Cr1.18.188KD.18.183 That mercye my sister and I mankinde shuld saue
C.18.188KD.18.183 That mercy my syster and I · mankynde schude saue
O.18.188KD.18.183Þat mercyO.18.188: ORF alone lack the word my before sister, and thus lack the second alliterating stave. sister & I mankynde schulde saue
R.18.187KD.18.183 Þat mercyR.18.187: Alpha has obviously dropped a stave. Beta manuscripts add my
sustre after mercy. Cx agrees with beta.
and I mankende schulde saue .
F.14.186KD.18.183Þat Mercy & y Mankende sholde savenF.14.186: In contrast to alpha, beta manuscripts preserve my suster after Mercy.