suffre hym and sugge nougth · aȝen þy syres wylle Ac bewaar than of wratthe the · that is a wykkyd schrewe he hath enuye to hym · that yn thyn herte sytteth · and pookeþ foorþ pryde · to preyse thy -selue the boldnesse of thy benfetys · makyth the blynde thanne and than wurþest thu dryuen out as dewe · and the doore closyd · keyed and klykeded · to kepe the wyth -owtyn happyly an hundred wynt er · ere thu efte entre thus myghtest thu lesen his loue · to lete well by thy -seluyn and neuere happyly efte entre · but grace thu haue Ac þere are seuene sustren · that seruyn trewthe euere and are porters of the posternes · that to the place longeth · that on hatte abstynence · and humylyte an nothur charyte and chastyte · ben his cheef maydenys · pacyence and pes · muche peple they helpeth · largenesse the lady · schee leet yn ful manye · Sche haþ holpyn a thousand oute · of the deueles poustee ponfolde and wo -so is sybbe vnto to this seuene · so me god helpe he is wondurly welcome · and fayre vndurfongyn and but if ȝe be sybbe · to su mme of these seuene yt is ful harde by myn heed q uod peers · for eny of ȝowe alle to getyn yngange at any gate there · but ȝif but grace be the more Nowe by cryste q uod a kuttepurs · y haue no kyn there nor y q uod an Apeward · by augth that y can knowe w.ete god q uod a wafrestere · wyste y this forsothe schulde y neu ere ferþ er a fote · for no freris p rechynge Ȝus q uod peris the ploughman · and pokyd hem alle to goode mercy is a mayden there · and hath hath mygth ouer alle and sche is sybbe to alle synful · and hure sone also and þorough þe helpe of hem two · hope thu none othre thu mygth gete grace þere · by soo thu go bytyme By seynte Poule q uod a p ardener · p araduenture y be nougth knowe þere · y woll go fecche my boxe wyth my bryuett es · & a bulle wyþ buschops l etres · By cryste quod a comyn wo mman · thy company woll y folwe thu schalt seye y am thy sustur · y ne wote where þey become Passus sextus de visione · t T his were awykkyd a wykkyd weye . but who -so hadde a guyde that wolde folowyn vs ylke a fote · þ us this folke hem menyd · Quod p erkyn the ploughman · by seynt pet er of rome y haue an halfe acre to erye · by the hye weye hadde y eryed this halfe acre · and sowyn yt aftur y wolde wendyn wyth ȝowe · and the weye teche Hm.6.7: The rubricating scribe failed to note the paraph indicator in the left margin. This were a longe lettynge · q uod a lady yn a sclayre what schulde we wo mmen · werche the whiles · Su mme schull sowe the sakke q uod peers · for schedynge of the whete and ȝee louely ladyes · wyth ȝoure longe fymbg errys fy[n]g errys fyngres that ȝe haue sylke and sendal · to sowe whan tyme is chysybles for chaplaynes · cherches to honoure wyues and wydewes · wolle and flax spynneth · maketh cloth y conseyl ȝowe and kenneth so ȝoure douhtres the nedy and the nakyd · nymeth hede howe þey lygge.n and casteeth hem cloþes · for so comaundeth treuthe For y schall lenyn hem lyflode · but ȝif the londe fayle flesch and brede bothe · to ryche and to pouere als longe as y leue · for the lordys loue of heuene and al manere of men · that by þorw mete and drynke lybbeth helpeth hym to wurche wygthly · and þat wynnyth ȝoure food By cryste q uod a knygth tho · he kennyth vs the beste ac on the teme trewly · taugth was y neuere ac kenne me q uod the knygth · and by cryste y wol assaye By seynt poule q uod p erkyn · ȝe p rofre ȝowe so fayre that y schal swynke and swete · and sowe for vs bothe laborers And oþer laboures do for thy loue al my lyfe -tyme yn couenau nt that thu kepe · holy cherche kirke and my -sylue fro wastours and fro wykkyd men · that þis worlde stroye.n and go hunte hardylyche · to harys and to foxes to bores and to brokkes · that breken adown myn hegges and goo affayte thy faucou ns · wylde fowlys to kulle for suche comyn to my crofte · and croppeth my whete curteysly this þe knygth thanne · comsyd these woordes by my power peers quod he · y plygth the my trewthe to fulfulle þys forwarde · þowe y fygth schulde · as longe as y lyue · y schall the ma.....ynteyne ȝe and ȝit a poynte q uod peers · y praye ȝowe of more loke ȝe tene no tenaunt · but trewthe woll assente and þo....hewh ȝe mowe amercyen hem · late mercy be taxour and mekenesse thy mayst er · mawgre medes chekes · and þow.h poore men p rofre ȝowe p resentes and ȝiftes nyme it nougth yn aduenture · ȝe mowe it nougth deserue for ...ȝe þow schalte shalt ȝelde it aȝen · atte one ȝeres ende yn a ful p erelous place · purgatory it hatteth Hm.6.45: The <e> is retouched in a different ink. And mysbede nougth thy bonde -menan · bonde -men the bettre may the þow speede thowe he be thyn vndurlynge here · wel may happe yn heuene that he wurthier sytte sette · and wyth more blysse Amice ascende superius · & c etera · superius For yn a in charnel atte Hm.6.50: Though Hm appears to agree with LM in reading atte, "at the," against at or & in in other B manuscripts, usually Hm means only "at." cherche · c......herles ben euyl to knowe or a knygth fram a knaue there · knowe this yn thyn herrte Hm.6.51: The scribe's "2" form of <r> has been overwritten with hand3's anglicana form. and that thu be trewe of thy tonge · and tales that thu hatye but ȝif they ben of wysdome or of wytte · thy werkmen to chaste holde wyth none harlottes · ne here nougth here tales and namly at the mete · suche men eschue for it ben the deueles dysours · y do the to vndurstonde I assente by seynte iame · .seyde the knygth thanne · forto wurche by thy woordes · the while my lyfe dureth And y schal apparayle me q uod p erkyn · yn pylgrymes wyse and wende wyth ȝowe y woll · tyl we fynde trewthe and caste on my clothes · y -clowtyd and hole my kokeres and my ...?...cuffes · for colde of my n.ayles · and hange myn hop er · at myn hals · yn stede of a scryppe a buschel of bredcorn · brynke ...?...?...wiþ me brynge me ther -ynne for y wolde wil sowe it my -sylfe · and sutthyn woll y wende to pylgrymage as palmers doon · p ardon forto haue Ac who -so helpeth me to erye · or sowyn here or y wende schall haue leue by oure lorde · to lese h.....eere yn heruest and make hem mery e therwyth þere -mydde · magre who -so gruccheth .. and alkyn crafty men · that ku nnyn konne lyue yn trewthe y schal fynde hem food · that feythfully lybbeth · Saue iakke the iogolour · and ionet of the stywes and danyel the d...yes pleyere · and denote the bawde and frere the faytour · and folke of his ordre and robyn the rybaudour · for hi s rusty woordes Hm.6.75: Following this line, Hm omits the line Treuthe tolde me ones and bad me tellen it after, customarily found in all other B manuscripts and here given in the spelling of L. Deleantur de libro viuenciu m · y schulde nougth dele wyth hem · for holycherche is hote of hem no tythe to take Quia cum iustis non scribantur · & c etera nil They ben a -scapid good aduenture · god hem amende Dame wurche whan tyme is peers wyfe higth e his dought er higth do rygth so · or thi dame schall þe bete his sone higth suffre thy souereynes · to haue her wylle deme hem nougth for ȝif thu doost · thu schalt it dere abugge lat god y -wurthe wyth all · for so his woord techeth · for nowe y am olde and hore · and haue of myn owne to penaunce and to pylgrymage · y woll passe wyth with þise othre for -thy y woll or y wende · do wryte my byqueste In dei no mi ne amen · y make it my -sylue he schal haue my sowle · that beste hath deseruyd it · and fro the f.ende it deffende · for so y byleue tyl y come to his accountes · as my crede me telleth to haue a reles and aremyssyou n a remyssyou n · on that rental y leue The kurke Hm.6.93: This unusual spelling probably reflects the scribe's intent. He manifests a tendency to avoid the /k/ forms with just six instances in the poem to the twenty-one in L, nineteen in M, and twenty in W. The form probably is by analogy with rounded forms in church. schal haue my careyne · and kepe my bonys for of my corn and catel · he crauyd the tythe y payde it hym p restyly · for p eryl of my soule forþy is is he holdyn y hope · to haue me in his masse and myngyn yn his memorye · amonge alle crystene My wyfe schal haue of that y wan · wyth trewthe and nomore and dele amonge my doughtres · and my dere children · for þowe y deye to -day · my dettys are quytte y bar home þat y borwyd · er y to bedde ȝede And wyth the residue and the remenau nt · by the rode of lukes y woll wurschip ther -wyth · trewthe by my lyue · and ben his pylgryme at the .....plough for poore mennys sake my ploughfote schall be my pyked staf.e pyk -staf · and plucche Hm.6.105: Plucche, "pull" <OE plyccan. picche a -two þe rotes and helpe my cultur to kerue · and clense the furwys Nowe is p erkyn and his pylgrymes · to the plough faren to erye this halfe acre · helpyn holpyn hym manye dykers and deluers · dykyd digged vp the balkes ther -wyþ was p erkyn a -payde · and preysydyn hym hem faste oþer werkmen ther were · that wrouhten ful ȝerne echeman eche man yn his manere · made hym -sylfe to done and summe to plese p erkyn · pykyd vp the wedes Atte hie p rime perys · leet the plough stande · to ouerseen hem hym -sylfe · and who -so beste wrougth e he schulde be huyred theraftur · whan heruest -tyme come · ...?...Tha nne And þanne setyn & songyn · summe somme and songen atte the nale · and holpyn erye his halfacre · wyth howe trolly -lolly Nowe by the p erel of my soule quod peers · al yn pure tene but ȝe aryse the rathur · and rape ȝowe to wurche schall no greyne that groweth · glade ȝowe at nede and thowe ȝe deye for doel · the deuyl · hym haue haue that recche Tho were faytours afferde · and feyned hem blynde summe leydyn here legges a -lyry · as suche losell kunnyth and madyn here mone to peers · and prayde hym of grace for we haue no lymes to labour wyth · lorde of grace bydde we ygraced be the ȝe ac we praye for ȝowe peers · and for ȝoure plowe bothe that god of his grace · ȝoure grayn multyplye and ȝelde ȝowe for ȝoure almesse · that ȝe ȝyuyn vs here · for we may nougth swynke nor ne swete · suche syknesse vs eyleth · ȝif it be sooþ q uod peris · that ȝe seyn · y schall it sone aspye · ȝe ben wastours y wote wel · and treuthe wote the sothe and y am his olde hyne · and hygth hym to warne whuche they were yn this worlde · his werkemen appeyryd · ȝe wastyn that me.n wynnyn · wyþ trauayle and wyþ tene ac trewthe schall teche ȝowe · his teme to dryue · for Or ȝe schull ete barlybrode · and of the brooke drynke · but ȝif he be blynde or brokelegged · or bolted wyth yrens · he schall ete whetebrede · and drynke wyth my -sylue tyl god of his goodnesse · amendement. hym sende Ac ȝe þ at mygth myȝte(n) Hm.6.141: Since Ac extends into the left margin, the first three words may have been inserted over an erasure. trauayle as trewthe wolde · and take mete and huyre to kepen kyen yn the feelde · the corn from the bestys · dyken or deluyn · or dyngyn vpon scheuys or helpe make mort er · or bere mukke afelde ..yn lecherye and yn losengerye · ȝee lyuen and yn slauthe and all is thorowe suffraunce · that vengeaunce ȝowe ne taketh · Ac ancres and heremyt es · that etyn nougth but at nonys · and namore tyl on the er morowe · myn almus schul they haue and of catel to kepe hem wyth · that han cloystres and cherches · Ac robard re nnaboute · schall nougth haue of myne ne postles but they p reche ku nne · and haue power of the buschop · they schull haue payn and potage · and make hem -sylfe at ese for it is an vnresonable relygyou n · that hath rygth nougth at of certayn · And thanne gan a wastour to wratthe hym · and wolde haue fougth e · and to peris the ploughman · he p rofryd his gloue a brytoneer a bragger · abostyd peris als · And badde hym go pissyn wyth his plough · for -pynyd schrewe wylte thu or nylte thu · we wyln wil haue oure wylle of thy flour and of thy flesch · fecche whan vs lyketh and makyn vs mery ther -wyth · maugre thy chekes Thanne peris the ploughman · playned hym to the knygth · to kepyn hym as couenau nt was · fro cursyd schrewes · and fro wasto urus þis wastoures wolueskynnys · þat maketh þe worlde dere for þo wastyn and wynnyn nougth · and that ylke while wurth neuer plente amonge the peple · þe while my plough lyggeth Curteysly the knygth thanne · as his k....eynde wolde warnyd wastour · and wyssyde hym bettre or thu schalte a -bugge by the lawe · and by the ordre that y bere I was nougth wonte to wurche q uod wastour · & nowe wol y nat bygy nne and l...eet lygthly liȝte of the lawe · and lasse of the knygth · and sette peris at a pese · and his plough bothe and manaced peers and his men · ȝif þey mette . efte-sone Nowe by the p ereyl of my sowle q uod peers · y schal appeyre ȝowe alle and houpyd aftur hongour · that herde hym atte the furste a -wreke me on these of þise wastours quod he · that the þis . worlde schendeth hungor yn haste tho · hente wastour by the mawe and wronge hym so by the wombe · that bothe his yȝen watryd · he buffetyd the brytoneer · aboute the cheekys that he loked lyke a lant erne · all his ly.efe aftur he b...eet hem so bothe · he barste nere her guttys ne hadde peris wyth a pese -lofe prayde hungor to cese they hadde be doluyn · ne deme thu none othre Suffre hem lyue he seyde · and late hem ...ete wyth hogges · or elles benys and bren · y -bakyn to -gydres or elles mylke and mene ale · þus prayde peers for hem · Faytours for fere herof · flowyn ynto bernys and flattyn flapten on wyth flayles · fro morowe tyl euyn · that hungor was nougth so hardy · on hem forto loke for a potfull of pesyn · that peers hadde y -makyd · An hepe of heremytys · hentyn hem spades and kuttyn h..ere Hm.6.191: The final character is malformed. copes · and curtepyes hem made and wentyn as werkmen · wyþ spades and wyth schoueles · and doluyn and dyggedyn dykeden · to dryue aweye honger blynde and bedrede · were botenyd a thousande that setyn to begge syluer · sone were they helyd for that was bake for bayard · was bote for many hongry · and many a begger for benys · buxum was to swynke and eche poore man wel apayde to haue pesyn for his huyre and what peers prayde hem to do · as preste as a sperhauk and þerof was peris proude · and put hem to werke and ȝaf hem mete as he mygth aforthe · and mesurable huyre Thanne hadde peers pyte · and prayde hungor to wende home yn -tyl in -to his owne ȝerde erd · and holdyn hym there for y am wel a -wroke of wastours · thorow thy mygth ac y praye the or thu passe · q uod peers to hungour of beggers and of bydders · what beste ben to done for y wote wel be thu wente · they wyln wil don worche full ylle for myscheef it maketh · they beth so meke nowthe and for defaute of her food · this folke is at my wylle they are my blody bretherne · quod peers for god b..owgth vs alle treuthe taugth me ones to louen hem echone and to helpen hem of alle thyngs · ay as hem nedyd nedeth · and nowe wolde y wyten of the · what were the beste and howe hey mygth amaystryen hem · and make hem to werche Here nowe q uod hongour · and hold. it for a wysdome bolde beggers and bygge · that mowyn her breed byswynke wyth houndys brede · and hors brede · holde vp her hertys abayte hem wyth benys · for bolnynge of her herte wombe and ȝif the gomes grucche · bydde hem go swynke and he schal sowpe swettere · whan h e it haþ deseruyd · And ȝif thu fynde any freke that fortune hath apeyryd or eny maner febul fals man · fonde thu suche to knowe conforte hym hem wyth thy catel · for crystes loue of heuene loue hem and lene hem · so lawe of god techeth · Alter alterius onera portate · & c etera and al manere of men · that thu mygth aspye that nedy ben and nougthty · helpe hem wyth thy goodes loue hem and lakke hem nougth · and late late god take the vengeaunce thouȝ they done euele · lat god y -wurthe Michi vindictam & ego retribuam · & c etera nil And ȝif thu wolte be gracyous to god · do as the gospel techeth · and byloue th.e amonge lewyd low m.en · so schalt thu lacche grace Facite vobis amicos de mammona iniquitatis · & c etera nil y wolde nougth greue god q uod peris · for all the good on grounde mygth y synneles do as thu seyste · seyde peris thanne Ȝee y behote the quod hungor · or ellys the byble lyeth · go to genesis the gyaunte · the engendrour of ...vs alle In sudore ....& in swynke thu schalte thi mete tylye and labour for thi lyflode · and so oure lorde higthe and sapience seith the same · y say it yn the byble pyger pro frigore · no felde wold.e nolde tylye in wynter tilye and therfore he schall · begge ...? somer and bidde · and no man bete his hunger Math eu wyth mannys face · mowthed these woordes that seruus neq uam · hadde a Mnam · i d est · besaunt & for he nolde nougth chaffare he hadde mawgre of his mayster · euermore after and bynam hym his mnan · for he ne wolde werche and ȝaf that mnam · to hym · that ten mnames hadde and wyth that he seide · that holy cherche it herde he þat hath schall · haue · and helpe there it nedeth and he that nougth hath nougth schal shal nouȝt haue · and no man hym helpe and that he weneth wel to haue · y wol hym wil it hym byreue .....kynde wyt wolde that eche wygth · wel a wyght wrougth or yn dykynge or yn deluynge · or yn or trauayle trauaillynge of prayers in preyeres contemplatyf lyf Contemplatyf lyf or actyf lyf · cryste wolde they wrougthe the saut er seith yn the psalme · of beati omnes the freke that fedeth hym -sylfe · wyth his feythfull labour he is blyssed by the book · yn body and in sowle · Labores manuu m tuarum · & c etera ȝit y praye ȝowe quod peris · pur charite and ȝe kunne ony leef of lechecrafte · lerne lere it me my dere for summe of my seruauntes · and my -sylfe bothe of al a wyke werke nougth · lord so so our wombe aketh · I wote wel quod hunger · what syknesse ȝowe eyleth · ȝe haue manged ouermuche · and that maketh ȝowe grone ac y hote the q uod hunger · as thu thyn hele wylneste þat þu drynke no day · er thu dyne sumwhat · ete nougth y hote the · er hungour the take and sende the of his sauce · to sauour wyth ȝoure þi lyppes and kepe sum tyl sop er tyme · and sytte nougth to longe and ryse vp or appetyt · haue eten his fulle lat nougth sire surfayt · syttyn at thi boord · leue hym nougth for he is leccherous · and lykerous of tonge and aftur many maner of metys · is metes his mawe is affyngryd and ȝif thu diete the thus · y dare legge myn eres that Fysyk schal his furrud hoodes · for his food selle and his cloke of calabre · wyth alle the knoppes of golde and be fayn by my feyth · his fysyke to sulle lete and lerne to labour wyth londe · forlyflode for lyflode is swete for murtheres are many leches · lorde hem amende they don men deye wyþ þorw here drynkes · ar destyne it wolde By seynt poule quod peers · these are p rofetable woordes wende nowe hunger whan thu wolte · þ at wel be þe euere for this is a louely lessoun · lord it the furȝelde Byhote god q uod hunger · hennes ne woll y wende tyl y haue dynyd by this day · and y -dronke bothe I haue no peny quod peers · pullettes to bugge noþ er Ne neyther gees ne gris · but two grene cheses · a fewe cruddes and creme · and an hauerkake and two loues of benys and bran · y -bake for my fawntys and ȝit y seie by my soule · y haue no salt bacou n · ne none kokeneys kokeney by cryste coloppis of for to makyn ac y haue p ercyle and porrettes · and many cole plontys and eke a cowe and a calfe · and a carte mare to drawe a -felde my donge the while the drougth lasteth and by this lyflode we mot lyue · tyl lammasse tyme and by that y hope to haue · heruest yn my crofte and þanne may y dygth þy dyner · as me dere lyketh Alle the poore peple tho · pescoddes fette benys and bakyn apples · they broughtyn yn her lappes chibolles and cheruell · and rype chiries manye and p rofryd peers this p resent · to plese wyth hunger Al hunger eet yn haste · and askyd aftur more thanne poor folke for fere · feddyn hunger ȝerne wyth grene porret and pesyn · to poysou n hym they thougth by that it neyȝhed neer heruest · newe corn cam to chepynge thanne was folke fayn · and feddyn hunger wyth the beste wyþ good ale as glotou n taugth · and gart hunger to slepe And tho wolde wastour nougth wurche · but wandred aboute ne no beggere ete brede that benys ynne were but of koket or clermatyn or elles of clene whete ne none halpenyale halpeny ale · yn none wyse drynke but of the beste and of the brownyste · that yn the burgh borgh is to sulle Laborers that han no londe to lyuen on · but her handes deynen Deyned nougth to dyne a -day · nygth -olde wortys may no peny -ale hem paye · ne no pece of bacou n but ȝif it be fresch flesch othur fysch · fryed othur bake · and that chaw.ded and plus cha.. ·wd for chyllynge of her mawes mawe and but he be hielyche huyred · ell es woll he chide and that he was werkman wrougth · wayle the tyme aȝenst catouns counseyl · comseth he to iangle Paup ertatis oonus · pacient er ferre memento · & c etera nil · He greueth hym aȝenste god · and gruccheth aȝenste resou n · and curseth ..also curseth he the kynge and and al his counseyl aftur suche lawes to loke · laborers to greue ac whiles hungour was her mayster · ther wolde none of hem chide ne stryue aȝenste his statut · so sternlyche he lokede Ac y warne ȝow werkmen · wynnyth while ȝe mowe for hunger hiderward · hyeth hasteth hym faste he schall a -wake wyth wat er · wastours to chaste er fyue ȝere be fulfuld · suche famyn schall aryse thorowȝ flodes and thorowh and fowle wedres · frutes schul fayle and so seyde saturne · and sente ȝowe to warne whan ȝe see the sonne amys · and two monkes hedes and amayde a mayde haue the maystrye · and multyply by eiȝht Than schal deeþ wyþ -drawe · and derthe be iustyse and dawe the dykere · deye schal deye for hunger but ȝif god of his goodnesse grawnte vs a trewe Passus septimus de visione · t T rewthe herde telle her -of · and to peris sente to takyn his teme · and tyllyen his þe erthe and purchacyd hym a p ardou n · a pena & a culpa · for hym and for his eyres · euermore for euermore aftur and badde hym holdyn hym at home and eryen his leyes and alle þat holpyn hym to erye · to sette or to sowe · or eny oþer mystyer · that mygth peris auayle p ardoun wyth peris ploughman · trewthe hath hem hath grauntyd kynges and knyghtes · that kepyn holy cherche and rygthfully in rewmes · reulyn the peple ...........han pardoun þorowȝ purgatorye · to passen full lyghtly wyth patryarkes and p rophetys · yn p aradys to be felawe Buschoppes yblessid ȝif þey ben as they schulde legistres of bothe lawes · the lewyd þerwyþ to p reche and And in as muche as they mowe · amende alle synfull arn peres wyþ þe apostles · this p ardoun peris scheweth and at the day of dome · at the hiȝe deys to sytte Marchauntes yn the margyn · haddyn many ȝeres · ac .non a pena & a culpa · the pope nolde hem graunte for they holdyn nougth her holydayes · as holy cherche techeth · and for þey swere by her sowle · & so god mote moste hem helpe aȝen clene conscyence · her catell to sulle Ac vndyr his secrete seal · trewthe sente hem a lettre that they schulde b.ugge boldly · that hem beste lykede and sytthen it sulle selle it aȝen · and saue the wynnynge and amende mesondieux ther -myd · and mysese. folke helpe and wykkyd weyes · wightly hem amende and do bote to brugges · that to -brokyn were maryen maydnes or makyn hem nonnys pore peple and prysones · fyndyn hem her foode and settyn scolers to scole · or to summe oþ ere craftes releue relygyou n · and rentyn hym hem bettre and y schall sende ȝow my -sylfe seynt mychael myn Aungel archangel that no deuel schall ȝow dere · ne fere ȝow at in ȝowr deyȝyng and wyte ȝowe fro wanhope · ȝif ȝe woln thus werche and sende ȝowr sowles yn saufte · to my seyntes yn ioye Thanne were marchauntes · merye · many weptyn for ioye and preysedyn peers the ploughman · that purchacyd this bulle Men of lawe leste p ardou n hadde · that pledyn pleteden for mede for the saut er saueth hem nougth · suche as takyn ȝyftes and namlyche of ynnocentes · that non vuel kunnyn Sup er innocentem mun era non accipies · & c etera nil Pledours schulde peyne hem to plede · for suche and helpe hem helpe · prynces and p relates · schulden p.aye for her trauayle A regibus & a & principibus · erit merces eoru m · & c etera nil · Ac many a Iustice and iorrour · wolde for iohan do more · than pro dei pietate · leue thu none othur Ac he that spendeth Hm.7.48: The first four letters of spendeth are badly rubbed or partially erased. his speche · and speketh for the pouere that is ynnocent Hm.7.49: The letters <s ynn> are badly rubbed or partially erased. and nedy · and noman appeyreth conforteth hym in that caas · wyþ -outyn couetys of ȝiftes and scheweþ lawe for oure lordes loue · as he it haþ y -lernyd lerned schal no deuyl at his deth -day · dere hym amyete a myte that he ne wurth saufe & his soule · þe sawt er beryth wytnesse Domine quis habitabit in tabernaculo tuo & c etera Ac to bygge wat er ne wynde ne wyt ne fyer the fierthe these foure the fadur of heuene made · to his folde yn comyn · these ben trewthes tresours · trewe folke to helpe that neuer schull wexe ne wanye · wyth -owtyn god hym -sylue · whanne they drawe vnto deth þe deþ Hm.7.59:There is wide variation at this locus. HmR omit the before deþ. L and W confused thorn with <y> but also omit þe. · and yndulgences wolde haue her p ardoun is full petyt at her p artynge hennys that eny mede of mene men · for her motynge taketh ȝee legystres and lawyers · holdeth this for trowthe that ȝif þat y lyȝe · math eu is to blame for he bad me make ȝow this · and this p rouerbe me tolde Quodcumq ue vultis vt faciant vobis · ho mi nes facite eis · & c etera nil Alle lybbynge laborers · that lyuen wyth her hondys · that trewlyche takyn · and trewlyche wynnyn and lyue yn loue and yn lawe · for her lowe hertys haue þe same abs.olucyou n · that sente was to peris Beggers ne bydders · beth ne beþ nougth yn the bulle but ȝif the sugestyou n be sooth · that schapeth hem to begge · ...?...?...for he þ at beggeþ or byt · but ȝif he haue nede · he is fals wyth the fende · and deffraudeth the nedy Hm.7.74: The scribe's usual indicator for the rubricated paraph was ignored by the rubrisher, perhaps canceled by two horizontal lines through it. and also he bygyleth the gyuere · aȝenste his wylle for if he wyste he were nougth nedy · he wolde ȝeue þ at another that were more nedy than he · so the nedyeste schulde ben holpe catou n kenneth me thus · and the clerke of storyes Cui des videto · is catou ns techynge And yn the storyes he techeth · to bystowe thyn alm.esse Sit elemosina tua in manu tua donec studes cui des · & c etera nil · Ac gregorye was a good man · and bad vs gyuyn alle that asketh for his loue · that vs alle leneth · Non eligas cui miseriaris · ne forte p ret erearis pretereas illu m qui meret ur accip ere · Quia incertu m est p ro quo deo magis placias · & c etera nil · For wote ȝe neuere who is wurthy · ac god wote who hath nede yn hym that taketh is the treccherye · ȝif any tresoun walke for he that ȝyueth ȝeldeth · and ȝarketh hym to reste and he that byddeth borweth · and bryngeþ hym -sylfe yn dette for beggers borwyn euermore · and her borow is god almyghty to ȝelde hem that ȝyuyn hem · and ȝit vsure more · Quare non dedisti pecunia m mea m ad mensam vt ego veniam veniens cum vsuris exigere · & c etera · Forthy byddeth nougth ȝe neyȝbo urs beggeres · but ȝif ȝe haue grete nede for who -so hath to byggyn hym breed · the book beryth wytnesse he hath ynowe that hath breed ynowe þowe he haue nougth ell es · Satis diues est · qui non indiget pane · & c etera nil Late vsage be ȝoure solace · of seynt es lyues redynge the book bannyth beggers beggarie · and blameth hem on in this manere · Hm.7.99: The rubricating scribe overlooked a paraph indicator. Iunior fui etenim senui · & non vidi iustu m derelictu m nec semen eius querens panem · & c etera · For ȝe lyuyn yn no loue · ne no lawe holde many of ȝow ne wedde nougth · the womman that ȝe wyth delyn but as wylde bestes wyth wehe · wurthyn vp and wurchyn and bryngeþ foorth barnes · bastardes that þat bastardes men calleth · or the bakke or sum bone · he breketh yn his ȝouthe and syþþyn gon faytyn wyth ȝoure fauntes · for euermore aftur ther is more mysschape peple · amonge these beggers · than of alle man er of men · that on this molde reignyn walketh and they that lyuen thus her lyfe mown lothe the tyme that eu ere thei were men he was man wrougth · whan they schull hennys fare Ac olde men and hore · that helpeles ben of strenkthe and wymmen wyth childe · that werchen ne mowe blynde and bedred · and brokyn her membrys that takyn these myschefes myschief(es) mekelych · as meselles and othre han as playn p ardoun · as the ploughman hym -syluyn · for loue of here lowe hertys · oure lorde hath hem grauntyd · her penaunce and her purgatorye · here on this erthe · Peris quod a p reest tho · thi p ardoun muste y rede for y woll construe eche clause · and kenne it the on englysch · And peers at his prayer · the p ardoun vnfoldeth and y byhinde hem bothe · byhulde all the bulle al yn two lynes it lay · and nougth a lefe more and was wryten rygth thus · yn wytnesse of trewthe · Et qui bona egerunt · ibunt in vitam et ernam · & c etera nil · Qui vero mala in ignem eternu m · & c etera nil · Peter q uod the prest tho · y can no pardou n fynde but do wel and haue wel · and god schall haue thi sowle and do euele and haue euele · hope thu non oþer Hm.7.127-138: The scribe omitted a line on initial copying. He erased the final eleven lines on the page and overwrote the space with twelve lines, thus producing 41 lines to this page. Kane and Donaldson note that the new lines are in a different ink, but the hand is the same. but after þy deþ -day · the deuyl schall haue þy sowle and peris for pure tene · pullyd it a -twynne atweyne and seyde · si ambulauero in medio vmbre mortis non timebo mala q uoniam tu mecu m es · & c etera nil I schal cese of my sowyng quod peris · & swynke nougth so harde ne abowt my bely ioyȝe · so besy be nomore of prayers and penaunce · my plough schal ben her -after and wepyn whan y schuld slepyn · þowȝ whetebrede me fayle þe p rophete his payn eet · yn penaunce and yn sorowe by þat þe sauter seiþ · so dedyn oþer manye þat louen god lely · his lyflode is full esy · Fuerunt michi lacrime mee panes die ac nocte · & c etera nil · And but ȝif luke lye · lereþ he lereth vs by fowles we schuldyn nougth be to besy · aboutyn this þe worldys blysse ne soliciti sitis · he seith yn the gospel and scheweth vs by ensampull vs -sylfe forto to wysse the foules yn the felde · who fynte hem mete yn at wynt er · haue they no gern er to go to · but god fynte hem alle What q uod the preest to p erkyn · peter as me thynketh · thu art lettryd a lytyll · who lernyd the on booke abstynence the abbesse q uod peris · myn · a · b · c · me taugth · and conscyence came afturward · and kennyd me moche more were thu a preest peers q uod he · þumyste þu myste p reche where thu schuldest · as dyuynour yn diuinite · wyth dixit in.sipiens thi teme · lewyd lorel quod peers · lytyl lokest thu on the bible on salamones sawes · seldom thu beholdest · Ecce dirisores & iurgia cu m eis non ne crescant & c etera · The preste and p erkyn · apposedyn either othur and y þorowh her woordes a -wooke · and waytede a -boute and say the sonne yn the south · sytte that tyme meteles and moneyles · on maluerne hulles · musynge on thes metels · and my wey yȝede Many tyme thes metels · haue hath makyd me studye to studye of þat y sawe slepynge · ȝif it so be mygth e and also for peris the ploughman · ful pensyf yn herte and whiche a p ardou n peris hadde · all the peple to conforte and howe the preest ynpu ngnyd it · wyth two p ropre woordes ac y hano ...?...sauour yn sowngewarye · for y se it ofte fayle catou n and canonystres · conseylen vs to leue to settyn sadnesse yn sowngewarye · for sompnia ne cures ac for the book of the byble · beryth wytnesse howe daniel dyuynyd · the drem dremes of a kynge · that was ..Nabygodonosor · nempnyd of clerkes daniel seide sure s[i]re sire kynge · thi dremes betokneth that vncowth knygthes schull come · thi kyngdom to cleyme amonge lower lordes thi londe schall be dep artyd · and as danyel dyuynyd · yn dede it fel aftur the kynge les his lordschipe · and lower men it hadde · and Ioseph mette merueylously · how þe mone and the sonne and And þe ...?...?...enleuene sterres · worschipede hailsed hym alle than iacob Iuged · Iosephis sweuene · beaufys q uod his fader · for deffaute we schullyn y my -selfe and my sones · seche tho þe for nede It beffel as his fader seyde · in pharaoes tyme that Iosep whas iustyse · egypte to lokyn and tho It bifel as his fader tolde · his frendes there hym sougthe · and all this maketh me · on thes metels to þenke And how the ...?...?...preest · p rouede no pardon to dowel and demyd that do wel · indulgences passyd biennals and tryanals and buschopes seales lettres and how do -wel at the day of dome is dignylyche vndurfongyn and passeth all the p ardou n · of seynt petres of rome cherche ☞ p ardo n Now hath the pope power · p ardou n to graunte the peple wyth -outyn any penaunce · to passe ynto heuene this is oure byleue · as lettryd men vs techeth Quodcumq ue ligaueris sup er terram erit ligatu m & in celis · & c etera And so y leue lely · oure lordes lordes Hm.7.194: HmGF read oure lorde against lordes in most B manuscripts, though Hm initially had the genitive form. forbode elles that p ardoun and prayers · and penaunce penaunce and preyeres don saueth sauyn saue soules that han synnyd · seuene sythes dedly · ac to truste to these triennals · trewly me thynketh is nougth so syker for for þe soules soule · certys as is do -wel For -thi y rede ȝow renkes · that ryche ben on this erthe · vppon trust of ȝour tresour · triennals to haue ȝe neu ere the boldere · to breke the ten hestes and namely ȝe maystres · mayres and Iuges that han the welthe of þis worlde and for wyse men ben holdyn · to purchace ȝow p ardou n · and the popes bulles · At the dredful dome · whan the dede ded schulle aryse and comyn alle to -fore bifore cryste acountys to ȝelde how ȝe þow ladde laddest ȝour þi lyfe there here · and his lawys kepte keptest and how ȝe þow dedyn dedest day by day · the doom schall wil .......reherce · a pokeful of p ardou n · þere · ne p rouyncyal es lettrys they ȝe be fowndyn in the Frat ernyte · of all þe foure ordres · and haue indulgences dowblefold · but ȝif dowel ȝow helpe y sette ȝour patentes and ȝour p ardou n · at one pyes hele for -þy y conseyl alle crystene · forto to crye god mercy and mary his moder · be oure mene bytwene that god ȝyue vs grace · here or we gon hennes suche werkes to wurche · while we ben here that aftur our deth -day · do -wel reherce at the day of dome · we dude as he higth · Passus octauus de visione · & p rimus de do -weel · t T hus ro....bed yrobed yn russat · y romed aboute all a somer cesou n · forto seke do -wel And frayned fulofte ful ofte · of folke that y mette ȝif eny wygth wyste · where do -wel was at ynne and what man he mygth be of many man y askede ...?...was neu er wyth Hm.8.6: Wyth, "person, anyone." as y wente · that me wysse cowde where this lede lenged lasse ne more tyl it befell on a Fryday · two frerys y mette maystres of the menours · men of grete wytte y halzed Hm.8.10: Halzed, "hailed." Kane-Donaldson interpret <z> as <ȝ>. hem hendely · as y hadde lerned and prayde hem pur charyte · er they passyd ferther ȝif þey knewe any cuntre · or cost costes as they wente wher þat do -wel dwelleth · dooþ me to wyten for þey ben men of this molde þat most wyde walkyn and knowyn contres and courtes · and many kynne places boþe p rinces palays · and pore mennys cotes · and do -wel and do -euyl · where they dwelle bothe Amonges vs q uod the menours · that man is dwellynge · and euer haþ as y hope · and euere schall here -aftyr Contra quod y as a clerke · and comsed to despute and seyde hem soothly · sepcies in die cadit iustus Seuene sythes quod seith the book · synnyth the ryghtfull and who -so synnyth as y seyde I seyde · dooþ euyl as me thynketh and do -wel and do -euele · mowe nougth dwelle togydres ergo he is nougth alway · amonge ȝow frerys he is oþerwhile elles -where · to wysse the peple y schall seye þe my sone · seyde the frere thanne how seuene sythes þe sadman sad man · on a day synneth by a forbisene q uod the frere · y schall the fayre schewe lat brynge aman a man yn a bote · amydde the brod wat er and þe Þe wynde and þe wat er · and þe bote waggynge makeþ þe man many a tyme · to falle and to stonde for stonde he neu ere so styffe · he stomblyth ȝif he meue and ȝit is is he saufe and sound · and so hym byhoueth for ȝif he ne aryse þe rathur · and rauȝt to the sterne stiere · the wynde woold wyþ þe wat er · the bote ouerþrowe and þanne were his lyfe loste · þorough lacches of hym -sylue And þus it falleth q uod þe frere · by folke here on erthe the wat er is lyknyd to þe worlde þat wanyeþ and wexeth the goodes of þis grounde · are lyke to þe grete wawes Hm.8.40: After this line, Hm uniquely omits the line Þat as wyndes and wederes walweth aboute found in all other B mss, and here given in the spelling of L. The omission is perhaps caused by eye-skip, for the scribe omitted the third line in a five-line sequence that begins each line as follows: the, the, that, the, and that. the bote is lyknyd to our body · þat brotel is of kynde that thorough the fende and þe flesch · and the frele worlde synneth the sadman sad man on the day a day · seuene tymes sythes Ac dedly synne dooth he nougth · for dowel hym kepeth · and þat is charyte the champyon · chief helpe aȝenste synne for he strenkthet man to stonde · & stereth mannys soule and þowh þe þi body bowe · as boot dooþ yn the wat er ay is þe þi soule saufe · but ȝif thi -selfe woll · doo a dedly synne · and drenche so thi soule god woll suffre suffre wel thy soule sleuthe · ȝif þy -sylfe Hm.8.50: The final <e> has been partially erased. lyketh for he ȝaf þe to ȝeres -gyue · to ȝeme well þy -sylue · and þat is wytte and fre wyll · euery to euery man wyȝte aporcyon a porcyon · to fleynge fowlys to fysches and to bestes ac man hath moste þ erof · and moste is to blame but ȝif he wurche wel þ erwyth · as do -wel hym techeth I haue no k.....ynde knowynge q uod y · to conceyue all ȝour wordes ȝif Ac if y may lyue and loke · y schall go lerne bettre y bekenne the cryst q uod þat on he · þat on the cros deyed and y seyde þe same · saue ȝow fro meschaunce and ȝiue ȝow grace on this grou nde · good men to wurthe and thus y wente wyde -where · walkynge myn one by a wyde wilde wyldernesse · and by a wode syde blysse of tho þe bryddes · brougth me a -slepe and vndur a lynde vpon a launde · lenyd y a stounde to lustyn lythe the layes · the louely fowlys madyn murþe of her mouthes · made me there to slepe the merueyluste merueillousest metels · mette me thanne that euere dremyd wygth · yn world as y wene A muche man as me þougth · and lyke to my -sylue come and callyd me · by my kuynde name What art thu q uod y tho · þat thu myn name knowest that thu woste wel q uod he · and no wight bettre wote y what þu art · þougth seyde he thanne · y haue sued the þis seuene ȝere · seiȝe thu me no rather art þu þougth quod he I tho · thu cowdest me wysse · where that do -wel dwelleth · and do me that knowe to knowe · Do -wel and do -bet · and do -beste the thrydde q uod he · ar thre fayre vertues · and beth nougth fer to fynde who Who -so is trewe of his tonge and of his two handys · and thorough his labour or þurgh his londe · his lyflode wynnyth · and ys trusty of his taylende · taketh but his owen and is nougth drunkelewe · ne dysdeynous · do -wel hym folweth · Dobet dooþ rygth þus · ac he dooþ muche more he is also as lowe as a lombe · and louely of speche and helpeth alle men · aftur that hem nedeth · the bagges and þe bygerdles · he hath brokyn hem alle that the erl auarous · helde and his eyres · and thus wyþ mammonaes moneye · he hath made hym frendys · and is ronnyn to relygyou n · and hath rendred the bible and p recheth to þe peple · seynte poulys wordys Libent er suffertis insipientes · cu m sitis ip si sapientes · & c etera nil · And suffreth the vnwyse · wyth ȝow forto lybbe · and wyth glad wylle dooþ hem good · for so god ȝow hoteth Dobest is aboue bothe · and beryþ a buschops cros · ys hokyd on þat on ende · to halyȝe men fro helle a pyke is on þat potente · to putte a -dou n the wykkyd that wayten eny wykkydnesse · do -wel to tene and do -wel and do -be..t amonges hem haue ordeynyd ordeigned · to crownyn oon to be kyng · to rewlyn hem bothe · that ȝif do -wel or do -be..t · dude aȝenst do -best · than schal þe kynge come · and castyn hym hem yn yrnys · and but ȝif dobest preye bede for hym hem · they two be there · for euere Thus do -wel and do -bette · and do -best the thrydde · crownyd on to be kynge to kepen hem alle and to reule the reme · by her thre wyttys and none oþerwyse · but as they thre assentyd · y þonkyd þougth · that þo þat he me thus taugth e ac ȝit sauoureþ me nougth thi seiȝinge · y coueyte to lerne · how do -wel do -bet and do -beste · don amonge the peple · but wytte konne wysse the q uod þougth · where þoo þre dwelle elles wote y none that can · that now ys on lyue · Thouth and y thus · thre dayes we ȝedyn dysputynge vppon do -wel · day aftur othur and ar we wer waar · wyth wyt.. gon we mete · he was longe and lene lyke to none othre was no pryde vppon on his apparayle · ne pou erte neythre sadde of his semblaunt and of softe chere · y durste meue no matere · to make hym to iangle · erfley Hm.8.119:In the lower right margin appears a cursive pen trial that appears to be a family name or place name, written on the vertical axis, reading from top to bottom: erfley. but as y bad þougth thoo · be mene bytwene · and putte foorth sum p urpos · to p reuyn his wyttes what was dowel · fro dobet · and do -best fram hem bothe Thanne.... þought yn that tyme seyde thes woordes where do -wel · do -bet and do -beste ben yn londe · here is wil wolde wyte · ȝif wyt co...wde teche hym and wheþ er he be man or wo mman · this man wolde aspye · and wurchyn as þey thre wolde · þus þis ys his entent Passus nonus de visione · & secundus de do -weel · s S ire dowel dwelleþ q uod wytte · nougth a daye hennys · yn a castel that kynde made · of fourkyn four kyn thynges · of erþe and aer it is is it maad · medlyd to -gydres wyþ wynd and wyþ wat er · wytterly en.ionyd · k.....ynde hath closed þ eryn · craftyly wyth -alle a lemman that he loueth · lyke to hym -sylue Anima sche hatteth · ac enuye her hateth a proud p riker of Fraunce · p rinceps hui us mundi · and wolde wynne her a -way · wyth wyle wyles and he mygthe · Ac k....ynde knoweth this wel · and kepyth her the bettre · and dooþ her wyth sire dowel · is duke of these marches · Dobet is her damysele · sire dowel -is Hm.9.12: For the his -genitive, see Tauno F. Mustanoja, A Middle English Syntax, Part I: Parts of Speech (Helsinki, 1960), 159-162. See also Hm.19.54. doughter to serue the þis lady lely · bothe late and rathe · dobest is a -boue bothe · ...?...?...a bysshopes pere that he byt moot be do · he rewleth hem alle · Anima that lady · is ladde by his lerynge ac þe constable of þat castel · þat kepeþ al the wacche · ys a wys knygth wyth -alle · sire .Inwyt he hatteth · and hath fyue fayre sonys · by his furste wyue · syr seewel and saywel · and herewel the ende sir wurche wel wyth thyn hand · a wygth man of strenkthe · and sir godfrey gowel · grete lordes forsothe · these fyue ben sette · to saue this lady · Anima tyl kynde come or sende · to haue saue her for euere What kyn thynge ys kynde q uod y · canste thu me telle · kynde q uod wytt witte is a creature · of all kyn thyng es fadur and furmour · of all þat euere was maked · and that is þe grete god · that gynnynge hadde neu ere · lord of lyf and of lygth · of lysse and of peyne aungels and alle þynge · arn at his wylle ac man is hym moste lyke · of mark and of schaft for þurgh þe woord þat he spake wexen foorþ bestes · Dixit & facta sunt & c etera · And made furst Adam man man · lykest to hym -sylfe one · and eue of his rybbe bon · wyth -outyn eny mene for he was synguler hym -selfe · and seyde faciamus as who seith more moot herto · than my woord one my mygth moot helpe nowe wyth my speche · rygth as a lord schulde make lettres · and hym lakkyd p archemyn · thouwe he wryte neu ere so wele · ȝif he hadde no penne · the lettre for all the lordschipe · y leue were neu ere ymakyd · And so it semeþ by hym · as the bible telleth · there he seyde · dixit & facta sunt · he moot werche wyth his woord · and his wytte schewe and yn this manere was man maad · thorow mygth of god almyghty · wyþ his woord and werkmanschipe · and wyth his lyf lyf to laste · and thus god gaf hym a goost · of the godhed of heuene and of his grete grace · grauntyd hym blysse · and þat is lyf that ay schall laste · to alle lynage aftur and þat is the castel · that kuynde made · caro it hatteth and is also as muche to mene · as man wyth a soule · and that he wrougth wyth werke · and wyth woord bothe · thurgh mygth of the mageste · man was y -makyd · Inwytt and alle wyttes · closyd ben therynne · for loue of þat þe lady a ni ma · that lyf is y -nempnyd · oueral yn mannys body · ...