Cr1.16.189KD.16.182 Of one Michel and might , in mesure and in length
C.16.152KD.16.182 Of oon mychel and oon myȝt · and mageste in mesure and lenghte
G.17.189KD.16.182 off oone mochell & myghtG.17.189: The word myght looks at first sight as if it may have been altered but in fact it appears more likely that the paper has not taken the ink
well (because the surface was greasy?) and that some re-outlining has been necessary. & maIeste yn measuvre & lenght
O.16.190KD.16.182Of oo mychel & oo magesteO.16.190: OC2 alone have mageste in place of myght. in mesure & in lenkþe