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Passus v .
Passus septimus de visione vt supra .R.7.0: At the extreme right margin, on the same line as the passus heading, there is the cropped fragment of a rubrication guide, very small and in a light brown, contemporary hand: Passus v. Below this fragment is another cropped line, partially obscured by the grain of the membrane: vis.

Treuthe herd telle here-offe  and to peres he sente .
To taken his teme  and tulyen þe erthe .
And purchased hym a pardouna pena et a culpa.
For hym and for his eyres  for euer-more after
And bad hym holden hym at home  and erien his leyes .
And alle þat holpe hym to erie  to setten or to sowe .
Or any other mester  þat miȝt peres auayle .
Pardoun with peres þeR.7.8: Among the other B copies, only the B family (BmBoCot), a textually inferior group, shares R's þe before plowman; the other beta copies omit any determiner at this point, apparently reading the reference to Langland's central character as a full proper name, pieres plowman; F omits everything from the a-verse after Pers. However, among the C witnesses, the X family agrees with R (against the P family's support of beta). plowman  treuthe hath I-graunted .
¶ Kynges and kniȝtes  þat kepen holy cherches .R.7.9: R's plural is unique; all other B copies show the singular, cherche, which agrees with the reading of Ax.
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And riȝtfulliche in reumes  reulen þe poeple .
And[Han]R.7.11: And is unique error; most other B copies read Han, which agrees with the reading of Ax and Cx. pardoun þorȝ purgatorie  to passe ful liȝtly .
With patriarkes and prophetes  in paradis to be felawes .
Bisshopes I-blessed  if þei ben as þei schulden .
Legistres of bothe lawes  þe lewed þere-with to preche .
And in as muche as þei mowe  amenden alle synfulle .
Aren peres with þe aposteles  þus pardoun peres schewes .
And at þe daye of dome  at heie dayes to sitte .
Marchauntes in þe margyne  hauedR.7.18: R's verb form here is unique and slightly archaic; most of the other manuscripts of all versions read hadde(n). No difference in meaning is discernible. many ȝeres .
Ac noR.7.19: Alpha construes the opening of this phrase as English and omits the initial Latin preposition; cf. beta's none a pena. The X family of the C version treats this phrase exactly as alpha does, while the reading of the P family omits the negative and is obviously corrupt. pena et a culpaþepopeþe pope wald hem nauȝtR.7.19: In place of R's wald hem nauȝt, F has will(e) not while beta reads nolde hem; no beta copy (nor any A or C witness) attests the presence of alpha's nauȝt. Beta is likelier to be authorial. In a slightly revised version of this half-line, the C version reads either nolde hem (P family) or wolde hem (X family). The same disagreement between wolde and nolde divides the A copies into two large groups. graunte .
For þei holde nauȝt here halydayR.7.20: Although M agrees with alpha on this singular form, most beta witnesses show the plural, halidayes. Most A copies agree with the majority beta reading, but the C manuscripts divide into two large groups, the X family (with some P- family support) atetsting alpha's form while the dominant P-family reading agrees with beta.  as holy cherche telleth .R.7.20: R's telleth is unique; Bx has techeth, the same reading found at this point, uniformly, in the other versions .
And for þei swere ofteR.7.21: In place of alpha's non-alliterating ofte, beta reads by her soule, which agrees with the phrasing of both the A and C versions.  so godR.7.21: Beta has and so god moste hem helpe. This is also the reading of the other two versions. hem helpe .
Aȝeyne clene consience  here catel to selle .
Ac vnder his secrete seel  treuthe sent hem a lettre .
Þat þei schulde bugge boldely  þat hem best likethR.7.24: In place of alpha's present-tense form, beta has a preterite, liked; all but one C witness agrees with beta, but the A manuscripts are split: a majority agree with beta's preterite, but a significant minority attest alpha's form. Kane chooses the minority reading for his edition of A, but Kane-Donaldson endorse the beta reading in their edition of B. .
And sitthenus sellen it vsR.7.25: R's vs is a unique addition to the text of Bx, which agrees here with that of Ax and Cx. aȝeyn  and sauen þe wynnynges .R.7.25: Beta shows a singular form, wynnyge. The Ax reading agrees with beta's, but the C manuscripts are split, a majority (including the best witnesses in both major families) agreeing with alpha's plural while a minority supports beta.
And amenden mesondewes þere-with  & myseise folk helpe .
And wikked wayes  wiȝtliche hem amende .
And do bote to brugges  þat to-broke were .
