L.16.152KD.16.145 It was hymhym[self]L.16.152: L alone omits alliterating self after hym, but it is added above the line in M. sothely · and seide tu dicis
M.16.152KD.16.145It was hym-selfM.16.152: M's original reading without self agreed with L. sothely . and saide tu dicis
Cr1.16.151KD.16.145 It was him-selfe sothly and sayde Tu dicis ,
C.16.114KD.16.145 It was hym-self sothily · and saide · tu dicis
R.16.151KD.16.145 It was hym-self sothely
and seyde tu dicis .R.16.151: In the right margin
opposite this line and extending down five lines to R16.156, there is an erased gloss,
apparently in the same hand as the long, erased note on 94r.