ȝhe he Hm.9.56: Ȝhe, "she." walketh and wandreth · and yn the herte is her hoom · and her moste reste · ac ynwytte is yn the hed · and to the herte he loketh · what a ni ma is leef or loth · he lat her at his wylle · for aftur the grace of god · þe grettyst is ynwytt Moche wo wurþ th..o þat m..en man · þat mysrewleth his ynwytt and And þat beth glotou ns gluberous globbares · her god is her wombe · Quorum deus venter est · & c etera nil · for they seruyn sathan · her soules schal he haue · that lyueth synful lyf lyf here · her soule is lyke the deuyl and alle þat lyuen good lyf · arn lyke to god almyghty Qui manet in caritate in deo manet · & c etera · Alas þat drynke schall fordo · þat god dere bougth · and dooþ god forsakyn hem · that he schoop to his lyknesse · Amen dico vobis · nescio vos & alibi · Et dimisi eos s ec und um desideria eoru m · & c etera · Folys þat faylyn fauten ynwytte · y fynde þat holy cherche · schulde fynde hem that ....they hem faylen fauteth fauted · and faderles childryn · and wydewes that haue nougth · wherwyth to wynnyn wynnen hem her food · madde men and maydenes · that helples were alle þese lacken ynwytt · and lore byhoueth Of þys mat er y mygth · makyn a longe tale and fyndyn fele wytnesses · amonge þe four doctours · and þat y lye nougth of that y lerne lere the · luke beryþ wytnesse Godfadur and godmodur · that seen her godchildryn · at mysayse and at myscheef · and mowyn · hem amende · schull haue penaunce yn purgatory · but ȝif they hem helpe · for more bylongeth to the lytyl barn · er he the lawe conne knowe · than nempnynge of aname a name · and he neu ere the wysere · schulde no crystene creature · cryen at the ȝate · ne faylen payn and ne potage · and p relatys dudyn as þey schuldyn a iewe wolde nougth seen a iewe go ianglynge for deffaute · for alle þe nobles moebles on this molde · and he amende it mygth alas þat a crystene creature · schall be vnkynde tyl another · Syþþe iewes that we .Iuge · Iudas felawes · eythur of hem helpeth othre · of that þat þat h.em hym nedeth · whi ne woll nel we crystene · of crystes good ben also as kynde · as iewes þat ben our lores -men · schame to vs alle · the comou n for her vnkyndenes · y drede me schull a -bye · Busschopes schull be blamyd · for beggers sake · he wurse than iudas · that ȝyueth a iap er syluer and byddeth the begger go · for his brokyn clothes · Proditor est p relatus cu m iuda qui p atrimoniu m christi minus distribuit · & alibi · p erniciosus dispensator .......est qui res paup eru m christi inutilit er consumit · He dooth nougth well þat doth þus · ne dredeþ drat nougth god almyghty · he Ne loueþ nougth salamones sawes · that sapience made tauȝte · Iniciu m sapiencie timor d omini · & c etera nil · That dredeþ god he doth well · þat dredeth hym for loue · and nougth for drede of vengeau nce · dooþ þerfore þe bettre · he doth best þat wyþdraweþ hym · by day and by nygthe · to spille any speche · or any space of tyme · Qui offendit in vno in om nib us reus est est reus · & c etera nil · Lesynge of tyme · trewth.e wote the sothe is moste hatyd vpon erþe · of hem þat ben yn heuene · and suþþe to spille speche · þat spicere spyre is of grace · and a And goddes gluman · and a gamyn game Hm.9.110: Hm alone has the dissyllabic and thus unmetrical spelling gamyn against the game of other manuscripts. F also has gamen, but the line is substantially rewritten there. of heuene · wolde neu ere þe feythfull fader · .hysys f......ythele were vntempryd · ne his glewman a gadelynge · a goere to tauernes · To alle trewe tydymen · that trauayle desyryn · our lord loueþ hem and leneth hem lent · lowde oþ er stylle · grace to go to hem · and a -gon her lyflode · Inquirentes aute m .......d omin um no n minuentur omni bono · & c etera nil · Trewe weddyd lyuynge folke yn þys worlde ys dowel · for þey moot werche and wynne · and þe world susteyne · for of her kynde · þey come · þat confessoures ben ne mpnyd kynges and knyghtes · caysers and cherles maydens and martyres · out of oo man come · the wyf was maad þe wey · forto helpe werche · and þus was wedlok y -wrougth · wyth amene a mene p ersone · fyrste by the fadres wylle and þe frendys conseyl · and suþþyn by the bi assent of hem -selfe as þey two mygth accorde · and þus was wedlok y -wrougth · and god hym -sylfe it made · yn erthe the heuene ys · hym -sylfe was the wytnes ac fals folke feythles · theuys and lyers wastours and wrecchis · oute of wedlok y trowe · conceyuyd ben yn euyl tyme · as caym was on eue · of suche synfull schrewys . þe saut er makyth mynde . Concepit .........dolorem in dolore · & pep erit iniquitatem · & c etera · And alle þat comyn of that caym · comyn to euil ende for god sente to seem · and seyde by an Aungel · th..yn yyssue .in thyn yssue · y woll þat þey be weddyd and nougth þy kynde wyþ caymes · y -cowplyd ner ne spousyd Ȝit summe aȝen the sonde · of our saueour of heuene · caymes kynde and his kynde · couplyd to -gydres tyl god wratthid for her werkes · and suche a woord seyde · that y made man · now it me furthynketh · Penitet me fecisse ho mi nem · & c etera nil · And come to noe anoon · and bad hym .nougth lette · swythe go schape a schip · of schydes and of boordys · thy -sylf and þy sonys thre · and sutthyn ȝour wyues buske ȝow to þat boot · and abydeth bideth ȝe ther -ynne · tyl fourty dayes ben fulfulde · þat flood haue ywaschyn · clene awey þe cursyd blood · þat caym hath y -makyd · bestys þat now ben · schull banne the tyme · that euere cursyd þat cursed cayme · come to on this erthe Alle schall deye for ...?...?...his dedys · by dalys and by hylles · and þe fowles that fleen · foorþ wyth oþre bestys · eccepte onlyche · of eche kynde a couple · that yn thy schynglyd schip · schull be sauyd ysaued · Here abougthe þe barn · the belsyres gultys · ...?...?...& alle for her forfadres · þey feerdyn the wurse the gospel is heragayn · yn oo degre y fynde · Filius non portabit · iniquitatem p atris · & pat er non portabit iniquitatem filij · & c etera nil Ac y fynde ȝif þe fader be · fals and a schrewe that sumdel the sone · schall haue the syres tecchis ympe vpon on an ellerne tre ellerne · and ȝif the þine appul be swete muche meruayl me thynketh · and more of a schrewe that bryngeþ foorþ any barn · but ȝif he be the same and haue a sauour aft er þe syre · selde seest thu oþer Nunq uam colligit ur de spinis vua vuas · nec de tribulis ficus · & c etera nil · And thus þurgh cursyd caym · cam care vpon erthe · and all for þey wrougth wedlokes · aȝenste goddes wylle forthy haue þey maugree of her maryages þat maryen so her childryn for summe as y se now · the sothe to soth forto telle · for couetyse of catel · vnkyndely ben weddyd · and As carfull concepcyou n · cometh of suche maryages as byfel of þe folke · þat ybyfore y byfore of tolde for good e schuldyn wedde good e  þouȝ her neyther hij no good hadde · y am via & veritas seyth cryst · y may auaunce alle · It is an vncomely couple · by cryst as me thynketh to ȝyuen aȝonge a ȝonge wenche · to an olde feble man feble · or wedde any wedywe · for welthe of her goodes þat neuere schal barn bere · but it be yn armys many a peyre syth pestylence þe pestilence · han plygth hem to -gydres the frute .þat þey brynge foorth · arn fowl woordes ...In ielosye ioyles · and iangly.nge ab.edde haue þey no childryn but cheste · and carpynge choppyng hem ...?...betwene and þouwe þey doon hem to dunmowe · but ȝif þe deuel helpe · to folwyn aftur the flykke · fecche they it neuere · and but þey bothe ben forsworn · þat bacou n þe y tyne forthi y conseyle all crystyn men crystene · coueyte nougth ben wedded · for couetyse of catel · ne of kynrede ryche ac maydens & maydens · macche ȝow to -gydres · wydwes and wydwes Widwes and widwers Hm.9.188: CrHm read wydwes and wydwes. The verse caused the scribes some difficulty, but alpha reads Wydeweres and wydewes (in the spelling of R) against beta's Widwes and widwers. · wurcheth the same for none no londys but for loue · loke ȝe be wedded and þa nne gete ȝe the grace of god · & good y -now to lyue wyth · and euery maner seculer · þat may nougth conteyne · wysly go wedde and war hym fro synne · for lecchery yn lykynge · is lymȝerde of helle whiles þu art ȝonge · and þy wepne kene wreke þe wyþ wyuynge · ȝif þu wolte ben excused Dum sis vir fortis · ne des tua robora scortis · Scribitur in portis · meretrix est ianua mortis · Whan ȝe han wyued be waar · and wurche yn tyme nougth as Adam and Eue · whan tyme caym was engendred for yn vntyme trewly · bytwene man and wo mman ne schulde no berde yn bourde on bedde be · but ȝif þey were boþe bothe were clene bothe of lyfe and of soule and yn p arfyt charyte · that ylke derne dede do · noman ne schulde and ȝif þey ledyn thus her lyfe it lyketh god all -myghty for he made wedlok furst · and hym -sylf it seyde Bonu m est vt vnusquisq ue vx orem suam h abeat p ropt er fornicac io nem · & c etera nil And þey þat oþergatys were ben getyn · for gadelyng es ben holdyn · als fals folke foundlynges · faytours and lyers vngracyous to gete good · or loue of the peple · wandryn and wastyn · what they cacche mowe aȝenst do -wel þey don euyl · and þe deuel s erue · and aftur her deþ -day · schull dwell w yt h þe same · but god gyue hem grace here · hem -sulf to amende · Dowel my frende is · to don as lawe . techeth to loue þy frende and þy fo · leue me þat is do -bet to ȝyuen and to ȝemyn · bothe ȝonge and olde to helyn and to helpyn · is dobest of alle · and dowel is to drede god · and do -bet to suffre · and so cometh do -best of bothe · and bryngeþ dou n adoun þe mody and that is wykkyd wikked wille þat many werke schendeth and dryueth a -wey dowel · þurgh dedly synnys Passus x us decimus · de visione · & iij us tertius · de do -weel · t T hanne hadde wytt a wyfe · was hotyn dame studye · þat lefe lene was to of lere Hm.10.2: Hm's lef was to lere is unique, involving a misinterpretation of lere as the verb "learn." The archetypal reading is lene was of lere, "was lean of face," though Cr 1 prints leue for lene. · And of lyche boþe sche was wondurly wroth · þat wytt þus me me þus taugth e and al starynge dame studye · sternly seyde · Wel art thu wys q uod sche to wytt · eny wysdomes to telle to flaterers or to folys · þat frentyk ben of wyttes and blamyd hym · and bannyd hym · and bad hym ben stylle wyþ suche wyse wordes · to wyssyn eny sottes · and seydyn noli mittere man · margery p erles · amonge hogges · that han hawes at wylle þey done but dreuelyn þ eron · draf were hem leuere than al þe p recyous p errey · þat yn p aradys wexeth y seye it by suche q uod sche · þat scheweþ by her werkys that hoem were leuer · lond and wurschip lordship on erthe or rycchesse or rentys · or and reste at her wylle þan all þe soþsawes soþ sawes · þat salamon seyde euere Wysdom and wytt now · is nougth wurþ a kerse but ȝif it be cardyd wyþ couetyse · as kembsters clotheres kembyn her wolle who -so can contreue dysceytes · and conspyre wronges · and lede foorþ a loueday · to lette wyþ trewthe · he þat suche craftes can · to counseyl is clepid they ledyn lordes wyþ lesynges · and bylyeþ trewþe Iob þe gentyle · yn his gestys wytnesseth · þat wykkyd men ...?...nweldyn · Hm.10.24: Weldyn and the punctus are written over an erasure of at least ten letters ending with <n>; the initial <w> has a splayed lead-in stroke to fill some of the extra space created by the erasure. Kane and Donaldson reasonably surmise the original reading may have been archetypal þey weldyn. þe welþe of þys worlde and that they be lordys in of ylke alonde a londe · þat out of lawe lybbeth Quare impij viuu nt · b en e est o mnibus · qui p reuaricant ur · & ...?...iniq ue agunt · & c etera nil The saut er seyþ þe same · by suche þat don ylle Ecce impij ipsi Hm.10.28: The scribe picked up impij from Hm.10.26. p ecc atores habundantes · in sec ulo obtinueru nt diuicias · Loo seith holy lettrure · whiche woordes lordes be these þis shrewes · þulke that god gyueþ most · lest good þey deleth · and most vnkynde to þe comou n · þat most catel weldeþ · Que p erfecisti destruxeru nt iustus autem · & c etera · Harlotes for her harlotrye · may haue of her go....odes and iapers and iugolours Hm.10.34: Kane and Donaldson misread as iungolours. · and ianglers of gestys · Ac he þat hath holy wrytt · ay yn his mowth · and can telle of Thobye · and of þe twelue apostles · or p rechyn of þe penaunce · þat pylat wrougth to ihesu þe gentyle · that iewes to -drowe · lytil is he louyd · that suche a lessou n scheweth · or dauntyd or drawe foorþ · y do it on god hym -sylue · But tho that feynyn hem foles · and wyþ faytynge lybbeþ aȝen the lawe of our lord · and lyen on hem -sylue · spyttyn and spewyn · and spekyn fowle woordes · drynkyn and dreuelyn · and do men to gape · lykne men and lyȝe on hem · that leneþ hem no ȝiftes they conne nomore mynstracy · ne musyk men to glade · than munde the myller · of multa fecit deus ne were her vyle harlotrye · haue god my trewthe · schulde neuere kynge ne knygth · ne chanou n of seynt poules ȝyue hem to her ȝeresȝyue · ȝee the þe ȝifte of a grote ac merthe and mynstracy · is amonge men nouthe lecchery and losengerye · and losels tales glotany and grete othes · þis merthey merthe murthe þey loueth Ac ȝif they carpyn of cryst · these clerkes and þyse lewyd at þe mete yn her merthe · whan mynstrales ben stylle · tellen Hm.10.56: The correcting scribe wrote ne to complete þanne and then they, but failed to supply the verb. He later added tellen in the right margin, but failed to indicate its placement. they of of þe trynyte · a tale other tweyne · and bryngeþ foorth a ballyd resou n · & takyn bernard to wytnesse and puttyn foorþ a p resu mpcyou n · to p reue the sothe thus þey dreuelyn at her deys · þe deite to knowe and gnawyn god wyþ þe gorge · whan þe her guttys fyllyn · ac þe carful may carpe · and cryȝen crye · and carpen at the ȝate boþe an -hungred and a -þurste and for chele quake ys noon to nymen hym neer · his noyȝe to amende but huntyn hym as an hound · and hotyn hym go thennys lytyl loueþ he þat lorde · þat lent hym all þat blysse · that þus p arteth wyth þe poore · a p arcel whan hym nedeth Hm.10.67-69: A crude line drawing (or pen trials) appear in the left margin. ne were mercy yn mene men · more than yn ryche · mendynauntes meteles · myghten go to bedde · god is muche yn þe gorge · of þese grete maystres ac amonges mene men · his mercy and his werkes and so seith þe saut er · y haue seen it ofte · Ecce audiuim us eam in effrata · inuenim us ea m in campis silue · & c etera nil · Clerkes and oþerkyn oþer kyn men · carpyn of god faste and hauyn moche yn þe mouþ · ac mene men yn herte frerys and faytours · han foundyn suche questyouns to plese wyþ proud men · sytthe þe pestylence tyme and p rechyn at seynt poules · for pur enuye of clerkes that folke is nougth f..ermyd yn the feyþ · ne fre of her goodes ne sory for her synnys · so ys pryde woxen · yn relygyou n and yn all þe reme · amonge ryche and pouere that prayers han no power · the pestylence to let..te and ȝit þe wrecchis of þys worlde is noon waar by other ne for drede of deeþ · wyþdrawyn nougth her pryde ne beþ plentyfous to þe pouere · as pure charyte wolde but yn gaynesse and yn glotanye · forgluttyn her good hem -sylue · and brekyn nougth to þe beggere · as þe book techeþ Frange esurienti panem tuu m · & c etera And þe more he wynneth and welte welþes and rycchesse · and lordes yn londes · the lesse good he deleth · Hm.10.90-104 betou n brygg es thobye telleth ȝow nougth so · taketh hede ȝe ryche how þe booke of þe byble · of hym bereþ wytnesse Si tibi sit copia habundant er tribue · Si autem exiguu m · illud imp ertiri stude libent er · & c etera nil · Who -so haue hath muche spende manlyche so meneth thobye · and who -so lytyl weldeth · reule hym þ ere -aftur for we haue no lettre of our lyfe how longe it schall endure dure · suche lessouns lordes · schuldyn louye to here · and how þey he mygth moste meyne · manly fynde Nougth to fare as a fytheler · or a frere to seke festes homlyche at othre mennyshouses mennys houses · and hatyn her owen · elenge is the halle · eche day yn the wyke · ther þe lord ne þe lady · lykeþ nougth to sytte · now haþ eche ryche arewle a rewle · to etyn by hem -sylue · yn a p riue p arlour · for poore mennys sake · or yn a chambre wyþ a chymneye · & leue þe chefe halle · that was maad for melys · men to etyn ynne and al to spare to spille · that spende schall an nother I haue herd hiȝe men · atte the table etynge etyng atte table · carpyn as they clerkes were · by of cryst and of his myghtes and leyden fawtes vpon þe fader · þat formed vs alle and carpen aȝen clerkys · crabbyd woordes why wolde our saueour · suffre suche a worm yn his blysse · that bygylyd so the þe womman · and þe man aftur thorow whiche wyles and woordes · þey wente to helle · and all her seed for her synnys synne · þe same deeþ suffryd · Here lyeþ ȝour lore · lordes þise lordes gonne despute · of þat þe clerkes vs kennyth · by cryst of of cryst by the gospel Filius non portabit iniquitatem p atris · & c etera Why schulde we þat now ben · for þe werkes of adam · roten Roten and to -rente (to)rende resou n wolde it neuere Vnusquis.q ue portabit onus suu m · & c etera · Suche mootyues they meue · þese maystres yn her glorye and makyn men yn mysbyleue · þ at musyn mochyl on her woordes ymagynatyf her -aftyrward · schall answere to ȝour p urpos austyn to suche arguers · he telleþ hem þys teme · Non plus sap ere q uam oportet & c etera · wylneþ neuere to wyete wite Hm.10.127: Hm is the only manuscript to read wete, and that is the result of a scribal correction. Other B manuscripts read wite. · why that god wolde suffre so Suffre Hm.10.128: The same variation occurs at Hm.10.135. sathan · his seed to be -gyle ac byleue lely · yn the lore of holy cherche and praye hym of p ardou n · and penaunce yn thy lyue and for his mechyl moche mercy · to amende ȝow here for alle þat wylneþ to wyte · þe weyes of god almyghty · y wolde his eiȝe were yn his ers · & his fyngor aftyr that euere wylneth to wyte · why þat god wolde suffre so Suffre Hm.10.135: The same variation appears in Hm.10.128. sathan · his seed to begyle or iudas to the iewes · ihesu bytraye al was þu woldest · lorde y -wurschipyd be thu and wurth al worth as thu wolt · what -so we despute And þo þat vsyn þese hauylou ns · to blende mennys wyttes what is do -well fro do -bet · and Hm.10.140: The erased and is visible under ultra violet light, and would have agreed with & in Cr 1 against now in most B manuscripts. deef mote he Hm.10.140: The words mote he are partially erased but legible. worþe sytthe he wylneþ to wyte whiche þey ben boþe Hm.10.141: The words ben boþe are partially erased but legible. but he lyue yn the lyf · that longeth to do -wel for y dar ben his bolde bo...rwh þat do -bet woll he neuere for þouȝ Þeigh dobest drawe on hym · day after oþ ere And whan þat wytte was y -waar · what dame studye tolde he bycam so confuse d confus · he cowde nougth loke and as doumbe as deeþ · and drowh hym arere and for no carpynge þat y I couthe aftyr ne knelynge to the grounde · y mygth gete no greyn · of his grete wyttys but al lauȝhynge he lowted · and lokyd vpon studye yn sygne þat y schulde · beseche hure of grace And whan y was war of his wyl · to his wyf gan y loute and seyde mercy madame · ȝour man schall y wurthe as longe as y leue bothe late and rathe forto wurche ȝour wyll · whil þe while my lyfe dureth so With þat ȝe kenne me kyndely · to knowe what ys dowel for þy mekenesse man q uod sche · and for þy mylde speche y schal kenne þe to my cosyn that clergye is y -hotyn hoten he haþ weddyd a wyfe wyth -ynne these sixe monthes þat is Is sybbe to þe seuene artz · scripture ys her name they two as y hope · aftur my techynge schull wysse þe to dowel · y dar it vndurtake · Thanne was he I also fayn · as foul of fayr morwe and gladder þan þe glewman · þ at golde haþ to ȝifte and askyd here þe hiȝe way · where þ at glergye [c]lergye clergye dwelleþ dwelte and telle me by me sum tokne q uod y for tyme ys þat y wende Aske þe hiȝe way q uod sche · hennys to suffre · boþe weel and eke and woo · ȝif ȝif þat thu wylte lerne · and ryde foorþ by rycchesse · ac reste þu nougth þ erynne for ȝif þu couplest the þ erwyth · to clergye comest þu neuere And also þe lykerous launde · þat lecchery hatteth · leef hym on þy lefthalfe left half a large myle or more · tyl þu come to a court · kepe well þy tonge fro lesynges and lyther speche · and lykerous drynkes Thanne schalt thu see soberte · and symplesse symplete of speche · that eche wygth be yn wylle · his wytte þe to schewe and þus schalt þu come tome to clergye þ at can many thynges seiȝe hym þys sygne · y sette hym to scole · and þat y grete well his wyfe for y wrote her many bookes and sette her to sapience · and to þe saut er glosyd · logyk y lernyd here · and many othur lawes · and alle þe musou ns of in musyke · y made her to knowe · plato the poiete · y putte hym furst to booke · arystotle and othre moo · y taugth hem argue to argue I tauȝte · gramer for gerles · y gart ferst to wryte · and beet hem wyth a balays · but ȝif þey wolde lerne · Of allekyn craftes · y contreuyd toolys of carpuntry of keruers · and compaced masou ns · and lernyd hem to leuel leuel and lyne þow y looke dy mme · ac theologie haþ tenyd me · ten score tymes · the more y muse þ erynne · þe mystyere it semeth · and þe depper y dyuyne · þe derker me it þenkeþ yt is no conscyence forsothe · forto sotyle ynne · a fullyeþyy ful lyeþyy Hm.10.194: Hand3 in correcting <y> to <e> adds his characteristic flourish to word-terminal <y>. þynge it were · ȝif þat loue nere · ac for it leet best by loue · y loue it þe bettre for þere þat loue is ledere · ne lacked neu ere grace · looke þu loue lely · ȝif the lyke lyketh do wel · for dobet and dobest · ben of loues kynne · yn othre science it seyth · y say it yn catou n Qui simulat verbis · nec in nec corde est fidus amicus Tu quoq ue fac simile · sic ars d.eluditur arte · & c etera nil Who -so gloseþ as gylours don · go me to þe same · and so schalt þu fals folke · and feithles bygyle this is þe is catou n catones kennynge · to folke clerkes þat he lereth Ac theologye techeþ nougth so · who -so taketh ȝeme he kenneþ vs þe contrarye · aȝenst catou ns woordes for he bytte vs be as bretherne · and bydde for our enne..mys and louen hem þat lyen on vs · and lene hem whan hem nedeth · and do good aȝen aȝeines euel · ....for god god hym -selfe it hoteth Dum tempus habemus · op erem ur bonu m ad om nes maxime autem ad domesticos fidei · & c etera Poule p reched the peple · that .p ar fitnesse louede to do good for goddys loue · and gyue men that askyn · and namly to suche that sewyn oure byleue and alle þ at lacketh vs or lyeth · our lord techeþ vs to louye and nougth to greuen hem þat greueth vs · god hym -sylfe forbad it · Michi vindictam & ego retribuam · & c etera · for -þy loke thu louye · as longe as thu durest · for is no science vndur sonne so souereyn for þe soule · ac astronomye is an hard thynge · and euel forto knowe · geometrye and geomesye · so is gentyl ginful of speche who -so thenkeþ wurche wyth tho two · þryueth ful late for sorcery is the souereyn booke · that to tho scyence s longeth Ȝit are ther fybycches yn forcers · of fele mennys makynge exp erementes of alkenemye · the peple to desceyue ȝif thu thenke to do wel · dele þ erwyth neuere alle þese scyences y my -selfe sotylyd and ordeyned and foundyd hem formyst · folke to desceyue telle clergye þese tokenes · and scrypture aftur to conseyle þe kyndely · to knowe what is do -wel I seyde gramercy madame · and mekely her grette and wente wyghtly awey · wyþ -outyn more lettynge · and tyl y come to clergye · cowde y I couthe neuere stynte and grette þe goodman · as studye me tolde tauȝte and aftyrward þe wyfe and wurschiped hem bothe · and tolde hym hem the tokenes · that me taugth were was neuere gome on vppon þys grounde · syþ god makyd þe worlde fayrer vndurfongyn ne frendloker at ese · than my -sylfe sothly · sone so he wyste · that y was of wyttes hous · and wyth his wyf dame studye I seide to hem sothly · that sent was y ......thider dowel and dobet · and dobeste to lerne yt is acomou n a comou n lyfe q uod clergye · on holy cherche to beleue · wyþ alle the articules of þe feyth · þ at falleþ to byknowe be knowe and þat is to beleue · lely · both leryd and lewyd · on þe grete god · that gynnynge hadde neuere · and on þe soþfast sone · þat saued mankynde fro þe dedly deeþ · and þe fendys deueles powere thurgh þe helpe of þe holy gost · þe whiche goste ...? of bothe thre p ersones · ac nougth yn plurel noumbre for alle is but o god · and eche is god hym -sylue Deus pat er deus filius deus sp iritus sanctus · & c etera nil God the fader god þe sone · god holygoost of bothe maker of mankynde · and of bestys bothe · Austyn the olde · herof maade bookes and hym -sylfe ordeyned · to sadde vs yn byleue who was his autour · alle þese þe four eu aungelystes and cryste clepyd hem -selfe hym -self so · þe eu aungelistes bereþ wytnes alle þe clerkes vndur cryst · ne cowdyn þys assoyle · but þus it bylongeth to byleue · to lewyd þat wolen dowel · for hadde neuere freke fyn wytte · þe feith to despute ne man hadde no meryte · mygth it ben y -preuyd · Fides non habet meritu m · vbi humana rac io p rebet exp erimentu m · & c etera nil · Thanne is dobet to suffre · for the þi soules helthe · and Al þat þe book bytte · by holy cherches techynge · and þat is man by thy mygth · for mercyes sake · loke thu werche it yn werke · þat þy woord scheweth · suche as þu semyst yn sygth · be yn assaye founde yfounde · Appare quod es vel esto quod appares · & c etera nil And lat no -body be · by thy berynge be nil bygylyd but be suche yn thy soule · as þu semest wyth -oute · than is do -best to be bolde · to blame the gulty · syþnes thu semest seest thy -sylfe · as yn soule clene · ac blame thu neuere body · and thu be blame -wurthy · Si culpare velis · culpabilis esto esse cauebis · Dogma tuu m sordet · cu m te tua culpa remordet · & c etera nil God yn the gospell greuously grymly rep reueth alle þat lacken eny lyf · and lackles han hem -sylue Qui consideras festuca m in oculo fr atris tui · trabem in oculo tuo · & c etera · Why meuest thu thy mood for a mote · yn thy broþers eiȝe · syþen a beem yn thy owen · all blyndeth ablyndeth thy -sylue · Eice primo trabem in de oculo tuo & c etera · whiche letteþ þe to looke · lesse other more · I rede eche eche a blynd bosard · do bote on to hym -sylue · for abbotes and for p riores · and for alle manere p relates and p arsou ns and p aresch p reestes · þat p reche schulde and teche · alle manere of men · to amende · by her myghtes this tixt was told ȝow · to be war er ȝe taugthe that ȝe were suche as ȝe seyde · to saue salue wyth othre · for goddes woord wolde nougth be lost · for þat wercheþ euere ȝif it a -vayled nougth the comou n · it mygth a -vayle ȝow -sylue · Ac it semeþ now soþly · to the worldes sygth þat goddes woord wurcheth nougth · on lewyd nor yn leryd lered ne on lewede but yn suche aman...ere a manere as marke meneth yn the gospel · Du m ..cecus ducit cecu m · ambo in fouea m cadunt · & c etera nil · Lewyd folke men may lykne ȝow thus · þ aat Hm.10.295: The scribe began to write the abbreviated form of þat using a superscript <a>, but then erased that character and wrote the word out normally. þe beem lyeth yn ȝour eiȝe · and þe festu is fallyn · for ȝowr owen ȝowre deffaute yn alle manere men · þurgh mansyd p reestes the byble bereþ wytnesse · þat all þe folke of ysrael · byttre abouȝtyn the gultes · of two badde p reestes ofn..y and phynees · for her couetyse archa dei myshappyd · and ely brak his nekke · forþy ȝe correctours · claweþ her -onne & correcteþ fyrst ȝow -sylue · and þanne mowe ȝe sauely seye · as dauid made the saut er · Existim....asti iniq ue q uod ero tui similis · argua m te & statua m cont ra facie m tuam · & c etera And þa nne schull burrel clerkes · ben abaschid to blame ȝow or greue · and carpe nougth as þey carpe now · and calle ȝow doumbe houndys Canes non valentes latrare & c etera nil · And drede to wratthe ȝow yn eny woord · ȝour werkmanschip to lette and be p restyer at ȝour prayer · than for a pound of noblys · and al for ȝour holynesse · haue ȝe þys yn herte · In scole þere is scorn · but ȝif a clerk woll lerne and gret loue and lykynge for eche of hem loueth othre · ac now is relygyou n arydere a rydere · aromere a romere by stretys and A ledere of louedayes · and a lond -byggere a prykyere on a palfray · fro maner to maner an hep of houndys at her his ers · as a lord he he a lorde were and but ȝif his knaue knele · þat schall his cuppe brynge he loureþ on hym and lackeþ axeth hym · who taugth hym curtasye · lytyl hadde lordes to done · to ȝyue londe fro her heyres to relygyous that haue no rewthe · þowȝ it reyne on her auters In many places þere þey p arsou ns ben · by hem -sylfe at ese · of þe poore haue þey no pyte · and þat is her charyte · and þey letyn hem as lordes · her londes lyn londe lith so brode but Ac þer schal come a kynge and confesse ȝow relygyou.s and bete ȝow as þe byble telleth · for brekynge of ȝour reule · and amende monyales · monkes and chanou ns · and puttyn hem to her penaunce · ad pristinu m statu m statum ire and barou ns wyþ erlys betyn hem · þurgh beatus virres techyng · that her barnys cleymyn · and blamyn ȝow fowle · Hij in curribus & hij in equis ip si obligati sunt · & c etera · And þanne frerys yn her freytours freitoure · schul fynde a keye · of costantynes cofrys · yn whiche is the catel · that grygoryes good god childryn · han euel despendyd and þan schall the habbot of habyndou n · & al his yssue for euere haue a knokke of of [of] of a kynge and yincurable ys nil the wounde That this wurth · sooth seke ȝe · þat ofte ouerseen · the byble Quando Quomodo cessauit exactor quieuit tributu m contriuit d omin us baculu m i mp ior um & virga m dominanciu m · & cedencium plaga insanabili & c etera nil · Ac er þat kynge come · caym schall awake · ac dowel schal dynge hym dou n · and destruyen his mygth Than is do -wel and do -bet q uod y · d omin us and knygth kniȝthode y woll nel nougth scorne q uod scrypture · but ȝif scryueynes lye · kynghod ne knygthhod · by nougth y can wayte awayte · helpeþ nougth to heuenward · on he...?...res ende · ne rycchesse rygth nougth · ne realte of lordes poule p rechith preueth it ..impossible Hm.10.345: Only the first minim of <m> is overwritten. · ryche men haue heuene · Salomou n seith also · that syluer is wurst to louye · Nil Nichil iniquius q uam amare pecuniam · & c etera nil · And catou n kenneþ vs to coueytyn it · nougth but as nede techeþ Dilige denoariu m sed parce dilige formam · & c etera nil And patryarkes and p rophetes · and poetys bothe · wrytyn to wyssyn vs · to wylne no rycchesse · and preysedyn pouerte wyþ pacyence · þe apostles bere wytnes that they han erytage yn heuene · and by trewe rygth ther ryche men no rygth may cleyme · but of reuþe & grace · Contra quod y by cryst · that can y preue repreue · and preue it by pet er · and by poule bothe · that is baptysed deth beth saueth sauf · be he ryche or pouere · that is yn extremys q uod scrypture · among sarsyns & iewes they mowe be sauyd so · and that is oure byleue that an vncrystene yn this þat caas · may crystyne and hethyne · and for his lely lele byleue · whan he the lyfe tyneth · haue þe herytage of heuene · as eny man crystene · Ac crysten men wyth -oute more · mowyn nougth come to heuene · for that cryst for crystyn men · deyde and confermed þe lawe that who -so wolde and wylneth · wyth cryst to aryse · Si cum christo surrexistis · & c etera · He schulde louye and lene · and þe lawe fulfulle · that ys ....loue þi lord god · leuest abouen alle and aftur alle crystene creatures · yn comou n echeman eche man othre and þus bylongeth to louye · that leueth to be sauyd and but we don þus yn dede · er the day of dome It schall bysyttyn vs fulsour ful sour · þe syluer þat we kepyn · and our barkes þat motthes etyn moth -eten be · and seen beggers go nakyd · or delytyn yn wyn · and wyldefoul · and woot eny yn deffaute for euery crystene creature · schulde be kynde to til othre and syþþen heþen to helpe · yn hope of amendemente god hoteþ hyȝe and lowe · þat noman hurte othre and seith sle nougth þat semblable · is to my owen lyknes but ȝif y sende þe sum tokne · and seyth non mecaberis ys sle nougth but suffre · and all for the beste y For I schall punysche hem yn purgatorye or .in the pyt of helle · eche man for his mysdedes · but mercy it lette This is a longe lessou n q uod y · and lytyl am þe wysere · wher dowel is or dobet · derkly ȝe schewyn · many tales ȝe tellyn · þat theologye it lerneth lerneth · and þat y man maad was · and my name ........entryd · yn þe legende of lyfe · longe or y were or ellys vnwrytyn for sum wykkydnesse · as holy wryt wytnesseþ Nemo ascendit ad celum · nisi qui de celo discendit descendit · & etera · I leue it wel q uod y be our lord · & on no lettrure bettre for salamon the sage · that sapyence taugthe god gaf hym grace of wytte · and alle his goodes aftur he demyd wel and wysly · as holy wryt telleth arystotle and he · who wyssyd men bettre maystres of þat of goddes mercy · techyn men and p rechyn of her woordes þey wyssyn vs · for wysest as .in her tyme and all holycherche holdeth · hem boþe y -dampnyd · and ȝif y schulde werke by her werkes · to wy nne me heuene · that for her werkes and wytt · now cometh wonyeth yn peyne · than wrougth y vnwysly · what -so -eu ere ȝe preche · Ac of fele wytty yn feyth · lytyl ferly y haue · thowȝ he he[r] her gost be vngracyous · god forto plese for many men on þys moolde · more settyn her hertes yn good þan yn god · forþy hem grace fayleth · at her most myscheef · whan þey schul þe lyf lyf lete as salamon dude and suche oþre · þat schewdyn gret wyttes ac her werkes as holy wryt .....seyth · were was eu ere þe contrarye · forþy wyse wyttyd men · and well y -lettred clerkes as they seyn hem -syluen · seldom don · þerafter Sup er cathedra m moysy · & c etera · Ac y wene it wurthe of manye as was of in noes tyme tho he schoop that schipp · of schydes and boordes was neuere wrygth saued that wrougth þ eron · ne other werkman elles but bryddes and bestys · and the blessyd noe · and his wyfe wyth his sonys · and also her wyues of wyghtes wriȝtes that it wrougth e was noon of hem ysaued · God leue it fare nougth so wyth bi folke Hm.10.417: Erasure of <e> is only partial. · þat the feith techyn · of holy cherche that herb.orgh is · and goddys .hous to saue and schildyn vs fro schame þ erynne · as noes schypp dede bestys and men that madyn it · amydde the flood a -dreynten the culor um of this clause · is curatoures curatoures is to mene that ben carpenteres holy cherche to make · for crystes owen bestys Homines & iumenta saluabis domine · & c etera Hm.10.424-426: Illegible pen trials appear in the right margin. On good fryday y fynde · a felou n was ysaued that hadde lyued all his lyfe wyth lesynges and and wiþ thefte and for he bykned to biknew on the cros · and to cryst schrof hym · Mavde he was sonner sauyd · than seynt ioh an baptyst þe baptyst · deþ Hm.10.428: Above the line and before the word adam, a contemporary scribe wrote deþ, now only partially legible, but no insertion mark is present. and er adam or ysaye · or eny of the p rophetys that hadde leyn yleine wyth lucyfer · manye longe ȝeres a robbere was y -raunsomyd · rathur than they alle · wyþ -outyn eny penaunce of purgatory · to p erpetual blysse Than mary magdalene · what womman dede wurse · or who wurse than dauid · that vrryes deth conspyryd · or poule the apostle · that no pyte hadde · moche crystene kynde · to kylle to dethe · ...?...?...and ȝit now been been þise as souereyns · wyth seyntes yn heuene tho þat wroughtyn · wykkydlokest · yn worlde tho they were And tho that wysly woordydyn · and wryten many bookes of wytt and of wysdome · wyþ dampnyd soules wonye that salamon seith y trowe be sooth · and certayn of vs alle · Siue iusti atq ue sapientes · & op era eoru m in manu dei sunt · & c etera There were wytty and wel lybbynge · ac her werkes ben hudde yn the hondes of almyghty god · and he wote the sothe wherfore loue aman a man wurth alowyd þere · and his lele werkes or elles for his euel wyl · and for and enuye of herte and be alowyd as he lyued so · for by ly.....there · men knoweth the goode And wherby w.ete Hm.10.447: With the corrections, Hm alone reads wete against, variously wote, wite(n) and wiste. · men whiche is w...hyt · ȝif alle þynge blake were and who. w...ere a good man · but ȝif þ er were sum scherewe forþy lyue we foorþ wyþ oþre lither men · y leue fewe ben goode For quant oportet vient en place il nad q ue pati & c etera nil and he þat may alle amende haue mercy on vs alle · for sothest woord þat euere god seyde · was þat þo he seyde nemo bonus Clergie þo of crystes mouth · comendyd was it lytyl for he seyde to seynt pet er and to suche as he louede Cum Dum steteris steteritis ante reges & presides · & c etera · Thowe ȝe come · byfore kynges · and clerkes of the lawe beþ nougth abaschid · for y schall be yn ȝoure mowthes and ȝyue ȝow wytt. and wyll · and cunnynge to conclude · hem alle þat aȝenst ȝow · of crystyndom desputyn Dauid maketh mencyou n · he spake amonges kynges and mygth no kynge ou ercome hym · as by connynge speche of speche but wytt and ne wysdom · wan euere neuere Hm.10.462: HmF alone read euere against neuere in all other B manuscripts. Hm's error is possibly caused by the final <n> at the end of the preceding word wan. the maystrye whan man was at myscheef · wyþ -out þe more grace · The douhtiest doctour · ad a[n]d and dyuysour of þe trynyte · was austyn þe olde · and heiȝest of þe foure seyde þus yn a sarmou n · y say it wrytyn ones Ecce ip si idioti rapiu nt celu m vbi nos sapientes in inferno m ergim ur · & c etera nil · And is to mene to englisch men · more no ne lasse · arn none rathur y -rauaschid · fro þe rygth byleue · than arn þese kunnynge clerkes · that conne so many many bookes ne none sonn er saued · ne saddere of byleue · tha n ploughmen and pastoures · & poore comou n