Marien maydenes or maken hem nonnes .
Pore poeple orR.7.30: R's or is unique; Bx has and. prisones  fynden hem here fode .
And sette scoleres to scole  or toR.7.31: The alpha b-verse lacks an alliterative stave; beta reads to somme other craftes. Beta's reading is supported by the analogous verse from A, which reads to summe skynes craftis. other craftes .
Releue religioun  and renten hem bettere .
And I schal sende ȝow my-selue  seint mychel myn archangel .
Þat no deuel schal ȝow dere  ne fere ȝow in ȝoure deynge .
And wyten ȝow fram wan-hope  if ȝe wil þus werche .
And sende ȝoure soules in safte  to my seintes in ioye .
Þanne were manye marchauntzþat wopenR.7.37: In place of alpha's manye marchauntz þat wopen, the beta phrase is Marchauntz mery many wepten. The beta phrase agrees entirely with the wording of Ax and Cx. for ioye .
And preiseden peres þe plowman  þat purchaced þis bulle .
Men of lawe  leste pardoun hadde .R.7.39: Here alpha seems to have mislineated by truncation (as reflected in R's short line), which causes the authorial b-verse to be cast as a following line (R7.40), fleshed out (uniquely in R) with for þat craft is schrewed. F attempts an even more extensive smoothing, rendering the two lines as follows:
But men of Lawe of pardoun / þe leeste part þey haddyn.
For þey for meede pletyn moore / þan mychil for goddis helpe
Þat pleteden for mede  for þat craft is schrewed .
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For þe sauter saueth hem nauȝt  suche as taketh ȝiftes .
And nameliche of innocentes  þat non euel ne cunneth .R.7.42: Hereafter beta includes a Latin citation omitted by alpha:
Super innocentem munera non accipies.
¶ Pledoures schuld peynen hem  to plede for suche and helpe .
Princes and prelates  schulde paye for here trauayle .
A regibus et principibus  erit merces eorum .
¶ Ac many a iustice and iuroure  walde for Iohan do more .
Þanne pro dei pietate  leue þow non other .
¶ Ac he þat spenethR.7.48: R's speneth is a unique reading (the other B manuscripts read spendeth); however, R's verb derived historically from spende(n), is synonymous with it, and occurs in free variation with it throughout R (cf. R10.109). From its sometimes parallel occurrence in L (as at KD10.90), the form seems likely to be an authorial relict. A majority of C copies agree with R's form here, as does the text of Bodley 851, but most A manuscripts agree with beta. his speche  and speketh for þe pore .
Þat is innocent and nedy  and noman appayreth .
AndR.7.50: Beta omits And. The A version attests the same a-verse and reads it exactly as beta does. conforteth hym in þat cas  with-oute coueytise of ȝiftes .
And scheweth lawe for oure lordes loue  as he it hath I-lerned .
Schal no deuel at his ded-day  deren hym a myte .
Þat he ne worth saef and his soule  þe sauter bereth witnesse .
Domine quis habitabit in tabernaculo tuo . &cetera .
¶ Ac to bugge water no wynd  ne witt ne fire þe ferthe .
Þise foure þe fader of heuene  made to þis folde in comune .
Þes ben treuthes tresores  trewe folke to helpe .
Þat neuere schal wex ne wanye  with-oute god hym-selue
¶ Whan þei drawen in-toR.7.59: Beta reads on(e) to (LMCrW), followed by deye(n) (LMCrWCG) . Cx agrees exactly with F's to þe deþ . deth  and indulgences wolde haue .
His pardoun is ful petyt  at hisR.7.60: R's second his in this line is unique; all other B manuscripts read a plural form like W's hir. However, Cx agrees exactly with R's rendering of this line, including the singular posessive here. partyng hennes .
Þat medeR.7.61: R uniquely omits any before mede. F and beta agree with Ax in attesting the presence of this determiner, but R has the support of Cx in omitting it. of mene men  for her motyng taketh .
Þe legistres and þeR.7.62: R's þe is a unique addition to this line. Although R's þ and y tend oftentimes to overlap in form, this word was probably mistranscribed by Kane and Donaldson, who read it as ye, an error also implicit in their earlier omission of R from the lemma for witnesses beginning this line with Þe; that group includes R's sibling F. lawyeres  holdeth þis for treuthe .
Þat if þat I lye  mathew is to blame .
For he bad me make ȝow þis  and þis prouerbe me tolde .
Quodcumque wltis vt faciant vobis homines facite eis .
