L.7.80KD.7.75 Sit elemosinaL.7.80: An added <X> in the left margin is partially scraped. The omitted tua after elemosina was never added; note that it is absent from alpha and M as well. in manu tua donec studes cui des
Cr1.7.80KD.7.75 Sit elimosina tua in manu tua donec studes cui des ,
W.7.80KD.7.75 Sit elemosina tua in manu tua donec studes cui des W.7.80: The nota appears inside the box to the right of the line.
Hm.7.80KD.7.75 Sit elemosina tua in manu tua donec studes cui des · & cetera ·
C.7.79KD.7.75 Sit elemosina tua in manu tua donec studes cui des
G.8.80KD.7.75 sit elimosina tua In manu donec studeasG.8.80: C2 originally read studes, which is the majority B reading, but an <a> has been added above the line, giving studeas, as G. cui des //
O.7.80KD.7.75SiþSi[t] elemosina tua in manu tua donec studes cui des
Sit elemosinaR.7.80: Most beta copies read elemosina tua in manu
tua, but LM support alpha's omission of the first tua. in manu tua donec studes cui des .
F.5.1064KD.7.75.1God seyþ hym in his gospel / nesciat sinistra quid faciat dextra.F.5.1064: This line appears only in F.