M.18.264KD.18.259And but ȝif þei ...?...reuerensenM.18.264: The original was probably reuersen, the reading of WCr1. The alteration brings M into line with the other B manuscripts. his rode and his Resurectioun
Cr1.18.264KD.18.259 And but if they reuerse his rode , and his resurrection
W.18.264KD.18.259 And but þei reuersenreuer[en]senW.18.264: WCr1S read reuersen; all other manuscripts have reuerensen. his roode . and his Resurexion
C.18.263KD.18.259 ¶ And bot thay reu(er)ence his rode · and his resurreccion
G.19.263KD.18.259 and but þeG.19.263: For the G scribe's use of the weak form of the pronoun ("the") for remaining manuscripts "they," see note to G.6.150. reuerence hys roode & hys resurextyon