¶ Alle libbyng laboreres  þat lyuen with here hondes .
Þat treweliche taken  and treweliche wynnen .
And lyuen in loue and in lawe  for here lowe herte .R.7.68: Beta shows the plural hertis. The C version omits this line, and the A manuscripts are divided, with slightly more than half supporting alpha's singular and the rest agreeing with beta's plural.
Haueth þe same absolucion  þat sent was to peres .R.7.69: The scribe omitted the customary space between this line and the new verse paragraph below, but he often does so when, as here, the new unit begins on the last line of a side.
¶ Beggeres ne bydderes  ne beth nauȝt in þe bulle .
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But ȝif þe sugestion be soth  þat schapeth hymR.7.71: R's hym is unique among the B manuscripts. The others read hem. Ax agrees with the reading of the B majority, but the C manuscripts are divided by major groups, the X family supporting R while the P group supports the other B copies. to begge .
For he þat beggeth or bit  but if he haue nede .
He is fals with þe fende  and defraudeth þe nedy .
And also he gylethR.7.74: Both beta and F read bigileth. However, R's unique verb form agrees exactly with the reading of Ax and Cx. þe gyuere  ageynes his wille .
For if he wist he were nauȝt nedy  he walde ȝif þat another
Þat were more nedyerR.7.76: Alpha and M have nedyer (with the final <ere> erased in M) where the other beta copies read nedy. and nauȝtierR.7.76: R's and nauȝtier is unique; beta has þan he while F shows an almost identical þan he &.  so þe nedyest schuld be hulpe .
R.7.77: R alone marks this line with a paraph. Caton kenneth men þus  and þe clerke of þeR.7.77: Most beta copies omit alpha's þe, but it is likely to be original since LM attest it. stories .
Cui des videto is catones teching .
And in þe stories he techeth  to bystowe þin almes .
Sit elemosinaR.7.80: Most beta copies read elemosina tua in manu tua, but LM support alpha's omission of the first tua. in manu tua  donec studes cui des .
Ac gregorie is aR.7.81: In place of R's is a, beta reads was a. F reads þat. good man  and badde vs gyuen alle .
Þat asketh for his loue  þat vs alle leneth .
Non eligas cui miserearis  ne forte pretereas illum qui meretur accipere .
Quia incertum est pro quo deum magis placeas .
For wite ȝe neuere who is worthi  ac god wote who hath nede .
AlleR.7.86: Beta omits Alle, beginning the line with In; F begins this line with For in. in hym þat taketh is trecherieR.7.86: Alpha lacks beta's þe before treccherye.  if any treson walke .
For he ȝiftR.7.87: F reads the opening of this a-verse as For þe man þat ȝifte; beta has For he þat ȝiueth. It seems clear from these overlapping agreements that R is responsible uniquely for omitting þat, that F replaces archetypal he with þe man, and that the ȝifte / ȝiueth dichotomy reflects an alpha / beta difference. ȝeldeth  and ȝarketh hym to reste .
And he þat bitR.7.88: R's bit is a unique verb form here. F makes extensive revisions to the entire line, while most beta copies read biddeth. boreweth  and bryngeth hym-selue in dette
For-thiR.7.89: Beta reads For. beggeres borewen euere-mo  and her borȝ is god almiȝti .
To ȝelden hem þat ȝyueth hem  and ȝut vsure amoreR.7.90: R alone reads amore; other B witnesses correctly have more. .
Quare non dedisti peccuniam meam ad mensam 
Vt ego venieniss cum vsuris & exigissem 
For-thi biddeth nauȝt ȝe beggeres  but if ȝe haue grete nede .
For ho-so hath to buggen hym brede  þe boke bereth witnesse .
He hath I-nowe þat hath brede I-nowe  þauȝ he haue nauȝt elles .
Satis diues est qui indiget[non] indigetR.7.96: R's omission of non before indiget is unique. pane .
Late vsage be ȝoure solas  of seyntes lyues redynge .
Þe book banneth beggarie  and blameth hem in þis manere .
Iunior fui etenim senui & non vidi iustum .
For ȝe lyue in no loue  ne no lawe holde .
Many of ȝow ne wed nauȝt  þe wommen þat ȝe with delen .
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But as wilde bestes with wehe  worthen vp and werchen .
And bryngen forthe barnes  þat bastardes men calleth .
Or þe bak or þeR.7.104: Both beta and F read some bone. This agrees with the reading of Cx. Ax had read his bon. bone  þeiR.7.104: Beta manuscripts have he breketh for alpha's þei breken. The A manuscripts are divided, some attesting a singular and others a plural, but Cx agrees with alpha, treating the phrase as a plural. breken in here ȝouthe .