laborers souters and schepheerdes · and suche lewyd ..iuttes pa....ssen persen wyth a pat er ...?...noster · þe paleys of heuene · and passyn purgatory penaunceles · at her hennys p artynge ynto þe blysse of p aradys · for her pure byleue · that ynp arfytly here · knewyn and eke lyuedyn · Ȝhee men knowe clerkes · þat han cursyd þe tyme · that eu ere þey Hm.10.479: The <d> was re-inked after partial erasure. knowe or knewe Hm.10.479: Hm alone reads knowe against on þe boke in most B manuscripts, although Bx (LMCrWR) reads or knewe. · more þa n credo in deu m and p rincypally her pat er nost er · many a p arsou n haþ it hath wusschid I see ensamples by my -sylfe my -self · and so so may many another þat seruauntes þat seruyn lordes · seldom falle yn arerages · but þo þat þat kepyn my þe lordes catel · clerkes and reuys rygth so lewyd men · and of lytyl knowynge seldom falle þey so foule · and so fer yn synne · as clerkes of holy cherche · þat kepyn crystes tresour the whiche is mannys soule · to saue · as god seith yn þe gospel · Ite vos in vineam meam · & c etera Passus xi us undecimus · de visione · & iiij us quartus · de do -weel · t T hanne scripture scornyd me · & a skyll tolde and lackyd me yn latyn · & lygth by me sche sette and seyde multi multa sciunt · & seip sos nesciu nt · tho wepte y for wo · and wratthe of her speche and yn wynkynge a wynkyng wratthe · wex y a -slepe · a metels · mette me þanne · that y was rauaschid rygth þere · & fortune me fette and ynto longynge þe lond of longynge · alone sche me brougth · and yn a myrrour þ at higth myddel erthe · sche made me to byholde sytthyn sche seyde to me · here mygth þu se wondres and knowe þat þu coueytest · & come þ erto p araduenture · Hm.11.12: The rubricator failed to notice the paraph marker in the left margin. Than had fortune folwynge here · two fayre damysels concupiscencia carnis · men callyd þe elder mayde · and couetyse of eiȝen · y -callyd was þat other pryde of p arfit lyuynge · pursuyd hem bothe and bad me for my contynaunce · counte acounte(n) clergye hligth te Hm.11.16: The initial <l> has been created through the partial erasure of an original <h>. The remaining <h> has been retouched in the process of adding <te>. · concupiscencia carnis · collyd me aboute the nekke and seyde thu art ȝonge & ȝeep · & hast ȝeres ynowe · forto lyue longe · and ladyes to louye · and yn þys myrour þu mygth see · ful manye that ledyn þee wylle to lykynge al thy lyfe tyme the secunde seyde þe same · y schall sue þy wylle tyl thu be a lord & haue londe · lete þe y nylle þat y ne schall folowe þy ...?...?...felaschipe · ȝif fortune it lyke · He schall fynde me his frende . quod fortune þ erafter þe freke that folwyd my wylle · faylyd neu ere blysse Thanne was þ er oon þat higth elde · þat heuy was of chere man q uod he ȝif y mete wyth the · be marye of heuene · thu schalte fynde fortune þe fayle · at þy moste nede and concupiscencia carnis · clene the fursake · bytterly schalt þu banne þanne · bothe dayes and nyhtes couetyse of eiȝe þat euere thu her knewe and pryde of p arfyt lyuynge · to muche p eryl the brynge Ȝit yee recche þu þe neu ere q uod recchelesnesse · stod forth yn raggyd clothys folowe forth that fortune · wylle · þu hast wel fer to elde · a man may stoupe tymes ynowȝ · whan he schal tyne þe crowne · homo p roponit quod a poete · and plato he higth · and deus disponit quod he · lat god don his wylle · ȝif trewthe woll wytnes it be wel don · fortune to folwe concupiscencia carnis · ne couetyse of eiȝen · ne schall nougth greue the gretly · ne bygyle þe but thu wolte Ȝe farwel phippe q uod fawntelte · and forþ gan me drawe · tyl concupiscencia carnis · accorded alle my werkes · Alas eiȝe q uod elde · and holynesse bothe · þat wytt schal turne to wreccydnesse for wyl to haue his lykynge Couetyse of eiȝen · confortyd me anon aftur and folwyd me fourty wynt er · and a fyfte more · that of do -wel ne dobet · no deynte nme þougth e · y had no lykynge leue me ȝif thu lyst if þe leste · of hem ougth to knowe · for couetyse of eiȝen · came ofter yn mynde · than dowel or dobet · amonge my dedys alle Couetyse of yȝen · conforted me ofte and seyde haue thu no no conscyence · how thu come to good go confesse the to the sum frere · and schewe hym þy synnes · for whiles fortune is thy frende frerys woln þe louye · and fecche the to her frat ernite · and for the beseche · to her pryour p rouyncyal · a p ardoun forto haue · and preyen for the pol by pol · ȝif þu pecuniosus be be peccuniosus · Set pena pecuniaria · non sufficit pro sp iritualib us delictis Hm.11.59: The <e> is ill-formed, and may be an <i>. · & c etera nil By wyssynge of þys wenche y wrougth · her woordys were so swete · tyl y furȝat ȝougthe · and ran ȝarn ynto elde and þa nne was fortune my foo · for al her fayr beheste and pou erte pursuyd me · and putte me lowe · and þo fond y the frere · afferedd and flyttynge bothe · aȝenst our furst forward · for y seyde y nolde · be buryed at her hous · but at my p aresch chyrche for y herde ones · how conscyence it tolde þat þere a man were crystnyd · by kynde he schulde be buryed or where he were p arschen · rygth þere he schulde be grauyn · and for y seyde thus to frerys · afool a fool þey me heldyn and louedyn me þe lasse · for my lele speche Ac ȝit y cryed on my confessour · þat helde hym -self so konnynge by my feiþ frere q uod y · ȝe faryn lyke þese wowers þat weddyn none wydewys · but but for to welde her goodys rygth so by þe rode · rougth ȝe neuere · where my body were buryed · by so ȝe haddyn my syluer y haue moche meruayl of ȝow · & so haþ many another why ȝour couent coueyteþ · to confesse and to burye rather than to baptyse barnys · that byn catecomlynges baptysynge and buryynge and bothe boþe ben full nedyfull nedeful Ac moche more meretorye · me thynkeþ is to baptise · for a baptysed man may · as þese maystres telleþ thurgh contrycyon come · to þe hyȝe heuene Sola contric io delet p ecc atum · Hm.11.84: The line is added in the margins of LMHmOC 2 and is truncated to Sola contricio in several witnesses. ac a barne wyth -oute bapteme · may nougth so be sauyd Nisi quis renatus fuerit · & c etera looke ȝe lettryd men · wher y lye or do nougth · And lewte lokyd on me · and y louryd aftur wherfor lourest thu q uod lewte · and lokyd on me harde · Hm.11.90: The rubricator failed to notice the paraph marker here. If y durste q uod y amonges men · this metels a -vowe · ȝis by pet er and by poule q uod he · & tooke hem bothe to wytnesse · Non oderis Fratres secrete in corde tuo · sed publice argue illos · & c etera nil · They woln a -legge also q uod y · and by the gospel p reuyn · Nolite iudicare quemq uam · & c etera · And wherof serueth lawe q uod lewte · ȝif no lyf vndurtook yt · falsnesse ne faytrye · for sumwhat þe apostle seyde · Non oderis fratrem · and yn þe saut er also · seyþ dauid þe p rophete · Existimasti iniq ue quod ero tui similis · & c etera It is licitu m for lewyd men · to synge segge the sothe · yf hem lykeþ and luste · echa ech a lawe it graunteth · except p ersou ns and p reestys · and p relates of holy cherche yt falleþ nougth for þat folke no talys to telle thouȝ þe tale were trewe · and it touche synne Thyng þat all þe worlde wote · wherfor schuldest thu spare to redyn it yn retoryke · to arate dedly synne ac be thu be neu er neuere -more þe furste þe defaute to blame · þowȝ þu see euyl seye it nougth furst · be sory it nere amendyd no þynge þat is p riue · publysche publice þow it neuere no neyþ er Neyther for loue laud yt nougth · ne lacke it for enuye Parum lauda · vitup era p arcius · & c etera · he seith sooþ q uod scrypture tho · and scyppyd an hiȝe and p rechid · ac þe mater þat sche meuyd · ȝif lewde men yt knewe · the lasse as y leue · louyn it they wolde · Hm.11.113:As Hm is written, this line is followed by KD.11.425; then 104 lines follow, including the rubric heading, running through Hm.12.88; this line is followed by KD.11.218, and the text proceeds in sequence till KD.11.424 (Hm.12.294), which is followed by KD.11.111; after 101 lines in Hm's count, KD.11.217 is followed by KD.12.82, and all then proceeds as it should; Kane and Donaldson (p. 10) describe and explain this dislocation in notes 63 and 64, but they cite the old foliation of Hm, their count being one too high in each case. In their analysis of the problem, they appear to be following the unpublished notes on the manuscript put together by Captain R. B. Haselden in 1931. Haselden, R. W. Chambers, "The Manuscripts of Piers Plowman in the Hungtington Library, and Their Value for Fixing the Text of the Poem," The Huntington Library Quarterly 8 (1935): 15, and Kane-Donaldson alike agree that the scribe's exemplar had mistakenly bound leaves in the quire. See our discussion above in the Introduction II.1.2 Dislocation. schall neuyr chalengynge · no chydynge · chastyse chaste aman a man so sone · as schame and schende hym · and schape hym to amende · for late a dronkyn daffe · yn a dyke falle · lat hym lygge loke nougth on hym · tyl hym lust to ryse · for þowȝ reson rebukyd hym þanne · it nere were but pure synne · ac whan nede is nede nymeþ hym vp · for doute laste he sterue · and schame schrapeþ his cloþes and his schynes wascheþ thanne wote the dronkyn daffe · wherfor he is to blame Ȝe seyn sooth quod y · y haue seen it ofte þ er smyt no thynge so smerte · ne smelleþ so sowre as schame þ ere he schewyth hym · for euery man hym schonyeth · why ȝe wysse me þus q uod y · was for y rebukyd resou n · certys q uod he þat is sooþ · and schoop hym forto walke and aros I aros vprygth wyþ þat · and folwyd hym aftur and prayde hym for of his curtasye · to telle me his name Passus xij us duodecimus · de visione · & v us quintus · de do -weel · I I am ymagynatyfe q uod he · ydel was y neuere · thowe y sytte by my -sylfe · yn syknes and yn helþe y haue folwed þe yn feith · þys fyue and fourty wynt er and ma ny tymes y haue haue meuyd þe · to þenke on þyn ende and howe fele fernyers · arn faryn & so fewe to come · and of þy wylde wantownes · þo þu ȝonge were · to amende þe yn þy myddel age · lest mygth þe faylyd yn þyn olde age elde · that euyl canste can suffre pouerte or penaunce · or prayer bydde Si non in prima vigilia · nec in secunda · & c etera · Amende the whil thu mygth · thu hast ben warnyd ofte · wyþ poustees and pestylences · wyth pou erte & wyþ angres and wyþ þese bytt er balayses · god betyþ his dere chyldren · Quem diligo castigo · & c etera · And dauid yn the saut er seyth · of suche that loueþ ihesu virga tua & baculus tuus ip sa me consolata sunt · & c etera All þouȝ thu stryke me wyth þy staf · wyth styke or wyþ ȝerde yt nys is but murþe as for me · to amende my soule · and thu medlest þe wyþ makyng es · & myste Hm.12.19: Myste, "might" (2nd sg). Most other B manuscripts have myȝtest. go seye thy saut er and bydde for hem þat ȝyue ȝiueth þe breed · for þ ere ar bokes y -nowe · to telle men what dowel is · dobet and dobest bothe and p rechours to p reue what it is · of many a peyre frerys · I say wel he seyde me sooþ · and sumwhat me to excuse seyde catou n conforted me his his Hm.12.24: The confusion is owed to the common ancestor of Cr 1WHm which added me before his. sone · þat clerk þow he were to solacyn hym sumtyme · as y do whan ymake y make · Interpone tuis interdu m gaudia curis · & c etera And holy of holy men y herde q uod y · how þey oþ erwhile pleyȝedyn þe p arfytere · to be yn many places ac ȝif þere were any wygth · þat wolde me telle · what were dowel and dobet · and dobest at the laste wolde y neu ere do werke · but wende to holycherche and þere bydde my bedes · but whan y ete or slepe poule in his pystel q uod he · preueth what is do -weel · ...?...?... Nunc aute m manent fides · spes · & caritas · Maior aute m horu m est caritas Hm.12.34: The Latin line appears in Hm alone as Nunc autem manent fides spes & caritas Maior autem horum est caritas against Fides spes caritas & maior horum &c in other B manuscripts, with much variation. · Feyth hope and charyte · and alle ben go...ode · and sauyn men sundry tymes · ac none so sone as charyte · for he dooþ well wyþ -oute doute · þat dooþ as lewte techeth that is ȝif thu be man maryed · thy make þu louye and lyueþ foorþ as lawe woll whyl ȝe lyuen boþe Rygth so ȝif þu be relygyous · renne thu neu ere ferther to rome ne to rochemadore · but as thy reule techeth and holde þe vnder obedyence · þat hyȝe wey is to heuene · And ȝif þu be mayden to marye · and mygth wel contynue seke neu ere no þow neuere seynt ferþ er · for no soule helthe for what made lucyfer · to lese þe hyȝe heuene · or salamon his sapyence · or sampson his strengthe · iob the iewe his ioye · dere he it bougth abouȝte · arystotle and othre mo · ypoc ras and virgylye · Alisaundre that all wan · elengenlyche elengelich elengelyche endyde · catel and kynde wytte · was combraunce to hem alle · Felyce her fayrnesse · fel her all to sclaundre · and rosamounde rygth so · reufullyche to beleue bysette · the beaute of her body · yn baddenes sche spendyd dispended · of many suche y may rede · of men and of wo mmen that wyse woordys wooldyn schewe · & werche þe contrarye Sunt ho mi nes neq uam · bene de virtute loquentes · & c etera nil And ryche renkes rygth so · gadryn and sparen · and tho men that they moste hatyn mynystren hit atte laste · and for þey suffryn and seen · so many nedy folkes and louyn hem nougth as our lord byt · lesyn her soulys Date & dabitur vobis · & c etera · And rycches Hm.12.62: The ink spot here appears accidental. rygth so · but ȝif þe rote be trewe ac grace ys a graas þ erof · tho greuaunces to abate · ac grace ne groweth nougth · but amonge lowe · pacyence and pou erte · the place is þ ere it groweth · and yn lele lyuynge men · and yn lyfe holy and þorowgh þe gyfte of þe holygost · as þe gospel telleth Spiritus vbi vult spirat · & c etera Clergye and kynde · wytt · cometh of sygth and techynge as þe book bereþ wytnesse · to b.arnys that konnyn can rede s sou..aign Quod scimus loquim ur · & quod quod vidimus testa......m ur · & c etera nil Of quod scimus cometh clergye · & ku nnynge of heuene and of quod vidimus cometh kynde wytt · of sygth of dyu erse peple · a.c grace is a gyfte of god · and of grete loue spryngeþ knewe neu ere clerke how it cometh forþ · ne kynde wytt þe weyes · Nescit aliquis vnde venit · aut quo vadat vadit · & c etera · Ac ȝit is clergye to comende · and kuyynde wytt bothe · and namly clergye for crystes loue · þat of clergye ys rote · for moyses wytnesseth that god wrote · forto wysse þe peple · yn þe olde lawe as þe lettrure lettre telleþ · þat was þe lawe of iewys · þat what womma n were yn aduoutrye takyn · were sche ryche or pou ere wyþ stonys men schuldyn her stryke · & stone her to deþe · A womma n as we fyndyn · was gulty of þat dede · ac cryst of his curtesye thorowe clergye her sau.ede · and For þurgh carectys that cryste wrot · þe iewys knewe hem -sylue · gyltyfere gultier Hm.12.86: HmBm alone read gyltyfere against synonymous Gultier in most other B manuscripts. MED lists no other instances of the comparative of giltif. as tofore afor god · and gretter yn synne · þan þe womma n þat there was · & wentyn a -weye for schame · the clergye that there was · confortyd þe womma n that fides sua schulde sauyn here · & saluyn her of all synnes · than ys byleue a lele helpe · aboue logyke or lawe · of logyke or of lawe · in legenda s anc tor um · ys lytyll alowaunce maad · but ȝif byleue hem helpe · for itus it is Hm.12.93: The scribe has written itus in the display script in which his Latin is normally written. He may have taken the reading to be the Latin noun itus, "a departure" or "an introduction to an argument." More probably, he may simply have made a minim error. ou erlonge · or logyke any lessou n assoyle · and lawe is loth louye to louye but ȝif he lacche syluer bothe logyke and lawe · that loueth nougth to lyȝe · y conseyle alle crystene men · cleue nougth þ eron to sore · for summe woordes y fynde wrytyn · were of feythes techynge · that sauyd synfull men · as seynt ioh an bereth wytnesse · Eadem mensura qua mensi fu eritis · rem.ecietur vobis · & c etera nil · forþy lerne we þe lawe of loue · as our · lorde taugth.e and as seynt grygory seyde for mannys soule helþe Melius est scrutari scelera n ostra · q uam naturas reru m · & c etera nil · Why y meue þys mat er · is moste for the pou ere · for yn her lyknesse our lord · hath ofte ofte hath be knowe yknowe · wytnesse yn þe pasq ue wyke · whan he ȝede to Emaus cleophas ne knewe hym nougth · that he cryste were for his pou ere app arayle and pylgrymes wedys tyl he blessyd and brake · the breed that þey etyn · so by his werkes þey wystyn · þat he was ihesus ac by cloþynge þey knewyn hym nougth · ne by carpyng of tongge · And all was yn ensample · to vs synfull here that we schulde be lowe · and louely of speche and app arayle vs nougth · ou erproudly · for pylg rymes ar we alle and yn þe app arayle of a pou ere man · and pylg rymes lyknesse · many tymes tyme god hath ben mette · amonge nedy peple · there neu ere segge hym seiȝe · yn secte of þe ryche · Seynt ioh an and oþ er seyntes · were seyn yn pou ere cloþynge and as pou ere pylgrymes · preysedyn preyed mennys goodys ihesu cryst on a iewys douht er alygth · gentyl womma n þouȝ sche were · sche was Was Hm.12.120: Hm alone among beta witnesses adds sche was to begin the line, although R has synonymous A was and Y offers Yet was she; all other B manuscripts have Was alone. a pure pou ere mayde · and to a pou ere man weddyd · martha on mary magdaleyne · an huge pleynte sche made · and to our saueour syluen · seyde these woordys D omine non est tibi cure q uod soror · mea reliqui.t me sola m ministrare & c etera And hastylyche god answeryd · and eyþres wyll folwyd · bothe marthaes and maryes · as mathew bereþ wytnesse · ac pou erte put god put byfore · and preyseth preysed that the bettre · Maria optima m p artem elegit · que non auferret ur ab ea · & c etera · And alle þe wyse þat eu ere were · by augth þat y y can aspye · preysen pou erte for best lyf · ȝif pacyence it folwe · and boþe bettre and blysseder · by many folde þa n rycchesse and þow it be sour to suffre · þ erafter there cometh swete swete after · as on a walnote wyþ -oute · ys a bytt er barke · and aftyr þat bytt er barke · be þe schelle a -weye · ys a kyrnel of conforte · kynde to restore So ys aftyr pou erte or penaunce · pacyently take · for it makeþ ama n a ma n haue to haue mynde · yn god & a gret wylle to wepe and to wel bydde · wherof wexeþ mercy · of whiche cryst is a kyrnel · to conforte the soule · and wel sykerer he slepeth · the man that ys pou ere · and lasse he dredeth deth · and yyn derk to be robbyd · than he þat is rygth ryche · resou n bereth wytnesse · Paup er ego ludo · du m tu diues meditaris · & c etera nil · all -þouȝ salamon seyde · as folke seeth yn the byble · Diuicias nec paup ertates · & c etera · Wyser than salamon was · bereth wytnesse and taugth e that p arfyt pou erte was · no poscessyou n to haue · and lyfe moste lykynge to god · as luke beryþ wytnesse · Si vis p erfectus esse · vade & vende & c etera And is to mene to men · that on this molde lyuyn · who -so woll ben pure p arfit · moot poscessyou n forsake · or sylle it as seyth þe book · and þe syluer dele to beggers that gon and begge · & bydde sylu er good for crystes goddes loue for faylyd neu ere man mete · that mygthfull god serueth · as dauid seith yn þe saut er · to whiche suche þat ben yn wylle to s erue god goodlyche · ne greueþ hym no penaunce Nichil impossibile volenti · & c etera Ne taketh lakketh neu ere lyflode · lynnyn ne wollyn Inquirentes autem d omin um non minuent ur omni bono · & c etera nil Ȝif preestys were p arfyte · they woldyn no syluer take for masses ner ne ne for matynes · ne nougth nougth her mete of vsurers no neyþ er kyrtel ne cote · þow þey for colde schulde deye and þey her deuer dedyn · as dauid seith yn þe saut er · Iudica me deus & discerne causam meam · & c etera · Spera in deo speketh of prestes · þat han no spendyng syluer · that ȝif þey trauaylen trewly · and trustyn yn god almyghty · hem schulde lacke no lyflode · neyther lynnyn ne wollyn · and þe tytle þat þey Hm.12.167: The <y> is written over an imperfection in the vellum. takyn ordres by · telleþ ȝe ben au auncyd · thanne nedeþ nougth ȝow to take syluer · for masses þ at ȝe syngge · for he þat took ȝow ȝour tytle · schulde take ȝow ȝour wages or þe busschop þat blesseþ ȝow · ȝif þat ȝe ben wurþy · For made neu ere no kyng kyng no no Hm.12.171: Kane and Donaldson's claim that the erased word was ne is unfounded. knygth · but he hadde catel to spende as byfell for a knygth · or fond hym for his strenkthe · it is a carfull knygth · and of a kayteuyd kayteu[e] caytyue kyng es makynge · that hath no londe nor ne lynage · ryche ne good los of his hondys · The same y sygge forsothe · by alle suche p reestys · þat han neyþ er kunnyngge ne kyn · but a crowne one · and a tytle a tale of nougth · to his lyflode at his myscheef · he haþ more byleue bileue as yleue y leue · to lacche þurgh his corowne · cure þan for connynge · or knowyn for clene of berynge · y haue wondur and why · and wherfore þe busschop · makeþ suche p reestys · that lewyd men betrayen · a chartre is chalengeable · byfore a cheef iustyce · ȝif fals latyn be yn þ at lettre · þe lawe it ynpu ngneth · or peyntyd p arauntre · lynarye · or p arcell ou erskyppyd · the gome that so that gloseþ Hm.12.185: Having added so earlier in the line, Hm (and F as well) omit the so that precedes chartres in most B manuscripts. chartres for a goky is holdyn · So ys it a goky by god · þat yn his gospel fayleth or yn masse or yn matynes · makeþ any deffaute · Qui offendit in vno in o mnib us est reus · & c etera · And also yn þe saut er · seyth dauid to ou erskypp ers Psallite deo n ostro psallite · q uoniam rex ...?...omnis t erre terre deus deus Israel psallite sapient er · The busschop schall be blamyd · byfore god as y leue · that crowneþ suche goddys knygthes · þ at kunyn nat sapient er synge ne psalmys rede · ne sygge a masse of þe day · ac neu ere neyþ er is blameles · þe busschop nor ne þe chapleyn · for her eyþ er is endytyd · & þat is ignorancia · Non excusat ep iscopos · nec ydiotes p reestes · & c etera nil · Thus This lokynge on lewyd p reestes · han don me lepe fro pou erte · þe whiche y preyse þere pacyence is · more p arfyt þan rycche..sse Ac muche more yn metynge thus · wyþ me gan on dyspute · and slepyng y sauȝ all this · and syþþyn cam k.ynde · and nempnyd me by myn name · and dude bad me nemen hede · and þurgh the wondres yn of þys worlde · wytte forto take · and .......vp on on Hm.12.203: Even with ultraviolet light it is not possible to make out what has been erased. A contemporary scribe, perhaps the original scribe who wrote this section, erased a word about seven spaces long and wrote vp on as two words. a mountaygne · þ at myddel -erþe higth · as me þougth · y was fet foorth · by ensamples to knowe · þurgh echa ech a creature and kynde · no my creature creat[or] creatoure Hm.12.205: For the scribe's spelling, see Hm.16.223 creator wex creature. to louye · I seiȝe þe sunne and þe see · and þe sonde aftur and where þat bestys and bryddys bryddes and bestes · by her make they ȝedyn · wylde wormys yn wodys · and wondurfull foules · wyth fleckyd fethres · and of fele colourys · Man and his make · y mygth bothe byholde · pou erte and plente · boþe pes and werre · blysse and bale boþe · y sauȝ all at onys at ones · and how men tokyn mede · and mercy refusyd · Resou n y seyȝe sothly · suen alle bestys · yn etynge and drynkynge · and yn engendrynge of kynde · and aftur cours of concepcyou n · non took kepe of of of of er · and whan þey hadde rydyn yn roteye -tyme · anon rygth þ eraft er · males drowyn hem to males · all mornynge amorwenynges by hem -selue · and yn euenyng es also · the malys ben fro females · ther nas ne was cow nor no female yn kynde ne cowkynde · þat conceyuyd hadde · that wolde belwe after boles · ne bore aftur sowe · boþe hors and houndys · and alle othre bestys · medlyd nougth wyþ her makys · þat wyþ fole were · Bryddys y behelde · þat yn buskes made nestys · hadde neu ere wye þe wytte wit to wurche þe leste · y hadde wondre at whom · and where þe pye lernyd to legge þe stykkys yn whiche sche leyeþ · and bredeþ ther nys wrygth as y wene · schulde werche her nest to paye · ȝif any masou n made a molde þ erto · muche wondur yt were · and ȝit me merueyled more · how many othre bryddys · huddyn and helyeden · here egges full derne yn mareys and mores · for men schulde hem nougth fynde and huddyn her egges · whan they þerfro wente for fere of othur foules · and for wylde bestys And summe trodyn her makes · and on trees breddyn · and brougthen foorþ her bryddes · all so all aboue þe grounde and summe bryddes at the byl · þurgh breþyng conceyued and summe kauked y took kepe · how pecokkes breddyn · muche meruayled me · what mayster they hadde and who taugth hem on trees · to tymbre so hye that There neythur bierne ne beest may her bryddys reche · And sytthen y lokyd · vpon the see · and so foorth yn vp on · the sterrys many selcouthes y saye that beth that nougth · to seye nowthe I saye flourys yn the fryth · and her fayre coloures and how amonge the grene gras · growyn grewe so manye hewes and summe soure · and summe swete · selcouthe me thougth of her kynde and her colour to carpe yt were to longe · ac þat moste meuyd me · and my mood chaungyd · that resoun rewarded · and rewlyd alle bestys · saue man and his make · many tyme and ofte · no resoun hem folwyd · and thanne y rebukyd · resoun and rygth · to hym -syluen y seyde · y haue wondur of the quod y · þat wytty art holdyn · why þu ne suest man and his make · þat no mysfayte hem folwe · And resoun aratyd me · and seyde recche the neuere · why y suffre or nougth suffre · thy -sylfe hath hast nougth to done · amende it ..þu þow ȝif thu mygth · for my tyme is to abyde · suffraunce is a souereyn · vertu · and a swyfte vengeaunce who suffreþ more than god q uod he · no gome as y wene leue · he mygth ...?...?...amende in a mynut -while · al þat mys -standith · ac he suffreth for sum mannys good · and so ys our bettre · the wyse and the wytty · wrot thus yn the byble De re que te non molestat · noli certare & c etera nil For be aman a man fayr or foul · it falleþ nougth forto lacke the schaft ne the schap shappe ne schafte Hm.12.265: The apparently meaningless flourish over the final <p> is suggestive in view of Cr's nonsensical shampe for schap. · that god schoop hym -sylue · for all þat he dude was wel y -do · as holy wrytt wytnesseþ Et vidit deus cuncta que fecerat · & era nt valde bona · & c etera nil · And badde eu ery creature · yn his kuyynde encrese · all to murþe wyþ man · þat muste wo tholye · yn fondynge of þe flesch · and of þe fende boþe · for man was maad of suche suche a matere · he may nougth wel asterte that ne sumtyme hym betydeþ bitit · to folwyn his kynde · catou n accordeþ þ erwyth · nemo sine crimine viuit · And tho Tho caugth y colour anon · & comsyd to ben a -schamyd · and awakyd þ erwyth · woo was me thanne · þat y yn metels mygth ne mygth · more haue yknowyn · and þanne seyde y to my -sylfe · and chidde that tyme · now y wote what do -wel is q uod y · by dere god as me thynketh and as y keste vp myn eiȝen · on lokyd on me and askyde · of me what thynge it were y -wis sere y seyde · to see muche and suffre more · certys q uod y is dowel · Haste thu suffryd he seyde slepynge tho thu were · þu schuldyst haue knowyn þ at clergye can · & contreuyd conceiued more by resou n · for resou n wolde haue rehercyd to the þe · rygth as clergye seyde · ac for thyn entermentynge · here art thu forsakyn · Philosophus esses si tacuisses · & c etera nil · Adam whiles he spak nougth · hadde p aradys at wylle ac whan he mameled aboute mete · & ent ermentyd to knowe · the wysdom and the wytt of god · he was put fro blysse and rygth so ferde resou n by the · thu wyth thy rude speche · lackedest and losedest thynge that longyd nougth to be don · tho hadde he no lykynge · forto lere the more · pryde Pryde now and p resumpcyou n · p araduenture woll the appele · that clergye to thy þi companye · kepeþ nougth to sue · this was her teme and her texte · y tooke full good hede · multi to amangerye a mangerye and to the mete were sompnyd and whan the peple was planere Hm.12.297: Planere, "fully, completely." MED lists no other instance of this spelling for the adjectival or adverbial forms, but the spelling variation <e> and <a> is unremarkable. comyn · þe port er vnpy nnyd þe ȝate · and plukkyd yn pauci p riueylyche · and lete the remenant go rome all for tene of her text · tremblyd myn herte · and yn a were gan y wexe · and wyth my -selfe desputyd dispute · wheþ er y were chosyn or nougth chosyn · on holy cherche y þougth · þat vndurfenge me atte the fonte · for on of goddys chosen · for cryst clepyd vs alle · come ȝif we wolde · sarasenys and scysmatykes · and so he dude the iewys · O vos omnes sicientes venite ad aquas · & c etera nil · And bad hem souke for synne · saufly atte his breeste · and drynke bote for bale · brouke hit who -so mygthe · thanne mowe alle crystene · come come quod I and cleyme · þ ere entree Hm.12.308: Neither of the midline raised points in this line is correctly placed to mark the caesura, and either might be an unintentional flourish. On the other hand, such raised points following a word-terminal <e> are common. See the preceding line. · by the blood þat he bougth vs wyþ · and þurgh bapteme after Qui crediderit · & baptizatus fuerit · & c etera · For þowe acrystyn a crystyn man coueytyde · his crystendom to ren.eye rygthfully to reneye · no reson yt wolde for may no cherle chartre make · ne his catel sylle wyþ -outyn leue of his lorde no lawe wolle it graunte ac he may renne yn arerage · and rome so from home and as areneyed a reneyed cayteef · recchelesly rennyn aboute · and resou n schall rykne wyth hym · and castyn hym yn arerage and puttyn hym aftur yn ap risoun a prisoun Hm.12.318: An otiose curl appears on the final graph. · yn purgatory to brenne · for his areragys rewardyn hym þ ere · to the day of dome · but ȝif contrycyou n woll come · and crye by his lyue · mercy for his mysdedys · wyth mowth and or wyth herte · That is sooþ quod scripture · may no synne lette · mercy alto al to amende · and mekenesse here folweþ Hm.12.323: The slant on the thorn is distinctly odd, more characteristic of hand3 than hand2, but nothing else suggests it is added here. · for þey beþ as oure bokes · telleth · aboue goddys werkes Misericordia eius sup er omn ia opera eius · & c etera · Ȝee bawe for bookys quod on · was brokyn oute of helle · higth troianus that hadde hadde ben a trewe knygth · took wytnesse of at apope a pope · how he was deed and dampnyd · to dwelle yn pyne · for an vncrystene creature · clerkys wytyn the sothe · that all the clergye vndur cryst · ne mygth me cracche fro helle · but onlyche loue and lewte · and my lawefull domes Grygory wyste this well · and wylnyd to my soule · sauacyou n for soþnes · that he seye yn my werkes · and aftur þat he wepte · and wylnyd me were g rauntyd grace wyþ -outyn eny bede -byddynge · his bone was vndyrfongyn · and y sauyd as ȝe see · wyth -oute syngynge of masses · by loue and by lernynge · of my lyuynge yn trewthe · brougth me fro bytt er peyne · þ ere no byddynge mygth e Loo ȝe lordys þat what lewte dude · by an emp erour of Rome · þat was an vncrystene creature · as clerkys fyndyn yn bookes · nougth þurgth prayere of a pope · but for his pure trewthe · was þat sarazyn sauyd · as seynt grygory bereth wytnes · wel augth ȝe lordys the þat lawes kepe · & nil þys lessou n to haue yn mynde · and on troianus trouþe to þenke · and do treuþe to þe peple · lawe wyþ -oute loue q uod troianus · leye þere abene a bene · or eny scyence vndur sonne · þe seuene ars and alle · but they ben lernyd for our lordys loue · loste is all þe tyme · for no cause to cacche syluer þ erby · ne to be callyd amayst er a mayst er · but all for loue of our lord · and the bet to loue the peple · for seynt ioh an seyde yt · and sooth arne hys woordes · Qui non diligit  manet in morte · Who -so loueþ nougth me leue me · he lyueþ in deeth deynge · and þat alle maner men · enemys and frendes · louyn her eyþ er other · and lene hem as hem -sylue · who -so loeneþ nougth · ...?...?...he loueþ nougth · god wot þe sothe · and comaundeþ echa ech a creature · to conforme hym to louye and souereynly pore peple · and her enemys after for hem þat hatyn vs · is our meryt to louye · and pore peple to plese · her prayers mowyn vs helpe and our ioye and our hele · ihesu cryste of heuene · yn apore a pore mannys apparayle pursuyd vs euere · and lokeþ on vs yn her lyknes · and þat wyþ louely chere to knowyn vs by our kynde herte · & castyng of our eiȝyn · wher Wheþer we loue the lordes here · byfore þe lorde of blysse and exciteþ vs by þe eu aungelye · þat whan we mak.. festys we schulde nougth clepe our kyn þ erto · ne no kynnys ryche · Cum facitis conuiuia · nolite inuitare amicos · & c etera nil · Ac calleþ þe carful therto · the crokyd and þe pore · for ȝour frendys wolen fede ȝow · and fonde ȝow to quyte · ȝour festynge and ȝour fayr ȝifte · eche frende quyteþ so othre · Ac for þe pore y schall paye · and pur wel quyte her trauayle · þat ȝyueþ hem mete or moneye · and loueþ hem for my sake · for þe beste ben summe ryche · and su mme beggers and pouere · for alle ar we crystes creatures · and of his coffres ryche · and breþ erne as of oo blood · as wel beggers as erles · for on caluarye of crystes blood · crystyndom gan sprynge and blody bretherne we bycome there · of oo body ywonne as quasi modo geniti · and gentyl men echone no begger no ne boye amonges vs · but ȝif it synne made · Qui facit peccatu m · seruus est peccati · & c etera In the olde lawe · as holy lettre telleth · mennys sones · men callyd vs echone · and Of ada mmes yssue and eue · ay tyl god man deyed · and aftur his resurrexciou n · redemptor was his name · and we his bretherne thorowh hym ybougth · boþe ryche and pou ere · forthy loue we as leue breþ erne schal · and eche man laugh of othre · and of þat it eche man may forbere · amende there that nedeth and euery man helpe othre · for henne hennes schull we alle · Alter alterius onera portate · & c etera · And be we nougth vnkynde of our catel · nor ne of our connyng neyther for wote no man how ny..ȝ yt is · to be ynome fro boþe · forþy lacke no lyfe othre · þouh · he more latyn knowe · ne vndurnyme nougth foule · for is noon wyþ -outyn deffaute · for what -euere clerkes carpe · of crystendom or elles cryst to acomou n a comou n womman seyde · yn comou n atte þe feste · Hm.12.396: This is the final rupture caused by the dislocation of text described above and in the introduction; from this point the text of the poem proceeds properly. holy cherche knoweth this · þat crystys wrytynge sauyd here · so clergye is conforte · to creatures that repentyn hem repenten · and to ma.nsed men · meschief atte her nede ende · For goddes body mygth nougth ben of breed · wyþ -outyn clergye · the whiche · body is boþe b...oote to þe rygthfull and deeþ and dampnacyou n · to hem that deyen euele · as crystes caracte conforted · and boþe coupable schewyd the womma n þat þe iewes brougth · þat ihesu þougth to saue Nolite iudicare & non iudicabimini · & c etera · Rygth so goddes body breþ erne · but ȝif but it be worþyly takyn · dampneþ vs atte þe day of dome · as þe caractes dudyn þe iewys · Forþy y conseyle the for crystes sake · clergye that thu louye · for kynde wytt is of his kyn · and ny..ȝ cosynes bothe · to our lord leue me · for þy loue hem y rede · for bothe ben as myrrours · to amende oure deffautys and leders for lewyd men · and for lettryd bothe · forþy lacke thu neu ere logyke · lawe nor his customes ne counturplede clerkes · y counseyl the for euere · for as a man may nougth see · that mysseth his eiȝyn · nomore can no clerke · but ȝif he caugth it ferst þurgh bookes al -þouwh men made bookes · god was the mayster and seynt spiryt the samplarye · and seyde what men schulde wryte · Hm.12.417: CrWHm omit the following line, found in all other manuscripts: And riȝt as syȝte serueth a man to se þe heighe strete, here given in the spelling of L. Rygth so ledeth lettrure · lewyd men to resoun · and as a blynd man yn batayle · beryþ wepne to fygth e ...?...?...And hath non hap wiþ his ax · his enemye hitte nomore can a kynde wyttyd man · but ȝif clerkes hym teche · Hm.12.421: An entire line here is left blank. No text was lost. comeþ fo..r all his kuyynde wyt.. to crystendom · and to besauyd be sauyd · whiche is þe coffre of crystes tresour · and clerkes kepe the keyes to vnloukyn it atte her lykynge · and to þe lewyd peple · ȝyue mercy for here mysdedes · ȝif men yt woll aske · buxumlyche and benynglyche · and byddyn it of grace · Archa dei yn the olde lawe · leuytes yt keptyn · hadde neuere lewyd man leue · to leyn hond on that cheste but he were p reeste or p restys sone · p atriark or p ropheet for clergye is kepere · vndur cryste of heuene was þ er neu ere no knygth · but clergye hym made · ac kynde wytt cometh · of alle kyn syghtes of bryddes and of bestys · of. tastys of trewthe and of deceytes Lyuer...s toforen vs · vsydyn to marke · for Þe selcouthes that they seyȝyn · her soules sones forto teche · and heldyn yt an hye scyence · her wyttes to knowe · ac þurgh her scyence sothly · was neu ere no soule y -sauyd · ne brougth by her bookes · to blysse no ne to ioye for alle her kynde knowyng es come · of but of dyuerse sygthes p atriarkes and p rophetys · repreuyd here scyences science · and seydyn her woordes nor ne her wysdomes · nas but folye a folye · as to þe clergye of cryst · countyd it but a tryfle · Sapiencia hui us mundi · stulticia apud deum · & c etera nil · For the heiȝest heihe holy gost · heuene schall to -cleue · and loue schall lepe out after · ynto þys lowe erthe and clennesse schall cacchyn yt · and clerkes schullyn it fynde · Pastores loquebantur adinuicem ad inuicem · & c etera · he spekeþ there of ryche men rygth nougth · ne of rygth wytty · ne of lordes that were lewyd men · but of þe heyȝest lettryd oute · Ibant magi ab oriente · & c etera Ȝif eny frere were foundyn þere · y ȝyue the fyue schillynges nor yn noon beggers cote · was that barn born · but yn a burgeys place · of bethleem the beste · S ed non erat ei locus in diu ersorio · & paup er non habet diuersoriu m · & c etera nil To pastours and to pore men poetes · apperyd the aungel · and bad hem gon to bedlem · goddes burthe to honoure · and songyn a songe of solace · Gloria in excelsis deo · Clerkes knewyn it well / and comyn wyþ here p resentys and dudyn her homage hono urably · to hym þat was almyghty Whi y haue tolde all þys · y took ful good hede · how thu contraryedest clergye · wyþ crabbed woordes how that lewde men lygthlokere · þan lettryd were sauyd than clerkes or kynde wyttyd men · of crystyn peple Hm.12.463: The first <e> is poorly executed, but there is no reason to suppose that the scribe intended anything other than his customary <e>. · and thu seydest sooþ of summe · ac see yn what manere · tak two strong men · and yn caste hem · and boþe nakyd as a nedle · her noon Hm.12.466: her noon, "neither of them." sykerer þa n other that on haþ ku nnynge and can · swy mmyn and d.....yue that oþ ur is lewyd of þat labour · lernyd neu ere to swymme · whiche trowest thu of tho two yn temyse · ys yn moste drede · he þat neuere dyued · ne nougth can of swymmynge or the swymm er þat is saufe · by so hym -sylfe lyke · there ...?...his felowe fleteþ forþ · as the flood lykeþ · and ys yn drede to drenche · þat neu ere dede s......wymme · that swymme can nougth y seyde · yt semeþ to my wyttys · Rygth so quod þe renke · resou n it scheweth · that he þat knoweþ clergye · can sonn er aryse · out of synne and be saufe þowh he synne ofte ȝif hym lykeþ and lust · than any lewyd lely · for ȝif þe clerke be connynge · he knoweþ what is synne · and how contrycyou n wyþ -out confessyou n · conforteþ þe soule · and þu seste yn the saut er · yn psalmys one or tweyne how contriciou n is commendyd · for it caccheþ awey synne · Beati quor um remisse sunt iniquitates · & quor um tecta sunt p ecc ata · & c etera nil · And this conforteþ eche aclerke a clerke and keu ereþ hym fro wanhope · yn whiche flood þe fende · fondeþ aman a man hardeste · there the lewyd lyeþ stylle · and lokeþ aftur lente · and haþ no contryciou n or he come to schryfte · & þa n ga n kan he lytel telle but as his lores -man leryþ hym · byleueth and troweth · and þat is after p arsou n or p arosch p reest · and p araduenture · vnconnynge to lere lewyd men · and as luke berith wytnes · Dum cecus ducit cecum · & c etera · Woo was hym marked · þat wade moot wyth the lewyd · wel may the barn blysse · that hym to book sette · þat lyuynge after lettrure · sauyd hym lyfe and soule · D omin us pars hereditatis mee ys a mery versette · that hath take fro tyburne · twenty stronge theuys there lewyd theuys ben lollyd · vp · look how they ben sauyd the theef that hadde gret hadde grace of god · on good fryday as þu spekest speke(n) was for he ȝelde hym creaunt creaunt to crist on þe cros · and knowlechid hym gulty and grace askyd of god · and he is eu ere redy · that buxumlyche byddeþ it · and ben yn wyll to amende hem · ac þouȝ þat þeef · hadde heuene · he hadde non hiȝe blysse · a.s seynt ioh an and othre seyntes · that deseruyd alle hadde bettre · rygth as summe men ȝyuen me mete · and settyn me amyd þe floor · y haue mete more þa n ynow · ac .nougth so muche wurschipe · as þo þat sytte seten at at þe syde table · or wyþ þe souereyns of þe halle · but sytt...e as a begger boordles · by my -sylf on þe grounde · so it farith by þat felou n · that on good fryday was sauyd · he sytteþ neyþ er wyth seynt ioh an symonde ne Iude · ne wyth maydenes ne wyth martyres · confesso ur confessoures wydewes but by hym -selfe as a soleyn · seruyd and serued on erthe · for he that is onys a theef · ys eu ermore yn daungere · and as lawe lykeþ · to lyue or to deye · De peccato p ropiciato · noli esse sine metu & c etera nil · and forto seruyn a seynte · and suche a theef togydres yt were neyther resoun ne rygth · to rewardyn hem bothe y -lyche · and rygth as troianus þe trew knygth · dwelte tilde nouȝt depe yn helle that our lord ne hadde hym lyȝtlyche out · so leue y the thefe be yn heuene for he is yn the lowyste of heuene · ȝife our byleue be trewe · and well losellyche he lolleþ þere · by the lawe of holy cherche · Qui reddit vnicuiq ue iuxta opera sua · & c etera · And why þat on theef on the cros · creaunt hym ȝalde rather than that other theef · thow þu woldest appose · alle þe clerkes vndur cryste · ne koudyn þys þe skyll assoyl·e · Quare placuit quia voluit · & c etera nil · And so y seye by the · that sekest after after þe whies and aresonedest resoun · arebukynge a rebukynge as yt were · and of the floures yn the fryth · and of her fayre hewes · wherof they cacche her colours · so cleer and so brygth and wylnest willest of bryddes and of and bestys · and of her bredynge knowe · whi summe ben alowhe and su mme alofte · thy lykynge it were · and of þe stonys and of the sterrys · thu studyest as y leue · how euere beest or bryd · hath so breme wyttys · Clergye ne kynde wytte ne knewe neuere the cause · ac kynde knoweth þe cause hym -selfe no creature elles · he is the pyes patrou n · and putte it yn her ere that there ..