L.7.81KD.7.76 ¶ Ac Gregori was a gode man · and bad vs gyuen alle
Responsio —Et tamen vide Gregorius
M.7.81KD.7.76Ac Gregorie was a gode man and bade vs gyuen toM.7.81: M's addition, in a later hand, of to is unattested in other B manuscripts. alle
Cr1.7.81KD.7.76 And Gregory was a good man , & bade vs geuen all
W.7.81KD.7.76 ¶ Ac Gregory was a good man . and bad vs gyuen alle W.7.81:nota
C.7.80KD.7.76 ¶ And gregori was a good man · and bad vs gyuen alle
O.7.81KD.7.76Ac gregori was a good man & bade vs ȝyuenO.7.81: OC2 alone have the form ȝyuen in place of gyuen. alle
¶¶ Ac gregorie is aR.7.81: In place of R's is a, beta reads was a.
F reads þat. good man and badde vs gyuen alle .
F.5.1064KD.7.75.1God seyþ hym in his gospel / nesciat sinistra quid faciat dextra.F.5.1064: This line appears only in F.