And sitthen gon faiten with hereR.7.105: Although OC2 support alpha's reading, beta has ȝoure for alpha's here. Both Ax and Cx agree with alpha. fauntes  for euere-more after .
Þere is mo mischape poeple  amonges þise beggeres .
Þanne of alle manere men  þat on þis molde walketh .
ÞoR.7.108: In place of alpha's Þo or For þo (= F), beta reads And þei. Both Ax and Cx agree with R's version of the entire a-verse. þat lyueth þus here lif  mowe lothe þe tyme .
Þat euere he was man wrouȝte  whan he schal hennes fare .
¶ Ac olde men and hore  þat helples ben of strength .
And wymm..en with childe  þat werche ne mowe .
Blynde and bederede  and broken inR.7.112: R's in is a unique reading; this preposition is omitted by the other B witnesses but is attested in two of the A copies (Ma and H) and in Cx. here membres .
Þat taketh þis meschief mekelich  as meseles and othere .
Haue as pleynepardounpleyne pardoun  as þe plowman hym-selue .
For loue of here lowe hertes  oure lorde hath hem graunted .
Here penance and here purgatorie  here vponR.7.116: F garbles the entire b-verse; beta reads here on in place of R's here vpon. The reading of A for this half-line seems uncertain, but six A witnesses attest the presence of here at the beginning of this phrase and five read here vpon . C omits B's here from the phrase; the full Cx reading is vppon this puyre erthe. þis erthe .
¶ Peres quod a prest þo  þi pardoun moste I rede .
For I schalR.7.118: Beta reads wil. Ax agrees with alpha. construe vche clause  and kenne it þe an englys .
¶ And peres at his preyere  þe pardon heR.7.119: R's he is a unique addition to the text as witnessed by the other B copies. Both Ax and Cx agree with the B majority. vnfoldeth .
And I be-hynde hem bothe  by-helde alle þe bulle .
Alle in to lynes it lay  and nauȝt a lef more .
And was I-writen riȝt þus  In witnesse of treuthe .
Et qui bona egerunt  ibunt in vitam eternam .
Qui vero mala  in ignem eternum
¶ Peter quod þe prest þo  I can no pardoun fynde .
But do wel and haue wel  and god schal haue þi soule .
And do yuel and haue yuel  hope þow non other .
ÞatR.7.128: R's Þat is an alpha variant supported by LM. Most other beta copies read But. Y reads And. Ax agrees with the RFLM reading. after þi deth-day  þe deuel schal haue þi soule .
¶ And peres for puer tene  pulled it a-tweyne .
And seyde . Si ambulauero in medio vmbre mortis
Non timebo mala quoniam tu mecum es .R.7.131: Here the scribe omits the customary space between strophes, presumably because the next verse paragraph begins on the last line of this side.
¶ I schal sese of my sowyng quod peres  and swynke nauȝt so harde .
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Ne aboute my bely ioye  so bysy be namore .
Of preyeres and of penauncesR.7.134: Beta shows the singular penaunce. Although two A witnesses (DMa) agree with alpha, it is clear that Ax read the same singular form as beta.  my plow schal ben here-after .
And wepen whanne I schulde slepe  þouȝ whete brede me faile .
Þe prophete his payn eet  in penaunce and in sorwe .
By þat þe sauter seith  so dede othermanyeother manye .
Þat loueth god lely  his liflode is ful esy .
Fuerunt michi lacrime mee  panes die ac nocte .
And but if luke lye  orR.7.140: Beta reads he. Ax agrees with the beta reading. lereth vs be folesR.7.140: Alpha has foles; all other B witnesses have some form of foules, "birds." .
We schuld nauȝt be to bysi  aboute þe werldes blisse .
Ne solliciti sitis  he seyth in þe gospelle .
And scheweth vs by ensaumples  vs-selue to wisse .
Þe foules ofR.7.144: R's of is unique; F and most beta copies read in. LM have on. The A version reads the key phrase of this half-line as foulis in þe firmament. þe felde  ho fynt hem mete at wynter .
Haue þei no gerner to gotogo to  but god fynt hem alle .
What quod þe prest to perkyn  peter as me thenketh .
Þow art lettred a lytel  ho lerned þe on boke .
AbstinenceR.7.148: After Abstinence, beta adds þe abbesse. The passage does not appear in C but is phrased in A exactly as in beta. quod peres  myn a b c me tauȝte .
