Readings for line KD.7.47

Ac he þat spendeth his speche and spekeþ for þe pore
Ac he þat spendeþ his speche . and spekeþ for þe poore .
And he that spendeth hys speche & speaketh for þe pore
Ac he þat spendeþ his speche . and spekeþ for þe pouere           W.7.48:nota
Ac he that spendethHm.7.48: The first four letters of spendeth are badly rubbed or partially erased. his speche · and speketh for the pouere
And he þat spendes his speche · and spekes for þe pouere
but he þat spendythe hys speche & speykethe for þe powere
Ac he þat spendiþ his speche  & spekiþ for þe pore
¶ Ac he þat spenethR.7.48: R's speneth is a unique reading (the other B manuscripts read spendeth); however, R's verb derived historically from spende(n), is synonymous with it, and occurs in free variation with it throughout R (cf. R10.109). From its sometimes parallel occurrence in L (as at KD10.90), the form seems likely to be an authorial relict. A majority of C copies agree with R's form here, as does the text of Bodley 851, but most A manuscripts agree with beta. his speche  and speketh for þe pore .
But he þat spendiþ his speche / & spekeþ for þe poore.