<div1>fol. 50r (cont.)I</div1>
<milestone>BPassus 13</milestone>
<foreign><hi><hi>I</hi></hi><hi><hi>ncipit <hi>P</hi>assus <hi>D</hi>ecim<expan>us</expan>.</hi></hi></foreign></head>
<l><hi><hi>A</hi></hi><seg>-</seg><hi>W</hi>ake<note>F.10.1: The ornamental capital is red and green with red and green flourishes extending the height of the page in the left margin.</note> y gan þer<seg>-</seg>w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> / witles neer honde.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> as a <sic><hi>F</hi>reek</sic><corr><hi>F</hi>reek [þat]</corr> a<seg>-</seg>feerd were / forþ gan y walke.</l>
<l><hi>I</hi>n maner<expan>e</expan> of a Mendynau<expan>n</expan>t / many a ȝeer aft<expan>er</expan>.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> of þis meety<expan>n</expan>ge many tymes / M<expan>er</expan>veyle y hadde.</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>yrst how <hi><hi>Fortune</hi></hi> faylede me / at my moost nede.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> how þ<expan>a</expan>t <hi><hi>Elde</hi></hi> manased me / myghte we eu<expan>er</expan>e mety<expan>n</expan>.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> how þ<expan>a</expan>t <hi>F</hi>rerys folwed<expan>e</expan> <sic>folk /</sic><corr>[/ folk]</corr> þ<expan>a</expan>t weren ryche.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> poor<expan>e</expan> folk þ<expan>a</expan>t wery<expan>n</expan> / lytyl of he<expan>m</expan> þey settyn.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> no koors in her<expan>e</expan> kyrke<seg>-</seg>ȝeerd / wolde<note>F.10.9: An otiose curl appears over the <o>.</note> þei no<expan>n</expan> berye.</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>ut q<expan>ui</expan>k he wolde be<seg>-</seg>qwethe he<expan>m</expan> / or q<expan>ui</expan>te out her<expan>e</expan> dettys.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> how <hi><hi>Coueytyse</hi></hi> ouer<seg>-</seg>cam / clerkys & preestys.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> hou þ<expan>a</expan>t lewid men ben lad / but our<expan>e</expan> lord hem helpe.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>oruhȝ vnkonynge kurato<expan>ur</expan>is / to vn<seg>-</seg>kurable peynes.<note>F.10.13: Alpha omits the following seven lines: <lb/>
And how þat Ymaginatif in dremels me tolde <lb/>
Of kynde and of his konnynge and how curteis he is to bestes <lb/>
And how louynge he is to bestes on londe and on watre <lb/>
Leneþ he no lif lasse ne moore <lb/>
The creatures þat crepen of kynde ben engendred <lb/>
And siþen how ymaginatif seide <foreign><hi>vix saluabitur</hi></foreign> <lb/>
And whan he hadde seid so how sodeynliche he passed.
<l><sic>/</sic> <corr>[¶]</corr> <hi>I</hi> lay dou<expan>n</expan> longe in þis þowht / & at þe laste y slepte.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> as c<expan>ri</expan>st wolde cam <hi><hi>Conciense</hi></hi> / & co<expan>n</expan>fortyd me þ<expan>a</expan>t tyme.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> bad me come to his cu<expan>n</expan>tr<expan>e</expan> / w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> <hi><hi>Clergye</hi></hi> shuld<expan>e</expan> y dyghne.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> for <hi>Conciense</hi> of <hi><hi>Clergye</hi></hi> spak / y cam wel þe rathere.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> þer<expan>e</expan> y seyȝ a Mayst<expan>er</expan> / what ma<expan>n</expan> he was / y nyste.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> lowe dou<expan>n</expan> y lowtede / & lovely dyde hy<expan>m</expan> honoure.<note>F.10.19: F's reading is unique. The b-verse in <hi>Bx</hi> reads "and loueliche to scripture."</note></l>
<milestone>fol. 50vI</milestone>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>B</hi>ut <hi><hi>Concyense</hi></hi> knew me wel / & wolkomed me faire.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>an wysshe þey & wypeden / & wenty<expan>n</expan> aft<expan>er</expan> to dyghner.</l>
<l><sic>/</sic> <corr>[¶]</corr> <hi>B</hi>ut <hi><hi>Pacyence</hi></hi> in þe paleyȝs stood / in pylg<expan>ri</expan>mes wedys.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> p<expan>ra</expan>yede mete <foreign>p<expan>ur</expan> Charite</foreign> / for a poore hermyte.</l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>Þ</hi>an <hi><hi>Concyense</hi></hi> callyd<note>F.10.24: The scribe corrected an original <u> to <y>.</note> hy<expan>m</expan> in / & c<expan>ur</expan>teyȝsly he seyȝde.</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>olkome weyȝ . goo & washȝ / & þ<expan>o</expan>u shalt sytte i<expan>n</expan> haste.</l>
