The Piers Plowman Electronic Archive, Vol. 2: Trinity College, Cambridge MS B.15.17 (W) and Color Facsimile of Richard Rolle's <title TEIform="title">Form of Living William Langland Edited by Thorlac Turville-Petre and Hoyt N. Duggan Associate Editors: M. Gail Duggan and Catherine A. Farley Graduate Research Assistants Michael Blum, Stephen C. Martin, and John Ivor Carlson. Computer Consultants and Programmers Oludotun Akinola, Karen Dietz, Susan Gants, Kirk V. Hastings, Susan Munson, Beth Nowviskie, Daniel Pitti, John Price-Wilkin, Thornton Staples, and John Unsworth. University of Michigan Press Ann Arbor, Mich. ISBN: 0-472-00275-9

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copyright 2000, by SEENET

Trinity College, Cambridge, MS B.15.17

late 14th or early 15th century Source copy consulted: Trinity College, Cambridge, MS B.15.17

Attribute Values brown ink anglicana bastarda italic Lombard Cap ornamented capital, N lines high rubricated touched in red textura underlined underlined in red green ink blue ink

Latin French German 2000 cataloger Jackie Shieh New header created
I N a somer seson . whan softe was þe sonne . I shoop me in -to shroudes . as I a sheep weere . In habite as an heremite . vnholy of werkes . Wente wide in þis world . wondres to here . Ac on a May morwenynge . on Malu erne hilles . Me bifel a ferly . of Fairye me þoȝte . I was wery for -wandred . and wente me to reste . Vnder a brood bank . by a bournes syde . And as I lay and lenede . and loked on þe watres . I slombred in -to a slepyng . it sweyed so murye . Thanne gan I meten . a m erueillous sweuene . That I was in a wildernesse . wiste I neu ere where . And as I biheeld in -to þe Eest . anheiȝ an heiȝ to þe sonne . I seiȝ a tour on a toft . trieliche ymaked . A deep dale byneþe . a dongeon þer -Inne . Wiþ depe diches and derke . and dredfulle of siȝte . A fair feeld ful of folk . fond I þer bitwene . Of alle man ere of men . þe meene and þe riche . Werchynge and wandrynge . as þe world askeþ . W.P.19: In the right margin running into the dark stain on the right-hand edge, a later fifteenth-century scribe has written names which are partly legible. They appear to read Ry vont vont John rich Rychard . Kane and Donaldson report bond John Rychard. Some putten hem to þe plouȝ . pleiden ful selde . W.P.20-27: Staining and rubbing on the left edge make the first half-dozen letters very faint, but the readings are secure. In settynge and sowynge . swonken ful harde . And wonnen þat wastours . w it h glotonye destruyeþ . And so mme putten hem to pride . apparailed hem þ er -after . In contenaunce of cloþynge . comen W.P.24: The scribe has supplied in a darker ink pride in the space under comen. degised . In preieres and penaunces . putten hem manye . Al for þe loue of oure lord . lyueden ful streyte . In hope to haue after . heuene -riche blisse . As Ancres and heremites . þ at holden hem in hire selles And coueiten noȝt in contree . to carien aboute For no likerous liflode . hire likame to plese And so mme chosen chaffare . þei cheueden þe bettre As it semeþ to oure siȝt . þ at swiche men þryueþ And so mme murþes to make . as Mynstralles konne And geten gold w it h hire glee . synnelees I leeue Ac Iaperes and Iangeleres . Iudas children Feynen hem fantasies . and fooles hem makeþ And han hire wit at wille . to werken if þei wolde That Poul p recheþ of hem . I wol W.P.38: W alone reads wol; FGH have wyll, and the remaining B witnesses have nel or nyl. nat preue it here But W.P.39: W alone has But. All other B manuscripts omit it. . Qui loquitur turpiloquium . is luciferes hyne Bidderes and beggeres . faste aboute yede Wiþ hire belies and hire bagges . of breed ful ycrammed Faiteden for hire foode . fouȝten at þe ale In glotonye god woot . go þei to bedde And risen wiþ ribaudie . þo Roberdes knaues Sleep and sory sleuþe . seweþ hem euere Pilgrymes and Palm eres . pliȝten hem togidere For to seken Seint Iame . and Seintes at Rome They wenten forþ in hire wey . wiþ many wise tales And hadden leue to lyen . al hire lif after I seiȝ so mme þ at seiden . þei hadde ysouȝt Seintes To ech a tale þ at þei tolde . hire tonge was tempred to lye Moore þan to seye sooþ . it semed bi hire speche Heremytes on an heep . w it h hoked staues . W.P.53: Words at the foot of the page in a different hand appear to read And heppyd stanys , prompted by the last words on the page and perhaps misreading staues as stanes. Wenten to walsyngham . and hire wenches after Grete lobies and longe . þat loþe were to swynke Cloþed hem in copes . to ben knowen from oþere And shopen hem heremytes . hire ese to haue I fond þ ere Freres . alle þe foure ordres Prechynge þe peple . for p rofit of hem -selue Glosed þe gospel . as hem good liked For coueitise of copes . construwed it as þei wolde Manye W.P.62: The last two letters are covered by a stain, but they are legible. of þise maistre freres . now W.P.62: W alone reads now. GYC 2CLM read mowe. cloþen hem at likyng For hire moneie and hire marchaundize . marchen togideres For siþ charite haþ ben chapman . and chief to shryue lordes Manye ferlies han fallen . in a fewe yeres But holy chirche and hij . holde bettre togidres The mooste meschief on Molde . is mountynge wel faste Ther p reched a p ardoner . as he a preest were Brouȝte forþ a bulle . wiþ many Bisshopes seles And seide þ at hym -self myȝte . assoillen hem alle Of falshede of fastynge . of Auowes ybroken Lewed men leued it W.P.72: W alone reads it. Other beta witnesses have hym. wel . and liked hise wordes Comen vp knelynge . to kissen hise bulles He bonched hem w it h his breuet . and blered hire eiȝen And rauȝte w it h his Rageman . rynges and broches Thus þei gyuen hire gold . glotons to kepe And leneþ W.P.77: The reading could as well be leueþ. it swiche Losels . as leccherie haunten Were þe Bisshop yblessed . and worþ boþe hise eris His seel sholde noȝt be sent . to deceyue þe peple Ac it is noȝt by þe bisshop . þ at þe boy p recheþ For þe parisshe preest and þe p ardon er . parten þe siluer That þe poraille of þe parisshe sholde haue . if þei ne were P ersons and parisshe preestes . pleyned hem to þe Bisshop That hire parisshes weren pou ere . siþ þe pestilence tyme To haue a licence and leue . at London to dwelle And syngen þer for symonie . for siluer is swete Bisshopes and Bachelers . boþe maistres and doctours That han cure vnder crist . and crownynge in tokene And signe þ at þei sholden . shryuen hire parisshens Prechen and praye for hem . and þe pou ere fede Liggen at Londou n . in Lenten and ellis So mme s eruen þe kyng . and his siluer tellen In Cheker and in Chauncelrie . chalangen hise dettes Of wardes and of wardemotes . weyues and streyves And so mme s eruen as s eruauntz . lordes and ladies And in stede of Stywardes . sitten and demen Hire messe & hire matyns . and many of hire houres W.P.97: A smudge, possibly a punctus, appears at the end of the line. Arn doon vndeuoutliche . drede is at þe laste Lest crist in Consistorie . acorse ful manye I p arceyued of þe power . þat Peter hadde to kepe To bynden and vnbynden . as þe book telleþ How he it lefte wiþ loue . as oure lord hiȝte Amonges foure v ertues . þe beste of alle v ertues That Cardinals ben called . and closynge yates There is crist W.P.105: W alone reads is crist. Other beta witnesses have crist is. in his kyngdom . to close and to shette And to opene it to hem . and heuene blisse shewe Ac of þe Cardinals at court . þat kauȝte of þat name And power p resumed in hem . a pope to make To han þat power þ at Peter hadde . impugnen I nelle For in loue and in lettrure . þe eleccion bilongeþ For -þi I kan & kan nauȝt . of court speke moore Thanne kam þ er a kyng . knyȝthod hym ladde Might of þe co mmunes . made hym to regne And þanne cam kynde wit . and clerkes he made For to counseillen þe kyng . and þe co mmune saue The kyng and knyȝthod . and clergie boþe Casten þ at þe co mmune . sholde hem -self fynde The co mmune contreued . of kynde wit craftes And for p rofit of al þe peple . Plowmen ordeyned To tilie and to t rauaille . as trewe lif askeþ The kyng . and þe co mmune . and kynde wit þe þridde Shopen lawe and leaute . ech man to knowe his owene Thanne loked vp a lunatik . a leene þyng wiþ -alle And knelynge to þe kyng . clergially he seide Crist kepe þee sire kyng . and þi kyngryche And lene þee lede þi lond . so leaute þee louye And for þi riȝtful rulyng . be rewarded in heuene And siþen in þe Eyr anheiȝ an heiȝ . an Aungel of heuene Lowed to speke in latyn . for lewed men ne koude Iangle ne Iugge . þat Iustifie hem sholde But suffren and s eruen . for -þi seide þe Aungel Sum Rex su m p rinceps . neutru m fortasse deinceps . O qui iura regis . christi specialia regis . Hoc q uod agas melius . iustus es . esto pius . Nudu m ius a te . vestiri vult pietate Qualia vis metere . talia grana sere Si ius nudatur . nudo de iure metatur S i W.P.138: The reading is obviously Si, but a crease in the manuscript makes the <i> illegible. seritur pietas . de pietate metas Thanne greued hym a Goliardeis . a gloton of wordes And to þe Aungel anheiȝ an heiȝ . answerde after W.P.140: The apparent punctus at the end of the line is probably the final stroke of <r>. Dum rex a regere . dicatur nomen habere Nomen habet sine re . nisi studet iura tenere Thanne gan al þe co mmune . crye in vers of latyn To þe kynges counseil . construe who -so wolde Precepta Regis . sunt nobis vincula legis Wiþ þat ran þ er a route . of Ratons atones at ones And smale mees myd W.P.147: W alone reads myd. Other B witnesses have with. hem . mo þan a þousand And comen to a counseil . for þe co mmune p rofit For a cat of a contree . cam whan hym liked And ou erleep hem liȝtliche . and lauȝte hem at his wille And pleide wiþ hem p erillousli . and possed aboute For doute of diu erse dredes . we dar noȝt wel loke And if we grucche of his gamen . he wol greuen vs alle Cracchen vs or clawen vs . and in hise clouches holde That vs loþeþ þe lif . er he late vs passe Miȝte we wiþ any wit . his wille wiþ -stonde We myȝte be lordes o -lofte . and lyuen at oure ese A Raton of renoun . moost renable of tonge Seide for a sou ereyn . help to hym -selue I haue yseyen segges quod he . in þe Cite of Londou n Beren beiȝes ful briȝte . abouten hire nekkes And so mme colers of crafty werk . vncoupled þei wenten Boþe in wareyne and in waast . where hem -self liked And ouþ er while þei arn ellis -where . as I here telle Were þer a belle on hire beiȝe . by Iesu as me þynkeþ Men myȝte witen wher þei wente . and awey renne And riȝt so quod þat Raton . Reson me sheweþ W.P.167: The scribe wrote his usual form of <þ> but put a dot above it as though it were a <y>. To bugge a belle of bras . or of briȝt siluer And knytten it on a coler . for oure co mmune p rofit W.P.169: Following this line all B manuscripts except WHmCr 1G read: And hangen it vp on þe cattes hals . thanne here we mowen (as in L). Wher he ryt or rest . or renneþ to pleye And if hym list for to laike . þanne loke we mowen And peeren in his p resence . þe while hym pleye likeþ And if hym wraþeþ be war . and his wey shonye Al þis route of Ratons . to þis reson þei assented Ac þo þe belle was ybrouȝt . and on þe beiȝe hanged Ther ne was Raton in al þe route . for al þe Reaume of F raunce That dorste haue bounden þe belle . aboute þe cattes nekke Ne hangen it aboute þe cattes hals . al Engelond to wynne Alle W.P.179: W alone reads Alle. Other B manuscripts have And. helden hem vnhardy . and hir counseil feble And leten hire labour lost . and al hire longe studie A Mous þat muche good . kouþe as me þouȝte Strook forþ sternely . and stood bifore hem alle And to þe route of Ratons . reherced þise wordes Thouȝ we killen þe cat . yet sholde þ er come anoþ er To cacchen vs & al oure kynde . þouȝ we cropen vnder benches For - þi I counseille al þe co mmune . to late þe cat worþe And be we neu ere bolde W.P.187: W alone reads bolde. Other beta witnesses have so bolde. . þe belle hym to shewe For I herde my sire seyn . is seuen yeer y -passed Ther þe cat is a kitou n . þe court is ful elenge That witnesseþ holy writ . who -so wole it rede Ve terre vbi puer Rex est &c For may no renk þ er reste haue . for Ratons by nyȝte The while he caccheþ conynges . he coueiteþ noȝt youre W.P.193: W alone reads youre. Other B manuscripts have oure. caroyne But fedeþ hym al wiþ venyson . defame we hym neu ere For bettre is a litel los . þan a long sorwe W.P.195: The phrase a feyrse , perhaps meaning "a verse, proverb," is written in the right margin in a later hand as again at W.1.38 and W.1.86. It presumably draws attention to the proverbial nature of the line. The maze among vs alle . þeiȝ we mysse a sherewe For many mennes malt . we mees wolde destruye W.P.197: A crease runs down the center of the leaf, obscuring some characters in the facsimile which are legible in the manuscript. And also ye route of Ratons . rende mennes cloþes Nere þe cat of þat court . þ at kan yow ouer -lepe For hadde ye rattes youre wille . ye kouþe noȝt rule yow -selue I seye for me quod þe Mous . I se so muchel after Shal neu ere þe cat ne þe kiton . by my counseil be greued Thoruȝ W.P.203: W alone reads Thoruȝ. Other B manuscripts have Ne. carpynge of þis coler . þat costed me neu ere And þouȝ it hadde costned me catel . biknowen it I nolde But suffren as hym -self wolde . to doon as hym likeþ Coupled and vncoupled . to cacche what þei mowe For -þi ech a wis wiȝt I warne . wite wel his owene W hat þis metels bymeneþ . ye men þ at ben murye Deuyne ye . for I ne dar . by deere god in heuene Yet houed þ er an hundred . in howues of selk Sergeantz it bisemed . þat s erueden at þe barre Pleteden for penyes . and poundes þe lawe And noȝt for loue of oure lord . vnlose hire lippes ones Thow myȝtest bettre meete myst . on Maluerne hilles Than gete a mom of hire mouþ . til moneie be shewed Barons and Burgeises . and bonde -men als I seiȝ in þis assemblee . as ye shul here after Baksteres and Brewesteres . and Bochiers manye Wollen webbesters . and weueres of lynnen Taillours and Tynkers . and Tollers in Markettes Masons and Myno urs . and many oþ ere craftes Of alle kynne lybbynge laborers . lopen forþ so mme As dykeres and delueres . þat doon hire dedes ille And dryueþ forþ þe longe day . w it h Dieu saue dame Emme Cokes and hire knaues . cryden hote pies hote Goode gees and grys . gowe go we dyne gowe go we Tau erners vntil hem . trewely W.P.227: W alone reads trewely. Other B manuscripts omit it. tolden þe same Whit wyn of Oseye . and reed wyn of Gascoigne Of þe Ryn and of þe Rochel . þe roost to defie W.P.229: Following this line all B manuscripts except WYF read: Al þis seiȝ I slepyng . and seuene sythes more (as in L). Passus primus de visione W hat þis Mountaigne bymeneþ . and þe m erke dale And þe feld ful of folk . I shal yow faire shewe A louely lady of leere . in lynnen ycloþed Cam doun from a Castel . and called me faire And seide sone slepestow . sestow þis peple How bisie þei ben . alle aboute þe maze The mooste partie of þis peple . þat passeþ on þis erþe Haue þei worship in þis world . þei wilne no bettre Of ooþ er heuene þan here . holde þei no tale I was afered of hire face . þeiȝ she fair weere And seide m ercy madame . what is þis to meene The tour on þe toft quod she . truþe is þ er -Inne And wolde þ at ye wrouȝte . as his word techeþ For he is fader of feiþ . and formed yow alle Boþe w it h fel and w it h face . and yaf yow fyue wittes For to worshipe hym þ er -wiþ . while þ at ye ben here And þ erfore he hiȝte þe erþe . to helpe yow echone Of wollene of lynnen . of liflode at nede In mesurable manere . to make yow atese at ese And comaunded of his curteisie . in co mmune þree þynges Are none nedfulle but þo . and nempne hem I þynke And rekene hem by reson . reherce þow hem after That oon W.1.23: W alone omits is after oon. vesture . from cold W.1.23: Most other B witnesses read chele. þee to saue And mete at meel . for mysese of þi -selue And drynke whan þow driest . ac do noȝt out of reson That þow worþe þe wers . whan þow werche sholdest For Loth W.1.27: One character, probably <h>, was erased after Lot. in hise lifdayes . for likynge of drynke Dide by hise douȝtres . þat þe deuel liked Delited hym in drynke . as þe deuel wolde And Leccherie hym lauȝte . and lay by hem boþe And al he witte it þe wyn . þat wikked dede Inebriamus eum vino . dormiamusq ue cum eo Vt seruare possimus de patre nostro semen Thoruȝ wyn and þoruȝ wo mmen . þer was loth acombred And þ ere gat in glotonie . gerles þ at were cherles For -þi dred delitable drynke . and þow shalt do þe bettre Mesure is medicine . þouȝ þow muchel yerne It is nouȝt al good to þe goost . þ at þe gut askeþ W.1.38: A later hand has inserted a feyrse in the right margin. Cf. W.P.195 and W.1.86. Ne liflode to þi likame . for a liere hym techeþ W.1.39: After likame WHmCL omit the b-verse and following a-verse: . . . þat lief is to þe soule / Leue not þi lika m . . . (in the spelling of M). That is þe wrecched world . wolde þee bitraye For þe fend and þi flessh . folwen togidere This and that seeþ þi soule . and seith it in þin herte And for þow sholdest ben ywar . I wisse þee þe beste Madame mercy quod I . me likeþ wel youre wordes Ac þe moneie of þis molde . þat men so faste holdeþ Tel me to whom madame . þat tresour appendeþ Go to þe gospel quod she . þat god seide hym -seluen Tho þe poeple hym apposede . wiþ a peny in þe temple Wheiþ er þei sholde þ er -wiþ . worshipe þe kyng Cesar And god asked of hym W.1.50: W alone reads singular hym. Other B witnesses have hem. . of whom spak þe lettre And þe ymage was lik . þat þ er -Inne stondeþ Cesares þei seiden . we seen it wel echone Reddite Cesari . quod god . þat Cesari bifalleþ Et que sunt dei deo . or ellis ye don ille For riȝtfully W.1.55: W alone reads riȝtfully. Other B witnesses have riȝtfull. reson . sholde rule yow alle And kynde wit be wardeyn . youre welþe to kepe And tutour of youre tresor . and take it yow at nede For housbondrie and hij . holden togidres Thanne I frayned hire faire . for hym þ at me made That dongeon in þe dale . þ at dredful is of siȝte What may it be to meene . madame I yow biseche That is þe castel of care . who -so comþ þ er -Inne May banne þ at he born was . to bodi or to soule Ther -Inne wonyeþ a wight . þat wrong is yhote Fader of falshede . and founded it hym -selue Adam and Eue . he egged to ille Counseilled Kaym . to killen his broþ er Iudas he iaped . wiþ Iewen siluer And siþen on an Eller . hanged hym -selue He is lettere of loue . and lieþ hem alle That trusten on his tresour . bitrayeþ he hem sonnest Thanne hadde I wonder in my wit . what wo mman it weere That swiche wise wordes . of holy writ shewed And asked hire on þe heiȝe name . er she þennes yede What she were witterly . þat wissed me so faire Holi chirche I am quod she . þow ouȝtest me to knowe I vnderfeng þee first . and þe feiþ tauȝte And brouȝtest me borwes . my biddyng to fulfille And to louen me leelly . þe while þi lif dureþ Thanne I courbed on my knees . and cried hire of g race And preide hire pitously . preye for my synnes And also kenne me kyndely . on crist to bileue That I myȝte werchen his wille . þat wroȝte me to man Teche me to no tresor . but tel me þis ilke How I may saue my soule . þat Seint art yholden Whan alle tresors arn tried quod she . treuþe is þe beste W.1.86: The words a feyrse are written in the right margin in a more cursive hand. Cf. W.P.195 and W.1.38. I do it on Deus caritas . to deme þe soþe It is as dereworþe a drury . as deere god hym -seluen Who is trewe of his tonge . and telleþ noon ooþ er            W.1.89: n ota And dooþ þe werkes þ er -wiþ . and wilneþ no man ille            W.1.90: n ota He is a god by þe gospel . a -grounde and olofte And ylik to oure lord . by Seint Lukes wordes The clerkes þat knowen þis . sholde kennen it aboute For cristen and vncristen . cleymeþ it echone Kynges and knyȝtes . sholde kepen it by reson Riden and rappen doun . in Reaumes aboute And taken transgressores . and tyen hem faste Til treuþe hadde y -termyned . hire trespas to þe ende            W.1.98: n ota And þat is W.1.99: WG agree in reading is. Most other B witnesses have is þe. p rofession apertli . þat apendeþ to knyȝtes And nauȝt to fasten o friday . in fyue score wynter But holden wiþ hym and w it h here . þat wolden alle truþe And neu ere leue hem for loue . ne for lacchynge of siluer For Dauid in hise dayes . dubbed knyȝtes And dide hem sweren on hir swerd . to s eruen truþe eu ere And who -so passed þat point . was Apostata in þe ordre But crist kyngene kyng . knyȝted ten Cherubyn and Seraphyn . swiche seuene & oþ ere And yaf hem myȝt in his maiestee . þe murier hem þouȝte And ouer his meene meynee . made hem Archangeles Tauȝte hem by þe Trinitee . treuþe to knowe To be buxom at his biddyng . he bad hem nouȝt ellis Lucifer wiþ legions . lerned it in heuene But for he brak buxomnesse . his blisse gan he tyne And fel fro þat felawshipe . in a fendes liknesse In -to a deep derk helle . to dwelle þ ere for eu ere And mo þousandes myd W.1.116: W alone reads myd; all other B witnesses have wyth. hym . þan man kouþe nombre Lopen out wiþ Lucifer . in loþliche forme For þei leueden vp -on hym . þat lyed in þis man ere Ponam pedem in aquilone . & similis ero altissimo . And alle þ at hoped it myȝte be so . noon heuene myȝte hem holde But fellen out in fendes liknesse . nyne dayes togideres Til god of his goodnesse . gan stablisse W.1.122: W is alone in reading stablisse. Most other B witnesses have stable. and stynte And garte þe heuene to stekie . and stonden in quiete Whan þise wikkede wenten out . in wonder -wise þei fellen So mme in þe Eyr so mme in erþe . and so mme in helle depe Ac Lucifer lowest liþ . yet of hem alle For pride þat he putte out . his peyne haþ noon ende And alle þ at werchen w it h wrong . wende þei shulle After hir deþ -day . and dwelle w it h þat sherewe And þo þ at werche wel . as holy writ telleþ And enden as I er seide . in truþe þat is þe beste Mowe be siker þ at hire soules . shul wende to heuene Ther Treuþe is in Trinitee . and troneþ hem alle For -þi I seye as I seyde er . by siȝte of þise textes Whan alle tresors arn tried . truþe is þe beste            W.1.135: n ota Lereþ it þise lewed men . for lettred men it knoweþ That Treuþe is tresor . þe trieste on erþe Yet W.1.138: The mark over line-initial <Y> resembling a nota abbreviation is to distinguish the letter from capital <Þ>. haue I no kynde knowyng quod I . ye mote kenne me bettre By what craft in my cors . it comseþ and where Thow doted daffe quod she . dulle are þi wittes To litel latyn þow lernedest . leode in þi youþe Heu michi quia sterilem duxi vitam Iuuenilem It is a kynde knowyng quod she . þat kenneþ in þyn herte For to louen þi lord . leuere þan þi -selue No dedly synne to do . deye þeiȝ þow sholdest This I trowe be truþe . who kan teche þee bettre Loke þow suffre hym to seye . and siþen lere it after For truþe telleþ þ at loue . is triacle of heuene            W.1.148: n ota May no synne be on hym seene . þat vseþ þat spice            W.1.149: n ota And alle hise werkes he wrouȝte . w it h loue as hym liste And lered it Moyses for þe leueste þyng . and moost lik to heuene And also þe plentee of pees . moost p recious of v ertues For heuene myȝte nat holden it . it was so heuy of hym -self Til it hadde of þe erþe . eten his fille And whan it hadde of þis fold . flessh and blood taken Was neu ere leef vp -on lynde . lighter þer -after And portatif and persaunt . as þe point of a nedle That myȝte noon Armure it lette . ne none heiȝe walles For -þi is loue ledere . of þe lordes folk of heuene And a meene as þe Mair is . bitwene þe kyng & þe co mmune            W.1.160: n ota Right so is loue a ledere . and þe lawe shapeþ Vp -on man for hise mysdedes . þe m ercyment he taxeþ And for to knowen it kyndely . it comseþ by myght And in þe herte þ ere is þe heed . and þe heiȝe welle For in kynde knowynge in herte . þer a myȝt bigynneþ            W.1.165: n ota And þat falleþ to þe fader . þat formed vs alle Loked on vs wiþ loue . and leet his sone dye Mekely for oure mysdedes . to amenden vs alle And yet wolde he hem no wo . þat wrouȝte hym þat peyne But mekely wiþ mouþe . mercy bisouȝte W.1.170: W alone reads bisouȝte. Other B witnesses have he bisouȝte. To haue pite of þat peple þat peyned hym to deþe Here myȝtow sen ensample . in hym -self oone That he was myȝtful and meke . and m ercy gan graunte To hem þat hengen hym onheiȝ on heiȝ . and his herte þirled For -þi I rede yow riche . haueþ ruþe of þe pouere            W.1.175: n ota Thouȝ ye be myȝtful to mote . beeþ meke in youre werkes For þe same mesures þ at ye mete . amys ouþ er ellis Ye shulle ben weyen þ er -wiþ . whan ye wenden hennes Eadem mensura qua mensi fueritis . remecietur vobis For þouȝ ye be trewe of youre tonge . and treweliche wynne And as chaste as a child . þat in chirche wepeþ But if ye louen leelly . and lene þe pouere Swich good as god yow sent . goodliche parteþ Ye ne haue namoore merite . in masse nor in houres Than Malkyn of hire maydenhede . þat no man desireþ For Iames þe gentile . Iugged in hise bokes That Feiþ w it h -outen þe feet . is riȝt no -þyng worþi            W.1.187: n ota And as deed as a dore -tree . but if þe dedes folwe Fides sine op erib us mortua est &c For -þi chastite wiþ -outen charite . worþ cheyned in helle            W.1.190: n ota It is as lewed as a lampe . þat no liȝt is Inne            W.1.191: n ota Manye Chapeleyns arn chaste . ac charite is aweye Are no men Auarouser þan hij . whan þei ben auaunced Vnkynde to hire kyn . and to alle cristene Chewen hire charite . and chiden after moore Swich chastite wiþ -outen charite . worþ cheyned in helle Manye curatours kepen hem . clene of hire bodies Thei ben acombred wiþ coueitise . þei konne noȝt doon it from hem So harde haþ Auarice . yhasped hem togideres And þat is no truþe of þe Trinite . but tricherie of helle And lernynge to lewed men . þe latter for to deele For -þi þise wordes . ben writen in þe gospel Date & dabitur vobis . for I deele yow alle And þat is þe lok of loue . and leteþ out my g race To conforten þe carefulle . acombred wiþ synne Loue is leche of lif W.1.206: A curl rather like the "nota" abbreviation appears over the <f> of lif. . and next W.1.206: Three minims with a bar through them, probably written by the original scribe, appear above next. oure lord selue And also þe graiþe gate . þat goþ in -to heuene For -þi I seye as I seide . er by þe textes Whan alle tresors ben tried . treuþe is þe beste            W.1.209: n ota Now haue I told þee what truþe is . þ at no tresor is bettre I may no lenger lenge þee wiþ . now loke þee oure lord Passus secundus de visione vt supra Y Et I courbed on my knees . and cried hire of g race And seide m ercy madame . for Marie loue of heuene That bar þat blisful barn . þat bouȝte vs on þe Rode Kenne me by som craft . to knowe þe false Loke vp -on þi left half . and lo where he stondeþ Boþe Fals and Fauel . and hire feeres manye I loked on my left half . as þe lady me tauȝte And was war of a wo mman . worþiliche y -cloþed W.2.9: The paragraph sign was probably entered in error, since it is not motivated by the syntax, and there is not the usual space separating paragraphs. Purfiled wiþ Pelure . þe fyneste vp -on erþe Ycorouned wiþ a coroune . þe kyng haþ noon bettre Fetisliche hire fyngres . were fretted w it h gold wyr And þ er -on rede Rubies . as rede as any gleede And diamaundes And Diamaundes of derrest pris . and double man ere Saphires Orientals and Ewages . enuenymes to destroye Hire Robe was ful riche . of reed scarlet engreyned Wiþ Ribanes of reed gold . and of riche stones Hire array me rauysshed . swich richesse sauȝ I neu ere I hadde wonder what she was . and whos wif she were What is þis wo mman quod I . so worþili atired That is Mede þe mayde quod she . haþ noyed me ful ofte And ylakked my lemman . þat leautee is hoten And bilowen hire to lordes . þat lawes han to kepe In þe popes Paleis . she is pryuee as my -selue But sooþnesse wolde noȝt so . for she is a Bastard n ota For Fals was hire fader . þat haþ a fikel tonge And neu ere sooþ seide . siþen he com to erþe And Mede is man ered after hym . riȝt as kynde askeþ n ota Qualis pater talis filius . Bon us arbor bonu m fructu m facit I ouȝte ben hyer e þan she . I kam of a bettre My fader þe grete god is . and ground of alle g races Oo god wiþ -outen gynnyng . and I his goode douȝter And haþ yeuen me mercy . to marie wiþ my -selue And what man be m erciful . and leelly me loue Shal be my lord and I his leef . in þe heiȝe heuene n ota And what man takeþ Mede . myn heed dar I legge That he shal lese for hire loue . a lappe of Caritatis How construeþ Dauid þe kyng . of men þat takeþ Mede And men of þis moolde . þat maynteneþ truþe And how ye shul saue your -self . þe Sauter bereþ witnesse Domine quis habitabit in tabernaculo tuo &c And now worþ þis Mede ymaried . vn -to a mansed sherewe To oon fals fikel tonge . a fendes biyete n ota Fauel þoruȝ his faire speche . haþ þis folk enchaunted And al is lieres ledynge . þ at she is þus ywedded Tomorwe worþ ymaked . þe maydenes bridale And þ ere myȝtow witen if þow wilt . whiche þei ben alle That longen to þat lordshipe . þe lasse and þe moore Knowe hem þ ere if þow kanst . and kepe þow þi tonge And lakke hem noȝt but lat hem worþe . til leaute be Iustice And haue power to punysshe hem . þanne put forþ þi reson Now I bikenne þee crist quod she . and his clene moder n ota And lat no conscience acombre þee . for coueitise of Mede Thus lefte me þat lady . liggynge aslepe And how Mede was ymaried . in Metels me þouȝte That al þe riche retenaunce . þat regneþ w it h þe false Were boden to þe bridale . on boþe two sides Of alle man ere of men . þe meene and þe riche To marien þis mayde . were many men assembled As of knyȝtes and of clerkes . and ooþ er co mmune peple As Sisours and Somono urs . Sherreues and hire clerkes Bedelles and baillifs . and Brocours of chaffare Forgoers and vitaillers . and Aduokettes of þe Arches I kan noȝt rekene þe route . þat ran aboute Mede Ac Symonie and Cyuylle . and Sisours of courtes Were moost pryuee w it h Mede . of any men me þouȝte Ac Fauel was þe firste . þat fette hire out of boure And as a Brocour brouȝte hire . to be wiþ fals enioyned Whan Symonye and Cyuylle . seighe hir boþ er wille Thei assented for siluer . to seye as boþe wolde Thanne leep liere forþ . and seide . lo here a chartre That Gile wiþ hise grete oþes . gaf hem togidere And preide Cyuylle to see . and Symonye to rede it Thanne Symonye and Cyuylle . stonden forþ boþe And vnfoldeþ þe feffement . that Fals hath ymaked And þus bigynnen þise gomes . to greden ful heiȝe Sciant p resentes & futuri &c Witeþ and witnesseþ . þat wonieþ vp -on þis erþe n ota That Mede is y -maried . moore for hire goodes Than for any v ertue or fairnesse . or any free kynde Falsnesse is fayn of hire . for he woot hire riche And Fauel wiþ his fikel speche . feffeþ by þis chartre To be Princes in pride . and pouerte to despise To bakbite and to bosten . and bere fals witnesse To scorne and to scolde . and sclaundre to make Vnbuxome and bolde . to breke þe ten hestes And þe Erldom of Enuye . and wraþe togideres Wiþ þe Chastilet of cheste . and chaterynge out of reson The Countee of Coueitise . and alle þe costes aboute That is vsure and Auarice . al I hem graunte In bargaynes and in brocages . wiþ al þe Burgh of þefte And al þe lordshipe of leccherie . in lengþe and in brede As in werkes and in wordes . and in waitynges w it h eiȝes And in wedes and in wisshynges . and wiþ ydel þouȝtes n ota There as wil wolde . and werkmanshipe fayleþ Glotonye he gaf hem ek . and grete oþes togidere And al day to drynken . at diu erse Tau ernes And þ ere to Iangle and Iape . and Iugge hir euenc risten And in fastynge -dayes to frete . er ful tyme were And þanne to sitten and soupen . til sleep hem assaille And breden as Burgh swyn . and bedden hem esily Til Sleuþe and sleep . sliken hise sydes And þanne wanhope to awaken hem so . wiþ no wil to amende For he leueþ be lost . þis is hir laste ende And þei to haue and to holde . and hire heires after A dwellynge wiþ þe deuel . and dampned be for eu ere Wiþ alle þe appurtinaunces of Purgatorie . in -to þe pyne of helle Yeldynge for þis þyng . at one dayes tyme W.2.107: W alone reads dayes tyme. All other B manuscripts have yeres ende. Hire soules to Sathan . to suffre w it h hym peynes And w it h hym to wonye w it h wo . while god is in heuene In witnesse of which þyng . wrong was þe firste And Piers þe P ardoner . of Paulynes doctrine Bette þe Bedel . of Bokyngham -shire Reynald þe Reue . of Rutland Sokene Maud þe Millere . and many mo oþere In þe date of þe deuel . þis dede I ensele By siȝte of sire Symonie . and Cyuyles leeue T hanne tened hym Theologie . whan he þis tale herde And seide vn -to W.2.118: W alone reads vn-to. All other B manuscripts have to. Cyuyle . now sorwe mote þow haue Swiche weddynges to werche . to wraþe wiþ truþe And er þis weddynge be wroȝt . wo þee bitide For Mede is muliere . of Amendes engendred And god g raunteþ to gyue . Mede to truþe And þow hast gyuen hire to a gilour . now god gyue þee sorwe Thi text telleþ þee noȝt so . Truþe woot þe soþe n ota For Dignus est op erarius . his hire to haue And þow hast fest hire to Fals . fy on þi lawe For al bi lesynges þow lyuest . and lecherouse werkes . Symonye and þi -self . shenden holi chirche The Notaries and ye . noyen þe peple Ye shul abiggen it boþe . by god þ at me made Wel ye witen wernardes . but if your e wit faille n ota That Fals is feiþlees . and fikel in hise werkes And was a Bastard ybore . of Belsabubbes kynne And Mede is muliere . a maiden of goode And myȝte kisse þe kyng . for cosyn and she wolde For -þi wercheþ by wisdom . and by wit also And ledeþ hire to Londou n . þ ere it is yshewed If any lawe wol loke . þei ligge togideres And þouȝ Iustices Iuggen hire . to be Ioyned to Fals Yet be war of weddynge . for witty is truþe And Conscience is of his counseil . and knoweþ yow echone And if he fynde yow in defaute . and w it h þe false holde It shal bisitte youre soules . ful soure at þe laste Her -to assenteþ Cyuyle . ac Symonye ne wolde Til he hadde siluer for his seruice . and also þe Notaries Thanne fette Fauel forþ . floryns ynowe And bad gile to gyuen . gold al aboute And namely to þe Notaries . þ at hem noon ne faille And feffe false witnesses . wiþ floryns ynowe For þei may Mede amaistrye . and maken at my wille Tho þis gold was ygyue . gret was þe þonkyng To Fals and to Fauel . for hire f aire ȝiftes And comen to conforten . from care þe false And seiden c ertes sire . cessen shul we neu ere Til Mede be þi wedded wif . þoruȝ wittes of vs alle For we haue Mede amaistried . wiþ oure murie speche That she graunteþ to goon . wiþ a good wille To london to loken . if þe lawe wolde Iuggen yow ioyntly . in ioie for euere Thanne was Falsnesse fayn . and Fauel as bliþe And leten somone alle segges . in shires aboute And bad hem alle to be bown . beggers and oþere To wenden wiþ hem to westmynstre . to witnesse þis dede Ac þanne cared þei for caples . to carien hem þider And Fauel fette forþ þanne . foles ynowe And sette Mede vp -on a Sherreue . shoed al newe And Fals sat on a Sisour . þat softeli trotted And Fauel on a Flaterer e . fetisly atired Tho hadde Notaries none . anoyed þei were For Symonye and Cyuylle . sholde on hire feet gange Ac þanne swoor Symonye . and Cyuylle boþe That Somono urs sholde be Sadeled . and s eruen hem echone And late apparaille þise p rouisours . in palfreyes wise Sire Symonye hym -self . shal sitte vp -on hir bakkes Denes and Southdenes . drawe yow togideres Erchedekenes and Officials . and alle youre Registrers Lat sadle hem wiþ siluer . oure synne to suffre As Auoutrye and diuorses . and derne vsurie To bere Bisshopes aboute . abrood in visitynge Paulynes pryuees . for pleintes in Consistorie Shul s eruen my -self . þat Cyuyle is nempned And Cartsadle þe Co mmissarie . oure cart shal he lede And fecchen vs vitailles . at Fornicatores And makeþ of lyer e a lang cart . to leden alle þise oþere As Freres and Faitours . þat on hire feet rennen . And thus Fals and Fauel . fareþ forþ togideres And Mede in þe myddes . and alle þise men after I haue no tome to telle . þe tail þ at hire folwed W.2.188: Following this line, all B manuscripts except WCr 1GHm have the line: Of many maner man . þat on þis molde libbeth (in the spelling of L). n ota Ac Gyle was Forgoer . and gyed hem alle Sothnesse seiȝ hem wel . and seide but litel And priked his palfrey . and passed hem alle And com to þe kynges court . and Conscience it tolde And Conscience to þe kyng . carped it after Now by crist quod þe kyng . and I cacche myȝte Fals or Fauel . or any of hise feeris I wolde be wroken of þo wrecches . þat wercheþ so ille And doon hem hange by þe hals . and alle þ at hem maynteneþ Shal neu ere man of þis molde . meynprise þe leeste But riȝt as þe lawe wol loke . lat falle on hem alle And comaunded a Constable . þat com at þe firste To attachen þo Tyrauntz . for any þyng I hote And fettreþ faste Falsnesse . for any kynnes ȝiftes And girdeþ of Gyles heed . and lat hym go no ferþer And if ye lacche lyer e . lat hym noȝt ascapen Er he be put on þe Pillory . for any preyere I hote And bryngeþ Mede to me . maugree hem alle Drede at þe dore stood . and þe doom herde And how þe kyng comaunded . Constables and s ergeauntz Falsnesse and his felawship . to fettren and to bynden Thanne Drede wente wyȝtliche . and warned þe False And bad hym fle for fere . and hise felawes alle Falsnesse for fere þanne . fleiȝ to þe Freres And Gyle dooþ hym to go . agast for to dye Ac Marchauntz metten w it h hym . and made hym abyde And bishetten hym in hire shoppes . to shewen hire ware Apparailed hym as App rentice . þe peple to serue Liȝtliche Lyere . leep awey þanne Lurkynge þoruȝ lanes . tolugged of manye He was nowher welcome . for his manye tales Ouer al yhonted W.2.220: The reading could equally well be yhouted. B manuscripts vary between forms of hunten and houten. . and yhote trusse Til P ardoners hadde pite . and pulled hym in -to house They wesshen hym & wiped hym . & wounden hym in cloutes And senten hym wiþ seles . on Sondayes to chirches And yeuen W.2.224: W alone reads yeuen, while all other B manuscripts have gaf or ȝaf. pardoun for pens . poundemele aboute Thanne lourede leches . and lettres þei sente That he sholde wonye w it h hem . watres to loke Spycers speken w it h hym . to spien hire ware For he kouþe of hir craft . and knew manye go mmes And Mynstrales and Messagers . mette w it h hym ones And helden hym an halfyeer half yeer . and elleuene dayes Freres wiþ fair speche . fetten hym þennes And for knowynge of comeres . coped hym as a Frere Ac he haþ leue to lepen out . as ofte as hym likeþ And is welcome whan he wile . and woneþ w it h hem ofte . Alle fledden for fere . and flowen in -to hernes Saue Mede þe mayde . namo dorste abide Ac trewely to telle . she trembled for drede And ek wepte and wrong . whan she was attached Passus tercius de visione vt supra N Ow is Mede þe mayde . and namo of hem alle Wiþ Bedeles and w it h baillies . brouȝt bifore þe kyng The kyng called a clerk . kan I noȝt his name To take Mede þe maide . and maken hire atese at ese I shal assayen hire my -self . and sooþliche appose What man of þis moolde . þ at hire were leuest And if she werche bi wit . and my wil folwe I wol forgyuen hire þis gilt . so me god helpe Curteisly þe clerk þanne . as þe kyng hiȝte Took Mede bi þe myddel . and broȝte hire in -to chambre And þer was murþe & Mynstralcie . Mede to plese They þ at wonyeþ in westmynstre . worshipeþ hire alle Gentilliche wiþ ioye . þe Iustices so mme Busked hem to þe bour . þer þe burde dwellede To conforten hire kyndely . by clergies leue And seiden mourne noȝt Mede . ne make þow no sorwe For we wol wisse þe kyng . and þi wey shape To be wedded at þi wille . and wher þee leef likeþ For al Consciences cast . or craft as I trowe Mildely Mede þanne . m erciede hem alle Of hire grete goodnesse . and gaf hem echone Coupes of clene gold . and coppes of siluer Rynges wiþ Rubies . and richesses manye The leeste man of hire meynee . a moton of golde Thanne lauȝte þei leue . þise lordes at Mede Wiþ þat comen clerkes . to conforten hire þe same And beden hire be bliþe . for we beþ þyne owene For to werche þi wille . þe while þow myȝt laste Hendiliche heo þanne . bihiȝte hem þe same To louen hem lelly . and lordes to make And in þe Consistorie at þe court . do callen hire names Shal no lewednesse lette . þe leode þ at I louye That he ne worþ first auaunced . for I am biknowen Ther konnynge clerkes . shul clokke bihynde Thanne cam þ er a Confessour . coped as a frere To mede þe mayde . he mened þise wordes And seide ful softely . in shrift as it were Theiȝ lewed men and lered men . hadde leyen by þee boþe And Falsnesse hadde yfolwed þee . alle þise fifty wynter I shal assoille þee my -self . for a seem of whete And also be þi bedeman . and bere wel þi message Amonges knyȝtes and clerkes . Conscience to torne Thanne Mede for hire mysdedes . to þat man kneled And shrof hire of hire sherewednesse . shamelees I trowe Tolde hym a tale . and took hym a noble For to ben hire Bedeman . and hire brocour als Thanne he assoiled hire soone . and siþen he seide We haue a wyndow in werchynge . wole sitten vs ful hye Woldestow glaze þat gable . & graue þ er -Inne þy name Syker sholde þi soule be . heuene to haue Wiste I þat quod þat wo mman . I wolde noȝt spare For to be youre frend frere . and faile yow neuere While ye loue lordes . þat lecherie haunten And lakkeþ noȝt ladies . þ at louen wel þe same It is a freletee of flessh . ye fynden it in bokes And a cours of kynde . wher -of we comen alle Who may scape sclaundre W.3.57: W alone reads sclaundre. All other B manuscripts read þe/that sclaundre. . þe scaþe is soone amended It is synne of þe seuene . sonnest relessed Haue m ercy quod Mede . of men þat it haunteþ And I shal couere youre kirk . youre cloistre do maken Wowes do whiten . and wyndowes glazen Do peynten and portraye . and paie for þe makynge That euery segge shal seye . I am suster of youre house Ac god to alle good folk . swich g rauynge defendeþ To writen in wyndowes . of hir wel -dedes Anauent ure An auent ure pride be peynted þ ere . and pomp of þe world For crist knoweþ þi conscience . and þi kynde wille And þi cost and þi coueitise . and who þe catel ouȝte For -þi I lere yow lordes . leueþ swiche werkes To writen in wyndowes . of youre wel -dedes Or to greden after goddesmen goddes men . whan ye dele doles On auent ure ye haue your e hire here . and youre heuene als Nesciat sinistra quid faciat dextra Lat noȝt þi left half . late ne raþe Wite what þow werchest . wiþ þi riȝt syde For þus by W.3.76: W alone reads by. All other B manuscripts read byddeþ or bit. þe gospel . goode men doon hir almesse Maires and Maceres . þat menes ben bitwene The kyng and þe comune . to kepe þe lawes To punysshe on Pillories . and pynynge stooles Brewesters and Baksters . Bochiers and Cokes For þise are men on þis molde . þat moost harm wercheþ To þe pouere peple . þat p arcelmele buggen For þei enpoisone W.3.83: W alone reads enpoisone. All other B manuscripts read poisone, except OC 2 which have punyschen. þe peple . pryueliche and ofte Thei richen þoruȝ reg ratrie . and rentes hem biggen Wiþ þat þe pou ere peple . sholde putte in hire wo mbe For toke þei on trewely . þei tymbred nouȝt so heiȝe Ne bouȝte none burgages . be ye ful certeyne Ac Mede þe mayde . þe Mair haþ bisouȝt Of alle swiche Selleris . siluer to take Or p resentz wiþ -outen pens . as pieces of siluer Rynges or ooþer richesse . þe Reg ratiers to mayntene For my loue quod þat lady . loue hem echone And suffre hem to selle . somdel ayeins reson Salomon þe sage a s ermon . he made For to amenden Maires . and men þ at kepen lawes And tolde hem þis teme . þat I telle þynke Ignis deuorabit tabernac ula eor um qui libent er accipiu nt mun era &c Among þise lettrede leodes . þis latyn is to mene That fir shal falle & brenne . al to bloo askes The houses and homes . of hem þat desireþ Yiftes or yeresyeues . by -cause of hire Offices The kyng fro þe conseil cam . and called after Mede And ofsente hire as swiþe . wiþ sergeauntz manye And W.3.104: W alone reads And. All other B manuscripts read That. brouȝte hire to boure . wiþ blisse and wiþ ioye Curteisly þe kyng þanne . comsed to telle To Mede þe mayde . he meneþ W.3.106: W alone reads he meneþ. OCrYC 2CBLMR read melleþ, while other B manuscripts read he meled F, he menyd H, and meneth Hm, and mouthed G. þise wordes Vnwittily wo mman . wroȝt hastow ofte Ac worse wroȝtestow neu ere . þan þo þow Fals toke But I forgyue þee þat gilt . and graunte þee my g race Hennes to þi deeþ -day . do so namoore I haue a knyȝt Conscience . cam late fro biyonde If he wilneþ þee to wif . wiltow hym haue Ye lord quod þat lady . lord forbede it ellis But I be holly at your e heste . lat hange me soone And þanne was Conscience called . to come and appere Bifore þe kyng and his conseil . as clerkes and oþere Knelynge Conscience . to þe kyng louted To wite what his wille were . and what he do wolde W.3.118: W alone reads wolde. All other B manuscripts read sholde. Woltow wedde þis wo mman quod þe kyng . if I wole assente For she is fayn of þi felaweshipe . for to be þi make Quod Conscience to þe kyng . crist it me forbede Er I wedde swich a wif . wo me bitide For she is frele of hire feiþ . fikel of hire speche And makeþ men mysdo . many score tymes Trust of hire tresor . bitrayeþ ful manye            W.3.125: n ota Wyues and widewes . wantounes she techeþ And lereþ hem lecherie . þat loueþ hire ȝiftes Youre fader she felled . þoruȝ false biheste And haþ enpoisoned W.3.129: W alone reads enpoisoned. All other B manuscripts read (a)poisoned or (y)poysoned. popes . and peired holy chirche Is noȝt a bettre baude . by hym þat me made Bitwene heuene and helle . in erþe þouȝ men souȝte For she is tikel of hire tail . and talewis of hire tonge            W.3.132: n ota As co mmune as a Cartwey . to ech a knaue þat walkeþ            W.3.133: n ota To Monkes to Mynstrales . to Meseles in hegges Sisours and Somono urs . swiche men hire preiseþ Sherreues of Shires . were shent if she ne were For she dooþ men lese hire lond . and hire lif boþe She leteþ passe prisoners . and paieþ for hem ofte And gyueþ þe Gailers gold . and grotes togidres To vnfettre þe fals . fle where hym likeþ            W.3.140: n ota And takeþ þe trewe bi þe top . and tieþ hem faste And hangeþ hem for hatrede . þat harm dide neu ere To be corsed in Consistorie . she counteþ noȝt a bene For she copeþ þe Co mmissarie . and coteþ hise clerkes            W.3.144: n ota She is assoiled as soone . as hire -self likeþ And may neiȝ as muche do . in a Monþe one As youre secret seel . in sixe score dayes For she is pryuee wiþ þe pope . p rouisours it knoweþ For Sire Symonie and hir -selue . seleþ hire bulles She blesseþ þise Bisshopes . þeiȝ þei be lewed Prouendreþ p ersones . and preestes maynteneþ To haue lemmans and lotebies . alle hire lif -daies And bryngeþ forþ barnes . ayein forbode lawes Ther she is wel wiþ þe kyng . wo is þe Reaume For she is fauo urable to fals . and defouleþ truþe ofte By Iesus . wiþ hire Ieweles . youre Iustices she shendeþ And liþ ayein þe lawe . and letteþ hym þe gate That feiþ may noȝt haue his forþ . hire floryns go so þikke She ledeþ þe lawe as hire list . and louedaies makeþ And doþ men lese þoruȝ hire loue . þat lawe myȝte wynne The maze for a mene man . þouȝ he mote hire euere Lawe is so lordlich . and looþ to maken ende Wiþ -outen p resentz or pens . she pleseþ wel fewe Barons and Burgeises . she bryngeþ in sorwe And al þe comune in care . þat coueiten lyue in truþe            W.3.165: n ota For clergie and coueitise . she coupleþ togidres This is þe lif of þat lady . now lord ȝyue hire sorwe And alle þ at maynteneþ hire men . meschaunce hem bitide For pou ere men may haue no power . to pleyne hem þouȝ þei sm erte Swich a maister is Mede . among men of goode Thanne mournede Mede . and mened hire to þe kynge To haue space to speke . spede if she myȝte The kyng graunted hire g race . wiþ a good wille Excuse þee if þow kanst . I kan namoore seggen For Conscience accuseþ þee . to congeien þee for eu ere Nay lord quod þat lady . leueþ hym þe werse Whan ye witen witterly . wher þe wrong liggeþ Ther þ at meschief is gret . Mede may helpe            W.3.178: n ota And þow knowest Conscience . I kam noȝt to chide Ne dep raue þi p ersone . wiþ a proud herte Wel þow woost wernard . but if þow wolt gabbe Thow hast hanged on myn half . elleuene tymes And also griped my gold . gyue it where þee liked And whi þow wraþest þee now . wonder me þynkeþ Yet I may as I myȝte . menske þee wiþ ȝiftes And mayntene þi manhode . moore þan þow knowest Ac þow hast famed me foule . bifore þe kyng here For killed I neu ere no kyng . ne counseiled þ er -after Ne dide as þow demest . I do it on þe kynge In Normandie was he noȝt . noyed for my sake Ac þow þi -self sooþly . shamedest hym ofte Crope in -to a Cabane . for cold of þi nayles Wendest þ at wynter . wolde han ylasted euere And dreddest to be ded . for a dym cloude And hyedest homward . for hunger of þi wombe Wiþ -outen pite Pilour . pou ere men þow robbedest And bere hire bras at þi bak . to Caleis to selle Ther I lafte wiþ my lord . his lif for to saue I made his men murye . and mournynge lette I batred hem on þe bak . and boldede hire hertes And dide hem hoppe for hope . to haue me at wille Hadde I ben Marchal of his men . by Marie of heuene I dorste haue leyd my lif . and no lasse wedde He sholde haue be lord of þat lond . in lengþe and in brede And also kyng of þat kiþ . his kyn for to helpe The leeste brol of his blood . a Barones piere Cowardly þow Conscience . conseiledest hym þennes To leuen his lordshipe . for a litel siluer That is þe richeste Reaume . þat reyn ouer -houeþ It bicomeþ to a kyng . þat kepeþ a Reaume            W.3.210: n ota To yeue mede to men . þat mekely hym s erueþ To aliens and to alle men . to hono uren hem w it h ȝiftes Mede makeþ hym biloued . and for a man holden Emp erours and Erles . and alle man ere lordes For ȝiftes han yonge men . to renne and to ryde The Pope and alle þe p relates . p resentz vnderfongen And medeþ men hem -seluen . to mayntene hir lawes Sergeauntz for hire s eruyce . we seeþ wel þe soþe Taken Mede of hir maistres . as þei mowe acorde Beggeres for hir biddynge . bidden men Mede Mynstrales for Mynstrales for hir myrþe . Mede þei aske The kyng haþ mede of his men . to make pees in londe            W.3.222: n ota Men þ at teche children . crauen after Mede            W.3.223: n ota Preestes þat p rechen þe peple . to goode . asken Mede            W.3.224: n ota And massepens and hire mete . at þe meeltymes Alle kynne craftes men . crauen Mede for hir P rentices            W.3.226: n ota Marchauntz and Mede . mote nede go togideres No wiȝt as I wene . wiþ -outen Mede may libbe Quod þe kyng to Conscience . by crist as me þynkeþ Mede is wel worþi . þe maistrie to haue Nay quod Conscience to þe kyng . and kneled to þe erþe Ther are two manere of Medes . my lord wiþ your e leue That oon god of his g race . graunteþ in his blisse To þo þ at wel werchen . while þei ben here The p rophete p recheþ þer -of . and putte it in þe Sauter Domine quis habitabit in tabernaculo tuo Lord who shal wonye in þi wones . and wiþ þyne holy seintes Or resten in þyne holy hilles . þis askeþ Dauid And Dauid assoileþ it hym -self . as þe Sauter telleþ Qui ingreditur sine macula & op eratur Iusticiam Tho þat entren of o colour . and of one wille And han ywroght werkes . wiþ right and wiþ reson And W.3.243: There is an elaborate version of top-line decoration on <A>. he þat vseþ noȝt . þe lyf of vsurie And enformeþ pouere men . and p ursueþ truþe Qui pecunia m sua m no n dedit ad vsura m . et mun era sup er Innoc entem &c And alle þ at helpen þe Innocent . and holden w it h þe riȝtfulle Wiþ -outen Mede doþ hem good . and þe truþe helpeþ Swiche man ere men my lord . shul haue þis firste Mede Of god at a gret nede . whan þei gon hennes Ther is anoþ er Mede mesurelees . þat maistres desireþ To mayntene mysdoers . Mede þei take And þer -of seiþ þe Sauter . in a Salmes ende In quor um manib us iniquitates su nt . dext ra eor um repleta est mun erib us And he þat gripeþ hir gold . so me god helpe Shal abien it bittre . or þe book lieþ Preestes and p ersons . þat plesynge desireþ That taken Mede and moneie . for masses þ at þei syngeþ Taken hire Mede here . as Mathew vs techeþ Amen amen . Recipiebant m ercedem suam That laborers and lowe folk . taken of hire maistres It is no manere Mede . but a mesurable hire            W.3.261: n ota In marchaundise is no Mede . I may it wel auowe It is a p ermutacion apertly . a penyworþ for anoþer Ac reddestow neu ere Regum . þow recrayed Mede Whi þe vengeaunce fel . on Saul and on his children God sente to Saul . by Samuel þe p rophete That Agag of Amalec . and al his peple after Sholden deye for a dede . þat doon hadde hire eldres For -þi seide Samuel to Saul . god hym -self hoteþ Thee . be buxom at his biddynge . his wil to fulfille Weend to Amalec w it h þyn oost . & what þow fyndest þ ere sle it Burnes and beestes . bren hem to deþe Widwes and wyues . wo mmen and children Moebles and vnmoebles . and al þow myȝt fynde Bren it . bere it noȝt awey . be it neuer so riche For Mede ne for monee . loke þow destruye it Spille it and spare it noȝt . þow shalt spede þe bettre And for he coueited hir catel . and þe kyng spared Forbar hym and his beestes boþe . as þe bible witnesseþ Ooþer -wise þan he was . warned of þe p rophete God seide to Samuel . þ at Saul sholde deye And al his seed for þat synne . shenfulliche ende Swich a meschief Mede made . Saul þe kyng to haue That god hated hym for eu ere . and alle hise heires after The culor um of þis cas . kepe I noȝt to telle On auenture it noyed men . noon ende wol I make For so is þis world went . wiþ hem þ at han power            W.3.287: n ota That who -so seiþ hem soþest . is sonnest yblamed I Conscience knowe þis . for kynde wit it me tauȝte That Reson shal regne . and Reaumes gou erne And riȝt as Agag hadde . happe shul so mme Samuel shal sleen hym . and Saul shal be blamed And Dauid shal be diademed . and daunten hem alle And oon cristene kyng . kepen hem alle . Shal namoore Mede be maister . as she is nouþe Ac loue and lowenesse . and leautee togideres Thise shul ben Maistres on moolde . truþe to saue And who -so trespaseþ ayein truþe . or takeþ ayein his wille Leaute shal don hym lawe . and no lif ellis Shal no s ergeant for his s eruice . were a silk howue Ne no pelure in his cloke . for pledynge at þe barre Mede of mysdoeres . makeþ manye lordes            W.3.302: n ota And ouer lordes lawes . ruleþ þe Reaumes Ac kynde loue shal come ȝit . and Conscience togideres And make of lawe a laborer . swich loue shal arise And swich a pees among þe peple . and a p arfit truþe That Iewes shul wene in hire wit . and wexen wonder glade That Moyses or Messie . be come in -to þis erþe And haue wonder in hire hertes . þ at men beþ so trewe Alle þat beren baselard . brood swerd or launce Ax ouþ er hachet . or any wepene ellis Shal be demed to þe deeþ . but if he do it smyþye In -to sikel or to siþe . to shaar or to kulto ur Conflabunt gladios suos in vomeres &c Ech man to pleye w it h a plow . Pykoise or spade Spynne or sprede donge . or spille hym -self w it h sleuþe Preestes and p ersons . wiþ Placebo to hunte And dyngen vp -on Dauid . eche day til eue Huntynge or haukynge . if any of hem vse His boost of his benefice . worþ bynomen hym after Shal neiþ er kyng ne knyght . Constable ne Meir e Ouerlede þe co mmune . ne to þe Court sompne Ne putte hem in panel . to doon hem pliȝte hir truþe But after þe dede þat is doon . oon doom shal rewarde Mercy or no m ercy . as Truthe wole acorde            W.3.325: n ota Kynges Court and co mmune Court . Consistorie and Chapitle Al shal be but oon court . and oon baron be Iustice Thanne worþ Trewe tonge a tidy man . þat tened me neu ere Batailles shul none be . ne no man bere wepene And what smyth þ at any smyþeþ . be smyte þ erwiþ to deþe Non leuabit gens cont ra gentem gladiu m &c And er þis fortune falle . fynde men shul þe worste By sixe sonnes and a ship . and half a shef of Arwes And þe myddel of a Moone . shal make þe Iewes to torne And Sarzynes for þat siȝte . shul synge . Gloria in excelsis &c For Makometh and Mede . myshappe shul þat tyme For Melius est bonu m nomen q uam diuicie multe            W.3.337: n ota Al -so wroþ as þe wynd . weex Mede in a while I kan no latyn quod she . clerkes wite þe soþe Se what Salomon seiþ . in Sapience bokes That þei þat ȝeyuen W.3.341: The scribe has begun by writing an <e> and changed it to a <y>. All other spellings are with ȝyu-. ȝiftes . þe victorie wynneþ And moost worshipe hadde þ er -wiþ . as holy writ telleþ Honorem adquiret qui dat munera . &c I leue wel lady quod Conscience . þ at þi latyn be trewe Ac þow art lik a lady . þat radde a lesson ones Was omnia p robate . and þat plesed hire herte            W.3.346: n ota For þat lyne was no lenger . at þe leues ende Hadde she loked þat ooþer half . and þe leef torned She sholde haue founden fele wordes . folwynge þ er -after Quod bonum est tenete . truþe þat text made And so ferde ye madame . ye kouþe namoore fynde Tho ye loked on Sapience . sittynge in youre studie This text þat ye han told . were good for lordes Ac yow failed a konnynge clerk . þat kouþe þe leef han torned And if ye seche Sapience eft . fynde shul ye þat folweþ A ful teneful text . to hem þat takeþ Mede And þat is Animam autem aufert accip ientium &c And þat is þe tail of þe text . of þat þ at she shewed That þeiȝ we wynne worship . and w it h Mede haue victorie The soule þat þe soude takeþ . by so muche is bounde Passus quartus de visione vt sup ra C Esseþ seiþ þe kyng . I suffre yow no lenger Ye shul sauȝtne for -soþe . and serue me boþe Kis hire quod þe kyng . Conscience I hote Nay by crist quod Conscience . congeye me er for eu ere W.4.4: W alone reads er for euere. Other B manuscripts have for euere or raþer. But Reson rede me þer -to . raþer wol I deye And I comaunde þee quod þe kyng . to Conscience þanne Rape þee to ryde . and Reson þow fecche Comaunde hym þ at he come . my counseil to here For he shal rule my Reaume . and rede me þe beste And acounte wiþ þee Conscience . so me crist helpe How þow lernest þe peple . þe lered and þe lewed I am fayn of þat foreward . seide þe freke þanne And ryt riȝt to Reson . and rouneþ in his ere And seide as þe kyng bad . and siþen took his leue I shal arraye me to ryde quod Reson . reste þee awhile a while And called Caton his knaue . curteis of speche And also Tomme trewe tonge . tel me no tales Ne lesynge to lauȝen of . for I loued hem neu ere And set my Sadel vp -on suffre . til I se my tyme And lat warroke hym wel . wiþ witty wordes gerþes And hange on hym þe heuy brydel . to holde his heed lowe For he wol make wehee . twies er he be þere Thanne Conscience vp -on his capul . carieþ forþ faste And Reson wiþ hym ryt . rownynge togideres Whiche Maistries Mede . makeþ on þis erþe Oon waryn wisdom . and witty his feere Folwed hym faste . for þei hadde to doone In thescheker and in þe Chauncerye . to ben descharged of þynges And riden faste for Reson sholde . rede hem þe beste For to saue hem for siluer . from shame and from harmes And Conscience knew hem wel . þei loued coueitise And bad Reson ryde faste . and recche of hir neiþer Ther are wiles in hire wordes . and w it h Mede þei dwelleþ Ther -as wraþe and wranglynge is . þer wynne þei siluer            W.4.34: n ota Ac where is loue and leautee . þei wol noȝt come þere            W.4.35: n ota Contricio & infelicitas in viis eor um &c Thei ne yeueþ noȝt of god . one goose wynge Non est timor dei ante oculos eor um &c For woot god þei wolde do moore . for a dozeyne chiknes            W.4.39: n ota Or as manye capons . or for a Seem of Otes Than for þe loue of oure lord . or alle hise leeue Seintes For -þi Reson lat hem ride . þo riche by hem -selue For Conscience knoweþ hem noȝt . ne crist as I trowe And þanne Reson rood faste . þe riȝte heiȝe gate As Conscience hym kenned . til þei come to þe kynge Curteisly þe kyng þanne . com ayeins Reson And bitwene hym -self and his sone . sette hym on benche And wordeden wel wisely . a gret while togideres And þanne com pees in -to p arlement . and putte forþ a bille How wrong ayeins his wille . hadde his wif taken And how he rauysshede Rose . Reignaldes looue And Margrete of hir maydenhede . maugree hire chekes Boþe my gees and my grys . hise gadelynges feccheþ I dar noȝt for fere of hem . fiȝte ne chide He borwed of me bayard . he brouȝte hym hom neu ere Ne no ferþyng þ er -fore . for ouȝt I koude plede He maynteneþ hise men . to murþere myne hewen Forstalleþ my feires . and fiȝteþ in my Chepyng And brekeþ vp my bernes dore . and bereþ awey my whete And takeþ me but a taille . for ten quarters of Otes And yet he beteþ me þ er -to . and lyþ by my mayde I am noȝt hardy for hym . vnneþe to loke The kyng knew he seide sooþ . for Conscience hym tolde That wrong was a wikked luft . and wroȝte muche sorwe Wrong was afered þanne . and wisdom he souȝte To maken pees w it h hise pens . and profred hym manye And seide W.4.67: A mark of punctuation looking like the top part of a punctus elevatus appears here. hadde I loue of my lord þe kyng . litel wolde I recche Theiȝ pees and his power . pleyned hym euere Tho wente Wisdom . and sire waryn þe witty For þ at wrong hadde ywroȝt . so wikked a dede And warnede wrong þo . w it h swich a wis tale Who -so wercheþ by wille . wraþe makeþ ofte            W.4.72: n ota I seye it by my -self . þow shalt it wel fynde But if Mede it make . þi meschief is vppe For boþe þi lif and þi lond . lyþ in his grace Thanne wowede wrong . wisdom ful yerne To maken pees wiþ his pens . handy -dandy payed Wisdom and wit þanne . wenten togidres And token Mede myd hem . mercy to wynne Pees putte forþ his heed . and his panne blody Wiþ -outen gilt god it woot . gat I þis scaþe Conscience and þe co mmune . knowen þe soþe Ac wisdom and wit . were aboute faste To ou ercomen þe kyng . wiþ catel if þei myȝte The kyng swor by crist . and by his crowne boþe That wrong for hise werkes . sholde wo þolie And comaundede a Constable . to casten hym in Irens And lete hym noȝt þise seuen yer . seen his feet ones God woot quod wisdom . þat were noȝt þe beste And he amendes mowe make . lat maynprise hym haue And be borȝ for his bale . and buggen hym boote And so amenden þat is mysdo . and eu ere -moore þe bettre            W.4.92: n ota Wit acorded þ er -wiþ . and seide þe same Bettre is þ at boote . bale adoun brynge Than bale be ybet . and boote neuer þe bettre And þanne gan Mede to mengen hire . and m ercy she bisouȝte And p rofrede Pees a p resent . al of pure golde Haue þis man of me quod she . to amenden þi scaþe For I wol wage for wrong . he wol do so namoore Pitously Pees þanne . preyde to þe kynge To haue mercy on þat man . þat mysdide hym so ofte For he haþ waged me wel . as wisdom hym tauȝte And I forgyue hym þat gilt . wiþ a good wille So þ at þe kyng assente . I kan seye no bettre For Mede haþ me amendes maad . I may namoore axe            W.4.105: n ota Nay quod þe kyng þo . so me crist helpe Wrong wendeþ noȝt so awey . erst wole I wite moore            W.4.107: The n ota appears to the left of the line. For lope he so liȝtly . lauȝen he wolde And eft þe bolder e be . to bete myne hewen But Reson haue ruþe on hym . he shal reste in my stokkes And þat as longe as he lyueþ . but lowenesse hym borwe Som men radde Reson þo . to haue ruþe on þat shrewe And for to counseille þe kyng . and Conscience after That Mede moste be maynp erno ur . Reson þei bisouȝte Reed me noȝt quod Reson . no ruþe to haue            W.4.115: n ota Til lordes and ladies . louen alle truþe And haten alle harlotrie . to heren or to mouþen it Til p ernelles p urfill e . be put in hire hucche And childrene cherissynge . be chastynge wiþ yerdes And harlottes holynesse . be holden for an hyne Til clerkene coueitise be . to cloþe þe pou ere and fede And Religiouse Romeris . Recordare in hir cloistres As Seynt Beneyt hem bad . Bernard and Fraunceis And til p rechours p rechynge . be preued on hem -selue Til þe kynges counseil . be þe co mmune p rofit Til Bisshopes Bayardes . ben beggeris Chaumbres Hire haukes and hire houndes . help to pou ere Religious And til Seint Iames be souȝt . þ ere I shal assigne W.4.128-129: The bottom part of the leaf is discolored and there is some bleedthrough, especially over these last two lines. That no man go to Galis . but if he go for euere And alle Rome renneres . for Robberes biyonde Bere no siluer ouer see . þat signe of kyng sheweþ Neiþ er g raue ne vng raue . gold neiþ er siluer Vp -on forfeture of þat fee . who -so fynt it at Douere But if it be Marchaunt or his man . or Messager wiþ l ettres P rouysour or preest . or penaunt for hise synnes And yet quod Reson by þe Rode . I shal no ruþe haue While Mede haþ þe maistrie . in þis moot halle Ac I may shewe ensamples . as I se ouþ er -while I seye it by my -self quod he . and it so were That I were kyng w it h coroune . to kepen a Reaume Sholde neu ere wrong in þis world . þ at I wite myȝte Ben vnpunysshed in my power . for p eril of my soule Ne gete my g race for giftes . so me god saue Ne for no Mede haue m ercy . but mekenesse it make For Nullum malum . þe man . mette wiþ inpunitum            W.4.145: The n ota appears to the left of the line. And bad Nullum bonum . be irremuneratum            W.4.146: The n ota appears to the left of the line. Lat youre Confesso ur sire kyng . construe þis vnglosed And if ye werchen it in werk . I wedde myne eris W.4.148: A scribe has drawn a
pointing hand
in the right margin.