And consience come afterward  and kenned me muche more .
Were þow a prest peres quod he  þow miȝtest preche where þow woldestR.7.150: Beta reads where þow sholdest while F condenses the line's final phrase to abowte.R.7.150: The <t> of woldest disappears into the gutter of the binding, so it is impossible to see whether a final punctus is present.
As dyuinor ofR.7.151: Beta reads in. diuinite  with dixit insipiens to þi teme .
Lewed lorel quod peres  litel lokestow on þiR.7.152: Both F and beta read þe, which is also the reading of Ax. bible .
AndR.7.153: Beta reads On; F rephrases the entire a-verse, beginning it with Þere. salamounes sawes  selden þow beholdest .
EcceR.7.154: Many B manuscripts read Eice, including F and numerous beta copies; however, the most authoritative beta copies (including LMCrW) all agree with R on Ecce. The latter variant is clearly erroneous with regard to the original Vulgate text, but it probably already existed as a Vulgate variant long before Langland's day since the same paleographic factors that would have induced multiple independent errors in both directions among Piers Plowman scribes already were in place. Even Kane-Donaldson fall into this pit, mistranscribing R's Ecce as Eice because it is barely possible to construe (generously) the <cc> as <ic> joined at the top by a ligature—until one notices, in the preceding tag at R7.142, that the R scribe does not avail himself of a ligature when writing the <ic> of solliciti. There is no way to know which word Langland himself wrote, but since all A manuscripts attest Ecce, the odds are, as Rigg and Brewer theorize in Piers Plowman: The Z Version (Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1983): 111, that various B scribes attempted to do for Langland what Kane-Donaldson unconsciously do for R: repair the damage quietly. See John A. Alford, Piers Plowman: A Guide to the Quotations (Binghamton: MRTS, 1992), p. 57, for discussion of this tag. derisores &cetera .R.7.154: R omits the end of this citation, which in beta reads: iurgia cum eis ne crescant &c. F's version of the rest of the citation is, typically, unique: & exibit cum eo iurgium cessabitque cause & contumelie.
Þe prest and perkyn  apposed eyther other .
And I thorȝ her wordes R.7.156: R alone misplaces the caesura indicator. a-woke and wayted aboute .
And seyȝ þe sonne in þe south  sitte þat tyme .
Meteles and moneles  on maluerne hulles .
Musyng on þis meteles  aR.7.159: A, "and." my weyR.7.159: Beta reads this phrase as and my waye; F has as y my way. All three versions of the phrase are likely to be corrupt, with R closest to the presumed original attested in Ax and Cx: a myle way. ich ȝede .
Many tyme þis meteles  hath maked me to stodie .
of þat I seyȝ slepyng
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Of þat I seyȝ slepyng  if it so be miȝte .
And al-so for peres þe plowman  ful pensif in herte .
And which a pardon peres hadde  al þe poeple to conforte .
¶ And how þe prest inpugned it  with to propre wordes .
Ac I haue no sauour in song.ewarie  for I se it ofte faile .
Caton and canonistres  conseileth vs to leue .
To sette saddenesse in songewarie  for sompnia ne cures .
¶ Ac for þe bok byble  bereth witnesse .
How daniel diuined  þe dremeR.7.169: F and most beta witnesses attest the plural dremes. of a kyng .
Þat was Nabagodonosor  I-nempned of clerkes .
Daniel seyde sire kyng  þi dremeles beto kenethbeto-keneth .
Þat vnkouth kniȝtes  schul come þi kyngdom to reue .R.7.172: In place of alpha's reue, beta witnesses are divided between cleyme (CrWHmC) and cleue (LMGOC2). Ax reads cleyme, but the stemmatic array of the two variants from beta actually suggests that its form was somewhat likelier to have been cleue.
Amonges lowere lordes  þi lond schal be departed .
And as daniel dyuined  in dede it fel after .
Þe kyng les his lordschippe  and lowere men it hadde .
¶ And Ioseph mette merueylously  how þe mone and þe sonne .
And þe elleuene steres  haylsed hym alle .
¶ Þanne Iacob iugede  Iosepes sweuene .
Beau filtz quod his fader  for defaute we schullen .
I my-self and my sones  seche þe for nede .
¶ It byfel as his fader seyde  in pharaoes tyme .
Þat Ioseph was Iustice  egipte to loke .
It byfel as his fader tolde  his frendes hym þere souȝteR.7.183: Reversing R's hym þere souȝte, beta reads þere hym souȝte; F has sowtyn þere. .
