Readings for lines KD.18.317α and KD.18.317

L.18.324KD.18.317α, 317
Rex glorie · þe liȝte sone seide
M.18.324KD.18.317α, 317
Rex glorie þe liȝt soone saide
Cr1.18.324KD.18.317α, 317
Rex glorie , The light soone sayd ,
W.18.324KD.18.317α, 317
Rex glorie . þe light soone seide
Hm.18.324KD.18.317α, 317
rex glorie · the lygth sone seyde ·
Rex glorie · the lighte soon saide
C.18.323KD.18.316α, 317
What lord artow quod lucifer · quis est iste
G.19.325KD.18.317α, 317
& lord off myght & off mayne / & all maner wertues
what lorde art þou quod lucyfer quis est iste
O.18.325KD.18.317α, 317
Rex glorie  þe liȝt soone seyde
R.18.320KD.18.317α, 318
Rex glorie þe liȝte seideþe lord of miȝt & of man & alle maner vertues . Alpha obviously had a different arrangement of text here from the beta witnesses, which read:
Rex glorie þe liȝte sone seide
And lorde of myȝte & of mayne & al manere vertues.
Dominus virtutum
Dukes of þis dym place anon vndo þis ȝates
By contrast, R makes two lines of the passage, omits beta's sone before seide (as does F) and, with W, reads ma(n) for beta's mayne (F here reads man(er)e). F deviates from the line division found in R (which presumably reflects alpha) and abbreviates the passage, omitting Dominus virtutum.
F.14.318KD.18.317α, 318
Þe Lyght seyde Rex eterne / þe lord of alle manere vertues. This passage in F is unique. Alpha had a different reading from the beta witnesses which read:
Rex glorie þe light soone seide
And lord of myght and of man and alle man(er)e v(er)tues . Dominus virtutum
Dukes of þis dymme place anoon vndo þise yates.
R makes two lines of the passage:
Rex glorie þe liȝte seide  þe lord of miȝt and of man and alle maner vertues
Dominus virtutum . Duk of þis dym place anone vndo þis ȝates.
F rejects R's line division and abbreviates the passage, omitting "Dominus virtutum."