Cr1.18.350KD.18.341 And all that man hath misdo I man will amende ,
C.18.349KD.18.341 And al that man hase mysdon ˜ I man wyl amende
O.18.351KD.18.341And al þat man haþ mysdo I may welO.18.351: OCr23 alone have may wel; most B manuscripts have man wole. amende
R.18.344KD.18.341 And al þat man hath mys-do
I man wol amende itR.18.344: R's it is unique in line-terminal position and is
entirely omitted by beta. Nevertheless, while R's phrasing here differs from F's, their
common witness to the presence of the pronoun indicates that alpha's b-verse, unlike that of
beta, attested it. Cx, which is revised here, also
shows the pronoun in line-terminal position, reading to amenden it.