L.7.11KD.7.11 Han pardoun thourgh purgatorie · to passe ful lyȝtly
M.7.11KD.7.11Hath pardoun inM.7.11: M's reading of in is not shared by other B manuscripts, which read þoruȝ. purgatorie . to passen ful liȝtly
Cr1.7.11KD.7.11 Haue pardon through purgatorie to passe ful lightly
Hm.7.11KD.7.11 ...........han pardoun þorowȝ purgatorye · to passen full lyghtly
C.7.11KD.7.11 Han pardon thurgh purgatorie · to passen ful lighte
G.8.11KD.7.11 hauve pardone thruvgh puvrgatorye to passen fuvll lyghtlye
And is unique error; most other B copies read Han, which agrees with the reading of Ax and Cx. pardoun þorȝ purgatorie to passe
ful liȝtly .
F.5.996KD.7.11Have pardoun / þorhȝ purgatorie / to passe þorhȝ lyghtly