L.16.189KD.16.181 ¶ Þre leodesL.16.189: Someone writing in a much lighter ink erroneously subpuncted the first <e> and perhaps <o> and inserted what may
have been intended to be an <r>, making lordes. in o lith · non lenger þan other
M.16.189KD.16.181Thre leodes in o ...lythM.16.189: For M's revised lyth B reads liche. non lenger þan a-notherM.16.189: M alone reads a-nother; all other B manuscripts read ooþer.
Cr1.16.188KD.16.181 Thre leodes in one lyth , none lenger than other
C.16.151KD.16.181 ¶ Thre leodes on oo lithe noon lenger than other