And alle þis maketh me  on þis meteles to thenke .
¶ And how þe prest preuede  no pardoun to do-wel .
And nempnedR.7.186: R's nempned is a unique error, failing in alliteration; F and beta agree on demed, which is also the reading of Cx and of some of the A manuscripts (most of the others read various forms of another alliterating verb, e.g., manuscript A's deuyned). þat dowel indulgence passed 
Byennales and triennales  and bisshopes lettres .
And how dowel at þe day of dome  is dignelich vnderfonge
And passeth alle pardounR.7.189: R uniquely omits þe before pardoun. Only one A manuscript duplicates this error (the others all agree with Bx).  of seinte petres chercheR.7.189: Here the scribe omits the customary space between strophes, presumably because the next verse paragraph begins on the last line of this side.
¶ Now hath þe pope pouere pardoun  to graunte þe poeple .
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With-oute any penance  to passen in-to heuene .
Þis oureÞis [is] oureR.7.192: R uniquely omits is before beleue. beleue  as lettred men vs techeth .
Quodcumque ligaueris super terram erit ligatum & in celis .
And so I leue lelly  lordes forbode elles .
Þat pardoun and penance  and preyeres don saue .
Soules þat haue synned  seuen sythes dedly .
Ac to trist to þis triennales  trewely me thenketh .
It isR.7.198: Beta omits It and begins the line with Is. Seven A witnesses (UDVJAWaN) agree with beta in this omission, but the others agree with alpha. Among the C copies, it seems likely that the progenitor of the P family agreed with beta's omission, but the X family clearly supports the inclusion of Hit at the head of this line. nauȝt so siker for þe soule  certes as is dowel .
For-thi I rede ȝow thenkeR.7.199: Alpha was corrupt here and R presumably mirrors its reading with ȝow thenke; cf. beta's presumptively authentic ȝow renkes. F offers a typical job of smoothing alpha's error: ȝow alle. Cx agrees with beta.  þat riche ben on þis erthe .
Vppon triste of ȝoure tresor  triennales to haue .
Be ȝe neuere þe boldere  to breke þe ten hestes .
And nameliche ȝe maystres  mayres and Iuges .
Þat haue þe welth of þis worlde . and wise men ben holden .
To purchace ȝow pardoun  and þe popes bulles .
At þe dredful dome  whanne dede schullen risen .
And comen alle byfore criste  and acountesR.7.206: Alpha adds and at the head of this b-verse; although several A manuscripts do the same, it is obvious that both Ax and Cx agree with beta in omitting this conjunction. to ȝelde .
How þow hladdest þi lif here  and his lawes keptest .
And how þow dostR.7.208: Beta has dedest; F reads a present form, don. Ax agrees with beta. day by day  þe dome wil reherce .
A pouhȝ-fulR.7.209: This unusual form appears only in R. The word pouhȝ, "sack, bag," is synonymous with poke, the form attested by other manuscripts. This form is possibly original, since it appears in A's Vernon manuscript, and Kane-Russell have adopted it for their critical text of C of pardoun þere  ne prouinciales lettres .
Þowe ȝe be founde in þe fraternite  of alle þe fyueR.7.210: R's fyue is a unique variant among the B witnesses; beta and F read foure. Ax agrees with the B majority, but Cx agrees with R. ordres .
And haue indulgences dubblefolde  but dowel wil ȝowR.7.211: Beta has the unmetrical reading but if dowel ȝow. R's wil is a unique addition. helpe .
I sette ȝoure patentes and ȝoure pardoun  at on pyes hele .
Forthi I conseile alle cristene  to crie god mercy .R.7.213: Although he left the job of ornamenting R far from complete, the rubricator usually took care to alternate blue with red paraph markers. However, on this page the pattern is broken (two red parasigns in a row), presumably through inadvertency. The verse strophe preceding this one is fairly long, but there is no evidence that a paragraph division was overlooked by the copyist. Only one of the older B manuscripts shows any division between KD7.187 and KD7.201 (Hm, at KD7.193); the rest agree with R in marking none.
And marie his moder  be oure mene by-twene .
Þat god gyue vs grace here  ar we go hennes .
Suche werkes to werche  þeR.7.216: Beta omits þe. Ax agrees with beta, as does the P family of C witnesses; however, the X family agrees with alpha. while we ben here .
Þat after oure deth-day  dowel reherce .
At þe day of dome  we dede as he hiȝte .