M.18.425KD.18.408α-βClarior est solito post maxima nebula phebus post inimciciasinim[i]cicias & cetera
Cr1.18.424KD.18.408α-β Clarior est solito post maxima nebula phebus , post inimicitias
W.18.423KD.18.408α-β Clarior est solito post maxima nebula phebus Post inimicicias &cW.18.423: The manuscript is cropped after &. The reading &c is supported by HmLM.
C.18.421KD.18.408α Clarior est solito post maxi(m)a nebula phebus
C.18.422KD.18.408β Post inimicicia clarior est & amor
G.19.425KD.18.408α clarior est solito post maxima nebula phebusG.19.425: The emendation to phebus is in ordinary grey ink.
G.19.426KD.18.408β post inimicitias clarior est et amor :G.19.426: The two rubricated lines are bracketed together in red on the right.
O.18.427KD.18.408βPost inimicicias clarior est & amor .O.18.426: This line and the preceding one are written in the right margin. They are divided after post by two solidi, one red and one black, and a red parasign precedes the second line of text.
Clarior est solitusR.18.419: R's uninflected form of this word is unique; the other B copies read solito. Cx agrees
with the B majority. post maxima nebula
phebus .R.18.419: In the left margin opposite this line, there is a pointing
hand, drawn in black ink.