L.16.25KD.16.25 ¶ For wyndes wiltow wyte quod he · to witen it fram fallyng
M.16.25KD.16.25For wyndes wilt þow wyte quod he . to wyten it fram fallynge .
Cr1.16.25KD.16.25 For windes wylt þou wyt quod he , to wyten it from fallinge .
Hm.16.25KD.16.25 ¶ For wyndes wolt þu wyeten quod he · to w.yten it fro fallyngeHm.16.25-28: The first four lines are written in the same hand and script but in a slightly larger form than the remainder
of the leaf.
C.16.25KD.16.25 For windes wiltow wite quod he · to witen it fram fallyng
G.17.25KD.16.25 for wyndys wyllthowe withytte quod he to wytten ytt from fallyng
O.16.25KD.16.25 For wyndes . wilt þou wite quod he to witen it fram fallyng
R.16.25KD.16.25 ¶ For wyndes wiltow wit quod he to kepenR.16.25:
R's non-alliterating stave-word is an alpha variant; in place of kepen,
beta reads witen. it fram fallynge .
F.12.27KD.16.25/ [¶] For wyndys / wilt þou wete quod hee to kepeF.12.27: Alpha is responsible for kepe. Beta witnesses have witen. it fram fallyng.F.12.27: F omits the following line: "Cum ceciderit iustus non collidetur quia dominus supponit manum suam."