L.16.8KD.16.8 Pacience hatte þe pure tre · and poreL.16.8: LRF read pore against the majority of B manuscripts that have pure. symple of herte
M.16.8KD.16.8Pacience hatte þe pure tree . and pouere symple of herte
Cr1.16.8KD.16.8 Patience hight the pure tre , & pure simple of herte
W.16.8KD.16.8 Pacience hatte þe pure tree . and pure symple of herte
C.16.8KD.16.8 Paciens hatte the pure tree ˜ and pouere simple of herte
G.17.8KD.16.8 pacyence hatt þe puvre tree & puvre symple off herte
O.16.8KD.16.8Pacience hatte þe pure tree & pure symple of herte
R.16.8KD.16.8 Pacience hatte þe puir tre and pore symple of herte .