L.7.8KD.7.8 Pardoun with pieres plowman · treuthe hath ygraunted
M.7.8KD.7.8Pardoun with piers plowman . treuthe haþ y-graunt..ed
Cr1.7.8KD.7.8 Pardon with Pierce Plowman Truth hath graunted
W.7.8KD.7.8 Pardon wiþ Piers Plowman . truþe haþ ygraunted
Hm.7.8KD.7.8 pardoun wyth peris ploughman · trewthe hath hem grauntyd
C.7.8KD.7.8 Pardon with pers plowman treuþe has ygraunted
G.8.8KD.7.8 pardone wyth pyers plouvman trewthe hath grauvnted
O.7.8KD.7.8Pardoun wiþ peers plowman truþe haþ ygrauntid
R.7.8KD.7.8 Pardoun with peres þeR.7.8: Among the other B copies, only the B family (BmBoCot), a textually inferior group, shares
R's þe before plowman; the other beta copies omit any
determiner at this point, apparently reading the reference to Langland's central character as
a full proper name, pieres plowman; F omits everything from the a-verse
after Pers. However, among the C witnesses, the X
family agrees with R (against the P family's support of beta). plowman
treuthe hath I-graunted .