þe thorn ys thykkest · to bulde and to and brede and kynde kenneþ þe pekok · to caukyn yn suche akynde a kynde and kennyd adam to knowe · his pryue membrys · and taugth hym and eue · to helyen hem wyth leuys · Lewyd men many tymes · maystres they apposyn · whi Adam helyed nougth ferst · his mowþ that ete þe appull rathur than his lykam alowe · lewyd men lewed askyn thus clerkes · kynde knoweth whi he dude so · ac no clerke elles · ac of bryddys and of bestys · men by olde tyme · ensaunples tookyn and termys · as tellyn the poetys · and þat þe fayrest foul · fouleste engendreth and feblest foul of flygth is · that fleeth or swymmeth and that the pecok and the pohen · proud ryche men bytokneth · for þe pekok and men pursuen hym · may nougth flee hiȝe for þe traylynge of his tayl · ouertakyn is he sone and his flesch is foul flesch · and his feet bothe · and vnlouely of ledne · and l...ooþ forto here Rygth so þe ryche · ȝif he his rycchesse kepe · and deleth it nougth tyl his deþ -day · the tayl of all sorowe · rygth as þe pennys of the pekoc · peynyd hym yn his flyght · so is poscessiou n peyne of pans · and of nobles · to alle men hem þat it holdeþ · tyl her tayl be plukkyd · and þouȝ the ryche repente thanne · and byrewe the tyme þat eu ere he gadred so grete · and gafe þ erof so lytyl · thowh he crye to cryst thanne · wyþ kene wyll y leue his ledyn be yn our lordys ere · lyke a pyes chatrynge chiteryng and whan his careyne schall come · yn caue to be buryed y leue yt flambe full foule · the folde all aboute and alle þe oþ er þere it lyth · enuenemeþ þurgh his attre By the po...cok po is feet is vndurstonde · as y haue lernyd yn auenet excecutours false frendys · þat fulfulleþ nougth his wylle that was wrytyn and þey wytnesse · to wurche rygth as it wolde thus þe poete p reueþ that the pecok · for his fethrys is reu erensyd · rygth so is þe ryche · by resou n of his godes · The larke þat is a lasse foul · is more louelyche of ledne and well away of wenge · swyfter than the pecok and of flesch flesch by felefolde · fatter and swettere · to lowe lybbynge men · the larke is resemblyd · Arystotle the grete clerke · suche talys he telleth · thus he lykneth yn his logyke Hm.12.576: There is an ink blot above logyk. · the le...ste foule oute and wher he be sauf or nougth sauf · þe sothe wote no clergye · ne of sortes ne of salamou n · no scrypture can telle ac god is so good y hope · þat syþþe he gafe hem wyttys to wyssen vs weyes þ erwyþ · that wyssyn vs to besauyd be sauyd and þe bettre for her bookes · to byddyn we byn holdyn · þat god for his grace · gyue her soules reste · for lettryd men were lewyd men ȝit · ne were lore of her bookes Alle the þise clerkes quod y thoo · that on cryste leuyn · seggyn her sarmones · that neyþ er saresenys ne iewys · ne no creature of crystes lyknesse · wyth -out crystendom wurþ sauyd Contra q uod ymagynatyfe þoo · and comsyd forto loure and seyde saluabitur vix iustus · in die iudicij · Ergo saluabitur q uod he · and seyde nomore latyn · Troianus was a trewe knygth · and took neu ere crystendom and he is saufe so seith the book · and his soule yn heuene for þere is fullynge of fonte · and fullynge of in blood schedynge · and þurgh ys fullynge · and that is ferme byleue Aduenit ignis diuinus · non comburens · sed illuminans · & c etera Ac trewthe that trespacyd neuere · ne trauersyd aȝenste his lawe but lyueþ as his lawe techeth · and leueþ þer be no bettere · and ȝif þ er were he wolde · amende · and yn suche wyll deieþ ne wolde neu ere trewe god · but trewthe were alowyd · and wher it be worth worth or worth nougth · þe byleue is gret of trewþe and anhope an hope hangynge þ erynne · to haue amede a mede for his trewþe For deus d icitur quasi dans vita m et erna m suis · hoc est fidelib us et alibi · si ambulauero in medio vmbre mortis · & c etera · The glose graunteth vpon þat vers · a gret mede to trewthe · and wytt and wysdom q uod that wye · was sumtyme tresore to kepe wyþ a comou n · no catel was holde bettre and muche myrthe and manhede · and rygth wyþ þat he vanschid Passus xiij us terciodecimus · de visione · & vj us sextus · de do -weel · a A nd y awakyd þ erwyth · wytles nere hande · and as a freke that free were · foorþ gan y walke · yn manere Hm.13.3: What appears to be either an ink trail or stray mark appears above the first <e> of manere. of amendynaunt a mendynaunt · many aȝere a ȝere after and of þese metynges þis metyng many tymes tyme · muche þouȝt y hadde furst how fortune me fayled · at my moste nede · Hm.13.6: The rubricator ignored a paraph marker. And how þat elde manasyd me · mygth we eu ere mete · and how þat frerys folwyd · folke that were was ryche and folke þat were pouere · atte lytyll prys þey sette · and none cors yn her kyrke -ȝerde · ne yn her kyrk was buryed but quyk he byquaþ hem ougth · or schulde helpe quyte her dettys and how þys couetyse ouercom · clerkes and p reestys and how how þat lewyd men ben ladde · but our lorde hem helpe thurgh vnkunynge creatures curatoures · to yncurable Hm.13.13: An otiose mark appears above the final <e> in yncurable. The same mark appears in the same position in kunynge in Hm.13.15. peynes · And how that ymagynatyf · yn dremes dremeles me tolde of kynde and of his ku nynge Hm.13.15: See Hm.13.13 above for an otiose mark similar to the one here over the final <e> in ku nynge. · and how curteys he ys to bestys and how louynge he is to bestys · on londe and on watre · leeneth he no lyfe · lasse nor ne more · The creatures that crepyn of kynde · they ben ben engendryd and sytthen how ymagynatyf seyde · vix saluabit ur iustus · and whan he hadde seyde so · how sodeynly he passyd · I lay dou n longe yn þys thougth · and atte the laste slepte I slepte · and as cryst wolde þ ercome þ er come conscyence · and conforted to conforte me þat tyme · and bad me come to his court · wyþ clergye y schulde sholde I dyne and for conscyence of clergye spak · y com well þe rather and þere y seiȝe amayster a mayster · what man he was y nyste · þat lowe loutyd and louelyche · vnto to scrypture Conscyence knewe hym well · and welcomyd hym fayre · they wesschen and wypedyn · and wenten to þe dyner ac pacyence yn þe paleys stood · yn pylg rimes clothes and prayde mete for charyte · for a poore heremyte · conscyence callyd hym yn · and curteysly seyde · welcome wye go and wasche · thu schalt sytte sone This mayster was maad sytte · and for þe moste wurthy and thanne clergye and conscyence · and pacyence com after pacyence and y · weren putte to be macchis and setyn by our -sylue · atte the a syde -boord conscyence callyd after mete · and þa nne cam sc ripture and seruyd hym hem thus sone · of sundry metys manye · of austyn and of ambrose · and of of alle þe foure eu aungelystes Edentes & bibentes · que apud eos sunt · & c etera nil Ac this mayster ne his man · nomaner no maner flesch etyn · ac þey etyn mete of more cost · mortrelles and potag es of that men myswonnyn · they madyn hem well at ese · ac her sauce was ou ersour · and vnsauourly groundyn · yn a mort er post morte m · of many bytter peyne but ȝif they synge for þe soules · and wepe salte teres · Vos qui p ecc ata ho mi num commeditis · nisi p ro eis lacrima s & or ationes effunderitis Hm.13.47: The correcting scribe erased a nasal in both commeditis and effunderitis, in both instances filling the space left by the erased character with two horizontal marks resembling an equal sign.  ea que in delicijs · comeditis in torment is euometis · c etera Conscyence full curteysly þoo · comaundyd scrypture byfore pacyence breed to brynge · & me þat was his macche · He sette a soure loof before to -for vs · & seyde agite penitencia m and sytthe he brougth drough vs drynke · dya p erseuerans · as longe q uod y as y leue lyue · and lykam may endure dure There Here is p ropre seruyce quod pacyence · þ erfaryth þ er faryth no p rin.ce bettre · and þanne he brougth vs f.... a ..s o. o... .... ..forth other mete of miserere mei deus · Hm.13.54: The erased phrase is partially visible under ultra-violet light, and probably agreed with Bx. Hand3's correction agrees with beta4 family witnesses: And þanne he brouȝt vs forth.... For the stemma currently in use by the Archive , see Robert Adams, "The Kane-Donaldson Edition of Piers Plowman: Eclecticism's Ultima Thule," TEXT 16 (2006), 141. and he brought us of beati quor um · of beatus virrys makynge Et quor um tecta sunt peccata · & c etera nil yn a dysch · Of derne schryfte dixi · and confitebor tibi brynge pacyence sum pytaunce p riuylyche quod conscyence · and þanne hadde pacyence a pytaunce · p ro hac orabit ad te o mnis s anc tus sanctus in tempore oportuno · and conscyence confortyd vs · and carpyd þus us mery talys · Cor contritu m & humiliatu m deus non despicies · & c etera nil · Pacyence tho was was proud · of þat p ropre seruyce · and made hym merthe wyth his mete · ac y moornyd eu ere · for þys doctor on this þe hyȝe benche dese · dranke wyn so faste ve vobis qui potentes estis · ad bibendu m vinu m · & c etera nil · He eet many sundry metys · morterels and puddynggys wombecloutys wombe cloutys and wylde braun · and egges fryed wyth grece · than seyde y to my -sylfe so · pacyence yt herde · it is nougth four dayes that this freke · byfore þe deen of poules · prechid of penaunces · that poule the apostle suffryde · in fame & frigore · and flappys of scourgys Ter cesus sum & a iudeis qui nquies quadragenas · & c etera · Ac oo woord they ou erhyppyn · at eche tyme þat þey p reche · that poule yn his pystyll · to alle the peple tolde · Periculum est in falsis fratrib us · & c etera nil · Holy wrytte byddeþ men be war · y wol naugth wryte it here on englysch yn on auenture · yt schulde be rehercyd to ofte · and greue þ erwyþ good men þat good men ben · ac g ramaryens schulde rede · vnusquisq ue a fratre suo se se custodiat · q uia vt d icitur Periculum est in falsits fratribus · & c etera nil · For Ac y wyste neu ere freke · þat þat as a frere ȝede · byfore men on englysch · takyn it for his teme · and tellyn telle it · wyþ -oute glosynge · they p rechyn þat penaunce is · p rophitable to the soule · and what myscheef and malese · cryst for man þoled Ac þis goddys glotou n q uod y · wyth his grete chekes · haþ no pyte on vs pouere · he p erformeth euele þat he p recheþ he p reueþ nougth · to pacyence y tolde and wusschid full wytterly witterly · wyth wylle full egre þat dysches and dobelers · byfore þys ylke doctor · were moltyn leed yn his mawe · and mahound amyddys y schall iangle to this yurdan wyth his iuste wombe to telle me what pacyence penaunce is · of whiche he p rechid raþ er · Pacyence parceyuyd þat what y þougth · & wynkyd on me to be stylle · and seyde thu schalt se thus sone · whan he may nomore · he schall haue a penaunce yn his pau nce · and puffe at eche woord · and þanne schull his guttys gothelyn · and he schal galpyn after for now he haþ dronkyn so depe · he woll dyuyne sone · and p reuyn it by her pocalyps · and passyon of seynt auereynes Auereys that noþer bacou n ne braun · blamanc blaman[ger] blancmanger no morterels ys nother fysch nor ne flesch · but food for a penaunt · and þanne schall he testifye · it of of þe trynyte · & take his felaw to wytnes what he fonde yn a frayel · after a frerys lyuynge and but he þe furste lyue by be lesynge · leue me neu ere after and þanne is tyme to take · and to oppose þys doctor of do -wel and dobet · and ȝif do -best be any penaunce and y sat stylle as pacyence seyde · and þus sone this doctor · also As ..rudy as a rose · ruddud rubbed his chekys .....coughed and carpide · and conscyence hym herde and tolde hym of a trynyte · and toward vs he lokede What is dowel sere doctor q uod y · is dowel any penaunce Dowel quod this doctor · and took the cuppe and drank doo noon euyl to thy euencrystyne · nougth by þy powere by this day sere doctor q uod y · þan be ȝe nougth yn dowel · for ȝe han harmyd vs two · yn þat ȝe ete þe puddyng morterellys and oþ er mete · and we no morsel hadde · and ȝif ȝe fare so yn ȝowr fermorye · ferly me þynketh · but cheste be þere as þere charyte schulde be · & ȝong chyldryn durst playne y wolde p ermute my penaunce · wyþ ȝoure · for y am yn puynt to dowel · Thanne conscyence curteysly · a contynaunce he made · and preynte vpon pacyence · to praye me to be stylle and seyde hym -sylf ...?...s ire docto ur · and it be ȝour wylle · what is dowel and do -bet · ...ȝhe dyuy....nes deuynours knoweth · dowel q uod þis doctor · do as clerkys techeth and dobet ys he that techeth · and trauayleþ to teche oþre and doiþbest dobest dooþ hym -selfe so · as he seyth and p reueth precheth · Qui facit & docuerit · magnus vocabitur in regno celor um · & c etera Nowe thu clergye q uod conscyence · carpyst what is dowel · ..y haue seuene sonys he seyth · seruyn yn a castel · þere þe lord of lyf wonyeþ · to lerne hem what ys dowel tyl y see þoo seuene · and my -sylfe accordyn · y am vnhardy q uod he · to any wygth to p reue yt for .on peris the ploughman · haþ ynpugnyd vs alle and sette alle scyences atte a sop · saue loue one and no texte ne takeþ · to ma......yntene his cause but diligo dilige deu m and d omine quis habitabit · and seith that dowel and dobet ar two ynfynytes whyche ynfynytes wyth a feith · fyndyn oute dobest whiche schall saue mannys soule · þys þus seyþ peris ploughman · I can nougth her -onne q uod conscyence · ac y knowe wel peris he wyll nougth aȝen holy wrytt spekyn · y dar wel vndurtake thanne passe we ouer tyl perys come · and p reue þys yn dede pacyence hath ben yn many place · and p eraduenture moutheþ cnoweth Hm.13.142: Hm alone reads moutheþ against cnoweth in other B manuscripts, though CrW have mouþed. · that no clerke ne can · as cryst bereþ wytnesse Pacientes vincunt · & c etera · Ac ȝour prayer q uod pacyence tho · so noman dysplese hym · disce ...?...?...q uod he & doce · & dilige inimicos · disce and dowel doce and dobet dilige and dobest · þus taugth me onys a lemman that y louyde · loue was her name · Hm.13.147-148: Hm.13.147-148 appear as two lines in OC 2 also, although they are divided differently there. Most other B manuscripts divide these two verses into three. wyþ woordys and wyþ werkys q uod sche and wyll of þyn herte · thu loue lely thy soule · all þy lyfe-tyme · and so þu lere the to louye · for þe lordes loue of heuene thyn enemy yn alle wyse · euene foorþ wyth þy -sylue caste colys on his hed · of alle kyn kynde speche boþe wyþ werkys and wyþ woordys · fonde his loue to wynne and leye on hym þus wyþ loue · tyl he laugh on thee and but he bowe for his þis betyng · blynde moot he worthe Ac forto fare þus wyþ þy frende · folyye it were for he þat loueþ þe lely · lytyl of thyn coueyteþ kynde loue coueyteþ nougth · no catel but speche wyþ half a launpe lyfe laumpe lyne Hm.13.160: Hm alone reads launpe lyf against laumpe lyne in most B manuscripts. The form lyf would have arisen from lyne misread as lyue and rendered lyfe. yn latyn · ex vi transisc io nis y bere þ erynne abou...ute Hm.13.161: Kane and Donaldson read HmY as having produced abounte, but <u> and <n> are not distinguished in this hand. Compare hand2's forms in Hm.3.205, Hm.14.218, and Hm.20.58. Most B manuscripts read aboute. · faste y -bounde dowel · yn a sygne of þe saturday · þat sette ferst þe calender and all · þe wytt of þe wednysday · of þe next wyke after þe myddel of þe mone · as is þe nygth of boþe and herwyth am y welcome · þ ere y haue it wyþ me Vndo it late þys doctor deme · ȝif dowel be þ erynne for by hym þat me made · mygth neuere pouerte mysayse ne myscheef · ne man wyþ his tonge colde ne care ne companye of the...uys · ne neyþ er hete ne hayle · ne none helle powke ne neyþ er fuyre ne flood · ne fere of þyn enemy tene þe any tyme · and thu take it wyth þe Caritas nichil timet · & c etera It is but a dydo q uod þis doctor adysours a dysours tale al þe wytt of þys worlde and wygth mennys strenkþe · can nougth conformen a pees · bytwene þe pope & his enemys ne bytwene two crystyn kyng es · can no wygth pees make p rophitable to eyþ er peple · and putte þe table from hym · and took clergye and conscyence to counseyl as it were þat pacyence ...?...tho moste passe · for pylg rimes connyn wel lye And conscyence carpid wyde loude · and curteysly seyde · frendes fareþ wel · and fayre spak to clergye for y woll go wyth þys gome · ȝif god woll gyue me grace · and be pylgrym · wyþ pacyence · tyl y haue p reuyd more · What q uod clergye to conscyence · are ȝe coueytous nowthe · after ȝeresȝyues or ȝiftes · or ȝernyn to rede redels · y schall brynge ȝowe abyble a byble · a book of þe olde lawe and lere ȝow ȝif ȝowe lyke the leste poynt to knowe · þat pacyence ...the pylgrym · p arfytly knewe eu ere neuere · Nay by cryst q uod conscyence to clergye · god þe furȝelde for all that pacyence me p rofreþ · proud am y lytyl ac the wylle of þe wye · and þe wylle of folke here · haþ meuyd my mood · to moorne for my synnys þe good wylle of a wygth · was neu ere bouȝt to þe fulle for þ ere is no tresor þ erto · vnto to a trewe wylle Hadde nougth magdaleyn more · for a box of salue · than zacheus for he seyde · dimidiu m bonor um meor um do paup erib us and the pore wydewe · for a peyre of mytes · than all tho that offredyn · ynto gazophilaciu m Thus curteysly conscyence · congeyed furst the frere · and suþþyn softly he seyde · yn clergyes ere · me were leuer by our lord · and y lyue schulde Haue pacyence p arfytly · þa n half þy packe of bookes · Clergye to conscyence · no congeye woold take · but seide full sobrely · thu schalt see þe tyme · whan thu art wery for -walkyd · wyl me to counseyle · That is sooþ seyde conscyence · so me god helpe ȝif pacyence be our p artynge felawe · & p riuee wyþ vs boþe · ther is no woo yn this worlde · þat we ne schulde amende and conformyn kynges to pees · and alkyn londys sarrasenys and surres surre · and so foorþ alle the iewys turne into þe trewe feyth · and ynto oon byleue That is sooþ q uod clergye · see I see what thu meneste y schall dwelle as y do · my deuer to schewyn and conferme fauntekyns · & oþ er folke y -leryd tyl pacyence haþ preuyd þe · and p arfit þe makyd · Conscyence þo wyþ pacyence passyd · pylg rimag es pilgrymes as it were · þa n had pacyence as pylgrymes han · yn his poke vytayles soberte and symple speche · and soþfaste byleue to confortyn hym and conscyence · ȝif þey come yn place · there vnkyndenesse and couetyse · arn is hungry contrees bothe · And as they wentyn by the weye · of dowel they carpid þey mettyn wyþ amenstrel a menstrel · as me thoo thougth · pacyence opposyd hym ferst · and prayde he schulde hym telle to conscyence what crafte he · & to what contre he wolde y am a mynstral q uod þat man · myn name is actiua actiua vita alle ydelnesse ydel y hate · for of actif is myn name a wafrer woll ȝe wyte · and serue many lordes · and fewe robys y fonge · or furryd gownys coude y lyȝe to don men laughe · þa n lacchyn y schulde er mantell er or moneye amonges lordys mynstrals ac for y can nougth noþ er noiþer tabour ne tru mppe · ne telle none Iestys fartyn nor ne fythelyn · and atte at festys festes ne iapyn harpen · harpyn Iape nor ne iogolou n iogly · ne gentelly pypyn · neyþ er Ne noyther saylyn ne sauten · ne synge wyþ þe gyt erne · y haue noone good . ieftys gyftes Hm.13.236: Hm uniquely reads ieftys against other B manuscripts' gyftes. The original scribe appears to have written geftys, and the corrector to have taken the <ft> ligature to be <st> and intended iestys, "gestes, heroic stories." That reading appears in Cot. · of these grete lordys for breed no bred that y brynge foorth · saue a benysou n on þe sonynday · whan þe p reest preyȝeþ þe peple · her pat er nost er to bydde · for .pers the ploughman · and þat hym p rofyte woaytyn · and þat am y actyf · that ydelnesse hateth for alle trewe traueylours · and tylyers of erthe fro myȝhelmasse to myȝhelmasse · y fynde hem wyth wafres Beggers and bydders · of my breed crauyn · faytours and frerys · and folke wyþ brode crownys y fynde payn for þe pope · and p rouendre for his palfray and y hadde neu ere of hym · haue god my trowthe neyþ er p rouendre ne p ersonage · ȝit of þe popes ȝifte · saue a p ardou n wyth a peys of lede · and two pollys amyddys hadde y a clerke þat cowde wryte · y wolde castyn hym a bylle that he sente me vndur his seal · a salue for þe pestylence · and þat his blessyng e and his bull es · bocches myghten destruye · In no mi ne meo demo nia eicient sup er & super egros man us impone nt & b en e h abebu nt · And þa nne wolde y be p reest to peple þe peple · pa...ast forto make and buxum and besy · a -boute breed and drynke · for hym and alle for alle hyse · fonde y þat his p ardou n myght lechyn a man · as y byleue it schulde for seþþe he haþ þe power · þat pet er hym -self hadde he haþ the potte wyþ þe salue · soþly as me þynkeþ Argentu m & auru m non est michi quod autem h abeo tibi do in no mi ne d omini surge & ambula & c etera nil Ac ȝif mygth of myracle hym fayle · it is for men be nougth wurþy to haue the grace of god · and no gulte of the pope for may no blyssyng e don vs bote · but ȝif we woln amende ne mannys masse make pes · amonge crysten peple tyl pryde be purly fordo · and þat ..... þurgh p...ayn deffaute · or For ar y haue breed of mele · efte ofte moot y swete · and or þe comou n haue corn ynow · many a colde mornyng e so er my wafrys ben y -wrougth · moche wo y þolye · Ac Alle londone y leeue · lyketh well my wafrys and louryn whan þey lackyn it · it is nougth longe passyd ther was a carfull comou n · whan no cart cam to toune wyþ breed fro stratford · tho g..un beggers wepe and werkmen were agast alytyl a lytyl · þis wyl ben þouht longe yn the date of our dryȝtne dryȝte Hm.13.273: Hm reads dryȝtne against dryȝte in all B manuscripts except F which has the related dryghten. · yn a dryȝe apryle · · 1.369 · a thowsand and thre hundryd ...?...?...syxty and nyne Hm.13.274: Hm alone reads sixty and nyne against tweis twenty and ten in most B manuscripts. On the text of this line and the insertion of the date 1369 as a gloss in Arabic numerals, see R. W. Chambers, "The Manuscripts of Piers Plowman in the Huntington Library, and Their Value for Fixing the Text of the Poem," Huntington Library Bulletin 8 (1935): 8-9, who explains their origins and history. He suspects that the original, erroneous line in Hm's exemplar was a thousand and thre hundryd twice twenty and ten, displaying the widely attested error "20" for authorial and historical "30" ( thretty) attested in LR. The Hm 128 scribe (hand2) wrote something which is now partly legible, under an erasure: th[ries twenty] & [n]yne. (Conjectured characters are inside square brackets.) The corrector erased this correctly alliterating line (though LR's twies thretty obtains more common alliteration than Hm's thries twenty) and wrote in the current sixty & nine for unknown reasons. Chambers notes that the events depicted actually occurred in 1370. In sum, Chambers as well as Kane and Donaldson think that the poet wrote: A thousand three hundred, twice thirty and ten (in Chamber's spelling). For Ralph Hanna's attribution of this date to John Bale see the Introduction, I.11 Provenance. . my wafres were þ ere þere were gesene · whan chichestre was mayre I took keep good gode kepe by cryst · and conscyence bothe of haukyn þe actyf man · and how he was y -clothid he hadde a cote of crystendom · as holycherche byleueth ac it was molyd yn many placys · wyþ many sundry ...spottys plottes of pryde · here a and þ ere a plotte Hm.13.280: In both instances, spot in this line is unique to Hm, but is the result of a correction; all other B manuscripts but F read plotte in both instances. F has spoot for the whole phrase. Hm.13.280: The <o> in spot has been re-inked. · of vnbuxu m speche · of scornynge and of of of of scoffynge · and of vnskylfull beryng e as yn app arayle and yn porte · proud amonges þe peple erwyse þan he haþ · wyth herte or sygth schewynge · hym wyllynge that all men wende he were þat he is nougth forwhi he bosteþ and braggeþ · wyþ many bolde othes and ynobedyent to ben vndurnome · of eny lyf lyuynge and so synguler by hym -self noon ne none so pomp pope holy · y -abytyd as an heremyte · an ordre by hem -selue hym -selue religyou n sanz reule · and resonable obedyence lackynge lettryd men · and lewyd men bothe yn lykynge of lele lyfe · and a lyȝere yn soule wyþ ynwytt and wyþ out -wytt · ymagynen and studye as best for his body be · to haue a badde name and entermentyn ou er al hym ouer al · þere he haþ nougth to done wylnynge þat men wolde wende · his wytt were þe beste and ȝif he ȝyueþ ouȝt to poore gomes · telle what he deleþ poore of poscessiou n yn purs · and yn coffre boþe and as a lyou n on to looke · and lordlyche of speche Baldest of beggers · a bostere þat nougth haþ yn towne and yn tauernys · tales to telle · and segge thynge þat he neu ere sawe · & for a for sooþ sweryn yt of dedys þat he neu ere dude · demyn and bosten · and of werkes that he well dude · wytnesse and syngyn seggen Loo ȝif ȝe leeue me nougth · or þat y lyȝe ȝe wenen wenen · askeþ at hym or at hym · and he ȝow can telle · what y suffryd and seyȝe · and sumtyme hadde and what y and knewe · and what kyn y com of all he wolde þat men wyste · of werkes and of woordes whiche mygthen plese þe peple and preysen hym -selue Si ho minibus placere m christi seruus non e ssem · & alibi · nemo potest duob us do minis seruire · By cryst q uod concyence tho · thi beste cote haukyn · hath many molys and spottys · it muste ben y -wasche Ȝee who -so took hede q uod haukyn · byhynde and byfore what on bakke and what on body half · and by the two sydes · men schuldyn fynde many frounsys · and many foule plottes and he turnyd hym all so as tyte · and thanne took y hede yt was fouler fouler by felefolde · þan it furst semyde yt was by -droppid wyth wratthe · and wykkyd wylle wyþ enuye and euyll ......speche entysynge to fygth e · lyȝinge and lauhinge · and leefe tongge to chide Hm.13.320-322: The vellum is rough and stained over the middle of this line and the next two. all þat he ...?...?...wiste wikked be eny wyght it telle tellen it and blamen men byhynd her bak · and byddyn hem meschaunce and þat he wyste by wylle · tellyn it to watte and þat watte wyste · wylle wyste it after and made of frendys fos · þurgh a fals tongge or wyþ mygth of mouþ · or þurgh mennys strengþe auenge me fele tymes · other frete my -sylue wyþ -ynne as a schepsters schere · y scherewyd I -shrewed men and cursyd hem cursed · Cuius maladicc ione os plenu m est · & amaritudine sub li ngua ei us labor & dolor · & alibi · Filij ho mi num dentes eor um arma et sagitte & lingua eorum gladius acutus · & c etera nil · There is no lyf þat y loue · lastynge any while for tales þat y telle · noman trosteþ to me · and whan y may nougth haue þe maystry · ....swich Hm.13.332: As in M, swich is written over an erasure. malencolye y take that y cacche þe crompe · the cardyacle sumtyme or an augue ague ague yn such a manere an angre · & sumtyme a feuere þat heldeþ taketh me all a twelue monthe tyl þat y despyse lechecrafte of our lord · and leeue on a wycche and sygge þat no clerke ne can · ne cryst as y leeue · to þe sout er of southwerke · or of schordych dame Emme · and sugge that þat no goddes woord · gafe me neu ere bote but þurgh a cha....rm hadde yy hele · & of þe feu ere chaunce & my chief hele ....bote · y waytede wyseloker · and thanne was yt soylyd wyþ lykynge of leccherye and by lokyng of his yȝe · for echa ech a mayde þat he mette · he made here a sygne semynge to synnewarde · and sumtyme he ga n taste · aboute þe mouþ or by -neþe · bygynneþ to grope tyl eyþres wylle wexeþ kene · & to þe werke ȝede as well on in fastyng e -dayes and frydayes · & forbod nyȝt es · and as wel yn lent as out of lente · al tymys ylyche such werkys wyþ hem · were neu ere out of seysou n · tyl þey myghtyn nomore · and þa n þan had mery talys · & how þat lecchours louyen · laughtyn laughyn lauȝen and iapen · & of her harlotrye & hordom · yn her elde tellyn · Than pacyence p arceyuyd · of poynt es of this hys cote was comely colomy þurgh couetyse · and vnkynde desyryng e more to good þa n to god · the goom his loue caste · & ymagyned how · he yt mygth haue · wyþ fals mesurys and mette and wyþ fals wytnes lenyd for loue of þe wedde and looþ to do trewþe · & awaytyd yn þorwgh whiche weye · his neyhbo urs nil tobegyle to begyle Hm.13.359: The vellum is rough and stained over the end of this line and the next. & mengyd his marchaundyse & made a good moustre þe werst wyþ -ynne was y -stuffyd nil · a gret wytt y let it & if my neyhbo ur hadde any hyne · or ell es eny beest any beste elles more p rophitable þan myne · many sleyht es y made · how y mygth haue it · and all all my wytt y keste & but y hadde it by by other weye · at þe last y stal it or p riuylyche his purs schook · vnpykyd his lockes or by nygth or by daye · aboutyn was y euere þurgh gyle to gadryn · the good that y haue · Ȝif y ȝede to the plough · y pynchid so narwe þat a foot lond or a forowe · fecchyn y wolde of my nexte neyhbour · nymyn of his erþe · & if y repe y ou erreche ouerreche · or ȝ...eue h..em ȝaf hem red ...?...þat ropen ...? sese me to me wyþ her sykell · þat y ne sew neu ere · And who -so borweþ of me · .......abouthte the tyme wyþ presentys p riuylyche · or payde sum certayn · so wolde he or nouht wolde he · ......wynnyn yy · wolde and boþe to kyth and to kyn · vnkynd of þat y hadde And who -so cheped my chaffare · chidyn y wolde · ...?...?...but he p rofered me to paye a peny or tweyne more þan yt was wurth · and ȝit wolde yy swere that it coste me moche more · y swoor swore many oþes In holydayes at holycherche · whan y herd masse had y neuere wyl god wote wot god · wyttyrly to beseche · mercy for my mysdedys · that y ne mornyd more for los of good leeue thu me me · þa n for my lykamys gult es · as if y hadde dedly synne doon · y drede nougth þ at so sore · as whan y lent and leuyd it lost · or longe or it wer payed so ȝif y kydde any kyndenesse · myn euencrystyn to helpe vppon a cruel couetyse · myne herte bygan to gan hange · & if y sent ouer þe see see · my seruauntys to Brugge.s or ynto pruce -londe my p rentys · my p rofite to wayte to marchauntuyn wyþ moneye · & make her eschau ng es mygth neu er ...?...?... thyng conforte me me conforte  in the mene while tyme · neyther masse ne matynes · ne no man er syȝt es · ne neu ere penaunce p arformyd · ne pat er n oster seyde · þ at my mynde ne was more · on my good i n a doute þa n yn þe grace of god · and yn and Hm.13.397: F has the possibly related lection or in. his grete helpes Vbi thesaurus tuus · ibi et cor tuum · ... & c etera nil þe whiche Which whiche ben þe braunches · þ at bryngyn aman a man to slewthe he þat moorneþ nouht for his mysdedes · ne makeþ no sorwe · and penaunce that the preest ........enioyneþ parformeþ it euele yuel dooþ noon almas -dede · dredeth dret ne drediþ hym of noone synne · lyueþ aȝenste the beleeue · and noon lawe holdeth · eche day is holyday wyth hym · or an hiȝe ferye · and ȝif he auȝt wol here · yt is an harlottys tonge whan men carpyn of cryst or of clennesse of soule he wexeþ wroth and woll nougth here · but woordys of merþe · penaunce and poore men · and the passyou n of seyntys he hateth to here therof · and alle that yt telleth these ben þe braunches beth war · þat bryngyn aman a man to wanhope ȝee lordys and ladyes · and legates of holycherche that fedeþ folys sages · flaterers and lyers and han lykynge to lyþen hem · to doon ȝow to laugh · Ve vobis qui ridetis · & c etera And ȝiueth hem mete and mede · and pore men refuse yn ȝour deeþ deyȝynge · y drede me ful sore · laste Hm.13.417: Laste, "lest." tho thre man er men · to moche sorow ȝow brynge · Concsencientes · & agentes · pari pena punientur & c etera nil · Patryarkes and p rophetes · and p rechours of goddys woord wordes · sauen þurgh her sarmou ns sarmoun · mannys soule from helle · rygth so flaterers and foles · arn þe fendys dysciples to entyce men þurgh her tales · to synne and harlotrye · ac clerkes þat knowyn holy wrytt · schuldyn kenne lordes · what dauid seith of suche men · as þe saut er telleþ · Non h abitabit in medio domus · mee · qui facit sup erbia m superbiam & & Hm.13.425: Hm's erasure of original ampersand after superbiam brings it into agreement with alpha and Cx. qui loquit ur ...?...iniqua & c etera nil Schulde noon haue harlote haue audyence · yn halle ne yn chaumbres · ther wyse men were · wytnesseth goddys woord wordes · ne no mysproud man · amonge lordys ben alowyd · Ac flaterers and folys · þurgh her foule woordys ledyn tho þat louyn hem · to lucyferes feste wyþ turpiloquio a lay of sorwe · and lucyferys fythele thus haukyn þe actif man · hadde soylyd his cote tyl conscyence acoupyd hym þ erof · yn a curteys man ere · whi he ne hadde waschyn it · or wypyd it wyþ a brusche Passus xiiij us quatrodecimus · de visione · & vij us septimus · de do -weel · Hm.14.0: The guide words for the heading are partially legible under ultraviolet light. I haue but on hole hatre q uod haukyn · y am þe lasse to blame þow it be soylyd and seldom clene · y slepe þ erynne on nyhtes and also y haue an housewyf · hewyn and childryn · vx orem duxi & ideo non possum venire · & c etera nil That woellyn wollen Hm.14.5: Because of the correction, Hm alone reads wellyn. Most B manuscripts have wolen or wolden. bymolyn yt many tyme · magre my chekys yt haþ ben lauyd yn lewte lente(n) Hm.14.6: The error obviously springs from confusion of <n> and <u> in an earlier exemplar. · and out of lewte boþe wyþ þe sope of syknesse · that seekeþ wondre depe and wyþ þe losse of catel · looþ forto agulte god or any goodman · by augth þat y wyste and was schryuyn of þe p reest · þat gafe me for my synnes to penaunce pacyence and poore men to fede al for couetyse of my crystendom · yn clennesse to kepyn it and co...ude y neu ere by cryst · kepyn yt clene an houre that y ne soylyd it wyþ sygth · or sum ydel speche or þurgh werk or þurgh woord · or wyl of myn herte þat y ne flobre yt foule · fro morwe tyl eue And y schal kenne the q uod conscyence · of contricyou n to make that he That schall clawe þy cote · of alle kynnys felthe Cordis contricio · & c etera Dowel schall waschen it · and wryngyn it · þurgh a wyjs confessour Oris confessio · & c etera · Dobet schall betyn it and bonkyn it · ...?...? brygth as any scarlett and engreyne it wyþ good wylle · and goddys grace to amende þe · and suþþyn sende the to satysfaccyou n · forto sowyn it after Satisfaccio dobest Schall neuere chiste myste bymowlyn it · ne mothe after bytyn it ne fende ne fals man · deffoulyn it yn thy lyue · schall noon heraud ne harpour · haue a fayr er e garn.ement than haukyn the actif man · and thu do by my techynge ne no mynstrall be more worth · among es poore ne and ryche than haukynes wyf þe wafrer · wyth his actiua vita And y schall purueye the past q uod pacyence · þouȝ no plough erye · and flour to feede þy folke folke wyth · as best be for thy soule þow neuer greyn growe growed · ne grape vppon vyne alle þat lyueþ and loketh · lyflode wolde y fynde and þat y ynough schall noon fayle · of thyng that hem nedeth we schulde nougth be to besy · aboute our lyflode Ne soliciti sitis · & c etera · volucres celi deus pascit & c etera · pacientes vinc..u nt Hm.14.38: The corrector's erasure only affects the second minim of the <u> in vincunt. Based on this character's unusual form, it seems possible that the corrector has reused an original <c> or <t> as the first minim. & c etera · Tha nn...?...e lauȝhed haukyn alytyl a lytyl · and lyghtly gan swere who -so leueth ȝow by our lord · y leue nougth he be ....blessyd no quod pacyence pacyently · and out of his poke hente vytayles of grete vertues · for alle maner bestys · and seyde loo here lyflode ynow · ȝif ȝour owre byleue be trewe for lent neuer was lyfe · but lyflode were schapyn herof Wher -of or wherfore · or wherby to lybbe Furst þe wylde worm · vnder wete erthe fysche to lyue yn the flood · and .in the fyer the cryket the curlu bykynde by kynde of the ayr · mo...ost clennyst flesch of bryddys and bestys by gras and by greyn · and by grene rotys yn menyng that alle men · myghtyn the same leue þurgh lele byleeue and loue · as god wytnesseþ Quodcumq ue pecieritis a p atre in no mi ne meo · & c etera & alibi · non in solo pane viuit homo · sed in omni v erbo · q uod p rocedit de ore dei · & c etera nil · but y lokyd what lyflode it was · þat pacyence so preysid · and that þanne was was it a pece of the pat er noster · fiat voluntas tua · Haue haukyn q uod pacyence · and ete this whan þe hungreth or whan thu clomsest for colde · or clyngest for dryȝe schull neuere gyues the Hm.14.57: An ink blot at this point in the manuscript obscures three characters. The expected reading here is the, though the blotted word cannot be determined. greue · ne gret lordes wratthe prysou n ne peyne · for pacientes vincunt by so þat thu be sobre · of sygth and of tonge yyn etynge and yyn handlynge · and yyn all thy fyue wyttys tharst thu neuere care for corn · ne lynnyn cloþ ne wollen · ne for drynke ne for breed deth drede · but deyye as god lyketh · or þurgh hungor or þorowh hete · at his wylle be yt for ȝif thu lyuest aftyr his lore · the schortre lyf þe bettre Siquis Si quis amat christum · mundum non diligit istum · & c etera nil · For þurgh his breeth bestys wexen · and a -brood ȝedyn · Dixit & facta sunt · & c etera · Ergo þurgh his breeth · mowyn men and bestys lyuyn · as holy wrytt wytnesseþ · whan men seye her gracys Aperis tu manu m tua m · & imples om ne a ni mal benedicc ione · & c etera nil · yt is foundyn that fourty wynt er · folk lyuedyn wyþ -oute tulyenge and out of þe flynt sprong þe flood · þat folke & bestys dronke · and yn elyes tyme · heuene was y -closyd · that no reyn reyne ne reynyd rone · thus rede men yn bokys that many wyntres men lyuedyn · & no mete ne tylyedyn · Seuene slepyn as seyth þe book · seue seuene hundred wynt er and lyuedyn wyþ -oute lyflode · and at þe laste they wokyn · and ȝif men lyuedyn as mesure wolde · schulde neu ere more be deffaute amonges crystyn creatures · ȝif crystes woordes ben trewe ac vnkyndenesse caristia · makeþ amonges crystene peple and ouerplente makeþ pryde · amonges poore and ryche · and mesure is so muche worth · it may nougth ben to dere for þe myscheef and þe meschaunce · among es men of sodom · wex þurgh plente of payn · and of pure sleuthe · Ociositas & habundancia · panis · p ecc atum turpissimu m nutriuit · & c etera nil For þey mesuryd nougth hem -selfe of þat they eet and dronke · dudyn dedly synne that the deuyl lykyde so vengeaunce fel vppon hem · for her vyle synnes they sonkyn ynto helle · the cytees echone · For -thy mesure we vs well · and make our feyth our scheltrom · and þurgh feith comeþ contricyou n · conscyence wot yt wote well the whiche d.ryueþ awey dedly synne & dooþ it to be venyal · and þouȝ a man mygth nougth speke · contrycyou n mygth hym saue and bryngyn his soule to blysse · so that feith bereþ bere wytnesse that whiles he lyuede lyued he bileued · yn the lore of holy cherche · Ergo contriciou n feith · and conscyence · is kyndely dowel · and surgiens for dedly synne synnes · whan schryft of mouþ fayleth Ac schrift of mouþ more worþy is · ȝif man be ylych contryt for schrift of mouþ sleeþ synne · be it neu ere so dedly · p er confessionem to a p reest · p ecca ta occidunt ur ther contrycyou n doiþ but dryueth it dou n · ynto a venyal synne · as dauid seith yn þe saut er · et quor um tecta sunt p ecca ta · ac satisfaccyou n seketh out the rote · and boþe sleþ and voydeth · and as it neuer hadde y -be · to nougth bryngeþ dedly synne þat it neuer eft is sene ne sore · but semeth a wounde yhelyd Where woneth charyte q uod haukyn · y wyste neu ere yn my lyue man that wyth hym spakke · as wyde as y haue