fol. 10r (cont.)I
pR.4.0: At the extreme right margin, on the same line as the passus
rubric, there is a small, brown <p>, presumably the remains of a cropped
Possibly other material was erased along with the parasign.
. upra Passus quartus de visione petri plowman . vt s
Sesseth ¶R.4.1: There is no blue ornamental capital at the head of this line;
instead, the <S> is the same size and color as all line initials. seyde þe kyng
I suffre ȝow no lenger . e
R.4.9: Like most
manuscripts, R here lacks a following line attested in YOC B as well as in the Crowley imprints and in versions 2
and A: C
. Of Mede and of mo oþere what man shal hire wedde
For he schal reule my reume and rede me þe beste .. Of Mede and of mo oþere what man shal hire wedde
lered and lewede .R.4.11: R is unique in dropping two determiners from
the b-verse ( Bx lered and þe lewede þe). Cf. F's . boþe lerede & þe
How þow lernest þe poeple vppeR.4.19:
R's is unique; vppe reads Bx, the same reading found in vppon and Ax. Cx suffre til I se my tyme .
And sette my sadel heldeR.4.21:
R's is a unique form; the other helde copies read
B. holde his hede lowe
And hange on hym þe heuy bridel to fol. 10vI
R.4.22: Only LM agree with this R
reading. Cf. F's and the predominant beta reading to trewþe. twies ere he be þere .
For he wil make wehe tweye ¶R.4.23: This paraph marker is blotted and smeared. Þanne consience
vppon his capel cayreth forth faste
on eerth mede þe mayde makethR.4.25:
R's phrasing here reflects an alpha error; cf. beta's . Not only is the alliterative pattern of beta's a-verse appropriate (where
alpha's is not); in its favor there is also the fact that Mede maketh on þis
erthe's a-verse
(in a revised line) is identical to beta's. Cx
Whiche maystries R.4.27: R shares with L an omission () at the head of this b-verse. The reading of for
þei agrees with
that of the Ax majority. However, because of the extraordinary accuracy
that the R and L scribes regularly demonstrate, and because these copies are at the top of
any credible B stemma, it seems likelier that their shared mistake here
attests the presence of a marginal correction in B (which both scribes
overlooked) than a purely random convergence in ordinary omission. Bx haued to done .
Folwed hem faste R.4.28KD.4.29
After , R uniquely omits cheker. L and R then agree
against all the other and copies in reading B where the majority reads at(te) þe
chauncerie with W (and,
probably, in þe chauncerie). F simply omits the prepositional phrase altogether,
reading Ax. & Chawncerye atte þe chauncerie to be
descharged of thinges .
In þe fro siluerR.4.30: R's is a unique error but may reflect alpha;
most other fro siluer manuscripts here read B. Cf.
F's for siluer. & hem fram schame and fram harmes .
For to saue hem R.4.32KD.4.33
R uniquely omits from the phrase, resoun ride resoun. And bad ride faste and recche of
her nother . e
And ¶
¶R.4.35: R
uniquely omits the line-head conjunction witnessed in other
manuscripts as B (a majority), Ac or And. But reads Cx. Ac
Þere is loue and lewte þei wole nouȝte come þere .
- thiR.4.42: R's omission of the
vocative after resoun- thi is derived from alpha and shared with F. For
late hem ride þo riche be hem- selue .
For¶ Curteiselich þe kynge þanne come
aȝeyne resoun . ¶R.4.46: There is a superfluous bar over the <n> of . resoun
fol. 11rI
and brouȝt itR.4.55:
Where the other manuscripts read the pronoun reference to Bayard as
B, R uniquely reads hym. Both it
and Ax agree with the Cx majority. B home
neue . er
He borwed of me bayard R.4.57: The variant
derives from alpha. F's spelling here is heuues
; cf. beta's heuuys = "servants." Kane-Donaldson transcribe this variant in
R as hewen and F's as hennes). What the R scribe
actually thought he was writing is open to doubt since neither he nor the F scribe again uses
<uu> for <w> after <e>. However, R writes the name "Stowe" as hennys at R5.28, and it is reasonable to assume that is what he intended here. stouue
He meynteneth his men to murther myn heuues He forstallethR.4.58: R uniquely adds at line-head position. Cf. F's He. Beta simply begins the line with & to.
The Forstalleth reading agrees with beta's, but Ax begins
the line Cx. And forstalleth my feyres and fiȝteth in
my chepynge .
R.4.64: R shares this obvious transcriptional error
( for luste) with G and BmBoCot by convergent
variation. F's luft has the appearance of a typical smoothing, so R may
have derived the error from alpha. wyght and muche sorwe wrouȝte .R.4.64: R's b-verse
involves a transposition (uniquely shared with H) of the phrase,
which reads Bx. and wrouȝte moche sorwe
Þat wronge was a wikked lusteR.4.67: Here alpha and Cr omit a stave; in beta the
phrase would have read þe kynge my lorde.