That lawe shal ben a laborer . and lede afeld donge And loue shal lede þi lond . as þe leef likeþ
Clerkes þat were Confesso urs . coupled hem togideres Al to construe þis clause . and for þe kynges p rofit Ac noȝt for confort of þe co mmune . ne for þe kynges soule For I seiȝ Mede in þe moot halle . on men of lawe wynke And þei lauȝynge lope to hire . and lefte Reson manye Waryn wisdom . wynked vp -on Mede And seide madame I am your e man . what so my mouþ Iangle I falle in floryns quod þat freke . and faile speche ofte W.4.158-159: The bottom two lines are affected by bleedthrough. Alle riȝtfulle recordede . þ at Reson truþe tolde And wit acorded þ er -wiþ . and comendede hise wordes And þe mooste peple in þe halle . and manye of þe grete And leten Mekenesse a maister . and Mede a mansed sherewe Loue leet of hire liȝt . and leaute yet lasse And seiden it so heiȝe . þ at al þe halle it herde Who -so wilneþ hire to wif . for welþe of hire goodes            W.4.165: The n ota appears to the left of the line. But he be knowe for a Cokewold . kut of my nose            W.4.166: The n ota appears to the left of the line. Mede mornede þo . and made heuy chere For þe mooste co mmune of þat court . called hire an hore Ac a Sisour and a Somono ur . sued hire faste And a Sherreues clerk . bisherewed al þe route For ofte haue I quod he . holpen yow at þe barre And yet yeue ye me neu ere . þe worþ of a risshe The kyng callede Conscience . and afterward Reson And recordede þ at Reson . hadde riȝtfully shewed And modiliche vp -on Mede . wiþ myȝt þe kyng loked And gan wexe wroþ w it h lawe . for Mede almoost hadde shent it And seide þoruȝ lawe as I leue . I lese manye eschetes Mede ouer -maistreþ lawe . and muche truþe letteþ            W.4.178: n ota Ac Reson shal rekene wiþ yow . if I regne any while And deme yow bi þis day . as ye han deserued Mede shal noȝt maynprise yow . by þe marie of heuene I wole haue leaute in lawe . and lete be al youre ianglyng And as moost folk witnesseþ wel . wrong shal be demed Quod Conscience to þe kyng . but þe co mmune wole assente It is ful hard by myn heed . her -too . to brynge it Alle youre lige leodes . to lede þus euene By hym þat rauȝte on þe Rode . quod Reson to þe kynge But if I rule þus youre Reaume . rende out my guttes If ye bidden buxomnesse . be of myn assent And I assente seiþ þe kyng . by Seinte Marie my lady By my counseil co mmune . of clerkes and of Erles Ac redily Reson . þow shalt noȝt ride fro me For as longe as I lyue . lete þee I nelle I am al redy quod Reson . to reste wiþ yow eu ere So Conscience be of oure counseil . I kepe no bettre And I graunte quod þe kyng . goddes forbode ellis W.4.196: W alone reads ellis. Other B witnesses read it faile. Als longe as oure lyf lasteþ . lyue we togideres
Passus quintus de visione vt sup ra T he kyng and hise knyȝtes . to þe kirke wente To here matyns of þe day . and þe masse after Thanne waked I of my wynkyng . and wo was w it h -alle That I ne hadde slept sadder . and yseiȝen moore Ac er I hadde faren a furlong . feyntise me hente That I ne myȝte ferþer a foot . for defaute of slepynge And sat softely adoun . and seide my bileue And so I bablede on my bedes . þei brouȝte me aslepe And þanne sauȝ I muche moore . þan I bifore of tolde For I seiȝ þe feld ful of folk . þat I bifore of seide And how Reson gan arayen hym . al þe Reaume to p reche And wiþ a cros afore þe kyng . comsede þus to techen He preued þ at þise pestilences . were for pure synne And þe Southwestrene wynd . on Saterday at euen Was pertliche for pure pride . and for no point ellis Pyries and Plumtrees . were puffed to þe erþe In ensample þ at ye segges . sholden do þe bettre Beches and brode okes . were blowen to þe grounde Turned vpward hire tailes . in tokenynge of drede That dedly synne er domes -day . shal for -doon hem alle Of þis matere I myȝte . mamelen ful longe Ac I shal seye as I sauȝ . so me god helpe How pertly afore þe peple . Reson bigan to p reche He bad wastour go werche . what he best kouþe And wynnen his wastyng . wiþ som maner crafte He preide Pernele . hir purfil to lete And kepe it in hire cofre . for catel at hire nede Tomme Stowue he tauȝte . to take two staues And fecche Felice hom . fro þe wyuen pyne He warnede watte . his wif was to blame For hire heed was worþ half marc . & his hood noȝt worþ a grote W.5.31: worþ a grote is in a darker ink though in the scribal hand, and perhaps written later. And bad Bette kutte . a bouȝ ouþer tweye And bete Beton þ er -w it h . but if she wolde werche And þanne he chargede Chapmen . to chastizen hir children Late no wynnyng hem forwanye . while þei be yonge Ne for no poustee of pestilence . plese hem noȝt out of reson My sire seide so to me . and so dide my dame That þe leuer e child . þe moore loore bihoueþ And Salomon seide þe same . þat Sapience made Qui parcit virge odit filium The englissh of þis latyn is . who -so wole it knowe Who -so spareþ þe spryng . spilleþ hise children And siþen he p rechede W.5.43: W alone reads prechede. Other B manuscripts have prayed. p relates . and preestes togideres That ye p rechen to þe peple . p reue it on yow -selue And dooþ it in dede . it shal drawe yow to goode If ye leuen as ye leren vs . we shul leue yow þe bettre And siþen he radde Religion . hir rule to holde Lest þe kyng and his conseil . your e comunes apeire W.5.48: A n ota to the right of this line appears to be in the text ink. And be Stywardes of your e stedes . til ye be ruled bettre And siþen he counseiled þe kyng . his co mmune to louye It is þi trewe tresor W.5.51: W alone reads trewe tresor. Other B manuscripts have tresore if treson ne were. . and tryacle at þy nede And siþen he preide þe pope . haue pite on holy chirche And er he gyue any g race . gou erne first hym -selue And ye þ at han lawes to kepe . lat truþe be your e coueitise            W.5.54: n ota Moore þan gold ouþ er giftes . if ye wol god plese            W.5.55: n ota For who -so cont rarieþ truþe . he telleþ in þe gospel That god knoweþ hym noȝt . ne no Seynt of heuene Amen dico vobis . nescio vos And ye þat seke Seynt Iames . and Seyntes of Rome Sekeþ Seynt Truþe . for he may saue yow alle Qui cum patre & filio . þat faire hem bifalle That seweþ my sermon . and þus seyde Resou n Thanne ran Repentaunce . and reherced his teme And garte wille to wepe . water wiþ hise eiȝen W.5.65: The scribe has written sup erbia in the left margin inside a red box. Pernele proudherte . platte hire to þe erþe And lay longe er she loked . and lord m ercy cryde And bihiȝte to hym . þat vs alle made She sholde vnsowen hir serk . and sette þ ere an heyre To affaiten hire flessh . þat fiers was to synne Shal neu ere heiȝ herte me hente . but holde I wole W.5.70: W alone reads I wole, which is omitted by other B manuscripts. me lowe And suffre to be mysseyd . and so dide I neu ere But now I wole W.5.72: W alone reads I wole. Other B manuscripts have woll y. meke me . and m ercy biseche For al þis I haue . hated in myn herte W.5.74: The scribe wrote Lux uria inside a red box in the left margin. The page is cropped, so the first letters are lost. Thanne lechour seide allas . and on oure lady he cryde To maken m ercy for hise mysdedes . bitwene god and his soule Wiþ þat he sholde þe Saterday . seuen yer þer -after Drynke but myd þe doke . and dyne but ones W.5.78: The scribe wrote Inu idia inside a red box in the left margin. The page is cropped, so the first letters are lost. Enuye wiþ heuy herte . asked after shrifte And carefully mea culpa . he comsed to shewe He was as pale as a pelet . in þe palsy he semed And cloþed in a kaurymaury . I kouþe it nouȝt discryue In kirtel and Courtepy . and a knyf by his syde Of a Freres frokke . were þe foresleues And as a leek þat hadde yleye . longe in þe sonne So loked he wiþ lene chekes . lourynge foule His body was to -bollen for wraþe . þ at he boot hise lippes And wryngynge he yede w it h þe fust . to wreke hym -self he þouȝte With werkes or wiþ wordes . whan he seyȝe his tyme Ech a word þat he warp . was of a Neddres tonge Of chidynge and of chalangynge . was his chief liflode Wiþ bakbitynge and bismer e . and berynge of fals witnesse W.5.91: W alone omits the following line which appears in all the other B witnesses except F (which has an entirely different line): Þis was al his curteisye . where þat euere he shewed hym (spelling of L). I wolde ben yshryue quod þis sherewe . and I for shame dorste I wolde be gladder by god . þ at Gybbe hadde meschaunce Than þouȝ I hadde þis wouke ywonne . a weye of Essex chese I haue a neȝebore by me . I haue anoyed hym ofte And lowen on hym to lordes . to doon hym lese his siluer And maad his frendes be his foon . þoruȝ my false tonge His g race and his goode happes . greuen me ful soore Bitwene manye Bitwene manye and manye . I make debate ofte            W.5.99: n ota That boþe lif and lyme . is lost þoruȝ my speche And whan I mete hym in Market . þat I moost hate I hailse hym hendely . as I his frend were For he is douȝtier þan I . I dar do noon ooþ er Ac hadde I maistrie and myȝt . god woot my wille And whan I come to þe kirk . and sholde knele to þe Roode And preye for þe peple . as þe preest techeþ For Pilgrymes and for Palm eres . for al þe peple after Thanne I crye on my knees . þ at crist ȝyue hem sorwe That beren W.5.109: W alone reads beren. Other B manuscripts have bar. awey my bolle . and my broke shete Awey fro þe Auter þanne . turne I myne eiȝen And biholde W.5.111: W alone reads biholde. Other B manuscripts have biholde how. Eleyne . haþ a newe cote I wisshe þanne it were myn . and al þe web after And of mennes lesynge W.5.113: The scribe wrote p er dic ere above the line. I lauȝe . þat likeþ myn herte And for hir wynnynge I wepe . and waille þe tyme And deme þ at þei doon ille . þ ere I do wel werse            W.5.115: n ota Who -so vndernymeþ me her -of . I hate hym dedly after I wolde þ at ech a wight . were my knaue For who -so haþ moore þan I . þat angreþ me soore And þus I lyue louelees . lik a luþer dogge That al my body bolneþ . for bitter of my galle I myȝte noȝt ete many yeres . as a man ouȝte For enuye and yuel wil . is yuel to defie May no sugre ne swete þyng . aswage my swellyng Ne no Diapenidion . dryue it fro myn herte Ne neiþ er shrifte ne shame . but who -so shrape my mawe Ȝis redily quod Repentaunce . and radde hym to þe beste Sorwe of synnes . is sauacion of soules I am sory quod þat segge . I am but selde ooþer And þat makeþ me þus megre . for I ne may me venge Amonges Burgeises haue I be . dwellyng at Londou n And gart bakbityng be a brocour . to blame mennes ware Whan he solde and I nouȝt . þanne was I redy To lye and to loure on my neȝebore . and to lakke his chaffare I wole amende þis if I may . þoruȝ myȝt of god almyȝty W.5.135: The scribe wrote Ir a inside a red box in the left margin. The page is cropped, so the first two letters are lost. Now awakeþ Wraþe . wiþ two white eiȝen            W.5.135: n ota And neuelynge wiþ þe nose . and his nekke hangyng I am wraþe quod he . I was som -tyme a frere And þe Couentes Gardyner . for to graffen Impes On lymitours and listres . lesynges I ymped Til þei beere leues of lowe speche . lordes to plese And siþen þei blosmede abrood . in boure to here shriftes And now is fallen þ er -of a fruyt . þ at folk han wel leuere Shewen hire shriftes to hem . þan shryue hem to hir p ersons And now p ersons han p arceyued . þ at freres parte wiþ hem Thise possessioners p reche . and depraue freres And freres fyndeþ hem in defaute . as folk bereþ witnesse That whan þei p reche þe peple . in many places aboute I wraþe walke wiþ hem . and wisse hem of my bokes Thus þei speken of my spiritualte . þ at eiþer despiseþ ooþ er Til þei be boþe beggers . and by my sp iritualte libben Or ellis al riche . and ryden aboute I wraþe reste neu ere . þ at I ne moste folwe This wikked folk . for swich is my g race I haue an Aunte to Nonne . and an Abbesse boþe Hir hadde leu ere swowe or swelte . þan suffre any peyne I haue be cook in hir kichene . and þe Couent s erued Manye Monþes wiþ hem . and wiþ Monkes boþe I was þe Prioresse potager . and oþ ere pou ere ladies And maad hem Ioutes of Ianglyng . þ at dame Iohane was a bastard And Dame Clarice a knyȝtes douȝter . ac a cokewold was hir sire And Dame Pernele a preestes fyle . Prioresse worþ she neu ere For she hadde child in chirietyme . al oure Chapitre it wiste Of wikkede wordes . I wraþe hire wortes made Til þow lixt and þow lixt . lopen out atones at ones And eiþ er hite hit[t]e W.5.165: W alone reads hite; most other B manuscripts have hitte. ooþer . vnder þe cheke Hadde þei had knyues by crist . hir eiþ er hadde kild ooþer Seint Gregory was a good pope . and hadde a good forwit That no Prioresse were preest . for þat he ordeyned They hadde þanne ben Infamis þe firste day . þei kan so yuele hele co unseil W.5.169: The right margin is cropped after <co> plus one minim, losing the rest of the word. Other B witnesses read conseil. Among Monkes I myȝte be . ac many tyme I shonye it W.5.170: W alone reads it, which is omitted by other B witnesses. For þ ere ben manye felle frekes . my feeris to aspie Boþe Priour and Suppriour . and oure Pater Abbas And if I telle any tales . þei taken hem togideres And doon me faste frydayes . to breed and to watre And am chalanged in þe Chapitre -hous . as I a child were And baleised on þe bare ers . and no brech bitwene For -þi haue I no likyng . wiþ þo leodes to wonye I ete þ ere vnþende fissh . and feble ale drynke Ac ouþ er while whan wyn comeþ . þanne W.5.179: W alone reads þanne. LGMR have whan. Other B manuscripts have and. I drynke wyn at eue And W.5.180: W alone reads And. Other B manuscripts have I. haue a flux of a foul mouþ . wel fyue dayes after Al þe wikkednesse þ at I woot . by any of oure breþ eren I couþe it in oure Cloistre . þ at al oure Couent woot it Now repente þee quod Repentaunce . and reherce þow neu ere Counseil þat þow knowest . by contenaunce ne by riȝt And drynk nat ouer -delicatly . ne to depe neiþer            W.5.185: n ota That þi wille by cause þ er -of . to wraþe myȝte turne            W.5.186: n ota Esto sobrius he seide . and assoiled me after And bad me wilne to wepe . my wikkednesse to amende W.5.189: The scribe wrote Aua ricia inside a red box in the left margin. The page is cropped, so the first letters are lost. And þanne cam Coueitise . kan I hym naȝt discryue So hungrily and holwe . sire heruy hym loked He was bitelbrowed . and baberlipped also Wiþ two blered eiȝen . as a blynd hagge And as a leþeren purs . lolled hise chekes Wel sidder þan his chyn . þei chyueled for elde And as a bonde -man of his bacon . his berd was bidraueled Wiþ an hood on his heed . a lousy hat aboue And in a tawny tabard . of twelf wynter age Al to -torn and baudy . and ful of lys crepyng But if þ at a lous couþe . han lopen þe bettre            W.5.199: n ota She sholde noȝt han walked on þat welþe . so was it þredbare            W.5.200: n ota I haue ben coueitous quod þis caytif . I biknowe it here For som -tyme I s erued . Symme atte Style And was his p rentice ypliȝt . his p rofit to wayte First I lerned to lye . a leef ouþ er tweyne            W.5.204: n ota Wikkedly to weye . was my firste lesson            W.5.205: n ota To wy and to wynchestre . I wente to þe Feyre Wiþ many man ere marchaundise . as my maister me hiȝte Ne hadde þe g race of gyle ygo . amonges my chaffare It hadde ben vnsold þis seuen yer . so me god helpe Thanne drouȝ I me among drapiers . my donet to lerne To drawe þe liser along . þe lenger it semed Among þe riche Rayes . I rendred a lesson To broche hem wiþ a paknedle . and playte W.5.213: W alone reads playte (infin.), while HmCr 2 have plyte which is perhaps merely a spelling variant. However, the majority of B manuscripts unambiguously have the past tense playted or plytid. hem togideres And putte hem in a p resse . and pyne W.5.214: W reads pyne, while Cr 23 have pynnen. Other B manuscripts have the past tense pynned. hem þ er -Inne Til ten yerdes or twelue . hadde tolled out þrittene My wif was a webbe . and wollen cloþ made She spak to Spynnesteres . to spynnen it oute Ac þe pound þ at she paied by . peised a quartron moore Than myn owene Auncer . who -so weyed truþe I bouȝte hire barly malt . she brew it to selle Peny ale and puddyng ale . she poured togideres For laborers and for lowe folk . þat lay by hym -selue The beste ale lay in my bour . or in my bedchambre And who -so bummed þ er -of . bouȝte it þer -after A galon for a grote . god woot no lesse And yet it cam In cuppemele . þis craft my wif vsed Rose þe Reg rater . was hir riȝte name She haþ holden hukkerye . al hire lif -tyme Ac I swere now so thee ik . þat synne wol I lete And neu ere wikkedly weye . ne wikke chaffare vse But wenden to walsyngh am . and my wif als And bidde þe Roode of Bromholm . brynge me out of dette Repentedestow eu ere quod Repentaunce . or restitucion madest Ȝis ones I was yherberwed quod he . wiþ an heep of chapmen I roos whan þei were areste . and riflede hire males That was no restitucion quod Repentaunce . but a robberis þefte Thow haddest be þe W.5.237: W alone reads þe, which is omitted by other B witnesses. bettre worþi . ben hanged þ er -fore Than for al þat . þ at þow hast here shewed I wende riflynge were restitucion quod he . for I lerned neu ere rede on boke And I kan no frenssh in feiþ . but of þe ferþest ende of Northfolk Vsedestow eu ere vsurie quod Repentaunce . in al þi lif -tyme Nay soþly he seide . saue in my youþe I lerned among lumbardes . and Iewes a lesson To weye pens wiþ a peis . and pare þe heuyeste And lene it for loue of þe cros . to legge a wed and lese it Swiche dedes I dide write . if he his day breke I haue mo Manoirs þoruȝ Rerages . þan þoruȝ Miseret ur & comodat I haue lent lordes . and ladies my chaffare And ben hire brocour after . and bouȝt it my -selue Eschaunges and cheuysaunces . wiþ swich chaffare I dele And lene folk þ at lese wole . a lippe at eu ery noble And wiþ lumbardes l ettres . I ladde gold to Rome And took it by tale here . and tolde hem þ ere lasse Lentestow eu ere lordes . for loue of hire mayntenaunce Ye I haue lent to W.5.255: W alone reads to, which is omitted by the other B manuscripts. lordes . loued me neu ere after            W.5.255: n ota And haue ymaad many a knyȝt . boþe Mercer and draper That payed neu ere for his p rentishode . noȝt a peire gloues Hastow pite on pou ere men . þat mote nedes borwe I haue as muche pite of pou ere men . as pedler e haþ of cattes            W.5.259: n ota That wolde kille hem if he cacche hem myȝte . for coueitise of hir skynnes            W.5.260: n ota Artow manlich among þi neȝebores . of þi mete and drynke I am holden quod he as hende . as hound is in kichene Amonges my neȝebores namely . swich a name ich haue Now god lene þee neu ere quod Repentaunce . bu bu[t] þow repente þe raþ er The g race on þis grounde . þi good wel to bisette Ne þyne heires after þee . haue ioie of þat þow wynnest Ne þyne executours wel bisette . þe siluer þ at þow hem leuest And þat was wonne wiþ wrong . wiþ wikked men be despended            W.5.268: n ota For were I frere of þat hous . þer good feiþ and charite is I nolde cope vs wiþ þi catel . ne oure kirk amende Ne haue a peny to my pitaunce . so god my soule saue W.5.271: W alone reads so god my soule saue. GHmCr have helpe for saue. Other B manuscripts have of þyne bi my soule hele. For þe beste book in oure hous . þeiȝ brent gold were þe leues And I wiste witterly . þow were swich as þow tellest Seruus es alt erius . dum W.5.274: W alone reads dum ; all other B manuscripts have cum . fercula pinguia queris Pane tuo pocius . vescere . liber eris Thow art an vnkynde creature . I kan þee noȝt assoille Til þow make restitucion . and rekene wiþ hem alle And siþen þ at Reson rolle it . in þe Registre of heuene That þow hast maad ech man good . I may þee noȝt assoille Non dimittit ur peccatu m . donec restituat ur oblatum For alle þat han of þi good . haue god my trouþe Ben holden at þe heiȝe doom . to helpe þee to restitue And who -so leueþ noȝt þis be sooþ . loke in þe Sauter glose In Miserere mei deus . wher I mene truþe Ecce enim veritatem dilexisti &c Shal neu ere werkman in þis world . þryue w it h þat þow wynnest            W.5.286: n ota Cum s anc to s anc tus eris . construwe me þis on englissh Thanne weex þat sherewe in wanhope . & wolde han hanged hym -selfe W.5.288: The manuscript is cropped after hym. Other B manuscripts have hym-self. Ne hadde repentaunce þe raþer . reconforted hym in þis manere Haue m ercy in þi mynde . and wiþ þi mouþ biseche it For goddes m ercy is moore . þan alle hise oþ ere werkes And al þe wikkednesse in þis world . þat man myȝte werche or þynke            W.5.292: n ota Nis namoore to þe m ercy of god . þan in þe see a gleede            W.5.293: n ota O mnis iniquitas q uantu m ad mi sericordiam dei . est quasi sintilla in medio ma ris W.5.294: The right margin is cropped with the lobes of the <a> just visible after an <m>. Other B manuscripts have maris . W.5.294: The first two words of W.5.290, haue m ercy , are repeated at the foot of the page in another hand. For -þi haue m ercy in þy mynde . and marchaundise leue it For þow hast no good ground . to gete þee wiþ a wastel But if it were wiþ þi tonge . or ellis wiþ þi two hondes For þe good þat þow hast geten . bigan al wiþ falshede            W.5.298: n ota And as longe as þow lyuest þer -w it h . þow yeldest noȝt but borwest And if þow wite neu ere to whiche . ne whom to restitue Ber it to þe Bisshop . and bid hym of his g race Bisette it hym -self . as best is for þi soule For he shal answere for þee . at þe heiȝe dome For þee and for many mo . þat man shal yeue a rekenyng What he lerned yow in lente . leue þow noon ooþer And what he lente yow of oure lordes good . to lette yow fro synne W.5.307: The scribe has written Gula in a red box in the left margin. Its graphies are ornamented with touches of red ink. Now bigynneþ Gloton . for to go to shrifte And karieþ hym to kirkeward . his coupe to shewe And Beton þe Brewester e . bad hym good morwe And asked at W.5.310: W alone reads at. Other B manuscripts have of. hym wiþ þat . whiderward he wolde To holy chirche quod he . for to here masse And siþen I wole be shryuen . and synne namoore I haue good Ale gossib quod she . Gloton woltow assaye Hastow ouȝt in þi purs quod he . any hote spices I haue pepir and piones quod she . and a pound of garleek And a ferþyngworþ of fenel seed . for fastynge -dayes Thanne goþ Gloton In . and grete oþes after Cesse þe Souteresse . sat on þe benche Watte þe warner . and his wif boþe Tymme þe Tynker e . and tweyne of his p rentices Hikke þe hakeneyman . and hugh þe Nedlere Clarice of Cokkeslane . and þe Clerk of þe chirche Dawe þe dykere . and a dozeyne oþere Sire Piers of Pridie . and Pernele of Flaundres A Ribibour a Ratoner . a Rakiere of Chepe A Roper e a Redyngkyng . and Rose þe dyssheres Godefray of Garlekhiþe . and Griffyn þe walshe And vpholderes an heep . erly by þe morwe Geue Gloton wiþ glad chere . good ale to hanselle Clement þe Cobeler e . caste of his cloke And at þe newe feire . he nempned it to selle Hikke þe Hakeneyman . hitte his hood after And bad Bette þe Bocher . ben on his syde Ther were chapmen ychose . þis chaffare to preise That W.5.335: W alone reads That, omitted by other B manuscripts. who -so hadde þe hood . sholde han amendes of þe cloke Two risen vp in Rape . and rouned togideres And preised þise penyworþes . a -part by hem -selue Thei kouþe noȝt by hir Conscience . acorden in truþe Til Robyn þe Roper e . aroos by þe Southe And nempned hym for a nounpere . þ at no debat nere Hikke þe hostiler . hadde þe cloke In couenaunt þat Clement . sholde þe cuppe fille And haue Hikkes hood hostiler . and holden hym ys erued And who -so repented raþest . sholde aryse after And greten sire Gloton . wiþ a Galon ale There was lauȝynge and lourynge . and lat go þe cuppe And seten so til euensong . and songen vmwhile Til Gloton hadde yglubbed . a galon and a gille Hise guttes bigonne to goþelen . as two gredy sowes He pissed a potel . in a pater noster while And blew his rounde ruwet . at his ruggebones ende That alle þat herde þat horn . helde hir noses after And wisshed it hadde ben wexed . wiþ a wispe of firses He myȝte neiþ er steppe ne stonde . er he his staf hadde And þanne gan he to go . lik a glemannes bicche            W.5.355: n ota Som -tyme aside . and som -tyme arere As who -so leiþ lynes . for to lacche foweles And whan he drouȝ to þe dore . þanne dymmed hise eiȝen He stumbled on þe þresshfold . and þrew to þe erþe Clement þe Cobeler e . kauȝte hym by þe myddel For to liften hym olofte . and leyde hym on his knowes Ac Gloton was a gret cherl . and a grym in þe liftyng And kouȝed vp a cawdel . in Clementes lappe Is noon so hungry hound . in hertford -shire Dorste lape of þat leuynges . so vnlouely þei smauȝte Wiþ al þe wo of þis world . his wif and his wenche W.5.366: The red ink partially obscuring wenche is transferred from Accidia on the opposite page. Baren hym hom to his bed . and brouȝte hym þ er -Inne And after al þis excesse . he hadde an Accidie That he sleep Saterday . and Sonday . til sonne yede to reste Thanne waked he of his wynkyng . and wiped hise eiȝen The firste word þ at he warp . was where is þe bolle His wif gan edwyte hym þo . how wikkedly he lyuede And Repentaunce riȝt so . rebuked hym þat tyme As þow wiþ wordes & werkes . hast wroȝt yuele in þi lyue Shryue þee and be shamed þ er -of . and shewe it w it h þi mouþe I Gloton quod þe grom . gilty me yelde That I haue trespased w it h my tonge . I kan noȝt telle how ofte Sworen goddes soule . and so me god helpe W.5.378: W alone reads me god helpe. Most other B witnesses have god me helpe & (þe) holidome with minor variation. There no nede was . nyne hundred tymes And ou erseyen me at my soper . and som -tyme at Nones That I Gloton girte it vp . er I hadde gon a myle And yspilt þ at myȝte be spared . and spended on som hungry Ouer -delicatly on fastyng -dayes . dronken and eten boþe And sat som -tyme so longe þ ere . þ at I sleep and eet atones at ones For loue of tales in Tau ernes . and for W.5.385: W alone reads and for. Other B manuscripts have to. drynke . þe moore I dyned And hyed to þe mete er noon . whan fastyng -dayes were This shewynge shrift quod Repentaunce . shal be meryt to þe And þanne gan Gloton greete . and gret doel to make For his luþer lif . þat he lyued hadde And auowed to faste . for hunger or for þurste Shal neu ere fyssh on Fryday . defyen in my wombe Til Abstinence myn Aunte . haue ȝyue me leeue And yet haue I hated hire . al my lif -tyme W.5.394: The scribe wrote Accidia inside a red box in the left margin. Thanne cam Sleuþe al bislabered . wiþ two slymy eiȝen I moste sitte seide þe segge . or ellis sholde I nappe I may noȝt stonde ne stoupe . ne wiþ -oute a stool knele Were I brouȝt abedde . but if my tail -ende W.5.397: The spacing is ambiguous, and this could be read as two words. Cf. W.8.82 (fol. 46r) where the word is clearly written as one word, in the sense "tallying" but with a pun on tail-ende. it made Sholde no ryngynge do me ryse . er I were ripe to dyne He bigan Benedicite w it h a bolk . and his brest knokked And raxed and rored . and rutte at þe laste What awake renk quod Repentaunce . and rape þee to shryfte If I sholde deye bi þis day . me list nouȝt to loke I kan noȝt parfitly my Pater noster . as þe preest it syngeþ But I kan rymes of Robynhood Robyn hood . and Randolf Erl of Chestre Ac neiþ er of oure lord ne of oure lady . þe leeste þat eu ere was maked I haue maad auowes fourty . and foryete hem on þe morwe I p arfournede neu ere penaunce . as þe preest me hiȝte Ne riȝt sory for my synnes . yet was I neu ere And if I bidde any bedes . but if it be in wraþe That I telle wiþ my tonge . is two myle fro myn herte            W.5.410: n ota I am ocupied eche day . haly -day and ooþer Wiþ ydel tales at þe Ale . and ouþ er -while at W.5.412: W alone reads at. Other B manuscripts have yn. chirche Goddes peyne and his passion . ful selde þenke I on it I visited neu ere feble men . ne fettred folk in puttes I haue leuere here an harlotrye . or a Somer game of Souters Or lesynge W.5.416: W alone has singular lesynge. Other B manuscripts have lesynges. to lauȝen at . and bilye my neȝebores Than al þ at euere Marc made . Mathew Ioh an . and Lucas And vigilies and fastyngdayes . alle þise late I passe And ligge abedde in lenten . and my lemman in myne armes Til matyns and masse be do . and þanne go to þe freres Come I to Ite missa est . I holde me yserued I nam noȝt shryuen som -tyme . but if siknesse it make Nouȝt twyes in two yer . and þanne vp gesse I shryue me I haue be preest and p erson . passynge þritty wynter And yet kan I neyþer solue ne synge . ne seintes lyues rede But I kan fynden in a feld . or in a furlang an hare Bettre þan in Beatus vir . or in Beati omnes Construe oon clause wel . and kenne it to my parisshens I kan holde loue -dayes . and here a Reues rekenyng Ac in Canou n nor in decretals . I kan noȝt rede a lyne If I bigge and borwe auȝt . but if it be ytailed I foryete it as yerne . and if men me it axe Sixe siþes or seuene . I forsake it wiþ oþes And þus tene I trewe men . ten hundred tymes And my seruauntz som -tyme . hir salarie is bihynde Ruþe it is to here þe rekenyng . whan we shul rede acountes So wiþ wikked wil and wraþe . my werkmen I paye If any man dooþ me a bienfait . or helpeþ me at nede I am vnkynde ayeins curteisie W.5.439: W alone omits his before curteisie. . and kan nouȝt vnderstonden it            W.5.439: n ota For I haue and haue had . som -del haukes man eres I am noȝt lured wiþ loue . but þ er ligge auȝt vnder þe þombe The kyndenesse þat myn euenc ristene . kidde me fernyere Sixty siþes I Sleuþe . haue foryete it siþþe In speche and in sparynge of speche . yspilt many a tyme Boþe flessh and fissh . and manye oþ ere vitailles Boþ bred and ale . buttre / melk and chese Forsleuþed in my seruice . til it myȝte serue no man I ran aboute in youþe . and yaf me nauȝt to lerne And eu ere siþþe haue I be beggere . for my foule sleuþe Heu michi quia sterilem vitam duxi Iuuenilem Repentedestow noȝt quod Repentaunce . & riȝt wiþ þat he swowned Til vigilate þe veille . fette water at hise eiȝen And flatte it on his face . and faste on hym cryde And seide ware þee . for wanhope wolde þee bitraye I am sory for my synnes . seye to þi -selue And beet þi -self on þe brest . and bidde hym of g race For is no gilt here so gret . þat his goodnesse nys moore Thanne sat Sleuþe vp . and seyned hym swiþe And made auow tofore god . for his foule sleuþe Shal no Sonday be þis seuen yer . but siknesse it lette That I ne shal do me er day . to þe deere chirche And here matyns and masse . as I a monk were Shal noon ale after mete . holde me þennes Til I haue euen -song herd . I bihote to þe Roode And yet wole I yelde ayein . if I so muche haue Al þat I wikkedly wan . siþen I wit hadde And þouȝ my liflode lakke . leten I nelle That ech man ne shal haue his . er I hennes wende And wiþ þe residue and þe remenaunt . bi þe Rode of Chestre I shal seken truþe erst . er I se Rome Roberd þe Robbere . on Reddite loked And for þ er was noȝt wher -of . he wepte swiþe soore Ac yet þe synfulle sherewe . seide to hym -selue Crist þat on Caluarie . vp -on þe cros deidest Tho Dysmas my broþ er . bisouȝte yow of g race And haddest m ercy on þat man . for Memento sake So rewe on þis Robber e . þat Reddere ne haue Ne neu ere wene to wynne . wiþ craft þat I owe But for þi muchel mercy . mitigacion I biseche Ne dampne me noȝt at domes -day . for þ at I dide so ille What bifel of þis felou n . I kan noȝt faire shewe Wel I woot he wepte faste . water wiþ boþe hise eiȝen And knoweliched his gilt . to crist yet eft -soones That penitencia his pik . he sholde polshe newe And lepe wiþ hym ou er lond . al his lif -tyme For he hadde leyen by Latro . luciferis Aunte And þanne hadde Repentaunce ruþe . and redde hem alle to knele For I shal biseche for alle synfulle . oure Saueo ur of g race To amenden vs of oure mysdedes . and do m ercy to vs alle Now god quod he þat of þi goodnesse . bigonne W.5.490: W alone reads bigonne. Other B manuscripts read gonne. þe world to make And of nauȝt madest auȝt . and man moost lik to þi -selue And siþen suffredest for to synne . a siknesse to vs alle And al for þe beste as I bileue . what -eu ere þe book telleþ O felix culpa . o necessarium peccatum Ade &c W.5.494: A second hand has inserted just below the original Latin line the following: o felex Culpa o necessarium peccatum ade &c For þoruȝ þat synne þi sone . sent was to þis erþe And bicam man of a maide . mankynde to saue And madest þi -self wiþ þi sone . and vs synfulle yliche Faciam us ho mi nem ad ymaginem W.5.498: W alone omits et similitudinem after ymaginem . n ostram Et alibi . / Qui manet in caritate in deo manet & deus in eo And siþþe wiþ þi selue sone . in oure secte W.5.500: W alone reads secte. Other B witnesses read sute. deidest On goodfryday good fryday for mannes sake . at ful tyme of þe daye Ther þi -self ne þi sone . no sorwe in deeþ feledest But in oure secte was þe sorwe . and þi sone it ladde Captiuam duxit captiuitatem The sonne for sorwe þ er -of . lees liȝt of W.5.505: W alone reads of. Other B manuscripts have for. a tyme Aboute mydday whan moost liȝt is . and meel -tyme of Seintes Feddest wiþ þi fresshe blood . oure fore -fadres in derknesse Populus qui ambulabat in tenebris . vidit luce m magnam And þoruȝ þe liȝt þ at lepe out of þee . Lucifer was blent And blewe alle þi blessed . in -to þe blisse of Paradys The þridde day after . þow yedest in oure sute A synful Marie þe seiȝ . er seynte Marie þi dame And al to solace synfulle . þow suffredest it so were Non veni vocare iustos . set peccatores ad penitencia m And al þat Marc . haþ ymaad . Mathew / Ioh an / and Lucas Of þyne douȝty dedes . was W.5.516: W alone reads was. Other B witnesses have were. doon in oure armes Verbum caro factum est & habitauit in nobis And by so muche me semeþ . þe sikerer we mowe Bidde and biseche . if it be þi wille That art oure fader and oure broþ er . be m erciable to vs And haue ruþe on þise Ribaudes . þat repenten hem here soore That eu ere þei wraþed þee in þis world . in word . þouȝt or dedes Thanne hente hope an horn . of Deus tu conu ersus viuificabis And blew it wiþ . Beati quor um . remisse sunt iniquitates That alle Seintes in heuene . songen atones at ones Ho mi nes & iume nta saluabis . que madmodu m multiplicasti mi sericordiam tua m deus A þousand of men þo . þrungen togideres Cride vpward to Crist . and to his clene moder To haue g race to go wiþ hem . truþe to seke Ac þ ere was wiȝt noon so wys . þe wey þider kouþe But blustreden forþ as beestes . ouer bankes and hilles Til late was and longe . þ at þei a leode mette Apparailled as a paynym . in pilgrymes wise He bar a burdoun ybounde . wiþ a brood liste In a wiþwynde W.5.535: W alone reads wiþwynde. HmGLRM read wythewyndes. YOC 2C have swithe wyndes. wise . ywounden aboute A bolle and a bagge . he bar by his syde An hundred of Ampulles . on his hat seten Signes of Synay . and shelles of Galice And many a crouch on his cloke . and keyes of Rome And þe vernycle bifore . for men sholde knowe And se bi hise signes . whom he souȝt hadde This folk frayned hym first . fro whennes he come Fram Synay he seide . and fram oure lordes Sepulcre In Bethlem and In Bethlem and in Babiloyne . I haue ben in boþe In Armonye in Alisaundre . in manye oþ ere places Ye may se by my signes . þat sitten on myn hatte That I haue walked ful wide . in weet and in drye And souȝt goode Seintes . for my soules helþe Knowestow auȝt a corsaint . þat men calle truþe Koudestow auȝt wissen vs þe wey . wher þat wye dwelleþ Nay so me god helpe . seide þe gome þanne I seiȝ neu ere Palmer e . wiþ pyk ne wiþ scrippe Asken after hym er . til now in þis place Peter quod a Plowman . and putte forþ his hed I knowe hym as kyndely . as clerc doþ hise bokes Conscience and kynde wit . kenned me to his place And diden me suren hym sikerly . to s eruen hym for eu ere Boþe to sowe and to sette . þe while I swynke myȝte I haue ben his folwere . al þis fifty wynter Boþe ysowen his seed . and suwed hise beestes Wiþ -Inne and wiþ -outen . waited his p rofit I dyke and I delue . I do þat truþe hoteþ Som -tyme I sowe . and som -tyme I þresshe In taillo urs craft and tynkeris craft . what truþe kan deuyse I weue and I wynde . and do what truþe hoteþ For þouȝ I seye it my -self . I serue hym to paye I haue myn hire wel . and ouþ er -whiles moore He is þe p resteste paiere . þ at pou ere men knoweþ He ne wiþhalt noon hewe his hire . þ at he ne haþ it at euen He is as lowe as a lomb . and louelich of speche And if ye wilneþ to wite . where þ at he dwelleþ I shal wisse yow witterly . þe wey to his place Ye leue Piers quod þise pilg rimes . and p rofred hym huyre Forto wende wiþ hem . to truþes dwellyng place Nay by my soules helþe quod Piers . and gan for to swere I nolde fange a ferþyng . for seint Thomas shryne Truþe wolde loue me þe lasse . a long tyme þ er -after Ac if yow W.5.578: WCr 1 alone read yow, where other B witnesses have ȝe. There are no examples in W of nominative yow, so perhaps wilneþ is here uniquely treated as an impersonal verb. Cf. 5.571 above. wilneþ to wende wel . þis is þe wey þider Ye moten go þoruȝ mekenesse . boþe men and wyues Til ye come in -to Conscience . þ at crist wite þe soþe That ye louen oure lord god . leuest of alle þynges And þanne your e neȝebores next . in none wise apeire Oþer -wise þan þow woldest . he wrouȝte to þi -selue And so boweþ forþ by a brook . beþ buxom of speche Til ye fynden a ford . youre fadres honoureþ Honora patrem & matrem &c Wadeþ in þat water . and wasshe yow wel þ er -Inne            W.5.587: n ota And ye shul lepe þe liȝtloker . al youre lif -tyme            W.5.588: n ota And so shaltow se swere noȝt . but if it be for nede And nameliche on ydel . þe name of god almyȝty Thanne shaltow come by a croft . but come þow noȝt þ er -Inne That croft hatte Coueite noȝt . mennes catel ne hire wyues Ne noon of hire s eruauntz . þat noyen hem myȝte Loke ye breke no bowes þ ere . but if it be your e owene Two stokkes þ er stondeþ . ac stynte ye noȝt þ ere Thei hiȝte Stele noȝt & Sle noȝt . strik forþ by boþe And leue hem on þi lift half . and loke noȝt þer -after And hold wel þyn haliday . heighe til euen Thanne shaltow blenche at a Bergh . bere no fals witnesse He is fryþed In wiþ floryns . and oþere fees manye Loke þow plukke no plaunte þ ere . for p eril of þi soule Thanne shul ye see seye sooþ . so it be to doone In good W.5.603: W alone reads good. Other B witnesses have no. manere ellis noȝt . for no mannes biddyng Thanne shaltow come to a court . as cler as þe sonne The moot is of mercy . þe Manoir aboute And alle þe walles ben of wit . to holden wil oute And kerneled wiþ cristendom . mankynde to saue Botrased wiþ bileef so . or þow beest noȝt saued And alle þe houses ben hiled . halles and chambres Wiþ no leed but wiþ loue . and lowe speche as breþ eren The brugg e is of bidde wel . þe bet may þow spede Ech piler is of penaunce . of preieres to Seyntes Of almes -dedes are þe hokes . þat þe gates hangen on Grace hatte þe gateward . a good man for -soþe His man hatte amende yow . for many men hym knoweþ Telleþ hym þis tokene . þat truþe wite þe soþe I p arfourned þe penaunce . þ at þe preest me enioyned And am ful sory for my synnes . and so I shal eu ere Whan I þynke þer -on . þeiȝ I were a Pope Biddeþ amende yow meke hym . til his maister ones To wayuen vp þe wiket . þat þe wo mman shette Tho Adam and Eue . eten apples vnrosted P er Eua m cuntis clausa est . et p er Maria m virgine m patef acta est For he haþ þe keye and þe cliket . þouȝ þe kyng slepe And if g race g raunte þee . to go in þis wise Thow shalt see in þi -selue . truþe in þyn herte In a cheyne of charite . as þow a child were To suffren hym and segge noȝt . ayein þi sires wille And be war þanne of wraþe þee . þat is a wikked sherewe He haþ enuye to hym . þat in þyn herte sitteþ And pokeþ forþ pride . to preise þi -seluen The boldnesse of þi bienfetes . makeþ þee blynd þanne And þanne worstow dryuen out as dew . and þe dore closed Keyed and cliketted . to kepe þee wiþ -outen Happily anhundred an hundred wynter . er þow eft entre Thus myȝtestow lesen his loue . to lete wel by þi -selue And neu ere happily eft entre . but g race þow haue And þ er are seuen sustren . þat seruen truþe euere And arn porters of þe Posternes . þat to þe place longeþ That oon hatte Abstinence . and humilite anoþer Charite and Chastite . ben hise chief maydenes Pacience and pees . muche peple þei helpeþ Largenesse þe lady . she let in ful manye Heo haþ holpe a þousand out . of þe deueles punfolde And who is sib to þise seuene . so me god helpe He is wonderly welcome . and faire vnderfongen And but if ye be sibbe . to some of þise seuene It is ful hard by myn heed quod Piers . for any of yow alle To geten ingoing at any gate þ ere . but g race be þe moore Now by crist quod a kutte -purs . I haue no kyn þere Nor I quod an Apeward . by auȝt þ at I kan knowe Wite god quod a wafrestere . wiste I þis for soþe Sholde I neu ere ferþer a foot . for no freres p rechyng Ȝis quod Piers þe Plowman . and poked hem alle to goode Mercy is a maiden þ ere . haþ myȝt ouer alle And she is sib to alle synfulle . and hire sone also And þoruȝ þe help of hem two . hope þow noon ooþer Thow myȝt gete g race þere . so þow go bityme . Bi seint Poul quod a pardoner . p arauent ure I be noȝt knowe þ ere I wol go fecche my box wiþ my breuettes . & a bulle w it h bisshopes l ettres By crist quod a co mune wo mman . þi compaignie wol I folwe Thow shalt seye I am þi Suster . I ne woot wher e þei bicome Passus sextus de visione vt sup ra T his were a wikkede wey . but who -so hadde a gyde That wolde folwen vs ech a foot . þus þis folk hem mened Quod Perkyn þe Plowman . by Seint Peter of Rome I haue an half acre to erie . by þe heiȝe weye Hadde I eryed þis half acre . and sowen it after I wolde wende wiþ yow . and þe wey teche This were a long lettyng . quod a lady in a Scleyre What sholde we wommen . werche þe while So mme shul sowe þe sak quod Piers . for shedyng of þe whete And ye louely ladies . wiþ youre longe fyngres That ye haue silk and Sandel . to sowe whan tyme is Chesibles for Chapeleyns . chirches to honoure Wyues and widewes . wolle and flex spynneþ Makeþ cloþ I counseille yow . and kenneþ so youre douȝtres The nedy and þe naked . nymeþ hede how þei liggeþ And casteþ hem cloþes . for so comaundeþ truþe For I shal lenen hem liflode . but if þe lond faille Flessh and breed boþe . to riche and to poore As longe as I lyue . for þe lordes loue of heuene And alle manere of men . þ at þoruȝ mete and drynke libbeþ Helpeþ hym to werche wiȝtliche . þat wynneþ youre foode By crist quod a knyȝt þoo . he kenneþ vs þe beste Ac on þe teme trewely . tauȝt was I neuere But kenne me quod þe knyȝt . and by crist I wole assaye By Seint Poul quod Perkyn . ye p rofre yow so faire That I shal swynke and swete . and sowe for vs boþe And oþ ere labours do for þi loue . al my lif -tyme In couenaunt þ at þow kepe . holy kirke and my -selue Fro wasto urs and fro wikked men . þat þis world destruyeþ And go hunte hardiliche . to hares and to foxes To bores and to brokkes . þat breken doun myne hegges And so W.6.32: W alone reads so. Other B manuscripts have go. affaite þi faucons . wilde foweles to kille For swiche comeþ to my croft . and croppeþ my whete Curteisly þe knyȝt þanne . comsed þise wordes By my power Piers quod he . I pliȝte þee my trouþe To fulfille þis forward . þouȝ I fiȝte sholde Als longe as I lyue . I shal þee mayntene Ye and yet a point quod Piers . I preye yow of moore Loke ye tene no tenaunt . but truþe wole assente And þouȝ ye mowe am ercy hem . lat m ercy be taxour And mekenesse þi maister . maugree Medes chekes And þouȝ pou ere men p rofre yow . p resentes and ȝiftes Nyme it noȝt an auenture . ye mowe it noȝt deserue For þow shalt yelde it ayein . at one yeres tyme W.6.44: W alone reads tyme. Other B manuscripts have ende. In a ful p erilous place . Purgatorie it hatte And mysbede noȝt þi bonde -men . þe bettre may þow spede Thouȝ he be þyn vnderlyng here . wel may happe in heuene That he worþ worþier set . and wiþ moore blisse Amice ascende superius For in Charnel at chirche . cherles ben yuel to knowe Or a knyȝt from a knaue þ ere . knowe þis in þyn herte And þ at þow be trewe of þi tonge . and tales þ at þow hatie            W.6.52: n ota But if þei ben of wisdom or of wit . þi werkmen to chaste Hold wiþ none harlotes . ne here noȝt hir tales            W.6.54: n ota And namely at þe mete . swiche men eschuwe            W.6.55: n ota For it ben þe deueles disours . I do þe to vnderstonde            W.6.56: n ota I assente by Seint Iame . seide þe knyȝt þanne For to werche by þi wordes . þe while my lif dureþ And I shal apparaille me quod Perkyn . in pilgrymes wise And wende wiþ yow I wile . til we fynde truþe And caste on my cloþes . yclouted and hole My cokeres and my coffes . for cold of my nailes And hange myn hoper at myn hals . in stede of a Scryppe A busshel of bred -corn . brynge me þ er -Inne For I wol sowe it my -self . and siþenes wol I wende To pilgrymage as palm eres doon . pardon for to haue And who -so helpeþ me to erie . and sowen here er I wende Shal haue leue by oure lord . to lese here in heruest And make hem murie þ er -myd . maugree who -so bigruccheþ it And alle kynne crafty men . þat konne lyuen in truþe I shal fynden hem fode . þat feiþfulliche libbeþ Saue Iagge W.6.72: W alone reads Iagge. Other B manuscripts have Iakke. þe Iogelour . and Ionette of þe Stuwes And danyel þe dees pleyere . and Denote þe baude And frere þe faitour . and folk of hire W.6.74: W alone reads hire. Other B manuscripts have his. ordre And Robyn þe Ribaudour . for hise rusty wordes Truþe tolde me ones . and bad me telle it after Deleantur de libro viuenciu m . I sholde noȝt dele wiþ hem For holy chirche is hote of hem . no tiþe to take Quia cum iustis non scribantur They ben ascaped good auenture . god hem amende Dame werch whan tyme is . Piers wif hiȝte His douȝter hiȝte do riȝt so . or þi dame shal þee bete His sone hiȝte Suffre þi Sou ereyns . to hauen hir wille Deme hem noȝt for if þow doost . þow shalt it deere abugge Lat god yworþe wiþ al . for so his word techeþ For now I am old and hoor . and haue of myn owene To penaunce and to pilg rimage . I wol passe wiþ þise oþ ere For -þi I wole er I wende . do write my biqueste In dei no mi ne amen . I make it my -selue He shal haue my soule . þat best haþ des erued it And fro þe fend it defende . for so I bileue Til I come to hise acountes . as my Credo me telleþ To haue a relees and a remission . on þat rental I leue The kirke shal haue my caroyne . and kepe my bones For of my corn and catel . she craued þe tiþe I paide it ful W.6.96: W alone reads it ful. M has him ful, and most other B manuscripts have it hym. p restly . for p eril of my soule For -þi is he holden I hope . to haue me in his masse And mengen in his memorie . amonges alle c ristene My wif shal haue of þat I wan . wiþ truþe and namoore And dele among my douȝtres . and my deere children For þouȝ I deye to -day . my dettes are quyte I bar hom þat I borwed . er I to bedde yede And wiþ þe residue and þe remenaunt . by þe Rode of Lukes I wol worshipe þ er -wiþ . truþe by my lyue And ben his pilgrym atte plow . for pou ere mennes sake My plowfoot shal be my pikstaf . and picche atwo þe rotes And helpe my cultour to kerue . and clense þe furwes Now is Perkyn and hise pilg rimes . to þe plow faren To erie þis half acre . holpen hym manye Dikeres and Delu eres . digged vp þe balkes Ther -wiþ was Perkyn apayed . and preised hem faste Oþere werkmen þ er were . þat wroȝten ful yerne Ech man in his manere . made hym -self to doone And so mme to plese Perkyn . piked vp þe wedes At heiȝ p rime Piers . leet þe plowȝ stonde To ou ersen hem hym -self . and who -so best wroȝte He sholde be hired þ er -after . whan heruest tyme come And þanne seten so mme . and songen atte Nale And holpen ere þis W.6.119: W alone reads þis. Other B manuscripts have his. half acre . wiþ how trolly lolly Now by þe p eril of my soule quod Piers . al in pure tene But ye arise þe raþ er . and rape yow to werche Shal no greyn þ at groweþ . glade yow at nede And þouȝ ye deye for doel . þe deuel haue þ at reccheþ Tho were faito urs afered . and feyned hem blynde So mme leide hir legges aliry . as swiche losels konneþ And made hir mone to Piers . and preide hym of g race For we haue no lymes to laboure w it h . lord yg raced be þe Ac we preie for yow Piers . and for youre plowȝ boþe That god of his g race . your e greyn multiplie And yelde yow for your e Almesse . þat ye ȝyue vs here For we may noȝt swynke ne swete . swich siknesse vs eyleþ If it be sooþ quod Piers þat ye seyn . I shal it soone aspie Ye ben wastours I woot wel . and truþe woot þe soþe And I am his olde hyne . and hiȝte hym to warne Whiche þei were in þis world . hise werkmen apeired Ye wasten þat men wynnen . wiþ t rauaille and wiþ tene Ac truþe shal teche yow . his teme to dryue Or ye shul eten barly breed . and of þe broke drynke But if he be blynd or brokelegged . or bolted wiþ Irens He shal ete whete breed . and drynke wiþ my -selue Til god of his goodnesse . amendement hym sende Ac ye myȝte t rauaille as truþe wolde . and take mete and hyre To kepe kyen in þe feld . þe corn fro þe beestes Diken or deluen . or dyngen vp -on sheues Or helpe make morter . or bere Muk a -feld In lecherie and in losengerie  ye lyuen and in Sleuþe And al is þoruȝ suffraunce . þ at vengeaunce yow ne takeþ Ac Ancres and heremites . þat eten noȝt but at Nones And namoore er þe morwe . myn almesse shul þei haue And of catel to kepe hem wiþ . þat han Cloistres and chirches Ac Rob ert Renaboute . shal noȝt haue of myne Ne Postles but þei p reche konne . and haue power of þe bisshop Thei shul haue payn and potage . and make hem -self atese at ese W.6.154: A much later hand has written no ta in the left margin. For it is an vnresonable Religion . þat haþ riȝt noȝt of c ertein And þanne gan wastour to wraþen hym . and wolde haue yfouȝte And to Piers þe Plowman . he p rofrede his gloue A Bretoner a bragger e . abosted a bosted W.6.157: a, "he." Piers als And bad hym go pissen w it h his plowȝ . forpynede sherewe Wiltow or neltow . we wol haue oure wille Of þi flour and of þi flessh . fecche whanne vs likeþ And maken vs murye þ er -myde . maugree þi chekes Thanne Piers þe Plowman . pleyned hym to þe knyȝte To kepen hym as couenaunt was . fro cursede sherewes And fro þise wastours wolueskynnes . þ at makeþ þe world deere For þo wasten and wynnen noȝt . and þat ilke while Worþ neu ere plentee among þe peple . þe while my plowȝ liggeþ Curteisly þe knyȝt þanne . as his kynde wolde Warnede wastour . and wissed hym bettre Or þow shalt abigge by þe lawe . by þe ordre þ at I bere I was noȝt wont to werche quod wasto ur . and now wol I noȝt bigynne And leet liȝt of þe lawe . and lasse of þe knyȝte And sette Piers at a pese . and his plowȝ boþe And manaced Piers and his men . if þei mette eftsoone Now by þe p eril of my soule quod Piers . I shal apeire yow alle And houped after hunger . þat herde hym at þe firste Awreke me of þise wasto urs quod he . þat þis world shendeþ Hunger in haste þoo . hente wastour by þe wombe W.6.177: W alone reads wombe. Other B manuscripts have mawe. And wrong hym so by þe wo mbe . þ at boþe hise eiȝen watrede He buffetted þe Bretoner . aboute þe chekes That he loked lik a lant erne . al his lif after He bette hem so boþe . he brast ner hire guttes Ne hadde Piers wiþ a pese loof . preyed hunger to cesse They hadde be doluen . ne deme þow noon ooþ er Suffre hem lyue he seide . and lat hem ete wiþ hogges Or ellis benes or W.6.185: W alone reads or. Other B manuscripts have and. bren . ybaken togideres Or ellis melk and mene ale . þus preied Piers for hem Faito urs for fere her -of . flowen in -to Bernes And flapten on wiþ flailes . fro morwe til euen That hunger was noȝt so hardy . on hem for to loke For a potful of peses . þat Piers hadde ymaked An heep of heremytes . henten hem spades And kitten hir copes . and courtepies hem maked And wente as werkmen . wiþ spades and wiþ shoueles And doluen and dikeden . to dryue awey hunger Blynde and bedreden . were bootned a þousand That seten to begge siluer . soone were þei heeled For þat was bake for bayard . was boote for many hungry And many a beggere for benes . buxum was to swynke And ech a pou ere man wel apaied . to haue pesen for his hyre And what Piers preide hem to do . as prest as a Sperhauk And þ er -of was Piers proud . and putte hem to werke And yaf hem mete as he myȝte aforþe . and mesurable hyre Thanne hadde Piers pite . and preide hunger to wende Hoom vn -to his owene yerd . and holden hym þ ere For I am wel awroke . of wastours þoruȝ þy myȝte Ac I preie þee er þow passe . quod Piers to hunger Of beggeris and of bidderis . what best be to doone For I woot wel be þow went . þei wol werche ful ille For meschief it makeþ . þei be so meke nouþe And for defaute of hire foode . þis folk is at my wille Thei are my blody breþ eren quod Piers . for god bouȝte vs alle Truþe tauȝte me ones . to louen hem echone And to helpen hem of alle þyng . ay as hem nedeþ And now wolde I wite of þee . what were þe beste And how I myȝte amaistren hem . and make hem to werche Here now quod hunger . and hoold it for a wisdom . Bolde beggeris and bigge . þ at mowe hir breed biswynke Wiþ houndes breed and horse -breed . hoold vp hir hertes Abate hem wiþ benes . for bollynge of hir wombes And if þe gomes grucche . bidde hem go swynke And he shal soupe swetter . whan he it haþ des erued And if þow fynde any freke . þat Fortune haþ apeired Or any manere false men . fonde þow swiche to knowe Conforte hym wiþ þi catel . for cristes loue of heuene Loue hem and lene hem . so lawe of god techeþ Alter alterius onera portate And alle manere of men . þ at þow myȝt aspie That nedy ben and nouȝty . help hem wiþ þi goodes Loue hem and lakke hem noȝt . lat god take þe vengeaunce Theiȝ þei doon yuele . lat god yworþe Michi vindictam & ego retribuam And if þow wilt be g racious to god . do as þe gospel techeþ And biloue þee amonges lewed men . so shaltow lacche g race Facite vos W.6.234: W alone reads vos. Other B manuscripts have vobis. amicos de ma mmona iniquitatis I wolde noȝt greue god quod Piers . for al þe good on grounde Miȝte I synnelees do as þow seist . seide Piers þanne Ye I bihote þee quod hunger . or ellis þe bible lieþ Go to Genesis þe geaunt . þe engendrour of vs alle In sudore and swynk . þow shalt þi mete tilie And laboure for þi liflode . and so oure lord hiȝte And Sapience seiþ þe same . I seiȝ it in þe bible Piger pro frigore . no feeld nolde tilie And þer -fore he shal begge and bidde . and no man bete his hunger Mathew wiþ mannes face . mouþed þise wordes That seruus neq uam hadde a Mnam W.6.245: The gloss .i d est. A besaunt is written above Mnam in a smaller script but by the main hand. The red box around Mnam was drawn subsequently and left incomplete at the top. A similar gloss appears in HmLM. C. David Benson and Lynne S. Blanchfield, The Manuscripts of Piers Plowman: the B-version (Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 1997), 162, mistakenly offer to correct Kane-Donaldson's Mnam to amam. . and for he wolde noȝt chaffare He hadde maugree of his maister . euere -moore after And bynam hym his Mnam . for he ne wolde werche And yaf þat Mnam to hym . þat ten Mnames hadde And wiþ þat he seide . þat holy chirche it herde He þat haþ shal haue . and helpe þ ere it nedeþ            W.6.250: n ota And he þ at noȝt haþ shal noȝt haue . and no man hym helpe            W.6.251: n ota And þat he weneþ wel to haue . I wole it hym bireue Kynde wit wolde . þ at ech a wiȝt wroȝte Or in dikynge or in deluynge . or t rauaillynge in preieres Contemplatif lif or Actif lif . crist wolde þei wroȝte The Sauter seiþ in þe psalme . of Beati omnes The freke þat fedeþ hym -self . wiþ his feiþful labour He is blessed by þe book . in body and in soule Labores manuu m tuar um &c Yet I preie yow quod Piers . par charite and ye konne Any leef of lechecraft . lere it me my deere For some of my seruauntz . and my -self boþe Of al a wike werche noȝt . so oure wombe akeþ I woot wel quod hunger . what siknesse yow eyleþ Ye han manged ouer -muche . and þat makeþ yow grone Ac I hote þee quod hunger . as þow þyn hele wilnest That þow drynke no day . er þow dyne som -what W.6.267-275: These nine lines are marked in the right margin by marks where notae usually appear, but these marks do not even suggest an <n>.            W.6.267: n ota Ete noȝt I hote þee . er hunger þee take            W.6.268: n ota And sende þee of his Sauce . to sauore wiþ þi lippes            W.6.269: n ota And keep som til soper tyme . and sitte noȝt to longe            W.6.270: n ota And rys vp er Appetit . haue eten his fille            W.6.271: n ota Lat noȝt sire Surfet . sitten at þi borde            W.6.272: n ota Leue hym noȝt for he is lecherous . and likerous of tunge            W.6.273: n ota And after many maner metes . his mawe is afyngred            W.6.274: n ota W.6.275: A scribe has drawn a rough
