L.7.210KD.7.200 I sette ȝowre patentes and ȝowre pardounzL.7.210: LCr alone read pardounz; other B manuscripts have pardon. at one pies hele
M.7.210KD.7.200I sette ȝyoure patentes . and ȝyowre pardoun at a pieM.7.210: Other B manuscripts have pies or pese. hele
Cr1.7.209KD.7.200 I beset your patentes & your pardons , at one pese hele
C.7.211KD.7.200 I sete yowre patentz and youre pardon · at one pese hule
R.7.212KD.7.200 I sette ȝoure patentes and ȝoure pardoun
at on pyes hele .
[Not found.]