L.7.206KD.7.196 And how þow dedest day bi day · þe dome wil reherceL.7.206: The same hand as that in the margins of L7.185 has written in the right margin: a poke full of
Cr1.7.206KD.7.196 And how þou didest day by day the dome wil reherse ,
C.7.207KD.7.196 And how þou didest day by day · þe dome wol reherce
R.7.208KD.7.196 And how þow dostR.7.208:
Beta has dedest; F reads a present form, don. Ax agrees with beta. day by day þe dome wil reherce .
F.5.1189KD.7.196& how ȝeeF.5.1189: FHm alone have plural ȝee instead of þow. donF.5.1189: Alpha is responsible for the present tense. Beta manuscripts have didest. day be day / þe dome wille reerce.