pointing hand
in the left margin.
And if þow diete þee þus . I dar legge myne eris            W.6.275: n ota
That Phisik shal hise furred hodes . for his fode selle And his cloke of Calabre . wiþ alle þe knappes of golde And be fayn by my feiþ . his Phisik to lete And lerne to laboure wiþ lond . for liflode is swete            W.6.279: n ota For m urþereris are manye leches . lord hem amende They do men deye þoruȝ hir drynkes . er destynee it wolde
By Seint Poul quod Piers . þise arn p rofitable wordes Wend now hunger whan þow wolt . þ at wel be þow eu ere For þis is a louely lesson . lord it þee foryelde Bihote god quod hunger . hennes ne wole I wende Til I haue dyned bi þis day . and ydronke boþe I haue no peny quod Piers . pulettes to bugge Ne neiþer gees ne grys . but two grene cheses A fewe cruddes and creme . and an hauer cake And two loues of benes and bran . ybake for my fauntes And yet I seye by my soule . I haue no salt bacon Ne no cokeney by crist . coloppes for to maken Ac I haue p ercile and porettes . and manye cole plauntes And ek a cow and a calf . and a cart mare            W.6.294: n ota To drawe a -feld my donge . þe while þe droȝte lasteþ And by þis liflode we mote lyue . til lammesse tyme And by þat I hope to haue . heruest in my crofte And þanne may I diȝte þi dyner . as me deere likeþ Al þe pou ere peple þo . pescoddes fetten Benes and baken apples . þei broȝte in hir lappes Chibolles and Cheruelles . and ripe chiries manye And p rofrede Piers þis p resent . to plese wiþ hunger Al hunger eet in haste . and axed after moore Thanne pou ere folk for fere . fedden hunger yerne Wiþ grene poret and pesen . to poisone hym þei þoȝte By þat it neȝed neer heruest . & newe corn cam to chepyng Thanne was folk fayn . and fedde hunger wiþ þe beste Wiþ good Ale as Gloton taȝte . and garte hunger go slepe And þo wolde wastour noȝt werche . but wandren aboute Ne no beggere ete breed . þat benes Inne were But of Coket and cler -matyn . or ellis of clene whete Ne noon halfpeny ale . in none wise drynke But of þe beste and of þe brunneste . þ at in Burgh is to selle Laborers þat haue no land . to lyue on but hire handes W.6.314-321: All the lines in this line-group are marked in the right margin with nota in a darker ink of the same attenuated form that appears above in ll. 267-75.            W.6.314: n ota Deyned noȝt to dyne a -day . nyȝt -olde wortes            W.6.315: n ota May no peny -ale hem paie . ne no pece of bacou n            W.6.316: n ota But if it be fressh flessh ouþ er fissh : fryed ouþ er ybake            W.6.317: n ota And þat chaud and plus chaud . for chillynge of hir mawe            W.6.318: n ota And but if he be heiȝliche hyred . ellis wole he chide            W.6.319: n ota And þ at he was werkman wroȝt . waille þe tyme            W.6.320: n ota Ayeins Catons counseil . comseþ he to Iangle            W.6.321: n ota Paup ertatis onus pacienter ferre memento He greueþ hym ageyn god . and gruccheþ ageyn Reson And þanne corseþ he þe kyng . and al his counseil after Swiche lawes to loke . laborers to greue Ac whiles hunger was hir maister . þ er wolde noon of hem chide Ne stryuen ayeins his statut . so sterneliche he loked Ac I warne yow werkmen . wynneþ whil ye mowe For hunger hiderward . hasteþ hym faste He shal awake wiþ water . wastours to chaste Er fyue be fulfilled . swich famyn shal aryse Thoruȝ flodes and þoruȝ foule wedres . fruytes shul faille And so seide Saturne . and sente yow to warne W.6.334: A scribe has drawn a rough
pointing hand
in the left margin.
Whan ye se þe sonne amys . and two monkes heddes
And a mayde haue þe maistrie . and multiplie by eiȝte Thanne shal deeþ wiþ -drawe . and derþe be Iustice            W.6.336: n ota And Dawe þe dyker e . deye for hunger But god of his goodnesse . graunte vs a trewe            W.6.338: n ota
Truþe herde telle
Passus .vij us. septimus de visione vt sup ra T Reuþe herde telle her -of . and to Piers he sente To maken his teme . and tilien þe erþe And p urchaced hym a pardou n . a pena & a culpa For hym and for hise heires . for euere -moore after And bad hym holde hym at home . and erien hise leyes And alle þat holpen hym to erye . to sette or to sowe Or any ooþ er mestier . þat myȝte Piers auaille Pardon wiþ Piers Plowman . truþe haþ ygraunted Kynges and knyȝtes . þat kepen holy chirche And riȝtfully in Remes . rulen þe peple Han pardon þoruȝ purgatorie . to passen ful liȝtly Wiþ Patriarkes and p rophetes . in paradis to be felawe Bysshopes yblessed . if þei ben as þei sholde Legistres of boþe lawes . þe lewed þ er -wiþ to p reche And in as muche as þei mowe . amenden alle synfulle Arn peres wiþ þe Apostles . þis pardon Piers sheweþ And at þe day of dome . at þe heiȝe deys sitte Marchauntz in þe margyne . hadde manye yeres Ac noon A pena & a culpa . þe pope nolde hem graunte For þei holde noȝt hir halidayes . as holy chirche techeþ And for þei swere by hir soule . and so god moste hem helpe Ayein clene Conscience . hir catel to selle Ac vnder his secret seel . truþe sente hem a lettre That þei sholde buggen boldely . þat hem best liked And siþenes selle it ayein . and saue þe wynnyng And amende Mesondieux þ er -myd . and myseise folk helpe And wikkede weyes . wightly amende And do boote to brugges . þat tobroke were Marien maydenes . or maken hem Nonnes Pouere peple and prisons . fynden hem hir foode And sette Scolers to scole . or to som oþere craftes Releue Religion . and renten hem bettre And I shal sende yow my -selue . Seint Michel myn Archangel That no deuel shal yow dere . ne fere yow in your e deying And witen yow fro wanhope . if ye wol þus werche And sende youre soules in saufte . to my Seintes in Ioye Thanne were Marchauntz murie . manye wepten for ioye And preiseden Piers þe Plowman . þat purchaced þis bulle Men of lawe leest pardon hadde . þat pleteden for Mede For þe Sauter saueþ hem noȝt . swiche as take ȝiftes And nameliche of Innocentz . þat noon yuel ne konneþ Sup er innocentem munera non accipies Pledours sholde peynen hem . to plede for swiche and helpe Princes and p relates . sholde paie for hire t rauaille A Regib us & principib us erit merces eor um Ac many a Iustice and Iurour . wolde for Ioh an do moore Than pro dei pietate . leue þow noon ooþer Ac he þat spendeþ his speche . and spekeþ for þe pouere            W.7.48: n ota That is Innocent and nedy . and no man apeireþ            W.7.49: n ota Conforteþ hym in þat caas . wiþ -outen coueitise of ȝiftes            W.7.50: n ota And sheweþ lawe for oure lordes loue . as he it haþ ylerned            W.7.51: n ota Shal no deuel at his deeþ -day . deren hym a myte That he ne worþ saaf and his soule . þe Sauter bereþ witnesse Domine quis habitabit in tabernaculo tuo Ac to bugge water ne wynd . ne wit ne fir þe ferþe Thise foure þe fader of heuene . made to þis foold in co mmune Thise ben truþes tresores . trewe folk to helpe That neu ere shul wexe ne wanye . wiþ -outen god hym -selue Whan þei drawen on to deye . and Indulgences wolde haue Hir pardon is ful petit . at hir partyng hennes That any Mede of mene men . for hir motyng takeþ Ye legistres and lawieres . holdeþ þis for truþe That if þ at I lye . Mathew is to blame For he bad me make yow þis . and þis p rou erbe me tolde Quodcu mq ue vultis vt faciant vobis ho mi nes . facite eis            W.7.65: n ota Alle libbynge laborers . þat lyuen wiþ hir hondes W.7.66-69: A vertical pen mark appears at the end of this line and the three following lines, which we take to represent nota .            W.7.66: n ota That treweliche taken . and treweliche wynnen            W.7.67: n ota And lyuen in loue and in lawe . for hir lowe hertes            W.7.68: n ota Haueþ þe same absolucion . þat sent was to Piers            W.7.69: n ota Beggeres ne bidderes . ne beþ noȝt in þe bulle But if þe suggestion be sooþ . þat shapeþ hem to begge For he þ at beggeþ or bit . but if he haue nede            W.7.72: n ota He is fals wiþ þe feend . and defraudeþ þe nedy            W.7.73: n ota And also he bigileþ þe gyuer e . ageynes his wille For if he wiste he were noȝt nedy . he wolde ȝyue þat anoþ er That were moore nedy þan he . so þe nedieste sholde be holpe Caton kenneþ me þus . and þe clerc of stories Cui des videto . is Catons techyng            W.7.78: n ota And in þe stories he techeþ . to bistowe þyn almesse Sit elemosina tua in manu tua donec studes cui des            W.7.80: The n ota appears inside the box to the right of the line. Ac Gregory was a good man . and bad vs gyuen alle            W.7.81: n ota That askeþ for his loue . þat vs al leneþ            W.7.82: n ota Non eligas cui mis eriaris neforte ne forte p ret ereas illu m qui m eret ur accip ere W.7.83: The end of the box is cropped in the right margin, though no text appears to have been lost. Quia incertum est pro quo deo magis placeas            W.7.84: n ota For wite ye neu ere who is worþi . ac god woot who haþ nede            W.7.85: n ota In hym þat takeþ is þe trecherie . if any treson walke            W.7.86: n ota For he þat yeueþ yeldeþ . and yarkeþ hym to reste And he þat biddeþ borweþ . and bryngeþ hym -self in dette For beggeres borwen eu ere -mo . and hir borgh is god almyȝty To yelden hem þat yeueþ hem . and yet vsure moore Quare non dedisti pecuniam meam ad mensam vt ego veniam cum vsuris exigere For -þi biddeþ noȝt ye beggeres . but if ye haue gret nede For who -so haþ to buggen hym breed . þe book bereþ witnesse He haþ ynouȝ þat haþ breed ynouȝ . þouȝ he haue noȝt ellis Satis diues est qui non indiget pane            W.7.95: n ota Lat vsage be your e solas . of seintes lyues redyng The book banneþ beggerie . and blameþ hem in þis manere Iunior fui eteni m senui & no n vidi iustu m derelictu m ne ne[c] W.7.98: W alone reads ne . Other B manuscripts have nec . semen ei us &c For ye lyue in no loue . ne no lawe holde Manye of yow ne wedde noȝt . þe wo mman þ at ye wiþ deele But as wilde bestes w it h wehee . worþen vppe and werchen And bryngen forþ barnes . þ at bastardes men calleþ Or þe bak or som boon . he brekeþ in his youþe And siþþe goon faiten w it h your e fauntes . for eu ere -moore after Ther is moore mysshapen peple . amonges þise beggeres            W.7.105: n ota Than of alle manere men . þat on þis moolde walkeþ            W.7.106: n ota And þei þat lyue þus hir lif . mowe loþe þe tyme            W.7.107: n ota That euere þei were men wroȝt . whan þei shal hennes fare            W.7.108: n ota Ac olde men and hore . þat helplees ben of strengþe And wo mmen wiþ childe . þat werche ne mowe Blynde and bedreden . and broken hire membres That taken þise myschiefs mekeliche . as Mesels and oþ ere Han as pleyn pardon . as þe Plowman hym -selue For loue of hir lowe hertes . oure lord haþ hem graunted Hir penaunce and hir Purgatorie . here on þis erþe Piers quod a preest þoo . þi pardon moste I rede For I wol construe ech clause . and kenne it þee on englissh And Piers at his preiere . þe pardon vnfoldeþ And I bihynde hem boþe . biheld al þe bulle And in two lynes it lay . and noȝt a leef moore And was writen riȝt þus . in witnesse of truþe Et qui bona egerunt ibunt in vitam eternam            W.7.122: n ota Qui vero mala in ignem eternum W.7.123: To the right of this line is a smudged scribble.            W.7.123: n ota Peter quod þe preest þoo . I kan no pardon fynde But dowel and haue wel . and god shal haue þi soule            W.7.125: n ota And do yuel and haue yuel . hope þow noon ooþer            W.7.126: n ota But after þi deeþ -day . þe deuel shal haue þi soule            W.7.127: n ota And Piers for pure tene . pulled it atweyne And seide Si ambulauero in medio vmbre mortis            W.7.129: n ota non timebo mala quoniam tu mecum es I shal cessen of my sowyng quod Piers . & swynke noȝt so harde Ne aboute my bely ioye . so bisy be namoore Of preieres and of penaunce . my plouȝ shal ben her -after And wepen whan I sholde slepe . þouȝ whete breed me faille The p rophete his payn eet . in penaunce and in sorwe By þat þe Sauter seith . so dide othere manye That loueþ god lelly . his liflode is ful esy Fuerunt michi lacrime mee panes die ac nocte            W.7.137: n ota And but if luc lye . he lereþ vs by foweles We sholde noȝt be to bisy . aboute þe worldes blisse Ne soliciti sitis  he seiþ in þe gospel And sheweþ vs by ensamples . vs -selue to wisse The foweles in þe feld . who fynt hem mete at wynter            W.7.142: n ota Haue þei no gerner to go to . but god fynt hem alle            W.7.143: n ota What quod þe preest to Perkyn . Peter as me þynkeþ Thow art lettred alitel a litel . who lerned þee on boke Abstynence þe Abbesse quod Piers . myn / a / . b / . c . / me tauȝte And Conscience cam afterward . and kenned me muche moore Were þow a preest quod he . þou myȝtest p reche wher e þou sholdest As diuino ur in diuinite . wiþ Dixit insipie ns to þi teme Lewed lorel quod Piers . litel lokestow on þe bible On Salomons sawes . selden þow biholdest Ecce derisores & iurgia cum eis ne crescant &c The preest and Perkyn . opposeden eiþ er ooþ er And I þoruȝ hir wordes awook . and waited aboute And seiȝ þe sonne in þe South . sitte þat tyme Metelees and moneilees . on Malu erne hulles Musynge on þis metels . and my wey ich yede M Any tyme þis metels . haþ maked me to studie Of þat I seiȝ slepynge . if it so be myȝte And also for Piers þe Plowman . ful pencif in herte And which a pardon Piers hadde . al þe peple to conforte And how þe preest inpugned it . wiþ two p ropre wordes Ac I haue no sauour in Songewarie . for I se it ofte faille Caton and Canonistres . counseillen vs to leue To sette sadnesse in Songewarie . for sompnia ne cures Ac for þe book bible . bereþ witnesse How Daniel diuined . þe dreem of a kyng That was Nabugodonosor . nempned of clerkes Daniel . seide sire kyng . þi dremels bitokneþ That vnkouþe knyȝtes shul come . þi kyngdom to cleyme Amonges lower lordes . þi lond shal be departed And as Daniel diuined . in dede it fel after The kyng lees his lordshipe . and lower men it hadde And Ioseph mette m erueillously . how þe moone and þe sonne And þe elleuene sterres . hailsed hym alle Thanne Iacob iugged . Iosephes sweuene Beau fitz quod his fader . for defaute we shullen I my -self and my sones . seche þee for nede It bifel as his fader seide . in Pharaoes tyme That Ioseph was Iustice . Egipte to loke It bifel as his fader tolde . hise frendes þ ere hym souȝte And al þis makeþ me . on þis metels to þynke And how þe preest preued . no pardon to dowel And demed þ at dowel . Indulgences passed Biennals and triennals . and Bisshopes lettres And how dowel at þe day of dome . is digneliche vnderfongen And passeþ al þe pardon . of Seint Petres cherche Now haþ þe pope power . pardon to graunte þe peple Wiþ -outen any penaunce . to passen in -to heuene This is oure bileue . as lettred men vs techeþ Quodcumq ue ligaueris sup er terram . erit ligatu m & in celis &c And so I leue leelly . lordes forbode ellis That pardon and penaunce . and preieres doon saue Soules þat haue synned . seuen siþes dedly Ac to truste to þise triennals . trewely me þynkeþ Is noȝt so siker for þe soule . certes as is dowel For -þi I rede yow renkes . þat riche ben on þis erþe Vp -on trust of your e tresor . triennals to haue Be ye neuer þe bolder . to breke þe .x. ten hestes And namely ye maistres . Meires and Iugges That haue þe welþe of þis world . and for wise men ben holden To purchace yow pardon . and þe popes bulles At þe dredful dome . whan dede shulle rise And comen alle tofore crist . acountes to yelde How þow laddest þi lif here . and hise lawes keptest And how þow didest day by day . þe doom wole reherce A poke -ful of pardon þ ere . ne p rouincials lettres Theiȝ ye be founde in þe fraternite . of alle þe foure ordres And haue Indulgences double -fold . but if dowel yow helpe I sette youre patentes and your e pardon . at one pies hele For -þi I counseille alle cristene . to crie god mercy . And Marie his moder . be oure meene bitwene That god gyue vs g race here . er we go hennes Swiche werkes to werche . while we ben here That after oure deeþ -day . dowel reherce At þe day of dome . we dide as he hiȝte Pass us viij us octauus de visione & primus de Dowel T hus yrobed in russet . I romed aboute Al a somer seson . for to seke dowel And frayned ful ofte . of folk þ at I mette If any wiȝt wiste . wher dowel was at Inne And what man he myȝte be . of many man I asked Was neu ere wiȝt as I wente . þat me wisse kouþe Where þis leode lenged . lasse ne moore Til it bifel on a Friday . two freres I mette Maistres of þe Menours . men of grete witte I hailsed hem hendely . as I hadde y -lerned And preide hem par charite . er þei passed ferþer If þei knewe any contree . or costes as þei wente Where þ at dowel dwelleþ . dooþ me to witene For þei be men of þis moolde . þ at moost wide walken And knowen contrees and courtes . and many kynnes places Boþe p rinces paleises . and pou ere mennes cotes And dowel and doyuele . wher þei dwelle boþe Amonges vs quod þe Meno urs . þat man is dwellynge And euere haþ as I hope . and eu ere shal her -after Contra quod I as a clerc . and comsed to disputen And seide hem sooþly . Sepcies in die cadit Iustus            W.8.21: n ota Seuene siþes seiþ þe book . synneþ þe rightfulle And who -so synneþ I seide . dooþ yuele as me þynkeþ And dowel and doyuele . mowe noȝt dwelle togideres Ergo he nys noȝt alwey . amonges yow freres He is ouþ erwhile ellis -where . to wisse þe peple I shal seye þee my sone . seide þe frere þanne How seuen siþes þe sadde man . on a day synneþ By a forbisne quod þe frere . I shal þee faire shewe Lat brynge a man in a boot . amydde þe brode watre            W.8.30: n ota The wynd and þe water . and þe boot waggyng            W.8.31: n ota Makeþ þe man many a tyme . to falle and to stonde            W.8.32: n ota For stonde he neuer so stif . he stumbleþ if he meue            W.8.33: n ota Ac yet is he saaf and sound . and so hym bihoueþ            W.8.34: n ota For if he ne arise þe raþ er . and rauȝte to þe steere            W.8.35: n ota The wynd wolde wiþ þe water . þe boot ouer -þrowe            W.8.36: n ota And þanne were his lif lost . þoruȝ lachesse of hym -selue            W.8.37: n ota And þus it falleþ quod þe frere . by folk here on erþe            W.8.38: n ota The water is likned to þe world . þat wanyeþ and wexeþ            W.8.39: n ota The goodes of þis grounde arn lik . to þe grete wawes            W.8.40: n ota That as wyndes and wedres . walkeþ aboute            W.8.41: n ota The boot is likned to oure body . þat brotel is of kynde            W.8.42: n ota That þoruȝ þe fend and þe flessh . and þe frele worlde            W.8.43: n ota Synneþ þe sadde man . a day seuen siþes            W.8.44: n ota Ac dedly synne doþ he noȝt . for dowel hym kepeþ And þat is charite þe champion . chief help ayein synne For he strengþeþ men W.8.47: W alone reads men; other B manuscripts have man. to stonde . and steereþ mannes soule And þouȝ þe body bowe . as boot dooþ in þe watre            W.8.48: n ota Ay is þi soule saaf . but if þow wole þi -selue W.8.49:W alone reads þow wole þi-selue; most other B manuscripts read thiself woll, although CrS have thou wylt thyselfe and M has þou þiseluen wole.            W.8.49: n ota Do a deedly synne . and drenche so þi soule God wole suffre wel þi sleuþe . if þi -self likeþ For he yaf þee a yeresȝyue . to yeme wel þi -selue            W.8.52: n ota And þat is wit and free wil . to eu ery wiȝt a porcion            W.8.53: n ota To fleynge foweles . to fisshes and to beestes            W.8.54: n ota Ac man haþ moost þer -of . and moost is to blame            W.8.55: n ota But if he werche wel þ er -wiþ . as dowel hym techeþ            W.8.56: n ota I haue no kynde knowyng quod I . to conceyuen alle youre wordes Ac if I may lyue and loke . I shal go lerne bettre I bikenne þee crist quod he . þat on cros deyde And I seide þe same . saue yow fro myschaunce And ȝyue yow g race on þis grounde . goode men to worþe A Nd þus I wente wide -wher . walkyng myn one By a wilde wildernesse . and by a wodes side Blisse of þe briddes . brouȝte me aslepe            W.8.64: n ota And vnder a lynde vp -on a launde . lened I a stounde To lyþe þe layes . þo louely foweles made Murþe of hire mouþes . made me þer to sleple slepe            W.8.67: n ota The m erueillouseste metels . mette me þanne That euer dremed wiȝt . in world as I wene A muche man as me þouȝte . and lik to my -selue Cam and called me . by my kynde name What artow quod I þo . þ at þow my name knowest That þow woost wel quod he . and no wiȝt bettre Woot I what þow art . þouȝt seide he þanne I haue sued þee þis seuen yeer . seye þow me no raþer Artow þouȝt quod I þoo . þow koudest me wisse Where þ at dowel dwelleþ . and do me þat to knowe Dowel and dobet . and dobest þe þridde quod he            W.8.78: n ota Arn þre faire v ertues . and ben noȝt fer to fynde            W.8.79: n ota Who -so is trewe of his tunge . and of his two handes            W.8.80: n ota And þoruȝ his labour . or þoruȝ his land . his liflode wynneþ            W.8.81: n ota And is trusty of his tailende . takeþ but his owene            W.8.82: n ota And is noȝt dronkelewe ne dedeynous . dowel hym folweþ            W.8.83: n ota Dobet dooþ riȝt þus . ac he dooþ muche moore He is as lowe as a lomb . and louelich of speche            W.8.85: n ota And helpeþ alle men . after þ at hem nedeþ The bagges and þe bigirdles . he haþ to -broke hem alle That þe Erl Auarous . heeld and hise heires And þus wiþ Mammonaes moneie . he haþ maad hym frendes And is ronne to Religion . and haþ rendred þe bible And p recheþ to þe peple . Seint Poules wordes Libenter suffertis insipientes . cu m sitis ip si sapientes And suffreþ þe vnwise . wiþ yow for to libbe            W.8.93: n ota And wiþ glad wille dooþ hem good . for so god yow hoteþ Dobest is aboue boþe . and bereþ a bisshopes crosse Is hoked on þat oon ende . to halie men fro helle A pik is on þat potente . to putte adown þe wikked That waiten any wikkednesse . dowel to tene And dowel and dobet . amonges hem han ordeyned To crowne oon to be kyng . to rulen hem boþe That if dowel or dobet . dide ayein dobest Thanne shal þe kyng come . and casten hem in Irens And but if dobest bede for hem . þei to be þer for euere Thus dowel and dobet . and dobest þe þridde Crouned oon to be kyng . to kepen hem alle And to rule þe Reme . by hire þre wittes And noon ooþer wise . but as þei þre assented I þonked þoȝt þo . þ at he me þus tauȝte Ac yet sauoreþ me noȝt þi seying . I coueite to lerne How dowel . dobet . and dobest . doon among þe peple But wit konne wisse þee quod þoȝt . where þo þre dwelle Ellis woot I noon þat kan . þat now is alyue Thoȝt and I þus . þre daies we yeden Disputyng vp -on dowel . day after ooþ er And er we were war . wiþ wit gonne we mete He was long and lene . lik to noon ooþer Was no pride on his apparaill e . ne pouerte neiþer            W.8.117: n ota Sad of his semblaunt . and of softe chere            W.8.118: n ota I dorste meue no matere . to maken hym to Iangle But as I bad þoȝt þoo . be mene bitwene And pute forþ som p urpos . to preuen hise wittes What was Dowel fro dobet . and dobest from hem boþe Thanne þoȝt in þat tyme . seide þise wordes Where dowel . dobet . and dobest ben in londe Here is wil wolde wite . if wit koude teche hym And wheiþ er he be man or wo mman . þis man fayn wolde aspie And werchen as þei þre wolde . thus is his entente Passus .ix us. nonus de visione vt sup ra & p rim us de Dobet S Ire dowel dwelleþ quod wit . noȝt a day hennes In a Castel þat kynde made . of foure kynnes þynges Of erþe and of Eyr is it maad . medled togideres Wiþ wynd and wiþ water . witterly enioyned Kynde haþ closed þ er -Inne . craftily wiþ -alle A lemman þat he loueþ . lik to hym -selue Anima she hatte . ac enuye hir hateþ A proud prikere of Fraunce . Princeps huius mundi And wolde wynne hire awey . wiþ wiles and he myȝte Ac kynde knoweþ þis wel . and kepeþ hire þe bettre And dooþ hire wiþ sire dowel . is duc of þise Marches Dobet is hire damyselle . Sire doweles douȝter To seruen þis lady leelly . boþe late and raþe Do -best is aboue boþe . a Bisshopes peere That he bit W.9.15: The curved tick over the <i> of bit resembles an <o>. moot be do . he ruleþ hem alle Anima . þat lady . is lad by his leryng Ac þe Constable of þat Castel . þat kepeþ al þe wacche Is a wis knyȝt wiþ -alle . sire Inwit he hatte And haþ fyue faire sones . bi his firste wyue Sire Sewel and Seywel . and here wel þe hende Sire werch wel wiþ þyn hand . a wiȝt man of strengþe And sire Godefray Gowel . grete lordes for -soþe Thise fyue ben set . to kepe W.9.23: W alone reads kepe; other B manuscripts have saue. þis lady anima Til kynde come or sende . to sauen hire for euere What kynnes þyng is kynde quod I . kanstow me telle Kynde quod wit is a creatour . of alle kynnes þynges Fader and formour . of al þ at euere was maked And þat is þe grete god . þat gynnyng hadde neu ere Lord of lif and of liȝt . of lisse and of peyne Aungeles and alle þyng . arn at his wille Ac man is hym moost lik . of marc and of shafte For þoruȝ þe word þ at he spak . woxen forþ beestes Dixit & facta sunt And made man likkest . to hym -self one And Eue of his ryb -bon . wiþ -outen any mene For he was synguler hym -self . and seide faciam us As who seiþ moore moot her -to . þan my word oone My myȝt moot helpe . forþ wiþ my speche           W.9.38: n ota Right as a lord sholde make l ettres . and hym lakked p archemyn           W.9.39: n ota Thouȝ he koude write neu er so wel . if he hadde no penne           W.9.40: n ota The lettre for al þe lordshipe . I leue were neu ere y -maked            W.9.41: n ota And so it semeþ by hym . as þe bible telleþ There he seide . Dixit & facta sunt He moste werche wiþ his word . and his wit shewe And in þis man ere was man maad . þoruȝ myȝt of god almyȝty Wiþ his word and werkmanshipe . and wiþ lif to laste And þus god gaf hym a goost . þoruȝ W.9.47: W alone reads þoruȝ; other B manuscripts have of. þe godhede of heuene And of his grete grace . graunted hym blisse And þat is lif þ at ay shal laste . to al his lynage after And þat is þe Castel þ at kynde made . caro it hatte And is as muche to mene . as man wiþ a Soule And þat he wroȝte wiþ werk . and wiþ word boþe Thorgh myȝt of þe mageste . man was ymaked Inwit and alle wittes . closed ben þ er -Inne For loue of þe lady anima . þat lif is ynempned Ouer al in mannes body . he walkeþ and wandreþ And in þe herte is hir hoom . and hir mooste reste Ac Inwit is in þe heed . and to þe herte he lokeþ What anima is leef or looþ . he lat hire at his wille For after þe grace of god . þe gretteste is Inwit Muche wo worþ þat man . þat mysruleþ his Inwit           W.9.61: n ota And þat ben glotons glubberes . hir god is hire wombe           W.9.62: n ota Quor um deus venter est . For þei seruen Sathan . hir soules shal he haue That lyuen synful lif here . hir soule is lich þe deuel And alle þat lyuen good lif . are lik to god almyȝty Qui manet in caritate in deo manet &c Allas þat drynke shal fordo . þat god deere bouȝte           W.9.68: n ota And dooþ god forsaken hem . þat he shoop to his liknesse           W.9.69: n ota Amen dico vobis . nescio vos / . Et alibi  Et dimisi eos secundum desideria eor um Fooles þat fauten Inwit . I fynde þ at holy chirche Sholde fynden hem þ at hem fauted . and faderlese children And widewes þ at han noȝt wher -w it h . to wynnen hem hir foode Madde men and maydenes . þ at helplese were Alle þise lakken Inwit . and loore bihoueþ Of þis matere I myȝte . make a long tale And fynde fele witnesses . among þe foure docto urs And þ at I lye noȝt of þat I lere þee . luc bereþ witnesse Godfadres and godmodres . þat seen hire godchildren At myseise and at myschief . and mowe hem amende Shul haue penaunce in purgatorie . but þei hem helpe For moore bilongeþ to þe litel barn . er he þe lawe knowe           W.9.82: n ota Than nempnynge of a name . and he neuer þe wiser            W.9.83: n ota Sholde no cristene creature . cryen at þe yate Ne faille payn ne potage . and p relates dide as þei sholden A Iew wolde noȝt se a Iew . go Ianglyng for defaute           W.9.86: n ota For alle þe mebles on þis moolde . and he amende it myȝte Allas þ at a cristene creature . shal be vnkynde til anoþ er           W.9.88: n ota Syn Iewes þ at we Iugge . Iudas felawes           W.9.89: n ota Eyþ er of hem helpeþ ooþ er . of þat þ at hem nedeþ           W.9.90: n ota Whi nel we cristene . of cristes good be as kynde           W.9.91: n ota As Iewes þat ben oure lores -men . shame to vs alle           W.9.92: n ota The co mmune for hir vnkyndenesse . I drede me shul abye Bisshopes shul be blamed . for beggeres sake He is wors þan Iudas . þat ȝyueþ a Iaper siluer And biddeþ þe begger e go . for his broke cloþes Proditor est p relatus cum Iuda qui patrimonium christi minus distribuit  Et alibi  Perniciosus dis - pensator est qui res paup erum christi inutiliter co nsumit he doþ noȝt wel He dooþ noȝt wel þat dooþ þus . ne drat noȝt god almyȝty He loueþ noȝt Salomons sawes . þat Sapience tauȝte Inicium sapiencie timor domini That dredeþ god he dooþ wel . þat dredeþ hym for loue            W.9.101: n ota And noȝt for drede of vengeaunce . dooþ þer -fore þe bettre           W.9.102: n ota He dooþ best þ at wiþ -draweþ hym . by daye and by nyȝte           W.9.103: n ota To spille any speche . or any space of tyme           W.9.104: n ota Qui offendit in vno in om nib us est reus Lesynge of tyme . truþe woot þe soþe Is moost yhated vp -on erþe . of hem þ at ben in heuene And siþþe to spille speche . þat spicerie W.9.108: W alone reads spicerie, "spice"; Hm reads spicere, "spice-dealer," while most other B manuscripts have spire, "shoot." is of grace And goddes gleman . and a game of heuene Wolde neu ere þe feiþful fader . þis fiþele were vntempred Ne his gleman a gedelyng . a goere to tau ernes To alle trewe tidy men . þat trauaille desiren Oure lord loueþ hem and lent . loude ouþ er stille Grace to go to hem . and ofgon hir liflode Inquirentes autem d ominum non minuentur om ni bono Trewe wedded libbynge folk . in þis world is dowel For þei mote werche and wynne . and þe world sustene For of hir kynde þei come . þ at Confesso urs ben nempned Kynges and knyȝtes . kaysers and cherles Maidenes and martires . out of o man come The wif was maad þe weye . for to helpe werche And þus was wedlok y -wroȝt . wiþ a mene p ersone First by þe fadres wille . and þe frendes conseille           W.9.123: n ota And siþenes by assent of hem -self . as þei two myȝte acorde           W.9.124: n ota And þus was wedlok ywroȝt . and god hym -self it made           W.9.125: n ota In erþe . and in heuene . hym -self bereþ witnesse Ac fals folk feiþlees . þeues and lyeres Wastours and wrecches . out of wedlok I trowe Conceyued ben in yuel tyme . as Caym was on Eue Of swiche synfulle sherewes . þe Sauter makeþ mynde Concepit in dolore & peperit iniquitatem &c            W.9.131: n ota And alle þat come of þat Caym . come to yuel ende And W.9.133: W alone reads And; other B manuscripts have For. god sente to Seem . and seide by an Aungel Thyn issue in þyn issue . I wol þat þei be wedded And noȝt þi kynde wiþ Caymes . ycoupled nor yspoused Yet some ayein þe sonde . of oure Saueo ur of heuene Caymes kynde and his kynde . coupled togideres Til god wraþed for hir werkes . and swich a word seide That I makede man . it me forþynkeþ Penitet me fecisse hominem . And com to Noe anon . and bad hym noȝt lette Swiþe go shape a ship . of shides and of bordes Thy -self and þi sones þre . and siþen youre wyues Buskeþ yow to þat boot . and bideþ ye þer -Inne Til fourty daies be fulfild . þ at þe flood haue ywasshen Clene awey þe corsed blood . þat Caym haþ ymaked Beestes þ at now ben . shul banne þe tyme That euere þat cursed Caym . coom on þis erþe Alle shul deye for hise dedes . by dales and by hulles And þe foweles þat fleen . forþ wiþ oþ ere beestes Excepte oonliche . of ech kynde a couple That in þi shyngled ship . shul ben ysaued Here abouȝte þe barn . þe belsires giltes And alle for hir fadres . þei ferden þe werse The gospel is her -ayein . in o degre I fynde Filius no n portabit i niquitate m p atris . et p ater no n portabit i niquitate m filij &c Ac I fynde if þe fader . be fals and a sherewe           W.9.157: n ota That somdel þe sone . shal haue þe sires tacches           W.9.158: n ota Impe on an Eller e . and if þyn appul be swete Muchel m erueille me þynkeþ . and moore of a sherewe           W.9.160: n ota That bryngeþ forþ any barn . but if he be þe same           W.9.161: n ota And haue a Sauo ur after þe sire . selde sestow ooþer           W.9.162: n ota Nu mq uam colligitur de spinis vua W.9.163: The required reading is vuas , "grapes." The error is owed to the hyparchetypal text of WHmCr and is shared by the corrector of M. nec de tribulis ficus And þus þoruȝ cursed Caym . cam care vp -on erþe And al for þei wroȝte wedlokes . ayein goddes wille For -þi haue þei maugre of hir mariages . þ at marie so hir children For some as I se now . sooþ for to telle For coueitise of catel . vnkyndely ben wedded           W.9.168: n ota As careful concepcion . comeþ of swiche mariages As bifel of þe folk . þat I bifore of tolde Ther -fore W.9.171: W alone reads Ther-fore; other B manuscripts have For. goode sholde wedde goode . þouȝ þei no good hadde           W.9.171: n ota I am via & veritas seiþ crist . I may auaunce yow W.9.172: W alone reads yow, which is omitted by other B manuscripts. alle           W.9.172: n ota It is an vncomly couple . by crist as me þynkeþ           W.9.173: n ota To yeuen a yong wenche . to an old feble           W.9.174: n ota Or wedden any wodewe . for welþe of hir goodes           W.9.175: n ota That neu ere shal barn bere . but if it be in hir armes            W.9.176: n ota Many a peire siþen þe pestilence . han pliȝt hem togideres The fruyt þat W.9.178: W alone reads þat; other B manuscripts have þat þey. brynge forþ . arn foule wordes           W.9.178: n ota In Ielousie ioyelees . and ianglynge on bedde Haue þei no children but cheeste . and clappyng W.9.180: clappyng, "loud talk." The reading is shared with Cr. hem bitwene And þouȝ þei do hem to Dunmowe . but if þe deuel helpe To folwen after þe flicche . fecche þei it neuere And but þei boþe be forswore . þat bacon þei tyne For -þi I counseille alle cristene . coueite noȝt be wedded For coueitise of catel . ne of kynrede riche           W.9.185: n ota Ac maidenes and maydenes . macche yow togideres           W.9.186: n ota Wodewes and wideweres . wercheþ þe same           W.9.187: n ota For no londes but for loue . loke ye be wedded           W.9.188: n ota And þanne gete ye þe g race of god . and good ynouȝ to lyue wiþ           W.9.189: n ota And euery maner seculer . þat may noȝt continue           W.9.190: n ota Wisely go wedde . and ware hym fro synne           W.9.191: n ota Fo Fo[r] lecherie in likynge . is lymeyerd of helle Whiles þow art yong . and þi wepene kene            W.9.193: n ota Wreke þee wiþ wyuyng . if þow wolt ben excused            W.9.194: n ota Dum sis vir fortis ne des tua robora scortis            W.9.195: The n ota appears inside the box to the right of the line. Scribitur in portis meretrix est ianua mortis            W.9.196: n ota Whan ye han wyued beþ war . and wercheþ in tyme Noȝt as Adam and Eue . whan Caym was engendred For in vntyme trewely . bitwene man and wo mman Ne sholde no bourde on bedde be . but if þei boþe were clene Boþe of lif and of soule . and in p arfit charite That ilke derne dede do . no man ne sholde And if þei leden þus hir lif . it likeþ god almyȝty For he made wedlok first . and hym -self it seide Bonu m est vt vnusquisq ue vx orem sua m h abeat p ropt er fornicac io nem And þei þ at oþer -gates ben geten . for gedelynges arn holden As fals folk fondlynges . faitours and lieres Vng racious to gete good . or loue of þe peple Wandren and wasten . what þei cacche mowe Ayeins dowel þei doon yuel . and þe deuel serue           W.9.210: n ota And after hir deeþ -day . shul dwelle wiþ þe same            W.9.211: n ota But god gyue hem grace here . hem -self to amende           W.9.212: n ota Dowel my frend is . to doon as lawe techeþ           W.9.213: n ota To loue þi frend and þi foo . leue me þat is dobet            W.9.214: n ota To ȝyuen and to yemen . boþe yonge and olde To helen and to helpen . is do -best of alle And do -wel is to drede god . and do -bet to suffre           W.9.217: n ota And so comeþ do -best of boþe . and bryngeþ adoun þe mody And þat is wikked wille . þat many a werk shendeþ           W.9.219: n ota And dryueþ awey do -wel . þoruȝ dedliche synnes Passus .x us. decimus de visione . et ij us secundus de Dowel T hanne hadde wit a wif . was hote dame Studie That lene was of lere . and of liche boþe She was wonderly wroþ . þat wit me þus tauȝte And al starynge dame Studie . sterneliche loked W.10.4: W alone reads loked; other B manuscripts have seide. Wel artow wis quod she to wit . any wisdomes to telle To flatereres or to fooles . þat frenetike ben of wittes And blamed hym and banned hym . and bad hym be stille Wiþ swiche wise wordes . to wissen any sottes And seide noli mittere man . margery perles Among hogges þat han . hawes at wille Thei doon but dryuele þ er -on . draf were hem leuere Than al þe p recious perree . þat in paradis wexeþ I seye it by swiche quod she . þat sheweþ by hir werkes That hem were leu ere lond . and lordshipe on erþe Or richesse or rentes . and reste at hir wille Than alle þe sooþ sawes . þat Salomon seide eu ere Wisdom and wit now . is noȝt worþ a kerse            W.10.17: n ota But if it be carded wiþ coueitise . as cloþeres kemben hir wolle            W.10.18: n ota Who -so kan contreue deceites . and conspire wronges            W.10.19: n ota And lede forþ a loue -day . to lette wiþ truþe            W.10.20: n ota He þ at swiche craftes kan . to counseil is cleped            W.10.21: n ota Thei lede lordes wiþ lesynges . and bilieþ truþe            W.10.22: n ota Iob þe gentile . in hise gestes witnesseþ            W.10.23: n ota That wikked men þei welden . þe welþe of þis worlde            W.10.24: n ota And þ at þei ben lordes of ech a lond . þat out of lawe libbeþ            W.10.25: n ota Quare impij viuu nt b en e est om nib us qui p reuaricant ur & iniq ue agunt The Sauter seiþ þe same . by swiche þ at doon ille Ecce ip si peccatores habundantes in sec ulo obtinueru nt diuicias Lo seiþ holy lettrure . whiche beþ þise sherewes            W.10.29: n ota Thilke þ at god gyueþ moost . leest good þei deleþ            W.10.30: n ota And moost vnkynde to þe co mmune . þat moost catel weldeþ            W.10.31: n ota Que p erfecisti destruxerunt . iustus autem &c Harlotes for hir harlotrie . may haue of hir goodes            W.10.33: n ota And Iaperis and Iogelo urs . and Iangleris of gestes            W.10.34: n ota Ac he þat haþ holy writ . ay in his mouþe            W.10.35: n ota And kan telle of Tobye . and of twelue Apostles            W.10.36: n ota Or p rechen of þe penaunce . þat Pilat wikkedly W.10.37: The first letters of wikkedly appear to be written over an erasure. W alone reads wikkedly; Cr reads falsely; other B manuscripts omit. wroȝte            W.10.37: n ota To Iesu þe gentile . þat Iewes todrowe            W.10.38: n ota Litel is he loued . þat swich a lesson sheweþ            W.10.39: n ota Or daunted or drawe forþ . I do it on god hym -selue            W.10.40: n ota But þoo þ at feynen hem foolis . and wiþ faityng libbeþ            W.10.41: n ota Ayein þe lawe of oure lord . and lyen on hem -selue            W.10.42: n ota Spitten and spuen . and speke foule wordes            W.10.43: n ota Drynken and dreuelen . and do men for to gape            W.10.44: n ota Likne men and lye on hem . þat leneþ hem no ȝiftes            W.10.45: n ota Thei konne namoore mynstralcie . ne Musik men to glade            W.10.46: n ota Than Munde þe Millere . of Multa fecit deus Ne were hir vile harlotrye . haue god my trouþe Sholde neu ere kyng ne knyȝt . ne Chanon of Seint Poules Ȝyue hem to hir yeresȝyue . þe ȝifte of a grote Ac murþe and mynstralcie . amonges men is nouþe            W.10.51: n ota Lecherie . losengerye . and losels tales            W.10.52: n ota Glotonye and grete oþes . þis murþe þei louyeþ            W.10.53: n ota Ac if þei carpen of crist . þise clerkes and þise lewed            W.10.54: n ota At mete in hir murþe . whan Mynstrals beþ stille            W.10.55: n ota Thanne telleþ þei of þe Trinite . a tale ouþer tweye            W.10.56: n ota And bryngen forþ a balled reson . and taken Bernard to witnesse            W.10.57: n ota And puten forþ a p resumpcion . to preue þe soþe            W.10.58: n ota Thus þei dryuele at hir deys . þe deitee to knowe            W.10.59: n ota And gnawen god wiþ þe gorge . whanne hir guttes fullen            W.10.60: n ota Ac þe carefulle may crie . and carpen at þe yate            W.10.61: n ota Boþe afyngred and a -furst . and for chele quake            W.10.62: n ota Is þ er noon to nyme hym neer . his anoy W.10.63: W alone reads anoy; other B manuscripts have noy. to amende            W.10.63: n ota But hunten hym as an hound . and hoten hym go þennes            W.10.64: n ota Litel loueþ he þat lord . þat lent hym al þat blisse            W.10.65: n ota That þus parteþ wiþ þe pou ere a p arcell e whan hym nedeþ            W.10.66: n ota Ne were mercy in meene men . moore þan in riche            W.10.67: n ota Mendinauntz metelees . myȝte go to bedde            W.10.68: n ota God is muche in þe gorge . of þise grete maistres            W.10.69: n ota Ac amonges meene men . his mercy and hise werkes            W.10.70: n ota And so seiþ þe Sauter . I haue seiȝen it ofte            W.10.71: n ota Ecce audiuim us eam in effrata inuenim us eam in campis silue W.10.72: There is evidence of a letter cropped at the end, perhaps &c as in Hm. Clerkes and oþ ere kynnes men . carpen of god faste And haue hym muche in þe mouþ . ac meene men in herte Freres and faito urs . han founde swiche questions            W.10.75: n ota To plese wiþ proude men . syn þe pestilence tyme            W.10.76: n ota And p rechen at Seint Poules . for pure enuye of clerkes            W.10.77: n ota That folk is noȝt fermed in þe feiþ . ne free of hire goodes            W.10.78: n ota Ne sory for hire synnes . so is pride woxen            W.10.79: n ota In Religion and in al þe Reme . amonges riche and pou ere            W.10.80: n ota That preieres haue no power . þe pestilence to lette            W.10.81: n ota And yet þe wrecches of þis world . is noon ywar by ooþ er            W.10.82: n ota Ne for drede of þe deeþ . wiþ -drawe noȝt hir pride            W.10.83: n ota Ne beþ plenteuouse to þe pou ere . as pure charite wolde            W.10.84: n ota But in gaynesse and in glotonye . forglutten hir good hem -selue            W.10.85: n ota And brekeþ noȝt to þe begger e . as þe book techeþ            W.10.86: n ota Frange esurienti panem tuum &c            W.10.87: n ota And þe moore he wynneþ and welt . welþes and richesse            W.10.88: n ota And lordeþ in londes . þe lasse good he deleþ            W.10.89: n ota Tobye telleþ yow noȝt so . takeþ hede ye riche How þe book bible . of hym bereþ witnesse Si tibi sit copia habundant er tribue Si autem exiguu m illud imp ertiri stude libenter Who -so haþ muche spende manliche . so seiþ Tobye            W.10.94: n ota And who -so litel weldeþ . rule hym þer -after            W.10.95: n ota For we haue no lettre of oure lif . how longe it shal dure            W.10.96: n ota Swiche lessons lordes sholde . louye to here            W.10.97: n ota And how he myȝte moost meynee . manliche fynde            W.10.98: n ota Nouȝt to fare as a fiþeler e or a frere . for to seke festes Homliche at oþ ere mennes houses . and hatien hir owene Elenge is þe halle . ech day in þe wike Ther þe lord ne þe lady . likeþ noȝt to sitte Now haþ ech riche a rule . to eten by hym -selue            W.10.103: n ota In a pryuee parlour . for pou ere mennes sake            W.10.104: n ota Or in a chambre wiþ a chymenee . and leue þe chief halle            W.10.105: n ota That was maad for meles . men to eten Inne            W.10.106: n ota And al to spare to spende . þat spille shal anoþ er            W.10.107: n ota I haue yherd heiȝe men . etynge at þe table Carpen as þei clerkes were . of crist and of hise myȝtes And leyden fautes vp -on þe fader . þat formede vs alle And carpen ayein clerkes . crabbede wordes Why wolde oure Saueo ur suffre . swich a worm in his blisse That bigiled þe wo mman . and þe man after Thoruȝ whiche wiles and wordes . þei wente to helle And al hir seed for hir synne . þe same deeþ suffrede Here lyeþ youre lore . þise lordes gynneþ dispute Of þat þe clerkes vs kenneþ . of crist by þe gospel Filius non portabit iniquitatem patris &c Why sholde we þat now ben . for þe werkes of Adam Roten and to -rende . Reson wolde it neu ere Vnusquisq ue portabit onus suum &c Swiche motyues þei meue W.10.122: The reading could as well be mene. . þise maistres in hir glorie And maken men in mysbileue . þ at muse muche on hire wordes Ymaginatif her -afterward . shal answere to hir W.10.124: W alone reads hir; other B manuscripts have youre. purpos Austyn to swiche Argueres . telleþ þis teme Non plus sapere q uam oportet Wilneþ neu ere to wite . why þ at god wolde Suffre Sathan . his seed to bigile Ac bileueþ lelly . in þe loore of holy chirche And preie hym of pardon . and penaunce in þi lyue And for his muche mercy . to amende yow here For alle þat wilneþ to wite . þe weyes of god almyȝty I wolde his eiȝe were in his ers . and his fynger after That eu ere wilneþ to wite . why þ at god wolde Suffre Sathan . his seed to bigile Or Iudas to þe Iewes . Iesu bitraye Al was as þow woldest . lord yworshiped be þe W.10.137: W alone reads þe; other B manuscripts have þow. And al worþ as þow wolt . what -so we dispute And þo þat vseþ þise hauylons . to blende mennes wittes What is dowel fro dobet . þ at W.10.140: W alone reads þat; other B manuscripts have now. deef mote he worþe Siþþe he wilneþ to wite . whiche þei ben boþe But if he lyue in þe lif . þat longeþ to dowel For I dar ben his bolde borgh . þ at dobet wole he neu ere Theiȝ dobest drawe on hym . day after ooþer And whan þ at wit was ywar . what dame Studie tolde He bicom so confus . he kouþe noȝt loke And as doumb as deeþ . and drouȝ hym arere And for no carpyng I . kouþe after . ne knelyng to þe grounde I myȝte gete no greyn . of his grete wittes But al lauȝynge he louted . and loked vp -on Studie In signe þ at I sholde . bisechen hire of grace And whan I was war of his wille . to his wif gan I loute And seide mercy madame . youre man shal I worþe As longe as I lyue . boþe late and raþe For to werche your e wille . þe while my lif dureþ Wiþ þat ye kenne me kyndely . to knowe what is dowel For þi mekenesse man quod she . and for þi mylde speche I shal kenne þee to my Cosyn . þat Clergie is hoten He haþ wedded a wif . wiþ -Inne þise sixe monþes Is sib to W.10.160: W alone reads to; other B manuscripts have to þe. seuen artz . Scripture is hir name They two as I hope . after my techyng Shullen wissen þee to dowel . I dar it vnder -take Thanne was he al -so fayn . as fowel of fair morwe And gladder þan þe gleman . þat gold haþ to ȝifte And asked hire þe heighe wey . where þ at Clergie dwelte And tel me som tokene quod I . for tyme is þ at I wende Aske þe heighe wey quod she . hennes to Suffre Boþe wele and wo . if þ at þow wolt lerne And ryd forþ by richesse . ac rest þow noȝt þ er -Inne For if þow couplest þee þ er -wiþ . to clergie comestow neu ere And also þe likerouse launde . þat lecherie hatte Leue it on þi left half . a large myle or moore Til þow come to a court . kepe wel þi tunge Fro lesynges and liþer speche . and likerouse drynkes Thanne shaltow se Sobretee . and Sympletee of speche That ech wight be in wille . his wit þee to shewe And þus shaltow come to Clergie . þat kan manye þynges Seye hym þis signe . I sette hym to Scole And þ at I grete wel his wif . for I wroot hire manye bokes And sette hire to Sapience . and to þe Sauter glose Logyk I lerned hire . and manye oþere lawes And alle W.10.182: W alone reads alle; other B manuscripts have alle þe. Musons in Musik . I made hire to knowe Plato þe poete . I putte W.10.183: W alone reads putte; other B manuscripts have putte hym. first to boke Aristotle and oþ ere mo to argue I tauȝte Grammer for girles . I garte first to write And bette hem wiþ a baleys . but if þei wolde lerne Of alle kynne craftes . I contreued tooles Of Carpentrie of kerueres . and compased Masons And lerned hem leuel and lyne . þouȝ I loke dymme Ac Theologie haþ tened me . ten score tymes The moore I muse þ er -Inne . þe mystier it semeþ            W.10.191: n ota And þe depper I deuyne . þe derker me it þynkeþ            W.10.192: n ota It is no Science for -soþe . for to sotile Inne A ful leþi þyng it were . if þ at loue nere Ac for it leteþ W.10.195: W alone reads leteþ; most other B manuscripts have let. best bi loue . I loue it þe bettre For þ ere þ at loue is ledere . þer lakked neu ere g race            W.10.196: n ota Loke þow loue lelly . if þee likeþ dowel            W.10.197: n ota For do -bet and do -best . ben of loues kynne In ooþ er Science it seiþ . I seiȝ it in Catou n Qui simulat verbis vel corde est fidus amicus Tu quoq ue fac simile . sic ars deluditur arte Who -so gloseþ as gylours doon . go me to þe same            W.10.202: n ota And so shaltow fals folk . and feiþlees bigile            W.10.203: n ota This is Catons kennyng . to clerkes þat he lereþ Ac Theologie techeþ noȝt so . who -so takeþ yeme He kenneþ vs þe cont rarie . ayein Catons wordes For he biddeþ vs be as breþeren . and bidde for oure enemys            W.10.207: n ota And louen hem þ at lyen on vs . and lene hem whan hem nedeþ            W.10.208: n ota And do good ayein yuel . god hym -self it hoteþ            W.10.209: n ota Du m te mpus h abem us op erem ur bonu m ad o mnes . maxi me aute m ad domesticos fidei Poul p reched þe peple . þat p arfitnesse louede To do good for goddes loue . and gyuen men þ at asked            W.10.212: n ota And namely to swiche . as suwen oure bileue And alle þ at lakkeþ vs or lyeþ . oure lord techeþ vs to louye            W.10.214: n ota And noȝt to greuen hem þ at greueþ vs . god hym -self forbad it            W.10.215: n ota Michi vindictam & ego retribuam For -þi loke þow louye . as longe as þow durest            W.10.217: n ota For is no science vnder sonne . so souereyn for þe soule            W.10.218: n ota Ac Astronomye is an hard þyng . and yuel for to knowe Geometrie and Geomesie . so gynful of speche            W.10.220: n ota Who -so þynkeþ werche w it h þo two . þryueþ ful late            W.10.221: n ota For sorcerie is þe Sou ereyn book . þ at to þo Sciences bilongeþ Yet ar þer fibicches in forceres . of fele mennes makyng Exp erimentz of Alkenamye . þe peple to deceyue If þow þynke to dowel . deel þer -wiþ neuere Alle þise Sciences I my -self . sotilede and ordeynede And founded hem formest . folk to deceyue Tel Clergie þis tokene . and Scripture after To counseille þee kyndely . to knowe what is dowel I seide g rant m ercy madame . and mekely hir grette And wente wightly awey . wiþ -oute moore lettyng And til I com to clergie . I koude neu ere stynte And grette þe goode man . as Studie me tauȝte And afterwardes þe wif . and worshiped hem boþe And tolde hem þe tokenes . þat me tauȝt were Was neu ere gome vp -on þis ground . siþ god made þe worlde Fairer vnderfongen . ne frendlier atese at ese Than my -self sooþly . soone so he wiste That I was of wittes hous . and wiþ his wif dame Studie I seide to hem sooþly . þat sent was I þider Do -wel and dobet . and dobest to lerne It is a co mmune lyf quod Clergie . on holy chirche to bileue Wiþ alle þe articles of þe feiþ . þat falleþ to be knowe And þat is to bileue lelly . boþe lered and lewed On þe grete god . þat gynnyng hadde neu ere And on þe sooþfast sone . þat saued man -kynde Fro þe dedly deeþ . and W.10.247: W alone reads and; other B manuscripts have and þe. deueles power Thoruȝ þe help of þe holy goost . þe which goost is of boþe Thre p ersones . ac noȝt in plurel nombre For al is but oon god . and ech is god hym -selue Deus pater / deus filius / deus spiritus s anc tus God þe fader / god þe sone . god holy goost of boþe Makere of man -kynde . and of beestes boþe Austyn þe olde . her -of made bokes And hym -self ordeyned . to sadde vs in bileue Who was his Auctour . alle þe foure Eu aungelistes And Crist cleped hym -self so . þe Eu aungelistes bereþ witnesse W.10.257: After this line WHmCr omit the line Ego in patre & pater in me est & qui videt me . videt et patrem meum (as in L). Alle þe clerkes vnder crist . ne koude þis assoille But þus it bilongeþ to bileue . to lewed þat willen dowel For hadde neu ere freke fyn wit . þe feiþ to dispute Ne man hadde no merite . myȝte it ben ypreued Fides non h abet meritu m vbi humana racio p rebet exp erimentu m Thanne is dobet to suffre . for þe soules helþe Al þat þe book bit . bi holi cherches techyng . And þat is man bi þy myȝt . for m ercies sake Loke þow werche it in werk . þat þi word sheweþ            W.10.266: n ota Swich as þow semest in siȝte . be in assay y -founde Appare quod es vel esto quod appares And lat no -body be . by þi beryng bigiled            W.10.269: n ota But be swich in þi soule . as þow semest wiþ -oute            W.10.270: n ota Thanne is dobest to be boold . to blame þe gilty Syþenes þow seest þi -self . as in soule clene            W.10.272: n ota Ac blame þow neu ere body . and þow be blame -worþy            W.10.273: n ota Si culpare velis . culpabilis esto cauebis W.10.274: A fifteenth-century hand has added no ta . Dogma tuu m sordet . cu m te tua culpa remordet God in þe gospel . greuously repreueþ Alle þat lakkeþ any lif . and lakkes han hem -selue Qui co nsideras festuca m in oc ulo fr atris tui . trabem in oc ulo tuo &c Why meuestow þi mood for a mote . in þi broþ eres eiȝe            W.10.279: n ota Siþen a beem in þyn owene . ablyndeþ þi -selue W.10.280: As at line 10.274, a fifteenth-century hand has added no ta and has drawn a line linking 10.279 and 10.280.            