passid Ther p arfit trewthe and poore herte is and pacyence of tonge ther is charyte the chefe(?) chambre · for god hym -seluyn · Wheþ er pacyence or paciente pou erte q uod haukyn · be more plesau nt to our drygth than rycchesse ryghtfullyche wonnyn & resonablyche dyspendyd · Ȝee quis est ille q uod pacyence · quyk laudabimus eum · & c etera nil thow men rede of rycchesse · rygth to the worldys ende y wyst neu ere renke þat ryche was · that whan he rekene schulde · whan he drowh to his deth -day · that he ne dredde hym sore · & þat at þe rekenynge yn arerage fel · raþ er þa n out of dette · þer þe poor dar plede and preue by pure resou n to haue alowaunce of his lord · by the lawe he it cleymeþ ioye þat neu ere ioye hadde · of ryghfull ...?...iuge he axeth and seith loo bryddys and beestes · that no blysse ne knoweth and wylde wormys yn wodys · þurgh wyntrys þu hem greuest and makest hem welnyh meke · and mylde for deffaute and after thu sendyst hem som er · that is here souereyn ioye · and blysse to alle that ben · bothe wylde and tame · Thanne may beggers and bestys · aftyr bote waytyn · that al her lyf han lyuyd · yn langor and yn defaute but god sent hem sumtyme · sum maner ioye · or Other here or elles -where · kynde woll wolde it neu ere · for For to wroþ erhele was he wrougth · that neu ere ioyȝe was was ioye schapen · Aungelles þat yn helle now ben · haddyn ioyȝe sumtyme and dyues yn deyntes lyuede · and yn douce vye rygth so resou n scheweth · þat þe þo men þat were ryche · and here makes also · lyuedyn her lyf yn merthe · Ac god is of a wondre wylle by þat kynde wytt scheweth · to ȝiue many men his m ercymonye · er he it haue deseruyd · rygth so fareþ god by su mme ryche · rewthe me it thynketh for þey han haere her huyre her hyre here · and heuene as yt were and grete lykynge to lyue · wyth -outyn labor of body · and whan he dyeþ be dysalowyd · as dauid seith yn þe saut er · Dormieru nt & nichil inueneru nt · & also yn an noþer stede And in an other stede also · Velud sompnu m Hm.14.141: The error for sompnium appears in all B manuscripts except F. surgenciu m do mine i n ciuitate tua · & ad nichilu m rediges · c etera nil Alas þat rycchesse schall reue · and robbe mannys soule · fram the loue of our lorde at his laste ende Hewyn þat han her huyre afore · arn eu eremore nedy and seldom deieþ he out of dette · that dyneþ or he deserue it and tyl he hath haue doon his and his dayes iourne · for whan a werkman hath wrouht · þan men may may men see þe sothe · what he were wurþy for his werke · and what he hath deseruyd · and nougth to fonge byfore · for drede of disalowynge · So y byy ȝow ryche · it semeþ nougth that ȝe schulde haue haeuene here yn ȝour berynge in ȝowre here beyng · and heuene her -after rigth as a seruau nt taketh · his salarye before Hm.14.152: HmR both divide what amounts to a single line in most B witnesses after before. F is the only other manuscript to divide the line, but it does so eccentrically. · and suþþe wolde cleyme · more ȝif he mygth more · as he þat non hadde and hath huyre at the laste yt may nougth be ȝe ryche men · or math eu on god lyȝeþ · De d elicijs ad delicias · deficile est transire · & c etera nil · Ac ȝif ȝe ryche haue rewthe · and rewarde wel the pou ere · and lyue as lawe techeþ · do leaute to hem alle cryst of his curtasye · schal confort ȝow at þe laste and rewardyn all double rycchesse · þat reufull hertys habbeth · and as an hyne þat had his huyre · er he bygonne to wurche bygonne Hm.14.161: Hm alone reads bygonne to wurche as a result of the addition by hand3. G has the related reading to worche beganne and F reads his werk bygynne. · and whan he haþ doon his deu er weel · men dooþ hym oþ er bounte · ȝyueþ hym a cote abouyn his couenau nt · rigth so cryst ȝyueþ heuene · boþe to ryche and nougth to to noȝt ryche · þat rewfullyche lybbeth and alle þat dooþ her deuer wel · han double huyre for her trauayle here forȝyuenesse of her synnes · and heuene blysse after Ac it nys bot seldom seyn as by holy seyntes bookes þat god rewarded double reste to eny ryche wye · for moche m.yrthe is amonges ryche · as yn mete & cloþynge · and moche merþe yn may is amonge wylde bestys and so foorth while somer lasteþ · her solace endureþ dureth · Ac beggers aboute mydsomer · bredles they soupe and ȝit is wynt er for hem worse · for wetschod þey gange a -thurst Afyrst sore and an -hungryd afyngred · and foule rebukyd · and aratyd of ryche men · þat rewþe is to here nowe lord sende hem somer · and sum man er ioyȝe · heuene aftur her hennys goynge · þat here han suche deffaute · for all myhtest thu haue maad · none men ere þa ner · and ylyche wytty and wys · ȝif þe wel hadde y -lykyd and haue reuþe on þese ryche men þat rewardyn nougth p risoners and of Of þe good þat thu hem gyuest ingrati beþ manye ac god of þy goodnesse · gyue hem grace to amende · for may no derþe ben hem dere · drouhte ne wete ne neyþ er hete ne hayle · haue þey her hele of þat they wyln and wolde · wanteth hem nougth here · ac þe Ac poore peple þy p risoners · lord yn þy þe pyt of myscheefe conforte þoo creatures · that moche care suffren þurgh derþe þurgh drouht · all her dayes here woo yn wynt er tymes · for wantynge of clothes and yn somer tyme selde · soupyn to þe fulle conforte thy carefull · cryst yn thi rycches ryche · for how þu confortedest alle · creatures · clerkes bere wytnes Conu ertimini ad me & salui eritis · & c etera Thus in genere · of gentryes · ihesu cryst seyde · to robbers and to reuers · to ryche and to pouere thu taughtest hem yn þe trynyte to take bapteme · and be clene þurgh þat crystnynge · of alle kyn synnys and vs fell þurgh folye · to falle yn synne after confessiou n and knowlechynge and crauyng thi mercy schulde amende vs as many sythes · as man wolde desyre and ȝif þe pope wolde plede her -aȝen · & punysch vs yn conscyence he schulde take þe acquietaunce acquitaunce as quyk · & to þe quede schewe it · Pateat & c etera q uod ad per passionem domini · & c etera And puttyn of so þe powke · and p reuyn vs vndyr borwe ac the p archemyn of this patent · of pou erte be moste and of pure pacyence · and parfyt byleeue of pompe and of pryde · þe p archemyn dec......owrith · and p rincipallyche of alle peple · but they ben pou ere of herte elles is al yn on ydel all that euere we wryte pat er nostres and penaunces penaunce Hm.14.210: HmR have the plural penaunces, and F has the related form penauntis. · and pylgrymage to rome · but our spenses and spendynge · spryngen of a trewe welle elles is is all our labour lost loo how men wryteth · yn fenestres att þe frerys · ȝif fals be þe fundament forþy crystyn men schulde sholde ben yn comou n ryche Hm.14.214: Hm alone begins a new line after the word ryche. All other B witnesses combine this line and the next, while F omits them both; · noon coueytous for hym -sylue · yn harmyng of his neyhbour nil For þe For seuyn synnes þat þ ere ben · assaylen vs euere the fende folweþ hem alle · and fondeþ hem to helpe ac wyþ rycches that rybauud · rathest men bygyleth · for þere þat rycches regneþ · reuerence folweth · and that is plesaunt to pryde · yn pouere and yn ryche and þe ryche is reu erensid · by resou n of his rycches there þe pouere is put byhynde · & p araduenture can more · of wytt and of wysdom that fer away is bettre than rycchesse or ryalte and rather herd yn heuene for þe ryche haþ moche to rykene · and rygth .....softe Hm.14.225: The correction reflects Bx. The erroneous readings of Cr 1 and W suggest that the corrector's text may have been superior to Beta2, the immediate exemplar for Hm. For the stemma currently in use by the Archive , see Robert Adams, "The Kane-Donaldson Edition of Piers Plowman: Eclecticism's Ultima Thule," TEXT 16 (2006), 141. walketh the heyȝ wey to heueneward · ofte rycchesse letteth Ita possibile diuiti · & c etera The Þere þe poore p reseþ byfore · þe ryche wyþ a poke at his rygge · Opera eni m illor um · sequnt ur illos · & c etera nil Batauntlyche as beggers doon · and baldelyche he craueth for his pouerte and his pacyence · a p erpetuell blysse · Beati paup eres q uoniam ip sor um est celor um regnu m · & c etera regnum celorum · And pryde yn rycchesse regneth · rather than yn pou erte · arst yn þe mayst er than yn þe man · sou m mansyou n he haþ · Ac yn pouerte ther pacyence is · pryde haþ no mygth ne noon of þe seuene synnys · sytten ne mowyn þ ere longe ne haue power yn pou erte · ȝif pacyence yt folwe · for þe poore is ay prest · to plese the ryche · and buxu m at his byddyng for his brokyn louys and buxumnesse and boste · arn eu ermore at werre and eyþer hateth oþ er · yn all maner werkes ȝif wraþþe wrastle wyth the poore · he haþ þe wurse ende and For ȝif þey boþe pleyne · the poore ys but feble and ȝif he chide or chatre · hym cheueth þe worse · Hm.14.244: Beta here omits a dozen lines recorded in alpha. And ȝif coueytese cacche þe pou ere · þey may nougth come togydres · and by þe nekke namly · her noon Hm.14.246: her noon, "neither of them." may hent oþ ere · for men knowyn knoweth wel þat couetyse · ys of akene a kene wylle · and haþ hondys and armys · of a longe lengthe · and pou erte nys but a petyt thyng · apereþ nougth to his nawuyle and louely layke was it neu ere · bytwene þe long & þe schorte · And þowȝ auarice wolde angour þe pou ere · he haþ but lytyl myȝt · for pou erte haþ but pokes · to puttyn yn his goodys ther auaryce haþ almaryes · and yren boundyn coffrys and wheþ er be lyght er to breke · lasse bost it makeþ a beggers bagge þan an yryn bounde coffre Lecchery loueþ hym nougth · for he ȝyueþ but lytyl syluer ne dooþ hym nougth dyne delycatly · ne drynke wyn ofte a straw for þe st.......uwes · yt stood nougth y trowe · hadde þey no -þyng but of pou ere men · her houses stodyn vntyled And þowȝ slouþe sewe · pou erte · and serue nougth god to paye · myscheef his mayster is is his maister · and makeþ hym to thenke þat god is his grettyst helpe · and no gome elles · and his seruaunt as he seyth · and of his suyte boþe and wheþ er he be or be nougth · he bereth the sygne of pou erte · and yn þat secte our sauyour · sauyd all man -kynde · forþy alle pou ere þat pacyent ben is · mowe cleymyn & askyn · after her endyng here · heuenryche blysse Moche hardyer may he asken þat here mygth haue her his wylle yn lond and yn lordschipe · and lykyng of body · and for goddys loue leueþ al · and lyueþ as a begger and as amayde a mayde for mannys loue · her mooder forsakeþ · his hir fader and alle her frendys · and folweþ her make moche is suche amayde a mayde to loue · of hym þat suchon such on takeþ · more þa n a maydyn is · þat is maryed þorough brocage as by assent of sundry p artyes · and syluer to boote more for couetyse of good · þan kynde loue of boþe So it fareþ by eche ap ersone a p ersone · þat possessiou n forsakeþ and putteþ hym to be pacyent · and pou erte wyddeþ þe which is syb to god hym -sylf · and so to hise seyntes Haue god my trowþ q uod haukyn · ȝe p reyse fast pou erte What is pou erte wyþ pacyence q uod he p roprely to mene · Paup ertas quod pacyence · est odibile bonu m remocio curar um · possessio sine calumpnia · donu m dei sanitatis mat er · absq ue solicitudine semita · sapiencie temp eratrix · negociu m sine dampno · i ncerta fortuna · absq ue solicitudi ne felicitas · & c etera nil I can nougth construe þys q uod haukyn · ȝe moot telle kenne þis yn on englysch · In englisch q uod pacyence · yt is full wel hard to wel to expowne · ac sumdel y schall seyne it · by so thu vndurstonde pou erte is þe furste poynt · that pryde most hateth · thanne is it good by good skylle · al þat agasteþ pryde rygth as contriciou n is confortable þyng · conscyence wot well and a sorowe of hym -sylf · and a solace to the soule · so pou erte p roprelych · penaunce and ioyȝe is to the body · pure spurytual helthe Ergo paup ertas est odibile bonu m · & c etera nil and contriciou n confort · and cura a ni mar um · Selde sit pou erte · the sooþe to declare horas iusticie Or as iustyce Hm.14.295: The scribe's use of the display script indicates that he takes the phrase to be Latin, meaning "hours of justice." See also Hm.12.93, where the scribe similarly interpreted English as Latin and copied it in display script. In both cases the grammatical sense carries over from the preceding line. to iuge men · enyoyned is no pou ere ne to be mayr aboue men · ne mynystre vndyr kyng es seldom is eny pou ere y -put · to punysch any peple · Remocio curarum · & cetera · Ergo pou erte and pou ere men · p erforment the comaundement Nolite iudicare quemq uam · the thrydde · Selde is any pou ere ryche · but of ryghfull herytage · wynneth he nougth · wyth w.....eyȝtes false · ne wyþ vnseled mesures ne borwe.þ of his nehbours · but þat he may wel paye Possessio sine calumpnia & c etera The fyerþe is a fortune · that floresche þ the soule wyþ soberte from alle synne · and also ȝit more it afayteþ the flesch · from folyes full manye a collateral confort · crystys owne ȝifte · ...?...?... Hm.14.309: This line appears in the right margin after line Hm.14.308 in a different hand and ink, added by the corrector, hand3. Donu m dei · The fyfte is mooder of helþe a frende · yn alle fondynges and for þe lande euer a leche a lemman of alle clennesse Sanitatis mater · & cetera nil · The sixte is a paþþe of pees · ȝe þurgh þe of aultou n pouerte mygth passe · wyþ -oute p eryl of robbynge for þere þat pou erte passeþ · pes folweþ after and eu ere þe lasse þat he bereþ · þe hardyer he is of herte forþy seith seneca · paup ertas e st absq ue solicitudi ne .semita and an hardy man of herte · amonge an hepe of theuys Cantabit paup ertas coram latrone viator · & c etera nil · The seuenþe is welle of wysdom · and fewe woordys scheweþ for lordes aloweth hym lytyl · ....or Hm.14.321: The form of <r> is characteristic of correcting hand3. See the top sixteen lines of fol. 186v for an extended sample of hand3's work. lystneþ to his resou n he tempreþ þe tongge to trewþward · and no tresor coueyteþ · Sapiencie temperatrix · & c etera nil The eiȝteþ is a lele labour · and loiþ to take more þan he may well deserue · yn somer or yn wynt er and ȝif he chaffare he chargeþ no losse · mowe he charyte wynne Negocium sine dampno · & c etera nil · The nyȝenþe is swete to þe soule · no sucre is swetter for pacyence is payn · for pouerte hym -sylue and soberte swete drynke · and good leche yn syknes thus lered me a lettryd man · for our lordys loue seynt austyn ledde a a blessyd lyfe · wyþ -oute bysynesse for body and for soule · absq ue solicitudine felicitas · Now god þat al good gyueþ · g raunte his soule reste þat þis þus ferst wrot to wyssen men · what pou erte was to mene · Alas q uod haukyn þe actif man þoo · þat after my crystyndom · þat y I ne hadde ben ded and doluyn · for dowellys sake · so hard is yt it is q uod haukyn · to lyuen and to synne do synne · synne seweþ vs eu ere q uod he · and sory gan wexe and wepte water wyþ his eiȝen · and weyles weyled þe tyme þat eu ere he dude dede · þat dere god dysplesid. swownyd and sobbed · and syked full ofte þat euere he hadde lond or lordschipe · lasse ermore er more or maystrye ouer any man · moo þan of hym -sylue y were nougth wurþy wot god q uod haukyn · to weryn eny cloþys ne neyþ er scherte ne schoon · saue for schame one to couer e my careyne q uod he · and cryed mercy faste and wepte and wayled · and þ erwyþ y awakyd · Passus xv us quintus decimus · finis de do -weel · Incipit hic de do -bet · a A c aftyr my wakynge · it was wonder longe er y kowde kyndly knowe · what was dowel · and so my wytte wex and wanyed · tyl y a fool were and summe lacked my lyfe · allowyd yt fewe and leten for alorel a lorel · and looþ to reuerencyn · lordys and or ladyes · or eny lyfe elles as p ersou ns yn pellure wyth pendawntes of seluer to sergeau nt seriauntz ne to none such suche · seyde y seyde nougth ones god loke ȝow lordes · ne lowtyd fayre Hm.15.10: The rubricator ignored or failed to notice the paraph marker. þat folke heldyn me afooll a fooll · and yn þat folye y rauyd tyl resoun hadde rewþe on me · and rokkyd me aslepe tyl y as yt sorcerye were · a sotyl þyng wyþ -alle oon wyþ -outyn tonge or and teeþ · tolde me whider y schulde and wherof y cam & of what kynde · y conyouryd · hym atte þe laste if he were crystes creature · leue for crystes loue me to telle I am crystes creature q uod he · and crystene yn many a place yn crystes court y -knowe wel · and of his kyn aparty a party · ..þer is Is neyþ er pet er ne þe port er · ne poule wyþ his fauchoun · þat wol deffende me þe doore · dynge y neu ere so late at mydnygth at mydday · my voys is so so is y -knowe þat eche a creature of his court · welcomeþ me fayre what ar ȝe callyd yn þat court q uod y · among crystes peple Ther Þe whiles y quyk was yn þe cors q uod he · callyd y am am I anima and whan y wylle and wolde · animus y hatte and for þat y can and knowe · callyd am y mens and whan y make mone to god · memoria is my name and whan y deme domes · and do as trewþ techeþ than is racio my rygth name · resoun on englysch and whan y fele þat folke tellyn · my ferst name is sensus and that is wytt and wysdom · þe welle of alle craftys and whan y chalenge or chalenge nougth · chepe or refuse than am y conscyence y -callyd. goddys clerk and his notarye and whan y loue lely · our lord and alle oþere thanne is lele loue myn name · and yn latyn amor and whan y fle fro þe flesch · and forsake þe careyne thanne am y spuryt specheles · spiritus than y hatte austyn and ys.idorus · eyþer of hem boþe nempnyd me thus to name · now thu mygth chese how þu coueytest to calle me · now thu knowyst alle myn namys Anima pro diu ersis acc io nib us · diu ersa no mi na sortitur · du m viuificat corpus  a ni ma est · du m vult  anim us est · du m scit  mens est · du m recolit  memoria est · du m iudicat  racio est · du m sentit  sensus est · du m amat  amor est · dum negat vel consentit  consciencia est · dum spirat  spiritus est · & c etera nil ȝee ben as a busschop q uod y · all bourdynge that tyme · for busschops y -blessyd · they bereþ many names · presul and pontifex · and metropolitanus and oþer names an hepe · ep iscopus and pastor That is sooþ seyde he · now y see thy wylle thu woldest knowe and ku nne · þe cause of alle names and of myn ȝif thu myghtest · me þynkeþ by þy speche Ȝhe syre y seyde by so · noman were greuyd and alle Alle þe scyences vndur sonne · & alle þe sotyl craftis y wolde y knew and cowde · kyndely yn myn herte thanne art thu ynp arfit q uod he · and on of prides knyhtes for suche a luste and lykynge · lucyfer fel from heuene · Ponam pedem meu m in aquilone & similis ero altissimo · & c etera nil yt were aȝenst kynde q uod he · of and al kyn resoun · þat any creature schulde ku nne al · excepte cryst one aȝenst suche salamon spekeþ · and despyseþ her wyttys and seiþ · sicut qui mel comedit multu m · non est ei bonu m sic qui scrutator est magestatis · opprimit ur a gloria · & c etera nil · To englysch men this is to mene · þat men spekyn mowen speke and here the man þat muche hony eteþ · his mawe it engleymeth and þe more þat aman a man · of good mater hereþ · but he do þ erafter · he it dooþ hym double skathe · Beatus est seyþ seynt bernard · qui scripturas legit Et vertit verba verba vertit in op era · fullyche to his power Coueytyse to ku nne · and to knowe scyence putte out of p aradyse · Adam and eue · Sciencie appetitus · ho mi nem in mortalitatis gloria gloriam spoliauit · & c etera nil and rygth as hony is euel to deffye · & engleymeþ þe mawe rygth so þat þurgh resou n · wolde þe rote knowe of god and of his grete myghtes · his grace it letteth for yn þe lykynge lyeþ a pryde and lykames coueytise aȝenst crystes counseyl · and alle clerkes techynge that is non plus sap ere · q uam oportet sap ere Frerys and fele othre maystrys þat to þe lewyd men p rechen ȝe meuyn materes ynmesurables · to tellyn of þe trynyte þat ofte tymes þe lewyd peple · of here byleue doutyn bettre b.eleue were to leye were(n) Hm.15.76: LHm have beleue were against it were in W, to beleue were in OC 2, beleue where in Cr 1, and to leue were(n) in most other B manuscripts. manye · doctours such techyng and tellen men of þe ten co mmaundement es · and touchyn þe · vij · seuene synnes · and of þe braunches that buriowneþ of hem · & brynge men to helle and how þat folke yn folyes · myspendyn her wyttes fyue wittes as wel freres as oþ ere folke · folylyche spendyn yn housynge and housyng yn haterynge · & ynto hiȝe clergye schewynge more for pompe þa n for pure charyte · þe peple wot þe sope that y lyȝe nougth loo · for lordys ȝe plesyn and reuerencyn the ryche · þe raþ er for her syluer Confundant ur o mnis qui adorant sculptilia · Et alibi vt quid diligitis vanitatem · & queritus mendaciu m · & c etera nil Goo to the glose of þese þe vers · ȝe gret clerkes if y lyȝe on ȝow to my lewyd wytt · ledeþ me to brennyng for as it semeþ ȝe forsakeþ · no mannys almasse · of vsureres of hores · of auerous chapmen and lowtyn to þese lordes · þat mou n lene ȝow nobles aȝen ȝour reule and relygiou n · y take record at ihesus that seyde to his dysciples · ne sitis p ersonar um acceptores Of þys matere y mygth · make a longe byble ac of curatours of crysten peple · as clerkes bereþ wytnes y schal telle it for trewþys sake · take hede who -so lykeþ as holynesse and honeste · out of holy cherche spredeþ · thurgh Hm.15.97: An otiose mark appears above the <g>. lele lyuynge men · þat goddes lawe techen rygth so out of holycherche · alle eueles spredeth · ther ynp arfit p reesthod is · p rechours and techers · y And see it by ensaumple · yn somer tyme on trowes ther summe bowes beþ leuyd · and su mme bereþ none ther is a myscheef yn þe more · of suche man er bowes rygth so p arsou ns and p reestys · and p rechours of holycherche · that arn rote of þe rygth feiþ · to rewle þe peple ac þ ere þe rote is rotyn · resou n wot the sothe schall neuer flour ne fruyte · ne fayr lef. be grene forþy wolde ȝe lettryd leue · þe lecchery of clothynge · and be kynde as byfell for clerkes · and curteys of crystes godes trewe of ȝour tonge · and of ȝowre tayle boþe and haten to here harlotrye · and nougth vndurfonge to vnderfonge tyþes of vntrew þyng · y -tylyed or y -chaffaryd chaffared Loiþ were lewyd men · but they ȝ....owre lore folwyde and amendy.d amenden hem þat mysdon · more for ȝowr ensaumples þan forto p rechen and p reuyn yt nougth · ypocresye yt semeþ for ypocresye yn latyn · is lyknyd to a dungehull þat were bysnewyd wyth snowe · and snakes wyþ -ynne Hm.15.116: HmCGB omit the following line, here given in the spelling of L: Or to a wal þat were whitlymed and were foule wyth -inne . rygth so many p reestys · p rechours and p relatys ȝe arn enblaunchid wyþ bele p aroles · and wyþ cloþes also ac ȝowr werkes and ȝour woordes þ er -vndur · arn ful vnlouely · iohannes crisostomus · of clerkes spekeþ and preestys Sicut de templo om ne bonu m p rogreditur  sic de templo om ne malu m p rocedit · Si sacerdociu m integru m fu erit  tota floret eccl esia · si autem corruptu m fu erit  o mn iu m fide s marcida est · Si sacerdociu m fu erit i n p ecc atis  totus p op ulus conu ertitur ad p.....eccandu m · Sicut cu m videris arbore m pallida m & marcidam  intelligis quod viciu m h abet in radice · ita cu m videris p op ul um i ndisciplinatu m & irreligiosum  sine dubio sacerdociu m eius non est sanum · & c etera nil · Ȝif lewyd men wysten · what þis latyn meneth · and who was myn autor · moche wonder me þynkeþ · but ȝif many a p reest bere · for her baselardes and her brochis a peyre of bedys yn her hond · and abook a book vnder her arm syre iohan and sere gyffray · haþ a gurdel of seluer a baselard or a ballok -knyf · wyþ botou ns ou ergulte ac a porthors þat schulde ben his plough · placebo to sigge hadde he neuer seruyce to saue syluer þ erto · seyþ yt wyþ ydel wylle Alas ȝe lewde men · full muche moche lese ȝe on p reestys ac þynge þat wykkydly is wonne · and wyþ false sleyȝtes wolde neu ere þe wylle witte of wytty god · but wykkyd men it hadde þe which ar p reestys ynp arfyt · and p rechours after syluer excecutours and souþdenes · somnours and her lemmanys this þat wyþ gile was getyn · vngracyously is spendyd so harlottes and hores · arn holpen wyþ suche goodes and goddys folk for deffaute herof þer -of · forfaren and spyllyn curatoures and of holycherche · as clerkes þat ben auerous lyghtly þat þey leuyn · losellis it habbeth or dyen dyeth yntestat · and thanne the busschop entreþ and makeþ merþe þ erwyþ · and his meyne men boþe · and seyn he was anyggarde a nyggarde · þat no good mygth spare to frende ne to fremde · þe fende haue his soule for a wrecchid housholde hous he helde · all his lyf -tyme and þat he spared and bysperyd · spende we yt we yn merþe Be it By lered be it by lewyd · þat loiþ is to spende þus gon her goodes away godes · be þe gost faren · ac for goode men god wot · gret doel men makyn and bymeneþ goode meteȝyuers · and yn mynde haueþ yn prayers and yn penaunces · and ynp arfit charyte What is charyte q uod y tho · a childysch þyng he seyde Nisi efficiamini sicut p aruuli · non intrabitis in regnu m celor um · & c etera nil Wyþ -outyn fauntelte or folye a free lyberall wylle Wher e Hm.15.154: An expansion indicator has been added to the original wher. It appears to be the work of same hand that made the next correction in this line. ...?...schulde men fynde such afrend a frend · wyþ so fre an herte y haue lyued yn londe q uod he I · myn name ys longe wylle and fond y neu ere full charyte · byfore ne byhynde men beþ m ercyable · to mendynauntys and to poore and wollyn lene ther þey leue · lely to be payde ac charyte þat poule p reyseþ best · & most plesau nt is to to our sauyour ys non As non inflatur non ambiciosaest ambic iosa · non querit que sua sunt · I say neu ere such aman a man · so me god helpe þat ...?...he ne wolde aske after his · and oþ erwhile coueyte thyng þat nedyd hym nougth · and nyme nyme it ȝif he myghte · Clerkes kennyn me þat cryst · is yn alle places ac y say hym neu ere soþly · but as my -sylf yn a myrrour In Ita in enigmate · tunc facie ad faciem · & c etera nil and so y trowe trewly · by þat men telleþ of charyte · yt is Hm.15.168: Probably as a result of damage caused by the following erasure, the <s> in is has been touched up. n.gth.tono noȝt chaumpiou ns fygth · ne chaffare as y trowe Charite q uod he ne chaffareþ nougth ne chalengeþ ne craueþ as proud of a peny · as of a pound of golde and is also glad of a gowne · of a graye russat as of a tonycle of tars · or of trye scarlett he is glad wyþ alle glade · and good tyl alle wykkyd and leneþ and loueþ alle · þat our lord made · curseþ he no creature ne ne he can bere no wratthe ne no lykynge haþ to lyȝe · ne laugh men to scorne all þat men seyn he let it sooþ · and yn solace takeþ and alle manere myschiefs · yn myldenes he suffreþ · coueyteþ he non erþly good · but heuenryche blysse Haþ he eny rentys or rycchesse · or eny ryche frendys  of rentes ne of rycchesse · reccheþ he neuere · for a frende þat fyndeþ hym · faylyd hym neu ere at nede Fiat voluntas tua · fyndeþ hym eu ermore · and ȝif he soupeþ · he eteþ but a sop · of Spera in deo · he can portraye wel þe pat er n oster · and peynt it wyþ Auees and oþ urwhile is his he is wone · to wendyn on pylgrymage ther poore men and p ersons lyggeþ · her p ardou n to haue thowh he bere hem no breed · he bereþ hem bettre swetter lyflode loueþ hem as our lord byddeþ · and lokeþ how þey fare And whan he is wery of þat werk · þa n wol he sumtyme labouryn yn lauandrye · well þe lengþe of a myle and ȝerne ynto ȝowþe · and ȝeplyche speke pryde wyþ all þe apportenaunce · and packen hem to -gydres and boukyn hem atte his brest · and beten hem clene · and leggyn on longe wyþ laboraui in gemitu meo · and wyþ warm wat er atte his eiȝen · waschyn hem aftyr and þanne he syngeþ whan he dooþ soo · & sumtyme seith wepynge Cor contritu m & humiliatu m deus non despicies · & c etera nil · By cryst y wolde þat y knew hym q uod y · no creature leu ere wyþ -outyn help of peers ploughman q uod he · his p arsou n seest þu neu ere wherþ er clerkes knowyn hym q uod y · þat kepyn holy cherche clerkes han no knowyng q uod he · but by werkes and by woordys ac peers þe ploughman p arceyueþ more deppere what is þe wylle and wherfore · þat many wygth suffreþ · Et vidit deus cogitac iones eoru m · & c etera nil For þer are ful proud -herted men · pacient of tonge and buxuom est boxome as of berynge · to burieis Hm.15.207: Burieis, "burgesses." and to lordes and to pore peple · han pepir yn her þe nose · and as alyou n a lyou n ...they he lokeþ · there men lacken ...her his werkes And For þer ar beggers and bydders · bedemen as yt were þat lokyn Loketh as lambren · and semyn lyfholy · ac it is more to haue her mete · yn such an esy man ere · than for penaunce · and p arfitnesse · þe pou erte þat such takeþ Therfore by clergye ne by colour coloure ne by clergye · know schalt þu hym neu ere neyþ er þurgh woordes ne werkes · but þurgh wylle one Hm.15.215: Hm alone omits the line that follows, here given in the spelling of L: And þat knoweth no clerke ne creature in erthe. but peris þe ploughman · petrus id est christus · for he nys nougth yn lollers · ne yn land - lepynge leperes heremytes ne at ancres þ ere a box Hm.15.218: The scribe adjusted an initial <y> to make the <x>. hangeþ · alle suche þey fayten · fy on faytours · and infautores in fautores suos · for charyte is goddys champiou n · and as good a good childe hende and þe meryest of mowþ · atte mete wherso where he sytteþ · the loue þat lyeþ yn his herte · makeþ hym lygth of speche · and is compaygnable and confortatyf · as cryst byt hym -sylue · Nolite fieri sicut ypocrite tristes · & c etera For y haue seyn hym yn selke and sumtyme yn russat boþe yn gray and yn grys · and yn gult harneys and als gladlych he it gafe to gomes þat yt nedyde edmund and edward · boþe eyther were kynges and seyntes y -set · ...for tyl charyte ...hem folw....ede · y haue seyn charite also · syngyn and redyn · rydyn and rennyn · yn raggyd wedys · ac byddynge as beggers · behelde y hym neu ere ac yn ryche robys · rathest he walkeþ · y -callyd and y -crymylyd · and his crowne y -schaue and yn a frerys frocke · he was foundyn onys ac it is fern a -goo · yn seynt Fraunceys tyme yn þat secte seþþe · to selde haþ he be knowyn · ryche men he recomendeþ · and of her robes takeþ that wiþ -outyn wyles · ledeth her lyues Beatus est diues qui · & c etera · In kynges court he comeþ ofte þ ere þe conseyl is trewe ac ȝif coueytyse be of þe cou nseyl he woll nougth come þ erynne yn court amonges iapers · he comeþ nougth but selde for braulynge and bacbytynge · and berynge of fals wytnes In þe constorye byfore the co mmissarye · he comeþ nougth full ofte for her lawe dureþ ouer longe · but ȝyf þey lacchen syluer and matrymoyne for moneye makyn and vnmakyn · and þat conscyence and cryst · haþ y -knytt faste þey vndon it vnworþyly · þe þo doctors of lawe · Ac y ne lacke no lyfe · but lord amende vs alle · and gyue vs grace goode god · charite to folwe for who -so mygth mete wyþ hym · such maneres hym eyles neyþ er he blameþ ne banneþ · bosteþ ne preyseþ lackeþ ne loseþ · ne lokeþ vp sterne craueþ ne coueyteþ · ne cryeþ after more In pace inidipsum in idipsum · dormia m & requiescam nil & c etera · The moste lyflode þat he lyueþ by · is loue yn goddys passiou n neyþer he byddeþ ne he beggeþ beggeth · ne borweþ to ȝelde mysdoiþ he noman · ne wyþ his mowþ greueþ · Amonges crystyn men · þis myldenesse schulde laste yn alle man ere angres · haue þis atte herte · that thowȝ þey suffryd all this · god suffryd for vs more yn ensaumple we schuld do so · and take no vengeaunce of our foes þat don vs falsnesse · þat is our fadres wylle for wel may eu ery man w.ete · ȝif god had wolde hym -sylue schulde neu ere iudas ne iewe · haue ihesu don on rode ne han martyred pet er and ne poule · ne yn prysou n holdyn · ac he suffryd yn ensample · þat we schuld suffre also and seyde to suche þat suffre wolde · þat pacientes vincu nt verbi gracia · q uod he · and verrey ensamples manye In legenda s anc tor um · the lyf of holy seyntes what penaunce and pou erte · and passiou n þey suffryd yn hungo ur ur yn hete · yn alle manere angrys antoni and Egidi · and other holy fadrys wonedyn yn wyldernesse · amonge wylde bestys monkes and mendynauntes · men by hem -sylue yn spekes and yn spelonkes · seldom speke togydres Ac noyþ er antony ne egidi · ne hermyte þat tyme of lyou ns ne of lup ardys · no lyflode ne tooke but of fowles þat fleeþ · thus fynde men yn bokys except that egidi · after an hynde cryed · and þurgh þe mylde mylke of þat mylde beste · the man was susteyned and day by day hadde he her nougth · his hungour forto slake but seldom and sundry tymes · as seiþ þe book and .techeþ Antony a dayes · abowt the aboute noon -tyme hadde a brydde þat brougth hym breed · þat he by lyuyde and þowȝ the gome had a gest · god fond hem bothe poul p rimus heremita · hadde parrokkyd hym -sylue that noman mygth hym se · for mosse and for leuys fowlys hym fedde · fele wyntrys wyþ -alle tyl he foundyd frerys · of austynes ordre Poul after his p rechynge · panyers he made and wan wyþ his handys · that his wombe neded Peter fischid for his food · and his felaw Andrew somme þey sothyn solde (or) soden & su mme soldyn þei soden · and so they lyued boþe and also marye magdalene · by mores lyuyd and dewys ac most þurgh deuociou n · and mynde of god almyghty · I schuld nougth þis seuene dayes · syggen hem alle · that lyuedyn þus for our lordys loue · many longe ȝerys ac ther ne was lyou n no lup ard · þat on laundys wentyn · neyther bere ne bore · ne other best wylde · that ne fel to her feet · and fawnyd wyþ her tayles and ȝif þey haue carpede by cryst as y trowe they woldyn haue fed that folk · byfore wyld fowles ac god sent hem food by fowles · and by none fiers bestys yn menyng þat meke thynge · mylde thynge schuld serue fede as who seiþ relygiou ns religious · ryghtfull men schuld fynde and lawful men to lyf -holy men · lyflode brynge and þanne wolde lordes and ladyes · be loiþ to agylte and to take of her tenawntes · more þan trewþ wolde founde they that frerys · wolde forsake almasses her almesses and byddyn hem bere it · þere it was y -borwyd · for we ben goddes fowlys · and abydyn alwey · tyl bryddys bryngyn vs · that we schulde lyue by for had ȝe potage and payn ynow · and peny -ale to drynke and a messe þ erwyþ þere -mydde · of oo maner kynde · ȝe haddyn rygth ynowȝ ȝe relygiou ns · and so ȝowr rewyl me tolde Nu mq uam dicit iob rugit onager · cu m herbam h abuerit · aut mugiet bos cu m ante plenu m p resepe steterit · brutoru m a ni maliu m natura te condempnat · q uia cu m eis papulu m co mune sufficiat · ex adipe p rodijt iniquitas tua · & c etera nil ȝif lewed men knew this latyn · they wolde loke whom they ȝyue and auyse hem byfore · a fyue dayes or syxe er þey enmorteysid amortesed to monkes · or chanones her rentys alas lordes and ladyes · lewyd counseyl haue ȝee · to ȝyue fro ȝowr heyres · þat ȝowr aiels ȝow lafte and ȝyueþ to bydde for ȝow · to such þat ar ben ryche and beþ foundyd and feffyd eke · to bydde for othere who p arformeþ þis p rophecye · of the peple þat now lybbeþ disp ersit dedit pauperibus · & c etera ȝif eny peple p arforme þat text · it are þese pou ere frerys for þat þey beggyn aboute · yn buyldyng þey it spende spende (it) and on hem -selfe sum · and such as ben her laborers and of hem þat habbeþ they takyn · and ȝyue hem þat habbeþ ne habbeth Ac clerkes and knyhtys · and comoners þat ben ryche fele of ȝow fareþ · as ȝif y a forest hadde that were ful of fayr trees · and y fonded and caste how y mygth mo þ erynne · amonges hem sette rygth so ȝe ryche · that ȝe robbeþ that ben ryche and helpeþ hem þat helpeþ ȝow · and ȝyueþ þ ere no nede is as who -so fylde a tonne · of a fresch reuere and went foorþ wyþ þat wat er · to wokyn wyþ t....emse · rygth so ȝe ryche · that ȝe robbyn and fedyn hem that han as ȝe han · hem ȝe makyn at ese Ac relygyous þat ryche ben · schuld raþ er feste beggers than burieys Hm.15.343: Burieys, "burgesses." þat ben ryche riche ben as the book techeþ Quia sacrilegiu m est res paup eru m non paup erib us dare It em p ecc atoribus dare est immolare · It em monach.e si indiges & accipis  pocius das q uam accipis Si autem non eges · & accipis rapis · Porro non indiget monachus  si h abeat q uod nature sufficit · c etera nil wones Hm.15.349: Clumsy pen trials in a later hand appear in the right margin beside this line, Hm.15.356, and Hm.15.359. Forþy y counseyl alle crystene · to conforme vs hem to charyte for charyte wyþ -out chalengynge · vnchargeþ þe soule and many a p risou n fro purgatory · þurgh his prayers he delyuereth delyureth · ac þ ere is a deffaute yn þe folke · that the feyþ kepeþ · wherfore folk is þe febler · and nougth ferme of byleue as yn luschboroughs is a lyþ er alay · & ȝit lokeþ he lyke ast erlyng a st erlyng þe marke of þat moneye is good · ac þe metal ys feble and so it fareþ by somme folke now · þey han a fayr speche Hm.15.356: Clumsy pen trials in a later hand appear in the right margin beside this line, Hm.15.349, and Hm.15.359. This one was written in a very wet ink and blotted the facing leaf, though the text remains legible. crowne and crystendom · þe kynges marke of heuene · ac þe metal þat is mannys soule · wyþ synne is fowl alayed · boþe lettryd and lewyd · beþ allayed now wyþ synne Hm.15.359: Clumsy pen trials in a later hand appear in the right margin beside this line, Hm.15.349, and Hm.15.356. that no lyf loueþ oþer · ne our lord as yt semeth · for þurgh werre and wycked workes · and wedres vnresonable wederwyse schipmen and wytty clerkes also han no byleue to the lyfte · ne to þe lore of philosophers Astronomyens alday · yn her art faylen þat whilom warnyd byfore · what schuld falle after schipmen and scheepherdys · þat wyþ schip and scheep wente wystyn by þe walkyne · what schulde betyde as of wedres and wyndes · þey warnyd men ofte · Tylyers þat tylyed þe erþe · toldyn her maystryes maistres by þe seed that they sew e · what þey sylle mygth e and what to leue and what to lyue by · þe lond was so trewe Now fayleþ þe folk of þe flood · and of þe lond boþe scheepherdys and schipmen · and so don þese tylyers neyþ er þey konneþ ne knoweþ · on cours byfore an noþ er Astronomyens also · arn atte her wyttys ende of þat was calculed of þe elyment · þe contrarye þey fynde gramer that is þe ground of al · bygyleþ now chyldren for is noon of þys newe clerkes · who -so nymeþ hede Hm.15.378: CrWHm omit the following line, here given in the spelling of L: Þat can versifye faire · ne formalich enditen. no Ne nougth oon among an hundryd þat an auto ur can construe · Hm.15.379: The text is badly rubbed (or the ink did not take well) for the central sections of this line, but the text remains legible. ne rede a lettre yn any langage · but yn latyn or yn englysch · go now to eny degre · and but ȝif gyle be mayster and flaterer his felaw · vndur hym to formyn · moche wonder me thynkeþ · amonges vs alle Doctours of decres · and of dyuynyte maystres that schulden fynde konne & knowe all kyn clergye and answere to argument es · and also to a quodlibet y dar nougth sygge it for schame · if such were apposed they schuldyn fayle of her philosophie · and yn fysyke boþe wherfore y am a -ferd · of folk of holycherche lest they ou erhippyn as other don · yn offyces and yn hourys ȝif Ac if þey ou erhippyn as y hope nougth · our byleue suffiseth · as clerkes in corpus christi feste syngyn and redyn · that sola fides sufficit · to saue wyth lewyd peple and so may sarazynes be sauyd · scrybes and iewys alas þanne but our lordys lores men · lyuen as þey leren vs and for her lyuynge þat lewyd men · be þe loþ er god a -gulte for sarasenes han sumwhat · semyng to our byleue for þey loue and byleue · yn o p ersone almyhty and we lered and lewyd · yn o god byleueþ And on macameth · aman a man yn mysbyleue brought sarrasenys of surre · and see yn what man ere this macameth was a crystene crystene · and for he most nat be pope · ynto surre he sought · and þurgh his sotyl wyttys he dauntyd Daunted ado...uue a do...uue and day and nygth her fedde the corn þat sche croppyd · he kest it yn his ere and ȝif he amonge þe peple p rechid · or yn places come thanne wolde þe culuer · come to þe clerkes ere menyng as after mete · thus macameth here enchauntyd and dude folk þa n falle on knees · for he swore yn his p rechyng þat þe culuer þat cam so · cam fram god of heuene as messag er to macameth · men forto teche · And thus þurgh wyles of his wytt · and a whyte dowue macameth yn mysbyleue · men and wymmen brougth e · þat lewyd þere and l......ered lered þere and lewed ȝit · leuyn on his lawys And seþþe our sauyour suffred · þe sarasenys so bygyled þurgh a crysten clerk · a -cursyd yn his sowle Hm.15.416-419: The b-verses of the last four lines of this leaf are obscured by bleed through and poor ink adherence. and for drede of þe deþ y dar nougth telle trewþe how englysch clerkes a culuer feden þat coueytyse hatteþ hatte and ben maneryd aftyr macameth · þat noman vseþ trewþe Hm.15.419: There appears to be an accidental imprint of an ornamented capital in the bottom margin of this page. It most likely came from contact with a loose page in this manuscript. ancres and heremytes · and monkes and frerys peren to apostles · þurgh her p arfyt lyuynge wolde neu ere þe feiþful fadre · þat his mynystres schulde of tyrauntys þat tenyn trew men · takyn eny but don as antony dude · d om inic and Fraunceys benet and bernard · þe whiche hem furst taugthe to lyue by lytyll · and yn low.e howses · by lele mennys almasse ...?...tha nne g race