Cr1.18.21KD.18.20 And fetch þat the fend claimeth , Pierce frute þe plowman
C.18.21KD.18.20 And fecche that the fende claymeth · Piers fruyt the plowma(n)
R.18.21KD.18.20 And fecchethR.18.21:
Cf. F's fettyn and beta's fecche. Cx agrees with beta. þat þe fende claymeth peres fruit þe
plowman .
F.14.21KD.18.20& fettyn þat feend[þe] feend cleymeþ / peers frut plowhman[þe] plowhman.F.14.21: F here and in 14.26, 14.34, and 15.363 omits the definite article in the divided genitive noun phrase. He avoids
the construction by revision in 15.190 and 15.397. However, since F also tends to omit archetypal þe in about half the occurrences of the phrase, Piers þe Plowman, e. g. 5.644, 655, 807, 1144, its omission in the genitive phrase is perhaps intentional.