W.10.280: n ota Eice primo trabem in oculo tuo &c Which letteþ þee to loke . lasse ouþ er moore            W.10.282: n ota I rede ech a blynd bosard . do boote to hym -selue For Abbotes and for Priours . and for alle man ere p relates As p ersons and parissh preestes . þat p reche sholde and teche Alle maner men to amenden . bi hire myȝtes This text was told yow . to ben ywar W.10.287: W alone reads ywar; other B manuscripts have war. er ye tauȝte That ye were swiche as ye seye W.10.288: W alone reads seye; most other B manuscripts have seyde. . to salue wiþ oþ ere For goddes word wolde noȝt be lost . for þat wercheþ eu ere If it auailled noȝt þe co mmune . it myȝte auaille yow -selue Ac it semeþ now sooþly . to þe worldes siȝte That goddes word wercheþ noȝt . on lered ne on lewed But in swich a manere . as Marc meneþ in þe gospel Dum cecus ducit cecum ambo in foueam cadunt            W.10.294: n ota Lewed men may likne yow þus . þ at þe beem liþ in youre eiȝen And þe festu is fallen . for your e defaute In alle maner men . þoruȝ mansede preestes The bible bereþ witnesse . þ at al þe folk of Israel Bittre abouȝte þe giltes . of two badde preestes Offyn and Fynes . for hir coueitise Archa dei myshapped . and Ely brak his nekke For -þi ye Correctours claweþ her -on . and correcteþ first yow -selue And þanne mowe ye safly seye . as Dauid made in þe Sauter Existimasti iniq ue q uod ero tui si milis argua m te & statua m co nt ra facie m tuam And thanne shul burel clerkes ben abasshed . to blame yow or to greue And carpen noȝt as þei carpe now . ne W.10.306: W alone reads ne; F reads to; other B manuscripts have and. calle yow doumbe houndes Canes non valentes latrare And drede to wraþe yow in any word . your e werkmanship to lette And be prester at youre preiere . þan for a pound of nobles And al for youre holynesse . haue ye þis in herte In scole þ ere is scorn . but if a clerk wol lerne            W.10.311: n ota And gret loue and likyng . for ech of hem loueþ ooþer            W.10.312: n ota Ac now is Religion a rydere . a Romer e aboute W.10.313: W alone reads aboute; other B manuscripts have by stretes.            W.10.313: n ota A leder e of louedayes . and a lond buggere            W.10.314: n ota A prikere on a palfrey . fro Manere to Manere            W.10.315: n ota Anheep An heep of houndes at his ers . as he a lord were            W.10.316: n ota And but if his knaue knele . þat shal his coppe brynge            W.10.317: n ota He loureþ on hym and askeþ hym . who tauȝte hym curteisie            W.10.318: n ota Litel hadde lordes to doon . to ȝyue lond from hire heires To Religiouse þat han no rouþe . þouȝ it reyne on hir Auters            W.10.320: n ota In many places þer þei ben p ersons W.10.321: W alone reads ben persons; other B manuscripts have persouns ben. . be hem -self atese at ese            W.10.321: n ota Of þe pou ere haue þei no pite . and þat is hir charite            W.10.322: n ota Ac þei leten hem as lordes . hire londes lyen so brode            W.10.323: n ota Ac þ er shal come Ac þer shal come a kyng . and confesse yow Religiouses W.10.324: This is the line which Skeat called "this famous prediction, so curiously fulfilled in the time of Henry the Eighth" (Rev. Walter W. Skeat, ed., The Vision of William Concerning Piers the Plowman, in Three Parallel Texts (London: Oxford University Press, 1886), p. 69. The second no ta may be in the hand of a sixteenth-century reader excited by the accuracy of Langland's "prediction."            W.10.324: n ota And bete yow as þe bible telleþ . for brekynge of your e rule            W.10.325: n ota And amende Monyals . Monkes and Chanons            W.10.326: n ota And puten to W.10.327: W alone reads to; other B manuscripts have hem to. hir penaunce . Ad pristinu m statum ire            W.10.327: n ota And Barons wiþ Erles beten hem . þoruȝ Beatus virres techyng            W.10.328: n ota That hir barnes claymen . and blame yow foule            W.10.329: n ota Hij in currib us & hij in equis ip si obligati sunt &c And þanne Freres in hir frayto ur . shul fynden a keye            W.10.331: n ota Of Costantyns cofres . in which is þe catel            W.10.332: n ota That Gregories godchildren . han yuele despended            W.10.333: n ota And þanne shal þe Abbot of Abyngdou n . and al his issue for eu ere W.10.334: There is a scribble (possibly a <d>) to the right of this line.            W.10.334: n ota Haue a knok of a kyng . and incurable þe wounde            W.10.335: n ota That þis worþ sooþ seke ye . þat ofte ouer -se þe bible Quomodo cessauit exactor quieuit tributu m . contriuit d ominus baculu m i mp ior um . et virga m d ominanciu m cedenciu m plaga insanabili Ac er þat kyng come . Caym shal awake But dowel shal dyngen hym adoun . and destruye his myȝte Thanne is dowel and do -bet . quod I . d ominus and knyȝthode I nel noȝt scorne quod Scripture . but if scryueynes lye Kynghod ne knyȝthod . by noȝt I kan awayte Helpeþ noȝt to heueneward . oone heris ende Ne richesse riȝt noȝt . ne Reautee of lordes Poul preueþ it impossible . riche men to haue heuene            W.10.345: n ota Salomon seiþ also . þ at siluer is worst to louye            W.10.346: n ota Nichil iniquius q uam amare pecuniam And Caton kenneþ vs to coueiten it . nauȝt but as nede techeþ Dilige denarium set parce dilige formam And Patriarkes and p rophetes . and Poetes boþe Writen to wissen vs . to wilne no richesse And preiseden pouerte w it h pacience . þe Apostles bereþ witnesse That þei han Eritage in heuene . and by trewe riȝte Ther riche men no riȝt may cleyme . but of ruþe and g race Contra quod I by crist . þat kan I repreue And preuen it by Peter . and by Poul boþe That is baptized beþ saaf . be he riche or pou ere That is in extremis quod Scripture . amonges Sarzens & Iewes They mowen be saued so . and þat is oure bileue That an vncristene in þat caas . may cristen an heþen And for his lele bileue . whan he þe lif tyneþ Haue þe heritage of heuene . as any man cristene Ac cristene men wiþ -oute moore . maye noȝt come to heuene For þ at crist for cristene men . deide and confermed þe lawe That who -so wolde and wilneþ . wiþ crist to arise Si cum Christo surexistis &c He sholde louye and lene . and þe lawe fulfille That is loue þi lord god . leuest abouen alle And after alle cristene creatures . in co mmune ech man ooþ er And þus bilongeþ to louye . þat leueþ be W.10.370: W alone reads be; other B manuscripts have to be. saued And but we do þus in dede . at W.10.371: W alone reads at; other B manuscripts have er, ar, or. þe day of dome It shal bisitten vs ful soure . þe siluer þ at we kepen And oure bakkes þ at moþe -eten be . and seen beggeris go naked Or delit in wyn and wilde fowel . and wite any in defaute For eu ery cristene creature . sholde be kynde til ooþer            W.10.375: n ota And siþen heþen to helpe . in hope of amendement God hoteþ heiȝe and lowe . þ at no man hurte ooþ er And seiþ slee noȝt þat semblable is . to myn owene liknesse But if I sende þee som tokene . and seiþ Non meca beris W.10.379: The scribe has written the more obvious necaberis and then altered this to mecaberis by adding a minim in the red ink used for the box. Other B manuscripts reading necaberis or necabis are CrYLOC 2 and G (altered). See John Alford's discussion of the textual variations in Piers Plowman: A Guide to the Quotations (Binghamton: MRTS, 1992): 68-69. Is slee noȝt but suffre . and al for þe beste            W.10.380: n ota For I shal punysshe hem in p urgatorie . or in þe put of helle Ech man for hise mysdedes . but mercy it lette T his is a long lesson quod I . and litel am I þe wiser Where dowel is or dobet . derkliche ye shewen Manye tales ye tellen . þ at Theologie lerneþ And þ at I man maad was . and my name yentred In þe legende of lif . longe er I were Or ellis vnwriten for som wikkednesse . as holy writ witnesseþ Nemo ascendit ad celum . nisi qui de celo descendit I leue it wel quod I by oure lord . and on no lettrure bettre For Salomon þe sage . þat Sapience tauȝte God gaf hym g race of wit . and alle hise goodes after He demed wel and wisely . as holy writ telleþ Aristotle and he . who wissed men bettre Maistres þat of goddes m ercy . techen men and p rechen Of hir wordes þei wissen vs . for wisest as in hir tyme And al holy chirche . holdeþ hem boþe ydampned And if I sholde werche by hir werkes . to wynne me heuene That for hir werkes and wit . now wonyeþ in pyne Thanne wrouȝte I vnwisly . what -so -eu ere ye p reche Ac of fele witty in feiþ . litel ferly I haue Thouȝ hir goost be vng racious . god for to plese For many men on þis moolde . moore setten hir hertes            W.10.403: n ota In good þan in god . for -þi hem g race failleþ            W.10.404: n ota At hir mooste meschief . whan þei shal lif lete As Salomon dide and swiche oþ ere . þat shewed grete wittes Ac hir werkes as holy writ seiþ . were eu ere þe cont rarie For -þi wise witted men . and wel ylettrede clerkes As þei seyen hem -self . selde doon þer -after Sup er cathedra Moysi &c Ac I wene it worþ of manye . as was in Noes tyme Tho he shoop þat ship . of shides and of bordes Was neu ere wrighte saued þat wroȝte þ er -on . ne ooþ er werkman ellis But briddes and beestes . and þe blissed Noe And his wif wiþ hise sones . and also hire wyues Of wightes þat it wroȝte . was noon of hem ysaued God lene W.10.417: The reading could as well be leue. it fare noȝt so bi folk . þat þe feiþ techeþ Of holi chirche þat herberwe is . and goddes hous to saue W.10.418: We have not offered an interpretation of the mark at the end of this line. It could represent a flourish, the top of a punctus elevatus, or a move toward writing the "nota" abbreviation. And shilden vs from shame þ er -inne . as Noes ship dide beestes And men þat maden it . amydde þe flood adreynten The culor um of þis clause . curatours is to mene That ben Carpenters holy kirk to make . for cristes owene beestes Homines & iumenta saluabis d omine &c On good Friday I fynde . a felon was ysaued That hadde lyued al his lif . wiþ lesynges and w it h þefte And for he beknede to þe cros . and to crist shrof hym He was sonner ysaued . þan Seint Ioh an þe Baptist And or Adam or Ysaye . or any of þe p rophetes That hadde yleyen wiþ lucifer . many longe yeres A Robber e was y -raunsoned . raþer þan þei alle Wiþ -outen any penaunce of p urgatorie . to p erpetuel blisse Than Marie Maudeleyne . what wo mman dide werse Or who worse þan Dauid . þat vries deeþ conspired Or Poul þe Apostle . þat no pite hadde Muche cristene kynde . to kille to deþe And now ben þise as Sou ereyns . wiþ Seintes in heuene Tho þ at wrouȝte wikkedlokest . in world þo þei were And þo þ at wisely wordeden . and writen manye bokes Of wit and of wisedom . wiþ dampned soules wonye That Salomon seiþ I trowe be sooþ . and c ertein of vs alle Sine W.10.441: The reading could as well be Siue. iusti atq ue sapientes . & op era eor um in manu dei sunt &c Ther are witty and wel libbynge . ac hire werkes ben yhudde In þe hondes of almyȝty god . and he woot þe soþe Wher -fore a man worþ allowed þ ere . and hise lele werkes Or ellis for his yuel wille . and for enuye of herte And be allowed as he lyued so . for by þe W.10.446: W alone reads þe luþere; other B manuscripts omit þe. luþ ere men knoweþ þe goode And wher -by wiste men which were W.10.447: W alone reads were; other B manuscripts have is. whit . if alle þyng blak were And who were a good man . but if þer were som sherewe For -þi lyue we forþ wiþ oþ ere men . I leue fewe ben goode For quant / oportet / vient en place . il nyad q ue / pati W.10.450: The virgules that separate oportet and pati from the rest of the line show that the scribe recognised these two words as Latin. Skeat comments on the mixture of Latin and French, and modernises as "quand oportet vient en place, il n'y a que pati" (Rev. Walter W. Skeat, ed., The Vision of William Concerning Piers the Plowman, in Three Parallel Texts (London: Oxford University Press, 1886), 2.162-3). For further parallels see John A. Alford, Piers Plowman: A Guide to the Quotations (Binghamton, 1992), pp. 69-70. In a private communication, Professor Robert Cook writes: "A case could be made for the entire thing being Anglo-Norman except oportet . That might even make sense, in that the one Latin word designates an outside force. The weakening of final /r/ in the infinitive patir is Eastern in origin (M. K. Pope, From Latin to Modern French with Especial Consideration of Anglo-Norman: Phonology and Morphology (Manchester University Press, 1934), § 401, note **) but spread pretty widely (she finds it in Paris in the 13th c but I have noticed it in Picard texts of the 14th also). Pope ascribes this weakening to Anglo-Norman in § 1193 but does not discuss it or give examples of -ir class infinitives or other cases where the /r/ is absolute final. The retention of final unsupported /t, θ, d, ð/ in AN forms of avoir is probably best presented in her § 1210, where she discusses ad specifically." And he þat may al amende . haue mercy on vs alle For soþest word þat eu er god seide . was þo he seide Nemo bonus Clergie þo of cristes mouþ . comended was it litel For he seide to Seint Peter . and to swiche as he louede Cum steteritis ante Reges & presides &c Thouȝ ye come bifore kynges . and clerkes of þe lawe Beþ noȝt abasshed . for I shal be in youre mouþes And ȝyue yow wit and wille . and konnyng to conclude Hem alle þat ayeins yow . of cristendom disputen Dauid makeþ mencion . he spak amonges kynges And myȝte no kyng ou ercomen hym . as by konnynge of speche But wit and wisedom . wan neu ere þe maistrie Whan man was at meschief . wiþ -oute þe moore g race The douȝtieste doctour . and deuino ur of þe trinitee Was Austyn þe olde . and heiȝest of þe foure Seide þus in a sermon . I seigh it writen ones Ecce ip si ydioti rapiu nt celu m vbi nos sapientes in inferno m ergim ur W.10.468: A later hand (probably different from that beside 10.274 and 10.280) has written no ta in the left margin. And is to mene to men W.10.468: W alone reads men; most other B manuscripts have Englissh men. . moore ne lesse Arn none raþ er yrauysshed . fro þe riȝte bileue            W.10.469: n ota Than are þise konnynge clerkes . þat konne manye bokes            W.10.470: n ota Ne none sonner saued . ne sadder of bileue            W.10.471: n ota Than Plowmen and pastours . and oþ ere co mmune laborers            W.10.472: n ota Souteres and shepherdes . and oþ ere W.10.473: W alone reads oþere; other B manuscripts have suche. lewed Iuttes            W.10.473: n ota Percen wiþ a Pater nost er . þe paleys of heuene            W.10.474: n ota And passen Purgatorie penauncelees . at hir hennes partyng In -to þe blisse of Paradis . for hir pure bileue That inparfitly here knewe . and ek lyuede Ye men knowe clerkes . þat han corsed þe tyme That euere þe þe[i] kouþe or knewe moore . þan Credo in deu m patrem And p rincipally hir pater noster . many a p ersone haþ wisshed I se ensamples my -self . and so may manye oþ ere            W.10.481: n ota That s eruauntz þat seruen lordes . selde fallen in arerage            W.10.482: n ota But þo þat kepen þe lordes catel . clerkes and Reues            W.10.483: n ota Right so lewed men . and of litel knowyng            W.10.484: n ota Selden falle þei so foule . and so fer in synne            W.10.485: n ota As clerkes of holy chirche . þat kepen cristes tresor            W.10.486: n ota The which is mannes soule to saue . as god seiþ in þe gospel W.10.488: The line is written as two lines in the right margin and boxed in red. Ite vos in vinea m mea m Passus vndecim us T hanne Sc ripture scorned me . and a skile tolde And lakked me in latyn . and liȝt by me she sette And seide Multi multa sciunt & seip sos nesciunt Tho wepte I for wo . and wraþe of hir speche And in a wynkynge wraþe . weex I aslepe A m erueillous metels mette me þanne That I was rauysshed riȝt þ ere . and Fortune me fette And in -to þe lond of longynge . allone she me brouȝte And in a Miro ur þat hiȝte middelerþe . she made me to biholde Sone W.11.10: W alone reads Sone; most other B manuscripts have Siþen. she seide to me . here myȝtow se wondres And knowe þat þow coueitest . and come þ er -to p araunter Thanne hadde Fortune folwynge hire . two faire damyseles Concupiscencia carnis . men called þe elder mayde And Coueitise of eiȝes . ycalled was þat ooþer Pride of parfit lyuynge . pursued hem boþe And bad me for my contenaunce . acounten Clergie liȝte Concupiscencia carnis . colled me aboute þe nekke And seide þow art yong and yeep . and hast yeres ynowe            W.11.18: n ota For to lyue longe . and ladies to louye            W.11.19: n ota And in þis Mirour þow myȝt se . myȝtes ful manye That leden þee wole to likynge . al þi lif -tyme The secounde seide þe same . I shal sewe þi wille Til þow be a lord and haue lond . leten þee I nelle That I ne shal folwe þi felawship . if Fortune it like He shal fynde me his frend . quod Fortune þer -after The freke þat folwede my wille . failled neu ere blisse            W.11.26: n ota Thanne was þ er oon þat hiȝte Elde . þat heuy was of chere Man quod he if I mete wiþ þe . by Marie of heuene Thow shalt fynde Fortune þee faille . at þi mooste nede And Concupiscencia carnis . clene þee forsake Bittrely shaltow banne þanne . boþe dayes and nyȝtes Coueitise of eiȝe . þat euere þow hir knewe And pride of parfit lyuynge . to muche p eril þee brynge Ye recche þee neu ere quod Rechelesnesse . stood forþ in raggede cloþes Folwe forþ þat Fortune wole . þow hast wel fer til Elde A man may stoupe tyme ynoȝ . whan he shal tyne þe crowne            W.11.36: n ota Homo p roponit quod a poete . and Plato he hiȝte And Deus disponit quod he . lat god doon his wille If truþe wol witnesse it be wel do . Fortune to folwe Concupiscencia carnis . ne Coueitise of eiȝes Ne shal noȝt greue þee gretly . ne bigile W.11.41: W alone omits þee after bigile. but if þow wolt þi -selue W.11.41: W alone reads þi-selue; other B manuscripts omit it. Ye fare -wel Phippe quod Faunteltee . and forþ gan me drawe Til Concupiscencia carnis . acorded alle my werkes Allas eiȝe quod Elde . and holynesse boþe That wit shal torne to wrecchednesse . for wil to haue his likyng            W.11.45: n ota Coueitise of eiȝes . conforted me anoon after And folwed me fourty wynter . and a fifte moore That of dowel ne dobet . no deyntee me þouȝte I hadde no likyng leue me if þee list . of hem ouȝt to knowe Coueitise of eiȝes . com ofter in mynde Than dowel or dobet . among my dedes alle Coueitise of eiȝes . conforted me ofte            W.11.52: n ota And seide haue no conscience . how þow come to goode            W.11.53: n ota Go confesse þee to som frere . and shewe hym þi synnes            W.11.54: n ota For whiles Fortune is þi frend . freres wol þee louye            W.11.55: n ota And fecche þee to hir Frat ernitee . and for þe biseke            W.11.56: n ota To hir Priour p rouincial . a pardon for to haue            W.11.57: n ota And preien for þee pol by pol . if þow be pecuniosus            W.11.58: n ota Set pena pecuniaria non sufficit p ro sp iritualib us delictis By wissynge of þis wenche I wrouȝte . hir wordes were so swete Til I foryat youþe . and yarn in -to Elde And þanne was Fortune my foo . for al hir faire speche W.11.62: W alone reads speche; other B manuscripts have biheste.            W.11.62: n ota And pou erte p ursued me . and putte me lowe            W.11.63: n ota And þo fond I þe frere afered . and flittynge boþe Ayeins oure firste forward . for I seide I nolde Be buried at hire hous . but at my parisshe chirche For I herde ones . how Conscience it tolde That þ ere a man were cristned . by kynde he sholde be buryed Or wher e he were parisshen . riȝt þ ere he sholde be grauen And for I seide þus to freres . a fool þei me helden And loued me þe lasse . for my lele speche Ac yet I cryde on my Confesso ur . þat heeld hym -self so konnyng            W.11.72: n ota By my feiþ frere quod I . ye faren lik þise woweris            W.11.73: n ota That wedde none widwes . but for to welden hir goodes            W.11.74: n ota Riȝt so by þe roode . rouȝte ye neuere            W.11.75: n ota Where my body were buryed . by so ye hadde my siluer            W.11.76: n ota Ich haue muche m erueille of yow . and so haþ many anoþ er Whi youre Couent coueiteþ . to confesse and to burye Raþ er þan to baptize barnes . þat ben Catecumelynges Baptizynge and buryinge . boþe beþ ful nedefulle Ac muche moore meritorie . me þynkeþ it is to baptize For a baptized man may . as þise maistres telleþ Thoruȝ contricion come . to þe heiȝe heuene W.11.84: This boxed line appears as an insertion placed immediately to the right of the previous line with two red diagonal pen strokes to indicate its proper place in the sequence. The hand of the text is that of the original scribe. Sola contricio &c Ac barn wiþ -outen bapteme . may noȝt so be saued Nisi quis renat us fuerit . loke ye lettred men . wheiþ er I lye or do noȝt . And lewte loked on me . and I loured after Wher -fore lourestow quod lewtee . and loked on me harde If I dorste quod I amonges men . þis metels auowe Ȝis by Peter and by Poul quod he . and took hem boþe to witnesse Non oderis fr atres secrete in corde tuo . set publice argue illos They wole aleggen also quod I . and by þe gospel preuen Nolite iudicare quemquam . And wher -of serueþ lawe q uod lewtee . if no lif vndertoke it Falsnesse ne faiterie . for som -what þe Apostle seide Non oderis fr atrem . And in þe Saut er also . seiþ dauid þe p rophete Existimasti iniq ue q uod ero tui similis &c It is licitum for lewed men . to sigge þe soþe            W.11.98: n ota If hem likeþ and lest . ech a lawe it graunteþ            W.11.99: n ota Excepte p ersons and preestes . and p relates of holy chirche            W.11.100: n ota It falleþ noȝt for þat folk . no tales to telle            W.11.101: n ota Thouȝ þe tale be trewe . and it touche synne            W.11.102: n ota Þyng þ at al þe world woot . wher -fore sholdestow spare To reden it in Retorik . to arate dedly synne Ac be neu ere -moore þe firste . defaute W.11.105: W alone omits þe before defaute. to blame Thouȝ þow se yuel seye it noȝt first . be sory it nere amended No þyng þat is pryue . publice þow it neu ere            W.11.107: n ota Neiþer for loue preise W.11.108: W alone reads preise; most other B manuscripts have laude. it noȝt . ne lakke it for enuye            W.11.108: n ota Parum lauda vitupera parcius He seiþ sooþ quod Scripture þo . and skipte anheiȝ an heiȝ and p reched Ac þe matere þat she meued . if lewed men it knewe Þe lasse as I leue . louyen it þei wolde This was hir teme and hir text . I took ful good hede Multi to a mangerie . and to þe mete were sompned And whan þe peple was plener comen . þe porter vnpynned þe yate And plukked In Pauci pryueliche . and leet þe remenaunt go rome Al for tene of hir text . trembled myn herte And in aweer a weer gan I wexe . and wiþ my -self to dispute Wheiþ er I were chosen or noȝt chosen . on holichirche I þouȝte That vnderfonged me atte font . for oon of goddes chosene For crist cleped vs alle . come if we wolde Sarzens and scismatikes . and so he dide þe Iewes O vos omnes sicientes venite &c And bad hem souke for synne . safly at his breste And drynke boote for bale . brouke it who -so myȝte Thanne may alle cristene come quod I . and cleyme þ ere entree By þe blood þat he bouȝte vs wiþ . and þoruȝ bapteme after Qui crediderit & baptizatus fuerit &c For þouȝ a cristen man coueited . his cristendom to reneye Riȝtfully to reneye . no reson it wolde For may no cherl chartre make . ne his catel selle Wiþ -outen leue of his lord . no lawe wol it graunte Ac he may renne in arerage . and rome so fro home And as a reneyed caytif . recchelesly rennen aboute And reson shal rekene wiþ hym . and casten hym in arerage And putten hym after in a prison . in purgatorie to brenne For hise arerages rewarden hym þ ere . to þe day of dome But if Contricion wol come . and crye by his lyue Mercy for hise mysdedes . wiþ mouþe and wiþ herte That is sooþ seide Scripture . may no synne lette Mercy al to amende . and Mekenesse hir folwe For þei beþ as oure bokes telleþ . aboue goddes werkes Misericordia eius sup er omnia opera eius Ye baw for bokes quod oon . was broken out of helle Hiȝte Troianus hadde ben a trewe knyȝt . took witnesse at a pope How he was ded and dampned . to dwellen in pyne For an vncristene creature . clerkes wite þe soþe That al þe clergie vnder crist . ne myȝte me cracche fro helle But oonliche loue and leautee . and my laweful domes Gregorie wiste þis wel . and wilned to my soule Sauacion for sooþnesse . þat he seiȝ in my werkes And after þat he wepte . and wilned me were graunted Grace . wiþ -outen any bede biddyng . his boone was vnderfongen And I saued as ye see . wiþ -outen syngynge of masses By loue and by lernyng . of my lyuynge in truþe            W.11.155: n ota Brouȝte me fro bitter peyne . þer no biddyng myȝte            W.11.156: n ota Lo ye lordes what leautee dide . by an Emp erour of Rome That was an vncristene creature . as clerkes fyndeþ in bokes Nouȝt þoruȝ preiere of a pope . but for his pure truþe Was þat Sarsen saued . as Seint Gregorie bereþ witnesse Wel ouȝte ye lordes þ at lawes kepe . þis lesson to haue in mynde And on Troianus truþe to þenke . and do truþe to þe peple Lawe wiþ -outen loue quod Troianus . ley þer a bene            W.11.163: n ota Or any Science vnder sonne . þe seuene artz and alle But þei ben lerned for oure lordes loue . lost is al þe tyme For no cause to cacche siluer þ er -by . ne to be called a maister But al for loue of oure lord . and þe bet to loue þe peple For Seint Ioh an seide it . and soþe arn hise wordes Qui non diligit manet in morte Who -so loueþ noȝt leue me . he lyueþ in deeþ -deyinge And þ at alle manere men . enemyes and frendes            W.11.171: n ota Loue hir eyþer ooþer . and lene hem as hem -selue            W.11.172: n ota Who -so leneþ noȝt he loueþ noȝt . god woot þe soþe            W.11.173: n ota Crist W.11.174: W alone reads Crist; F reads he; other B manuscripts have And. comaundeþ ech a creature . to conformen hym to louye            W.11.174: n ota And souereynly þe pou ere peple . and hir enemyes after            W.11.175: n ota For hem þat haten vs . is oure merite to louye            W.11.176: n ota And pou ere peple to plese . hir preieres maye vs helpe            W.11.177: n ota And oure Ioye and oure heele . Iesu crist of heuene            W.11.178: n ota In a pou ere mannes apparaille . pursued vs euere            W.11.179: n ota And lokeþ on vs in hir liknesse . and þat wiþ louely chere            W.11.180: n ota To knowen vs by oure kynde herte . and castynge of oure eiȝen            W.11.181: n ota Wheiþ er we loue þe lordes here . bifore þe lord of blisse            W.11.182: n ota And exciteþ vs by þe Eu aungelie . þ at whan we maken festes We sholde noȝt clepe oure kyn þ er -to . ne none kynnes riche Cum facitis conuiuia nolite inuitare amicos Ac calleþ þe carefulle þ er -to . þe croked and þe pou ere            W.11.186: n ota For youre frendes wol feden yow . and fonde yow to quyte Youre festynge and youre faire ȝifte . ech frend quyteþ so ooþ er Ac for þe pou ere I shal paie . and pure wel quyte hir t rauaille            W.11.189: n ota That ȝyueþ hem mete or moneie . or loueþ hem for my sake            W.11.190: n ota For þe beste ben som riche . and some beggeres and pouere            W.11.191: n ota For alle are we cristes creatures . and of his cofres riche            W.11.192: n ota And breþ eren as of oo blood . as wel beggeres as Erles            W.11.193: n ota For on Caluarie of cristes blood . cristendom gan sprynge            W.11.194: n ota And blody breþ eren we bicome þ ere . of o body ywonne            W.11.195: n ota As quasi modo geniti . and gentil men echone            W.11.196: n ota No beggere ne boye amonges vs . but if it synne made Qui facit peccatum seruus est peccati &c In þe olde lawe . as holy lettre telleþ Mennes sones . men callen W.11.200: W alone reads callen; most other B manuscripts have called, though B has calliþ. vs echone Of Adames issue and Eue . ay til god -man deide And after his resurexcion . Redemptor was his name And we hise breþ eren þoruȝ hym ybouȝt . boþe riche and pou ere For -þi loue we as leue breþ eren . and ech man laughe of ooþ er            W.11.204: n ota And of þat ech man may forbere . amende þ ere it nedeþ            W.11.205: n ota And euery man helpe ooþ er . for hennes shul we alle            W.11.206: n ota Alter alterius onera portate And be we noȝt vnkynde of oure catel . ne of oure konnyng neiþ er            W.11.208: n ota For woot no man how neiȝ it is . to ben ynome fro boþe            W.11.209: n ota For -þi lakke no lif ooþ er . þouȝ he moore latyn knowe Ne vndernyme noȝt foule . for is noon wiþ -oute defaute For what -euere clerkes carpe . of cristendom or ellis Crist to a co mmune wo mman seide . in co mmune at a feste That Fides sua sholde sauen hire . and saluen hire of synnes Thanne is bileue a lele help . aboue logyk or lawe Of logyk or of lawe . in legenda s anc tor um Is litel alowaunce maad . but if bileue hem helpe For it is ouer -longe er logyk . any lesson assoille And lawe is looþ to louye . but if he lacche siluer Boþe logyk and lawe . þat loueþ noȝt to lye I conseille alle cristene . clyue noȝt þer -on to soore For some wordes I fynde writen . þ at were of Feiþes techyng That saued synful men . as Seint Ioh an bereþ witnesse Eadem mensura qua mensi fueritis remecietur vobis For -þi lerne we þe lawe of loue . as oure lord tauȝte            W.11.225: n ota And as Seint Gregorie seide . for mannes soule helþe            W.11.226: n ota Melius est scrutari scelera n ostra q uam naturas rer um Why I meue þis matere . is moost for þe pouere For in hir liknesse oure lord . ofte haþ ben yknowe Witnesse in þe Pask wyke . whan he yede to Em aus Cleophas ne knew hym noȝt . þ at he crist were For his pou ere apparaill e . and pilgrymes wedes Til he blessede and brak . þe breed þ at þei eten So bi hise werkes þei wisten . þ at he was Iesus Ac by cloþyng þei knewe hym noȝt . ne by carpynge of tunge And al was in ensample . to vs synfulle here            W.11.236: n ota That we sholde be lowe . and loueliche of speche            W.11.237: n ota And apparaille vs noȝt ouer -proudly . for pilgrymes are we alle            W.11.238: n ota And in þe apparaille of a pou ere man . and pilgrymes liknesse            W.11.239: n ota Many tyme god haþ ben met . among nedy peple            W.11.240: n ota Ther neuere segge hym seiȝ . in secte of þe riche            W.11.241: n ota Seint Ioh an and oþ ere seintes . were seyen in poore cloþyng And as pou ere pilgrymes . preyed mennes goodes Iesu crist on a Iewes doȝter liȝte . gentil wo mman þouȝ she were Was a pure pouere maide . and to a pou ere man ywedded Martha on Marie Maudeleyne . anhuge an huge pleynt made And to oure Saueour self . seide þise wordes D omine non est tibi cure q uod soror mea reliquit me sola m ministrare And hastily god answerde . and eiþ eres wille folwed Boþe Marthaes and Maries . as Mathew bereþ witnesse Ac pouerte god putte bifore . and preised þat þe bettre            W.11.251: n ota Maria optimam partem elegit que non &c And alle þe wise þ at eu ere were . by auȝt I kan aspye Preiseden W.11.254: The past tense Preiseden is shared with M; other B manuscripts have Preisen. pouerte for best lif . if Pacience it folwed W.11.254: W alone reads folwed; most other B manuscripts have folwe. And boþe bettre and blesseder . by many fold þan Richesse For W.11.256: W alone reads For; other B manuscripts have And or Al. þouȝ it be sour to suffre . þer -after comeþ swete            W.11.256: n ota As on a walnote wiþ -oute . is a bitter barke            W.11.257: n ota And after þat bitter bark . be þe shelle aweye            W.11.258: n ota Is a kernel of confort . kynde to restore            W.11.259: n ota So is after pouerte or penaunce . paciently ytake            W.11.260: n ota For it makeþ a man to haue mynde . in god and a gret wille            W.11.261: n ota To wepe and to wel bidde . wher -of wexeþ Mercy            W.11.262: n ota Of which crist is a kernell e . to conforte þe soule            W.11.263: n ota And wel sikerer he slepeþ . þe man þat is pou ere And lasse he dredeþ deeþ . and in derke to ben yrobbed            W.11.265: n ota Than he þat is riȝt riche . Reson bereþ witnesse            W.11.266: n ota Paup er ego ludo dum tu diues meditaris Al -þouȝ Salomon seide . as folk seeþ in þe bible Diuicias nec paupertates &c Wiser þan Salomon was . bereþ witnesse and tauȝte That parfit pouerte was . no possession to haue            W.11.271: n ota And lif moost likynge to god . as luc bereþ witnesse            W.11.272: n ota Si vis p erfectus esse . vade & vende W.11.273: W alone omits &c after vende . And is to mene to men . þat on þis moolde lyuen Who -so wole be pure parfit . moot possession forsake Or selle it as seiþ þe book . and þe siluer dele To beggeris þat goon and begge . and bidden good for goddes loue For failed neuere man mete . þat myȝtful god serueþ            W.11.278: n ota As Dauid seiþ in þe Sauter . to swiche þ at ben in wille To serue god goodliche . ne greueþ hym no penaunce Nichil inpossibile volenti Ne lakkeþ neu ere liflode . lynnen ne wollen Inquirentes autem d ominum non minuent ur om ni bono If preestes weren parfite . þei wolde no siluer take            W.11.284: n ota For masses ne for matyns . noȝt hir mete of vsureres            W.11.285: n ota Ne neiþer kirtel ne cote . þeiȝ þei for cold sholde deye And þei hir deuoir dide . as Dauid seiþ in þe Sauter Iudica me deus & discerne causam meam Spera in deo . spekeþ of preestes . þat haue no spendyng siluer That if þei trauaille truweliche . and truste in god almyȝty            W.11.290: n ota Hem sholde lakke no liflode . neyþer lynnen ne wollen            W.11.291: n ota And þe title þ at þei And þe title þat ye W.11.292: W and R read ye; other B manuscripts have þey, which is the reading in W's catchwords at the foot of fol. 64v. take ordres by . telleþ ye ben auaunced Thanne nedeþ yow noȝt to take siluer . for masses þat ye syngen For he þat took yow youre title . sholde take yow youre wages Or þe bisshop þat blessed yow . if þ at ye ben worþi For made neu ere kyng no knyȝt . but he hadde catel to spende            W.11.296: n ota As bifel for a knyȝt . or foond hym for his strengþe It is a careful knyȝt . and of a caytif kynges makyng            W.11.298: n ota That haþ no lond ne lynage riche . ne good loos of hise handes            W.11.299: n ota The same I segge for -soþe . by alle swiche preestes            W.11.300: n ota That han neiþ er konnynge ne kyn . but a crowne one            W.11.301: n ota And a title a tale of noȝt . to his liflode at his meschief            W.11.302: n ota He haþ moore bileue as I leue . to lacche þoruȝ his croune            W.11.303: n ota Cure . þan for konnyng . or knowen for clene berynge            W.11.304: n ota I haue wonder for why W.11.305: W alone reads for; most other manuscripts have and. . and wher -fore þe bisshop .            W.11.305: n ota Makeþ swiche preestes . þat lewed men bitrayen            W.11.306: n ota A chartre is chalangeable . bifore a chief Iustice            W.11.307: n ota If fals latyn be in þat lettre . þe lawe it impugneþ            W.11.308: n ota Or peynted p arentrelynarie . or p arcelles ouer -skipped The gome þat gloseþ so chartres . for a goky is holden So is it a goky by god . þat in his gospel failleþ            W.11.311: n ota Or in masse or in matyns . makeþ any defaute            W.11.312: n ota Qui offendit in vno in omnib us est reus And also in þe sauter . seiþ dauid to ouerskipperis Psallite deo nostro psallite q uoniam rex terre deus Isr ael psallite sapien ter W.11.315: The page is cropped after sapien ; other B manuscripts have sapienter . The bisshop shal be blamed . bifore god as I leue            W.11.316: n ota That crouneþ swiche goddes knyȝtes . þat konneþ noȝt sapienter            W.11.317: n ota Synge ne psalmes rede . ne seye a masse of þe day            W.11.318: n ota And neuer neiþer is blamelees . þe bisshop ne þe Chapeleyn            W.11.319: n ota For hir eiþ er is endited . and that is Ignorancia            W.11.320: n ota Non excusat ep iscopos nec ydiot W.11.321: The <t> of ydiot has a large downward loop. This might be taken as an inflexion, though in this mixture of Latin and English, it is uncertain whether the word should be regarded as Latin, English, or indeed French. The word occurs as ydioti in the Latin line W.10.467, and without the loop as ydiot in W.16.178. The loop on <t> is usually without function, even within Latin contexts (e. g. uiuit W.11.398). Despite their usual practice, but presumably on the basis of the reading of other B manuscripts, Kane and Donaldson expanded to ydiot es , which Skeat interprets as "an adjective with the French plural ending" (Rev. Walter W. Skeat, ed., The Vision of William Concerning Piers the Plowman, in Three Parallel Texts (London: Oxford University Press, 1886), 2.176). Mustanoja notes in his discussion of the feature that the inflected adjective is usually placed after the noun ( A Middle English Syntax. Part I: Parts of Speech Mémoires de la Société Néophilologique de Helsinki, 23 (Helsinki: Société Néophilologique, 1960), p. 277). See Introduction. preestes This lokynge on lewed preestes . haþ doon me lepe from pou erte The which I preise þer pacience is . moore p arfit þan richesse A c muche moore in metynge þus . wiþ me gan oon dispute And slepynge I seiȝ al þis . and siþen cam kynde And nempned me by my name . and bad me nymen hede And þoruȝ þe wondres of þis world . wit for to take And on a mountaigne þat myddel -erþe . hiȝte as me þouȝte I was fet forþ . by ensamples to knowe Thorugh ech a creature and kynde . my creatour to louye I seiȝ þe sonne and þe see . and þe sond after And where þ at briddes and beestes . by hir makes yeden Wilde wormes in wodes . and wonderful foweles Wiþ fleckede feþeres . and of fele colours Man and his make . I myȝte boþe biholde Pouerte and plentee . boþe pees and werre Blisse and bale boþe . I seiȝ al atones at ones And how men token Mede . and Mercy refused Reson I seiȝ sooþly . sewen alle beestes In etynge in drynkynge . and in engendrynge of kynde And after cours of concepcion . noon took kepe of ooþer As whan þei hadde ryde in Rotey -tyme . anoon riȝt þer -after Males drowen hem to males . amorwenynges by hem -selue And in euenynges also . þe males ben fro femelles Ther ne was cow ne cowkynde . þat conceyued hadde That wolde belwe after boles . ne boor after sowe Boþe hors and houndes . and alle oþere beestes Medled noȝt wiþ hir makes . þat wiþ fole were Briddes I biheld . þat in buskes made nestes Hadde neuere wye wit . to werche þe leeste I hadde wonder at whom . and wher þe pye lerned To legge þe stikkes . in whiche she leyeþ and bredeþ Ther nys wriȝte as I wene . sholde werche hir nestes to paye If any Mason made a molde þ er -to . muche wonder it were Ac W.11.355: W alone reads Ac. Most other B manuscripts have And. yet me m erueilled moore . how many oþ ere briddes Hidden and hileden . hir egges ful derne In Mareys and moores . for men sholde hem noȝt fynde And hidden hir egges . whan þei þer -fro wente For fere of oþ ere foweles . and for wilde beestes And some troden hir makes . and on trees bredden And brouȝten forþ hir briddes so . al aboue þe grounde And some briddes at þe bile . þoruȝ breþyng conceyued And some caukede I took kepe . how pecokkes bredden Muche m erueilled me . what maister hem made W.11.364: W alone reads hem made; all other B manuscripts have þei hadde(n). And who tauȝte hem on trees . to tymbre so heiȝe Ther neiþ er burn ne beest . may hir briddes rechen And siþen I loked vp -on þe see . and so forþ vp -on þe sterres Manye selkouþes I seiȝ . ben noȝt to seye nouþe I seiȝ floures in þe fryth . and hir faire colours And how among þe grene gras . growed so manye hewes And some soure and some swete . selkouþ me þouȝte Of hir kynde and hir colour . to carpe it were to longe Ac þat moost meued me . and my mood chaunged That Reson rewarded . and ruled alle beestes            W.11.374: n ota Saue man and his make . many tyme and ofte            W.11.375: n ota No Reson hem folwede . and þanne I rebukede            W.11.376: n ota Reson / . and riȝt til hym -seluen I seyde            W.11.377: n ota I haue wonder of þee quod I . þat witty art holden Why þow ne sewest man and his make . þ at no mysfeet hem folwe And Reson arated me . and seide recche þee neu ere Why I suffre or noȝt suffre . þi -self hast noȝt to doone            W.11.381: n ota Amende þow it if þow myȝt . for my tyme is to abide            W.11.382: n ota Suffraunce is a souerayn v ertue . and a swift vengeaunce Who suffrede moore þan god quod he . no gome as I leeue He myȝte amende in a Minute -while . al þat mysstandeþ Ac he suffreþ for som mannes goode . and so it W.11.386: W alone reads it; all other B manuscripts omit it. is oure bettre The wise and þe witty . wroot þus in þe bible De re que te non molestat noli certare For be a man fair or foul . it falleþ noȝt for to lakke The shap ne þe shaft . þat god shoop hym -selue For al þat he dide was wel ydo . as holy writ witnesseþ Et vidit deus cuncta que fecerat & erant valde bona And bad euery creature . in his kynde encreesse Al to murþe wiþ man . þat moste wo þolie In fondynge of þe flessh . and of þe fend boþe For man was maad of swich a matere . he may noȝt wel asterte That ne som -tyme hym bitit . to folwen his kynde Caton acordeþ þer -wiþ . Nemo sine crimine viuit Tho cauȝte I colour anoon . and comsed to ben ashamed And awaked þer -wiþ . wo was me þanne That I in metels ne myȝte . moore haue yknowen And þanne seide I to my -self . and chidde þat tyme Now I woot what dowel is quod I . by deere god as me þynkeþ And as I caste vp myne eiȝen . oon loked on me and asked Of me what þyng it were . ywis sire I seide To se muche and suffre moore . certes quod I is dowel            W.11.406: n ota Haddestow suffred he seide . slepynge þo þow were Thow sholdest haue knowen þat clergie kan . & co ntreued moore þoruȝ Res on W.11.408: The leaf is cropped after Res. Other B manuscripts have Resoun. For Reson wolde haue reherced þee . riȝt as Clergie seide Ac for þyn entremetynge . here artow forsake Philosophus esses si tacuisses Adam whiles he spak noȝt . hadde paradis at wille            W.11.412: n ota Ac whan he mamelede aboute mete . and entremetede to knowe            W.11.413: n ota The wisedom and þe wit of god . he was put fram blisse            W.11.414: n ota And riȝt so ferde Reson bi þee . þow wiþ þi rude speche Lakkedest and losedest þyng . þat longed þe noȝt to doone Tho hadde he no likyng . for to lere þe moore Pryde now and p resumpcion . p arauent ure wol þee appele That Clergie þi compaignye . kepeþ noȝt to suwe Shal neu ere chalangynge ne chidynge . chaste a man so soone            W.11.420: n ota As shal shame and shenden hym . and shape hym to amende            W.11.421: n ota For lat a dronken daffe . in a dyk falle            W.11.422: n ota Lat hym ligge loke noȝt on hym . til hym liste aryse W.11.423: W alone reads aryse; Cr has to aryse, and most other B manuscripts have to ryse.            