Grace schuld growe and be grene · þurgh her good lyuynge and folk schuld .y...faren fynde Hm.15.428: It appears probable that hand2 originally agreed with all other B witnesses and then altered to β 3's reading. · þat ben yn diu erse syknes the bettre for her byddynges · yn body and yn soule her prayers and her penaunces · to pees schulde brynge alle þat ben at þe bate debate and bedemen were trewe Petite & accipietis · & c etera · Salt saueþ þe catel · ...?...siggen thes wyues · Vos estis sal terre · & c etera · The heuedys of holy cherche · and they holy were cryst calleþ hem salt · for crystene sowlys Et si sal euanuerit in quo salietur · & c etera Ac freisch flesch oþ er fysch · whan yt salt fayleþ yt is vnsauery forsoþe · y -sothyn Hm.15.439: The <h> in sothyn may be written over an erasure by the third scribal hand. It is also possible that he added an extra tick to the <y> at the same time. or y -bake so is mannys soule soþly · þat seeþ no gode ensaumple of hem of holycherche · þat þe hie wey schulde teche and be gyde and go byfore as a good baneour and hardye hem þat byhynde ben · and ȝyue hem good euydence enleuene holy men · all þe worlde turnede ynto lele byleue · the lyȝtloker me þynkeþ schulde alle man ere of men men · we han to so many maystrys p reestys and p rechours · and a pope aboue that goddys salt schuld be · to saue mannys soule · All was heþene s sumtyme · engelonde and wal...ys tyl gregory gart clerkys · to go hyder here and p reche austyn at caunt erbury · crystnyd þe kynge and þurgh myracles þat as men may rede · al þat march he turnyde to cryste and to crystendom · and cros to honoure and fullyd folk faste · and þe feyþ taugth e more þurgh myracles · þa n þurgh moche p rechyng as wel þurgh his werkes · as þurgh with his holy wordys and seyde hem what þe fullyng fullynge was · & and feyþ was to mene Cloiþ þat comeþ fro þe weuynge · is nougth comely to were tyl it be fullyd vndur fote · or yn fullynge stockes · waschen wel wyþ water · and wyþ taseles cracched y -towked and y -teyntyd · and vnder taylours hand es hande and so it fareþ by a barn · þat born is of a of wombe tyl he it be crystned yn crystes name. and confermyd of of þe busschop yt is heþen as to heuenward and helples to þe soule Heþene is to mene after heþ · and vntylyed erþe as yn wylde wyldernes · waxen wyld bestes rude and vnresonable · rennyng wyþ -out cropers ȝe menyn wel how math eu seyþ · how aman a man made a feste he fedde hem wyþ no venysou n · ne fesauntes y -bake but wyþ foules þat fram hym nolde · but folwyd hym his whistlynge Ecce altilia mea & omnia parata sunt · & c etera And wyþ calues flesch he fedde · the folk þat he louyde þe calf bytokeneþ clennesse · yn hem that kepeþ lawes for as þe cow þurgh kynde mylk · þe calf noryscheþ tyl an noxe so loue and lewte · lele men susteyneth · and maydenys and mylde men · mercy desyryn · rygth as þe cow calfe · coueyteþ swet mylke so don ryghfull men · mercy and trewthe ac who -so who beþ þat excuseþ hem · þat arn p arsou ns and p reestys þat heuedys of holycherche ben · þat han her wylle here wyþ -outyn trauayle þe tyþe deel · þat trew men byswynkyn þey woln be wroþ for y wryte þus · ac to wytnes y take boþe math eu and mark · and memento d omine dauid · what pope or p relat now p arformeþ þat cryst higth · Ite in vnuu ersu m vn[i]uersum mundu m · & p redicate · & c etera Alas þat men so longe · yn on macameth schuld byleue so many p relates to p reche · as the pope makeþ of nazareth of nynyue · of neptalym and damaske þat þey ne wente as cryst wysseþ · syþþyn þey woln haue name · to ben pastours and p reche · þe passyoun of ihesus Hm.15.490: Hm alone omits the following line, here given in the spelling of L: And as hymself seyde so to lyue and deye. Bonus pastor a ni mam suam ponit · & c etera · And seyde it of in saluacioun · of sarazenes and oþ ere · for crystene and vncrysten · cryst seyde to p rechours Ite vos in vineam meam & c etera And seþþe þat þese sarrazenes · scrybes and iewes han alippe a lippe of our byleue · þe lyȝtloker me þynkeþ þey schuld turne who -so traueyled trauaille wolde · to teche hem of þe trynyte Querite & inuenietis · & c etera It is rewþ to rede · how ryȝtwyse men lyuede · how þei deffowlyd her fleysch · forsokyn her owen wylle fer fro kyþ and fer and fro kyn · euel ycloþyd ȝedyn badly ybeddyd · no book but conscyence ne no rycchesse but þe rode · to reyioyse hem ynne Absit nobis gloriari nisi in cruce d omini n ostri · & c etera And þo was plente and pes · among and ryche ...?...?... Ac And now is reuthe to rede how þe rede noble · iIs reuerenced ar þe rode · receyuyd for þe worthiere  Hm.15.506-507: Hand3 wrote these two verses on a single line, writing Hm.15.506 over an extended erasure, then writing Hm.15.507 immediately following it in the right margin. than crystes cros þat ou ercam · deþ and dedly synne And now is werre and woo · and who -so why aske for coueytise after cros · þe corowne stant yn golde boþe ryche and relygyous · þat rode the y honoure that yn grotes is grauyn ygraue · and yn gold nobles for coueytise of þat cros · men of holy cherche kirke schul turne as templeres dude · þe tyme approcheþ faste Wete ȝe nougth ȝe wyse wyse men · how þoo men honoured more tresour than trewþe · y dar nougth telle þe soþe Resoun and ryhtful doom · þe þo relygyous demyd rygth so ȝe clerkes · for ȝour coueytise or longe schal þey demen dos eccl esie · and ȝour p ride depose Deposuit potentes de sede · & c etera · ȝif knyȝthod and kynde wytt · and comou n conscyence togedres loue lely · leeueþ it well ȝe busschopes þe lordschipe of londes · for eu ere schull ȝe lese · and lyuen as leuitici · as our lord ȝow techeþ · P er p...?...rimicias primicias & decimas & c etera · whan constantyn of curtesye · holycherche do.wede wyþ londes and ledes · lordschipes and rentys an aungel men herden · an hiȝe at rome cryȝe dos eccl esie this day · haþ dronkyn ydronke venym · Hm.15.530: Though the pale blue paraph marker visible on the images is an artefact of the photography, coming from the genuine marker on the preceding folio, 178v, it in fact coincides with an erased paraph marker on this leaf of which only a blue dot remains visible. And þo þat han petres power · arn appoysonyd alle Hm.5.530: A crude line drawing, perhaps of a quill, appears to the right of this line and above it a lightly scored X of uncertain origin and meaning. a medecyn moot þ erto · þat may amende p relates thanne schuldyn they Þat sholden praye for þe pes · possessiou ns possessioun hem letteþ takeþ her landes ȝe lordes · and leteþ hem lyue by dymes ȝif possessiou n be poysoun · and ynp arfit Hm.15.534: Kane and Donaldson misread this word as vnparfit. hem makeþ good were dyschargen to dischargen hem · for holycherches sake and purgyn hem of poysoun · or more p eryl falle ȝif preesthod were p arfit · the peple schulde amende þat contraryen crystes lawe · and crystendom dyspise · for alle paynymes prayeþ · and p arfitly byleeueþ · yn þe holy grete god · and his grace þey axen · and makyn her mone to macameth · her message to schewe Hm.15.542: The parasign has been badly smudged. Thus yn a feiþ ly...eueþ þ at folk · and yn a fals mene and þat is rewþe for rygthfull men · þat yn þe rewm wonyn · and a peryll to þe pope · and prelatys þat he makeþ þat beryn busschops names · of bethlem and of babyloigne that hippyn aboute yn yngelonde · to halwyn auters mennes auteres and crepyn amonges curatours · confessen aȝen þe lawe Nolite mittere falsem in messem alienam · & c etera Many man for crystes loue · was martyred yn romayne er þan Er any crystyndom was knowe þ ere · or eny cros honouryd Euery busschop þat bereþ cros · by þat he is holdyn · þurgh his p rouynce to passe · and to his peple schewyn hym · tellen hem and techen hem · on þe trynyte to byleeue and feden hem wyþ gostly food · and gyuen þ ere it nedeþ In domo mea non est panis neq ue vestimentu m & ideo nolite constituere me regem · & c etera nil Ozias seiþ for suche · that syke ben and feble · Inferte om nes decimas in h....orreu m meu m vt cibus in domo mea & c etera Ac we crystyn creatures · that on þe cros byleuyn arn ferme as yn þe feyþ · god forbede forbode ellys and han clerkes to kepe vs þ erynne · and hem þat schull come aft er And iewes lyuen yn lele lawe · our lord wrot it hym -sylue · yn ston for it stedefaste was · and stonde schulde euere · Dilige deu m & p roximu m · is p arfit iewyn lawe and took it moyses to teche men · tyl messye come and on þat lawe þey lyeuen ȝit · and letyn it þe beste and ȝit knew þey cryst · þat crystendom taugthe for a p arfit p rophete · þat muche peple sauyd · of selcowþe sores · they seyen it ofte bothe of myracles and meruayles · and how ..he men festyde wyþ two fysches and fyue loues · fyue þousand peple and by þat mangery men mygth well se · þat messye he semed and whan he lyft vp lazar · þat leyd was yn graue and vnder ston deed and stanke · wyþ styf voys hym callyd Lazare veni foras · & c etera nil · Dude hym ryse and rome · rygth byfore þe iewys Ac they seydyn and sworen · wyþ sorcery he wrougth and studyeden to destruye stroye(n) hym · and struyeden hem -sylue · and þurgh his pacyence her power · to pure nougth he brougth Pacientes vincunt · & c etera nil · Danyel of her vndoynge dyuyned and seyde Cum s anc tus s anc tor um veniat cessabit vnccio vestra · & c etera And ȝet wenyn tho wrecchis þat he were pseudo p ropheta and þat his lore be lesynges · and lacken yt alle and hopyn þat he be to comen · that schall hem releue moyses eft or messye · here maystres ȝet dyuyneþ Ac pharyses and sarasyns · scrybes and iewes Grekis arn folk of oo feyþ · the fader god they honouryn and syþþen þat the sarasens · and also þe iewes ku nnen þe ferst clause of our byleeue · credo in deu m p atrem o mnipotentem · & c etera nil p relates of crystes cristene p rouynces schulde p reue ȝif þey mygth · leren hem lytsom and lytsom litlum & litlum · & in ihesum christum filiu m tyl þey cowd speke and spelle · & in sp iritum sanctu m · and reden yt and recordyn yt · wyþ remissionem p ecc ator um · Carnis resurexionem & vitam et ernam amen · & c etera nil Passus ij us secundus · de do -bet · . · · · pass us ij us secundus n N Ow fayre falle ȝow q uod y þoo · for ȝowr fayr schewyng for haukyns loue þe actif man · eu ere y schal ȝow louye ac ȝit y am yn a weer · what charyte is to mene yt is a ful trye tree q uod he · trewly to telle mercy is þe moor þ erof · þe myddell stok aboute is reuthe þe leuys be lele woordes · þe lawe of holy cherche þe blosmys be buxum speches speche · and be nnygne lokynge pacyence hatte þe pure tree · and pure symple of herte and so þurgh god and pure good good men · groweþ þe fruyt of charyte charite I wolde trauayle q uod y þis tre to see · twenty hundryd myle and forto haue my fulle of þat fruyt · forsake al oþ er sawle lord q uod y ȝif eny wygth wyete · yt where whider oute it groweþ · yt groweþ yn a gardyn q uod he · þat god made hym -sylue amyddys mannys body · þe moor is of þat tree stokke herte hatteþ hatte þe herber · þat yt ynne groweþ ...?...& liberu m arbitriu m · haþ þe lond to ferme vnder peris þe ploughman · to pyken it and to weden weden it .. Pe...ers þe ploughman q uod y þoo · and al for pure ioyȝe þat y herd nempne his name · anon y swownyd after and lay longe yn a loue -dreme · and at þe last me þouhte þat p....eers þe ploughman · al þe place me schewede and bad me to tooten on þat þe tree · oon crop toppe and oon roote · wyþ þre pyles was it vndur -pygth · y p arceyued it sone Pe...ers q uod y · y prayȝe þe · why stonden þese pyle......s here For wyndes wolt þu wyeten wyte q uod he · to w.yten it fro fallynge Hm.16.25-28: The first four lines are written in the same hand and script but in a slightly larger form than the remainder of the leaf. Cu m ceciderit iustus non collidetur  q uia d omin us supponit .....manu m sua m & c etera nil that And yn blowynge tyme. byte abite þe floures · but ȝif þese pyles helpe þe worlde is a wycked wynd · to hem þat wyln trewþe coueytyse comeþ of þat wynd · and cryeþ crepeth among the leues and forfreteþ nyȝ þe fruyt · þurgh many fayre sygthtes thanne wyþ þe ferste pyl y pulle hym dou n · þat is potencia dei p atris the flesch is a fel wynd yn and in flouryng tyme · thrugh lykyng and lustes · so lowde yt he gynne.þ to blowe blowe and þat Þat it noryscheþ nyse syȝtes · and sumtyme woordes and wyckyd werkes þ erof · wormys of synne and forbyteþ þe blosmes · rygth to þe bare leuys Thanne sette y to þe secounde pyle · sapiencia dei p atris þat is þe passyou n & þe power · of our prynce ihesu · thrugh prayers & þurgh penaunces · & goddes passyou n yn mynde y saue it tyl y see it r.ypyn · and sumdel y -fruted · and þanne fondeþ þe fend · my fruyt to destruye wyþ alle þe wyles þat he can · and waggeþ þe rote and casteþ vp to þe crop · vnkynde neyhbours bacbyteres breke þe breke cheste · braulers and chyderes and leyþ a laddre þ erto · of lesynges are þe ronges and feccheþ a -weye my flowres bytyme sumtyme · afore boþe myn eiȝen ac lib...eru m arbitru m · letteþ hem hym sumtyme þat Þat is lyeutenaunt to loken yt well · by leue of my sowle my -selue videatis qui peccat in sp iritum s anc tum · nu mq uam remittet ur ei remittetur · & c etera hoc est idem qui peccat p er lib ...eru m arbitriu m arbitrium non repugnat Ac whan þe fend and þe flesch · forþ wyþ þe world manasen byhynde me · my fruyt forto fecche · tha nne lib...eru m arbitriu m · laccheþ þe furste plante and falleþ palleth adou n þe pouke · purelyche þurgh grace and helpe of þe holygoste · and þus haue y þe maystrye Now fayre falle ȝow perys q uod y · so fayre ȝe descryuen þe power of þese postes · and her p ropre myhtes myȝte ac y haue þouhtes a þrowe threve · of þese þree pyles yn what wode þey waxen · and where þat þey growyd for alle are þey ylyche longe · noon lasse than oþere and to my mynde as me þynkeþ · on o manere more þey growyd and of o gretnesse · and grene of greyn þey semen · That ys sooþ q uod peris so it may byfalle y schall telle þe as tyt · what þis ...?...tre hatteþ tree hatte the ground þere it groweþ goodnesse yt higthe and y haue told þe what higth the tre · þe trynyte it meneþ · And egerlyche he looked on me · and þ erfore y spared · to askyn hym eny more þ erof · and bad hym fulȝare ful fayre to descruye þe fruyt · that so fayre hangeþ · Here now byneþe q uod y he thoo · ȝif y nede hadde matrymoyne y may · neme amoyst a moyst fruyt wyþ -alle þa n contynence is ner þe crop · as kaylaway bastard þa n bereþ þe crop kynde fruyt · and clennest of alle maydenhod aungels pere peres · and raþest woll be rype and swete wyþ -out swellyng · sour worþ it neu ere I prayed peris to pulle a -dou n · an appull ȝif and he wolde and suffre me to assaye · what sauour yt hadde And peris caste to þe crop · and þa n comsyd it to crye and waggyd wydewhod · and yt wepte after and whan it meuyd matrymoyne · it made afoul a foul noyse and Þat y had rewþe whan perys rogged · yt gradde rewfully for eu ere as þey droppyd adou n · þe deuyl was redy and gadred hem alle togydres · boþe grete and smale · adam and abrah am · and ysaye the p rophete sampson and samuel · and seynt ioh an þe baptyst bar hem foorþ boldly · no -body hym lettyde and made of holy men his horde · in limbo inferni þere is derknesse and drede · and þe deuyl mayster And peris for pure tene · þat appull o pile he lauȝte he hitte after hym · happe how it mygthe filius by þe fader wylle · and f...?...renesse of sp iritus s anc ti to go. robbe þat rageman · and reue þe fruyt from hym · and þa n spack sp iritus s anctus · yn gabryeles mowþe · to amaydyn a maydyn þat higth marye · am....eke a m....eke þyng wyþ -alle þat oon ihesus a Iustyses sone · most ioukyn yn her chaumbre tyl plenitudo temp oris · fully comyn were that peris fruyt flouryde · and fel to be rype and þanne schuld ihesus iuste þ erfore · by iugement of armes wheþ er schulde fonge þe fruyt · þe fend or hym -sylue The mayden myldelyche þoo · þe messag er grauntyd and seyde myldelyche hendelich to hym · loo me his handmayden · forto werchen his wylle · wyþ -owtyn eny synne Ecce ancilla d omini fiat michi s ec und um verbu m tuu m & c etera & cetera And yn þe wombe of þat wenche · was he fourty wykes tyl he wax a faunt þurgh her flesch · and of fyȝtyng cowde to haue fouhtyn wyþ þe fend · er ful tyme come and peris þe ploughman · p arceyued plener tyme and lered hym lechecrafte · his lyf forto saue · þat þowȝ he were wounded wyþ enemy his enemye · to warsche hym -sylue and dude hym assaye his surgenrye · on hem þat syke were tyl he was p arfit practysour · ȝif eny p eryl fulle and sougth owt þe syke · and synful boþe and salued syke and synful · boþe blynde and croked and comyn wommen conuerted · and to good turned Non est sanis opus medic us set in & c etera Boþe meseles and mute · and yn þe menysoun blody ofte he heled suche · he held it for no maystrye saue þoo he leched lazar · that hadde leyn yn graue quatriduanus quelt · quyk dude hym walke ac as he made þe maystrye · mestus cepit esse and wepte wat er wyþ his eiȝen · þere seyen it manye · summe þat þe syȝt seyȝen · seyden that tyme þat he was leche of lyf · and lord of hiȝe heuene iewes ianglyd þ eraȝen · and iuged lawes and seydyn he wrouht wyþ wycchecrafte · & wyþ þe deuelys mygth Demonium habes · & c etera · Thanne are ȝe clerkes q uod y · and ȝowr children boþe and sathan ȝowr saueour · ȝowr -sylf now ȝe wytnessyn · for y sauyd haue saued ȝow seyþ cryst · and ȝowr sones after Ȝowr bodyes ȝowr bestes · and blynd men holpe and fedde ȝow wyþ two fysches · and wyþ fyue loouys and lefte baskattes ful of broken .....mete · bere awey who -so wolde · and mysseyde þe iewes manlyche · and manased hem to bete and knocked on hem wyþ acorde a corde · and kest adou n her stalles that yn cherche chaffareden · or chaungeden any moneye · and seyde it yn sygth of hem alle · so þat alle herden · y schal ouerturne þys temple · and a -doun throwe and yn þre dayes after · edyfye it newe · and makyn it also as moche oþ er more · yn alle man er poyntes as euere it was and as wyde · wherfore y hote ȝow · of prayers and of p arfitnesse · þys place þat ȝe callen · Domus mea domus orac ionis vocabitur & c etera · Enuye and euyl wyl · was yn the iewes · þey casten and contreuedyn · to kulle hym whan þey myghte · eche day after oþer · her tyme they awaytede tyl it befell on a fryday · a lytel byfore pasch þe þursday byfore · there he made his mawnde syttyng at þe soper · he seyde these woordes y am solde þurgh oon of ȝow · he schal þe tyme rewe þat eu ere he his sauyour solde · for syluer or elles Iudas ianglyd þer -aȝen · ac ihesus hym tolde yt was hym -sylf soþly · and seyde tu dicis Thanne went foorþ þat wycked man · and wyþ þe iewes mette and told hem atokne a tokne · how to knowe ihesus and whiche tokene to this day · to muchil moche is vsyd þat is kyssyng and fayr contynaunce · and vnkynde wylle and so was wyþ iudas tho · þat ihesus bytrayed · aue rabi q uod þat rybaud · and rygth to hym he ȝede and kessed hym to be cauȝt þ erby · and kyllyd of þe iewes Thanne ihesus to iudas · and to þe iewys seyde falsnesse y fynde · yn thy fayre speche · and gyle in thy glad chere · and galle ys yn þy lauhynge thu schalt be myrrour · to many men to desceyue ac þe wurste wors and þe wyckednesse · schall wurþe vp -on þy -sylue Necesse est vt veniant scandala · ve ho mi ni illi p er que m scandalu m venit · & c etera nil Thowh y by tresou n be take · at ȝowr owen wylle suffreþ myne apostles · in pays and in pees gange vpon On a thursday in thesternesse · thus was he taken thrugh Iudas and iewes · ihesus was his name · that on þe fryday folwynge · formankyndes for mankyndes sake iusted in ier usal em · a ioyȝe to vs alle on cros vpon caluarye · cryst took þe batayle aȝenst deeþ and þe deuyl · destruyed her boþers Hm.16.172: her boþers, "the both of them." myhtes deyed and deeþ fordede · and day of ....nyȝt made And y awakyd þ erwyþ · and wypid myn eiȝen · and after peris þe plouhman · pryed and stared estward and westward · y wayted after faste and ȝede foorþ as an ydyot · yn contre to aspye after peris þe ploughman · many a place y sougthe and þanne mette y wyþ aman a man · amdylent a mydlent sonynday als hore as an hawþorn · abrah am and Abraham he higthe y frayned hym ferste · fro whennys he come and of whennys he where · and whider þat he þouhte I am feyþ q uod þat freke · yt falleþ nougth to lyȝe and of abrahames hous · an heraud of armes y seke after a segge · that y say onys a ful bold bachiler · y knew hym by his blasen · What beriþ þat berne q uod y þoo · so blysse þe bytyde Three leode leodes in oo lyth · noon lenger þan oþer of oo mochele and mygth · in mesure and yn lengþe þat on doiþ alle doiþ · and eche doiþ by his one · The ferste · haþ mygth and mageste · maker of alle þynges · pat er is his p ropre name · oo p ersone by hym -sylue The secounde of þat syre is · sooþfastnesse filius wardeyn of þat wytt haþ · was eu ere wyþ -owt gynnyng The þrydde hatte þe holy gost · a p ersone by hym -sylue · þe lyȝt of al þat lygth lyf haþ · on lond and on watre confortour of creatures · of hym comeþ alle blysse So þree bylongyn for a lord · þat lordschipe cleymeþ mygth and mene · to knowe his owen mygth of hym and of his seruauntys seruaunt · and what þey suffre boþe So god þat gynnynge had neu ere · but þoo hym good þouhte sent forþ his sone · as a for seruaunt · that tyme to ocupye hym here · tyl yssue were spronge that is children of charyte · and holy cherche þe moder patryarkes and p rophetes · and apostles were þe childryn · and cryst and crystendom · and crysten holy cherche · yn menyng þat man moste · on god o god byleue · and þere hym lyked and louyd · yn þree p ersonys hym schewed · and þat it may be so and soiþ · manhode it scheweþ wedlok and wydewhod · wyþ virgynyte ynempnyd in tokenyng of þe trynyte · was takyn owt of a man · adam our aldre fader · eue was of hym -sylue and þe yssue þat þey hadde · yt was of hem boþe for eyþ er is oþers ioyȝe · yn þree sondry p ersonys and yn heuene and here · on synguler name and þus is mankynde and manhed · of matrymoigne y -spronge and bytokneþ þe trynyte · and trewe byleeue · Myȝt is matrymoigne · that multiplyeþ þe erþe and bytokeneþ trewly · telle ȝif y durste · hym þat ferst formede all · þe fader of heuene · The sone ȝif y durst seyȝe · resembleþ wel þe wydewe Deus Deus meus deus meus vt quid dereliquisti me · & c etera nil That ys creator wex creature · to knowe what was boþe · as wydewe wyþ -owt wedlok · was neu ere ȝit y -seyȝen · nomore mygth god be man · but ȝif he amoder a moder he moder hadde so wydewe wyþ -owten wedlok · may nouȝt wel stande ne matrymoigne wyþ -owten muliere Hm.16.227: The scribe appears to take the word muliere to be Latin here, in view of his use of display script, but at line Hm.16.230, he treats it as English. · is nougth moche to p reyse · Maladictus homo qui non reliqui.t semen in israel · & c etera Thus yn þree p ersones · ys p arfitlyche manhod þat is man and his make · and muliere childryn and is nougth but gendre yn of gen eracyou n · byfore ihesu cryst yn heuene so is þe fader foorþ -wyþ þe sone · and fre wyl of boþe Spiritus procedens a patre & filio · & c etera · whiche is þe holy of alle · and al is but oo god · Thus yn somer y hym seyȝe · as y sat yn my porche y ros vp and reu erencyd hym · and rygth fayre hym grette þree men yn to my sygth · y made wel at ese wesch her feet and wyped hem · and aftyrward þey etyn Hm.16.238: Hm alone omits the following line, given here in the spelling of L: Calues flesshe & cakebrede and knewe what I thouȝte. ful trewe tokenes · bytwene vs ys · to telle whan me lykeþ Ferst he fonded me · ȝif y loued hym loued bettre or Hym or ysaac myn heyr · þe whiche he higth me kulle he wyste my wylle by hym · he woll it me me it allowe y am ful syker yn soule þ erof · and my sone boþe y circum..cised my sone · syþþen for his sake · my -sylf and my meyne · and alle þat male were bleddyn blood for þat lordys loue · and hopen to bl.esse þe tyme myn affyaunce and my feyþ · is ferme yn this byleeue for hym -sylf byhigth to me · and to myn yssue boþe lond and lordschipe · and lyf wyþ -owtyn ende to me and to myn yssue · more ȝit he me grawnted mercy for our mysdedys · as many tyme as we askyn · Qua m olim abrahe · p romisisti & semini eius · & c etera nil And seþþe he sent me to seyȝe · y schulde don sacryfice and don hym wurschip wyþ breed · and wyþ ...wyn boþe and callyd me þe foot of his feyþ · his folk forto saue and deffendyd hem fro þe fend · folk þat on me leenyd Hm.16.256: We have resolved the word as leenyd, but neither paleography nor context provides secure evidence that would exclude leeuyd. þus haue y ben his heraud · here and yn helle and conforted many acarful a carful · þat after his comyng wayten and þus y seke hym he seyde · for y herd seyn late of a barn þat baptysed hym · Ioh an baptyst was his name þat to patryarkes and to p rophetes · and to oþ er peple yn derknes seyde that he seyȝe here · that schulde saue vs alle Ecce agnus dei qui tollit p ecc ata mundi Hm.16.263: F reads ecce qui tollit peccata mundi. & c etera & cetera · I had wonder of his woordes · and of his wyde cloþes for in his bosom he bar a þyng · þat he blessid euere and y looked yn his lappe · a lazar lay þ erynne amonges patryarkes and p rophetes · pleyenge to -gydres What waytest þu awaytestow q uod he · and what woldest þu haue y wolde wyete q uod y þoo · what is yn ȝowr lappe Loo q uod he and me see · lord mercy y seyde þis ys a p resent of moche prys · what prynce schal it haue It is a p resent p reciouse preciouse present q uod he · ac þe powke it haþ attached and me þ erwyþ q uod þat man · may no weed vs quyte ne no by....eerne be our borwȝ · ne brynge vs fro his dawng er owt of þe powkes pynfold · no maynprys may vs fecche tyl he come þat y carpe of · cryst is his name · that schal delyu ere vs sum -day · out of þe deuels power and bettre we..d for vs legge · þan we ben alle wurþy that is lyf for lyf · or eu ere to lygge þus stylle ligge þus euere · lollynge yn my lappe · tyl suche a lord vs fecche Alas y seyde þat synne · so longe schal lette þe myht of goddes mercy · þat mygth vs alle amende y wepte for his woordys · wyþ þat sawȝ y an nother rapely renne forþ · þe rygth wey he wente · y frayned hym ferst · fro whennys he come and what he higth and whider he wolde · and wyhtly he tolde Passus iij us tercius · de do -bet · Hm.17.0: The erased words in the right margin are illegible, even under ultraviolet light, but they were probably guide words. I I am spes q uod he aspye a spye · and spere after a knygth þat took me a maundement · vpon þe mount mount of synay to rewle alle rewmys wyþ · y bere þe wryt here ys it asseled y seyde · may men see thy þe lettrys Nay he seyde y seke hym · þat haþ þe seal to kepe and þat is þe cros cros and crystendom · and cryst þ eronne to honge · and whan it is asseled so · y wot wel þe soþe that lucyferes lordschipe · laste schal no lengere Lat see þy lettres q uod y · we mygth þe lawe knowe thanne plucked he forþ a patent · a pece of an hard roche where -on were wryte two woordes · on þys wyse y -glosed Dilige deu m & p rox imum tuu m · & c etera This was þe text trewly · y took ful good ȝeme the glose was gloryously wryten · wyþ a gylt penne In hijs duob us mandatis · tota lex pendet & p rophecia · & c etera nil Ben here in þese two alle þe alle þi lordes lawes q uod y · ȝe leeue me wel he seyde and who -so wurcheþ after þys wrytt · y woll vndertakyn schal neuer deuyl hym dere · ne deeþ yn sowle greue for þowh y seye it my -sylf · y haue sauyd wyþ þys charme · of men and of wommen · many score thowsandys Ȝhe seyn He seith sooþ q uod seyde þys heraud · y haue founden it ofte loo here yn my lappe · that leeuyd on that charme Iosue and Iudyth · and Iudas machabeus ȝhee and sixty thowsand by -syde forþ · that ben nouht seen here Ȝowr woordes ben wondurfull q uod y þo · whiche of ȝow is trewest and lelest to lyue leue so on · for lyf and for sowle · abraham seyþ þat he sey. · ho.oly the trynyte three p ersones yn p arcelles · dep artable fram oþere · and alle þree but oo god · thus abrah am me tauhte and haþ sauyd that byleeuyd so · and sory for her synnys he can nougth sygge the so mme and so mme arn yn his lappe what neded it þanne · anewe a newe lawe to bygynne syþþe þe ferste suffyseþ · to saluacyou n and to blysse and now comeþ spes and spekeþ · þat haþ a -spyed þe lawe and telleþ nougth of þe trynyte · þat took hym his lettres to byleeue and louye · yn oo lord all -myghty · and syþþe rygth as my -sylf · so louye alle peple The gome that goiþ wyþ a staf · he semeþ yn grett er hele · þan he þat goiþ wyþ two stauys · to syȝt of vs alle and rygth so by þe rode · resoun me scheweþ it is lyȝter to lewyd men · oo lessou n to knowe than forto techen hem two · and to hard lerne to lerne þe leste it is full hard for any man · on abrah am to byleeue byleue and wel a -way wurse ȝit · forto loue a scherewe it is lyȝter to byleeue · on leue in þre louely p ersones than forto louye and lene · as wel loselles lorelles as lele Go þy gate q uod y to spes · so me god helpe tho that lernyn þy lawe · wel lytel while vsyn it and as we wentyn thus yn þe way · wordyng to -gydres than say we a samarytan · syttyng on a mule rydynge ful rapely · þe rygth wey þat we we ȝedyn comynge fro a contre · that men callyn called ierico to a iustys in ier usal em · and he he chaced awey faste · i d est christus boþe þe heraud and hope · and he mette at onys wher aman a man was wounded · and wyþ þeuys takyn he mygth neyþ er steppe ne stonde · ne stere foot ne hondys · Ne helpe hym -sylf soþly · for ..semyuyf he semyde and as naked as anedle a nedle · and noon helpe about hym Feyþ had ferst sygth of hym · ac he fley ȝe on syde and nolde nougth neyhen hym · by nyne londes lengþe hope cam hyppyng after · that hadde so bostyd how he wyþ moyses maundement · hadde many men holpe ac whan he had sygth of þat segge · a -syde he gan hym drawe dredfully by þis day · as doke doiþ from þe fawcou n Ac so sone as so as þe samarytan · hadde sygth of þys lede he lygth a -dou nn of lyard · and ladde hym yn his hand and to þe wye he wente · his woundys to byholde and p arceyued by his powse · he was yn p eryl to dye and but ȝif he hadde recouerer þe raþ er · þat ryse schulde he neu ere wyþ wyn and wyþ oyle · his woundys he weisch wasshed Hm.17.70: Hm alone has the strong preterite weisch against wasshed in all other B manuscripts. · enbawmyd hym and bond his heed · and in his lappe hym leyde · and ladde hym so foorþ on lyard · to lex christi a graunge wel sixe myle or seuene · by -syde þe newe markat herberwyd hym at an hostry · and to þe hostyler called and seyde haue kepe þis man · tyl y com fro the iustus and loo here syluer he seyde · for salue to his woundys and he took hym two pans · to lyflode as yt were and seyde what he spendeþ more · y make þe good her -after · for y may nougth lette q uod þat leode · and lyard he bestrydeþ and rapid hym to ier usal em -ward · þe rygth wey to ryde Feyþ folwyd after faste · and fonded to mete hym · and spes specially spaklich hym · spedde · spede ȝyf he mygthe and To ou ertakeþ hym and talkeþ to hym · er þey to towne keme And whan y say þys y soiornyd nougth · but schoop me to renne and sewyd þat samaritan · þat was so ful of pyte · and grauntyd hym to ben his groom · g rauntmercy he seyde and þy frend and þy felaw q uod he · þu fyndest me at nede And y þonked hym tho · syþþe and syþþe y hym tolde how þat feyþ fleyh · away · and spes his felawhe boþe for sygth of þe sorwhfull man · þat robbed was wyþ þeuys Haue hem excusyd q uod he · her helpe may lytyll auayle may no medycyn on molde · þe man to hele brynge neyþ er feiþ ne fynhope fyn hope · so festred beþ his woundys wyþ -owt þe blood of a barn · born of a mayde and be he he be baþed yn þat blood · baptized as yt were and þanne plastred wyþ penaunce · and passyou n of þat baby · he schuld stonde and steppe · ac stalworþy wurþ he neu ere · tyyl he haue etyn al þe barn · and his blood drunkyn · for went neu ere wye · yn this world · þurgh þat wyldernesse þat he ne was robbed or ryfled · rode he þ ere or ȝede · saue feyþ and his felawe · spes and my -sylue and þy -sylf now · and suche as sewyn our werkes For owtlawes yn þe wode · and vndur banke lotyeþ and mown eche man see · and good marke take who is byhynde and who byfore · and who ben on hors for he halt hym hardyer on hors · þa n he þat is on fote for he seyhe me þat am samarytan · & sewyn suwen feiþ and his felawe on my capul þat hatteþ highte caro · of mankynde y took yt · he was vnhardy þat harlot · and hydde hym · in inferno · and er þys day þre dayes · y dar vndurtakyn · þat he wurþ fettryd þat felou n · faste wyþ cheynes and neu ere eft greue gome · þat goiþ þulke þis ilke gate And þan schal feyþ be forest er forester here · and yn þys fryþ walke and kennyn owt comou n men · þat knowyn noȝ noȝ[t] nouȝte þe contre whiche is þe weye þat y went · and wherfore to ier usal em and hope þe ostelers man schall be · þ ere þe man lyþ on helynge and alle þat feble and feynt be · þat feiþ may nougth teche hope schall lede hem foorþ wyþ loue as his lettre telleþ and hostelle hem and hele · þurgh holy cherche byleue tyl y haue salue for alle syke · and þa nne schall y turne and come aȝen by þys contre · and conforte alle syke þat craueþ it or coueyteþ it · and cryeþ þ er -after for þe barn was born yn bethleem · þat wyþ his blood schal saue · alle þat lyuen yn feiþ · and folweþ his felawes techyng A swete sere seyde y tho · where schall y byleeue · as feyþ and his felawe · enformeden me boþe yn þre p ersonys dep artable · that p erpetuel were eu ere and alle þre but oo god · þus abrah am me taugth and hope aftyrward · he bad me to louye oo god wyþ all my good · and alle my alle g...?...omes after Hm.17.130: Some bits of the scraped text remain, but they are not legible. A partial tilde is legible over <m>, and illegible marks after <r> are just visible. louye hem lyke my -sylfe · ac our lord abouen alle After abrah am q uod he · þat heraud of armys sette fully faste þy feyþ · and ferme byleue · and as hope higth þee · y hote þat thu louye · thyn euyncrystyne · eu ermore euenfoorþ wyþ þy -sylue and ȝif conscyence carpe þ erageyne · or kynde wytte eyþ er or heretykes wyþ argumentys · thyn hond thu hem schewe · for god is after an hand · y -here now and know it The fader was first as a f.uste · wyþ o fynger foldyngge Hm.17.140-150: Ten lines have been erased and eleven written in their place by hand3 causing 41 lines on this folio. tyl hym lykede loued and lust to vnlose his fynger and p roferyn it forth as wiþ apawne a pawne paw[m]e a paume · to what place it schulde · The pawme is purly the hand · and p roferyth forth þe fyngres · to mynystre and make to make that mytht of hand knowe and betokeneth trewely telle it telle who -so it who -so lykeþ · The holygost of heuene he is as a þe pawme · the fyngres þat fre been · to foolde and to serue betoknyn sothly the sone · þat sent was to erthe · that touchyd and tastyd at techyng of the pawme · seynte marie a mayde · and mankynde laugthte · Qui conceptus est de sp iritu s anc to ex maria virgine & cetera natus & cetera · The fader is ......þanne as a f.....ust · wyþ fyng er to touche Quia omnia traham ad me ip sum · & c etera Al that þe pawm p arceyueþ · p rophitable to fele Thus ar they alle but on · as it an hond were · and þree sondry syghtes · yn oo schewynge the pawm for he putteþ foorþ · fyngrys & þe fuyst boþe · rygth so ful redyly redily · resoun it scheweþ · how he þat is holy goist · syre and sone p reueþ and as þe hand halt harde · and alle þyng faste þurgh four fyngrys · & oo þombe · foorþ wyþ þe pawm rygth so þe fader and þe sone · and seynt spyryt þe þrydde halt all þe wyde world · wyþ -ynne hem three boþe þe welkene and þe wynd · wa t er and erþe heuene and helle · and all that is þ erynne thus it nedeth no man · trowe noon other þat þre þyngys bylongeþ · yn our lord of heuene · and ar sere....sples by hem -sylf · assondry were þey neu ere nomore than myn hond may · me..ue wyþ -owt fyngres and as my fuyst is ful hand · y -holde yfolde to -gydres so is þe fader a full god · formour and schapper Tu fabricator omniu m · & c etera and al þe mygth myd hym · is yn makyng of þynges þe fyngres formen a ful hand · to portrey or peynte · keruyng and compasyng · as craft of the fyngres Rygth so is þe sone · the scyence of þe fader · and ful god as is þe fader · no febler ne no bettre the pawm is purelych þe hand · haþ power by hym -sylue · Hm.17.178-196: Hand 3 has erased sixteen lines, replacing them with eighteen, making 42 lines on this page. er -wyse þan the wrythen fust · or werkmanschipe of fyngres . for he þe paume hath power to putte out alle þe ioyntes and to vnfolde vnfolde þe folden fust · at þe fyngres wille · So is þe holigost god · neyther grettere ne lasse þan is þe syre and þe sone · and in þe same myght · and alle are thei but · o · god · as myn hand & my fyngres · vn -foldyn or foldyn my fust and my pawme · al is but on hand euyn in the myddes he may receyue ryght naught · resun it schewith · for þe fyngres þat folde schulde and þe fust make · for peyne of þe pawme · power hem fayleth · to clucche or to clawe · to cluppe or to holde · Were þe myddel of myn hand ymaymed or perisched · y schulde receyue ryght naugth · of þat y reche mygthte · ac þouȝ my thumbe & my fyngres · bothe were to -swolle to -shullen · and þe myddel of myn hand · wiþ -oute maal -ese in many kynne manerys y mygthte my -self helpe boþe mooue and amende · thouȝ alle my fyngres ooke · By this sk...yle me thynkeþ · y see an euydence þat who -so synneþ yn seynt spiryt · assoyled wurþ he neu ere neyþ er here ne elles -where · as y herde telle Qui peccat in spiritu sancto · & c etera For he p rikeþ god as yn þe pawm · þat peccat in sp iritu m s ancto for god the fader is as a fuyst · the sone is is as a fynger þe holygost of heuene is · as it were a þe pawme · so who -so synnyþ in seynt spiryt · semeþ it semeþ þat he greueþ god þat he grypeþ wyþ · and wolde his grace quenche · And to a torche or a taper · þe trynyte is lyknyd as wax and weyke a weyke · were twyned to -gydres and þanne a fyer flawmynge · foorþ owt of boþe and as wax and weyke · and hote fyer to -gydres fostryn foorþ a flambe · and a fayr leye so doiþ þe syre and þe sone · and also sp iritus s anc tus Hm.17.210: Following this line, WHm omit a line found in most B manuscripts, given here in the spelling of L: Fostren forth amonges folke loue & bileue. þat alkyn crystyne · clenseþ of synnys and as thu seest somtyme · sodeynly a torche þe blase þ erof y -blowyn owt · ȝit brenneþ þe weyke wyþ -owtyn leye or lygth · þat þe macche brenneþ so is þe holy goist god · and grace wyþ -owt mercy to alle vnkynde creatures · þat coueyte to destruyȝe lele loue oþ er lyf · that our lorde schapte and as glowynge gledys · gladyeþ nougth þyse werkmen þat werchyn and wakyn · yn wyntres nyhtes · as doiþ a kix or a candel · that caugth haþ fuyr and blaseþ nomore doiþ syre ne sone · ne seynt spirit to -gydres graunte no grace · ne forȝyuenesse of synnys · tyl the holygost gynnnyþ to glowe and to blase · so þat the holy gost · gloweþ but as a glede tyl þat lele loue · lyȝe on hym · and blowe · and thanne flaumbeþ · he as fuyr on fader and on filius and melteþ her mygth ynto mercy · as men may seen yn wynt er · ysecheles in eueses · thrugh hete of þe sonne · melte in a mynute -while · to myste and to wat er So grace of þe holy gost · the gret mygth of the trynyte · melteþ to mercy · to mercyable and to othere non other · and as wax wyþ -owtyn moore · on a warm cglede · wol brenne and blase · ben they togydre and solacen hem þat mowe seen · þat syttyn yn derknesse so woll þe fader forȝyue folke of mylde hertes that reufully repenten · and restitucyou n make yn as moche as þey mowe · amendyn and payen · and ȝif it suffyse nougth for a -seeþ Hm.17.238: MED, s.v. asseth n.2, defines the word as "penance or atonment through deeds (as distinct from confession and remorse)." · þat yn suche a wyl dyeþ mercy for his mekenesse · woll maken good ...?...