þe kynge lytel wolde I recche .
And seyde hadde I loue of Þo wan ¶R.4.69: Only L and C agree with R's ; F omits the
entire line, while most beta copies read wan. The b-verse of this line
is unmetrical and the entire line is a revision of the wente version
(K4.53), but the uniformity of attestation for its text from L and R (with A's concurrence) make it clearly a genuine C line. Bx wysdom
and sire waryn þe witty .
c iij
fol. 11vI
be e euerR.4.92:
R's phrase, , is unique, but alpha and Cr agree on euere be; cf. beta's euere. F reads the entire phrase as euermore. Both he shal do euere þe bettre and Ax agree with beta. Cx þe bette . er
And so amende þat is mysdo and ÞatR.4.94:
is an alpha addition unattested by any beta manuscript. Both Þat and Ax agree with beta on the phrasing of this
a-verse. Cx
e is þat bote bale adoun brynge . er bett
¶ ¶R.4.100: This paraph marker was
mistakenly executed in red and then erased, in anticipation of being redrawn in blue.
Pytousliche pees þanne preyed to þe kyng . e
For alpha's , beta reads myn. Both me and Ax attest possessive case for this pronoun rather than
objective case. Cx amendes I may namore axe .
For mede hath made fol. 12rI
nauȝte . And harlotes holynesse be holden for R.4.120: R's is unique; cf. F's nauȝte and beta's vanyte. The an hyne version
completely revises this b-verse, but the C version agrees exactly with
beta's rendering. Ax
beggere Til bisshopes bayardes ben R.4.126: Beta shows the genitive plural ; F reads beggeres. beggerys in
chaumbres .
e religiouses . Here haukes and here houndes help to pouerR.4.127: R's plural form is unique; beta reads , while F
has Religious. relygyouse howsys
¶ ¶R.4.136: This paraph marker was
mistakenly executed in red and then erased, in anticipation of being redrawn in blue.
And ȝet qd resou uo be þe rode I schal no reuthe
haue . n
c iiij
fol. 12vI
R's is an alpha variant shared exclusively with F. Beta reads
þoruȝ. for is revised immediately beyond this point in
the line, but it agrees with alpha on the identity of this preposition. Cx reads the entire a-verse exactly as alpha does. Ax gyftes so me god
saue .
Ne gete my grace d uo þeR.4.158:
R's is an alpha variant (cf. beta's þe), shared by
convergence with Cr þat. 2-3 freke and faile speche ofte .
I falle in floreyns q Alle riȝtful recordede þat resou ¶ nR.4.159: The
scribe's rendering of this word is ambiguous; he has placed a dot over the final character
rather than the customary nasal bar, but his typical spelling suggests that he intended this
word to be construed here as . resoun trewthe tolde .
R's is unique. The other þis manuscripts read B. þe halle and many of þe grete .
And þe most poeple in ¶
¶ Loue loue Loue lett of hire lyȝte and leute welR.4.163:
R's is an alpha variant shared with Hm by convergence. Beta reads wel. ȝit agrees with beta. Cx lasse .
bitte But he be knowe for a kokewolde R.4.166: R's is unique error. The other bitte manuscripts read B, which matches the line's alliterative
pattern. Both kut and Ax agree with the Cx majority's reading. B
of my nose .
fol. 13rI
R's is an alpha reading. Cf. beta's alle. If beta
is original at this point, the omission of the second alliterating stave moste at the end of the a-verse is also derived from an alpha error but one shared with
Cr, G, and H. However, it is quite conceivable that F's reading for this half-line is the
authorial one (though unlikely to have been derived from alpha): wel. & as alle
wyȝes witnesse folke witnesseth wronge schal be ydemed .
And as ȝoureR.4.186:
R uniquely omits beta's from the phrase lige; cf. F's phrase, lige
leodes. In the londys leedys
tradition, the phrase is either identical to beta's (a majority of C
witnesses) or more closely resembles beta's (XYcP C = 2). Most lege
lordes witnesses also agree with beta. A leedes
to lede þus euene .
Alle And I assente quatz ¶R.4.190: Here beta probably read (the reading of LMCrW), but several beta witnesses (HmGOH) support alpha's seith (F) or quod (R). quatz clearly
agrees with the alpha reading, despite its deficient alliteration. Ax þe kyng by
seint marie my lady .
¶ Ac redily resou ¶ þow
schalt n nouȝt ride fro me . e In the right margin, in black ink, there
is an early ownership stamp for the Bodleian Library. The thirteenth leaf
of Rawlinson is slit (part of the same act as the cropping of leaves 1-7) at the right edge
of the writing area for a space of some 2 cm, from R4.192-94.
d þe kyng
uo godesforbode
godes forbode heR.4.196:
For R's , cf. F's he and beta's þou. it agrees with R's reading. Ax faile .
And I graunt q