Cr1.18.232KD.18.227 Shal lerne them what langor is & lyfe without end ,
C.18.232KD.18.227 Shal lere hem what lango(ur) is · and lisse with-outen ende
R.18.230KD.18.227 Schal lere hem what langoure is and
blisseR.18.230: R's blisse agrees only with G; F omits the word, merging
this b-verse with the next line, while beta has lisse. Cx agrees with beta. with-outen ende .
F.14.229KD.18.227-228Shal lerne hem what langoure ys / þere þat pees regneþ.F.14.229: F by eye-skip made one line of two. Bx reads as follows:
Shal lere hem what langour is and lisse wiþouten ende
Woot no wight what werre is þer þat pees regneþ.