þe remenaunt and as the wyke and fyer · wol makyn a warm flaumbe forto merthen men wyth · that yn myrk syttyn so wol cryst of his curtasye · and men crye hym mercy boþe forȝyue and forȝete · and ȝitte bydde for vs to þe fader of heuene · forȝyuenesse to haue · Ac smyt hew fyer at a flynt four hondryd wynt er but thu haue tonder towe to take it wyth · towe tondre er or broches al þy labour is lost · and all thy long trauayle for may no fier ne flaumbe flaumbe make · and it fayle faille it his kynde So So is þe holygost god · and grace wyþ -owt mercy to alle vnkynde creatures · cryst hym -sylf wytnesseþ Amen amen Amen dico vobis · nescio vos · & c etera · Be vnkynde to thyn euencrystyn · and al þat thu canst bydde · delen and do penaunce · day and nygth and othere euere and purchasen all þe p ardou n · of pampilou n and rome and indulgences ynowe · and be ingratus to thy kynde the holy gost hereþ þe nougth · ne helpe may the by resou n for vnkyndenesse quencheþ hym · þat he can nougth schyne ne brenne ne blase cleer · for blowynge of vnkyndenes poul the apostle · preueth · whe...?...yther y lye · Si linguis hominu m loquar · & c etera Forþy beþ waar ȝe wyse men that wyþ the world deleþ þat ryche ben and resoun knoweþ · rewleþ wel ȝowr sowle Hm.17.262: The final <-e> on sowle is the only appearance of the secretary form on this leaf. A scan of several folios at various points in the manuscript confirms its relative rarity. For comparison, see the same word just two lines down the leaf. · beþ nougth vnkynde y counseyle ȝow · to ȝowr euencristene for many of ȝow ȝe ryche riche men · by my sowle men telleþ ȝe brenne but ȝe blase nougth · þat is a blynd bekene · Non om nis qui dicit d omine d omine intrabit · & c etera Diues dyed dampned · for his vnkyndenesse of his mete and of his moneye · to men þat it neded · eche aryche a ryche y rede · reward at hym take and gyue ȝowr good to þat god · þat grace of aryseþ for þ..ey þat ben vnkynde to h..yse · hope y noon other · but þey dwelle þere diues is · dayes wyþ -owtyn ende thus is vnkyndenesse · þe contrarye þat quencheþ as it were þe grace of þe holygooste goddys owen kynde for þat kynde doiþ vnkynde fordoiþ · as þese cursyd theuys vnkynde crystyn men · for coueytyse and envye · sleeþ aman a man for his moebles · wyþ mowþ or wyþ hondys for þat þe holygoost haþ to kepe · þe harlottes destruyeþ the whiche is lyf and loue · þe leye of mannys body for eu ery good manere good man may · belyknyd be lyknyd to a torche · or elles ynto to atap er a tap er · to reuerence the trynyte and who -so morþereþ a good man · me þynkeþ by myn ynwytt he fordoiþ þe leuest lygth · þat our lord louyeþ Ac ȝet yn many moo maneres · men offendyn þe holy gost ...? þis is þe wurste wyse · that eny wygth mygthe synnyn aȝen seynt spuryt · assentyn to destruye for coueytyse of enykyn þyng · þat cryst dere bougthe þat wykkydlyche and wyldfullyche wyl[l]fullyche willefullich · wolde mercy anyentyce anynte Innocence is next god · and nygth and day cryeþ it crieth vengeaunce vengeaunce foȝyue forȝiue fo[r]ȝyue be it neu ere · þat schent vs and schad our blood · forschapte vs as it were vindica sanguinem iustorum · & c etera Thus vengeaunce · vengeaunce · verrey charyte askeþ and seþþe holycherche · and charite · chargeþ þys sore so sore leeue y neu ere that owr lord wyll loue · þat charyte lackeþ ne haue pyte for any prayere · there that he pleyneþ y pose y hadde synnyd so · and schulde nougth dyȝe and now am y am sory þat y dude I so · seynt þe seint spirit þus a -gylte agulte confesse me and crye his grace · god þat alle made · and myldelyche his mercy axe · mygth y nougth be sauyd  Thus seyde þe samarytan · so wel thu mygth repente þat ryȝtwysnesse þurgh repentaunce · to rewþe mygth turne ac it is but seldom seyn · there soþnesse bereþ wytnesse eny creature þat is cowpable · afore a kynges iustyse · be raunsomed for his repentaunce · þ ere al resou n hym dampneþ for þat þere þat p artye purseweþ · the peple is so huge · þat þe kynge may do no mercy · tyl boþe men accorde and eyþer haue equyte · as holy wrytt telleþ Numq uam dimittitur peccatu m · & c etera Thus fareþ it it fareth by suche folk · þat falsly all her lyues · euyl lyuen and letten nougth · tyl þe lyf lyf hem forsakeþ good hope that helpe schulde · to wanhope turneþ nougth of þe nounpower of god · þat he ne is myhtful · to amende al þat amys is · and his mercy grettere · þa n alle our wycked werkes · as holy wryt telleþ Misericordia eius sup er om nia op era eius · & c etera Ac ar his ryȝtwysnesse to rewþe turne · sum restituciou n bihoueþ his sorowe is satisfacciou n · for hym þat may nougth paye · Thre þynges þ er ben · that don a man aman by strengþe forto fleen his owen hous · as holy wrytt scheweþ þat on is a wycked wyf · þat woll nougth be chastised her feere fleenþ from here · for fere of her tonge and ȝif his hous be vnhelyed · and reyne on his bedde he sekeþ and sekeþ · tyl he slepe · Hm.17.324: The raised point serves to separate two words written too close together. dryȝe and whan smoke and smolder · smyt yn his sygth e yt doiþ hym wurse þa n his wyf · or wete to slepe for smoke and smother smolder · smyt in his eiȝen · tyl he be blereiȝid or blynd · and horce yn þe þrote cougheþ and rouȝtheþ curseth · and byt þat cryst ȝyue hem sorowe þat schuld brynge yn bettre wode · or blowe tyl it it til it brenne brende · these þree þat y telle of · ben thus to vnderstonde the wyf is our wycked flesch · þat wol nougth be chastysed · for kynde cleueþ on hym euere · to contrarye þe sowle and þowȝ it falle it fynt skylles · þe þat freelte it made and þat is lyȝtly forȝyuen · and forȝetyn boþe · to man þat mercy askeþ · and amende þenkeþ The reyn þat reyneþ · there we reste schulde · ben syknesses and sorwes · þat we suffryn ofte · as poule the apostle · to the peple tauȝte · Virtus in infirmitate p erficitur · & c etera And þowȝ þat m.en make moche doel yn he.r anger and beþ i mpacyent in her penaunce · pure resou n knoweþ þat þey han cause to contrarye · by kynde of her syknesse and lyghtly owr lord · atte her lyues ende · haþ mercy on suche men · þat so euel may suffre · Ac þe smoke and the smolder · þat smyt yn our eiȝen · þat is couetyse and vnkyndenesse · þat quencheþ goddys m ercy · for vnkyndenesse is is þe contrarye · of alkyn resou n · for þere nys neyþ er nys syke ne sory · ne noon so moche wrecche · that he may ne may louye and hym lyke · and lene of his herte · good wille and good woord · b...oþe wyschen and wyllen · to alle Alle Hm.17.352: F adds & to. man er men mercy · and forȝiuenesse · and louye hem lyk hem -sylf · and his lyf amende · y may no lenger lette q uod he · and lyard he p rikede and went aweye as wynd · and þ erwyþ y awaked · Passus iiij us quartus · de do -bet · Hm.18.0: The erased words in the right margin are illegible, even under untraviolet light, but they were probably guide words. w W Elleward Hm.18.1: The <E> is mildly obscured, perhaps by overwriting. Only Hm among beta witnesses has the <e>, but wellowerd, a similar spelling, appears in F. See MED s.v., wol-ward. and wetschod · went y foorþ after as areccheles a reccheles renk · that of no woo reccheth · and ȝede foorþ lyk a lorel · al my lyf -tyme · tyl y wex wery of þe worlde · and wylnyd oefte to slepe and lened me to a lenten · alonge a longe and longe Hm.18.5: Hm alone reads a against and in all other B manuscripts. Though simple <a> is a possible form of "and," the scribe probably did not intend that. tyme y slepte · and of crystes passiou n and penaunce · þe peple þat of rauhte · y restyd Rested me þere and rutte faste · tyl ramis palmaru m of gerlys and of gloria laus · gretly me dremed and how osanna · by orgene · olde folk songen · On semblable to þe samaritan · and sumdel to peris ploughman · barfoot vpon on an asse bakke · boteles cam prykye · wyþ -owtyn spores oþer spere · .... ap ert lyche spakliche he lokede · as as is þe kuynde of a knyght · þat comeþ to be dubbyd to geten hym gylt spores · or galoches y -cowpyd · Thanne was feiþ yn a fenestre · and cryed a fili dauid · as doiþ an heraud of armes · whan auntres aunturos Hm.18.16: A scribe erased a suspension, perhaps for <ou> from above the <r>. comeþ to iustes olde iewes of ier usal em · for ioyȝe they songyn · Benedictus qui venit · in no mi ne domini · & c etera Thanne y frayned at feyþ · what al that fare by mente and who schuld iuste in ier usal em · ihesus he seyde and fecche þat þe fend cleymeþ · peris fruyt þe ploughman Is peris yn this place q uod y · and he preynte on me this ihesus of his gentrye · woll iuste yn peris armys · yn his helm and yn his ha......bergeon · humana natura · þat cryst be nougth knowen here · for consu mmatus deus · yn peris paltok the ploughman · þis prykyer schall ryde for no dynt schal hym dere · as in deitate p atris Who schal iuste wyþ ihesus q uod y · iewes or scrybes Nay quod he þe foule fend · and fals doom and deeþ deeþ seiþ he schall fordo · and a -doun brynge al þat lyueþ or lokeþ · yn lond or yn water lyf seiþ þat he lyeþ · and leiþ his lyf to wedde þat for all þat deeþ can doo · wyþ -ynne þre dayes to walke andoe Hm.18.34: The alteration, possibly by hand3, is distinctly odd. The spelling ande appears nowhere else in the manuscript. to fecche fro the fend · peris fruyt þe ploughman and legge it where þere hym lykeþ · and lucifer bynde and forbete and dou n brynge · bale and deeþ for eu ere O mors ero mors tua · & c etera · Thanne cam pilatus wyþ moche peple · sedens p ro tribunali · to seen how douhtyliche · deeþ schuld do · and deme her boþ eres Hm.18.39: her boþ eres , "the both of them." rygth · The iewes and þe iustyse · aȝenst ihesus Ihesu þey were and al þe court on hym cryed · crucifige ful scharply sharpe · tho putte hym foorþ a pilour · tofore bifor pilat and seyde þis ihesus of owr iewes temple · iapid and dyspysed to fordon it on oo day · and yn three dayes after edifie it efte newe · here he stant that seyde it and ȝit makyn it also as muche · yn alle man er poyntes boþe as longe and as large · by lofte and by grounde · crucifige quod a cacchepol · y warant hym a wycche tolle tolle quod an noþer · and took of kene þornys and bygan of kene þorn · a garlond to make and sette it sore on his heed · and seyde in enuye Aue rabi q uod þat rybaud · and þrew redys at hym · nayled hym wyþ þre nayles · nakyd on þe rode · and poysou n on a pole · they puttyn vp to his lyppes and bedyn hym drynke his deeþ euyl · his dayes wer don and ȝif that thu sotyl be · helpe thu now þy -sylue · ȝif thu be cryst and kynges sone · come dou n of þe rode · than schull we leeue that lyf þe loueþ · and wol nought lete þe deye Consu mmatu m est q uod cryst · and comsid forto swowe pytously and pale · and as as a p risoun that deyeþ the lord of lif and of lygth · tho leyde his eiȝen to -gydres the day for drede wyþ -drowh · and derk bycam the sonne the wal waggyd and cleef · and al þe world quaked quaued · dede men for þat dene · comyn owt of her dede depe graues · and toldyn whi þat temple tempest · so long tyme dured · for a bytter batayle · the dede bodyes seyden bodye sayde · lyf and deeþ yn þys derknesse · her oon fordoiþ her oþ er · schal no wygth wyete wytterly · who schall haue þe maystrye · er sonenday abowte sonne rysynge and wyþ þat tyl erþe somme seydyn þat he was goddys sone · þat so fayre deyede vere filius dei erat iste · & c etera · And summe seyden he was a wycche · good is that we assaye · w...her he be deed or nougth · deed · doun er he be takyn · Two thiefs also · tholyedyn · deeþ þat tyme · vppon Vppon a croyses crosse · biside bisydes cryst · so was the comou n lawe · a cacchepol · cam foorþ · and crakyd boþe her leggys and her armys after · of eyþer of tho two þo theuys ac was no boy so bolde · goddys body to towche for he was knygth and kynges sone · kynde forȝaf þat tyme that non harlot were so hardy · to leyn hond vpon hym · Ac þer com foorþ a knygth · wyþ a kene spere y -grounde higth longeus as þe lettre telleþ · and longe hadde lorn his sygth byfore pilat and oþer peple · yn the place he houede magre his many teeþ · he was maad þat tyme · to take þat þe spere yn his hond · and iustyn wyþ ihesus feor alle þey weren vnhardy · þat houedyn on hors or stood to towchyn hym orto or to tastyn hym · or take dou n of rode · but þis blynd bacheler þanne · bar hym þurgh þe herte · þe blood sprong dou n by þe spere · & vnspered þe knyȝt es eiȝen · Than fel þe knyȝt vppon his knees · and cryed hym m ercy · aȝen my wylle it was lord · to wounde ȝow so Hm.18.91: The partially covered <s> of so is a defect of the photograph, caused by something on the lens or leaf. It is not in the manuscript. sore · full sore he he syked and seyde · and fulsore ful sore ...? it ful sore it me athyngkeþ for þe dede that y haue don · y putte do me yn ȝowr grace · haue on me rewþe ryȝtfull ihesu · and rygth wyþ that he wepte Thanne gan feyþ felly · the false iewes dyspyse · callyd hem cayteuys · cursid acursed for euere · for þys fowle vylonye · vengeaunce to ȝow falle · to do þe blynde bete hym ybounde · it was a boyes cou nseyl · foule cursyd cursed kayteuys · knyȝthod was it neu ere · to mysdon a deed body · by day ....or by nygth e · the gree ȝit hath he getyn · for all his grete wounde For champyou n ȝowre champioun chyualer · cheef knygth of ȝow alle ȝelte hym recreaunt · renegat rennyng · rygth at ihesus wylle for be þys derknesse y -do · his deth wurth a -venged · and ȝe lurdeynes arn han lost · for lyf schall haue þe maystrye and ȝowr fraunchise · þat fre was · fallen is yn thraldom · and ȝe cherles and alle and ȝowr children · cheue schull ȝe neu ere · to haue lordschipe yn londe · ne no lond tylye · but all bareyne schall ȝe be be and by vsure vsurye ȝowr lyf lede vsen · whiche is þe lyf lyf þat owr lord · yn alle lawes a -cursyd acurseth · now ȝowr goode dayes ar don · as danyel p rophecyed · whan cryst cam of her kyngdom · þe crowne schuld cese · Cu m veniat sanctus sanctoru m cessabit vncc io v estra · & c etera nil What for fere of þys ferly · and of þe false iewys y drowȝ me yn that derknesse to descendit ad inferna and þere y sawȝ soþly · s ec und um scripturas owt of þe west coste · a wenche as me þouhte · com walkynge yn þe way · to helleward sche loked · mercy higth þat mayde · a meke þynge wyþ -alle · a full benyngne burde · and buxu m of speche · Hyer suster as it semyde · cam softly walkynge · euene owt of þe est · and westward sche lokede · a ful comely creature · trewþe sche higthe · for þe vertu þat her folweþ · aferd was sche neu ere · Whan þese maydens mette · mercy and trewþe · eyþer asked oþer · of this grete wonder of þe dymme dyne and of þe grete derknesse derknesse · and how þe day rowyd and whiche a lygth and and a leme · lay before helle · y haue ferly of þys fare · forsoþe in feith seyde trewþe · and am wendynge to wyete · what þis wondre meneþ Haue no m eruayle · q uod m ercy · trewþe myrthe it bitokeneþ a maydyn þat hatte marye · and moder wyþ -owt felynge · of eny kyn kynnes creature · conceyuyd thrugh speche · and grace of þe holy goste · wex gret wyþ childe · wyþ -owtyn wem ynto þys world · sche hym brouhte brouȝt hym · and þat my tale be trewe · y take god to wytnesse · syþ þys barn was born · ben þrytty wynt er passyd whiche deyed and deeþ þolyede · þys day about mydday and þat is cause of þys enclypse clips · þat closeþ now þe sonne · yyn menynge that man schall · fro .....merknesse Hm.18.140: The character overwritten with <b> must have been <h>, <y>, or <ȝ>, since its sublinear tail is still visible. drawe · þe whiche while þys lygth and þis leme · schal lucifer ablende · for p atriarkes and p rophetes · han p rechid herof ofte · þat man schal man saue · þurgh amaydens a maydens helpe · and þat ther was was tynte þurgh tre · tre schall wynne it wynne and þat deeþ doun brougth · deeþ schall releeue That thu tellest q uod trewþe · it is but a tale of waltrot for adam and eue · and abrah am wyþ oþere · p atriarkes and p rophetes · þat in peyne lyggyn · leeue þu neu ere þat ȝone lygth · hem a -lofte brynge ne haue hem owt of helle · hold þy tonge m ercy yt is but a tryfull þat þu tellest · y treweþ wot þe soþe · for he þat þat is onys yn helle · owt comeþ he neu ere iob þe p rophet p atriark · repreueþ thi lawes sawes Quia in inferno nulla est redempcio · & c etera nil Thanne mercy ful myldely · mowþyd þese woordes þurgh exp erience quod sche · y hope þey schull be sauyd for venym fordoiþ venym · and that y p reue by resou n for of alle venymes · fowlest is ...?...þe scorpyon may no medycyn helpe · þe place þere he styngeþ tyl he be deed and do þ erto · þe euyl he destruyeþ the ferste venymouste · þurgh venym of hym -sylue so schal þys deeþ fordo · y dar my lyf legge al þat deeþ fordede dyd ferst · thrugh þe deuyles entysynge and rygth as þurgh gyle · man was bygyled so schal grace þat bygan · make a good sleyȝte Ars vt artem falleret · & c etera nil · Now suffre we seyde trewþe · y see as me þynkeþ owt of þe nyppe of þe norþe · nougth ful fer hennys ryȝtwysnesse com rennynge · reste we a þe while · for he Hm.18.170: He, "she." wot more than we · he Hm.18.170: He, "she." was er we boþe · That is soþ seyde mercy · and y see here by sowþe · where pees comeþ pleyjnge · yn pacyence y -cloþyd · loue haþ coueytid hire longe · leeue y noon oþer but he sent her sum lettre · what þis lygth bymeneþ þat ou erhoueþ helle þus · sche vs schall telle Whan pees yn pacyence is cloþid yclothed · approchid ner hem two tweyne ryȝtwisnesse her reu erencyd · by her ryche cloþynge and prayed pees to tellen her · to what place sche wolde and yn her gay garnamentes · whom sche grete þougthe · my wyll is to wende q uod sche · and welcomyn hem alle · þat many day mygth y nougth see · for merknes of synne · adam and eue and oþer moo · þat weren yn yn helle moyses and many moo · mercy schullen haue · and y schall daunce þ erto · do thu soo suster for ihesus iusted well · ioyȝe bygynneþ dawe · Ad vesp eru m demorabitur fletus & ad matutinu m leticia · & c etera nil · Loue þat is my lemma n · such lettres me sente that m ercy my suster and y · mankynde schuld saue · and þat god haþ forȝouyn · and grauntyd me pees and mercy to be mannys maynp erno ur · for eu ermore after loo here þe patent quod pees · in pace inidipsu m in idipsu m · & c etera nil and þat þis dede schall endure dure · dormia m & requiesca m · What rauest thu quod ryȝtwysnesse · or art þu þow art rygth dronkyn · leeuest thu þat ȝonder lygth · vnlowke mygth helle · and saue mannys sowle · suster wene it neu ere · ac atte At þe bygynnynge god gaf · þe doom hym -sylue that adam and eue · and alle þat hem sywyd · schulden deye dou nrygth · and dwelle yn pyne after ȝif þat they towchid a tree · and þe trees fruyt fruite etyn · adam aftyrward · aȝenst his deffence freet of þat fruyt · and forsoke as yt were · the loue of owr lord · and his lore boþe and folwyd that the fend taugth · and his felawes wylle aȝenst resou n and ryȝtwysnesse recorde thus wyþ trewþe þat her peyne be p erpetuel · and no prayer hem helpe · forþy lat hem chewe as þey chose · and chide we nougth sustres for it is boteles bale · þe bytt þat they byten eten And y schal p reue q uod pes · her peyne schall mote haue an hende · and fro wo wo ynto wele · mowyn wende at þe laste for had þey wyst of no woo · wele hadde þey nougth knowe · for no wygth ...?...?...woot what wele is · þat neuere wo suffred · ne what is hoot hongor þat hadde neu ere deffaute ȝif no nygth ne were · no man as y leeue · schulde neuyre wyete wytterly · what day is to mene · schulde neuere rygth ryche · þat man þat lyueþ in reste and yn ese ese wyete what woo is · ne were þe deeþ of kynde So god þat bygan all · of his good wylle bycam man of a mayde · mankynde to saue · and suffryd to be solde · to see þe sorowe of deyynge þe whiche vnknytteþ all care · and comsynge ys of reste for tyl modicu m mette wyþ vs · y may it wel a -vowe woot no wygth as y wene · what ynowȝ is is ynough to mene · Forþy god of his goodnesse · þe ferst gome adam · sette hym yn solace · and yn souereyn merþe and syþþe he suffryd hem hym synne sorowe to fele to wyete what wele was · kyndelyche to knowe it and aftyr god aduenturyd hym -sylf · and took adamys kynde to wyete what he haþ suffryd · yn þree sundry places boþe in heuene and yn erþe · and now tyl helle he þynkeþ to wyete what alle woo is · and what is þat wote of alle ioyȝe · It So it schal fare by þis folk · her folye and her synne schal lere hem what lango ur is · and lysse wyþ -owtyn ende woot no wyȝt what werre is · þere that pees regneþ ne what is wytterly wele · tyl weylowey hym teche · Thanne was þ ere awygth a wygth · wyþ two brode eiȝen book higth that beaup er · a bold man of speche · by goddys body quod þys book · y woll bere wytnesse þat þo this barn was ybore · ther blasyd a sterre · þat alle þe wyse of þe þis world · yn oo wytt accorded acorden þat such a barn was born · yn bethleem cytee · þat mannys sowle schuld saue · and synne destruye and alle þe elymentys quod þe book · herof bereþ wytnesse that he was god þat all wrougth · þe welkene ferst schewyd · tho that weren yn heuene · token stella cometa and tendeden hire as a torche · to reu erence his byrþe the lygth folwyd þe lord · ynto þe lowe erþe · that wat er wytnessyd þat he was god · for he went on it pet er þe apostle · p erceyuyd his gate · and as he went on þe wat er · well he hym knew hym knewe and seyde Iube me ad te venire venire ad te sup er aquas · & c etera nil · And loo how þe sonne gan lowke · hir lygth yn her -sylue whan sche sawh hym suffre · þat sonne and se made · the erþe for heuynesse that he wolde suffre · quaked as quyk þyng · and all biquassht þe roche loo helle ne mygth mygth nougth · holde · but openyd þo god þolede · and lat owt symondys sone sones · to seen hym hange on rode · and now schall lucifer leue it · þowh hym loiþ þynke · for gigas þe gyaunt · wyþ a synne gynne engyned to breke and to bete a -dou n · that ben aȝenst ihesus and y book woll be brent · but ihesus ryse to lyue yn alle myhtes of man and his moder gladye and confortyn al his kyn · and owt of care brynge and alle þe iewen ioyȝe · vnioynen and vnlowke · and but þey reu erencen his rode · and his resurexciou n and byleue on anewe a newe lawe · ben lost lyif and sowle Suffre we seyde trewþe · y here and se boþe how a spiryt spekeþ to helle · and byt vnsper the ȝatys Attollite portas principes v estras portas · & c etera a voys ful lowde loude yn that lygth · to lucifer cryeþ p rinces of þe þis place · vnpynnyþ and vnlowkeþ for here comeþ wyþ crowne · the þat kyng of is of glorye · Than syked sathan · and seyde to hem alle such a lygth aȝenst owr · leeue lazar it fette · care and combraunce · is comyn to vs alle · ȝif þis kyng come yn · mankynde woll he fecche and lede it þere hym lykeþ · and lyȝtly me bynde p atriarkes and p rophetys · han p arled herof longe · þat such a lord and lygth a lyȝte · schulde lede hem alle hennys Lestneþ quod lucifer · for y this lord knowe boþe þis lord and this lygth · is longe agon y knew it hym may no deeþ hym dere · ne no deuelys queyntyse ac And where he woll is his wey · ac war hym of þe p erill ȝif he reue me my rygth · he robbeþ me by maystrye for by rygth and by resou n · þe renkes that ben here · body and sowle be myne boþe good and ylle for hym -sylf seyde · that syre ys of heuene · ȝif adam eet þe appul · alle schulde deye · and dwelle wyþ vs deueles · þys þretnyng he made · and he þat sooþnesse is · seyde these woordys and seþþen y seysyd · seuene hundryd wynt er · y leeue that lawe nyl nougth · lete hym þe leeste That is sooþ seyde sathan · but y me sore drede for thu gete hyem Hm.18.293: The scribe's original hym is shared with CC 2Bo. All other B witnesses have the plural. wyth gyle · and his gardyn breek and yn semblaunce of a serpent. thu sat sat on þe appel tree · and eggedest hem to ete · eue by her -sylue · and toldest her a tale · of tresoun were þe woordys and so thu haddest hem owt · and hider at þe laste · it is nougth graþely getyn · þere gyle is the rote · for god wol nougth be bigyled · q uod gobelyn ne be iapyd · we haue no trewe tytle to hem · for þurgh tresou n were þey dampnyd certys y drede me q uod þe deuyl · lest trewþe wol hem fecche · þys þrytty wynt er as y wene · haþ he gon and p rechid · y haue assaylyd hym wyþ synne · and sumtyme y -asked · wher he were god or goddes sone · he gaf me schort answere · and thus haþ he trollyd foorþ · þys two and þrytty wynt er and whan y say it was so · lepynge slepyng y wente · to warne pilatus wyf · what done man was ihesus for iewes hatyden hym · and han don hym to deþe · y wold haue lengþed his lyf · for y leeuyd ȝif he deyede þat his sowle nolde wolde suffre · no synne yn his sygth · for þe body while it on bonys ȝede abowt was eu ere · to saue men fro synne · ȝif hem -sylf wolde and now y see where a sowle comeþ · hiderward seylynge wyþ glorie and wyþ grete lygth · god it ys y wot well y rede we flee quod he · faste alle hennys for vs were bettre nougth be · þan byden his sygth · For þy lesynges lucifer · lost is all our praye · furste þurgh þe we fellen · fro heuene so heyȝe · for we lyuyden þy lesynges · y -lorn we haue adam · and all owr lordschipe y leeue · on lond and on watre Nunc princeps hui us mundi eicietur · & c etera nil Efte þe lygth bad vnlowke · and lucifer answered Hm.18.323: The rubricator ignored a paraph marker. what lord art thu quod lucifer quis est iste rex glorie · the lygth sone seyde · and lord of mygth and of mayn · and alle man er vertues D ominus fortis & potens d ominus virtutu m ip se est rex glorie · & c etera virtutum Dukes of þis dym place · anon vndoiþ þes ȝatys that cryst may come yn · þe kynges sone of heuene Attollite portas principes v estras · & eleuamini porte et ernales et introibit rex glorie · & c etera Hm.18.329: The verse from Psalms 23.7,9 appears only in Hm. Kane and Donaldson, 221, 224, reject the line as inauthentic. ...?...& wiþ þ at breeþ helle brake · wyþ belyals barrys for eny wye or warde · wyde opne d þe ȝatys · p atriarkes and p rophetys · populus in tenebris songyn seynt ionys songe · ecce agnus dei lucyfer loke ne mygth e so lygth hym ablente and þo þat our lord louede · ynto his lygth he laugth and seyde to sathan · loo here my sowle to amendys for alle synfull sowles · to saue tho þat ben wurþy myne þey be and of me · y may þe bet hem cleyme and þowh Al -þough resoun recorde and rygth of my -sylfe that ȝif he þei ete þe appel · alle schulde deye · y behigth hem nougth here helle for euere · for þe dede þat þey dude · thi disceyt it made · wyþ gyle thu hem gete · a -geyn alle resoun · for yn my palaeys p aradys · yyn p ersone of an addre falsly thu fettest there · thyng þat y louede Thus ylyk. a lusard · wyth a lady visage · þe......efliche thu me robbedest · þe old lawe g raunteþ þat gylours be bygyled · and þat is good resou n Dentem pro dente · & oculu m pro oculo · & c etera nil Ergo sowle schal sowle quyte · and synne to synne wende and al þat man haþ mysdo · y man woll amende membre for membre · by þe old lawe was amendys and lyf for lyf also · and by that lawe y cleyme it adam and alle his yssue · at my wylle her -after ...?...?...& þ at deþ in hem fordede · my deeþ schall releeue · and boþe quykene and quyte · þat queynt was þurgh synne and þat grace gyle destroye ...?... · · · Hm.18.357: The three small mid-line dots are written over the erasure. good feiþ it askeþ Soo leeue y nougth · quod lucifer lucifer · þat aȝen aȝeine þe lawe y fecched fecche hem · but by rygth and by resou n · y resoun raumsome Hm.18.359: The form of raumsome here is derived from AN raumson. Cf. Hm.18.363. here my lyges Non veni soluere legem sed adimplere · & c etera nil Thu fettest myne yn my place · aȝenst aȝeines alle resou n falslyche and felonouslyche felounelich · good feiþ me it tauȝte · to recouere hem þurgh raunceou m · & by no resou n ellys so þat þurgh gyle thu hem gete gete · þurgh grace þey ben it is wonne thow lucyfer yn lyknesse · of a lyther addre · gotest by gyle · thoo that god louede · And y in lyknesse of a lede · þat lord am of heuene gracyously þy gyle haue quyt · goo gyle aȝen gyle and as adam and alle · thrugh a tree deyedyn adam and alle þurgh a tree · schull turne aȝen to lyue and gyle is bygyled · and yn his gyle fallyn Et cecidit in foueam qua m fecit · & c etera nil Now bygynneþ thy gyle · ageyn þe to turne and my grace to growe · ay gretter and wyddere · the bytternesse þat thu hast browe · browk it þy -sylue · that art doctour of deeþ · drynk that thu madest For y þat am lord of lyf · loue is my drynke · and for þat drynke to -day · y deyed vpon erthe · y faugth so me thrusteþ ȝit · for mannys sole sake · may no drynke me moyste · ne my thurst slake · tyl þe vendage falle · yn the vale of Iosaphath that y drynke rygth rype muste · resurecc io mortuor um and þanne schall y come as a kyng · crownyd wyþ aungels and haue owt of helle · alle mennys sowlys Fendys and fendkyns · byfore me schull stande · and be at my byddynge · wherso -eu ere me lykeþ & to be m ercyable to man · þanne my kynde it askeþ for we ben breþ erne of blood · but nougth yn bapteme alle but alle þat ben myn hole breþ erne · yn blood & yn bapteme schull nougth be dampnyd to þe deeþ þ at is wyþ -owtyn ende Tibi soli peccaui · & c etera It is nougth vsed yn erþe · to hangyn a felou n ofter than onys · thowh he were a tretour and ȝif þe kyng of þat kyngdom · come yn þat tyme there þe felou n þolye schulde · deeþ or other Iuwyse lawe wolde he ȝyue hym lyf · ȝif he loked on hym · and y þat am kyng of kynges · schal come such a tyme ther doom to þe deeþ · dampneþ alle wyckede · and ȝif lawe woll y loke on hem · it lyth yn my grace · wheþ er þey deye or deye nougth · for þat þey dedyn ylle be it eny thyng abougth · þe boldnesse of her synnes · y do mercy þurgh ryȝtwysnesse · and alle my woordys trewe and þowh holy wryt woll þat y be wroke · of þoo hem þ at dydyn ylle · Nullum malum impunitu m & c etera They schulle be clensyd clyerlyche · and waschyn of her synnys yn my prysou n purgatory · tyl parce it hote · and my mercy schall · be schewyd · to many of my breþ erne · for blood may suffre blood · boþe hongry and a -cale ac blood may nougth see blood · blede but ȝif hym hym rewe Audiui archana verba que non licet ho mini loqui · & c etera Ac my ryȝtwysnesse and rygth · schull rewle all helle and mercy all mankynde · byfore me yn heuene · for y were an vnkynde kyng · but y my kynde helpe · and namly at such an nede · þere nedes helpe byhoueþ Non intres in iudiciu m cum seruo tuo · & c etera nil Thus by lawe quod our lord · lede y woll fro hennys tho þat me louede · and leeuyd yn my comynge and for þy lesyng lucifer · that thu leyhe tyl eue thu schalt abye it byttre · and bond hym wyþ a cheyne cheynes Astrot and alle þe rowte · hidden hem yn hernys they durstyn nougth loke on our lord · þe boldest of hem alle but letyn hym lede forþe what hym lyked · & leue lete what hym lest Many hundryd of aungels · harpedyn and songyn Culpat caro ...?...?...purgat caro · regnat deus dei caro · Thanne pypyd pees · of poysye an note Clarior est solito post maxi ma nebula phebus · post inimicicias · & c etera clarior est et amor · After scharp schowres quod pes · most schene is þe sonne · ys no weder warm er · that þan after watry clowdys ne no loue leuer · ne leeuer frendys than after werre and woo · whan loue and pees ben maystrys was neuer werre in this world · ne wyckednesse so kene þat ne loue and hym lust · to lauȝthyng it ne brouȝte and pees þurgh pacience · ...... alle p erill stopped e Hm.18.433: Kane and Donaldson claim erroneously that <de> is written over an erasure. Trewes quod trewþe · thu tellest vs sooþ by ihesus clyppe we yn couenau nt · and eche of vs kysse oþ ere · and lete no peple q uod pees · p arceyue þat we chide · for ynpossible is no thyng · to hym that is al -myghty Thu seyst soiþ quod ryȝtwysnesse · and reu erentlych her kyst pees and pees here · p er s ec ula s ec uloru m · Misericordia & veritas · obiuaueru nt sibi iusticia & pax osculate su nt · & c etera Trewþe tromped tho · & song te deu m laudam us and thanne luted luted loue · yn a lowd note · Ecce q uam bonu m & q uam iocundu m habitare fr atres in vnu m iocundum · & c etera Tyl þe day dawyd · these damysels daunside þat men rongyn to þe resurecciou n · & rygth wyþ þat y wakyd and callyd kytte my wyf · and kal.ot my doughter aryseþ and reu erenceþ · goddys resurecciou n · and crepeþ to þe cros on knees · and kysseþ it for a Iuwel · for goddes blessid body it bar · for owr bote and it affereþ þe fend · for such is þe mygth may no grysly goist · glyde ther it schawyþ shadweth · Passus v us quintus · & vltim us de do -bet · Hic incipit passus I us primus · de do -best · t T hus y awakyd and wrot · what y had dremyd and dygth me derely · and dide me to cherche to here hol...y Hm.19.3: F alone reads holyly in this line. The erasure here is almost complete, and we can only speculate that might have been the original reading for Hm. þe masse · and to be houslyd after yn myddys of þe masse · .... whan þo men ȝeode to offrynge · I fel eftsonys a -slepe · and sodeynly me mette that peris þe ploughman · was peyntyd all blody and ...? in with a cros · byfore þe comyn peple · and rygth lyk yn alle lymys · to our lord ihesu · and þan callyd y conscyence · to kenne me the soþe · ys þis ihesus þe Iuster quod y · þat iewys dudyn to ....deþe or it is peris the ploughman · who peynted hym so reed Quod conscyence and kneled tho · these are peris armys his coloures and his cote armure · ac he þat comeþ so bloody is cryst wyþ his cros · conquerour of crystene Whi calle ȝe hym cryst q uod y · syþþe iewes called hym ihesus p atriarkes and p rophetys · p rophecyedyn byfore that alkyn creatures · schull shulden knele and bowe anoon as men nempnyd · þe name of god ihesus ergo is no name · to þe name tof of of ihesus ne noon so nedfull to nempne · by nygth ne by daye · for alle derke deueles · arn a -drad to heren it and synfull ar solaced · and sauyd by þat name · and ȝe callen hym cryst · for what cause telleþ me · ys cryst more of mygth · and more wurþy name · than ihesu or ihesus · that all owr ioyȝe com of.fe  Thu knowest well quod conscyence · and thu konne resou n · þat knygth kyng conquerour · may be oo p ersone to be callyd a knygth is fayr · for men schulde shal knele to hym to be callyd a kynge · is fayrer · for he may knyghtes make · ac to be a conquerour conquerour clepyd called · þat comeþ of special grace · and of hardynesse of herte · and of hendynesse to maken lordes and ladyes of laddes · of lond that he wynneþ and free men fowle þralles · that folwyn nougth his lawes The iewes that were gentyl men · ihesus þey dyspised · boþe his lore and his lawe · now are þey lowe cherlys as wyde as this world is · wonyeþ þer noon · but vnder tribute or tayllage · as tykes and cherles and þo þat bycome crystene · þurgh fullynge þat þey tooke by conseille of þe baptiste Aren frankeleynes fre men · þorw fullyng þat þei toke Hm.19.38: Hm uniquely combines the a-verse of 19.38 with what in other manuscripts is the b-verse of the following line, thus omitting by conseille of þe baptiste / Aren frankeleynes fre men, found in all other B manuscripts and given here in the spelling of L. And Hm.19.39: Hm's unique reading are supplies a transition to compensate for a verb lost in the omitted half lines. gentyl men wyþ ihesu · for ihesus was y -fullyd and vppon caluarye o..n a cros cros · y -crownyd kyng of iewes It bycomeþ to a kyng · to kepe and deffende and conquerour of conquest · hi.s lawes and his large and so dude ihesus þe iew..ys · he iustyfied and taugth hem the lawe of lyf · that laste schall euere · and deffendyd hem fro fro fowle euelys · feuers and flixes and fro fendes that yn hem were · and fals byleeue · tho was he ihesus called · of iewys of iewes called · gentyl p ropheet and kyng of her kyngdom · and corowne bar of þornys And þoo conqueryd he on cros · as conquerour noble · mygth no deþ hym fordo · ne a -doun brynge · that he ne ros and regnyd · and rauasched helle and tho was he conquerour called · of ..y.equeke and of dede for he ȝaf adam and eue · and othere mo blysse þat longe haddyn leyn byfore · as lucifer -is Hm.19.54: For the his-genitive, see Tauno F. Mustanoja, A Middle English Syntax, Part I: Parts of Speech (Helsinki, 1960), 159-162. See also Hm.9.12. cherlys Hm.19.54-73: A crude line drawing of a flower in pale brown ink appears in the right margin. And syþþe he ȝaf · largely · alle his lele lyges places yn paradys · at her p artyng hennys he may well be called conquerour · and þat is cryst to mene Ac the cause that he comeþ thus · wyþ cros of passyoun · is to wyssen vs þerwyþ · þat whan þat we be tempted · þerwyþ to fygthe · and to and deffende vs · fro fallyng ynto synne · and see by his sorowe · þat who -so loueþ ioyȝe · to penaunce and to pouerte · he must putte hym -sylue and muche woo yn þys world · wyllyn and suffryn · Ac to carpe more of cryst · and how he com to þat name feyþly forto speke · his ferst name was ihesus tho he was born yn bethleem · as þe book telleþ and cam to take mankynde · kynges and aungels reu erencyd hym fayre · wyth rycchesse of erþe · aungels owt of heuene come · knelynge and songyn · Gloria in excelsis deo  Et in terra pax ho minibus · deo & c etera kynges comyn after · kneled and offred · myrre and moche gold · wyþ -owtyn m ercy askyng or eny kynnys katel · but knowlechyng hym souereyn boþe of lond sonde sonne and see · and syþnes they wente · ynto her kyngene kyth · by counseyl of aungels and there was þat ....word fulfulde · the whiche þu of speke Om nia celestia & celestia terrestria · flectant ur in hoc no mi ne ihesu · & c etera nil For alle þe aungels of heuene · at his byrþe kneled · and al þe wytt of þe world · was yn þoo þre kynges resoun and ryȝtwysnesse · and reuthe þey offryd wherfore and whi · wyse men that tyme · maystres and lettred men · magi hem called That oo kyng cam wyþ resou n · keu ered vndyr sence The secounde secounde kynge syþen · soiþlyche offred ryȝtwysnesse vnder rede gold · resou nes felawe · gold is lyknyd to leaute · that laste schal euere and resou n to ryche gold · to rygth and to trewþe · The þrydde kyng ..tho cam · knelynge to ihesu and p resentyd hym wyþ pyte · apperynge by myrre · for myrre is mercy to mene · and mylde speche of tonge · Three ylyche honest þynges · were offryd þus at ones thrugh þree kynne .kynges · knelynge to ihesu · Ac for alle þese p reciouse p resentys · our lord prynce ihesus was neyþ er kyng ne conquerour · tyl he gan to wexe yn þe man er of a man · and þat by mochel sleyȝte as it bycomeþ a conquerour · to conne many sleyȝtes and many wyles and wytt · that woll ben a ledere · and so dude ihesu in his dayes · who -so hadde tyme to telle it sumtyme he suffred · and sumtyme he hidde hym · and sumtyme he fauht faste · and fle..dde oþerwhile and sumtyme he gaf good · and grauntyd hele boþe lyf and lyme as hym luste · so he he wrougth as kynde is of a conquerour · so comsed ihesus ihesu Hm.19.103: The <s> of the abbreviation is written over an erasure. All other B manuscripts have ihesu. tyll he hadde alle hem · that he fore bledde · In his innocence this ihesus · at iewene feste wat er ynto wyn turnyd · as hololy wrytt telleþ and þere bygan god of his grace · to dowel for wyn is lyknyd to lawe and lyf of holynesse and lawe lacked tho · for ...?...? louyde nat here enemyes · and cryst counseyleþ thus · and comaundeþ boþe · to Bothe to lered and to lewyd · to loue her owre enemys so at þat feste ferst · as y bifore tolde · bygan god of his grace · and goodnesse to dowel · and þanne was he clepid and called · nougth holy cryst but ihesu a faunt fyn full of wytt · filius marie for bifore his moder marye · made he þat wond..ur · that sche ferst and formest · ferme schulde byleeue that he þurgh grace was gete · and of no gome elles he wrouht þat by no wytt · but þurgh woord one aftyr þe kynde kynde þat he cam of · þere comsid he dowel And whan he woxen was was woxen more · yn his modres absent absence he made lame men lame to lepe · and ȝaf lygth to blynde and fedde wyþ two fisches · and wyþ fyue loues · sore anhund..gryd afyngred folke · moo þa n fyue thowsand þus he conforted carfull · and caugth a grett er name the whiche was dobet · where that he wente for de.ue Hm.19.127: The <u> is written over an erasure and is more typical of the scribe's Latin script than the English text. þurgh his doynges to here · & dombe speke he made and alle he heled and halp · þat hym of grace asked and þoo was he called yn contre · of þe comen peple for þe dedys þat he dude · fili dauid Ihesus [ Ihesus] Ihesus Hm.19.130: An unidentifiable hand has erased Ihesus from the end of the line. It appears in all other B manuscripts. for dauid was douȝtyest of dedys · yn his tyme the buyrdes t..ho songyn · Saul interfecit mille · Et dauid decem milia forþy þe contre þer ihesu cam · callyd hym fili dauid and nempnyd hym of nazareþ · and no man so wurþy to be cayser or kyng · of þe kyngdom of iuda ne ouer þe iewes iewes iustyse · aos ihesus was hem þougthe Wherof cayphas hadde enuye · and oþ ere of þe iewys forto And for to don hym to deþe · day and nygth þey casten · kylleden hym on cros wyse · at caluarye on a fryday · an suþþen buryeden his body · and bedyn þat men schulde kepyn it fro nygth -comers · wyþ knyhtes y -armed · for no frendys schuldyn hym fecche · for p rophetys hem tolde how Þat þat blyssid body · of buryell · ryse schulde and gon ynto galyle · and gladyn · his apostles · and his moder moa...rie thus men byfore demyd · the knyghtes that keptyn ..hym Hm.19.146: Hm's revised reading agrees with six other B manuscripts, but it is not possible to determine whether the word it replaced was it, the reading of most other B manuscripts. · byknewen it hem -sylue · that aungels and archangels · er þe day spronge comen knelynge to þe ....corps · and songyn christus resurgens verray Hm.19.149: We cannot determine whether Hm's erased word was W's men. bifore hem alle · and foorþ -wyþ hem he ȝede · The iewes prayeden hyem pees · and bisoughten þe knyghtes to telle Telle þe comune þat þ er cam · a compaigne of his apostlys and bywycched hem as þey wokyn · and awey stolen hym it · Ac marye magdaleyn · mette hym by þe weye · goynge toward galylee · yn godhed and manhed and lyues and lokynge · and sche alowd cryede yn eche a compaigne þere sche cam · christus resurgens thus cam it owt þat cryst ou ercam · recoueryd and lyuede Si c oportet christum pati · & intrare · & c etera For þat þat wommen wyten · may nougth well be counseyl Pet er parceyued all þis · and pursewyd after boþe iames and ioh an · ihesu forto seke · thaddee and ten moo · wyþ thomas of ynde and as alle þyse wyse wyes · weren to -gydrys yn an hous all by -schett · and her dore ybarred · cryst cam yn and all closed · boþe dore and ȝatys to peter and to þese his apostlys · and seyde pax vobis and took thomas by þe hond · and taugth hym to grope · and fele wyþ Hm.19.168: An otiose stroke is written above the <y>. his fyngrys · his fleschlych herte · Thomas towchid it · and wyþ his tonge seyde · Deus meus & dominus meus · & c etera Thu art my lord y beleeue · god lord ihesu · thu deyedest and deeþ þolyedest · and deme schalt