L.18.20KD.18.19 And who sholde iousteL.18.20: The word iouste was added supralinearly after initial copying by the original scribe, no doubt in response to the corrector's <+>. in Iherusalem · Ihesus he seyde
Cr1.18.20KD.18.19 Who should iuste in Ierusalem , Iesus he sayde
C.18.20KD.18.19 And who shulde Iuste In Ierusalem · Ih(es)us he saide
R.18.20KD.18.19 And ho iusteR.18.20:
After ho, R uniquely omits sholde. Cx confirms that this omission is an error. in iherusalem ihesus he
seyde .