W.11.423: n ota For þouȝ Reson rebuked hym þanne . it were but pure synne            W.11.424: n ota Ac whan nede nymeþ hym vp . for doute lest he sterue            W.11.425: n ota And shame shrapeþ hise cloþes . and hise shynes wassheþ            W.11.426: n ota Thanne woot þe dronken daffe . wher -fore he is to blame            W.11.427: n ota Ye siggen sooþ quod I . ich haue yseyen it ofte Ther smyt no þyng so smerte . ne smelleþ so soure As shame þ ere he sheweþ hym . for euery man hym shonyeþ Why ye wisse me þus quod I . was for I rebuked Reson Certes quod he þat is sooþ . and shoop hym for to walken And I aroos vp riȝt wiþ þat . and folwed hym after And preyde hym of his curteisie . to telle me his name Passus .xij us. duodecimus W.12.0: The top of the leaf has been cropped with the loss of the tops of letters in this heading. I am ymaginatif quod he . ydel was I neu ere Thouȝ I sitte by my -self . in siknesse nor W.12.2: W alone reads nor; LMR read ne; F has or; other B manuscripts have and. in helþe I haue folwed þee in feiþ . þise fyue and fourty wynter And manye tymes haue meued þee . to þynke on þyn ende And how fele fernyeres are faren . and so fewe to come And of þi wilde wantownesse . þo þow yong were To amende it in þi myddel age . lest myȝt þe failled In þyn olde elde . þat yuele kan suffre Pouerte or penaunce . or preyeres to bidde Si non in prima vigilia nec in s ec unda &c Amende þee while þow myȝt . þow hast ben warned ofte            W.12.11: n ota Wiþ poustees of pestilences . wiþ pou erte and w it h angres And wiþ þise bittre baleises . god beteþ his deere children Quem diligo castigo And Dauid in þe Sauter seiþ . of swiche þat loueþ Iesus Virga tua & baculus tuus ip sa me consolata sunt Al -þouȝ þow strike me wiþ þi staf . wiþ stikke or wiþ yerde            W.12.17: n ota It is but murþe as for me . to amende my soule            W.12.18: n ota And þow medlest þee wiþ makynges . and myȝtest go seye þi sauter And bidde for hem þ at ȝyueþ þee breed . for þer are bokes yknowe W.12.20: W alone reads yknowe, "known"; most other B manuscripts have ynowe, "enough." To telle men what dowel is . dobet and dobest boþe And p rechours to preuen what it is . of many a peire freres I seiȝ wel he seide me sooþ . and som -what me to excuse Seide Caton conforted me his sone . þ at clerk þouȝ he were To solacen hym som -tyme . as I do whan I make Interpone tuis interdum gaudia curis And of holy men I herde quod I . how þei ouþ er -while Pleyden þe parfiter . to ben in manye places Ac if þer were any wight . þat wolde me telle What were do -wel . and dobet . and do -best at þe laste Wolde I neu ere do werk . but wende to holichirche And þ ere bidde my bedes . but whan ich ete or slepe Poul in his pistle quod he . preueþ what is dowel Fides / spes / caritas . et maior hor um &c Feiþ / hope / and Charite . and alle ben goode And sauen men sondry tymes . ac noon so soone as Charite For he dooþ wel wiþ -outen doute . þat dooþ as lewte techeþ That is if þow be man maryed . þi make þow louye And lyue forþ as lawe wole . while ye lyuen boþe Riȝt so if þow be Religious . ren þow neu ere ferþer To Rome ne to Rochemador . but as þi rule techeþ And hold þee vnder obedience . þat heigh wey is to heuene And if þow be maiden to marye . and myȝt wel continue Seke þow neuere Seint ferþer . for no soule helþe For what made lucifer . to lese þe heiȝe heuene Or Salomon his sapience . or Sampson his strengþe Iob þe Iew his ioye . ful deere W.12.47: W alone reads ful deere; other B manuscripts omit ful and follow dere with it, he, or both. abouȝte Aristotle and oþ ere mo . ypocras and virgile Alisaundre þat al wan . elengliche ended Catel and kynde wit . was combraunce to hem alle Felice hir fairnesse . fel hire al to sclaundre And Rosamounde riȝt so . reufulliche to bileue The beaute of hir body . in baddenesse she despended Of manye swiche I may rede . of men and of wo mmen            W.12.54: n ota That wise wordes wolde shewe . and werche þe cont rarie            W.12.55: n ota Sunt ho mi nes neq uam bene de virtute loquentes And riche renkes riȝt so . gaderen and sparen And þo men þat þei moost haten . mynistren it at þe laste And for þei suffren and see . so manye nedy folkes And loue hem noȝt as oure lord bit . þei lesen hir soules Date & dabitur vobis And Richesse riȝt so . but if þe roote be trewe Ac grace is a gras þ er -of . þo greuaunces to abate Ac grace ne groweþ noȝt . but amonges lowe Pacience and pouerte . þe place hiȝte W.12.65: W alone reads hiȝte; other B manuscripts have is. þer it groweþ And in lele lyuynge men . and in lif -holy And þoruȝ þe gifte of þe holy goost . as þe gospel telleþ Spiritus vbi vult spirat Clergie and kynde wit . comeþ of siȝte and techyng As þe book bereþ witnesse . to burnes þat kan rede Quod scim us loquim ur . quod vidim us testamur Of quod scimus comeþ Clergie . and konnynge of heuene And of quod vidim us comeþ kynde wit . of siȝte of diu erse peple Ac g race is a gifte of god . and of greet loue spryngeþ Knew neu ere clerk how it comeþ forþ . ne kynde wit þe weyes Nescit aliquis vnde venit . aut quo vadit W.12.76: To the right of the box, the scribe has written a decorative nota abbreviation followed by &c. Manuscripts CrCBRF lack &c. &c Ac yet is Clergie to comende . and kynde wit boþe And namely Clergie for cristes loue . þat of Clergie is roote For Moyses witnesseþ þ at god wroot . for to wisse þe peple In þe olde lawe as þe lettre telleþ . þat was þe lawe of Iewes That what wo mman were in auoutrye taken . where she W.12.81: WF read where she; HmLM read were sche ( were he in R); other B manuscripts omit. W's where is either a unique spelling of were or the contracted form of whether: "whether she (were)." riche or poore Wiþ stones men sholde hir strike . and stone hire to deþe A wo mman as I fynde W.12.83: W alone reads I fynde; other B manuscripts have we fynden. . was gilty of þat dede Ac crist of his curteisie . þoruȝ clergie hir saued And þoruȝ caractes þat crist wroot . þe Iewes knewe hem -selue Giltier as afore god . and gretter in synne Than þe wo mman þat þ ere was . and wenten awey for shame The Clergie þat þ ere was . conforted þe womman Holy kirke knoweþ þis . þat cristes writyng saued hire So clergie is confort . to creatures þat repenten And to mansede men . meschief at hire ende For goddes body myȝte noȝt ben . of breed wiþ -outen clergie            W.12.92: n ota The which body is boþe . boote to þe riȝtfulle            W.12.93: n ota And deeþ and dampnacion . to hem þat deyeþ yuele            W.12.94: n ota As cristes caracte confortede . and boþe coupable shewed The wo mman þat þe Iewes brouȝte . þat Iesus þouȝte to saue Nolite iudicare & non iudicabimini Riȝt so goddes body breþ eren . but if it be worþili taken Dampneþ vs at þe day of dome . as þe caractes dide þe Iewes For -þi I counseille þee for cristes sake . clergie þ at þow louye For kynde wit is of his kyn . and neiȝe Cosynes boþe To oure lord leue me . for -þi loue hem I rede For boþe ben as Mirours . to amenden oure defautes And lederes for lewed men . and for lettred boþe For -þi lakke þow neu ere logik . lawe ne hise custumes Ne countreplede clerkes . I counseille þee for euere For as a man may noȝt see . þat mysseþ hise eiȝen            W.12.107: n ota Namoore kan no Clerk . but if he cauȝte it first þoruȝ bokes            W.12.108: n ota Al -þouȝ men made bokes . god was þe maister            W.12.109: n ota And seint Spirit þe Samplarie . & seide what men sholde write W.12.110: After this WHmCr omit the line And riȝt as syȝte serueth a man . to se þe heighe strete (as in L). Riȝt so ledeþ lettrure . lewed men to Reson            W.12.111: n ota And as a blynd man in bataille . bereþ wepne to fiȝte            W.12.112: n ota And haþ noon hap wiþ his ax . his enemy to hitte            W.12.113: n ota Namoore kan a kynde witted man . but clerkes hym teche            W.12.114: n ota Come for al his kynde wit . to cristendom and be saued            W.12.115: n ota Which is þe cofre of cristes tresor . and clerkes kepe þe keyes To vnloken it at hir likyng . and to þe lewed peple Ȝyue mercy for hire mysdedes . if men it wole aske Buxomliche and benigneliche . and bidden it of g race Archa dei in þe olde lawe . leuytes it kepten Hadde neu ere lewed man leue . to leggen hond on þat cheste But he were preest or preestes sone . Patriark or p rophete For Clergie is kepere . vnder crist of heuene Was þ er neu ere no knyȝt . but clergie hym made Ac kynde wit comeþ . of alle kynnes siȝtes Of briddes and of beestes . of tastes of truþe and of deceites Lyueris toforn vs . vseden to marke For selkouþes þ at þei seiȝen . hir sones for to teche And helden it an heiȝ science . hir wittes to knowe Ac þoruȝ hir science W.12.130: The scribe has written science in a darker ink, perhaps over an erasure. sooþly . was neu ere no soule ysaued Ne broȝt by hir bokes . to blisse ne to ioye For alle hir kynde knowynges come . but of diu erse siȝtes Patriarkes and p rophetes . repreueden hir science And seiden hir wordes and hir wisdomes . nas but a folye And W.12.135: W alone reads And; other manuscripts have As. to þe clergie of crist . counted it but a trufle Sapiencia huius mundi stulticia est apud deum            W.12.136: n ota For þe heiȝe holy goost . heuene shal to -cleue And loue shal lepen out after . in -to þe W.12.138: W alone reads þe; most other manuscripts have þis. lowe erþe And clennesse shal cacchen it . and clerkes shullen it fynde Pastores loquebantur adinuicem ad inuicem He spekeþ þ ere of riche men riȝt noȝt . ne of riȝt witty Ne of lordes þat were lewed men . but of þe hyeste lettred oute Ibant magi ab oriente If any frere were founde þ ere . I ȝyue þee fyue shillynges Ne in none burgeises W.12.145: W alone reads burgeises; other B manuscripts have beggers. cote . was þat barn born But in a Burgeises place . of Bethlem þe beste Set non erat ei locus in diu ersorio . et paup er non h abet diu ersor ium W.12.147: The word-terminal suspension ordinarily represents <e>. We have expanded to supply the required sense and to match the readings of other manuscripts. To pastours and to poetes . appered þe Aungel And bad hem go to Bethlem . goddes burþe to honoure And songe a song of solas . Gloria in excelsis deo Clerkes knewen it wel . and comen wiþ hir p resentz And diden homage hon urably . to hym þat was almyȝty Why I haue told al þis . I took ful good hede How þow cont rariedest clergie . wiþ crabbede wordes How þ at lewed men liȝtloker . þan lettrede were saued Than clerkes or kynde witted men . of cristene peple And þow seidest sooþ of so mme . ac se in what manere Tak two stronge men . and in Themese cast hem            W.12.158: n ota And boþe naked as a nedle . hir noon sikerer þan ooþ er            W.12.159: n ota That oon haþ konnynge and kan . swymmen and dyuen            W.12.160: n ota That ooþer is lewed of þat labour . þat W.12.161: W alone reads þat, omitted by other manuscripts. lerned neu ere swymme            W.12.161: n ota Which trowestow of þo two . þat W.12.162: W alone reads þat; other witnesses have in Themese. is in moost drede            W.12.162: n ota He þat neu ere ne dyued . ne noȝt kan of swymmyng            W.12.163: n ota Or þe swymmer e þat is saaf . by so hym -self like            W.12.164: n ota Ther his felawe fleteþ forþ . as þe flood likeþ            W.12.165: n ota And is in drede to drenche . þat neuere dide swymme            W.12.166: n ota That swymme kan noȝt I seide . it semeþ to my wittes Right so quod þe renk . Reson it sheweþ That he þat knoweþ clergie . kan sonner arise            W.12.169: n ota Out of synne and be saaf . þouȝ he synne ofte            W.12.170: n ota If hym likeþ and lest . þan any lewed leelly            W.12.171: n ota For if þe clerk be konnynge . he knoweþ what is synne            W.12.172: n ota And how contricion wiþ -oute confession . conforteþ þe soule            W.12.173: n ota As þow seest in þe Sauter . in Salmes oon or tweyne            W.12.174: n ota How contricion is comended . for it cacheþ awey synne            W.12.175: n ota Beati quor um remisse su nt i niquitates . & quor um tecta su nt &c And þis co nforteþ ech a clerk . and cou ereþ hym fro wanhope In which flood þe fend . fondeþ a man hardest Ther þe lewed liþ stille . and lokeþ after lente And haþ no contricion er he come to shrifte . & þanne kan he litel telle But as his lores -man lereþ hym . bileueþ and troweþ And þat is after p erson or parissh preest . þe whiche ben W.12.182: W alone reads þe whiche ben, omitted by F; other manuscripts have and. p ar -auent ure Vnkonnynge to lere lewed men . as luc bereþ witnesse Dum cecus ducit cecum &c Wo was hym marked . þat wade moot wiþ þe lewed Wel may þe barn blesse þat man W.12.186: W alone reads þat man; omitted in other manuscripts. . þ at hym to book sette            W.12.186: n ota That lyuynge after lettrure . saueþ hym lif and soule            W.12.187: n ota D ominus pars hereditatis mee . is a murye v erset That haþ take fro Tybo urne . twenty stronge þeues Ther lewed þeues ben lolled vp . loke how þei be saued The þef þat hadde g race of god . on goodfryday good fryday as þow spekest Was for he yald hym creaunt . to c rist on þe cros . & knewliched hym gilty And g race asked of god . þat to graunten it is redy W.12.193: W alone reads þat to graunten it is redy; other B manuscripts have and he is euere redy. To hem þat W.12.194: W alone reads To hem þat; most other B manuscripts have That. buxomliche biddeþ it . and ben in wille to ame nde n hem Ac þouȝ þat þeef hadde heuene . he hadde noon heiȝ blisse As Seint Ioh an and oþ ere Seintes . þat des erued hadde bettre Riȝt as som man yeue me mete . and amydde þe floor sette me W.12.197: W alone reads amydde þe floor sette me; most other B manuscripts have sette me amydde þe flore.            W.12.197: n ota And W.12.198: W alone reads And; other B manuscripts have I. hadde mete moore þan ynouȝ . ac noȝt so muche worshipe            W.12.198: n ota As þo þat seten at þe syde -table . or wiþ þe sou ereynes of þe halle            W.12.199: n ota But sete as a beggere bordlees . by my -self on þe grounde            W.12.200: n ota So it fareþ by þat felon . þat a good friday was saued            W.12.201: n ota He sit neiþ er wiþ Seint Ioh an . Symond ne Iude            W.12.202: n ota Ne wiþ maydenes ne w it h martires . Confesso urs ne wydewes            W.12.203: n ota But by hym -self as a soleyn . and serued on erþe            W.12.204: n ota For he þat is ones a þef . is eu ere -moore in daunger            W.12.205: n ota And as lawe likeþ . to lyue or to deye            W.12.206: n ota De peccato p ropiciato . noli esse sine metu And for to seruen a seint . and swich a þef togideres It were neiþ er reson ne riȝt . to rewarde hem boþe yliche And riȝt as Troianus þe trewe knyȝt . dwelte noȝt depe in helle That oure lord ne hadde hym liȝtly out . so leue I þe þef be in heuene For he is in þe loweste of heuene . if oure bileue be trewe And wel loselly he lolleþ þ ere . by þe lawe of holy chirche Qui reddit vnicuiq ue iuxta op era sua &c And why þat oon þeef on þe cros . creaunt hym yald Raþ er þan þat ooþ er þeef . þouȝ þow woldest appose Alle þe clerkes vnder crist . ne kouþe þe skile assoille Quare placuit quia voluit And so I seye by þee . þat sekest after þe whyes And a -resonedest Reson . a rebukynge as it were And of þe floures in þe Fryth . and of hire faire hewes Wher -of þei cacche hir colours . so clere and so briȝte And willest of briddes & of beestes . and of hir bredyng to knowe Why some be alouȝ & some aloft . þi likyng it were And of þe stones and of þe sterres . þow studiest as I leue How euere beest ouþ er brid . haþ so breme wittes Clergie ne kynde wit . ne knew neu ere þe cause Ac kynde knoweþ þe cause hym -self . and no creature ellis He is þe pies patron . and putteþ it in hir ere There W.12.230: W alone reads There; other manuscripts have That þere. þe þorn is þikkest . to buylden and brede And kynde kenned þe pecok . to cauken in swich a kynde And kenned Adam . W.12.232: The punctus is small and obviously misplaced. to knowe hise pryue membres And tauȝte hym and Eue . to helien hem wiþ leues Lewed men many tymes . maistres þei apposen Why Adam ne hiled noȝt first . his mouþ þat eet þe Appul Raþer þan his likame alogh . lewed asken þus clerkes Kynde knoweþ whi he dide so . ac no clerk ellis Ac of briddes and of beestes . men by olde tyme Ensamples token and t ermes . as telleþ þe poetes And þ at þe faireste fowel . foulest engendreþ And feblest fowel of fliȝt is . þat fleeþ or swymmeþ And þ at þe pecok & þe Pehen . proude riche men bitokneþ            W.12.242: n ota For þe Pecok and men pursue hym . may noȝt flee heiȝe            W.12.243: n ota For þe trailynge of his tail . ouer -taken is he soone            W.12.244: n ota And his flessh is foul flessh . and his feet boþe            W.12.245: n ota And vnlouelich of ledene . and looþ for to here Right so þe riche . if he his richesse kepe            W.12.247: n ota And deleþ it noȝt til his deeþ -day . þe tail of alle sorwe            W.12.248: n ota Riȝt so as þe pennes of þe pecok . peyneþ hym in his fliȝt            W.12.249: n ota So is possession peyne . of pens and of nobles            W.12.250: n ota To alle hem þat it holdeþ . til hir tail be plukked            W.12.251: n ota And þouȝ þe riche repente þanne . and birewe þe tyme That euere he gadered so grete . and gaf þ er -of so litel Thouȝ he crye to crist þanne . wiþ kene wil I leue His ledene be in oure lordes ere . lik a pies chiteryng And whan his caroyne shal come . in caue to be buryed I leue it flawme ful foule . þe fold al aboute And alle þe oþ ere þ er it lith . enuenymeþ þoruȝ his attre By þe po feet is vnderstande . as I haue lerned in Auynet Executo urs false frendes . þat fulfille noȝt his wille That was writen and þei witnesse . to werche riȝt as it wolde Thus þe Poete preueþ . þ at þe pecok . for hise feþeres is reu erenced            W.12.262: n ota Riȝt so is þe riche . by reson of hise goodes            W.12.263: n ota The larke þat is a lasse fowel . is moore louelich of ledene            W.12.264: n ota And wel a -wey of wynge . swifter þan þe Pecok            W.12.265: n ota And of flessh by fele fold . fatter and swetter            W.12.266: n ota To lowe libbynge men . þe larke is resembled            W.12.267: n ota Aristotle þe grete clerk . swiche tales he telleþ Thus he likneþ in his logik . þe leeste fowel oute And wheiþ er he be saaf or noȝt saaf . þe soþe woot no clergie Ne of Sortes ne of Salomon . no scripture kan telle Ac god is so good I hope . þat siþþe he gaf hem wittes To wissen vs weyes þer -wiþ . þat wissen vs to be saued And þe bettre for hir bokes . to bidden we ben holden That god for his g race . gyue hir soules reste For lettred men were lewed men yet . ne were loore of hir bokes Alle þise clerkes quod I þo . þat in W.12.277: W alone reads in; other B manuscripts have on. crist leuen Seyen in hir Sermons . þ at neiþ er Sarsens ne Iewes Ne no creature of cristes liknesse . w it h -outen c ristendom worþ saued Contra q uod ymaginatif þoo . and comsed for to loure And seide Saluabitur vix Iustus in die Iudicij Ergo saluabitur quod he . and seide namoore latyn Troian us was a trewe knyght . and took neu ere cristendom And he is saaf so seiþ þe book . and his soule in heuene For þer is fullynge of Font . and fullynge in blood shedyng And þoruȝ fir is fullyng . and þat is ferme bileue Aduenit ignis diuinus non co mburens set illuminans &c Ac truþe þat trespased neu ere . ne t rauersed ayeins his lawe But lyueþ as his lawe techeþ . and leueþ þ er be no bettre And if þ er were he wolde amende . and in swich wille deieþ Ne wolde neu ere trewe god . but truþe were allowed And wheiþ er W.12.292: W alone reads wheiþer; other B witnesses have wher or were. it be worþ or noȝt worþ . þe bileue is gret of truþe And an hope hangynge þ er -Inne . to haue a mede for his truþe For Deus dicit ur quasi dans vitam et ernam . suis . hoc est fidelib us Et alibi . si ambulauero in medio vmbre mortis The glose graunteþ vp -on þat vers . a greet mede to truþe And wit and wisdom quod þat wye . was som -tyme tresor To kepe wiþ a co mmune . no catel was holde bettre And muche murþe and manhod . and riȝt wiþ þat he vanysshed Passus xiij us terciodecimus &c A nd I awaked þ er -wiþ . witlees nerhande And as a freke þat fre were . forþ gan I walke In man ere of a mendynaunt . many a yer after And of þis metyng many tyme . muche þouȝt I hadde First how Fortune me failed . at my mooste nede And how þ at Elde manaced me . myȝte we eu ere mete And how þ at freres folwede . folk þat was riche And folk þat was pou ere . at litel pris þei sette And no corps in hir kirkȝerd . nor in hir kirk was buryed But quik he biqueþe auȝt . to W.13.10: W alone reads to; CrF read or; G reads or helpe; other manuscripts have or sholde helpe. quyte wiþ W.13.10: W alone reads wiþ, omitted by other manuscripts. hir dettes And how þis Coueitise ouer -com . clerkes and preestes And how þ at lewed men ben lad . but oure lord hem helpe Thoruȝ vnkonnynge curato urs . to incurable peynes And how þ at ymaginatif . in dremels me tolde Of kynde and of his konnynge . and how curteis he is to bestes And how louynge he is to briddes W.13.16: W alone reads briddes; other manuscripts have bestes. . on londe and on watre leneþ he no lif Leneþ he no lif . lasse ne moore The creatures þat crepen . of kynde ben engendred And siþen how ymaginatif seide . vix saluabitur And whan he hadde seid so . how sodeynliche he passed I lay doun longe in þis þoȝt . and at þe laste I slepte And as crist wolde þer com Conscience . to conforte me þat tyme And bad me come to his court . wiþ clergie sholde I dyne And for Conscience of Clergie spak . I com wel þe raþer And þ ere I seiȝ a maister . what man he was I nyste That lowe louted . and loueliche to scripture Conscience knew hym wel . and welcomed hym faire Thei wesshen and wipeden . and wenten to þe dyner And Pacience in þe Paleis stood . in pilgrymes cloþes And preyde mete par charite . for a pouere heremyte Conscience called hym In . and curteisliche seide Wel -come wye go and wassh . þow shalt sitte soone This maister was maad sitte . as for þe mooste worþi And þanne clergie and Conscience . and Pacience cam after Pacience and I . were put to be macches And seten bi oure -selue . at þe side borde Conscience called after mete . and þanne cam Scripture And serued hem þus soone . of sondry metes manye Of Austyn of Ambrose . and of þe foure Eu aungelistes Edentes & bibentes que apud eos sunt Ac þis maister nor W.13.41: W alone reads nor; most other manuscripts have ne. his man . no maner flessh eten Ac þei eten mete of moore cost . mortrews and potages Of þat men myswonne . þei made hem wel atese at ese Ac hir sauce was ou er -sour . and vnsauo urly grounde In a morter Post mortem . of many a bitter peyne But if þei synge for þo soules . and wepe salte teris Vos qui peccata ho mi num comeditis nisi p ro eis lacrimas & orac io nes effun - deritis . ea que in delicijs comeditis in tormentis euometis Conscience ful curteisly þo . comaunded Scripture Bifore Pacience breed to brynge . and me þat was his macche He sette a sour loof toforn vs . and seide Agite penitenciam And siþþe he brouȝte vs drynke . Dia p erseuerans As longe quod I as I lyue . and lycame may dure Here is p ropre s eruice quod Pacience . þer fareþ no Prince bettre And þanne he brouȝte vs forþ . a mees of ooþ er mete . of Miserere mei deus And he brouȝte vs of Beati quor um . of Beatus virres makyng Et quor um tecta sunt peccata . in a dissh Of derne shrifte . Dixi & confitebor tibi Bryng pacience som pitaunce . pryueliche quod Conscience And þanne hadde Pacience a pitaunce . P ro hac orabit ad te o mnis s anc tus in te mpore oportuno And Conscience conforted vs . and carped vs murye tales Cor contritu m & humiliatum deus non despicies Pacience was proud . of þat p ropre seruice And made hym murþe wiþ his mete . ac I mornede eu ere For þis doctour on þe heiȝe dees . drank wyn so faste Ve vobis qui potentes estis ad bibendum vinum He eet manye sondry metes . mortrews and puddynges Wombe cloutes and wilde brawen . and egges yfryed wiþ grece Thanne seide I to my -self so . pacience it herde It is noȝt foure dayes þ at þis freke . bifore þe deen of Poules Preched of penaunces . þat Poul þe Apostle suffrede In fame & frigore . and flappes of scourges Ter cesus sum & a iudeis quinquies quadragenas &c Ac o word þei ou erhuppen . at ech a tyme þ at þei p reche That Poul in his Pistle . to al þe peple tolde P ericulum est in falsis fratrib us Holi writ bit men be war . I wol noȝt write it here In englissh on auenture . it sholde be reherced to ofte And greue þ er -wiþ goode men . ac gramariens shul redde rede W.13.78: W alone reads redde; other manuscripts have rede. Vnusquisq ue a fr atre se custodiat . quia vt dicit ur p ericulu m est in falsis fr atrib us Ac I wiste neu ere freke þ at as a frere yede . bifore men on englissh Taken it for his teme . and telle it wiþ -outen glosyng They p rechen þ at penaunce is . p rofitable to þe soule And what meschief and male -ese . crist for man þolede Ac þis goddes gloton quod I . wiþ hise grete chekes Haþ no pite on vs pou ere . he p arfo urneþ yuele That he p recheþ he preueþ noȝt . to Pacience I tolde And wisshed ful witterly . wiþ wille ful egre That disshes and doublers . bifore þis ilke doctour Were molten leed in his mawe . and Mahoun amyddes I shal Iangle to þis Iurdan . wiþ his Iuste wombe To telle me what penaunce is . of which he p reched raþer Pacience p arceyued what I þouȝte . and wynked on me to be stille And seide þow shalt see þus soone . whan he may namoore He shal haue a penaunce in his paunche . and puffe at ech aworde a worde And þanne shullen hise guttes goþele . and he shal galpen after For now he haþ dronken so depe . he wole deuyne soone And preuen it by hir Pocalips . and passion of Seint Auereys That neiþ er bacon ne braun . blancmanger ne mortrews Is neiþ er fissh nor flessh . but fode for a penaunt And þanne shal he testifie of þe Trinite . and take his felawe to witnesse What he fond in a frayel . after a freres lyuyng And but he first lyue be lesyng . leue me neu ere after And þanne is tyme to take . and to appose þis doctour Of dowel and dobet . and if dowel W.13.104: W alone reads dowel; other manuscripts have dobest. be any penaunce And I sat stille as Pacience seide . and þus soone þis doctour As rody as a Rose . rubbede hise chekes Coughed and carped . and Conscience hym herde And tolde hym of a Trinite . and toward vs he loked What is dowel sire doctour quod I . is it W.13.109: W alone reads it; RF read dobest; other manuscripts have dowel. any penaunce Dowel quod þis doctour . and took þe cuppe and drank Is do noon yuel to þyn euenc risten . nouȝt by þi power By þis day sire doctour quod I . þanne be ye noȝt in dowel For ye han harmed vs two . in þat ye eten þe puddyng Mortrews and ooþ er mete . and we no morsel hadde And if ye fare so in youre Fermerye . ferly me þynkeþ But cheeste be þ er charite sholde be . and yonge children dorste pleyne I wolde p ermute my penaunce w it h youre . for I am in point to dowel Thanne Conscience curteisly . a contenaunce made And preynte vp -on pacience . to preie me to be stille And seide hym -self sire doctour . and it be youre wille What is dowel and dobet . ye dyuyno urs knoweþ Dowel quod þis doctour . do as clerkes techeþ And dobet is he þat techeþ . and t rauailleþ to teche oþ ere And dobest doþ hym -self so . as he seiþ and precheþ Qui facit & docuerit magnus vocabit ur in regno celor um Now þow Clergie quod Conscience . carpest what is dowel I haue seuene sones he seide . s eruen in a Castel Ther þe lord of lif wonyeþ . to leren what is dowel Til I se þo seuene . and my -self acorde I am vnhardy quod he . to any wiȝt to preuen it For oon Piers þe Plowman . haþ impugned vs alle And set alle sciences at a sop . saue loue one And no text ne takeþ . to mayntene his cause But Dilige deum . and Domine quis habitabit And seiþ þ at dowel and dobet . arn two Infinites Whiche Infinites wiþ a feiþ . fynden out dobest Which shal saue mannes soule . þus seiþ Piers þe Plowman I kan noȝt her -on quod Conscience . ac I knowe wel Piers He wol noȝt ayein holy writ speken . I dar wel vndertake Thanne passe we ouer til Piers come . and preue þis in dede Pacience haþ be in many place . and p araunter mouþed That no clerk ne kan . as crist bereþ witnesse Pacientes vincunt &c Ac youre preiere quod Pacience þo . so no man displese hym Disce quod he doce . dilige inimicos Disce and dowel . doce and dobet Dilige and dobest . þus tauȝte me ones A lemman þ at I louede . loue was hir name Wiþ wordes and wiþ werkes quod she . and wil of þyn herte Thow loue leelly þi soule . al þi lif -tyme And so þow lere þe to louye . for oure W.13.151: W alone reads oure; other manuscripts have þe. lordes loue of heuene Thyn enemy in alle wise . euene -forþ wiþ þi -selue Cast coles on his heed . of alle kynde speche Boþe wiþ werkes and w it h wordes . fonde his loue to wynne And leye on hym þus w it h loue . til he lauȝe on þe And but he bowe for þis betyng . blynd mote he worþe Ac for to fare þus wiþ þi frend . folie it were For he þat loueþ þee leelly . litel of þyne coueiteþ Kynde loue coueiteþ noȝt . no catel but speche Wiþ half a laumpe lyne in latyn . Ex vi t ransic io nis I bere þ er -Inne aboute . faste ybounde dowel In a signe of þe Saterday . þat sette first þe kalender And al þe wit of þe wodnesday . of þe nexte wike after The myddel of þe Moone . as þe nyght W.13.164: The reading nyght is shared with BCHm. Other manuscripts have myght. of boþe And her -w it h am I wel -come . þer I haue it wiþ me Vndo it . lat þis doctour deme . if dowel be þ er -Inne For by hym þat me made . myȝte neu ere pouerte Misese ne meschief . ne no W.13.168: W alone reads no, which is omitted by other manuscripts. man wiþ his tonge Coold ne care . ne compaignye of þeues Ne neiþ er hete ne hayl . ne noon helle pouke Ne W.13.171: W alone reads Ne; other manuscripts have Ne neiþer. fuyr ne flood . ne feere of þyn enemy Tene þee any tyme . and þow take it wiþ þe Caritas nichil timet &c It is but a dido quod þis doctour . a disours tale Al þe wit of þis world . and wiȝt mennes strengþe Kan noȝt conformen a pees . bitwene bitwene [þe pope] W.13.176: W alone omits þe pope after bitwene. and hise enemys Ne bitwene two cristene kynges . kan no wiȝt pees make Profitable to eiþ er peple . and putte þe table fro hym And took Clergie and Conscience . to conseil as it were That Pacience þow most passe . for pilgrymes konne wel lye Ac Conscience carped loude . and curteisliche seide Frendes fareþ wel . and faire spak to clergie For I wol go wiþ þis gome . if god wol yeue me g race And be Pilgrym wiþ pacience . til I haue preued moore What quod Clergie to Conscience . ar ye coueitous nouþe After yeresȝeues or ȝiftes . or yernen to rede redels I shal brynge yow a bible . a book of þe olde lawe And lere yow if yow like . þe leeste point to knowe That Pacience þe pilgrym . parfitly knew neu ere Nay by crist quod Conscience to Clergie . god þee foryelde For al þat Pacience me p rofreþ . proud am I litel Ac þe wil of þe wye . and þe wil of folk here Haþ meued my mood . to moorne for my synnes The goode wil of a wight . was neu ere bouȝt to þe fulle For þer nys no tresour ...?...for -soþe W.13.195: W alone reads for-soþe, which is apparently written over an erasure; other manuscripts have þerto. . to a trewe wille Hadde noȝt Maudeleyne moore . for a box of salue Than zacheus for he seide . dimidiu m bonor um meor um do paup erib us And þe poore widewe . for a peire of mytes Than alle þo þat offrede . in -to Gazophilacium Thus curteisliche Conscience . congeyed first þe frere And siþen softeliche he seide . in clergies ere Me were leuere by oure lord . and I lyue sholde Haue pacience p arfitliche . þan half þi pak of bokes Clergie of Conscience . no congie wolde take But seide ful sobreliche . þow shalt se þe tyme Whan þow art wery of -walked W.13.206: W alone reads of-walked; most other manuscripts have forwalked. . wille me to counseille That is sooþ quod Conscience . so me god helpe If Pacience be oure partyngfelawe partyng felawe . and pryue w it h vs boþe Ther nys wo in þis world . þ at we ne sholde amende And conformen kynges to pees . and alle kynnes londes Sarsens and Surre . and so forþ alle þe Iewes Turne in -to þe trewe feiþ . and in -til oon bileue That is sooþ quod Clergie . I se what þow menest I shal dwelle as I do . my deuoir to shewe And confermen fauntekyns . and ooþ er folk ylered Til Pacience haue preued þee . and parfit þee maked Conscience þo wiþ Pacience passed . pilgrymes as it were Thanne hadde Pacience as pilgrymes han . in his poke vitailles Sobretee and symple speche . and sooþfast bileue To conforte hym and Conscience . if þei come in place There vnkyndenesse and coueitise is . hungry contrees boþe And as þe þe[i] W.13.222: W alone reads þe; other manuscripts have þei. wente by þe weye . of dowel þei carped Thei mette wiþ a Mynstral . as me þo þouȝte Pacience apposed hym first . and preyde he sholde hem telle To Conscience what craft he kouþe . and to what contree he wolde I am a Mynstrall e quod þat man . my name is Actiua vita Al ydelnesse ich hatie . for of Actif is my name A wafrer wol ye wite . and s erue manye lordes And fewe robes I fonge . or furrede gownes Couþe I lye to do men lauȝe . þanne lacchen I sholde Ouþ er mantel or moneie . amonges lordes or Mynstrals Ac for I kan neiþ er taboure ne trompe . ne telle no gestes Farten ne fiþelen . at festes ne harpen Iape ne Iogele . ne gentilliche pipe Ne neiþ er saille ne saute . ne synge wiþ þe gyt erne I haue no goode giftes . of þise grete lordes For no breed þ at I brynge forþ . saue a benyson on þe sonday Whan þe preest preieþ þe peple . hir Pat er noster to bidde For Piers þe Plowman . and þ at hym p rofit waiten And þat am I Actif . þat ydelnesse hatie For alle trewe t rauaillo urs . and tiliers of þe erþe Fro Mighelmesse to Mighelmesse . I fynde hem wiþ my wafres Beggeris and bidderis . of my breed crauen Faitours and freres . and folk wiþ brode crounes I fynde payn for þe pope . and p rouendre for his palfrey And I hadde neu ere of hym . haue god my trouþe Neiþ er p rouendre ne p ersonage . yet of popes ȝifte Saue a pardon wiþ a peis of leed . and two polles amyddes Hadde ich a clerc þat couþe write . I wolde caste hym a bille That he sente me vnder his seel . a salue for þe pestilence And þ at his blessynge and hise bulles . bocches myȝte destruye In no mi ne meo demonia eicient & sup er egros man us impone nt & b en e h abebunt And þanne wolde I be p rest to þe peple . paast for to make And buxom and busy . aboute breed and drynke For hym and for alle hise . founde I þ at his pardou n Miȝte lechen a man . as I bileue it sholde For siþ he haþ þe power . þat Peter hym -self hadde He haþ þe pot wiþ þe salue . sooþly as me þynkeþ Argentu m & auru m no n est michi . quod aute m h abeo tibi do . in no mi ne d omini surge & amb ula W.13.259: The page is cropped after <amb>. Other manuscripts have ambula or ambula &c . Ac if myȝt of myracle hym faille . it is for men ben noȝt worþi To haue þe g race of god . and no gilt of W.13.261: W alone reads of; other manuscripts have of þe. pope For may no blessynge doon vs boote . but if we wile amende Ne mannes masse make pees . among cristene peple Til pride be pureliche for -do . and þoruȝ payn defaute For er I haue breed of mele . ofte moot I swete And er þe co mmune haue corn ynouȝ . many a cold morwenyng So er my wafres be ywroȝt . muche wo I þolye Al Londou n I leue . likeþ wel my wafres And louren whan þei lakken hem . it is noȝt longe ypassed There was a careful co mmune . whan no cart com to towne Wiþ breed fro Stratford . þo gonnen beggeris wepe W.13.271: In the right margin a sixteenth-century hand adds Stratford . A. I. Doyle noted it "is very like" that of the antiquarian John Stow in the introduction to Kane and Donaldson's B text (p. 14). The same hand supplied the same marginal note at R.13.278 as well as the date "1350" in the margin beside W.13.274. And wer kmen were agast a lite a lite W.13.272: W alone reads alite; other manuscripts have a litel. . þis wo le be þouȝt longe In þe date of oure driȝte . in a drye Aprill e A thousand and þre hundred . twies twenty and ten W.13.274: A later hand has written 1350 in the left margin. See the note to W.13.271 above. My wafres þ ere were gesene . whan Chichestre was Mair e I took good kepe by crist . and Conscience boþe Of haukyn þe Actif man . and how he was ycloþed He hadde a cote of cristendom . as holy kirke bileueþ Ac it was moled in many places . wiþ manye sondry plottes Of pride here a plot . and þ ere a plot of vnbuxom speche Of scornyng and of scoffyng . and of vnskilful berynge As in apparaill e and in porte . proud amonges þe peple Ooþ er -wise þan he hym W.13.283: W alone reads hym, which is omitted by other manuscripts. haþ . wiþ herte or siȝte shewynge Hym willyng þ at alle men wende . he were þat he is noȝt For -why he bosteþ and braggeþ . wiþ manye bolde oþes And inobedient to ben vndernome . of any lif lyuynge And noon so singuler by hym -self . ne so pomp -holy W.13.287: WHmL read pomp; other manuscripts have pope or poppe. Yhabited as an heremyte . an ordre by hym -selue Religion saunz rule . or W.13.289: W alone reads or; other manuscripts have and. resonable obedience Lakkynge lettrede men . and lewed men boþe In likynge of lele lif . and a liere in soule Wiþ Inwit and wiþ outwit . ymagynen and studie As best for his body be . to haue a badde name And entremetten hym ouer W.13.294: An otiose curl appears over the <r>. al . þer he haþ noȝt to doone Willynge þ at men wende . his wit were þe beste And if he gyueþ ouȝt to pou ere gomes . telle what he deleþ Pou ere of possession in purs . and in cofre boþe And as a lyoun on to loke . and lordlich of speche Boldest of beggeris . a boster e þat noȝt haþ In towne and in Tau ernes . tales to telle And segge þyng þ at he neu ere seiȝ . and for soþe sweren it Of dedes þat he neu ere dide . demen and bosten And of werkes þ at he wel dide . witnesse . and siggen Lo if ye leue me noȝt . or þ at I lye wenen Askeþ at hym or at hym . and he yow kan telle What I suffrede and seiȝ . and som -tymes hadde And what I kouþe and knew . and what kyn I com of Al he wolde þ at men wiste . of werkes and of wordes Which myȝte plese þe peple . and preisen hym -selue Si hominib us placerem . christi s eruus non essem Et alibi / Nemo potest duob us d ominis seruire By crist quod Conscience þo . þi beste cote Haukyn Haþ manye moles and spottes . it moste ben ywasshe Ye who -so toke hede quod haukyn . bihynde and bifore What on bak and what on body half . and by þe two sides Men sholde fynde manye frounces . and manye foule plottes And he torned hym as tyd . and þanne took I hede It was fouler bi fele fold . þan it first semed It was bidropped wiþ wraþe . and wikkede wille Wiþ enuye and yuel speche . entisynge to fighte Lyinge and laughynge . and leue tonge to chide Al þat he wiste wikked . by any wight tellen it And blame men bihynde hir bak . and bidden hem meschaunce And þat he wiste by wille . tellen it watte And þat watte wiste . wille wiste it after And made of frendes foes . þoruȝ a fals tonge Or wiþ myȝt or w it h W.13.327: W alone reads or w it h ; G reads or; other manuscripts have of. mouþ . or þoruȝ mennes strengþe Auenge me fele tymes . oþer frete my -selue Wiþ -Inne as a shepsteres shere . y -sherewed man m[e]n W.13.329: W alone reads man; other manuscripts have men. and cursed Cui us maledicc io ne os plenu m est & amaritudi ne sub lingua ei us labor & dol or W.13.330: A word beginning dol is cropped in W; half the manuscripts have dolor , the others end the quotation with sub lingua eius &c . Et alibi: Filij ho minu m dentes eor um arma & sagitte . et lingua eor um gladius a cutus W.13.331: A word beginning with <a> is cropped in W; most other manuscripts have acutus, but others abbreviate the quotation. Ther is no lif þ at me loueþ . lastynge any while For tales þ at I telle . no man trusteþ to me And whan I may noȝt haue þe maistrie . swich malencolie I take That I cacche þe crampe . and þe Cardiacle som -tyme Or an Ague in swich an Angre . and som -tyme a Feu ere That takeþ me al a twelue -monþe . til þ at I despise Lechecraft of oure lord . and leue on a wicche And seye þ at no clerc ne kan . ne crist as I leue To þe Sout ere of Southwerk . or of Shordych dame Emme And seye þ at no goddes word . gaf me neu ere boote But þoruȝ a charme hadde I chaunce . and my chief heele I waitede wisloker . and þanne was it soilled Wiþ likynge of lecherie . as by lokynge of his eiȝe For ech a maide þ at he mette . he made hire a signe Semynge to synneward . and som -tyme he gan taste Aboute þe mouþ or byneþe . bigynneþ to grope Til eiþ eres wille wexeþ kene . and to þe werke yeden As wel in fastyng -dayes and Fridaies . as W.13.349: W alone reads as; other manuscripts have &. forboden nyȝtes And as wel in lente as out of lente . alle tymes yliche Swiche werkes w it h hem . were neu ere out of seson Til þei myȝte namoore . and þanne murye tales And how þ at lecchours louye . laughen and Iapen And of hir harlotrye and horedom . in hir elde tellen Thanne Pacience p arceyued . of pointes of þis cote That were W.13.356: W alone reads That were; other manuscripts have Was. colomy þoruȝ coueitise . and vnkynde desiryng Moore to good þan to god . þe gome his loue caste And ymagynede how . he it myȝte haue Wiþ false mesures and met . and wiþ fals witnesse Lened for loue of þe wed . and looþ to do truþe And awaited . þoruȝ which wey to bigile And menged his marchaundise . and made a good moustre The worste w it h -Inne was . a greet wit I let it And if my Neghebore hadde any hyne . or any beest ellis Moore p rofita ble þan myn . manye s leiȝtes I made How I myȝte haue it . al my wit I caste And but I it hadde by ooþ er wey . at þe laste I stale it Or pryueliche his purs shook . and W.13.368: W alone reads and; other manuscripts omit it. vnpikede hise lokes Or by nyȝte or by daye . aboute was ich eu ere Thoruȝ gile to gaderen . þe good þat ich haue If I yede to þe Plowȝ . I pynched so narwe That a foot lond or a forow . fecchen I wolde Of my nexte Neghebore . and W.13.373: W alone reads and; other manuscripts omit it. nymen of his erþe And if I repe ouer -reche . or yaf hem reed þat ropen To seise to me wiþ hir sikel . þat I ne sew neu ere And who -so borwed of me . abouȝte þe tyme Wiþ p resentes pryuely . or paide som c erteyn So he wolde W.13.378: W alone reads he wolde; F has wheyþer he wolde; most other manuscripts have wolde he. or noȝt wolde . wynnen I wolde And boþe to kiþ and to kyn . vnkynde of þat ich hadde And who -so cheped my chaffare . chiden I wolde But he p rofrede to paie . a peny or tweyne Moore þan it was worþ . and yet wolde I swere That it coste me muche moore . and so W.13.383: W alone reads and so; OC 2B read &; other manuscripts replace with I or omit. swoor manye oþes On haly -daies at holy chirche . whan ich herde masse Hadde I neu ere wille woot god . witterly to biseche Mercy for my mysdedes . þ at I ne moorned moore For losse of good leue me . þan for my likames giltes As if I hadde dedly synne doon . I dredde noȝt þat so soore As whan I lened and leued it lost . or longe er it were paied So if I kidde any kyndenesse . myn euencristen to helpe Vp -on a cruwel coueitise . myn herte gan hange And if I sente ouer see . my seruauntz to Brugges Or in -to Pruce -lond my Prentis . my p rofit to waiten To marchaunden wiþ moneie . and maken hire eschaunges Miȝte neu ere me conforte . in þe mene while Neiþ er masse ne matynes . ne none maner siȝtes Ne neu ere penaunce p arfo urnede . ne Pat er noster seide That my mynde ne was moore . on my good in a doute Than in þe g race of god . and hise grete helpes Vbi thesaurus tuus ibi & cor tuum Whiche ben þe braunches . þat bryngen a man to sleuþe He þat moorneþ noȝt for hise mysdedes . ne makeþ no sorwe And penaunce þat þe preest enioyneþ . p arfo urneþ yuele Dooþ noon almesse W.13.404: W alone reads almesse; other manuscripts have almesdede. . dred hym of no synne Lyueþ ayein þe bileue . and no lawe holdeþ Ech day is haly -day w it h hym . or an heiȝ ferye And if he auȝt wole here . it is an harlotes tonge Whan men carpen of crist . or of clennesse of soules He wexeþ wroþ and wol noȝt here . but wordes of murþe Penaunce of pou ere men . and þe passion of Seintes He hateþ to here þ er -of . and alle þat it telleþ Thise ben þe braunches beþ war . þat bryngen a man to wanhope Ye lordes and ladies . and legates of holy chirche That fedeþ fooles sages . flatereris and lieris And han likynge to liþen hem . to do yow to lauȝe Ve vobis qui ridetis &c And ȝyueþ hem mete and mede . and pou ere men refuse In youre deeþ -deyinge . I drede me ful soore Lest þo þre maner men . to muche sorwe yow brynge Consencientes & agentes pari pena punientur Patriarkes and p rophetes . and p rechours of goddes wordes Sauen þoruȝ hir sermons . mannes soule fro helle Riȝt so flatereris and fooles . arn þe fendes disciples To entice men þoruȝ hir tales . to synne and to harlotrie Ac clerkes þ at knowen holy writ . sholde kenne lordes What Dauid seiþ of swiche men . as þe Sauter telleþ Non h abitabit in medio dom us mee qui facit sup erbia m & qui loquit ur iniqua W.13.427: The final letter of iniqua is partially cropped in W. HmY read iniqua &c . Sholde noon harlot haue audience . in halle nor W.13.428: W alone reads nor; other manuscripts have ne. in Chambre Ther wise men were . witnesseþ goddes wordes Ne no mysproud man . amonges lordes ben allowed Ac flateres and fooles . þoruȝ hir foule wordes Leden þo þat louen hem . to Luciferis feste Wiþ turpiloquio a lady lay W.13.433: W alone reads lady; other manuscripts have lay. of sorwe . and luciferis fiþele Thus haukyn þe Actif man . hadde ysoiled his cote Til conscience acouped hym þ er -of . in a curteis man ere Why he ne hadde whasshen W.13.436: WG read whasshen; most other manuscripts have wasshen. it . or wiped it wiþ a brusshe Passus xiiij us quartus decimus &c I haue but oon hool hater quod haukyn . I am þe lasse to blame Thouȝ it be soiled and selde clene . I slepe þ er -Inne o nyȝtes And also I haue an houswif . hewen and children Vxorem duxi & ideo non possum venire That wollen bymolen it many tyme . maugree my chekes It haþ be laued in lente . and out of lente boþe Wiþ þe sope of siknesse . þat sekeþ wonder depe And wiþ þe losse of catel . looþ for to agulte God or any good man . by aught þ at I wiste And was shryuen of þe preest . þat gaf me for my synnes To penaunce pacience . and pou ere men to fede Al for coueitise of my cristendom . in clennesse to kepen it And kouþe I neu ere by crist . kepen it clene an houre That I ne soiled it wiþ siȝte . or som ydel speche Or þoruȝ werk or þoruȝ word . or wille of myn herte That I ne flobre it foule . fro morwe til euen And I shal kenne þee quod Conscience . of Contricion to make That shal clawe þi cote . of alle kynnes filþe Cordis contricio &c Dowel shal wasshen it and wryngen it . þoruȝ a wis confessour Oris confessio &c Dobet shal beten it and bouken it . as bright as any scarlet And engreynen it wiþ good wille . and goddes g race to amende þe And siþen sende þee to Satisfaccion . for to sowen it after Satisfaccio dobest Shal neu ere cheeste bymolen it . ne moþe after biten it Ne fend ne fals man . defoulen it in þi lyue Shal noon heraud ne harpo ur . haue a fairer garnement Than Haukyn þe Actif man . and þow do by my techyng Ne no Mynstrall e be moore worþ . amonges pou ere and riche Than Haukyns wif þe wafrer . with his Actiua vita And I shal purueie þee paast quod Pacience . þouȝ no plouȝ erye And flour to fede folk wiþ . as best be for þe soule Thouȝ neu ere greyn growed . ne grape vp -on vyne To W.14.35: W alone reads To; other manuscripts omit it. all e þat lyueþ and lokeþ . liflode wolde I fynde And þ at ynogh shal noon faille . of þyng þ at hem nedeþ We sholde noȝt be to bisy . abouten oure liflode Ne soliciti sitis &c / Volucres celi deus pascit &c pacie ntes vincu nt &c Thanne laughed haukyn alitel a litel . and lightly gan swerye Who -so leueþ yow by oure lord . I leue noȝt he be blessed No quod Pacience paciently . and out of his poke hente Vitailles of grete v ertues . for alle manere beestes And seide . lo here liflode ynogh . if oure bileue be trewe For lent neu ere For lent neu ere was lif . but lif lode were s hapen Wher -of or wher -fore . or wher -by to libbe First þe wilde worm . vnder weet erþe Fissh to lyue in þe flood . and in þe fir þe Criket The Corlew by kynde of þe Eyr . moost clennest flessh of briddes And bestes by gras and by greyn . and by grene rootes In menynge þ at alle men . myȝte þe same Lyue þoruȝ leel bileue . and loue . as god witnesseþ Quodcu mq ue pecieritis a p atre in no mi ne meo &c Et alibi  Non in solo pane viuit homo set in om ni v erbo quod p rocedit de ore dei But I lokede what liflode it was . þat pacience so preisede And þanne was it a pece of þe Pat er nost er . fiat voluntas tua Haue haukyn quod Pacience . and et þis whan þe hungreþ Or whan þow clomsest for cold . or clyngest for drye Shul neu ere gyues þee greue . ne gret lordes wraþe Prison ne peyne . for pacientes vincunt By so þ at þow be sobre . of siȝte and of tonge . In etynge and in handlynge . and in alle þi fyue wittes Darstow neu ere care for corn . ne lynnen cloþ ne wollen Ne for drynke ne deeþ drede . but deye as god likeþ Or þoruȝ hunger or þoruȝ hete . at his wille be it For if þow lyue after his loore . þe shorter lif þe bettre Si quis amat christum . mundum non diligit istum For þoruȝ his breeþ beestes woxen . and abrood yeden Dixit & facta sunt &c Crgo [E]rgo W.14.68: The W scribe has miswritten Ergo, the reading supported by all other manuscripts. . þoruȝ his breeþ mowen . men and beestes lyuen As holy writ witnesseþ . whan men seye hir graces Ap eris tu manum tuam & imples omne animal benedicc io ne It is founden þ at fourty wynter . folk lyuede with -outen tulying And out of þe flynt sprong þe flood . þat folk and beestes dronken And in Elyes tyme . heuene was yclosed That no reyn ne roon . þus rede men in bokes That manye wyntres men lyueden . and no mete ne tulieden Seuene slepe as seiþ þe book . seuene hundred wynter And lyueden wiþ -outen liflode . and at þe laste þei woken And if men lyuede as mesure wolde . sholde neu ere moore be defaute Amonges cristene creatures . if cristes wordes ben trewe Ac vnkyndenesse caristia m makeþ . amonges cristen peple And ouer -plentee makeþ pryde . amonges poore and riche Ther -fore mesure is muche W.14.82: W alone omits so before muche. worþ . it may noȝt be to deere For þe meschief and þe meschaunce . amonges men of Sodome Weex þoruȝ plentee of payn . and of pure sleuþe Ociositas & habundancia panis peccatu m turpiss imu m nutriuit For þei mesured noȝt hem -self . of þat þei ete and dronke Thei diden dedly synne . þat þe deuel liked So vengeaunce fil vp -on hem . for hir vile synnes Thei sonken in -to helle . þe Citees echone For -þi mesure we vs wel . and make oure feiþ oure sheltrom And þoruȝ feiþ comeþ contricion . conscience woot wel Which dryueþ awey dedly synne . and dooþ it to be venial And þouȝ a man myȝte noȝt speke . contricion myȝte hym saue And brynge his soule to blisse . for so þ at feiþ bere witnesse That whiles he lyuede he bileuede . in þe loore of holy chirche Ergo contricion . feiþ . and conscience . is kyndeliche dowel And surgiens for dedly synnes . whan shrift of mouþe failleþ Ac shrift of mouþ moore worþi is . if man be yliche contrit For shrift of mouþe sleeþ synne . be it neu er so dedly P er confessionem . to a preest . peccata occiduntur Ther contricion dooþ but dryueþ it doun . in -to a venial synne As Dauid seiþ in þe Sauter . et quor um tecta sunt peccata Ac satisfaccion sekeþ out þe roote . and boþe sleeþ and voideþ And as it neu ere hadde ybe . to noȝte bryngeþ dedly synne That it neu ere eft is sene ne soor . but semeþ a wounde yheeled Where wonyeþ Charite quod Haukyn . I wiste neu ere in my lyue Man þat wiþ hym spak . as wide as I haue passed Ther parfit truþe and poore herte is . and pacience of tonge There is Charite þe chief chaumbrer e . for god hym -selue Wheiþer paciente pou erte quod Haukyn . be moore plesaunt to oure d riȝte W.14.110: The word has been cropped after <d>. Most B manuscripts read driȝte or driȝten, but CB have sight, C 2 has saueoure, and GR have lorde. Than richesse riȝtfulliche wonne . and resonably despended Ye quis est ille quod Pacience . quik laudabim us eum Thouȝ men rede of richesse . riȝt to þe worldes ende I wiste neu ere renk þat riche was . þ at whan he rekene sholde Whan he drogh to his deeþ -day . þ at he ne dredde hym soore And þ at at þe rekenyng in Arrerage fel . raþ er þan out of dette Ther þe poore dar plede . and preue by pure reson To haue allowaunce of his lord . by þe lawe he it cleymeþ Ioye þat neu ere ioye hadde . of riȝtful Iugge he askeþ And seiþ lo . briddes and beestes . þat no blisse ne knoweþ And wilde wormes in wodes . þoruȝ wyntres þow hem greuest And makest hem wel neiȝ meke . and mylde for defaute And after þow sendest hem somer . þat is hir sou ereyn ioye And blisse to alle þat ben . boþe wilde and tame Thanne may beggeris as beestes . after boote waiten That al hir lif han lyued . in langour and in defaute But god sente hem som -tyme . som man ere Ioye Ouþ er here or ellis -where . kynde wolde it neuere For to wroþerhele was he wroȝt . þat neu ere was Ioye shapen Aungeles þat in helle now ben . hadden ioye som -tyme And diues in deyntees lyuede . and in douce vie Right so reson sheweþ . þ at þe men þat were riche And hir makes also . lyuede hir lif in murþe Ac god is of wonder W.14.134: W alone omits a before wonder. wille . by þat kynde wit sheweþ To ȝyue many man his mede W.14.135: W alone reads mede; most other manuscripts have mercy monye. . er he it haue deserued Riȝt so fareþ god by som riche . ruþe me it þynkeþ For þei han hir hire heer . and heuene as it were And greet likynge to lyue . wiþ -outen labour of bodye And whan he dyeþ ben disalowed . as Dauid seiþ in þe Sauter Dormierunt & nichil inuenerunt And in anoþ er stede also . velud sompnu m surgencium d omine in Ciuitate tua et ad nichilum rediges &c Allas þ at richesse shal reue . and robbe mannes soule Fram þe loue of oure lord . at his laste ende Hewen þ at han hir hire afore . arn eu ere -moore nedy And selden deyeþ he out of dette . þat dyneþ er he des erue it And til he haue doon his deuoir . and his dayes iournee For whan a werkman haþ wroȝt . þan may men se þe soþe What he were worþi for his werk . and