L.7.59KD.7.57 ¶ Whan þei drawen on to deyeL.7.59: LW alone read to deye; most other B manuscripts have to þe deþ. The confusion of <þ> and <y> in both L and W is probably coincidental, since both were copied well outside the regions in
which the graphs are confused. See Michael Benskin, "The letters <þ> and <y> in later Middle English, and some related matters,"
Journal of the Society of Archivists 7 (1982-1985): 13-30. · and Indulgences wolde haue
M.7.59KD.7.57Whanne þei drawen on to deiȝen and Indulgences wolden hauen
Cr1.7.59KD.7.57 Whan they drawen one to die , & indulgence wold haue
W.7.59KD.7.57 ¶ Whan þei drawen on to deye . and Indulgences wolde haue
Hm.7.59KD.7.57 ¶ whanne they drawe vnto dethHm.7.59:There is wide variation at this locus. HmR omit the before deþ. L and W confused thorn with <y> but also omit þe. · and yndulgences wolde haue
C.7.58KD.7.57 Whan þer drawe vn-to þe day and indulgences wolde haue
G.8.59KD.7.57 when þei drawen to dyeG.8.59: The confusion between dye (the reading of G L M Cr W) and deth or þe deþ in remaining manuscripts presumably arose from the misreading of thorn as <y>. Note the L W spelling deye. / & Induvlgences wold hauve
O.7.59KD.7.57Whanne þei drawen vn-to þe deþ & Indulgences wolden haue
R.7.59KD.7.57 ¶ Whan þei drawen in-toR.7.59:
Beta reads on(e) to (LMCrW), followed by deye(n)
(LMCrWCG) . Cx agrees exactly with F's to þe deþ
. deth and indulgences wolde haue .