L.7.170KD.7.161 Þat vnkouth knyȝtes shul come · þi kyngdom to cleueL.7.170-171: A corrector's dry point cross appears in the left margin and perhaps reflects his exemplar's reading cleyme in place of LC2GMO's cleue.
Cr1.7.170KD.7.161 That vnkougth knights shal come , thi kingdome to cleime
C.7.171KD.7.161 Þat vnkouth knyȝtes shuld come · þy kyngdome to clayme
R.7.172KD.7.161 Þat vnkouth kniȝtes schul come þi kyngdom to reue .R.7.172: In place of alpha's reue, beta witnesses are divided
between cleyme (CrWHmC) and cleue (LMGOC2). Ax reads cleyme, but the stemmatic array
of the two variants from beta actually suggests that its form was somewhat likelier to have
been cleue.
F.5.1154KD.7.161Þat vnkouþe knyghtis shulle comeF.5.1154: An otiose curl appears above the <m>. / þyn coroun þe reve.F.5.1154: Alpha has reve in place of beta's cleyme or cleue. The other manuscripts have "kyngdom to" in place of F's "coroun þe."