what he haþ des erued And noȝt to fonge bifore . for drede of disalowyng So I seye by yow riche . it semeþ noȝt þ at ye shulle Haue heuene in your e here dwellyng W.14.151: W alone reads dwellyng; other manuscripts have beryng or beyng. . and heuene also W.14.151: W alone reads also; other manuscripts omit it. þ erafter Riȝt so W.14.152: W alone reads so; other manuscripts omit it. as a s eruaunt takeþ his salarie bifore . & siþþe wolde clayme moore As he þat noon hadde . and haþ hire at þe laste It may noȝt be ye riche men . or Mathew on god lyeþ De delicijs ad delicias difficile est transire Ac if ye riche haue ruþe . and rewarde wel þe poore And lyuen as lawe techeþ . and doon leaute to hem alle Crist of his curteisie . shal conforte yow at þe laste And rewarden alle double richesse . þat rewful hertes habbeþ And as an hyne þat hadde . his hire er he bigonne And whan he haþ doon his deuoir wel . men dooþ hym ooþ er bountee Ȝyueþ hym a cote aboue his couenaunt . riȝt so crist ȝyueþ heuene Boþe to riche and to noȝt riche . þat rewfulliche libbeþ And alle þat doon hir deuoir wel . han double hire for hir t rauaille Here forȝifnesse of hir synnes . and heuene blisse after Ac it is but selde yseien . as by holy seintes bokes That god rewarded double reste . to any riche wye For muche murþe is amonges riche . as in mete and cloþyng And muche murþe in May is . amonges wilde beestes And so forþ while somer lasteþ . hir solace dureþ Ac beggeris aboute Midsomer . bredlees þei slepe W.14.171: W alone reads slepe; other manuscripts have soupe. And yet is wynter for hem worse . for weet -shoed þei gone Afurst soore and afyngred . and foule yrebuked And arated of riche men . þ at ruþe is to here Now lord sende hem somer . and som maner ioye Heuene after hir hennes goyng . þat here han swich defaute For alle myȝtestow haue maad . noon mener þan ooþer And yliche witty and wise . if þee wel hadde liked But lord W.14.179: W alone reads But lord; other manuscripts have And. haue ruþe on þise riche men . þat rewarde noȝt þi prisoners Of þe good þ at þow hem gyuest . ingrati ben manye Ac god of þi goodnesse . gyue hem grace to amende For may no derþe be hem deere . droghte ne weet hem greue Ne neiþ er hete ne Hayll e . haue þei hir heele Of þat þei wilne and wolde . wanteþ hem noȝt here Ac poore peple þi prisoners . lord in þe put of meschief Conforte þo creatures . þat muche care suffren Thoruȝ derþe þoruȝ droghte . alle hir dayes here Wo in wynter tymes . for wantynge of cloþes And in somer tyme selde . soupen to þe fulle Conforte þi carefulle . crist in þi richesse For how þow confortest alle creatures . clerkes bereþ witnesse Conuertimini ad me & salui eritis Thus in genere of gentries . Iesu crist seide To robberis and to Reueris . to riche and to poore Thou tauȝtest hem in þe Trinite . to taken bapteme And to be clene þoruȝ þat cristnyng . of alle kynnes synne And if vs fille þoruȝ folie . to falle in synne after Confession and knowlichynge . in W.14.198: W alone reads in; all other manuscripts have and. crauynge þi mercy Shulde amenden vs as manye siþes . as man wolde desire And if þe pope wolde plede her -ayein . and punysshe vs in co nscience He sholde take þe Acquitaunce as quyk . and to þe queed shewen it Pateat &c P er passionem domini And putten of so þe pouke . and preuen vs vnder borwe Ac þe parchemyn of þis patente . of pouerte be moste And of pure pacience . and parfit bileue Of pompe and of pride . þe parchemyn decourreþ And principalliche of al þe peple . but þei be poore of herte Ellis is al on ydel . al þat euere writen W.14.208: W alone reads writen; other manuscripts have we wryten. Pater nostres and penaunce . and Pilgrymages to Rome But oure spences and spendynge . sprynge of a trewe wille Ellis is al oure labour lost . lo how men writeþ In fenestres at þe freres . if fals be þe foundement For -þi c ristene sholde be in co mmune riche . noon coueitous for hym -selue For seuene synnes þer ben . þat assaillen vs eu ere The fend folweþ hem alle . and fondeþ hem to helpe Ac wiþ richesse þat Ribaud . he raþest men bigileþ For þer þ at richesse regneþ . reuerence folweþ And þat is plesaunt to pride . in poore and in riche And þe riche is reu erenced . by reson of his richesse Ther þe poore is put bihynde . and p arauent ure kan moore Of wit and of wisdom . þat fer awey is bettre Than richesse or reautee . and raþer yherd in heuene For þe riche haþ muche to rekene . and many tyme hym þ at W.14.223: W alone reads many tyme hym þat though Cr reads right ofte him þ at and S ofte him that. Other manuscripts have riȝt softe. walkeþ The heiȝe wey to heueneward . Richesse hym letteþ Ita inpossibile diuiti &c Ther þe poore preesseþ bifore þe riche . wiþ a pak at his rugge Opera enim illor um sequntur illos Batauntliche as beggeris doon . and boldeliche he craueþ For his pouerte and his pacience . a p erpetuel blisse Beati pauperes quoniam ip sor um est regnu m celor um And pride in richesse regneþ . raþer þan in pou erte Arst in þe maister þan in þe man . som mansion he haueþ Ac in pou erte þer pacience is . pride haþ no myȝte Ne none of þe seuene synnes . sitten ne mowe þ er longe Ne haue power in pouerte . if pacience W.14.235: W alone omits it after pacience. folwe For þe poore is ay prest . to plese þe riche And buxom at hise biddynges W.14.237: W alone reads hise biddynges; all other manuscripts have the singular. . for his broke loues And buxomnesse and boost . arn euere -moore at werre And eiþer hateþ ooþer . in alle maner werkes If wraþe wrastle wiþ þe poore . he haþ þe worse ende And if þei boþe pleyne . þe poore is but feble And if he chide or chatre . hym cheueþ þe worse And if Coueitise cacche þe poore . þei may noȝt come togideres And by þe nekke namely . hir noon may hente ooþer For men knowen wel þ at Coueitise . is of kene wille And haþ hondes and armes . of ful greet W.14.246: W alone reads ful greet; most other manuscripts have a long. lengþe And Pouerte nys but a petit þyng . apereþ noȝt to his nauele And louely layk was it neu ere . bitwene þe longe and þe shorte And þouȝ Auarice wolde angre þe poore . he haþ but litel myȝte For pouerte haþ but pokes . to putten in hise goodes Ther Auarice haþ Almaries . and yren bounden cofres And wheiþ er be liȝter to breke . and lasse boost makeþ A beggeris bagge . þan an yren bounde cofre Lecherie loueþ hym noȝt . for he ȝyueþ but litel siluer Ne dooþ hym noȝt dyne delicatly . ne drynke wyn ofte A Straw for þe Stuwes . þei W.14.256: W alone reads þei; all other manuscripts have it. stoode noȝt I trowe Hadde þei no þyng but of poore men . hir houses stoode vntyled And þouȝ Sleuþe suwe pou erte . and s erue noȝt god to paie Meschief is his maister . and makeþ hym to þynke That god is his grettest help . and no gome ellis And he his seruaunt as he seiþ . and of his sute boþe And wheiþ er he be or be noȝt . he bereþ þe signe of pouerte And in þat secte oure saueour . saued al mankynde For -þi euery W.14.264: W alone reads euery; all other manuscripts have al. poore þat pacient is . may cleymen and asken After hir endynge here . heuene -riche blisse Muche hardier may he asken . þat here myȝte haue his wille In lond and in lordshipe . and likynge of bodie And for goddes loue leueþ al . and lyueþ as a beggere And as a mayde for mannes loue . hire moder forsakeþ Hir fader and alle hire frendes . and folweþ hir make Muche moore is to loue . of hym þat swich oon takeþ Than is þat maiden W.14.272: W alone reads is þat maiden; other manuscripts have a maiden is. . þat is maried þoruȝ brocage As by assent of sondry parties . and siluer to boote Moore for coueitise of good . þan kynde loue of boþe So it fareþ by ech a p ersone . þat possession forsakeþ And put hym to be pacient . and pouerte weddeþ The which is sib to god hym -self . and so to hise seintes Haue god my trouþe quod Haukyn . ye preise faste pouerte What is Pouerte wiþ pacience quod he . p roprely to mene Paupertas quod Pacience . est odibile bonum / Remocio curar um . possessio sine calumpnia . donu m dei . sanitas ma - ter . absq ue sollicitudine semita . sapiencie temp eratrix . ne - gociu m sine dampno / Incerta fortuna . absq ue sollicitudi ne felicitas I kan noȝt construe al þis quod haukyn . ye moste kenne me þis on englissh In englissh quod Pacience . it is wel hard wel to expounen Ac som -deel I shal seyen it . by so þow vnderstonde Pouerte is þe firste point . þat pride moost hateþ Thanne is it good by good skile . al þat agasteþ pride Riȝt as contricion is confortable þyng . conscience woot wel And a sorwe of hym -self . and a solace to þe soule So pouerte p ropreliche . penaunce and Ioye Is to þe body . pure spiritual helþe Ergo paupertas est odibile bonum And Contricion confort . and cura animar um Selde sit pouerte . þe soþe to declare For as Iustice to Iugge men . enioyned is no poore Ne to be Mair aboue men . ne Mynystre vnder kynges Selde is any poore yput . to punysshen any peple Remocio curar um Ergo pouerte and poore men . p arfo urnen þe comaundement Nolite iudicare quemquam . þe þridde Selde is any poore riche . but of riȝtful heritage Wynneþ he noȝt wiþ wiȝtes false . ne wiþ vnseled mesures Ne borweþ of hise neighebores . but þat he may wel paie Possessio sine calumpnia The ferþe is a fortune . þat florissheþ þe soule Wiþ sobretee fram alle synne . and also ȝit moore It afaiteþ þe flessh . fram folies ful manye A collateral confort . cristes owene ȝifte Donum dei The fifte is moder of helþe . a frend in alle fondynges And for þe land euere a leche . a lemman of alle clennesse Sanitas mater The sixte is a path of pees . ye þoruȝ þe paas of Aultou n Pouerte myȝte passe . wiþ -outen p eril of robbyng For þer þ at Pou erte passeþ . pees folweþ after And euer þe lasse þ at he bereþ . þe hardier he is of herte For -þi seiþ Seneca . Paup ertas est absq ue sollicitudine semita And an hardy man of herte . among an heep of þeues Cantabit paupertas coram latrone viatore The seuenþe is welle of wisedom . and fewe wordes sheweþ Ther -fore lordes alloweþ hym litel . or listneþ to his reson For he tempreþ þe tonge to truþeward . and no tresor coueiteþ Sapiencie temperatrix The eighteþe is a lele labour . and looþ to take moore Than he may wel deserue . in somer or in wynter And if he chaffareþ he chargeþ no losse . mowe he charite wynne Negocium sine dampno The nynþe is swete to þe soule . no sugre is swetter For pacience is payn . for pouerte hym -selue And sobretee swete drynke . and good leche in siknesse Thus lered me a lettred man . for oure lordes loue of heuene Seint Austyn a blessed lif . wiþ -outen bisynesse ladde For body and for soule . Absq ue sollicitudine felicitas Now god þat alle good gyueþ . graunte his soule reste That þis first wroot to wissen men . what Pouerte was to mene Allas quod Haukyn þe Actif man þo . þ at after my cristendom I ne hadde be deed and doluen . for dowelis sake So hard it is quod haukyn . to lyue and to do synne Synne seweþ vs euere quod he . and sory gan wexe And wepte water wiþ hise eighen . and weyled þe tyme That he euere W.14.339: W alone reads he euere; other manuscripts have euere he. dide dede . þat deere god displesed Swouned and sobbed . and siked ful ofte That euere he hadde lond ouþ er W.14.341: W alone reads ouþer; other manuscripts have or. lordshipe . lasse oþ er moore Or maistrie ouer any man . mo þan of hym -selue I were noȝt worþi woot god quod haukyn . to werien any cloþes Ne neiþ er sherte ne shoon . saue for shame one To couere my careyne quod he . and cride mercy faste And wepte and wailede . and þer -wiþ I awakede Passus .xv us. quindecimus &c finit do -wel & incipit do -bet A C after my wakynge . it was wonder longe Er I koude kyndely . knowe what was dowel And so my wit weex and wanyed . til I a fool weere And some lakkede my lif . allowed it fewe And lete me for a lorel . and looþ to reu erencen Lordes or ladies . or any lif ellis As p ersons in pelure . wiþ pendauntz of siluer To sergeauntz ne to swiche . seide I noȝt ones God loke yow lordes . ne loutede faire That folk helden me a fool . and in þat folie I raued Til reson hadde ruþe on me . and rokked me a -slepe Til I seiȝ as it sorcerie were . a sotil þyng wiþ -alle Oon wiþ -outen tonge and teeþ . tolde me whider I sholde And wher -of I cam & of what kynde . I coniured hym at þe laste If he were cristes creature . anoon me to tellen I am cristes creature quod he . and cristene in many a place In cristes court yknowe wel . and of his kyn a party Is neiþ er Peter þe Porter . ne Poul wiþ his fauchon That wole defende me þe dore . dynge I neuer so late At mydnyght at mydday . my vois so is knowe That ech a creature of his court . welcomeþ me faire What are ye called quod I in þat court . among cristes peple W.15.22: A smudged What are ye cald is written in a later hand in the space between this line and the next. The whiles I quykne þe cors quod he . called am I anima And whan I wilne . and wolde animus ich hatte And for þ at I kan knowe W.15.25: W alone reads kan knowe; other manuscripts have can and knowe. . called am I mens And whan I make mone to god . memoria is my name And whan I deme domes . and do as truþe techeþ Thanne is Racio my riȝte name . reson on englissh And whan I feele þat folk telleþ . my firste name is sensus And þat is wit and wisdom . þe welle of alle craftes And whan I chalange or chalange noȝt . chepe or refuse Thanne am I Conscience ycalled . goddes clerk and his Notarie And whan I loue leelly . oure lord and alle oþere Thanne is lele loue my name . and in latyn Amor And whan I flee fro þe flessh . and forsake þe careyne Thanne am I a spirit spechelees . Spiritus þanne ich hatte Austyn and Ysodorus . eiþer of hem boþe Nempnede me þus to name . and W.15.38: W alone has and before now. now þow myȝt chese How þow coueitest to calle me . for W.15.39: W alone has for, which is omitted by other manuscripts. now þow knowest my names W.15.40: Another hand has inserted in black ink in the left margin inside a box the following note: no ta . q uod a ni ma h abet ix no mi na Anima p ro diu ersis accionib us diu ersa no mi na sortitur : dum viuificat corpus . anima est  dum vult . anim us est . dum scit . mens est  dum recolit . memoria est . du m iudicat . racio est  dum sentit . sensus est  dum amat . Amor est  dum negat vel consentit . consciencia est dum spirat . spiritus est Ye ben as a bisshop quod I . al bourdynge þat tyme For bisshopes yblessed . þei bereþ manye names Presul and Pontifex . and Metropolitanus And oþere names anheep an heep . Ep iscopus and Pastor W.15.44: Between this line and the next a fifteenth-century hand (the same as on folios 1r and 147v) has written Jon Ryc . That is sooþ seide he . now I se þi wille Thow woldest knowe and konne . þe cause of alle my names And of me W.15.47: W alone has me; other manuscripts have myne. if þow myȝtest . me þynkeþ by þi speche Ye sire I seide . by so no man were greued Alle þe sciences vnder sonne . and alle þe sotile craftes I wolde I knewe and kouþe . kyndely in myn herte Thanne artow inparfit quod he . and oon of prides knyȝtes For swich a lust and likyng . Lucifer fel from heuene Ponam pedem meum in aquilone & similis ero altissimo It were ayeins kynde quod he . and alle kynnes reson That any creature sholde konne al . except crist oone Ayein swiche Salomon spekeþ . and despiseþ hir wittes And seiþ . Sicut qui mel comedit multu m non est ei bonu m Sic qui scrutator est maiestatis . opprimitur a gloria To englisshe men þis is to mene . þat mowen speke and here The man þat muche hony eteþ . his mawe it engleymeþ And þe moore þ at a man . of good matere . hereþ But he do þer -after . it dooþ hym double scaþe Beatus est seiþ Seint Bernard . qui scripturas legit Et verba vertit in opera . fulliche to his power Coueitise to konne . and to knowe sciences Putte out of Paradis . Adam and Eue Sciencie appetitus ho mi nem inmortalitatis gloria spoliauit And riȝt as hony is yuel to defie . and engleymeþ þe mawe Right so he þat þoruȝ reson . wolde þe roote knowe Of god and of hise grete myȝtes . hise g races it letteþ For in þe likynge liþ a pride . and licames coueitise Ayein cristes counseil . and alle clerkes techynge That is Non plus sapere q uam oportet sapere Freres and fele oþ ere maistres . þat to lewed men p rechen Ye moeuen materes vnmesurable . to tellen of þe Trinite That ofte -tymes þe lewed peple . of hir bileue doute Bettre it were to manye doctours . to leuen swich techyng W.15.77: The variants are complex, and W's version of the line is unique. M is closest with Bettre were many docto urs . bileue suche techinge . Most other manuscripts have bettre to leyve were many doctovrs seyche teychyng (in the spelling of G). And tellen men of þe ten comaundementz . and touchen þe seuene synnes And of þe braunches þ at burioneþ of hem . and bryngen men to helle And how þ at folk in folies . mysspenden hir fyue wittes As wel freres as ooþ er folk . foliliche spenden In housynge / in haterynge . and in to heigh clergie shewynge Moore for pompe þan for pure charite . þe peple woot þe soþe That I lye noȝt loo . for lordes ye plesen And reuerencen þe riche . þe raþer for hir siluer Confundant ur om nes qui adorant sculptilia / Et alibi Vt quid diligitis vanitatem & queritis mendaciu m Gooþ to þe glose of þise vers . ye grete clerkes If I lye on yow to my lewed wit . ledeþ me to brennyng For as it semeþ ye forsakeþ . no mannes almesse Of vsurers of hoores . of Auarouse chapmen And louten to þise lordes . þat mowen lene yow nobles Ayein youre rule and Religion . I take record at Iesus That seide to hise disciples . Ne sitis p ersonar um acceptores Of þis matere I myȝte . make a long bible Ac of curatours of cristen peple . as clerkes bereþ witnesse I shal tellen it for truþes sake . take hede who -so likeþ As holynesse and honeste . out of holy chirche spredeþ Thoruȝ lele libbynge men . þat goddes lawe techen Right so out of holi chirche . alle yueles spryngeþ W.15.100: W alone has spryngeþ; all other manuscripts have spredeth. There inparfit preesthode is . p rechours and techeris I se it by ensaumple . in somer tyme on trowes Ther some bowes ben leued . and some bereþ none Ther is a meschief in þe more . of swiche man ere bowes Right so bi W.15.105: All other manuscripts omit bi, added above the line in W. p ersons and preestes . and p rechours of holi chirche That aren roote of þe right feiþ . to rule þe peple And þer þe roote is roten . reson woot þe soþe Shal neuere flour ne fruyt . ne fair leef be grene For -þi wolde ye lettrede leue . þe lecherie of cloþyng And be kynde as bifel for clerkes . and curteise of cristes goodes Trewe of youre tonge . and of youre tail boþe And hatien to here harlotrie . and noȝt to vnderfonge Tiþes but of trewe þyng . ytilied or chaffared Loþe were lewed men . but þei youre loore folwede And amendeden hem þat mysdoon . moore for youre ensaumples Than for to prechen and preuen it noȝt . ypocrisie it semeþ The which W.15.117: W alone has The which; all other manuscripts have For ypocrisie. in latyn . is likned to a dongehill e That were bisnewed wiþ snow . and snakes wiþ -Inne Or to a wal þat were whitlymed . and were foul wiþ -Inne Right so manye preestes . p rechours and p relates Ye aren enblaunched wiþ bele p aroles . and wiþ cloþes also Ac your e werkes and your e wordes þer -vnder . aren ful vnloueliche Ioh annes Crisostomus . of clerkes spekeþ and preestes Sicut de templo om ne bonu m p rogredit ur . sic de templo W.15.124: A later fifteenth-century hand has written no ta in the right margin, as on fol. 56r. om ne malu m p rocedit  Si sacerdociu m integru m fuerit tota floret eccl esia  Si aute m corruptu m fuerit om ni um fides mar - cida est  Si sacerdociu m fuerit in peccatis . totus popu - lus conuertitur ad peccandum . Sicut cum videris arborem pallidam & marcidam / intelligis q uod vicium h abet in radice . Ita cu m videris populu m indisciplinatu m & irre - ligiosu m sine dubio sacerdociu m eius non est sanum If lewed men wiste . what þis latyn meneþ And who was myn Auctour . muche wonder me þinkeþ But if many a preest beere . for hir baselardes and hir broches A peire of bedes in hir hand . and a book vnder hir arme Sire Ioh an and sire Geffrey . haþ a girdel of siluer A baselard or a ballokknyf . wiþ botons ouer -gilte Ac a Porthors þat sholde be his Plow . Placebo to sigge Hadde he neu ere seruice to saue siluer þer -to . seiþ it w it h ydel wille Allas ye lewed men . muche lese ye on preestes Ac þing þat wikkedly is wonne . and wiþ false sleightes Wolde neu ere þe wit of witty god . but wikkede men it hadde The whiche arn preestes inparfite . and p rechours after siluer Executours and Sodenes . Somono urs and hir lemmannes That þ at wiþ gile was geten . vng raciousliche is despended W.15.138: W alone has despended. Most other manuscripts have spended. So harlotes and hores . arn holpe wiþ swiche goodes And goddes folk for defaute þ er -of . forfaren and spillen Curato urs of holy kirke . as clerkes þat ben auarouse Lightliche þat þei leuen . losels it habbeþ Or deieþ intestate . and þanne þe bisshop entreþ And makeþ murþe þer -myd . and hise men boþe And seyen he was a nygard . þat no good myȝte aspare To frend ne to fre mmed . þe fend haue his soule For a wrecchede hous held he W.15.147: W alone has held he; most other manuscripts have he held. . al his lif -tyme And þat he spared and bisperede . dispende W.15.148: W alone has dispende. Other manuscripts have spende or spene. we in murþe By lered / by lewed . þat looþ is to despende W.15.149: W alone reads despende; most other manuscripts have spende. Thus goon hire goodes . be þe goost faren Ac for goode men god woot . greet doel men maken And bymeneþ goode mete -ȝyueres . and in mynde haueþ In preieres and in penaunces . and in parfit charite . What is charite What is charite quod I þo . a childissh þyng he seide W.15.155-156: The scribe has added in the left margin boxed in red the words quid est caritas . Nisi efficiamini sicut p aruuli . non intrabitis in regnu m celor um Wiþ -outen fauntelte or folie . a fre liberal wille Where sholde men fynde swich a frend . wiþ so fre an herte I haue lyued in londe quod he W.15.158: WHmCr 1 have he; all other manuscripts read I. . my name is longe wille And fond I neuere ful charite . bifore ne bihynde Men beþ merciable . to mendinauntz and to poore And wollen lene þer þei leue . lelly to ben paied Ac charite þat Poul preiseþ best . and moost plesaunt to oure lord Is Non inflatur . non est ambiciosa . non querit que sua sunt &c W.15.163: W alone has &c. I seiȝ neu ere swich a man . so me god helpe That he ne wolde aske after his . and ouþ erwhile coueite Thyng þat neded hym noȝt . and nyme it if he myȝte Clerkes kenne me . þ at crist is in alle places Ac I seiȝ hym neu ere sooþly . but as my -self in a Mirour In enigmate tunc facie ad faciem And so I trowe trewely . by þat men telleþ of charite It is noȝt chaumpions fight . ne chaffare as I trowe Charite quod he ne chaffareþ noȝt . ne chalangeþ ne craueþ As proud of a peny . as of a pound of golde And is as glad of a gowne . of a gray russet As of a tunycle of tarse . or of trie scarlet He is glad wiþ alle glade . and good til alle wikkede And leneþ W.15.177: The word could, of course, be leueþ, the reading chosen by Skeat. Modern editors have chosen leneþ. and loueþ alle . þat oure lord made Corseþ he no creature . ne he kan bere no wraþe Ne no likynge haþ to lye . ne laughe men to scorne Al þat men seyn he leet it sooþ . and in solace takeþ And alle man ere meschiefs . in myldenesse he suffreþ Coueiteþ he noon erþely good . but heuene -riche blisse Haþ he anye rentes or richesse . or any riche frendes Of rentes nor W.15.184: W alone has nor; other manuscripts have ne. of richesse . ne rekkeþ he neu ere For a frend þat fyndeþ hym . failed hym neu ere at nede Fiat voluntas tua . fynt hym euere -moore And if he soupeþ eteþ but a sop . of Spera in deo He kan portreye wel þe Pat er nost er . and peynte it w it h Aues And ouþ erwhile he is woned . to wenden on pilgrymages Ther poore men and prisons liggeþ . hir pardon to haue Thouȝ he bere hem no breed . he bereþ hem swetter liflode Loueþ hem as oure lord biddeþ . and lokeþ how þei fare And whan he is wery of þat werk . þan wole he somtyme Labouren in lauendrye . wel þe lengþe of a Mile And yerne in -to youþe . and yepeliche speke Pride wiþ al þe app urtenaunces . and pakken hem togideres And bouken hem at his brest . and beten hem clene And leggen on longe . wiþ Laboraui in gemitu meo And wiþ warm water at hise eiȝen . wasshen hem after And þanne he syngeþ whan he doþ so . and som -tyme seiþ wepynge Cor contritu m & humiliatu m deus non despicies By crist I wolde þ at I knewe hym quod I . no creature leu ere Wiþ -outen help of Piers Plowman quod he . his p ersone sestow neu ere Wheiþ er clerkes knowen hym quod I . þat kepen holikirke Clerkes haue no knowyng quod he . but by werkes and by wordes Ac Piers þe Plowman . parceyueþ moore depper What is þe wille and wher -fore . þ at many wight suffreþ Et vidit deus cogitaciones eor um For þer are ful proude -herted men . pacient of tonge And buxome as of berynge . to burgeises and to lordes And to poore peple . han pepir in þe nose And as a lyoun he lokeþ . þer men lakken hise werkes For þ er are beggeris and bidderis . bedemen as it were Loken as lambren . and semen ful W.15.214: W alone has ful; all other witnesses have lif. holy Ac it is moore to haue hir mete . wiþ swich an esy manere Than for penaunce and p arfitnesse . þe pouerte þat swiche takeþ Ther -fore by colour ne by clergie . knowe shaltow neu ere Neiþ er þoruȝ wordes ne werkes . but þoruȝ wil oone And þat knoweþ no clerk . ne creature on erþe But Piers þe Plowman . Petrus .i d est. christus For he nys noȝt in lolleris . ne in lond -leperis heremytes Ne at Ancres þ ere a box hangeþ . alle swiche þei faiten Fy on faitours . and in fautores suos For charite is goddes champion . and as a good child hende And þe murieste of mouþ . at mete where he sitteþ The loue þat liþ in his herte . makeþ hym liȝt of speche And is compaignable and confortatif . as crist bit hym -selue Nolite fieri sicut ypocrite tristes &c For I haue seyen hym in silk . and somtyme in russet Boþe in grey and in grys . and in gilt harneis And as gladliche he it gaf . to gomes þat it neded Edmond and Edward . boþe were kynges And seintes yset . for charite hem folwede I haue yseyen charite also . syngen and reden Riden and rennen . in raggede wedes Ac biddynge as beggeris . biheld I hym neu ere Ac in riche robes raþest he walkeþ . Ycalled and ycrymyled . and his crowne yshaue And in a freres frokke . he was yfounden ones Ac it is fern ago . in Seint Fraunceis tyme In þat secte siþþe . to selde haþ he ben founde W.15.241: W alone reads founde; all other manuscripts have knowe(n). Riche men he recomendeþ . and of hir robes takeþ That wiþ -outen wiles . ledeþ hir lyues Beatus est diues qui &c In kynges court he comeþ ofte . þer þe counseil is trewe Ac if coueitise be of þe counseil . he wol noȝt come þ er -Inne In court amonges Iaperis . he comeþ noȝt but selde For braulynge and bakbitynge . and berynge of fals witnesse In þe Consistorie bifore þe Co mmissarie . he comeþ noȝt ful ofte For hir lawe dureþ ouer -longe . but if þei lacchen siluer And matrimoyne for moneie . maken and vnmaken And þat Conscience and crist . haþ yknyt faste Thei vndoon it vnworþily . þo doctours of lawe Ac I ne lakke no lif . but lord amende vs alle And gyue vs g race goode god . charite to folwe For who -so myȝte meete myd W.15.256: W alone has myd; other manuscripts have wiþ. hym . swiche man eres hym eileþ Neiþ er he blameþ ne banneþ . bosteþ ne preiseþ Lakkeþ ne loseþ . ne lokeþ vp sterne Craueþ ne coueiteþ . ne crieþ after moore In pace in id -ip sum dormiam &c The mooste liflode þat he lyueþ by . is loue in goddes passion Neiþer he biddeþ ne beggeþ . ne borweþ to yelde Misdooþ he no man . ne wiþ his mouþ greueþ Amonges cristene men . þis myldenesse sholde laste In alle manere angres . haue þis at herte That þeiȝ þei suffrede al þis . god suffrede for vs moore In ensample we sholde do so . and take no vengeaunce Of oure foes þat dooþ vs falsnesse . þat is oure fadres wille For wel may euery man wite . if god hadde wold hym -selue Sholde neuere Iudas ne Iew . haue Iesu doon on roode Ne han martired Peter ne Poul . ne in prison holden Ac he suffrede in ensample . þ at we sholde suffren also And seide to swiche þ at suffre wolde . þ at Pacientes vincunt Verbi gracia quod he . and verray ensamples manye In legenda s anc tor um . þe lif of holy Seintes What penaunce and pouerte . and passion þei suffrede In hunger / in hete . in alle manere angres Antony and Egidie . and oþ ere holy fadres Woneden in wildernesse . among wilde beestes Monkes and mendinauntz . men by hem -selue In spekes and in spelonkes . selde speken togideres Ac neiþ er Antony ne Egidie . ne heremyte þat tyme Of leons ne of leopardes . no liflode ne toke But of foweles þat fleeþ . þus fyndeþ men in bokes Except þ at Egidie . after an hynde cride And þoruȝ þe mylk of þat mylde beest . þe man was sustened And day bi day hadde he hire noȝt . his hunger for to slake But selden and sondry tymes . as seiþ þe book and techeþ Antony a -dayes . aboute noon -tyme Hadde a brid þat brouȝte hym breed . þat he by lyuede And þouȝ þe gome hadde a gest . god fond hem boþe Poul p rim us heremita . hadde parroked hym -selue That no man myȝte hym se . for mosse and for leues Foweles hym fedde . fele wyntres wiþ -alle Til he foundede freres . of Austynes ordre Poul after his p rechyng . paniers he made And wan wiþ hise hondes . þat his wombe neded Peter fisshed for his foode . and his felawe Andrew Som þei solde and som þei soden . and so þei lyued boþe And also Marie Maudeleyne . by mores lyuede and dewes Ac moost þoruȝ deuocion . and mynde of god almyghty I sholde noȝt þise seuen daies . siggen hem alle That lyueden þus for oure lordes loue . many longe yeres Ac þer ne was leou n ne leopard . þat on laundes wenten Neiþer bere ne boor . ne ooþ er beest wilde That ne fil to hir feet . and fawned wiþ þe tailles And if þei kouþe han ycarped . by crist as I trowe Thei wolde haue yfed þat folk . bifore wilde foweles Ac god sente hem foode by foweles . and by no fierse beestes In menynge þ at meke þyng . mylde þyng sholde fede As who seiþ Religiouses . rightfulle men sholde fede And lawefulle men to lifholy men . liflode sholde brynge And þanne wolde lordes and ladies . be looþ to agulte And to taken of hir tenauntz . moore þan trouþe wolde Founde þei þ at freres . wolde forsake hir almesses And bidden hem bere it . þere it was yborwed For we ben goddes foweles . and abiden alwey Til briddes brynge vs . þat we sholde lyue by For hadde ye potage and payn ynogh . and peny ale to drynke And a mees þer -myd . of o maner kynde Ye hadde riȝt ynoȝ ye Religiouse . and so your e rule me tolde Nu mq uam dicit Iob rugit onager cu m herbam h abuerit aut mugiet bos cu m ante plenu m p resepe steterit . brutor um a ni maliu m natura te condempnat . quia cu m eis pabulu m co mmune sufficiat ex adipe p rodijt iniquitas tua If lewed men knewe þis latyn . þei wolde loke whom þei yeue W.15.323-329: A rough decorative line runs down the left margin from 15.323-329. And auisen hem bifore . a fyue dayes or sixe Er þei amortisede . to monkes or Chanons hir rente W.15.325: W alone has rente; all other manuscripts have plural rentes. Allas lordes and ladies . lewed counseil haue ye To ȝyue from your e heires . þat youre Aiels yow lefte And ȝyueþ it to bidde for yow . to swiche þat ben riche And ben founded and feffed ek . to bidde for oþere Who p arfo urneþ þis p rophecie . of þe peple þat now libbeþ Dispersit dedit paup erib us If any peple p arfo urne þat text . it are þise poore freres For þat þei beggen aboute . in buyldynge þei spende it And on hem -self som . and swiche as ben hir laborers And of hem þat habbeþ þei taken . and ȝyueþ hem þat habbeþ Ac clerkes and knyȝtes . and co mmuners þat ben riche Fele of yow fareþ . as if I a forest hadde That were ful of faire trees . and I fondede and caste How I myȝte mo þ er -Inne . amonges hem sette Right so ye riche . ye robeþ þat ben riche And helpeþ hem þat helpeþ yow . and ȝyueþ þer no nede is As who -so filled a tonne . of a fressh ryuer And wente forþ wiþ þat water . to woke wiþ Temese Right so ye riche . ye robeþ and fedeþ Hem þat han as ye han . hem ye make atese at ese Ac Religiouse þat riche ben . sholde raþer feeste beggeris Than burgeises þat riche ben . as þe book techeþ Quia sacrilegiu m est res pauperu m non paup erib us dare W.15.348: A later hand has written no ta in the right margin. Item peccatorib us dare est demonib us immolare Item monache si indiges & accipis pocius das q uam accipis Si autem non eges & accipis rapis Porro non indiget monachus si h abeat quod nature sufficit For -þi I counseille alle cristene . to conformen hem to charite For charite wiþ -outen chalangynge . vnchargeþ þe soule And many a prison fram p urgatorie . þoruȝ hise preieres he deliu er Ac þer is a defaute in þe folk . þat þe feiþ kepeþ Wher -fore folk is þe febler . and noȝt ferm of bileue As in lussheburwes is a luþer alay . and yet lokeþ he lik a sterlyng The merk of þat monee is good . ac þe metal is feble And so it fareþ by som folk now . þei han a fair speche Crowne and cristendom . þe kynges mark of heuene Ac þe metal þat is mannes soule . wiþ synne is foule alayed Boþe lettred and lewed . beþ alayed now wiþ synne That no lif loueþ ooþer . ne oure lord as it semeþ For þoruȝ werre and wikkede werkes . and wederes vnresonable Wederwise shipmen . and witty clerkes also Han no bileue to þe lifte . ne to þe loore of Philosofres Astronomiens alday . in hir Art faillen That whilom warned bifore . what sholde falle after Shipmen and shepherdes . þat wiþ ship and sheep wenten Wisten by þe walkne . what sholde bitide As of wedres and wyndes . þei warned men ofte Tilieris þat tiled þe erþe . tolden hir maistres By þe seed þat þei sewe . what þei selde W.15.374: W alone has selde; other manuscripts have selle. myȝte And what to leue and what to lyue by . þe lond was so trewe Now faileþ þe folk of þe flood . and of þe lond boþe Shepherdes and shipmen . and so do þise tilieris Neiþ er þei konneþ ne knoweþ . oon cours bifore anoþ er Astronomyens also . aren at hir wittes ende Of þat was calculed of þe element . þe cont rarie þei fynde Grammer þe ground of al . bigileþ now children For is noon of þise newe clerkes . who -so nymeþ hede W.15.382: WHmCr omit the following line attested by other witnesses: Þat can versifye faire . ne formalich enditen (in the spelling of L). Nauȝt oon among anhundred an hundred . þat an Auctour kan construwe Ne rede a lettre in any langage . but in latyn or in englissh Go now to any degree . and but if gile be maister And Flaterer e his felawe . vnder hym to fourmen Muche wonder me þynkeþ . amonges vs alle Doctours of decrees . and of diuinite maistres That sholde konne and knowe . alle kynnes clergie And answere to Argumentz . and also to a Quodlibet I dar noȝt siggen it for shame . if swiche were apposed Thei sholde faillen of hir Philosophie . and in Phisik boþe Wher -fore I am afered . of folk of holy kirke Lest þei ou erhuppen as ooþ ere doon . in office and in houres And if þei ou erhuppe as I hope noȝt . oure bileue suffiseþ As clerkes in Corpus Christi feeste . syngen and reden That sola fides sufficit . to saue wiþ lewed peple And so may Sarzens be saued . Scribes and Iewes Allas þanne but oure looresmen . lyue as þei leren vs And for hir lyuynge þ at lewed men . be þe loþer god agulten For Sarzens han somwhat . semynge to oure bileue For þei loue and bileue . in o p ersone almyghty And we lered and lewed . in oon god almyȝty And oon Makometh a man . in mysbileue brouȝte Sarzens of Surree . and see in what manere This Makometh was a cristene . and for he moste noȝt ben a pope In -to Surrie he souȝte . and þoruȝ hise sotile wittes He daunted a dowue . and day and nyȝt hire fedde The corn þat she croppede . he caste it in his ere And if he among þe peple p reched . or in places come Thanne wolde þe colu ere come . to þe clerkes ere Menynge as after mete . þus Makometh hire enchauntede And dide folk þanne falle on knees . for he swoor in his p rechyng That þe coluere þat com so . com from god of heuene As messager to Makometh . men for to teche And þus þoruȝ wiles of his wit . and a whit Dowue Makometh in mysbileue . men and wo mmen brouȝte That lyued þo þere and lyue ȝit . leeue..n W.15.418: Letters have been erased between leeue and on, with <n> added to leeue and followed by a dash, probably in the scribal hand. on hise lawes And siþþe oure Saueour suffred . þe Sarzens so bigiled Thoruȝ a cristene clerk . acorsed in his soule For drede of þe deeþ . I dar noȝt telle truþe How englisshe clerkes a colu ere fede . þat coueitise hiȝte And ben manered after Makometh . þat no man vseþ trouþe Ancres and heremytes . and Monkes and freres Peeren to þe Apostles . þoruȝ hire parfit lyuynge Wolde neu ere þe feiþful fader . þ at hise Ministres sholde Of tirauntz þat teneþ trewe men . taken any almesse But doon as Antony dide . dominyk and Fraunceys Beneit and Bernard . þe whiche hem first tauȝte To lyue by litel and in lowe houses . by lele mennes almesse Grace sholde growe and be grene . þoruȝ hir goode lyuynge And folkes sholden fare W.15.432: W alone has fare, though Hm has faren with the last four letters written over an erasure in a different ink. Other manuscripts have fynde. . þat ben in diuerse siknesse The bettre for hir biddynges . in body and in soule Hir preieres and hir penaunces . to pees sholde brynge Alle þat ben at debaat . and bedemen were trewe Petite & accipietis &c Salt saueþ þe catel . siggen þise wyues Vos estis sal terre &c The heuedes of holy chirche . and þei holy were Crist calleþ hem salt . for cristene soules Et si sal euanuerit in quo salietur &c For fressh flessh ouþer fissh . whan it salt failleþ It is vnsauory for -soþe . ysoden or ybake So is mannes soule sooþly . þat seeþ no goode ensamples W.15.444: W alone has plural ensamples. Other manuscripts have the singular. Of hem of holi chirche . þat þe heighe wey sholde teche And be gide and go bifore . as a good Banyer And hardie hem þat bihynde ben . and ȝyue hem good euidence Elleuene holy men . al þe world tornede In -to lele bileue . þe lightloker me þinkeþ Sholde alle maner men . we han so manye maistres Preestes and prechours . and a pope aboue That goddes salt sholde be . to saue mannes soule Al was hethynesse somtyme . Engelond and Walis Til Gregory garte clerkes . to go here and preche Austyn at Caunterbury . cristnede þe kyng And þoruȝ miracles as men mow rede . al þat marche he tornede To crist and to cristendom . and cros to honoure And follede folk faste . and þe feiþ tauȝte Moore þoruȝ miracles . þan þoruȝ muche p rechyng As wel þoruȝ hise werkes . as wiþ hise holy wordes And seide hem . what fullynge and feiþ was to mene Clooþ þat comeþ fro þe weuyng . is noȝt comly to were Til it be fulled vnder foot . or in fullyng stokkes Wasshen wel wiþ water . and wiþ taseles cracched Ytouked and yteynted . and vnder taillo urs hande Right W.15.466: W alone reads Right. All other manuscripts have And. so it fareþ by a barn . þat born is of a wombe Til it be cristned in cristes name . and confermed of þe bisshop It is heþene as to heueneward . and helplees to þe soule Heþen is to mene after heeþ . and vntiled erþe As in wilde wildernesse . wexeþ wilde beestes Rude and vnresonable . rennynge wiþ -outen cropiers W.15.471: W alone has the spelling cropiers, "cruppers, straps" (French cropiere ). R alone has the probably correct keperes, while other manuscripts have variations on creperes (GC 2LYO) and cropers (HmCrCBM). Ye mynnen wel how Mathew seiþ . how a man made a feste He fedde hem wiþ no venyson . ne fesauntz ybake But wiþ foweles þat fram hym nolde . but folwede his whistlyng Ecce altilia mea & omnia parata sunt And wiþ calues flessh he fedde . þe folk þat he louede The calf bitokneþ clennesse . in hem þat kepeþ lawes For as þe Cow þoruȝ kynde mylk . þe calf norisseþ til an Oxe So loue and leaute . lele men susteneþ And maidenes and mylde men . mercy desiren Right as þe cow calf . coueiteþ melk swete W.15.481: W alone reads melk swete. Other manuscripts have swete mylke (in the spelling of L). So doon riȝtfulle men . mercy and truþe Ac who beþ þ at excuseþ hem . þ at ben p ersons and preestes That heuedes of holy chirche ben . þat han hir wil here Wiþ -outen t rauaille þe tiþe deel . þat trewe men biswynken They wol be wrooþ for I write þus . ac to witnesse I take Boþe Mathew and Marc . and Memento d omine dauid What pope or p relat now . p arfo urneþ þat crist highte Ite in vniuersum mundum & predicate &c Allas þ at men so longe . on Makometh sholde bileue So manye p relates to p reche . as þe Pope makeþ Of Nazareth of Nynyue . of Neptalym and Damaske That þei ne wente as crist wisseþ . siþen þei wille haue name To be pastours and p reche . þe passion of Iesus And as hym -self seide . to lyue and to W.15.495: W alone has to which is omitted by the other witnesses. dye Bonus pastor animam suam ponit &c And seide it in saluacion . of Sarzens and oþere For cristene and vncristene . crist seide to p rechours Ite vos in vineam meam &c And siþ þ at þise Sarzens . Scribes and Iewes Han a lippe of oure bileue . þe lightlier me þynkeþ Thei sholde turne who -so t rauailed . to teche hem of þe Trinite Querite & inuenietis &c It is ruþe to rede . how riȝtwise men lyuede How þei defouled hir flessh . forsoke hir owene wille Fer fro kyth and fro kyn . yuele ycloþed yeden Baddely ybedded . no book but conscience Ne no richesse but þe roode . to reioisse hem Inne Absit nob is gloriari nisi in cruce d omini n ostri &c And þo was plentee and pees . amonges poore and riche And now is rouþe to rede . how þe rede noble Is reu erenced er þe Roode . and receyued for worþier W.15.512: W alone omits þe before worþier. Than cristes cros þat ou ercam . deeþ and dedly synne And now is werre and wo . and who -so why askeþ For coueitise after cros . þe croune stant in golde Boþe riche and Religious . þat roode þei honoure That in grotes is ygraue . and in gold nobles For coueitise of þat cros . men of holy kirke Shul torne as templers dide . þe tyme app rocheþ faste Wite ye noȝt ye wise men . how þo men honoured Moore tresor þan trouþe . I dar noȝt telle þe soþe Reson and rightful doom . þe Religiouse demede Right so ye clerkes . for your e coueitise er longe Shal þei demen dos eccl esie . and youre pride depose Deposuit potentes de sede &c If knyghthod and kynde wit . and þe W.15.526: W alone reads þe, which is omitted in other manuscripts. In many manuscripts the b-verse reads and co mune conscience (in the spelling of L). co mmune by conscience Togideres loue leelly . leueþ it wel ye bisshopes The lordshipe of your e W.15.528: W alone has youre; other manuscripts omit it. londes . for euere shul ye lese And lyuen as Leuitici . as oure lord W.15.529: W alone omits yow after lord. techeþ Per primicias & decimas &c Whan Costantyn of curteisie . holy kirke dowed Wiþ londes and ledes . lordshipes and rentes An Aungel men herden . an heigh at Rome crye Dos eccl esie þis day . haþ ydronke venym And þo þat han Petres power . arn apoisoned alle A medicyne moot þer -to . þat may amende p relates That sholden preie for þe pees . possession hem letteþ Takeþ hire landes ye lordes . and leteþ hem lyue by dymes If possession be poison . and inparfite hem make Good were to deschargen hem . for holy chirches sake And purgen hem of poison . er moore p eril falle If preesthode were parfit . þe peple sholde amende That cont rarien cristes lawe . and cristendom dispise For alle paynymes preieþ . and parfitly bileueþ In þe holy grete god . and his grace þei asken And make hir mone to Makometh . hir message to shewe Thus in a feiþ leue þat folk . and in a fals mene And þat is rouþe for riȝtful men . þ at in þe Reawme wonyen And a p eril to þe pope . and p relates þat he makeþ That bere bisshopes names . of Bethleem and Babiloigne That huppe aboute in Engelond . to halwe mennes Auteres And crepe amonges curatours . and confessen ageyn þe lawe Nolite mittere falsem in messem alienam &c Many man for cristes loue . was martired in Romayne Er any cristendom was knowe þ ere . or any cros honoured Euery bisshop þat bereþ cros . by þat he is holden Thoruȝ his p rouince to passe . and to his peple to shewe hym Tellen hem and techen hem . on þe Trinite to bileue And feden hem wiþ goostly foode . and gyue þere it nedeþ In domo mea non est panis neq ue vestimentum et ideo nolite constituere me Regem Ozias seiþ for swiche . þat sike ben and feble Inferte om nes W.15.562: W alone omits decimas after omnes . in orreum meum vt cibus in domo mea Ac we cristene creatures . þat on þe cros bileuen Arn ferme as in þe feiþ . goddes forbode ellis And han clerkes to kepen vs þ er -Inne . & hem þ at shul come after vs And Iewes lyuen in lele lawe . oure lord wroot it hym -selue In stoon for it stedefast was . and stonde sholde euere Dilige deum & p roximu m . is parfit Iewen lawe And took it Moyses to teche men . til Messie coome And on þat lawe þei lyue ȝit . and leten it þe beste And ȝit knewe þei crist . þat cristendom tauȝte For a p arfit p rophete . þat muche peple sauede Of selkouþe sores . þei seiȝen it ofte Boþe of miracles and m erueilles . and how he men festede Wiþ two fisshes and fyue loues . fyue þousand peple And by þat mangerie men myȝte wel se . þ at Messie he semede And whan he lifte vp Lazar . þat leid was in graue And vnder stoon deed and stank . wiþ stif vois hym callede Lazare veni foras . Dide hym rise and rome . riȝt bifore þe Iewes Ac þei seiden and sworen . wiþ sorcerie he wrouȝte And studieden to struyen hym . and struyden hem -selue . And þoruȝ his pacience hir power . to pure noȝt he brouȝte Pacientes vincunt . Daniel of hire vndoynge . deuyned and seide Cum s anc tus s anc tor um veniat cessabit vnxio v estra And wenen þo wrecches . þ at he were pseudo p ropheta And þ at his loore be lesynges . and lakken it alle And hopen þ at he be to come . þat shal hem releue Moyses eft or Messie . hir maistres ȝit deuyneþ Ac pharisees and Sarzens . Scribes and Iewes Arn folk of oon feiþ . þe fader god þei honouren And siþen þ at þe Sarzens . and also þe Iewes Konne þe firste clause of oure bileue . Credo in deu m p atrem o mnipotente m Prelates of cristene p rouinces . sholde preue if þei myȝte To lere hem litlum and litlum . et in Iesum Christum filiu m Til þei kouþe speke and spelle . et in Sp iritum s anc tum And reden it and recorden it . wiþ remissionem peccator um Carnis resurreccionem . et vitam eternam amen Passus xvj us sextus decimus &c et prim us de Dobet N Ow faire falle yow quod I þo . for your e faire shewyng For Haukyns loue þe Actif man . euere I shal yow louye Ac ȝit I am in aweer a weer . what charite is to mene It is a ful trie tree quod he . trewely to telle Mercy is þe more þer -of . þe myddul stok is ruþe The leues ben lele wordes . þe lawe of holy chirche The blosmes beþ buxom speche . and benigne lokynge Pacience hatte þe pure tree . and pure symple of herte And so þoruȝ god and þoruȝ goode men . groweþ þe fruyt Charite I wolde t rauaille quod I þis tree to se . twenty hundred myle And for to haue And for to haue my fulle of þat fruyt . forsake alle oþ ere saulees Lord quod I if any wight . wite whider -out it groweþ It groweþ in a gardyn quod he . þat god made hym -selue Amyddes mannes body . þe more is of þat stokke Herte highte þe herber . þat it Inne groweþ And liberum arbitrium . haþ þe W.16.16: W alone reads þe; all other B manuscripts have to. lond þe ferme Vnder Piers þe Plowman . to piken it and to weden it Piers þe Plowman quod I þo . and al for pure Ioye That I herde nempne his name . anoon I swowned after And lay longe in a loue -dreem . and at þe laste me þouȝte That Piers þe Plowman . al þe place me shewed And bad me to toten on þe tree . on top and on roote Wiþ þre piles was it vnderpight . I p arceyued it soone Piers quod I . I preie þee . whi stonde þise piles here For wyndes wiltow wite quod he . to witen it fro fallyng Cu m ceciderit iustus non collidet ur . quia d ominus supponit ma num suam W.16.26: The page is cropped after ma ; other B manuscripts have manum suam . And in blowyng tyme abite þe floures . but if þise piles helpe The world is a wikked wynd . to hem þat willen truþe Coueitise comþ of þat wynd . and crepeþ among þe leues And forfreteþ neiȝ þe fruyt . þoruȝ manye faire sightes Thanne w it h þe firste pil I palle hym doun . þat is potencia de i patris W.16.31: The page is cropped after de ; other B manuscripts have dei patris . The flessh is a fel wynd . and in flouryng tyme Thoruȝ likynge and lustes . so loude he gynneþ blowe That it norisseþ nyce sightes . and som -tyme wordes And wikkede werkes þer -of . wormes of synne And forbiteþ þe blosmes . riȝt to þe bare leues Thanne sette I to þe secounde pil . Sapiencia dei p atris That is þe passion and þe power . of oure prince Iesu Thoruȝ preieres and þoruȝ penaunces . and goddes passion in mynde I saue it til I se it ripen . and som -del yfruyted And þanne fondeþ þe fend . my fruyt to destruye Wiþ alle þe wiles þat he kan . and waggeþ þe roote And casteþ vp to þe crop . vnkynde Neighebores Bakbiteris breke þe cheste . brawleris and chideris And leiþ a laddre þer -to . of lesynges are þe ronges And feccheþ awey my floures som -tyme . afore boþe myne eighen Ac liberum arbitrium . letteþ hym som -tyme That is lieutenaunt to loken it wel . bi leue of my -selue Videatis qui peccat in sp iritum s anc tum nu mq uam remittet ur &c Hoc est idem . qui peccat p er liberum arbitrium no n repug nat Ac whan þe fend and þe flessh . forþ wiþ þe world Manacen bihynde me . my fruyt for to fecche Thanne liberum arbitrium . laccheþ þe firste plante And palleþ adoun þe pouke . pureliche þoruȝ g race And help of þe holy goost . and þus haue I þe maistrie Now faire falle yow Piers quod I . so faire ye discryuen The power of þise postes . and hire p ropre myȝtes Ac I haue þouȝtes a þreve . of þise þre piles In what wode þei woxen . and where þ at þei growed For alle are þei aliche longe . noon lasse þan ooþer And to my mynde as me þinkeþ . on o more þei growed And of o greetnesse . and grene of greyn þei semen That is sooþ quod Piers . so it may bifalle I shal telle þee as tid . what þis tree highte The ground þere it groweþ . goodnesse it hatte And I haue told þee what hiȝte þe tree . þe Trinite it meneþ And egreliche he loked on me . and þerfore I spared To asken hym any moore þ er -of . and bad hym ful faire To discryue þe fruyt . þat so faire hangeþ Heer now byneþe quod he þo . if I nede hadde Matrimoyne I may nyme . a moiste fruyt wiþ -alle Thanne Continence is neer þe crop . as kaylewey bastard Thanne bereþ þe crop kynde fruyt . and clennest of alle Maidenhode Aungeles peeris . and raþest wole be ripe And swete wiþ -outen swellyng . sour worþ it neu ere I preide Piers þo W.16.76: W alone reads þo; all other B manuscripts omit it. to pulle adoun . an Appul and he wolde And suffre me to assaien . what sauour it hadde And Piers caste to þe crop . and þanne comsed it to crye And waggede widwehode . and it wepte after And whan it meued matrimoyne . it made a foul noise And I hadde ruþe whan Piers rogged . it gradde so rufulliche For euere as þei dropped adoun . þe deuel was redy And gadrede hem alle togideres . boþe grete and smale Adam and Abraham . and Ysaye þe p rophete Sampson and Samuel . and Seint Ioh an þe Baptist Bar hem forþ bodily . no body hym letted And made of holy men his hoord . In limbo Inferni There is derknesse and drede . and þe deuel maister And Piers for pure tene . of þat a pil he rauȝte W.16.89: W alone reads rauȝte; other B manuscripts have lauȝte except Cr which has caught. He hitte after hym . hitte how it myȝte Filius by þe fader wille . and frenesse of sp iritus s anc ti To go robbe þat Rageman . and reue þe fruyt fro hym And þanne spak sp iritus s anc tus . in Gabrielis mouþe To a maide þat hiȝte Marie . a meke þyng wiþ -alle That oon Iesus a Iustices sone . moste Iouke in hir chambre Til plenitudo temporis . fully comen were That Piers fruyt floured . and felle to be rype And þanne sholde Iesus Iuste þer -fore . bi Iuggement of armes Wheiþ er sholde fonge þe fruyt . þe fend or hym -selue The maide myldeliche þo . þe messager graunted And seide hendeliche to hym . lo me his hand -maiden For to werchen his wille . wiþ -outen any synne Ecce ancilla domini fiat michi &c And in þe wombe of þat wenche . was he fourty woukes Til he weex a faunt þoruȝ hir flessh . and of fightyng kouþe To haue yfouȝte wiþ þe fend . er ful tyme come And Piers þe Plowman . p arceyued plener tyme And lered hym lechecraft . his lif for to saue That þouȝ he were wounded w it h his enemy . to warisshen hym -selue And dide hym assaie his surge nrie W.16.110: surgenrie: MED surgeonri n. The etymon is OF cirurgiennerie. All other B manuscripts read surgery ( MED cirurgie n.). . on hem þat sike were Til he was p arfit praktisour . if any p eril fille And souȝte out þe sike . and synfulle boþe And saluede sike and synfulle . boþe blynde and crokede And co mmune wo mmen conu ertede . and to goode turnede Non est sanis opus medic us . set in &c Boþe meseles and mute . and in þe menyson blody Ofte W.16.117: W alone omits he after Ofte. heeled swiche . he ne held it for no maistrie Saue þo he leched lazar . þ at hadde yleye in graue Quatriduanus quelt . quyk dide hym walke Ac as he made þe maistrie . mestus cepit esse And wepte water w it h hise eiȝen . þer seiȝen it manye Some þat þe sighte seiȝen . seiden þat tyme That he was leche of lif . and lord of heigh heuene Iewes iangled þer -ayein . and Iuggede lawes And seide he wroȝte þoruȝ wichecraft . & w it h þe deueles myȝte Demonium habet W.16.126: W alone reads habet ; all other B manuscripts have habes. &c Thanne are ye cherles quod ich . and your e children boþe And Sathan your e Saueo ur . ye -self W.16.128: W alone among B witnesses has ye-self. Other B witnesses read yow-self or youre-selfe. now ye witnessen For I haue saued yow -self seiþ crist . and youre sones after Youre bodies . youre beestes . and blynde men holpen And fed yow wiþ two fisshes . and wiþ fyue loues And lefte baskettes ful of broke mete . bere awey who -so wolde And mysseide þe Iewes manliche . and manaced hem to bete And knokked on hem wiþ a corde . and caste adoun hir stalles That in chirche chaffareden . or chaungeden any moneie And seide it in sighte of hem alle . so þ at alle herden I shal ouer -turne þis temple . and adoun þrowe it W.16.137: W alone reads þrowe it; other B manuscripts have þrowe, while F has it þrowe. And in þre daies after . edifie it newe And maken it as muche ouþ er moore . in alle man ere poyntes As euere it was and as wid . wher -fore I hote yow Of preieres and of p arfitnesse . þis place þ at ye callen Domus mea domus oracionis vocabitur Enuye and yuel wil . was in þe Iewes Thei casten and contreueden . to kulle hym whan þei myȝte Eche day after ooþ er . hir tyme þei awaiteden Til it bifel on a friday . a litel bifore Pasqe The þursday bifore . þere he made his maundee Sittynge at þe soper . he seide þise wordes I am sold þoruȝ oon of yow . he shal þe tyme rewe That euere he his Saueour solde . for siluer or ellis Iudas iangled þer -ayein . ac Iesus hym tolde It was hym -self sooþly . and seide tu dicis Thanne wente forþ þat wikked man . and wiþ þe Iewes mette And tolde hem a tokne . how to knowe wiþ Iesus And which tokne to þis day . to muche is yvsed That is kissynge and fair contenaunce . and vnkynde wille And so was wiþ Iudas þo . þat Iesus bitrayed Aue raby quod þat Ribaud . and riȝt to hym he yede And kiste hym to be caught þer -by . and kulled of þe Iewes Thanne Iesus to Iudas . and to þe Iewes seide Falsnesse I fynde . in þi faire speche And gile in þi glad chere . and galle is in þi laughyng Thow shalt be myrour . to many men to deceyue Ac þe worse and þi wikkednesse . shal worþe vp -on þi -selue Necesse est vt veniant scandala . ve ho mini illi p er que m scandalu m venit Thouȝ I bi treson be take . at youre owene wille Suffreþ myne Apostles in pees . and in pays gange On a þursday in þesternesse . þus was he taken Thoruȝ Iudas and Iewes . Iesus was his name That on þe friday folwynge . for mankyndes sake Iusted in Iher usal em . a ioye to vs alle On cros vp -on Caluarie . crist took þe bataille Ayeins deeþ and þe deuel . destruyed hir boþ eres myȝtes Deide and deed W.16.174: W alone reads deed; all other B manuscripts have deeþ. for -dide . and day of nyȝt made And I awaked þer -wiþ . and wiped myne eiȝen And after Piers þe Plowman . pried and stared Estward and westward . I waited after faste And yede forþ as an ydiot . in contree to aspie After Piers þe Plowman . many a place I souȝte And þanne mette I wiþ a man . a mydlenten sonday As hoor as an haweþorn . and Abraham he highte I frayned hym first . fram whennes he come And of whennes he were . and whider þ at he souȝte W.16.183: W alone reads souȝte; all other B manuscripts have þouȝte. I am feiþ quod þat freke . it falleþ noȝt to lye And of Abrahames hous . an heraud of armes And W.16.186: W alone reads And; all other B manuscripts have I. seke after a segge . þat I seiȝ ones A ful bold bacheler . I knew hym by his blasen What berþ þat buyrn quod I þo . so blisse þee bitide Thre leodes in oon lyth . noon lenger þan ooþer Of oon muchel and myght . in mesure and in lengþe That oon dooþ alle dooþ . and ech dooþ bi his one The firste haþ myȝt and maiestee . maker e of alle þynges Pater is his p ropre name . a p ersone by hym -selue The secounde of þa þa[t] W.16.194: W alone reads þa; all other B manuscripts have þat. sire is . Sothfastnesse filius Wardeyn of þat wit haþ . was euere wiþ -outen gynnyng The þridde highte þe holi goost . a p ersone by hym -selue The light of al þ at lif haþ . alonde and a -watre Conforto ur of creatures . of hym comeþ alle blisse So þre bilongeþ for a lord . þat lordshipe cleymeþ Might and mene . to knowe his owene myȝte Of hym and of his seruaunt . and what þei suffre boþe So god þat gynnyng hadde neu ere . but þo hym good þouȝte Sente forþ his sone . as for seruaunt þat tyme To ocupie hym here . til issue were spronge That is children of charite . and holi chirche þe moder Patriarkes and p rophetes . and Apostles were þe children And Crist and cristendom . and cristene holy chirche In menynge þ at man moste . on o god bileue And þere hym likede and louede . in þre p ersones hym shewede And þ at it may be so and sooþ . manhode it sheweþ Wedlok and widwehode . wiþ virginite ynempned In tokenynge of þe Trinite . was out of man taken Adam was oure aller fader . and Eue was of hym -selue And þe issue þat þei hadde . it was of hem boþe And eiþer is oþeres ioye . in þre sondry p ersones And in heuene and here . oon singuler name And þus is mankynde and manhede . of matrimoyne yspronge And bitokneþ þe Trinite . and trewe bileue Mighty is matrimoyne . þat multiplieþ þe erþe And bitokneþ trewely . telle if I dorste Hym þat first formed al . þe fader of heuene The sone if I it dorste seye . resembleþ wel þe widewe Deus meus Deus meus vt quid dereliquisti me That is creatour weex creature . to knowe what was boþe As widewe wiþ -outen wedlok . was neu ere ȝit yseyȝe Namoore myȝte god be man . but if he moder hadde So widewe w it h -outen wedlok . may noȝt wel stande Ne matrimoyne w it h -outen Muliere . is noȝt muche to preise Maledict us homo qui non reliquit semen in Isr ael &c Thus in þre p ersones . is p arfitliche manhede That is man and his make . and mulliere children And is noȝt but gendre of a gen eracion . bifore Iesu c rist in heuene So is þe fader forþ w it h þe sone . and fre wille of boþe Sp iritus p rocedens a patre & filio &c Which is þe holy goost of alle . and alle is but o god Thus in a somer I hym seiȝ . as I sat in my porche I roos vp and reu erenced hym . and riȝt faire hym grette Thre men to my siȝte . I made wel atese at ese Wessh hir feet and wiped hem . and afterward þei eten Calues flessh and Cakebreed . and knewe what I þouȝte Ful trewe toknes bitwene vs is . to telle whan me likeþ First he fonded me . if I louede bettre Hym or ysaak myn heir . þe which he hiȝte me kulle He wiste my wille bi hym . he wol me it allowe I am ful siker in soule þer -of . and my sone boþe I circumscised my sone . siþen for his sake My -self and my meynee . and alle þat male weere Bledden blood for þat lordes loue . and hope to blisse þe tyme Myn affiaunce and my feiþ . is ferme in þis bileue For hym -self bihiȝte to me . and to myn issue boþe Lond and lordshipe . and lif wiþ -outen ende To me and to myn issue . moore yet he grauntede W.16.252: W alone omits me before grauntede. Mercy for oure mysdedes . as many tyme as we asken Quam olim Abrahe p romisisti & semini eius And siþþe he sente me to seye . I sholde do sacrifise And doon hym worship w it h breed . and wiþ wyn boþe And called me þe foot of his feiþ . his folk for to saue And defende hem fro þe fend . folk þat on me leueden W.16.258: Though <n> and <u> are not always clearly distinguishable, the reading appears to be leueden, and not leneden as reported by KD. The Crowley prints unambiguously read leueden and leued; F has beleveþ. Thus haue I ben his heraud . here and in helle And conforted many a careful . þat after his comynge waiteden And þus I seke hym he seide . for I herde seyn late Of a barn þat baptised hym . Ioh an Baptist was his name That to patriarkes & to p rophetes . and to ooþer peple in derknesse Seide þ at he seiȝ here . þat sholde saue vs alle Ecce agnus dei &c I hadde wonder of hise wordes . and of hise wide cloþes For in his bosom he bar a þyng . þat he blissed euere And I loked in his lappe . a lazar lay þer -Inne Amonges patriarkes and p rophetes . pleyinge togideres What awaitestow quod he . and what woldestow haue I wolde wite quod I þo . what is in youre lappe Loo quod he and leet me see . lord mercy I seide This is a p resent of muche pris . what prynce shal it haue It is a p recious p resent quod he . ac þe pouke it haþ attached And me þer -myde quod þat man . may no wed vs quyte Ne no buyrn be oure borgh . ne brynge vs fram his daunger Out of þe poukes pondfold . no maynprise may vs fecche Til he come þ at I carpe of . crist is his name That shal deliu ere vs som day . out of þe deueles power And bettre wed for vs legge . þan we ben alle worþi That is lif for lif . or ligge þus euere Lollynge in my lappe . til swich a lord vs fecche Allas I seide þ at synne . so longe shal lette The myght of goddes mercy . þat myȝte vs alle amende I wepte for hise wordes . wiþ þat sauȝ I anoþer Rapeliche renne forþ . þe riȝte wey he wente I affrayned hym first . fram whennes he come And what he highte & whider he wolde . and wightly he tolde Passus xvij us septimus decimus &c et .ij us. secundus de Dobet I am Spes quod he Aspie A spie . and spire after a Knyght That took me a maundement . vp -on þe mount of Synay To rule alle Reames wiþ . I bere þe writ here Is it enseled I seide . may men see þi lettres Nay he seide seke W.17.5: W alone omits I before seke. hym . þat haþ þe seel to kepe And þat is cros and cristendom . and crist þer -on to honge And whan it is enseled so . I woot wel þe soþe That Luciferis lordshipe . laste shal no lenger Lat se þi lettres quod I . we myghte þe lawe knowe Thanne plukkede he forþ a patente . a pece of an hard roche Wher -on were writen two wordes . on þis wise yglosed Dilige deum & p rox imum tuum This was þe tixte trewely . I took ful good yeme The glose was gloriously writen . wiþ a gilt penne In hijs duob us mandatis . tota lex pendet & p roph etia Ben here alle þi lordes lawes quod I . ye leue me wel he seide And who -so wercheþ after þis writ . I wol vndertaken Shal neu ere deuel hym dere . ne deeþ in soule greue For þouȝ I seye it my -self . I haue saued w it h þis charme Of men and of wo mmen . many score þousand W.17.20: W alone reads þousand; all other B manuscripts have thowsandys. Ye seien sooþ seide þis heraud . I haue yfounde it ofte Lo here in my lappe . þat leeued on þat charme Iosue and Iudith . and Iudas Macabeus Ye and sixti þousand biside forþ . þat ben noȝt seyen here Youre wordes arn wonderfulle quod I þo . which of yow is trewest W.17.25: The leaf is cropped after trewest, and an <e> may have been lost. And lelest to leue so . for lif and for soule Abraham seiþ . þ at he seiȝ hoolly þe Trinite Thre p ersones in p arcelles . departable fro ooþer And alle þre but o god . þus Abraham me tauȝte And haþ saued þat bileued so . and sory for hir synnes He kan noȝt siggen þe so mme . and some arn in his lappe What neded it þanne . a newe lawe to bigynne Siþ þe firste suffiseþ . to sauacion and to blisse And now comeþ Spes and spekeþ . þat aspied þe lawe And telleþ noȝt of þe Trinite . þat took hym hise lettres To bileeue and louye . in o lord al -myghty And siþþe riȝt as my -self . so louye alle peple The gome þat gooþ wiþ o staf . he semeþ in gretter heele Than he þat gooþ wiþ two staues . to sighte of vs alle And riȝt so bi þe roode . Reson me sheweþ That W.17.41: W alone reads That; all other B manuscripts omit it. it is lighter to lewed men . o lesson to knowe Than for to techen hem two . and to hard to lerne þe leeste It is ful hard for any man . on Abraham bileue And wel awey worse ȝit . for to loue a sherewe It is lighter to leeue . in þre louely p ersones Than for to louye and lene W.17.46: The reading could as well be leue, as in Cr. . as wel lorels as lele Go þi gate quod I to Spes . so me god helpe Tho þat lernen þi lawe . wol litel while vsen it And as we wenten þus in þe wey . wordynge togideres Thanne seiȝe we a Samaritan . sittynge on a Mule Ridynge ful rapely . þe righte wey we yeden Comynge from a contree . þat men called Ierico To a Iustes in Ier usal em . he chaced awey faste Boþe þe heraud and hope . and he W.17.54: The scribe has written immediately above he the abbreviation for .i d est. Christus . mette atones at ones Where a man was wounded . and wiþ þeues taken He myȝte neiþ er steppe ne stande . ne stere foot ne handes Ne helpe hym -self sooþly . for semyvif he semed And as naked as a nedle . and noon help aboute hym Feiþ hadde first siȝte of hym . ac he fleiȝ aside And nolde noȝt neghen hym . by nyne londes lengþe Hope cam hippynge after . þat hadde so ybosted How he wiþ Moyses maundement . hadde many men yholpe Ac whan he hadde sighte of þat segge . aside he gan hym drawe Dredfully bi þis day . as doke dooþ fram þe faucon Ac so soone so þe Samaritan . hadde siȝte of þis leode He lighte adown of Lyard . and ladde hym in his hande And to þe wye he wente . hise woundes to biholde And p arceyued bi his pous . he was in p eril to dye And but he hadde recou erer þe rapelier W.17.69: W alone reads rapelier, comparative of rapely, "the sooner, the more quickly"; all other B manuscripts have raþer. . þ at rise sholde he neu ere Wiþ wyn and w it h oille . hise woundes he wasshed Enbawmed hym and bond his heed . and in his lappe hym leide And ladde hym so forþ on Lyard . to lex Christi a graunge Wel sixe Mile or seuene . biside þe newe Market Herberwed hym at an hostrie . and to þe hostiler called And seide haue kepe þis man . til I come fro þe Iustes And lo here siluer he seide . for salue to hise woundes And he took hym two pens . to liflode as it weere And seide what he spendeþ moore . I make þee good her -after For I may noȝt lette quod þat Leode . and lyard he bistrideþ And raped hym to Ier usal emward . þe riȝte wey to ryde Feiþ folwede after faste . and fondede to mete hym And Spes spakliche hym spedde . spede if he myȝte To ouer -taken hym and talke to hym . er þei to towne coome And whan I seiȝ þis I soio urned noȝt . but shoop me to renne And suwed þat Samaritan . þat was so ful of pite And graunted hym to ben his groom . graunt m ercy he seide Ac þi frend and þi felawe quod he . þow fyndest me at nede And I þanked hym þo . and siþþe I hym tolde How þ at feiþ fleiȝ awey . and Spes his felawe boþe For sighte of þat sorweful man . þat robbed was w it h þeues Haue hem excused quod he . hir help may litel auaille May no medicyne on molde . þe man to heele brynge Neiþer Feiþ ne fyn hope . so festred be hise woundes Wiþ -outen þe blood of a barn . born of a mayde And be he baþed in þat blood . baptised as it were And þanne plastred wiþ penaunce . and passion of þat baby He sholde stonde and steppe . ac stalworþe worþ he neu ere Til he haue eten al þe barn . and his blood ydronke For wente neu ere wye in þis world . þoruȝ þat wildernesse That he ne was robbed or rifled . rood he þere or yede Saue feiþ and his felawe . Spes and my -selue And þi -self now . and swiche as suwen oure werkes For Outlawes in þe wode . and vnder bank lotieþ And mowen ech man see . and good mark take Who is bihynde and who bifore . and who ben on horse For he halt hym hardier on horse . þan he þ at is foote [on] foote W.17.106: W alone omits on before foote. For he seigh me þat am Samaritan . suwen Feiþ & his felawe On my Capul þat highte caro . of mankynde I took it He was vnhardy þat harlot . and hidde hym in Inferno Ac er þis day þre daies . I dar vnder -taken That he worþ fettred þat feloun . faste wiþ Cheynes And neu ere eft greue gome . þat gooþ þis ilke gate And þanne shal Feiþ be forster here . and in þis Fryth walke And kennen out comune men . þat knowen noȝt þe contree Which is þe wey þat I wente . and wher forþ to Ier usal em And Hope þe Hostilers man shal be . þer þe man lith anhelyng an helyng And alle þat feble and feynte be . þat Feiþ may noȝt teche Hope shal lede hem forþ w it h loue . as his lettre telleþ And hostele hem and heele . þoruȝ holy chirche bileue Til I haue salue for alle sike . and þanne shal I turne And come ayein bi þis contree . and conforten alle sike That craueþ it and coueiteþ it . or crieþ W.17.122: W alone reads and coueiteþ it or crieþ; all other B manuscripts reverse the order of and ... or. þer -after For þe barn was born in Bethleem . þat w it h his blood shal saue Alle þat lyuen in Feiþ . and folwen his felawes techynge A swete sire I seide þo . wher I shal bileue As Feiþ and his felawe . enformed me boþe In þre p ersones departable . þat p erpetuele were euere And alle þre but o god . þus Abraham me tauȝte And Hope afterward . he bad me to louye O god wiþ al my good . and alle gomes after Louye hem lik my -selue . ac oure lord abouen alle After Abraham quod he . þat heraud of armes Sette fully þi feiþ . and ferme bileue And as hope highte þee . I hote þ at þow louye Thyn euenecristene eu ere -moore . euene -forþ w it h þi -selue And if Conscience carpe þer -ayein . or kynde wit eyþer Or Eretikes wiþ argumentz . þyn hond þow hem shewe For god is after an hand . yheer now and knowe it The fader was first as a fust . wiþ o fynger foldynge Til hym louede and liste . to vnlosen his fynger And p rofre it forþ as w it h a pawme . to what place it sholde The pawme is purely þe hand . and p rofreþ forþ þe fyngres To ministren and to make . þat myȝt of hand knoweþ And bitokneþ trewely . telle who -so likeþ The holy goost of heuene . he is as þe pawme The fyngres þat fre ben . to folde and to serue Bitoknen sooþly þe sone . þat sent was til erþe That touched and tastede . at techynge of þe pawme Seinte Marie a mayde . and mankynde lauȝte Qui conceptus est de sp iritu s anc to &c The fader is pawme W.17.151: W alone reads pawme; most other B manuscripts have þanne, omitted by F. as a fust . wiþ fynger to touche Quia om nia traham ad me ip sum &c Al þat þe pawme p arceyueþ . p rofitable to feele Thus are þei alle but oon . as it an hand weere And þre sondry sightes . in oon shewynge The paume for it putteþ forþ fyngres . and þe fust boþe Right so redily . Reson it sheweth How he þat is holy goost . sire and sone preueþ And as þe hand halt harde . and alle þyng faste Thoruȝ foure fyngres and a thombe . forþ w it h þe pawme Right so þe fader and þe sone . and Seint Spirit þe þridde Al þe wide world . wiþ -Inne hem þre holden W.17.162: The word-order of the line varies in the B manuscripts, but most have Halt al þe wyde worlde . with-in hem thre (as in L). Boþe wolkne and þe wynd . water and erþe Heuene and helle . and al þat is þer -Inne Thus it is / nedeþ no man . trowe noon ooþer That þre þynges bilongeþ . in oure lord of heuene And aren serelopes by hem -self . a -sondry were þei neu ere Namoore þan myn hand may . meue wiþ -oute my fyngres And as my fust is ful hand . yholden W.17.169: All B manuscripts with the exception of W and Hm have a form of folden. togideres So is þe fader a ful god . formo ur and shapper e Tu fabricator om ni um &c And al þe myȝt myd hym is . in makynge of þynges The fyngres formen a ful hand . to portreye or peynten Keruynge and compasynge . as craft of þe fyngres Right so is þe sone . þe Science of þe fader And ful god as is þe fader . no febler ne no bettre The pawme is pureliche þe hand . and haþ power by hym -selue Oþer -wise þan þe wriþen fust . or werkmanshipe of fyngres For he haþ power . to putte out alle þe ioyntes And to vnfolde þe folden fust . at þe fyngres wille So is þe holy goost god . neiþer gretter ne lasse Than is þe sire . Than is þe sire and þe sone . and in þe same myghte And alle are þei but o god . as is myn hand and my fyngres Vnfolden or folden . my fust and my pawme Al is but an hand . euene in þe myddes He may receyue riȝt noȝt . reson it sheweþ For þe fyngres þat folde sholde . and þe fust make For peyne of þe pawme . power hem failleþ To clucche or to clawe . to clippe or to holde Were þe myddel of myn hand . ymaymed or yp erissed I sholde receyue riȝt noȝt . of þat I reche myghte Ac þouȝ my þombe and my fyngres . boþe were to -shullen And þe myddel of myn hand . wiþ -oute male -ese In many kynnes maneres . I myghte my -self helpe Boþe meue and amende . þouȝ alle my fyngres oke By þis skile me þynkeþ . I se an euidence That who -so synneþ in þe Seint Spirit . assoilled worþ he neu ere Neiþ er here ne ellis -where . as I herde telle Qui peccat in Sp iritu S anc to &c For he prikeþ god as in þe pawme . þat peccat in Sp iritu S anc to For god þe fader is as a fust . þe sone is as a fynger The holy goost of heuene . is as it were þe pawme So who -so synneþ in þe Seint Spirit . it semeþ þ at he greueþ God þat he grypeþ wiþ . and wolde his g race quenche And to a torche or a tapur . þe Trinite is likned As wex and a weke . were twyned to -gideres And þanne a fir flawmynge . forþ out of boþe And as wex and weke . and hoot fir togideres Fostren forþ a flawmbe . and a fair leye So dooþ þe Sire and þe sone . and also Sp iritus S anc tus W.17.210: The following line, omitted in WHm, appears in all other B witnesses: Fostren forth amonges folke . loue & bileue (as in L). That alle kynne cristene . clenseþ of synnes And as þow seest som -tyme . sodeynliche a torche The blase þer -of yblowe out . yet brenneþ þe weke Wiþ -outen leye or light . þ at þe macche brenneþ So is holy W.17.215: W alone omits þe before holy. goost god . and g race wiþ -oute m ercy To alle vnkynde creatures . þat coueite to destruye Lele loue or lif . þat oure lord shapte And as glowynge gledes . gladeþ noȝt þise werkmen That werchen and waken . in wyntres nyȝtes As dooþ a kex or a candle . þat caught haþ fir and blaseþ Namoore dooþ sire ne sone . ne seint spirit togidres Graunte no grace . ne forȝifnesse of synnes Til þe holy goost gynne . to glowe and to blase So þ at þe holy goost . gloweþ but as a glade gl[e]de W.17.224: W alone reads glade; all other B manuscripts have glede. Til þ at lele loue . ligge on hym and blowe And þanne flawmeþ he as fir . on fader and on filius And melteþ hire myȝt in -to mercy . as men may se in wyntre Ysekeles in euesynges . þoruȝ hete of þe sonne Melte in a Mynut while . to myst and to watre So g race of þe holy goost . þe grete myȝt of þe Trinite Melteþ to mercy . to merciable and to oþere And as wex wiþ -outen moore . on a warm glede Wol brennen and blasen . be þei togideres And solacen hem þat mowe se . þat sitten in derknesse So wol þe fader forȝyue . folk of mylde hertes That rufully repenten . and restitucion make In as muche as þei mowen . amenden and paien And if it suffise noȝt for assetz . þat in swich a wille deyeþ Mercy for his mekenesse . wol maken good þe remenaunt And as þe weke and fir . wol maken a warm flaumbe For to murþen men myd . þat in þe derke sitten So wole crist of his curteisie . and men crye hym m ercy Boþe forȝyue and foryete . and ȝit bidde for vs To þe fader of heuene . forȝifnesse to haue Ac hewe fir at a flynt . foure hundred wynter But þow haue tow to take it wiþ . tonder or broches Al þi labour is lost . and al þi long trauaille For may no fir flaumbe make . faille it is W.17.248: W shares the reading is with C and Bo, where other manuscripts have his. W's reading may be a spelling variant or an error. kynde So is þe holi goost god . and grace wiþ -outen m ercy To alle vnkynde creatures . crist hym -self witnesseþ Amen dico vobis nescio vos &c Be vnkynde to þyn euene -c ristene . and al þat þow kanst bidde Delen and do penaunce . day and nyght euere And purchace al þe pardon . of Pampilon and Rome And Indulgences ynowe . and be ingratus to þi kynde The Holy goost hereþ þee noȝt . ne helpe may þee by reson For vnkyndenesse quencheþ hym . þ at he kan noȝt shyne Ne brenne ne blase clere . fo fo[r] W.17.258: W alone reads fo; all other manuscripts except Y read for. blowynge of vnkyndenesse Poul þe Apostel . preueþ wheiþ er I lye Si linguis hominum loquar &c For -þi beþ war ye wise men . þat wiþ þe world deleþ That riche ben and reson knoweþ . ruleþ wel youre soule Beþ noȝt vnkynde I conseille yow . to your e euene -cristene For manye of yow riche men . by my soule men telleþ Ye brenne but ye blase noȝt . þat is a blynd bekene Non om nis qui dicit d omine d omine intrabit &c Diues deyde dampned . for his vnkyndenesse Of his mete and of his moneie . to men þat it nedede Ech a riche I rede . reward at hym take And gyueþ youre good to þat god . þat grace of ariseþ For þei þat ben vnkynde to hise . hope I noon ooþer But þei dwelle þer diues is . dayes wiþ -outen ende Thus is vnkyndenesse þe cont rarie . þat quencheþ as it were The g race of þe holy goost . goddes owene kynde For þat kynde dooþ vnkynde for -dooþ . as þise corsede þeues Vnkynde cristene men . for coueitise and enuye Sleeþ a man for hise moebles . wiþ mouþ or w it h handes For þat þe holy goost haþ to kepe . þe harlotes destruyeþ The which is lif and loue . þe leye of mannes body For eu ery manere good may b [.] be likned to a torche Or ellis to a tapur . to reuerence þe Trinite And who morþereþ a good man . me þynkeþ by myn Inwit He fordooþ þe leuest light . þat oure lord louyeþ And yet in manye mo maneres . men offenden þe holy goost Ac þis is þe worste wise . þat any wight myghte Synnen ayein þe Seint Spirit . assenten to destruye For coueitise of any kynnes þyng . þat crist deere bouȝte That wikkedliche and wilfulliche . wolde m ercy aniente Innocence is next god . and nyght and day it crieþ Vengeaunce vengeaunce . forȝyue be it neuere That shente vs and shedde oure blood . for -shapte vs as it were Vindica sanguinem iustor um Thus vengeaunce vengeaunce . verrey charite askeþ And siþ holy chirche and charite . chargeþ þis so soore Leue I neu ere þ at oure lord . wol loue þat charite lakkeþ Ne haue pite for any preiere . þer þ at he pleyneþ I pose I hadde synned so . and sholde now deye And now am I sory þ at I so . þe Seint Spirit agulte Confesse me and crye his g race . god þat al made And myldeliche his m ercy aske . myghte I noȝt be saued Ȝis seide þe Samaritan . so wel þow myght repente That rightwisnesse þoruȝ repentaunce . to ruþe myȝte turne Ac it is but selden yseiȝe . þer sooþnesse bereþ witnesse Any creature þat is coupable . afore a kynges Iustice Be raunsoned for his repentaunce . þer alle reson hym dampneþ For þer þ at p artie pursueþ . þe peple is so huge That þe kyng may do no m ercy . til boþe men acorde And eyþer haue equyte . as holy writ telleþ Nu mq uam dimittitur peccatum &c Thus it fareþ by swich folk . þat falsly al hire lyues Yuele lyuen and leten noȝt . til lif hem forsake Good hope þat helpe sholde . to wanhope torneþ Noght of þe noun -power of god . þ at he ne is myghtful To amende al þ at amys is . and his m ercy gretter Than alle oure wikkede werkes . as holy writ telleþ Misericordia eius sup er omnia opera eius Ac er his rightwisnesse to ruþe torne . som restitucion bihoueþ His sorwe is satisfaccion . for hym þat may noȝt paie Thre þynges þer ben . þat doon a man by strengþe For to fleen his owene W.17.320: W alone omits hous after owene. . as holy writ sheweþ That oon is a wikkede wif . þat wol noȝt be chastised Hir feere fleeþ fro hire . for feere of hir tonge And if his hous be vnhiled . and reyne on his bedde He sekeþ and sekeþ . til he slepe drye And whan smoke and smolder . smyt in his sighte It dooþ hym worse þan his wif . or wete to slepe For smoke and smolder . smyteþ in hise eighen Til he be blereighed or blynd . and hoors in þe þrote Cogheþ and curseþ . þat crist gyue hem sorwe That sholde brynge in bettre wode . or blowe it til it brende Thise þre þat I telle of . ben þus to vnderstonde The wif is oure wikked flessh . þat wol noȝt be chastised For kynde clyueþ on hym eu ere . to cont rarie þe soule And þouȝ it falle it fynt skiles . þ at frelete it made And þat is lightly forȝyuen . and forȝeten boþe To man þat mercy askeþ . and amende þenkeþ The reyn þat reyneþ . þer we reste sholde Ben siknesse and sorwes . þat we suffren ofte As Poul þe Apostle . to þe peple tauȝte Virtus in infirmitate p erficitur &c And þouȝ þ at men make . muche doel in hir angre And ben inpacient in hir penaunce . pure reson knoweþ That þei han cause to cont rarie . by kynde of hir siknesse And lightliche oure lord . at hir lyues ende Haþ mercy on swiche men . þat so yuele may suffre Ac þe smoke and þe smolder . þat smyt in oure eighen That is coueitise and vnkyndenesse . þat quencheþ goddes m ercy For vnkyndenesse . is þe cont rarie . of alle kynnes reson For þer nys sik ne sory . ne noon so muche wrecche That he ne may louye and hym like . and lene W.17.350: The reading could as well be leue, as in Cr. of his herte Good wille and good word . and W.17.351: W alone reads and; all other B manuscripts have boþe. wisshen and willen Alle man ere men . mercy and forȝifnesse And louye hem lik hym -self . and his lif amende I may no lenger lette quod he . and lyard he prikede And wente awey as wynd . and þer -wiþ I awakede Passus xviij us decimus octauus &c et iij us tercius de dobet W olleward and weetshoed . wente I forþ after As a recchelees renk . þat of no wo roughte And yede forþ lik a lorel . al my lif -tyme Til I weex wery of þe world . and wilned eft to slepe And lened me to a lenten . and longe tyme I slepte And of cristes passion and penaunce . þe peple þat of -rauȝte Reste me þere and rutte faste . til Ramis palmar um Of gerlis and of Gloria laus . gretly me dremed And how Osanna by . Organye . olde folk songen Oon semblable to þe Samaritan . and som -deel to Piers þe Plow man W.18.10: The first lobe of <w> is visible; the rest of the word has been cropped. Bare -foot on an Asse bak . bootles cam prikye Wiþ -outen spores oþer spere . spakliche he lokede As is þe kynde of a knyght . þat comeþ to be dubbed To geten hym gilte spores . or galoches y -couped Thanne was feiþ in a fenestre . and cryde a fili dauid As dooþ an heraud of armes . whan Auentrous comeþ to Iustes Olde Iewes of Ierusalem . for ioye þei songen Benedictus qui venit in no mi ne d omini Thanne I frayned at Feiþ . what al þat fare bymente And who sholde Iuste in Ierusalem . Iesus he seide And fecche þat þe fend claymeþ . Piers fruyt þe Plowman Is Piers in þis place quod I . and he preynte on me This Iesus of his gentries . wol Iuste in Piers armes In his helm and in his haubergeon . humana natura That crist be noȝt biknowe here . for consu mmatus deus In Piers paltok þe Plowman . þis prikier e shal ryde For no dynt shal hym dere . as in deitate patris Who shal Iuste wiþ Iesus quod I . Iewes or Scrybes Nay quod he þe foule fend . and fals doom and deeþ Deeþ seiþ he shal fordo . and adoun brynge Al þat lyueþ and lokeþ . in londe and W.18.31: W alone reads and; F has eyþer, and all other manuscripts have or. in watre Lif seiþ þ at he lieþ . and leieþ his lif to wedde That for al þat deeþ kan do . wiþ -Inne þre daies To walke and fecche fro þe fend . Piers fruyt þe Plowman And legge it þer hym likeþ . and Lucifer bynde And forbete and adoun brynge . bale deeþ for eu ere O mors ero mors tua Thanne cam Pilatus w it h muche peple . sedens p ro tribunali To se how doghtiliche deeþ sholde do . and deme hir boþeres right The Iewes and þe Iustice . ayeins Iesu þei weere And al þe court on hym cryde . crucifige sharpe Tho putte hym forþ a pilour . bifore Pilat and seide This Iesus of oure Iewes temple . haþ W.18.43: W alone reads haþ; all other manuscripts omit it. Iaped and despised To fordoon it on o day . and in þre dayes after Edifie it eft newe . here he stant þat seide it And ȝit maken it as muche . in alle manere poyntes Boþe as long and as large . bi lofte and by grounde Crucifige quod a Cachepol . I warante hym a wicche Tolle tolle quod anoþer . and took of kene þornes And bigan of kene þorn . a garland to make And sette it sore on his heed . and seide in enuye Aue raby quod þat rybaud . and þrew reedes at hym Nailed hym w it h þre nailes . naked on þe roode And poison on a poole . þei putte vp to hise lippes And beden hym drynken his deeþ yuel . hise daies were ydone And if þ at þow sotil be . help now þi -selue If þow be crist and kynges sone . com down of þe roode Thanne shul we leue þ at lif þee loueþ . and wol noȝt lete þee deye Consu mmatu m est quod crist . and comsede for to swoune Pitousliche and pale . as a prison þat deieþ The lord of lif and of light . þo leide hise eighen togideres The day for drede wiþ -drouȝ . and derk bicam þe sonne The wal waggede and cleef . and al þe world quaued Dede men for þat dene . come out of depe graues And tolde why þat tempeste . so longe tyme durede For a bitter bataille . þe dede body seide Lif and deeþ in þis derknesse . hir oon fordooþ hir ooþer Shal no wight wite witterly . who shal haue þe maistrie Er sonday aboute sonne risyng . and sank wiþ þat til erþe Some seide þat he was goddes sone . þat so faire deide Vere filius dei erat iste And some seide he was a wicche . good is þ at we assaye Wher he be deed or noȝt deed . doun er he be taken Two þeues also . þoled deeþ þat tyme Vp -on a croos bisides crist . so was þe comune lawe A Cachepol cam forþ . and craked boþe hir legges And þe armes after . of eiþer of þo þeues Ac was no body so boold . goddes body to touche For he was knyȝt and kynges sone . kynde foryaf þat tyme That noon harlot were so hardy . to leyen hond vp -on hym Ac þer cam forþ a knyȝt . wiþ a kene spere ygrounde Highte Longeus as þe lettre telleþ . and longe hadde lore his sight . W.18.82: The leaf has been cropped and <e> may have been lost on sight. Elsewhere the word is twenty-six times spelt sighte or siȝte, and once siȝt. Bifore Pilat and ooþ er peple . in þe place he houed Maugree his manye teeþ . he was maad þat tyme To take þe spere in his hond . and Iusten wiþ Iesus For alle þei were vnhardy . þat houed on horse or stode To touchen hym or to tasten hym . or taken doun of roode But þis blynde bacheler . baar hym þoruȝ þe herte The blood sprong doun by þe spere . and vnspered þe knyȝtes eiȝen Thanne fil þe knyȝt vp -on knees . and cryde hym m ercy Ayein my wille it was lord . to wownde yow so soore He sighed and seide . soore it me aþynkeþ For þe dede þ at I haue doon . I do me in youre g race Haue on me ruþe riȝtful Iesu . and riȝt wiþ þat he wepte Thanne gan Feiþ felly . þe false Iewes despise Callede hem caytyues . acorsed for euere For þis foule vileynye . vengeaunce to yow falle To do þe blynde bete hym ybounde . it was a boyes counseille Cursede caytif . knyghthood was it neu ere To mysdo a deed body . by daye or by nyȝte The gree ȝit haþ he geten . for al his grete wounde For youre champion chiualer . chief knyȝt of yow alle Ȝilt hym recreaunt rennyng . riȝt at Iesus wille For be þis derknesse ydo . his deeþ worþ avenged And ye lurdaynes han ylost . for lif shal haue þe maistrye And your e fraunchise þat fre was . fallen is in þraldom And ye cherles and your e children . cheue shulle W.18.107: W alone omits ye after shulle. neu ere To haue lordshipe in londe . ne no lond tilye But al barayne be . and vsurie vsen Which is lif þ at oure lord . in alle lawes acurseþ Now youre goode dayes arn doon . as daniel p rophecied Whan crist cam of hir kyngdom . þe crowne sholde cesse Cum veniat s anc tus s anc tor um cessabit vnxio v estra What for feere of þis ferly . and of þe false Iewes I drow me in þat derknesse . to descendit ad inferna And þere I sauȝ sooþly . secundum scripturas Out of þe west coste . a wenche as me þouȝte Cam walkynge in þe wey . to helleward she loked Mercy highte þat mayde . a meke þyng wiþ -alle A ful benigne burde . and Buxom of speche Hir suster as it semed . cam sooþly walkynge Euene out of þe Est . and westward she lokede A ful comely creature . truþe she highte For þe v ertue þat hire folwede . afered was she neu ere Whan þise maydenes mette . mercy and truþe Eiþer asked ooþer . of þis grete wonder Of þe dyn and of þe derknesse . and how þe day rowed And which a light and a leme . lay bifore helle Ich haue ferly of þis fare . in feiþ seide truþe And am wendynge to wite . what þis wonder meneþ Haue no m erueille quod m ercy . murþe it bitokneþ A maiden þat highte Marie . and moder wiþ -outen felyng Of any kynnes creature . conceyued þoruȝ speche And grace of þe holy goost . weex greet wiþ childe Wiþ -outen wem . in -to þis world she broȝte hym And þ at my tale be trewe . I take god to witnesse Siþ þis barn was ybore . ben xxx ti þritti wynter passed Which deide and deeþ þoled . þis day aboute mydday And þat is cause of þis clips . þat closeþ now þe sonne In menynge þ at man shal . fro merknesse be drawe The while þis light and þis leme . shal Lucifer ablende For patriarkes and p rophetes . han p reched her -of ofte That man shal man saue . þoruȝ a maydenes helpe And þat was tynt þoruȝ tree . tree shal it wynne And þat deeþ adown W.18.145: W alone reads adown. All other manuscripts have doun. brouȝte . deeþ shal releue That þow tellest quod Truþe . is but a tale of waltrot For Adam and Eue . and Abraham wiþ oþ ere Patriarkes and p rophetes . þat in peyne liggen Leue þow neu ere þ at yon light . hem alofte brynge Ne haue hem out of helle . hold þi tonge mercy It is but a trufle þ at þow tellest . I truþe woot þe soþe For he þat is ones in helle . out comeþ he neu ere Iob þe p rophete patriark . repreueþ þi sawes Quia in Inferno nulla est redempcio Thanne M ercy ful myldely . mouþed þise wordes Thoruȝ exp erience quod she . I hope þei shul be saued For venym fordooþ venym . and þat preue I by reson For of alle venymes . foulest is þe scorpion May no medicyne helpe . þe place þer he styngeþ Til he be deed and do þ erto . þe yuel he destruyeþ The firste venymouste . þoruȝ venym of hym -selue So shal þis deeþ fordo . I dar my lif legge Al þat deeþ fordide first . þoruȝ þe deueles entisyng And riȝt as þoruȝ gile . man was bigiled So shal g race þat bigan . make a good sleighte Ars vt artem falleret Now suffre we seide Truþe . I se as me þynkeþ Out of þe nyppe of þe North . noȝt ful fer hennes Rightwisnesse come rennynge . reste we þe while For he woot moore þan we . he was er we boþe That is sooþ seide Mercy . and I se here by Sowþe Where pees comeþ pleyinge . in pacience ycloþed Loue haþ coueited hire longe . leue I noon ooþer But he sente hire som lettre . what þis light bymeneþ That ouer -houeþ helle þus . she vs shal telle Whan Pees in Pacience ycloþed . app roched ner hem tweyne Rightwisnesse hire reu erenced . by hir riche cloþyng And preide pees to telle hire . to what place she wolde And in hire gaye garnementz . whom she grete þouȝte My wil is to wende quod she . and welcome hem alle That many day myȝte I noȝt se . for merknesse of synne Adam and Eue . and oþere mo in helle Moyses and many mo . mercy shul haue And I shal daunce þer -to . do þow so suster For Iesus Iustede wel . Ioye bigynneþ dawe Ad vesperum demorabitur fletus & ad matutinu m leticia W.18.186: The leaf is cropped immediately after the final character, but no text appears to have been lost. Loue þat is my lemman . swiche lettres me sente That mercy my suster and I . mankynde sholde saue And þat god haþ forgyuen . and graunted me pees & m ercy To be mannes meynp erno ur . for euere -moore after Lo here þe patente quod Pees . In pace in idip sum And þ at þis dede shal dure . dormiam & requiescam What rauestow quod .............Rightwisnesse W.18.193: Rightwisnesse is written over an erasure. . or þow art right dronke Leuestow þ at yond light . vnlouke myȝte helle And saue mannes soule . suster wene it neu ere For god W.18.196: W alone reads For god; most other manuscripts have At. þe bigynner e W.18.196: W alone reads bigynnere; other manuscripts have bigynnyng god. . gaf þe doom hym -selue That Adam and Eue . and alle þat hem suwede Sholden deye down -righte . and dwelle in pyne after If þ at þei touchede a tree . and þe fruyt eten Adam afterward . ayeins his defence Freet of þat fruyt . and forsook as it weere The loue of oure lord . and his loore boþe And folwede þat þe fend tauȝte . and his felawes wille Ayeins Reson and rightwisnesse . recorde þus wiþ truþe That hir peyne be p erpetuel . and no preiere hem helpe For -þi lat hem chewe as þei chosen . and chide we noȝt sustres For it is botelees bale . þe byte þat þei eten And I shal preue quod Pees . hir peyne moot haue ende And from wo in -to wele . mowe wenden at þe laste For hadde þei wist of no wo . wele hadde þei noȝt knowen For no wight woot what wele is . þat neu ere wo suffrede Ne what is hoot hunger . þat hadde neu ere defaute If no nyȝt ne weere . no man as I leeue Sholde neu ere wite witterly . what day is to meene Sholde neu ere riȝt riche man . þat lyueþ in reste and ese Wite what wo is . ne were þe deeþ of kynde So god þat bigan al . of his goode wille Bicam man of a mayde . mankynde to saue And suffrede to be sold . to se þe sorwe of deying The which vnknytteþ alle care . and comsynge is of reste For til modicum mete w it h vs . I may it wel auowe Woot no wight as I wene . what ynogh is to mene For -þi god of his goodnesse . þe firste gome Adam Sette hym in solace . and in souereyn murþe And siþþe he suffred hym synne . sorwe to feele To wite what wele was . kyndeliche and W.18.226: W alone reads and; most other manuscripts have to. knowe it And after . god Auntrede hym -self . and took Adames kynde W.18.227: Kane-Donaldson speculate that the final <e> of kynde is cropped. This is, however, a verso, and the <e> is visible in the gutter (though not in the image). To wite what he haþ suffred . in þre sondry places Boþe in heuene and in erþe . and now til helle he þenkeþ To wite what alle wo is . and what is alle ioye So it shal fare by þis folk . hir folie and hir synne Shal lere hem what langour is . and lisse wiþ -outen ende Woot no wight what werre is . þer þat pees regneþ Ne what is witterly wele . til weylawey hym teche Thanne was þer a wight . wiþ two brode eiȝen Book highte þat beaupeere . a bold man of speche By goddes body quod þis book . I wol bere witnesse That þo þis barn was ybore . þer blased a sterre That alle þe wise of þis world . in o wit acorden That swich a barn was ybore . in Bethleem þe Citee That mannes soule sholde saue . and synne destroye And alle þe elementz quod þe book . her -of beren witnesse That he was god þat al wroȝte . þe wolkne first shewed Tho þat weren in heuene . token stella cometa And tendeden it W.18.245: W alone reads it; other manuscripts have hire. as a torche . to reuerencen his burþe The light folwede þe lord . in -to þe lowe erþe The water witnessed þ at he was god . for he wente on it Peter þe Apostel . parceyued his gate And as he wente on þe water . wel hym knew and seide Iube me venire ad te sup er aquas And lo how þe sonne gan louke . hire light in hir -selue Whan she seiȝ hym suffre . þat sonne and see made The Erþe for heuynesse . þ at he wolde suffre Quaked as quyk þyng . and al biquasshed þe roche Lo helle myȝte nat holde . but opnede þo god þolede And leet out Symondes sone . to seen hym hange on roode And now shal Lucifer leue it . þouȝ hym looþ þynke For gigas þe geaunt . wiþ a gyn haþ W.18.258: W alone reads haþ; other manuscripts omit it. engyned To breke and to bete adoun . þat ben ayeins Iesus And I book wole be brent . but Iesus rise to lyue In alle myȝtes of man . and his moder gladie And conforte al his kyn . and out of care brynge And al þe Iewene Ioye . vnioynen and vnlouken And but þei reu ersen reu er[en]sen W.18.264: WCr 1S read reuersen; all other manuscripts have reuerensen. his roode . and his Resurexion And bileue on a newe lawe . be lost lif and soule Suffre we seide truþe . I here and see boþe How a spirit spekeþ to helle . and biddeþ vnspere þe yates Attollite portas &c A vois loude in þat light . to lucifer crieþ Prynces of þis place . vnpynneþ and vnloukeþ For here comeþ wiþ crowne . þat kyng is of glorie Thanne sikede Sathan . and seide to hem alle Swich a light ayeins oure leue . lazar out fette Care and encombraunce . is comen to vs alle If þis kyng come In . mankynde wole he fecche And lede it þer hym likeþ . and lightliche me bynde Patriarkes and p rophetes . han parled her -of longe That swich a lord and light . sholde lede hem alle hennes Listneþ quod lucifer . for I þis lord knowe Boþe þis lord and þis light . is longe ago I knew hym May no deeþ hym dere . ne no deueles queyntise And where he wole is his wey . ac ware hym of þe p erils If he reueþ me my riȝt . he robbeþ me by maistrie For by right and by reson . þe renkes þat ben here Body and soule beþ myne . boþe goode and ille For hym -self seide . þat Sire is of heuene If Adam ete þe Appul . alle sholde deye And dwelle wiþ vs deueles . þis þretynge he made And he þat Sooþnesse is . seide þise wordes And siþen I seised . Seuene hundred wynter I leeue þ at lawe nyl noȝt . lete hym þe leeste That is sooþ seide Sathan . but I me soore drede For þow gete hem For þow gete hem wiþ gile . and his Gardyn breke And in semblaunce of a serpent . sete vp -on þe Appultree And eggedest hem to ete . Eue by hir -.....selue W.18.295: selue is written over an erasure. And toldest hire a tale . of treson were þe wordes And so þow haddest hem out . and hider at þe laste It is noȝt graiþly geten . þer gile is þe roote For god wol noȝt be bigiled . quod Gobelyn ne byiaped We haue no trewe title to hem . for þoruȝ treson were þei dampned Certes I drede me quod þe deuel . lest truþe wol hem fecche Thise þritty wynter as I wene . haþ he gon and p reched I haue assailled hym w it h synne . and som -tyme y -asked Wheiþ er he were god or goddes sone . he yaf me short answer e And þus haþ he trolled forþ . þise two and þritty wynter And whan I seiȝ it was so . lepynge I wente To warne Pilates wif . what done man was Iesus For Iewes hateden hym . and han doon hym to deþe I wolde haue lengþed his lif . for I leued if he deide That his soule wolde suffre . no synne in his sighte For þe body while it on bones yede . aboute was eu ere To saue men from synne . if hem -self wolde And now I se wher a soule . comeþ hiderward seillynge Wiþ glorie and w it h gret light . god it is I woot wel I rede þ at we fle quod he . faste alle hennes For vs were bettre noȝt be . þan biden his sighte For þi lesynges Lucifer . lost is al oure praye First þoruȝ þe we fellen . fro heuene so heiȝe For we leued on þi lesynges . ylorn we haue Adam And al oure lordshipe I leue . a -londe and a -watre Nunc princeps hui us mundi eicietur foras Eft þe light bad vnlouke . and Lucifer answerde What lord artow quod Lucifer . Quis est iste Rex glorie . þe light soone seide And lord of myght and of man . and alle man ere v ertues . d ominus virtutu m Dukes of þis dymme place . anoon vndo þise yates That crist may come In . þe kynges sone of heuene And wiþ þat breeþ helle brak . with Belialles barres For any wye or warde . wide opned þe yates Patriarkes and p rophetes . Populus in tenebris Songen seint Iohanes song . Ecce agnus dei Lucifer loke ne myȝte . so light hym ablente And þo þat oure lord louede . in -to his light he laughte And seide to Sathan . lo here my soule to amendes For alle synfulle soules . to saue þo þ at ben worþi Myne þei ben and of me . I may þe bet hem cleyme And þouȝ Reson recorde . and riȝt of my -selue That if he W.18.338: WHm alone read he; all other manuscripts have þei. ete þe Appul . alle sholde deye I bihiȝte hem noȝt here . helle for eu ere For þe dede þat þei dide . þi deceite it made Wiþ gile þow hem gete . ageyn alle reson For in my paleis Paradis . in p ersone of an Addre Falsliche þow fettest . þyng þat I louede Thus ylik a Lusard . wiþ a lady visage Thefliche þow me robbedest . and W.18.345: W alone reads and; other manuscripts omit it. þe olde lawe graunteþ That gilours be bigiled . and þat is good reson Dentem p ro dente & oculum p ro oculo Ergo soule shal soule quyte . and synne to synne wende And al þat man haþ mysdo . I man wole amende Membre for membre . by þe olde lawe was amendes And lif for lif also . and by þat lawe I clayme it Adam and al his issue . at my wille her -after And þat deeþ in hem fordide . my deeþ shal releue And boþe quykne and quyte . þat queynt was þoruȝ synne And þ at g race gile destruye . good feiþ it askeþ So leue I noȝt lucifer . ayein þe lawe I fecche hem But by right and by reson . raunsone here my liges Non veni soluere legem . set adimplere Thow fettest myne in my place . ayeins alle resou n Falsliche and felonliche . good feiþ me it tauȝte To recou ere hem þoruȝ raunsou n . and by no reson ellis So þat þoruȝ gile þow gete . þoruȝ g race it is ywonne Thow lucifer in liknesse . of a luþer Addere Getest bi gile . þo þat god louede And I in liknesse of a leode . þat lord am of heuene Graciousliche þi gile haue quyt . go gile ayein gile And as Adam and alle . þoruȝ a tree deyden Adam and alle þoruȝ a tree . shul turne ayein to lyue And gile is bigiled . and in his gile fallen Et cecidit in foueam quam fecit Now bigynneþ þi gile . ageyn þee to turne And my grace to growe . ay gretter and widder W.18.372: W alone omits the next line, which reads in beta (in the spelling of L): Þe bitternesse þat þow hast browe . brouke it þi-seluen. That art doctour of deeþ . drynk þat þow madest For I þat am lord of lif . loue is my drynke And for þat drynke today . I deide vp -on erþe I fauȝt so me þursteþ ȝit . for mannes soule sake May no drynke me moiste . ne my þurst slake Til þe vendage falle . in þe vale of Iosaphat That I drynke riȝt ripe Must . Resureccio mortuor um And þanne shal I come as a kyng . crouned wiþ Aungeles And haue out of helle . alle mennes soules Fendes and fyndekynes . bifore me shul stande And be at my biddyng . wher -so -eu ere me likeþ And to be merciable to man . þanne my kynde askeþ For we beþ breþeren of blood . but noȝt in baptisme alle Ac alle þat beþ myne hole breþeren . in blood and in baptisme Shul noȝt be dampned to þe deeþ . þat is wiþ -outen ende Tibi soli peccaui &c It is noȝt vsed in erþe . to hangen a feloun Ofter þan ones . þouȝ he were a tretour And if þe kyng of þat kyngdom . come in þat tyme There W.18.392: W alone omits þe after There. feloun þole sholde . deeþ or ooþer Iuwise Lawe wolde he yeue hym lif . if he loked on hym And I þat am kyng of kynges . shal come swich a tyme Ther doom to þe deeþ . dampneþ alle wikked And if lawe wole I loke on hem . it liþ in my g race Wheiþ er þei deye or deye noȝt . for þat þei diden ille Be it any þyng abouȝt . þe boldnesse of hir synnes I do mercy þoruȝ rightwisnesse . and alle my wordes trewe And þouȝ holy writ wole þ at I be wroke . of hem þat diden ille Nullum malum impunitum &c Thei shul be clensed clerliche . and wasshen of hir synnes In my prisone Purgatorie . til parce it hote And my mercy shal be shewed . to manye of my breþeren For blood may suffre blood . boþe hungry and a -cale Ac blood may noȝt se blood . blede but hym rewe Audiui archana verba que non licet ho mini loqui Ac my rightwisnesse and right . shul rulen al helle And mercy al mankynde . bifore me in heuene For I were an vnkynde kyng . but I my kynde helpe And nameliche at swich a nede . þer nedes help bihoueþ Non intres in Iudicium cum seruo tuo Thus by lawe quod oure lord . lede I wole fro hennes Tho þat me louede . and leued in my comynge And for þi lesynge lucifer . þ at þow leighe til Eue Thow shalt abyen it bittre . and bond hym wiþ cheynes Astroth and al þe route . hidden hem in hernes They dorste noȝt loke on oure lord . þe boldeste of hem alle But leten hym lede forþ whom W.18.419: W alone reads whom; most other manuscripts have what, though C has who. hym liked . and lete whom W.18.419: W's whom is shared with S; all other manuscripts have what. hym liste Manye hundred of Aungeles . harpeden and songen Culpat caro purgat caro . regnat deus dei caro Thanne pipede pees . of Poesie a note Clarior est solito post maxima nebula phebus  Post inimicicias & c W.18.423: The manuscript is cropped after &. The reading &c is supported by HmLM. After sharpe shoures quod pees . moost shene is þe sonne Is no weder warmer . þan after watry cloudes Ne no loue leuere . ne leuer frendes Than after werre and wo . whan loue and pees ben maistres W.18.427: In the right margin, partly trimmed, is a rough drawing of a true-love plant inside a heart. C. David Benson and Lynne S. Blanchfield, The Manuscripts of Piers Plowman: the B-version (Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 1997), p. 59 n. 67, suggest a possible connection with the Quatrefoil of Love though there is no evidence to support this. Was neu ere werre in þis world . ne wikkednesse so kene That ne loue and hym liste . to laughynge ne brouȝte And Pees þoruȝ pacience . alle p erils stoppeþ Trewes quod Truþe . þow tellest vs sooþ by Iesus Clippe we in couenaunt . and ech of vs clippe W.18.432: W alone reads clippe; other manuscripts have kisse. ooþer And leteþ no peple quod pees . p arceyue þ at we chidde For inpossible is no þyng . to hym þat is almyghty Thow seist sooþ quod Rightwisnesse . and reu erentliche hire kiste Pees and pees here . per secula seculor um Misericordia & veritas obuiaueru nt sibi Iusticia & pax osculate su nt W.18.437: One minim is visible after su, and the remainder is cropped. HmGYOC 2C read sunt &c. Truþe trumpede þo . and song Te deum laudam us And þanne lutede W.18.439: WHm alone omit loue after lutede. . in a loud note Ecce q uam bonu m & q uam iocundum &c Til þe day dawed . þise damyseles dauncede That men rongen to þe resurexion . and riȝt wiþ þat I wakede And callede Kytte my wif . and Calote my doghter And bad hem rise W.18.444: W alone reads And bad hem rise; all other manuscripts have an imperative form of Arise. and reu erence . goddes resurexion And crepe to þe cros on knees . and kisse it for a Iuwel For goddes blissede body . it bar for oure boote And it afereþ þe fend . for swich is þe myȝte May no grisly goost . glide þere it walkeþ W.18.448: W alone reads walkeþ; most other manuscripts have shadweth, while Hm has schawyþ. Passus xix us vndevicesimus / et explicit dobet / et incipit dobest T hus I awaked and wroot . what I hadde ydremed And dighte me derely . and dide me to chirche To here holly þe masse . and to be housled after In myddes of þe masse . þo men yede to offryng I fel eft -soones aslepe . and sodeynly me mette That Piers þe Plowman . was peynted al blody And com in wiþ a cros . bifore þe comune peple And riȝt lik in alle þynges W.19.8: W alone reads þynges; all other manuscripts have lymes. . to oure lord Iesus And þanne called I Conscience . to kenne me þe soþe Is þis Iesus þe Iuster e quod I . þ at Iewes dide to deþe Or it is Piers þe Plowman . who peynted hym so rede Quod Conscience and kneled þo . þise arn Piers armes Hise colours and his cote Armure . ac he þat comeþ so blody Is crist wiþ his cros . conquerour of cristene Why calle W.19.15: W alone omits ye after calle. hym crist quod I . siþen Iewes calle hym Iesus Patriarkes and p rophetes . p rophecied bifore That alle kynne creatures . sholden knelen and bowen Anoon as men nempned . þe name of god Iesu Ergo is no name . to þe name of Iesus Ne noon so nedeful to nempne . by nyȝte ne by daye For alle derke deueles . arn adrad to heren it And synfulle aren solaced . and saued by þat name And ye callen hym crist . for what cause telleþ me Is crist moore of myȝt . and moore worþi name Than Iesu or Iesus . þat al oure Ioye com of Thow knowest wel quod Conscience . and þow konne reson That knyght . kyng . conquerour . may be o persone To be called a knyght is fair . for men shul knele to hym To be called a kyng is fairer . for he may knyghtes make Ac to be conquerour called . þat comeþ of special g race And of hardynesse of herte . and of hendenesse To make lordes of laddes . of lond þat he wynneþ And fre men foule þralles . þat folwen noȝt hise lawes The Iewes þat were gentil men . Iesus þei despised Boþe his loore and his lawe . now are þei lowe cherles As wide as þe world is . noon of hem þer wonyeþ W.19.36: W alone reads noon of hem þer wonyeþ. Most other manuscripts have wonyeþ þer noon. But vnder tribut and taillage . as tikes and cherles And þo þat bicome cristene . bi counseil of þe baptisme Aren frankeleyns . free men . þoruȝ fullynge þat þei toke And gentil men wiþ Iesu . for Iesu was yfulled And vp -on Caluarie on cros . ycrouned kyng of Iewes It bicomeþ to a kyng . to kepe and to defende And conquerour of conquest . hise lawes and his large And so dide Iesus þe Iewes . he Iustified and tauȝte hem The lawe of lif . þat laste shal euere And defended from foule yueles . feu eres and Fluxes And from fendes þat in hem were . and false bileue Tho was he Iesus of Iewes called . gentile p rophete And kyng of hir kyngdom . and croune bar of þornes And þo conquered he on cros . as conquerour noble Mighte no deeþ hym fordo . ne adoun brynge That he naroos and regnede . and rauysshed helle And þo was he conquerour called . of quyke and of dede For he yaf Adam and Eue . and oþere mo blisse That longe hadde yleyen bifore . as Luciferis cherles And siþ he yaf largely . alle hise lele liges Places in Paradis . at hir partynge hennes He may wel be called conquerour . and þat is crist to mene Ac þe cause þat he comeþ þus . wiþ cros of his passion Is to wissen vs þ er -wiþ . þ at whan þ at we ben tempted W.19.60: A mark (probably for n ota ) to the right of this line appears to be in the text ink. Ther -w it h to fiȝte and defenden vs . fro fallynge to W.19.61: W alone reads to. All other manuscripts have into. Kane-Donaldson's emendation should have read [in]to instead of in[to]. synne And se bi his sorwe . þ at who -so loueþ ioye To penaunce and to pou erte . he moste puten hym -seluen And muche wo in þis world . to W.19.64: W alone reads to; all other manuscripts omit it. willen and suffren Ac to carpe moore of crist . and how he com to þat name Faithly for to speke . his firste name was Iesus Tho he was born in Bethleem . as þe book telleþ And cam to take mankynde . kynges and Aungeles Reu erenced hym faire . wiþ richesses W.19.69: W alone reads richesses; all other manuscripts have the singular form. of erþe Aungeles out of heuene . come knelynge and songe Gloria in excelsis deo &c W.19.71: The dot that follows the text is probably not intentional. Kynges þat W.19.72: W alone reads þat; all other manuscripts omit it. come after . knelede . and offrede Mirre and muche gold . wiþ -outen mercy askynge Or any kynnes catel . but knowelichynge hym sou ereyn Boþe of lond . sonne and see . and siþenes þei wente In -to hir kyngene kiþ . by counseil of Aungeles And þere was þat word fulfilled . þe which þow of speke Omnia celestia terrestria flectantur in hoc no mi ne Iesu For alle þe Aungeles of heuene . at his burþe knelede And al þe wit of þe world . was in þo þre kynges Reson and Rightwisnesse . and Ruþe þei offrede Wher -fore and why . wise men þat tyme Maistres and lettred men . Magi . hem callede That o kyng cam wiþ Reson . cou ered vnder sense The seconde kyng siþþe . sooþliche offrede Rightwisnesse vnder reed gold . Resones felawe For W.19.87: W alone reads For; all other manuscripts omit it. gold is likned to leautee . þat laste shal eu ere W.19.87: After this line W omits And resoun to riche golde . to riȝte & to treuthe (in the spelling of L) attested by all other beta witnesses. The þridde kyng þo kam . knelynge to Iesu And p resented hym wiþ pitee . apperynge by Mirre For Mirre is mercy to mene . and mylde speche of tonge Thre yliche honeste þynges . were offred þus atones at ones Thoruȝ þre kynne kynges . knelynge to Iesu Ac for alle þise p reciouse p resentz . oure lord kyng W.19.93: W alone reads kyng; all other manuscripts have prynce. Iesus Was neiþ er kyng ne conquerour . til he gan to wexe In þe manere of a man . and þat by muchel sleighte As it bicomeþ a conquerour . to konne manye sleightes And manye wiles and wit . þat wole ben a ledere And so dide Iesu in hise dayes . who -so hadde tyme to telle it Som -tyme he suffrede . and som -tyme he hidde hym And som -tyme he fauȝt faste . and fleiȝ ouþer while And som -tyme he gaf good . and grauntede heele boþe Lif and lyme . as hym liste he wroȝte As kynde is of a Conquerour . so comsede Iesu Til he hadde alle hem . þ at he for bledde In his Iuuentee þis Iesus . at Iewene feeste Water in -to wyn turnede . as holy writ telleþ And þ ere bigan god . of his grace to do wel For wyn is likned to lawe . and lifholynesse W.19.108: W alone reads lifholynesse; all other manuscripts have lyf of holynesse. And lawe lakkede þo . for men louede noȝt hir enemys And crist counseileþ þus . and comaundeþ boþe To lered and to lewede . to louyen oure enemys So at þat feeste first . as I bifore tolde Bigan god of his g race . and goodnesse to dowel And þanne was he called . noȝt holy crist but Iesu A faunt fyn ful of wit . filius Marie For bifore his moder Marie . made he þat wonder That she first and formest . ferme sholde bileue That he þoruȝ g race was gete . and of no gome ellis He wroȝte þat by no wit . but þoruȝ word one After þe kynde þat he cam of . þere comsede he dowel And whan he woxen was moore . in his moder absence He made lame to lepe . and yaf light to blynde And fedde wiþ two fisshes . and w it h fyue loues Sore afyngred folk . mo þan fyue þousand Thus he confortede carefulle . and caughte a gretter name The which was dobet . where þ at he wente For deue þoruȝ hise doynges to here . and dombe speke he made And alle he heeled and halp . þat hym of g race askede And þo was he called in contre . of þe comune peple For þe dedes þat he dide . Fili dauid Iesus For dauid was doghtiest . of dedes in his tyme The burdes þo songe . Saul int erfecit mille et dauid dece m milia For -þi þe contree þer Iesu cam called hym fili dauid And nempned hym of Nazareth . and no man so worþi To be kaiser or kyng . of þe kyngdom of Iuda Ne ouer Iewes Iustice . as Iesus was hem þouȝte Wher -of Cayphas hadde enuye . and oþ ere of þe Iewes And for to doon hym to deþe . day and nyȝt þei casten Killeden hym on cros -wise . at Caluarie on Friday And siþen buriede his body . and beden þ at men sholde Kepen it fro nyght -comeris . wiþ knyghtes y -armed For no frendes sholde hym fecche . for p rophetes hem tolde That þat blissede body . of burieles risen sholde And goon in -to Galilee . and gladen hise Apostles And his moder Marie . þus men bifore demede The knyghtes þat kepten it . biknewe it hem -seluen That Aungeles and Archaungeles . er þe day spronge Come knelynge to þe corps . and songen Christus resurgens Verray men W.19.149: W alone reads men; all other manuscripts have man. bifore hem alle . and forþ wiþ hem he yede The Iewes preide hem be W.19.150: W alone reads be; all other manuscripts omit it. pees . and bisouȝte þe knyghtes Telle þe comune þ at þer cam . a compaignie of hise Apostles And biwicched hem as þei woke . and awey stolen it Ac Marie Maudeleyne . mette hym by þe weye Goynge toward Galilee . in godhede and manhede And lyues and lokynge . and she aloud cride In ech a compaignie. W.19.156: The scribe has neatly lined through a wrongly placed punctus after compaignie. þer she cam . Christus resurgens Thus cam it out þ at crist ou ercoom . recou erede and lyuede Sic oportet Christum pati & intrare &c For þat . þat wo mmen witeþ . may noȝt wel be counseille Peter parceyued al þis . and pursued after Boþe Iames and Ioh an . Iesu for to seke Thaddee and ten mo . wiþ Thomas of Inde And as alle þise wise wyes . weren togideres In an hous al bishet . and hir dore ybarred Crist cam In and al closed . boþe dore and yates To Peter and to þise Apostles . and seide pax vobis And took Thomas by þe hand . and tauȝte hym to grope And feele wiþ hise fyngres . his flesshliche herte Thomas touched it . and wiþ his tonge seide Deus meus & dominus meus Thow art my lord I bileue . my god lord W.19.171: W alone reads my god lord. Most B manuscripts omit my; B reads my lord god. Iesu Thow deidest and deeþ þoledest . and deme shalt vs alle And now art lyuynge and lokynge . and laste shalt eu ere Crist carpede þanne . and curteisliche seide Thomas for þow trowest þis . and treweliche bileuest it Blessed mote þow be . and be shalt for euere And blessed mote þei alle be . in body and in soule That neu ere shul se me in sighte . as þow doost nowþe And lelliche bileue al þis . I loue hem and blesse hem Beati qui non viderunt &c And whan þis dede was doon . dobest he tauȝte And yaf Piers power . and pardon he grauntede To alle maner men . mercy and forȝifnesse Hym myght to assoille . of alle manere synne In couenaunt þ at þei come . and kneweliched to paie To Piers pardon þe Plowman . redde quod debes Thus haþ Piers power . by his pardon paied To bynde and vnbynde . boþe here and ellis -where And assoille men of alle synnes . saue of dette one Anoon after anheigh an heigh . vp in -to heuene He wente and wonyeþ þere . and wol come at þe laste And rewarde hym right wel . þat reddit quod debet Paieþ parfitly . as pure truþe wolde And what p ersone paieþ it nouȝt . punysshen he þenkeþ And demen hem at domes -day . boþe quyke and dede The goode to þe godhede . and to greet Ioye And wikkede to wonye . in wo wiþ -outen ende Thus Conscience of crist . and of þe cros carpede And counseiled me to knele þer -to . and þanne cam me þouȝte Oon Spiritus paraclitus . to Piers and to hise felawes In liknesse of a lightnynge . he lighte on hem alle And made hem konne and knowe . alle kynne langages I wondred what þat was . and waggede Conscience And was a -fered of þe light . for in fires lightnesse W.19.204: W alone reads lightnesse; all other manuscripts have liknesse. Spiritus paraclitus . ouer -spradde hem alle Quod Conscience and knelede . þis is cristes messager And comeþ fro þe grete god . and grace is his name Knele now quod Conscience . and if þow kanst synge Welcome hym and worshipe hym . wiþ Veni creator Spiritus Thanne song I þat song . so dide manye hundred And cride wiþ Conscience . help vs god of grace And þanne bigan g race . to go wiþ Piers Plowman And counseillede hym and Conscience . þe comune to sompne For I wole dele to -day . and ȝyue diuine grace To alle kynne creatures . þat han hir fyue wittes Tresour to lyue by . to hir lyues ende And wepne to fighte wiþ . þat wole neu ere faille For Antecrist and hise . al þe world shul greue And acombre þee Conscience . but if crist þee helpe And false p rophetes fele . flatereris and gloseris Shullen come and be curatours . ouer kynges and Erles And Pride shal be Pope . Prynce of holy chirche Coueitise and vnkyndenesse . Cardinals hym to lede For -þi quod g race er I go . I wo l gyue yow tresor And wepne to fighte wiþ . whan Antecrist yow assailleþ And gaf ech man a g race . to gide wiþ hym -seluen That ydelnesse encombre hym noȝt . enuye ne pride Diuisiones graciar um sunt &c Some he yaf wit . with wordes to shewe Wit to wynne hir liflode wiþ . as þe world askeþ As p rechours and preestes . and Prentices of lawe They lelly to lyue . by labour of tonge And by wit to wissen oþere . as g race hem wolde teche And some he kennede craft . and konnynge of sighte Wiþ sellynge and buggynge . hir bilyue to wynne And some he lered to laboure . a lele lif and a trewe And some he tauȝte to tilie . to dyche and to thecche To wynne wiþ hir liflode . bi loore of his techynge And some to deuyne and diuide . noumbres to kenne And some to compace craftily . and colours to make And some to se and to seye . what sholde bifalle Boþe of wele and of wo . telle it er it felle As Astronomyens þoruȝ Astronomye . and Philosofres wise And some to ryde and to recou ere . þat wrongfully W.19.244: W alone reads wrongfully; Hm has riȝtfully while all other manuscripts have vnriȝtfully. was wonne He wissed hem to wynne it ayein . þoruȝ wightnesse of handes And fecchen it fro false men . wiþ Foluyles lawes And some he lered to lyue . in longynge to ben hennes In pou erte and in penaunce . to preie for alle cristene And alle he lered to be lele . and ech a craft loue ooþer And forbad hem alle debat . þ at noon were among hem Thouȝ some be clenner þan some . ye se wel quod Grace That he þat vseþ þe faireste craft . to þe fouleste I kouþe haue put hym Thynkeþ alle quod Grace . þ at grace comeþ of my ȝifte Lokeþ þ at no man W.19.254: W alone reads no man; most other manuscripts have noon. lakke ooþer . but loueþ alle as breþeren And who þat moost maistries kan . be myldest of berynge And crouneþ Conscience kyng . and makeþ craft youre Stiward And after craftes conseil . cloþeþ yow and fede For I make Piers þe Plowman . my p rocuratour and my reue And Registrer to receyue . redde quod debes My prowor and my Plowman . Piers shal ben on erþe And for to tilie truþe . a teeme shal he haue Grace gaf Piers a teeme . of W.19.262: W alone reads of; all other manuscripts omit it. foure grete Oxen That oon was Luk a large beest . and a lowe -chered And Mark and Mathew þe þridde . myghty beestes boþe And Ioyned to hem oon Ioh an . moost gentil of alle The pris neet of Piers plow . passynge alle oþere And Grace gaf Piers . of his goodnesse foure stottes Al þat hise oxen eriede . þei to harewen after Oon highte Austyn . and Ambrose anoþer Gregori þe grete clerk . and Ierom þe goode Thise foure þe feiþ to teche . folweþ Piers teme And harewede in an hand -while . al holy Scripture Wiþ two harewes þ at þei hadde . an oold and a newe Id est vetus testamentum & nouu m And Grace gaf greynes . þe Cardynal v ertues And sew hem in mannes soule . and siþen he tolde hir names Spiritus prudencie . þe firste seed highte And who -so ete þat . ymagynen he sholde Er he deide any deeþ W.19.279: W alone reads deide any deeþ; all other manuscripts have dide any dede. . deuyse wel þe ende And lerned men a ladel bugge . wiþ a long stele And caste for to kepe a crokke . to saue þe fatte aboue The seconde seed . highte Spiritus temperancie W.19.282: Immediately following the box is a n ota symbol shaped like a punctus elevatus without its point. It appears to be in the text ink. He þat ete of þat seed . hadde swich a kynde Sholde neu ere mete ne muchel drynke . make hym to swelle Ne no scorner e ne scolde . out of skile hym brynge Ne wynnynge ne wele . of worldliche richesse Waste word of ydelnesse . ne wikked speche moeue Sholde no curious clooþ . comen on his rugge Ne no mete in his mouþ . þ at maister Ioh an Spicede The þridde seed þat Piers sew . was Spiritus fortitudinis And who ete W.19.291: W alone reads ete; all other manuscripts have so ete of. þat seed . hardy was he euere To suffren al þat god sente . siknesse and Angres Mighte no lesynges ne lyer e . ne los of worldly catel Maken hym for any mournynge . þat he nas murie in soule And bold and abidynge . bismares to suffre And pleieþ al wiþ pacience . and Parce michi d omine And cou ered hym vnder conseille . of Caton þe wise Esto forti animo cum sis dampnatus iniq ue The ferþe seed þ at Piers sew . was Spiritus Iusticie And he þ at ete of þat seed . sholde be euere trewe Wiþ god . and nauȝt agast . but of gile one For gile gooþ so pryuely . þ at good feiþ ouþer -while May nouȝt ben espied . for Spiritus Iusticie Spiritus Iusticie . spareþ noȝt to spille Hem þat ben gilty . and for to correcte The kyng if he falle . in gilt or in trespas For counteþ he no kynges wraþe . whan he in Court sitteþ To demen as a domes -man . adrad was he neu ere Neiþ er of duc ne of deeþ . þ at he ne dide lawe For p resent or for preiere . or any Prynces lettres He dide equyte to alle . euene -forþ his power Thise foure sedes Thise foure sedes Piers sew . and siþþe he dide hem harewe Wiþ olde lawe and newe lawe . þat loue myȝte wexe Among þo foure v ertues . and vices destruye For comunliche in contrees . cammokes and wedes Foulen þe fruyt in þe feld . þer þei growen togideres And so doon vices . vertues worþi Quod Piers hareweþ alle þat konneþ kynde wit . by conseil of þise docto urs W.19.318: The right margin is cropped. Other manuscripts here read doctours. And tilieþ after hir techynge . þe Cardynale v ertues Ayeins þi greynes quod Grace . bigynneþ for to ripe Ordeigne þee an hous Piers . to herberwe Inne þi cornes By god Grace quod Piers . ye moten gyue tymber And ordeyne þat hous . er ye hennes wende And Grace gaf hym þe cros . wiþ þe croune of þornes That crist vp -on Caluarie . for mankynde on pyned And of his baptisme and blood . þat he bledde on roode He made a maner e morter . and mercy it highte And þer -wiþ Grace bigan . to make a good foundement And watlede it and walled it . wiþ his peyne W.19.329: W alone reads peyne; all other manuscripts have peynes. and his passion And of al holy writ . he made a roof after And called þat hous vnitee . holy chirche on englissh And whan þis dede was doon . Grace deuysede A cart highte cristendom . to carie Piers sheues And gaf hym caples to his carte . contricion and confession And made preesthod hayward . þe while hym -self wente As wide as þe world is . wiþ Piers to tilie truþe Now is Piers to þe plow . and pride it aspide And gadered hym a greet Oost . for to W.19.338: W alone reads for to; Hm has for, B has hym to, while other beta manuscripts have to. greuen he þynkeþ Conscience and alle cristene . and Cardinale vertues Blowe hem doun and breke hem . and bite a -two þe mores And sente forþ Surquidous . his sergeaunt of Armes And his Spye Spille loue . oon Spek yuel bihynde Thise two coome to Conscience . and to cristen peple And tolde hem tidynges . þ at tyne þei sholde þe sedes That Piers þere hadde ysowen . þe Cardynale v ertues And Piers bern worþ ybroke . and þei þat ben in vnitee Shulle come out . and Conscience . and your e two caples Confession and Contricion . and your e carte þe bileeue Shal be coloured so queyntely . and cou ered vnder Sophistrie That Conscience shal noȝt . knowe by contricion Ne by Confession . who is cristene or heþene Ne no manere marchaunt . þat wiþ moneye deleþ Wheiþ er he wynne wiþ right . wiþ wrong or wiþ vsure Wiþ swiche colours and queyntise . comeþ pride yarmed Wiþ þe lord þat lyueþ after . þe lust of his body To wasten on welfare . and in W.19.356: W alone reads in; HmCrYCBLM have on, and GC 2F omit it. wikked lyuyng W.19.356: W alone reads lyuynge; all other beta manuscripts have kepyng. Al þe world in a while . þoruȝ oure wit quod Pryde Quod Conscience to alle cristene þo . my counseil is to wende Hastiliche in -to vnitee . and holde we vs þere And praye we þ at a pees weere . in Piers berne þe Plowman For witterly I woot wel . we beþ noȝt of strengþe To goon agayn Pride . but Grace weere wiþ vs And þanne kam Kynde wit . Conscience to teche And cryde and comaundede . alle cristene peple For to deluen a dych . depe aboute vnitee That holy chirche stode in vnitee . as it a Pyl weere Conscience comaundede þo . alle cristene to delue And make a muche moot . þat myghte ben a strengþe To helpe holy chirche . and hem þ at it kepeþ Thanne alle kynne cristene . saue comune wo mmen Repenteden and refused synne . saue þei one And false men flatereris . vsurers and þeues Lyeris and questemong eres . þat were forsworen ofte Witynge and wilfully . wiþ þe false helden And for siluer were forswore . sooþly þei wiste it Ther nas no cristene creature . þat kynde wit hadde . Saue sherewes one . swiche as I spak of That he ne halp a quantite . holynesse to wexe Some þoruȝ bedes biddynge . and some þoruȝ pilgrymages W.19.379: W alone reads pilgrymages; all other manuscripts have pilgrymage. And oþ ere pryue penaunces W.19.380: WF alone read penaunces; most other manuscripts have penaunce. . and so mme þoruȝ penyes delynge And þanne wellede water . for wikkede werkes Egreliche ernynge . out of mennes eighen Clennesse out of comune . and clerkes clene lyuynge Made vnitee holy chirche . in holynesse to stonde I care noȝt quod Conscience . þouȝ pride come nouþe The lord of lust shal be letted . al þis lente I hope Comeþ quod Conscience . ye cristene and dyneþ That han laboured lelly . al þis lenten tyme Here is breed y -blessed . and goddes body þer -vnder Grace þoruȝ goddes word . yaf Piers power And myȝtes to maken it . and men to ete it after In help of hir heele . ones in a Monþe Or as ofte as þei hadde nede . þo þat hadde y -paied To Piers pardon þe Plowman . redde quod debes How quod al þe comune . þow conseillest vs to yelde Al þat we owen any wight . er we go to housel That is my conseil quod Conscience . and Cardinale v ertues That ech man forȝyue ooþer . and þat wole þe Pater nost er Et dimitte nobis debita nostra &c And so to ben assoilled . and siþþen ben houseled Ye baw quod a Brewer e . I wol noȝt be ruled By Iesu for al your e Ianglynge . wiþ Spiritus Iusticie Ne after Conscience by crist . while I kan selle Boþe dregges and draf . and drawe it out at oon hole Thikke ale and þynne ale . for þat is my kynde And noȝt hakke after holynesse . hold þi tonge Conscience Of Spiritus Iusticie . þow spekest muche on ydel Caytif quod Conscience . cursede wrecche Vnblessed artow Brewer e . but if þee god helpe But þow lyue by loore . of Spiritus Iusticie The chief seed þat Piers sew . ysaued worstow neu ere But Conscience þe comune fede . and Cardinale v ertues Leue it wel þei ben lost . boþe lif and soule Thanne is many a man lost . quod a lewed vicory I am a Curatour of holy kirke . and cam neu ere in my tyme Man to me / þat me kouþe telle . of Cardinale v ertues Or þ at acountede Conscience . at a cokkes feþere or an hennes I knew neu ere Cardynal . þat he ne cam fro þe pope And we clerkes whan þei come . for hir comunes paieþ For hir pelure and hir palfreyes mete . and pilours þat hem folweþ The comune clamat cotidie . ech a man til ooþer The contree is þe corseder . þat Cardinals come Inne And þer þei ligge and lenge moost . lecherie þere regneþ For -þi quod þis vicory . by verray god I wolde That no Cardynal coome . among þe comune peple But in hir holynesse . helden hem stille At Auynou n among þe Iewes . Cum S anc to S anc tus eris &c Or in Rome as hir rule wole . þe relikes to kepe And þow Conscience in kynges court . and sholdest neu ere come þennes And Grace þat þow graddest W.19.430: W alone reads past tense graddest; all other manuscripts have present gredest. Cf. W.2.75 greden with W.16.81 gradde. so of . gyour of alle clerkes And Piers wiþ his newe plow . and ek wiþ his olde Emp erour of al þe world . þat alle men were cristene Inparfit is þat pope . þat al þe world sholde helpe And sendeþ swiche þ at sleeþ hem . þat W.19.434: W alone reads swiche þat sleeþ hem þat; all other manuscripts have hem þat sleeþ swiche as. he sholde saue And wel worþe Piers þe plowman . þat p ursueþ god in doynge Qui pluit sup er Iustos & iniustos . atones at ones And sent þe sonne to saue . a cursed mannes tilþe As brighte as to þe beste man . or to þe beste wo mman Right so Piers þe Plowman . peyneþ hym to tilye As wel for a wastour . and wenches of þe stewes As for hym -self and hise s eruauntz . saue he is first yserued And trauailleþ and tilieþ . for a tretour also soore As for a trewe tidy man . alle tymes ylike And worshiped be he þat wroȝte al . boþe good and wikke And suffreþ þ at synfulle be ....?...?... W.19.445: The entire b-verse has been erased. Other manuscripts read til some tyme þ at þei repente (in the spelling of L). And god amende þe pope . þat pileþ holy kirke And cleymeþ bifore þe kyng . to be kepere ouer cristene And counteþ noȝt þouȝ cristene ben . killed and robbed And fynt folk to fiȝte . and cristen blood to spille Ayein þe olde lawe and newe lawe . as Luc þer -of witnesseþ Non occides . michi vindictam &c It semeþ bi so . hym -self hadde his wille That he reccheþ . riȝt noȝt of al þe remenaunt And crist of his curteisie . þe Cardinals saue And torne hir wit to wisdom . and to welþe of soule For þe comune quod þis Curatour . counten ful litel The counseil of Conscience . or Cardinale v ertues But if þei seiȝe as by sighte . som -what to wynnyng Of gile ne of gabbyng . gyue þei neu ere tale For spiritus prudencie . among þe peple is gyle And alle þo faire v ertues . as vices þei semeþ Ech man subtileþ a sleiȝte . synne for to hide And coloureþ it for a konnynge . and a clene lyuynge Thanne louȝ þer a lord . and by þis light seide I holde it riȝt and reson . of my Reue to take Al þat myn Auditour . or ellis my Styward Counseilleþ me bi hir acounte . and my clerkes writynge Wiþ Spiritus Intellectus . þei seke þe reues rolles And wiþ Spiritus fortitudinis . fecche it I wole after W.19.469: W alone reads after; other witnesses omit it. And þanne cam þer a kyng . and by his croune seide I am kyng wiþ croune . þe comune to rule And holy kirke and clergie . fro cursed men to fende W.19.472: W alone reads fende; Hm reads fonde, and all other manuscripts have defende. And if me lakkeþ to lyue by . þe lawe wole I take it Ther I may hastilokest it haue . for I am heed of lawe And ye W.19.475: W alone reads And ye; most other manuscripts have For ye. ben but membres . and I aboue alle And siþ I am your e aller heed . I am your e aller heele And holy chirches chief help . and Chieftayn of þe comune And what I take of yow two . I take it at þe techynge Of Spiritus Iusticie . for I Iugge yow alle So I may boldely be housled . for I borwe neu ere Ne craue of my comune . but as my kynde askeþ In condicion quod Conscience . þ at þow konne defende And rule þi reaume in reson . right wel and in truþe Take þow mayst in reson . as þi lawe askeþ O mnia tua su nt ad defendend um . set non ad dep rehendend um The viker hadde fer hoom . and faire took his leeue And I awakned þer -wiþ . and wroot as me mette Passus .xx us. vicesimus de visione & prim us de Dobest T hanne as I wente by þe wey . whan I was thus awaked Heuy chered I yede . and elenge in herte I ne wiste wher to ete . ne at what place And it neghed neiȝ þe noon . and wiþ nede I mette That afrounted me foule . and faitour me called Kanstow noȝt excuse þee . as dide þe kyng and oþ ere That þow toke to þi bilyue . to cloþes and to sustenaunce And by techynge and by tellynge . of Spiritus temp erancie And þow nome namoore . þan nede þee tauȝte And nede ne haþ no lawe . ne neuere shal falle in dette For þre þynges he takeþ . his lif for to saue That is mete whan men hym werneþ . and he no moneye weldeþ Ne wight noon wol ben his boruȝ . ne wed haþ noon to legge And he cauȝte in þat caas . and come þer -to by sleighte He synneþ noȝt sooþliche . þat so wynneþ his foode And þouȝ he come so to a clooþ . and kan no bettre cheuyssaunce Nede anoon righte . nymeþ hym vnder maynprise And if hym list for to lape . þe lawe of kynde wolde That he dronke at ech dych . er he for þurst deide So nede at gret nede . may nymen as for his owene Wiþ -outen conseil of Conscience . or Cardynale v ertues So þ at he sewe and saue . Spiritus temperancie For is no v ertue bi fer . to Spiritus temperancie Ne W.20.24: W alone reads Ne; all other manuscripts have Neiþer. Spiritus Iusticie . ne Spiritus fortitudinis For Spiritus fortitudinis . forfeteþ ful ofte He shal do moore þan mesure . many tyme and ofte And bete men ouer bittre . and some of hem to litel And greue men gretter . þan good feiþ it wolde And Spiritus Iusticie . shal Iuggen wole he nel he After þe kynges counseil . and þe comune like And Spiritus prudencie . in many a point shal faille Of þat he weneþ wolde falle . if his wit ne weere Wenynge is no wysdom . ne wys ymaginacion Homo p roponit & deus disponit . and gou erneþ alle goode v ertues Ac nede is next hym . for anoon he mekeþ And as lowe as a lomb . for lakkyng of þat hym nedeþ Wise men forsoke wele . for þei wolde be nedy And woneden in wildernesse . and wolde noȝt be riche And god al his grete Ioye . goostliche he lefte And cam and took mankynde . and bicam nedy So nedy he was as seiþ þe book . in manye sondry places That he seide in his sorwe . on þe selue roode Boþe fox and fowel . may fle to hole and crepe And þe fissh haþ fyn . to flete wiþ to reste Ther nede haþ ynome me . þ at I moot nede abide And suffre sorwes ful soure . þat shal to Ioye torne For -þi be noȝt abasshed . to bide and to be nedy Siþ he þat wroȝte al þe world . was wilfulliche nedy Ne neu ere noon so nedy . ne pou erer deide W han nede haþ W.20.50: W alone reads haþ; all other manuscripts have hadde. vndernome me þus . anoon I fil aslepe And mette ful m erueillously . þat in mannes forme Antecrist cam þanne . and al þe crop of truþe Torned it vp -so -doun . and ouer -tilte þe roote And fals sprynge and sprede . and spede mennes nedes In ech a contree þer he cam . he kutte awey truþe And gerte gile growe þ ere . as he a god weere Freres folwede þat fend . for he gaf hem copes And Religiouse reu erenced hym . and rongen hir belles And al þe Couent forþ cam . to welcome þat tyraunt And alle hise as wel as hym . saue oonly fooles Whiche foolis were wel leuere . to deye þan to lyue Lenger siþ Lenten . was so rebuked And as W.20.63: W alone reads as; all other manuscripts omit it. a fals fend Antecrist . ouer alle folk regnede Saue W.20.64: W alone reads Saue; all other manuscripts have And. þ at were mylde men and holye . þ at no meschief dradden Defyed alle falsnesse . and folk þat it vsede And what kyng þ at hem conforted . knowynge hem any while They cursed and hir conseil . were it clerk or lewed Antecrist hadde þus soone . hundredes at his baner And pride it bar . boldely aboute Wiþ a lord þat lyueþ . after likyng of body That kam ayein conscience . þat kepere was and gyour Ouer kynde cristene . and Cardynale v ertues I conseille quod Conscience þo . comeþ wiþ me ye fooles In -to vnite holy chirche . and holde we vs þere And crye we to kynde . þ at he come and defende vs Fooles . fro þise fendes lymes . for Piers loue þe Plowman And crye we to al þe comune . þ at þei come to vnitee And þ ere abide and bikere . ayeins Beliales children Kynde / Conscience þo herde . and cam out of þe planetes And sente forþ his forreyours . Feu eres and Fluxes Coughes and Cardiacles . Crampes and tooþaches Rewmes and Radegundes . and roynouse scabbes W.20.82: W alone reads scabbes; all other manuscripts have scalles. Biles and bocches . and brennynge Agues Frenesies and foule yueles . forageres of kynde Hadde ypriked and prayed . polles of peple That largeliche a legion . loste hir lif soone There was harrow and help . here comeþ kynde Wiþ deeþ þ at is dredful . to vndo vs alle The lord þat lyued after lust . þo aloud cryde After Confort a knyght . to come and bere his baner A -larme a -larme quod þat lord . ech lif kepe his owene And þanne mette þise men . er Mynstrals myȝte pipe And er heraudes of Armes . hadden discryued lordes Elde þe hoore . þat W.20.94: W alone reads þat; all other manuscripts have he. was in þe vauntwarde And bar þe baner bifore deeþ . bi riȝt he it cleymede Kynde cam after . wiþ many kene soores As pokkes and pestilences . and muche peple shente So kynde þoruȝ corrupcions . kilde ful manye Deeþ cam dryuynge after . and al to duste passhed Kynges and knyghtes . kaysers and popes Lered and lewed . he leet no man stonde That he hitte euene . þ at eu ere stired after Manye a louely lady . and lemmans of knyȝtes Swowned and swelted . for sorwe of hise W.20.104: W alone reads hise; most other manuscripts have deþes. dyntes Conscience of his curteisie . to kynde he bisouȝte To cesse and suffre . and see wher þei wolde Leue pride pryuely . and be parfite cristene And kynde cessede þo . to se þe peple amende Fortune gan flatere þanne . þo fewe þ at were alyue And bihighte hem long lif . and lecherie he sente Amonges alle manere men . wedded and vnwedded And gaderede a greet hoost . al agayn Conscience This lecherie leide on . wiþ a Ianglynge chiere And wiþ pryuee speche . and peyntede wordes And armede hym in ydelnesse . and in heigh berynge He bar a bowe in his hand . and manye brode arewes Weren feþered wiþ fair biheste . and many a fals truþe Wiþ hise vntidy tales . he tened ful ofte Conscience and his compaignye . of holy chirche þe techeris Thanne cam Coueitise . and caste how he myȝte Ouer -come Conscience . and Cardinale v ertues And armed hym in Auarice . and hungriliche lyuede His wepne was al wiles . to wynnen and to hiden Wiþ glosynges and wiþ gabbynges . he giled þe peple Symonye hym sente . to assaille Conscience And p reched to þe peple . and p relates þei hem maden To holden wiþ Antecrist . hir temporaltees to saue And cam to þe kynges counseille . as a kene baroun And kneled to Conscience . in Court afore hem alle And garte good feiþ flee . and fals to abide And boldeliche bar adoun . wiþ many a bright Noble Muche of þe wit and wisdom . of westmynstre halle He Iogged W.20.133: W alone reads Iogged to, a nonce usage which apparently means "spurred his horse towards" ( MED jaggen v. 2(b)). Most other scribes wrote Iug(g)ed til, presumably understanding the phrase to mean "condemned" ( MED jugen, v. 2(b)). to a Iustice . and Iusted in his eere And ouer -tilte al his truþe . wiþ tak þis vp amendement An An[d] W.20.135: W alone reads An; all other manuscripts have And. The W scribe nowhere else uses this form for And. to þe Arches in haste . he yede anoon after And tornede Cyuyle in -to Symonye . and siþþe he took þe Official For a Mantel of Meneuer . and W.20.137: W alone reads and; all other manuscripts have he. made lele matrymoyne Departen er deeþ cam . and deuors shapte Allas quod Conscience and cryde þo . wolde crist of his g race That Coueitise were cristene . þat is so kene a fighter e And boold and bidynge . while his bagge lasteþ And þanne lough lyf . and leet daggen hise cloþes And armed hym anhaste an haste . wiþ W.20.143: W alone reads anhaste wiþ; all other manuscripts have in haste in. harlotes wordes And heeld holynesse a Iape . and hendenesse a wastour And leet leautee a cherl . and lyere a fre man Conscience and his W.20.146: W alone reads his, which is inserted above the line; all other manuscripts omit it. counseil . he counted at a flye W.20.146: W alone reads at a flye; all other manuscripts have it (or it a/ it but/ at) folye. Thus relyede lif . for a litel fortune And prikeþ W.20.148: W alone reads prikeþ; all other manuscripts have priked. forþ wiþ pride . preiseþ he no v ertue Ne careþ noȝt how Kynde slow . and shal come at þe laste And kille alle erþely creatures . saue conscience oone Lyf lepte aside . and lauȝte hym a lemman Heele and I quod he . and heighnesse of herte Shal do þee noȝt drede . neiþ er deeþ ne elde And to forȝyte sorwe . and ȝyue noȝt of synne This likede lif . and his lemman fortune And geten in hir glorie . a gadelyng at þe laste Oon þat muche wo wroȝte . Sleuþe was his name Sleuþe wax wonder yerne . and soone was of age And wedded oon wanhope . a wenche of þe Stuwes Hir sire was a Sysour . þat neu ere swoor truþe Oon Tomme two tonge . atteynt at ech enqueste W.20.161: W alone reads enqueste; all other manuscripts save F have a queste. This Sleuþe was war of werre . and a slynge made And threw drede of dispair . a dozeyne myle aboute For care Conscience þo . cryde vp -on Elde And bad hym fonde to fighte . and afere wanhope And Elde hente good hope . and hastiliche he shifte hym And wayued awey wanhope . and wiþ lif he fighteþ And lif fleiȝ for feere . to phisik after helpe And bisouȝte hym of socour . and of his salue he hadde He W.20.170: W alone reads He; all other manuscripts have And. gaf hym gold good woon . þ at gladede his herte And þei gyuen hym ageyn . a glazene howue Lyf leeued þat lechecraft . lette sholde Elde And dryuen awey deeþ . wiþ Dyas and drogges W.20.173: W alone reads drogges, "drugs"; most other manuscripts have dragges, "sweet medicines." Scribes are apt to confuse the two words (e.g. Chaucer, Canterbury Tales Prologue 426). And Elde auntred hym on lyf . and at þe laste he hitte A Phisicien wiþ a furred hood . þ at he fel in a palsie And þere dyed þat doctour . er þre dayes after Now I se seide lif . þ at Surgerie ne phisik . May noȝt a myte auaille . to mede W.20.178: W alone reads mede, "bribe, reward"; other manuscripts have medle, "take action." ayein Elde And in hope of his heele . good herte he hente And rood forþ to a W.20.180: W alone reads forþ to a; all other manuscripts have so to. reuel . a ryche place and a murye The compaignye of confort . men cleped it som -tyme And Elde anoon after me . and ouer myn heed yede And made me balled bifore . and bare on þe croune So harde he yede ouer myn heed . it wole be sene eu ere Sire yuele ytauȝt Elde quod . I . vnhende go wiþ þe Siþ whanne whas W.20.186: The scribe has begun by writing an <h> and changed it to an <a>. þe wey . ouer mennes heddes Haddestow be hende quod . I . þow woldest haue asked leeue Ye leue lurdeyn quod he . and leyde on me wiþ Age And hitte me vnder þe ere . vnneþe myȝte W.20.189: W alone reads myȝte; all other manuscripts have may. ich here He buffetted me so W.20.190: W alone reads so; all other manuscripts omit it. aboute þe mouþ . þ at out my teeþ he bette W.20.190: W alone reads þat out my teeþ he bette; most manuscripts have either and bet out my teth or & bett me on þe teth. And gyued me in goutes . I may noȝt goon at large And of þe wo þ at I was Inne . my wif hadde ruþe And wisshed ful witterly . þ at I were in heuene For þe lyme þ at she loued me fore . and leef was to feele On nyghtes namely . whan we naked weere I ne myghte in no manere . maken it at hir wille So Elde and she sooþly . hadden it forbeten And as I seet in þis sorwe . I sauȝ how kynde passede And deeþ drogh neiȝ me . for drede gan I quake And cryde to kynde . out of care me brynge Lo Elde þe hoore . haþ me biseye Awreke me if youre wille be . for I wolde ben hennes If þow wolt be wroken . wend in -to vnitee And hold þee þere euere . til I sende for þee And loke þow konne som craft . er þow come þennes Counseille me kynde quod I . what craft is best to lerne Lerne to loue quod kynde . and leef of alle oþere How shal I come to catel so . to cloþe me and to feede And þow loue lelly quod he . lakke shal þee neu ere Mete ne worldly weede . while þi lif lasteþ And þ ere by conseil of kynde . I comsed to rome Thoruȝ Contricion and Confession . til I cam to vnitee And þ ere was Conscience Conestable . cristene to saue And bisegede sooþly . wiþ seuene grete geauntz That wiþ Antecrist helden . harde ayein Conscience Sleuþe wiþ his slynge . an hard assaut he made Proude preestes coome w it h hym . mo þan a þousand In paltokes and pyked shoes . and pisseris longe knyues Coomen ayein Conscience . wiþ Coueitise þei helden By Marie quod a mansed preest . of þe March of walys W.20.220: W alone reads walys; all other manuscripts have Irlonde. An Irish manuscript of the C-Text, Douce 104, fol. 109v, also has the reading Wales. See the comment by Derek Pearsall in Piers Plowman: A Facsimile of Bodleian Library, Oxford, MS Douce 104 (Cambridge: D.S. Brewer, 1992), p. xiv. I counte namoore Conscience . by so I cacche siluer Than I do to drynke . a drauȝte of good ale And so seiden sixty . of þe same contree And shotten ayein wiþ shot . many a sheef of oþes And brode hoked arwes . goddes herte and hise nayles And hadden almoost vnitee . and holynesse adown Conscience cryede help Clergie . or ellis I falle Thoruȝ inparfite preestes . and p relates of holy chirche Freres herden hym crye . and comen hym to helpe Ac for þei kouþe noȝt wel hir craft . Conscience forsook hem Nede neghede þo neer . and Conscience he tolde That þei come for coueitise . to haue cure of soules And for þei are pou ere p arauenture . for patrymoyne þei faille They wol flatere and fare wel . wiþ W.20.234: W alone reads and fare wel wiþ. Hm has and fare wel; most other manuscripts have to fare wel. folk þ at ben riche And siþen þei chosen chele . and cheitiftee pouerte Lat hem chewe as þei chose . and charge hem w it h no cure For lomer e he lyeþ . þat liflode moot begge Than he þat laboureþ for liflode . and leneþ W.20.238: The reading could as well be leueþ. it beggeris And siþen freres forsoke . þe felicite of erþe Lat hem be as beggeris . or lyue by Aungeles foode Conscience of þis counseil þo . comsede for to laughe And curteisliche conforted hem . and called in alle freres And seide sires sooþly . welcome be ye alle To vnitee and holy chirche . ac o þyng I yow preye Holdeþ yow in vnitee . and haueþ noon enuye To lered ne to lewed . but lyueþ after your e reule And I wol be your e boruȝ . ye shal haue breed and cloþes And oþere necessaries ynowe . yow shal no þyng faille Wiþ þat ye leue logik . and lerneþ for to louye For loue lafte þei lordshipe . boþe lond and scole Frere Fraunceys and Domynyk . for loue to be holye And if ye coueite cure . kynde wol yow teche That in mesure god made . alle maner e þynges And sette hem at a c ertein . and a siker nombre And nempnede names newe . and noumbrede þe sterres Qui num erat multitudine m stellar um . et om nib us eis &c Kynges and knyghtes . þat kepen and defenden Han Officers vnder hem . and ech of hem a c ertein And if þei wage men to werre . þei write hem in noumbre Alle oþ ere in bataille . ben yholde Brybours Pylours and Pykeharneys . in ech a place y -cursed Wol no man tresore W.20.262: W alone reads no man tresore; most other manuscripts have no tresorer. hem paie . t rauaille þei neu er so soore W.20.262: Apart from WHmB, the other scribes copied this line after W.20.259. Monkes and Moniales . and alle men of Religion Hir ordre and hir reule wole . to han a c ertein noumbre Of lewed and of lered . þe lawe wole and askeþ A c ertein for a c ertein . saue oonliche of freres For -þi quod Conscience by crist . kynde wit me telleþ It is wikked to wage yow . ye wexen out of noumbre Heuene haþ euene noumbre . and helle is wiþ -oute noumbre For -þi I wolde witterly . þ at ye were in þe Registre And your e noumbre vnder Notaries signe . and neiþ er mo ne lasse Enuye herde þis . and heet freres to go to scole And lerne logyk and lawe . and ek contemplacion And p reche men of Plato . and preue it by Seneca That alle þynges vnder heuene . ouȝte to ben in comune And yet he lyeþ as I leue . þat to þe lewed so p recheþ For god made to men a lawe . and Moyses it tauȝte Non concupisces rem p roximi tui And yuele is þis yholde . in parisshes of Engelonde For p ersons and parissh preestes . þat sholde þe peple shryue Ben Curatours called . to knowe and to hele Alle þ at ben hir parisshens . penaunce to enioigne And sholden ashamed [be] ashamed W.20.283: W alone reads ashamed; most other manuscripts read be ashamed. in hir shrift . ac shame makeþ hem wende And fleen to þe freres . as fals folk to westmynstre That borweþ and bereþ it þider . and þanne biddeþ frendes Yerne of forȝifnesse . or lenger yeres loone Ac while he is Ac while he is in westmynstre . he wol be bifore And maken hym murie . wiþ ooþer mennes goodes And so it fareþ w it h muche folk . þat to þe freres hem shryueþ As Sisours and executours . þei wol ȝyue þe freres A parcel to preye for hem . and make hem -self murye Wiþ þe residue and þe remenaunt . þat oþ ere men biswonke And suffre þe dede in dette . to þe day of doome Enuye herfore . hatede Conscience And freres to philosophie . he fond þanne W.20.295: W alone reads þanne; most other manuscripts read hem. to scole The while coueitise and vnkyndenesse . Conscience assaillede In vnitee holy chirche . Conscience held hym And made pees porter . to pynne þe yates Of alle tale -telleris . and titeleris in ydel Ypocrisie and he . an hard assaut þei made W.20.300: Following this line, all other manuscripts have Ypocrysie atte ȝate . hard gan fiȝte (in the spelling of L). And woundede wel wikkedly . many a wys techer e That wiþ Conscience acordede . and Cardynale v ertues Conscience called a leche . þat koude wel shryue To go W.20.304: W alone reads To go; HmCrGYOLMR omit To. C 2CBF omit go. salue þo þat sike ben . and þoruȝ synne ywounded Shrift shoop sharp salue . and made men do penaunce For hir mysdedes . þat þei wroȝt hadde And þ at Piers were ypayed . redde quod debes Some liked noȝt þis leche . and lettres þei sente If any surgien were þe segg e . þ at softer koude plastre Sire leef to lyue in lecherie . lay þ ere and gronede For fastynge of a fryday . he ferde as he wolde deye Ther is a Surgien in þis sege . þat softe kan handle And moore of phisik bi fer . and fairer he plastreþ Oon frere Flaterer e . is phisicien and surgien Quod Contricion to Conscience . do hym come to Vnitee For here is many a man . hurt þoruȝ ypocrisye We han no nede quod Conscience . I woot no bettre leche Than p erson or parisshe preest . penitauncer or bisshop Saue Piers þe Plowman . þat haþ power ouer hem alle And Indulgence may do . but if dette lette it I may wel suffre seide Conscience . syn ye desiren That frere flaterer e be fet . and phisike yow sike The frere her -of herde . and hiede faste To a lord for a lettre . leue to haue to curen As a Curatour he were . and cam w it h hise l ettres Boldely to þe bisshop . and his brief hadde In contrees þer he coome . confessions to here And cam þ ere Conscience was . and knokked at þe yate Pees vnpynned it . was Porter of vnitee And in haste askede . what his wille were In faiþ quod þis frere . for p rofit and for helþe Carpe I wolde wiþ contricion . and þ er -fore cam I hider He is sik seide Pees . and so are manye oþ ere Ypocrisie haþ hurt hem . ful hard is if þei keuere I am a Surgien seide þe segge . and salues kan make Conscience knoweþ me wel . and what I kan do boþe I praye þee quod Pees þo . er þow passe ferþer What hattestow I praye þee . hele noȝt þi name Certes seide his felawe . sire Penetrans domos Ye go þi gate quod Pees . by god for al þi phisik But þow konne som ooþ er W.20.341: W alone reads ooþer; other manuscripts omit it. craft . þow comest nouȝt her -Inne I knew swich oon ones . noȝt eighte wynter hennes Coom in þus ycoped . at a Court þ ere I dwelde And was my lordes leche . and my ladies boþe And at þe laste þis lymyto ur . þo my lord was oute He saluede so oure wo mmen . til some were wiþ childe Hende speche heet . Pees . opene þe yates Lat in þe frere and his felawe . and make hem fair cheere He may se and here . so it may bifalle That lif þoruȝ his loore . shal leue coueitise And be adrad of deeþ . and wiþ -drawe hym fram pryde And acorde wiþ Conscience . and kisse hir eiþ er ooþer Thus þoruȝ hende speche . entred þe frere And cam in to Conscience . and curteisly hym grette Thow art welcome quod Conscience . kanstow heele þe sike Here is Contricion quod Conscience . my cosyn ywounded Conforte hym quod Conscience . and tak kepe to hise soores The plastres of þe p erson . and poudres biten to soore He lat hem ligge ouer -longe . and looþ is to chaunge hem Fro lenten to lenten . he lat hise plastres bite That is ouer -longe quod þis Lymyto ur . I leue I shal amende it And gooþ and gropeþ Contricion . and gaf hym a plastre Of a pryuee paiement . and I shal praye for yow For al þat ye ben holden to . al my lif -tyme And make yow my lady . in masse and in matyns As frere of oure Frat ernytee . for a litel siluer Thus he gooþ and gadereþ . and gloseþ þ ere he shryueþ Til Contricion hadde clene foryeten . to crye and to wepe And wake for hise wikked werkes . as he was wont to doone For confort of his confessour . Contricion he lafte That is þe souerayneste salue . for alle kynne synnes Sleuþe seigh þat . and so dide pryde And comen wiþ a kene wille . Conscience to assaille Conscience cryed eft . and bad Clergie helpe hym And also Contricion . for to kepe þe yate He lyþ and dremeþ seide Pees . and so do manye oþere The frere wiþ his phisyk . þis folk haþ enchaunted And plastred hem so esily . þei drede no synne By crist quod Conscience þo . I wole bicome a pilgrym And walken as wide . as þe world lasteþ To seken Piers þe Plowman . þat pryde may destruye And þ at freres hadde a fyndyng . þat for nede flateren And countrepledeþ me Conscience . now kynde me avenge And sende me hap and heele . til I haue Piers þe Plowman And siþþe he gradde after Grace . til I gan awake W.20.385: A final, formal nota abbreviation ends the text. We have ordinarily taken this form to represent a flourish. The explicit is written in ornamented letters touched in red and about twice normal size. Explicit hic Dialogus Petri Plowman