vs alle and now art lyuynge and lokynge · and last schalt euere Cryst carpid þanne · and curteysly seyde thomas for thu trowest þis · and trewly beleeuyst it blessyd mot thu be · and be schalt for euere and blessid moot þey alle be · yn body and yn sowle that neuer seye shal se me yn sygth · as thu doist nowþe and lelelyche beleeuyn all þys · y loue hem and blyesse hem · Beati qui non videru nt & credideru nt · & c etera And whan þys dede was doon · dobest he tauȝt e and ȝaf peris power · and p ardoun he graunted to alle man er men · mercy and forȝiuenesse he Hym mygth men assoyle · of alle maner synne yn couenaunt þat þey come · and knowlechid knewleche to paye to peris p ardou n þe ploughman · redde quod debes · Thus haþ peris power · be his p ardoun payed to bynde and vnbynde · boþe here and elles -where and assoyle men of alle synnys · saue of dette one An -non after an hyȝe · vp ynto heuene he wente and wonyeþ þere · and ...wyl come at þe laste and rewardyn nhym rygth well · þat reddit quod debet payeþ p artfytly parfitly p arfytly · as pure trewþe wolde · And what p ersone payeþ yt nougth · punyschen he þenkeþ and demen hem domesday · boþe quyke and dede the good to þe godhede · and to gret ioyȝe and wycked to wonye · yn woo wyþ -owtyn ende Thus conscyence of cryst · and of þe cros carped ...?...?...and counseyled me to knele þerto · & þa nne cam to me me þougth · oon sp irit us p aracclitus to peris · and to his felawes yn lyknesse of a lyȝtnynge · he lyght on hem alle and made hem conne and knowe · alle kyn langages I wondrid what þat was · and waged Hm.19.203: Waged, "nudged, attracted the attention of." See MED, s. v. waggen (v.). conscyence and was aferd of þe lygth · for yn fyres lyknesse · sp iritus p aracclitus · ouer -spradde hem alle Quod conscyence and kneled · þis is crystys messag er and comeþ fro þe grete god · and grace ys his name knele now q uod conscyence · and ȝif þu canst synge welcome hym and wurschipe hym · wyþ veni creator sp iritus Thanne song y þat song · so dede many hundryd · and crieden wyth conscyence · helpe vs god of grace And þanne bygan grace · to go wyþ peris ploughman and counseyle.d hym and conscyence · þe comune to sompne for y woll dele to -day · and ȝyue dyuyne dyuyde g race to alkyn creatures · that han her fyue wyttys tresor to lyue by · to her lyues ende · and wepne to fygth wyþ · þat wy...?...ll neu er fayle · for anticryst and hise · all þe world schull greue · and encombre þe conscyence · but ȝif cryst þe helpe · And false p rophetes fele · flaterers and gloseres schull Shullen come and be ...?... curatores · ou er kyngys and erlys · and pryde schall be pope · prynce of holy cherche coueytyse and vnkyndenesse · cardynales hym to lede Forþy quod grace er y go · y woll gyue ȝow tresor and wepne to fygth wyþ · whan anticryst ȝow assayle þ and gaf eche man a grace · to gye wyþ hym -sylue þat ydelnesse encombre hym nougth · enuye ne pryde Diuisiones graciarum sunt · & c etera Su mme he ȝaf wytt · wyth woordys to schewe · wytt to wynne her lyflode wyþ · as þe world askeþ as p rechours and p reestys · and prentys Hm.19.231: The meaning must be plural here; this form is shared by HmLC 2F. of lawe þey lely to lyue · by labour of tou nge and by wytt to wyssen oþ ere · as grace hem wolde teche and su mme by kynde he kenned crafte · and connyng of sygth wyþ syllynge and byggynge · her ...?...lyflode bylyf to wynne · and somme he lered to laboure · a lele lyf and a trewe · and somme he taugth to tulye · to dyke dyche and to þecche to wynne wyþ her lyflode · by lore of his techynge · And somme to dyuyne · and dyuyded diuide noumbres to kenne and somme to compase craftyly · and colours to make · and somme to see and to seye · what schulde byfalle · boþe of wele and of woo · telle it or it felle · as astronomyens þurgh astronomye · & philosophres wyse · Somme And somme to ryde and su mme to recou ere þat ryȝtfully vnriȝtfully was wonne he wyssid hem wynne it aȝen · þurgh wytnesse wightnesse of handys · and fecchen it fro false men · wyþ foluyles lawes And somme he lernyd lered to lyue · yn longynge to ben hennys yn pou erte and yn pacyence penaunce · to prayȝe for alle crystne · and alle he lered to be lele · and eche a craft loue oþer and forbad hem alle debat · þat noon were among hem · thowȝ somme be clenn er þan somme · ȝe see wel quod grace þ at he þat vseþ þe fayrest craft · to þe fowlest y cowde haue put hym þenkeþ alle q uod grace · that grace comeþ of my ȝyfte lokeþ þat non lacke oþer · but loueþ alle as breþ erne · And who þat moste maystryes can · be myldest of berynge and crowneþ conscyence kyng · and makeþ craft ȝowr styward and after craftys counseyl · cloþe ȝow and fede · for y make peris þe ploughman · my p rocurato ur and my reue and registrer to resceyue · redde quod debes my prowour and my ploughman · peris schall be on erþe and forto tylye trewþe · a teme schall he haue Grace gaf peris a teme · fowr grete oxen · þat on was luke a large beest · and alowe a lowe chered mark And mark and math eu þe þrydde · myghty bestys boþe and ioyned to hem on ioh an · most gentyl of alle þe prys nete of peris plough · passynge alle oþere · And grace gaf peris · of his goodnesse fowr stottes all þat his oxen eryed · þey to harwyn after on higth austyn · and ambrose an noþer · gregory þe grete clerke · and ieromye þe goode þese foure þe feyþ to teche · folwen peres teme and harwed yn an hand -while · all holy scrypture wyþ two harwes þa.t þey hadde an old and an newe Id est vetus testamentu m · & nouu m · & c etera And grace gaf greynes · the cardynal vertues and sew hem yn mannys sowle · and syþþe tolde her namys Spiritus prudencie · the ferst sede higthe and who -so eet þat · ymagene he schulde er he dude any dede · deuyse well þe ende · and lered lerned Hm.19.280: Cf. Hm.19.249 above. men a ladul bygge · wyþ a long stele and caste forto kepe a crocke · to saue þe fatte aboue The secound sede higth e spiritus temperancie he þat eteþ ete of þat sede · had such a kynde · ne schulde Sholde neuer mete ne moche drynke · make hym to swelle ne Ne sholde no scorner e ne scolde · owt of skyle hym brynge ne wynnynge ne welþe · of worldly rycchesse wast word of ydelnesse · ne wycked speche meue · schulde no coryous cloiþ · comyn on his rygge · ne no mete yn his mowþ · þat mayst er ioh an spiced The þrydde sede þat peris sewe was spirit us fortitudinis · and who -so eet of þat seed · hardy · was he euere · to suffre all þat god sente · syknesse and angres mygth no lesynges ne lyers lyere · ne losse of worldly catel · makyn hym for eny mornynge · þat he nas mery yn sowle · and bold and a -bydynge · bysmeres to suffre · and pleyeþ all wyþ pacyence · and parce m ichi d omine and couered hym vnder counseyl · of catou n þe wyse Esto forti a ni mo · cum sis dampnatus iniq ue · & c etera nil · The fierþe sede that peris sewe · was spiritus iusticie · iusticie · & c etera nil and he þat eet of þat sede · schuld be euer trewe wyþ god and nougth a -gast · but of gyle one · for gyle goiþ so pryuely · þat good feiþ oþer -while · may nougth ben a -spyed · for spiritus iusticie Spiritus iusticie · spareth nougth to spille · hem þat ben gylty · and forto correcte the kyng ȝif he falle · in gylt or in trespasse for acounteþ counteth he no kyng es wraþþe · whan he yn court sytteþ to demyn as a domes man · adrad was he neu ere · neyþ er of duke nor ne of deþ · þat he ne dude lawe · for p resent or for prayer · or eny p rinces lettres he dede equyte to alle · euenforþ his power These fowre sedys peres sewe · and seþþe he dude hem harwe wyþ olde lawe and newe lawe · þat loue mygth wexe · among þo þe fowre vertues · and vyses distroyȝe · for comonly yn contrees · cammokes and wedys fowleþ þe fruyt yn þe felde · þere þey growe to -gydres and so doon vices · vertues wurthi · Quod peris harweþ alle that conneþ kynde wytt Hm.19.318-319: In response to a corrupt Bx, CrHm alone create two lines here. Other B manuscripts, with some variations, read Quod Piers harweth alle þat kunneth kynde witte bi conseille of þis doctours. Hm alone, editing to provide an a-verse, adds by rede and by counseyl in place of bi conseille of the other B manuscripts, and Hm alone reads þese fowr where all other B manuscripts have þis in order to fill out the b-verse. Unlike Hm, Cr prints only By counsel of these doctours. The now lost B manuscript available for creation of the C text was superior to Bx, reading (again, with some variations): And so doth vices vertues forthy quod peres Harweth alle þat conneth kynde wit bi consail of this doctours . by rede and by counseyl · of þese fowr doctours and tylyeþ after her techynge · þe cardynal vertues Aȝeins þe þi greynes quod grace · bygynneþ forto rype · ordeyne þe an hous peris · to herbergh ynne þy cornes By god grace quod peris · ȝe motyn gyue tymber and ordeyne þat hous · er ȝe henne hennes Hm.19.324: For similar variation on þenne, cf. Hm.19.430. wende · And grace gaf hym þe cros · wyþ þe crowne of thornys þat cryst vppon caluarye · for mankynde on pynyd · and of his baptyme and blood · þat he bledde on rode · he made a maner morter · and mercy it higthe · and þerwyþ grace bigan · to make a good fundeme nt and watled it and wallid it · wyþ his peynes & passiou n his passioun Hm.19.330: M also omitted his on initial copying but supplied it above the line. · and of al holy wrytt · he made a roof after · and called þat hous vnyte · holycherche on englisch · and whan þis dede was don · grace dyuysid · a cart higth crystendoom · to carye peris scheuys and gaf hym caples to his carte · contrissiou n and confessiou n and made p reesthod heyward · þerwhile þe while hym -sylf wente als wyde as þe world is · wyþ peris to tylye trewþe · Now is peris to þe plough · and pryde it aspyed · and gadred hym a gret oost · for to greuyn he þynkeþ conscience and alle crystene · and cardynall vertues blowe hem dou n and breke hem · and byte a -two þe mores · and sente forþ surquydous · his sergeaunt of armes · and his spye spille loue · speke one speke euyll behynde · Thise two comen to conscyence · and to crystyn peple · and toldyn hem tydynges · þat tyne þey schuld þe sedys · þat peris þere hadde sowyn · þe cardynall vertues and peris bierne worþ ybroke · and þey þat ben yn vnyte schull come owt and conscyence · and ȝowr two caples · confessiou n and contriciou n · and ȝowr cart þe byleeue schall be colowryd so queyntly · & keu ered vnder owr sophestrye · þat conscyence schall nougth · knowe by contriciou n ne by confessiou n · who is crystyn or hethen ne no maner marchaunt · þat wyþ money deleþ · wheþ er he wynne wyþ rygth · wyþ wrong or wyþ vsure · wyþ such colours and queyntise · comeþ pryde y -armed · wyþ þe lord þat lyueþ after · the lust of his body to wastyn on welfare · and on wycked kepynge all þe world yn a while · þurgh owr wytt q uod pryde · Quod conscyence to alle crystne tho · my cou nseyl is to wende · hastyly into vnyte · and holde we vs there · and prayȝe we þat a pes were · yn peris bierne þe plough -man · for wytterly y wot well · we beþ nougth of strengþe · to gon a -geyn pryde · but grace were wyþ vs · And þa nne cam kynde wytt · conscyence to teche · and cryed and comaunded · alle crystene peple · forto delue and dyke · depe abowte vnyte · þat holycherche stood yn vnyte · as it a pyle were Conscyence commaunded þoo · alle crystne to delue · and makyn a moche moot · þat mygth ben a strengþe · to helpyn holy cherche · and hem þat it kepeþ · Thanne alkyn crystne · saue comyn wommen · repentyden and refusidyn synne · saue þey one and false men flaterers · vsurers and thieuys · lyeres and questmongers · that were forsworn ofte wetynge and wylfully · wyþ þe fals heldyn · and for syluer were forsworn · soiþly þey wysten yt Ther nas no crystene creature · þat kynde wytt hadde · saue schrewes one · suche as y spak of · that he ne halpe a quantyte · holynesse to wexe · somme þurgh bedys byddynge · and somme þurgh pylgrymage · and oþer pryue penaunce · and somme þurgh penyes delyng And þanne wellyd wat er · for wycked werkes egrelyche ȝernynge Hm.19.383: HmB's ȝernynge is a spelling variant of most other B witnesses, ernynge. owt · of mennys eiȝen · clennesse owt of comune · and clerkes clene lyuynge madyn vnyte holy cherche yn holynesse to ..stonde I care nougth q uod conscyence · þowh pryde come nowþe the lord of lust schall be lettyd · all þys leynte y hope · comeþ quod conscyence · ȝe crystene and dyneþ · þat han labowred lely · all þys leynte tyme · here is brede y -blessid · and goddys body þ ere -vnder grace þurgh goddys woord · gaf peris power and myghtes to makyn yt · and men to etyn it after · yn helpe of her hele · onys yn amoneþ a moneþ or as ofte as þey hadde o nede · þo þat hadde y -payed · to peris p ardou n þe ploughman · redde q uod debes · Hm.19.396: The rubricator failed to rubrish the paraph. How q uod alle þe comune · thu cou nseylest vs to ȝelde all þat we owen eny wygth · or we go to howsel · That is my counceyl · q uod conscyence and cardynal vertues þat eche a man man forȝyue oþer · and þat woll þe pat er noster Et dimitte nobis debita n ostra · & c etera · And so to ben assoyled · and seþþyn ben housled · Ȝhe baw quod a brewere · y woll nougth be rewlyd · by ihesu for alle ȝowr ianglynge · wyþ spiritus iusticie ne after conscyence by cryst · while y can sylle · boþe dregges and draf · and drawe it an hole · thikke ale and þynne ale · for þat ys my kynde and nougth hacke after holynesse · hold þy tou nge conscyence of spiritus iusticie thu spekest moche yn an ydel · Cayteef quod conscyence · cursyde wrecche · vnblyssed art thu brewere · but ȝif þe god helpe · but þu lyue by lore · of spiritus iusticie · the chief sede that peris sewe · y -sauyd worst thu neu ere but conscyence þe comyn fede and cardynal vertues leeue yt well þey ben lost · boþe lyf and sowle Thanne is manye a man y -lost · quod a lewed vicory · y am a curatour of holy kyrke and cam neu ere yn my tyme · man to me þat me cowd telle · of cardynal vertues or þat acountyd conscyence · at a cokkes feþer or an hennys y knewe neuer cardynall · þat he ne cam fro þe pope and we clerkes whan þey come · for her comunes payeþ for her pelure and her palfreyes mete · & pilo urs þat hem folweþ the comune clamant clamat quotidie · eche a man tyl oþer the contre is þe cursedere · þat cardynals comen ynne and þere þey lygge and lenge most · lecchery þ er regneþ Forþy quod this vicory · by verry god y wolde · þat no cardynall come · .... among þe comyn peple but yn her holynesse · holdyn hem stylle · at auyou n among þe iewes · cu m s anc to s anc tus eris or yn rome as her rewle wolde wole · þe relykes to kepe · and thu conscyence yn kynges court · & schuldest neu ere come þenne þennes and grace that thu gredest so of · gyour of alle clerkes and peris wyþ his newe plough · and eke wyþ his olde · emp erour of all þe world · that alle men ...?...were cristene · Inp arfit is þat pope · that all þe peple schuld helpe · and sendeþ hem þat sleeþ such · as he schulde saue · and well wurþ peris þe plough -man · þat p ursueþ god yn doynge Qui pluit sup er iustos & iniustos · at onys · And sente þe sonne to saue · a cursid mannys tylþe a..........s brigth Hm.19.439: This alteration is not likely to be the work of the correcting hand3 who habitually added <-e> to words ending in <gth>. This spelling does not occur elsewhere in the work of hand1 and hand2, both spelling it brygth. as to þe best man · and the best wo mman · Rygth so peris þe ploughman · peyneþ hym to tyllye · as well for a wastour · and wenches of þe stywes as for hym -sylf and his seruaunt es · saue he is ferst s erued · and trauayleþ and tylyeþ · for a tretour also sore · as for a trewe tydy man · alle tymes y -lyke and wurschipid be he þat wrougth all · boþe ...?...goode & wikke and suffreþ þat synfull be · tyl sumtyme þat þey repente and god amende þe pope · þat pilyeþ holy cherche · and cleymeþ bifore þe kyng · to be kep ere ou ercrystene ou er crystene and counteþ nougth þouwȝ crystene ben · kyllyd and robbed · and fynt folk to figth · and crysten blood to spille · aȝen þe olde lawe · and newe lawe · as luk þ erof wytnesseþ Non occides · michi vindicta m · & c etera It semeþ by so hym -sylf · hadde his wylle · þat he reccheþ rygth nougth · of all þe remena nt and cryst of his curtasye · the cardynals saue and turne her wytt to wysdom · and to wele of sowle · for þe comune q uod þis curato ur · countyn full lytell the counseyl of conscyence · or cardynall vertues but ȝif þey seyȝe as by sygth · sumwhat to wynnynge of gyle ne of gabbynge · gyue þey neu ere tale for spiritus prudencie · amonge þe peple is gyle · and alle þo fayre vertues · as vices þey semed · eche a eche man subtyleþ a sleyȝte · synne forto hide · and colowreþ it for a ku nnynge · and a clene lyuynge Thanne lowȝ þer a lord · and by þis lygth seyde · Hm.19.465: By eye-skip, Hm uniquely omits the following lines attested in other beta manuscripts, given here in the spelling of L: I halde it ryȝte & resoun of my reue to take Al þat myne auditour or elles my stuwarde Conseilleth me by her acounte & my clerkes wrytynge With spiritus intellectus they seke þe reues rolles And with spiritus fortitudinis fecche [it] I wole And þanne come þere a kynge & bi his croune seyde . y am kynge wyþ corowne · þe comune to rewle · and holy kyrk and clergye · fro cursid men to fonde defende · and ȝif me lackeþ to lyue by · þe lawe woll y take it þer y may it may hastylokest haue it haue · for y am hede of lawe for ȝe ben but membrys · and y a -boue ȝow alle alle and s.. yiþe y am ȝowr aller hord heed Hm.19.471: It is not clear what the scribe intended to write here, perhaps lord? · y am ȝowr all...? hele and holy cherches chief helpe · and chyuentayn of þe comune · and what y take of ȝow two · y take it at þe techynge of spiritus iusticie · for · y iuge ȝow alle · so y may boldly · be houslyd · for y borowe neu ere · ne craue of my comune · but as my kynde askeþ In condiciou n quod conscience · þat thu conne deffende · and rewle þy rewme by resou n · yn rygth · and yn riȝt wel & in trewþe · take thu mygth yn resou n · as thy lawe askeþ Om nia tua sunt ad deffend......endu m · s ed · non ad dep rehen.....dendu m · Hm.19.480: The added letters are cramped, indicating that the original was shorter, possibly deprehendum, the otherwise unique reading of F. Hm.19.481: There is a paraph marker here, but it was not rubrished; the ornamentation from the following passus leaves space for it. The vyker hadde fer hom · and fayr took his leue · and y awakyd þer -wyþ · and wrot as me mette · Passus · ij us secundus · & vltimus de do -best · t T hanne as y wente by the weye · whan y was þus awaked heuy -cherid y ȝede . and elenge yn herte · y ne wyste where to ete · ne at what place · and it neiȝed ner þe noon · and wyþ nede y mette þat affrountyd me fowle · and faytour me callyd Canst thu nougth excuse þe · as dude þe kyng and oþere · þat thu took to þy bileeue · to cloþes and to sustynaunce and by techynge and by telle tell[yng]e tellynge . of spiritus temp erancie and thu nome nomore · þan nede þe taugthe and nede ne haþ no lawe · ne neuer schall falle yn dette for þre þynges he takeþ · his lyf forto saue · that is mete whan men hym werneþ · and he no money weldeþ ne wygth none woll ben his borwh · ne wed ha.þ none to legge and he caugth yn þat · and com þ erto by sleyhte · he synneþ nougth soiþlyche · that so wynneþ his foed · and þowh he come so to a cloiþ · and can no bett er cheuysaunce nede anon rygth · nymeþ hym vnder maynpryse · & ...?... ȝeueþ if Hm.20.18: Hm alone reads ȝeueþ, which is over an erasure, against if in most other B manuscripts. Note, however, that BmBo read gif, with g added in Bm, and Cot reads gyue. Note too that ȝeueþ is the reading of the P family in C. hym l....eue lyst Hm.20.18: HmCot alone read leue, which is over an erasure in Hm, against lyst in most other B manuscripts. The word is followed in Hm by a dividing slash, indicating that the original reading was shorter than 4 characters, possibly like BmBo's lif. forto lape · þe lawe of kynde wolde that ..he dronk e at eche · ar he for þurst deyed e · so nede at gret nede · mayy nyymen as for his owen wyþ -owte counseyll of conscyence · or cardynal vertues so þat he s.uwe and saue spiritus temp erancie for is no vertu byfer by fer · to spiritus temp erancie neyþer spiritus iusticie · ne spiritus fortitudinis · for spiritus fortitudinis · forfeteþ full ofte he schall do more þa n mesure · ofte and many tyme many tyme & ofte and bete men ouer bytterly · and su mme of hem to lytell and greue men gretly · more gretter þan good feiþ wolde · And spiritus iusticie · schall iugen woll hye nylle he · after þe kynges counseyl · and þe comune lyke · And spiritus prudencie · yn manye a poynt schal fa.yle of þat he weneþ wolde falle · ȝif his wytt ne were · wenynge is no wysdom · ne wys ymagynacyou n · homo p roponit & deus disponit · and gouerneþ alle gode v ertues ac nede is next hym · for anoon he mekeþ and is as as lowȝ as a lombe · for lackyng of þat hym nedeþ wyse men forsook wele · for þey wolde be nedy and wonedyn yn wyldernesse · and woldyn nougth be ryche And god al his grete ioyȝe · gostly he lefte · and cam and took mankynde . and bycam nedy so nedy he was as seyþ þe book · yn many sondry places þat he seyde yn his sorwe · on þe selue rode · boþe fox and fowl · may flee to hole and crepe and þe fysch haþ fyn · to flete wyþ to reste þere nede haþ y -nome me · þat y moot nede abyde and suffre sorwes full sore · þat schal to ioyȝe turne forþy be nougth abaschid · to byde and to be nedy · syþ he that wrougth all þe world · was wylfully nedy ne neuer non so nedy · ne ne ...?...pore pouerere deyde · Whan nede hadde vndernome me thus · anon y fel a -slepe and mette full merueylously · yn þat in a mannys mannes forme · antecryst cam thanne · and all þe crop of trewþe turnyd it vp -sodou n · and ouertylt the rote and fals sprynge and sprede · and spede mennys nedys yn eche eche a contre þere he cam · he cutte awey trewþe · and gart gyle growe · þere · as he a god were Hm.20.56-61: Reacting to a stain, hand3 has retouched some letters on these lines. Freres folwyd þat fend for he gaf hem copes and religiouus Hm.20.58: Kane and Donaldson read religiouns, thus creating a unique reading. However, the scribe infrequently wrote <uu> where a single graphie would be expected; e. g. Hm.14.218 rybauud and Hm.3.295 leauute. The forms of <u> and <n> are indistinguishable. reuerencid hyym and rongyn here belles and alle þe couent forþ cam to welcome that tyraunt and alle hise as well as hym · saue only foles whiche foles weren wel leuer · to deye þa n to lyue lenger · syþ le...wte Hm.20.62: The original reading was probably lenten, clearly an error, though in all beta manuscripts except Cr. Alpha and Cx read lewte. was so rebukyd · and a fals fend antycryst · ouer alle folk regnyd · and þat were mylde men and holy · þat no myscheef dredde deffyedyn alle falsnesse and folk that it vsed and what kyng þat hem conforted · knowyng hem eny while · þey cursid and her counseyl · were it to it clerk or lewyd · Antecryst hadde þus sone · hundredes at his baner and pryde it bar vp ful hiȝe bar . boldly abowte wyþ a lord þat lyueþ · after lykynge of body · þat cam aȝen conscience · þat keper was and gyour ouer kynde crystene and cardynal vertues I cou nseyle quod conscience þoo · comeþ wyþ me ȝe foles ynto vnyte holycherche · and holde we vs there · and crye we to kynde · þat he come and deffende vs foles fro þe fendes lymes · for peris loue þe ploughman and crye we to alle þe comune · þat þey come to vnyte and þere abyde and bykere . aȝenst belyals childryn · kynde conscience þo herde · and cam owt of þe planetes and sent forþ his forreyoures · feueres and fluxes kouȝghes and cardyacles . crampes and tooþ ache aches remes and redgoundes · and roynous scalles byles and bocches · and brennyng agues frensyes and fowle eueles · forageres of kynde hadde y -prayed and y -pryked y -prykked and prayed · polles of peple · þat largelyche a legiou n · losten her lyf sone · There was harrow and help · here comeþ kynde · wyþ deþ þat is dredful · to vndon vs alle The lord þat lyued after lust · to t[h]o tho a -loud cryed after confort a knygth · to come and bere his baner Alarme alarme · quod that lord · eche a eche lyf kepe his owen · And þanne mette þese men · er menstrals myghten pype and heraudys of armes · hadden descryued lordes · Elde þe hore · he was yn the vaumwarde and bar þe baner byfore deþ · by rygth ...?...he it cleymed kynde cam after · wyþ many kene sores as pokkes and pestylences · and moche peple schente so kynde þurgh corrupciou ns · kylled ful manye Deþ cam dryuynge after · and all to dust paisched · kynges and knyghtes · kayseres and popes · lered ne lewyd · he leet noman stande · that he h....itte euene · euene · þat ...?...?... sturidde neuer euere stired after · manye a louely lady · and lemmanes of knyghtes · swowned and swelted · for sorowe of deþes dyntys · Conscyence of his curtasye · to kynde he besougthe to cese and suffre · and se wherþ er wher Hm.20.106: Hm's original reading wher was correct. Cf. Hm.11.87 (KD.11.83), Hm.12.364 (KD.11.189), Hm.12.577 (KD.12.270), Hm.12.599 (KD.12.291). they wolde leue pryde pryuely · and be p arfyt crystene · And kynde cesid thoo · to see þe peple amende fortune gan flatre þanne · þoo fewe þat weren on lyue and b...?...yhiȝte hem long lyf · and lecchery he sente · amonges alle maner men · wedded and vnweddyd and gadred a gret ost · all a -geyn conscyence This lecchery leyde on · wyþ a Ianglyng chere and wyþ pryue speche · and peyntid woordes and armyd hem hym yn ydelnesse · and yn hie berynge he bar a bowe yn his hand · and many brode arwes weren feþered wyþ fayr beheste · and manye a fals trewþe wyþ his vntydy tales · he tenyd full ofte · conscyence and his companye · of holy cherche þe techer techeres Thanne cam coueytise · and caste how he myghte ouercome conscience · and cardynal vertues and armed hym yn auaryce · and hongrylych lyuede his wepne was all of all w....yles · to wynnyn and to hidyn wyþ glosynges and wyþ gabbynges · he bigiled gyled þe peple Symony hym soughte sent · to assayle conscyence and preched to þe peple · and p relates þey hem madyn · to holden wyþ antecryst · her temp eraltees to saue · and comen to þe kynges counseyl · as a kene barou n and kneled to conscyence · in court aforen hem alle and gart good feyþ flee · and fals to abyde · and boldlyche bar adou n · wyþ manye a brygth noble · moche of þe wytt and wysdom · of westmynster halle · he iuged to a Iustice · and iusted in his ere · and ouertylt al his trewþe · wyþ tak þis vp amendement and ynto to þe arches yn haste · he ȝede anon after · and turnyd cyuyle ynto symonye · and siþ took he toke þe official · for a mantell of menyuer · he made lele matrymoigne be dep artid Departen or deþ cam · and deuors schapte Alas quod conscyence and cryed þo · wold cryst of his grace · that coueytise were crystene · that is so kene a fyhtere · and bold and abidynge · while his bagge lasteþ Thanne And thanne lough lyf · and leet dagge his cloþes and armyd hym yn haste yn harlottes woordys · and held holynesse a iape · and hendenesse a wastour and leet lenten leute a cherl · and lyȝer a freman · conscience and cou nseyl · he accountyd countyd it a folye · Thus relyȝed lyf · for a lytel fortune · and pryked foorþ wyþ pryde · p reyseþ he no vertu · and He careþ nougth how kynde slowh · and schall come at þe laste and kylle alle erþly creatures · saue conscyence one · lyf leep assyde · and laugth hym a lemman · hele and y quod he · and hiȝnesse of herte schall do þe nougth drede · neyther deþ ne elde · and to forȝete sorowe · and ȝyue nouȝt of synne This lyked lyf · and his lemman fortune · and getyn in her glorye · a gadelyng at þe laste · on that moche wo wroughte · slewþe was his name · slewþe wax wonder ȝerne · and swyþe sone was of age and wedded on wanhope · a wenche of þe stewes her syre was a sysour · that neuer swoor twrowþe trowþe treuthe on thomme two tou nge · a -teynt at eche a queste · This slewþe was war of werre · and a slynge made · and threw drede of dyspeyr · a dozeyn myle abowte For care conscyence tho · cryed vppon elde · and bad hym fonde to fyghte · and affere wanhope · And elde hente goodhope · and hastylyche he schifte hym · and weyued awey wanhope · and wyþ lyf he faught fyȝteth and lyf fleyȝ for fere to physyk · after help · and bisougth hym of socour · and of his salue hadde · and gaf hym gold good won · that gladed his herte and þey geuyn hym · ageyn · a glasene howue · lyf leeuyd þat lechecraft · lette schulde elde · and dryuen awey deþ · wyþ dyas and drages Hm.20.173: The spelling is unique among B manuscripts. See MED, s. v. dragge n.(2) and drogge n. · And elde auntred hym on lyf · and at þe laste he hytte a fysissien wyþ a furred hood · þat he fel yn a palsye and þere dyed þat doctor · er thre dayes after Now y se seyde lyf · that surgenry ne fesyk may nougth amyte a myte auayle · to medle aȝen elde Hm.20.178-183: A water stain over parts of these lines does not affect the legibility of the text. and in hope of his hele · good herte he hi hente and rode so to reuel · a ryche place and a merye ...the companye of confort · men clepid it sumtyme and elde anon after me · and ouer myn hed ȝede · and made me balled bifore · and bare on þe crowne so harde he ȝede ouer myn hed · it woll be sene eu ere Sire euel ytaugth elde quod y · vnhende go wyþ þe syþ whanne was þe wey · ouer mennys hedys · haddest thu ben hende q uod y · thu woldest askyd [haue] askyd haue asked leue · ȝe leue lurdeyn quod · he and leyde on me wyþ age · and hitte me vnder þe ere · vnneþe may y here he buffeted me abowt þe mowþ · and my teeþ owt beet & bett out my tethe and gyued me yn gowtes · y may nougth go at large and of þe wo þat y was ynne · my wyf hadde rewþe · and wuschid ful wytterly · þat y were yn heuene · for þe leme þat sche louyd me fore · and l...eef was to fele on nyghtes namly · whan we naked were y ne mygth yn no manere · maken it at her wylle · so elde and sche soþly · haddyn it forbetyn · And as y sat in þis sorowe · y sawh how kynde passed and deþ drowȝ nyȝ me · for drede gan y quake and cryed to kynde · owt of care thu me me brynge loo elde þe hore · hath me beseye awreke me ȝif ȝowr wylle be · for y wolde ben hennys ȝif thu wolt be wroken · wende ynto vnyte and hold the þere euere · tyll y sende for þe and loke thu konne sum craft · er thu come þennys Conseyle me kynde quod y · what craft is best to lerne Lerne to loue quod kynde · and leue of alle oþere How schall y come to catel so · to cloþe me and fede And thu loue lely quod he · lacke schall the neuere · mete ne worldly mede mete wede · while þy lyf lasteþ · And þere by counseyl of kynde · y comsid to rome · þurgh contriciou n and confessiou n · tyl i come to vnyte · and þere was conscyence constable · crystne to saue and beseged soiþly · wyþ seuene grete gyauntes þat wyþ anticryst heldyn · harde aȝen conscience · Slewþe wyþ his slynge · an hard sawt he made · prowd p reestes comen wyþ hym · mo than a thowsand · yn paltokes and pyked schoes · and pissers longe knyues Hm.20.218-223: A water stain over parts of these lines does not affect the legibility of the text. comen aȝenst conscience · wyþ coueytyse þey heldyn By mary quod a maensed Hm.20.220: The scribe first wrote an <e> and then overwrote it with an <n> like the one usually appearing in Latin quotations. p reest · of þe march of yrlond y counte nomore conscience · by so y cacche syluer than y do to drynke · a draugth of good ale and so seydyn sixty · of the same contre · and schottyn aȝen wyþ schot · many schef of oþes and brode hoked arwes · goddys herte and his nayles and haddyn almost vnyte · and holynesse adou n · Conscyence cryed help clergye · or elles y falle þurgh inp arfit p reestes · and p relates of holycherche Freres herdyn hym crye · and comen hym to helpe ac for þey cowde nougth well her crafte · conscyence forsoke hem · Nede neiȝghed tho ner · and conscyence he tolde · that þey come for coueytyse · to haue cure of sowlys and for þey arn pou ere · p araduenture for pat rimoigne þey fayle · they wollen flatere and fare wel · folk that ben ryche and siþen þey chosen chele · ...and chaytyf pouerte · late hem chewe as þey chose · and charge hem wyþ no cure i d est sepius for lymer l[o]mer lomer Hm.20.237: Lomer, "more often" <OE gelome. he lyeþ · þat lyflode moot begge þa n he þat labowreþ for lyflode · and leneþ it beggeres and syþen freris forsoke · þe felicite of erþe lat hem be as beggeres · or lyeue Hm.20.240: The correcting scribe's changing the infinitive form lyue, "to live" to leue is mildly odd. Hand2 usually wrote "live" (both infintive and finite forms) with the lyue spelling, though in several instances (e. g., Hm.4.190, Hm.10.154, Hm.13.52, and Hm.14.51) the leue spelling was used. At Hm.17.26, Hm alone reads lyue against most manuscripts' leue. The form lyeue at Hm.5.307 was written out by hand2, but the same correction as here is made by hand3 at Hm.15.542 and Hm.15.565. by aungeles foed · Conscyence of þis counseyl þo · comsid forto lauhe and curteysly conforted hym hem · and callyd alle in alle freres and seyde syres soiþly · welcome be ȝe alle · to vnyte and holycherche · ac on þyng y ȝow p raye · holdeþ ȝow yn vnyte · and haueþ none enuye · to lered ne to lewyd · but lyueþ after ȝowr rewle · and y woll be ȝowr borwe · ȝe schull haue bred and cloþes · and oþer necessarijs ynowe · ..ȝow schalt no þynge fayle wyþ that ȝe leue logyk · and lerneþ forto louye for loue lafte þey lordschipe · boþe lond and scole frere fraunces and d ominik · forloue for loue to be holy · And ȝif ȝe coueyten cure · kynde woll ȝow teche · þat yn mesure god made · alle maner thynges and sette it at a certeyn · and at a syker noumbre · and nempnyd names newe · and noumbred þe sterrys Qui numerat multitudinem stellaru m & om nib us eis · & c etera kynges and knyȝtes · that kepyn and deffendyn · han offyceres vnder hem · and eche of hem a certeyn and ȝif þey wage men to werre · þey wryten hem yn noumbre alle oþer in batayle · ben y -holde brybours pylowres and pykeharneyses pykehernois · yn eche a place y -cursid · wol no tresorer hem paye · trauayle þey neu ere so sore Hm.20.262: WB agree with Hm's line ordering; however, most B manuscripts supply this line, Hm.20.262, two lines earlier, after Hm.20.159. (The Kane and Donaldson numbering reflects this different ordering.) · Monkes and monyals · and alle men of relygiou n her ordre and her reule wole · to han a certeyn noumbre · of lewyd and of lered · þe lawe it woll wol and axeþ a certeyn for a certayn · saue only of freres · forþy q uod conscience by cryst · kynde wytt me telleþ yt is wyckyd to wage ȝow · ȝe wexen owt of noumbre heuene haþ euene noumbre · and helle is wyþ -owt noumbre · forþy y wolde wytterly · þat ȝe were yn þe registre · and ȝowr noumbre vnder notarye sygne · & neiþ er mo ne lasse · Enuye herde þis · and heet freres go to scole · and lerne logyk and lawe · and eke contemplaciou n and p reche men of plato · and preuyn it by seneca · that alle þynges vnder heuene · auȝten to be in comune · And ȝit he lyeþ as y leeue · þat to þe lewyd so p recheþ for god made to men a lawe and moyses it tauȝte · Non concupisces rem p roximi tui · & c etera And euyl is þis yholde · yn p arisches of englond for p ersou ns and p arisch prestes · þat schulde þe peple schryue ben curatours callyd · to knowe and to hele alle that ben her p arischenys · penaunce to enIoyne · and schuldyn be a -schamyd · in her schryft · ac schame makeþ hem wende · and fleen to þe freres · as fals folk to westmynst er þat borweþ and bereþ it þyder · and thanne byddeþ frendys ȝerne of forȝyuenesse · or lenger ȝeres lone Ac while he is in westmynstre · he woll be bifore and make hym merye · wyþ oþer mennys goodes and so it fareþ by moche folk · þat to þe freres sc hryueþ as sysours and executours · they woll ȝyue þe freres a p arcel to p raye for hem · and make hem -sylf merye · wyþ þe residue and þe remenau nt · þat oþ er men byswonge biswonke(n) and suffren þe dede in dette · to þe day of dome Enuye herfore · hated conscyence · and freres to philosophie · he fond hem to scole þe while coueytise and vnkyndenesse · conscyence assaylid in vnyte holycherche · conscience held hym and made pes port er · to pynne þe ȝates · of alle tale tellers · and tyterers yn ydel · ypocrisie and he · an hard sawt þey maden · ypocrisie at þe ȝate · harde gan fyghte · and wounded wel wyckydly · manye wyse techers þat wyþ conscyence accorded · and cardynal vertues Conscience callyd a leche · that cowde wel schryue go salue þo that syke ben · and þurgh synne y -wounded Schrift schoop scharp salue · and made hem men do penaunce for her mysdedes · þat they wrougth haddyn · and þat peris were payed · redde q uod debes So mme lykeden nougth þis leche · and lettres þey sente · ȝif eny surgyen were þe segge · þat softer cowd plastre sire lyf to lyue in lecchery · lay there and gronyd · for fastyng of a fryday · he ferde as he wold deye Ther is a surgien in þis segge · þat softe can handle and more of fysyk by fer · and fayrer he plastreþ · on frere flaterer · ys fysissien and surgyen · · c · Q uod contriciou n to conscyence · do hym to hym come to vnyte for here is manye a man hurt · þurgth Hm.20.317: Hand2's usual form is þurgh but he had in one case written þurgth (Hm.12.341). ypocrisie We han non nede quod conscyence · y wot no bett er leche þa n p arsou n or p arisch p reest · pentaunc er or buschop · saue peris þe ploughman · þat haþ power ou er hem alle · and yndulgence may do · but ȝif dette loette it · y may wel suffre quod seyde conscience · siþ ȝe desyryn þat frere flaterer be fet · and fysyk ȝow sye ke The frere her -of herde · and hiȝed faste to a lord for a lettre · leue to haue ......trescure · Hm.20.325: Ultraviolet light shows, faintly, letters that may be tres, the scribe having written prematurely the last word of the following line. as a curatour he were · and cam wyþ his lettres baldly to þe buschop · and his brief hadde in contrees .......þ er he ca m ynne · confessiouns to here and cam þere conscyence was · and knokkyd at þe ȝate Pes vnpynnyd it · was porter of vnyte and in haste askede · what his wylle were · In feiþ quod þis frere · for p rofit and for helþe · carpe y wolde wyþ contriciou n · and þerfore cam y hider He is syk seyde pes · and so arn many othere · ypocrisye haþ hurt hem · full hard it is is ȝif þey keuere I am a surgien quod seide the segge · and salues can make · conscience knoweþ me wel · and what y can do boþe I praye þe quod pes þo · er thu passe ferþer what h......attest thu y prayȝe þe · hele nougth þy name Certes seyde his felawe · sire pen.etra ns domos · Ȝee go þy gate quod pes · by god for al þy fysyk · but thu konne sum craft · thu comest nougth her -ynne · y knew such on ones · nougth · viij · eiȝht wynter passed · com yn þus y -coped · at a court · þere y dwelte and was my lordes leche · and my ladyes boþe · and at þe laste þis lymytour · þo my lord was owte he salued so owr wommen · tyl su mme weren wyþ childe · Hende speche heet pes · opne the ȝates lat in þe frere and his felawe · and make hem fayr chere he may see and here · so it may by -falle · þat lyf þurgh his lore · schall leue coueytise · and be a -drad of deþ · and wyþ -drawe hym fro pryde · and accorde wyþ conscience · and kesse her eiþer oþ er · Thus þurgh hende speche · entryd þe frere Hm.20.354: A modern hand in the right margin has written Here the .00 MS ends . British Library MS Additional 10574 (Bm) ends at this point. Bm is finished in Dr. Adam Clark's hand, possibly from Hm, and it is possible that he wrote this note since he owned both manuscripts. The number given here does not correspond to the shelf marks (102 for Bm, 129 for Hm) in his library for either manuscript. and cam ynto conscience · and curteysly hym grette · Thu art welcome quod conscyence · canst þu hele þe syke · is contriciou n quod conscyence · my cosyn y -woundyd confort hym quod conscience · and tak kep to his sores þe plastres of þe p arsou n · and powdres byten sore to sore Hm.20.359: In W, to is written above the line. · he lat hem lygge ouerlonge · and loiþ is to chaung hem · fro lenten to lenten · he lat his plastres byte · That is to ouer longe quod þis lymytour · y leeue y schal amende it · and goiþ and gropeþ contriciou n · and gaf hym a plastre of a p riuey payment · and y schal p raye for ȝow · for alle þat ȝe ben holdyn to · all my lyf -tyme · and make ȝow my lady · yn masse and yn matynes as frere freres of owr fraternyte · for a lytel syluer Thus he goþ and gadreþ · and gloseþ þere he schryueþ tyl contriciou n hadde clene forȝetyn · to crye and wepe to wepe and wake for his wycked werkes · as he was wont to done for confort of his confessour · conscyence contricioun he lafte that is þe souereynest salue · for alkyn synnys Slewþe sawh that · and so dede pryde · and comen wyþ a kene wyl · conscyence to assayle · Conscience cryed eft · and bad clergye helpe hym and also contriciou n · forto kepe the ȝate · He lyy.þ and dremeþ seyde pes · and so don manye oþere þe frere wyþ his fysyk · this folk haþ enchaunted · and plastred hem so esyly · they drede no synne · By cryst quod conscyence þo · y woll bycome a pylgrym · and walkyn also wyde · as all þe world lasteþ to seke peris the ploughman · that pryde may dystroye · and þat freres hadden a fyndyng · þat for nede flatren · and count...?...erpletyn me conscyence · now kynde me avenge · and sende me hap and hele · tyl y haue peris þe ploughman and siþ he gradde after grace · tyl y gan a -wake · ¶ Explicit visio Petri ploughman ·