L.7.101KD.7.92 But as wilde bestis with wehe · worthen vppe and worchen
M.7.101KD.7.92But as wilde beestus with whee he . worthen vp and worchen
Cr1.7.100KD.7.92 But as wild beasts with wehe , worthen vp & worchen
W.7.101KD.7.92 But as wilde bestes with wehee . worþen vppe and werchen
C.7.101KD.7.92 Bot as wilde bestes with wehe · worth vp and worchen
G.8.101KD.7.92 but as wylde bestes / wyth we-he /G.8.101: The virgules here could simply be punctuation marks but they may possibly be intended as a means of highlighting.
See note to G.6.597. worthen vp & worchen
O.7.101KD.7.92But as wylde beestis wiþ we-he &O.7.101: OC2 alone include this ampersand, which weakens the sense of the line. worþ vp & worchen
R.7.102KD.7.92 But as wilde bestes with wehe worthen vp and werchen .
F.5.1085KD.7.92But as a wyȝlde beeste with we . he he worthiþ vp & werchiþ.