Readings for line KD.16.189

Þe liȝte of alle þat lyf hath · a londe & a watre
The liȝt of al þat lif hath . a londe and on .M.16.197: M's on is followed by an erased supralinear correction. Other B manuscripts read a for on. watre
The light of all that life hath , a lond and a water
The light of al þat lif haþ . alonde and a-watre
þe lyȝt of al þat lygth haþ · on lond and on watre
The light of hal þat lif has · a lande and on watre
þe lyght off all þat lyuve haue on land & on watre
Þe liȝt of al þat lijf haþ  a londe & on water
Þat alle þe liȝt of þe lifR.16.197: The syntactic confusion in this a-verse began in alpha, which omitted the verb (cf. F's Þat al þe lyght & þe lyf). Beta witnesses read the full line as Þe liȝte of alle þat lyf hath a londe & a watre.  a londe and a watere .
Þat al þe lyght & þe lyf / on londe & on watre.F.13.20: The syntactic confusion here began in alpha. Beta witnesses read "The light of al þat lif haþ a londe and a watre." R also omits the verb, reading "Þat alle þe liȝt of þe lif ...."