<l><sic>/</sic> <corr>[¶]</corr> <hi>Þ</hi>e <hi>M</hi>ayst<expan>er</expan> was maad sytty<expan>n</expan> / as moost of hem worthy.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> þan <hi><hi>Clergye</hi></hi> & <hi><hi>Concyence</hi></hi> / & <hi><hi>pacience</hi></hi> ca<expan>m</expan> after.</l>
<l><hi><hi>P</hi>acyence</hi> & y  wery<expan>n</expan> seet / to ben mettys.<note>F.10.28: Alpha reads <hi>mettys</hi>. Beta manuscripts have <hi>macches</hi>.</note></l>
<l><hi>&</hi> setyn be our<expan>e</expan><seg>-</seg>selue / at a syȝd<seg>-</seg>table.</l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>Þ</hi>an <hi>Concyense</hi> callid after meete / & sone ca<expan>m</expan> sc<expan>ri</expan>pture.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> s<expan>er</expan>uede hem þus soone / of su<expan>n</expan>dry metys manye.</l>
<l><hi>O</hi>f <hi>Austyn</hi> & <hi>Ambrose</hi> / & w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> þe four<expan>e</expan> <hi>ew</hi>ang<expan>e</expan>lis.</l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>Edentes & bibentes que ap<expan>u</expan>d eos su<expan>n</expan>t.</hi></hi></foreign></l>
<l><sic>/</sic> <corr>[¶]</corr> <hi>Þ</hi>e <hi>M</hi>ayst<expan>er</expan> ne no<expan>n</expan><expan>ir</expan> ma<expan>n</expan> / no<expan>n</expan> man<expan>er</expan> fleshȝ etyn.</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or þey hadd<expan>e</expan> metys<note>F.10.35: Alpha reads "hadde metys." Beta manuscripts have "eten mete."</note> of moor<expan>e</expan> cost / as <hi>M</hi>orter<expan>e</expan>lys powdr<expan>e</expan>d.<note>F.10.35: F's reading for the b-verse is unique. Most other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read "mortrews and potages." Compare F10.60b for similar variation.</note></l>
<l><hi>O</hi>f þ<expan>a</expan>t me<expan>n</expan> mys<seg>-</seg>wonny<expan>n</expan> / þey made hem wel <orig>a tese</orig><reg>at ese</reg>.</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>ut her<expan>e</expan> saws . was ou<expan>er</expan> sowr / & vn<seg>-</seg>saverly g<expan>ro</expan>unde.</l>
<l><hi>I</hi>n a <hi>M</hi>orter <foreign><hi><hi>post mortem</hi></hi></foreign> <space></space> <hi>/</hi> / w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> many a bytt<expan>er</expan> peyȝne.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> shull<expan>e</expan> sobbe for þe sowlys / manye salte teerys.<note>F.10.39: Alpha reads "(with) manye salte teerys." Beta manuscripts have "and wepe salte teris."</note></l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>Vos qui p<expan>e</expan>cc<expan>at</expan>a ho<expan>m</expan>i<expan>nu</expan>m comeditis . n<expan>isi</expan> p<expan>ro</expan> eis lac<expan>ri</expan>mas & or<expan>aci</expan>ones effunderitis ea que in delicijs <sic>comedistis</sic><corr>comeditis</corr> in torme<expan>n</expan>tis<note>F.10.40: The scribe originally wrote <hi>torme<expan>n</expan>mentis</hi> with a line break following initial <hi>tormen</hi> and with the following <hi>men</hi> subpuncted in red.</note> evometis.</hi></hi></foreign></l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi><hi>Concyence</hi></hi> curteysly þo / comau<expan>n</expan>did<expan>e</expan> scrypture</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>y<seg>-</seg>for<expan>e</expan> <hi><hi>Pacience</hi></hi> breed to bry<expan>n</expan>ge / & me þ<expan>a</expan>t was h<expan>i</expan>s meete</l>
<l><hi>H</hi>e sette a<seg>-</seg>for<expan>e</expan> vs a sour loof / & seide <foreign><hi><hi>agite penitencia<expan>m</expan>.</hi></hi></foreign></l>
<l><hi>&</hi> aft<expan>er</expan> he drowh vs a drynk / was <foreign><hi><hi>diu p<expan>er</expan>seuerans.</hi></hi></foreign></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>s longe as lyf <hi>q</hi><expan>uo</expan>d he<note>F.10.45: Alpha, OC<hi>2</hi>, and <hi>C</hi> read <hi>he</hi>. Beta manuscripts have <hi>I</hi>.</note> / & lykam may dure.</l>
<l><sic>/</sic> <corr>[¶]</corr> <sic> <hi>H</hi>ere</sic><corr><hi>H</hi>ere [is]</corr> p<expan>ro</expan>pr<expan>e</expan> s<expan>er</expan>uyse <hi>q<expan>uod</expan></hi> <hi><hi>Pacienc</hi>e</hi> / no <hi>P</hi><expan>ri</expan><hi>n</hi>ce far<expan>e</expan>t bettr<expan>e</expan>.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> þa<expan>n</expan> he browhte a<seg>-</seg>noþ<expan>ir</expan> mees / was <foreign><hi><hi>miserere mei d<expan>eu</expan>s.</hi></hi></foreign></l>
<l><hi>&</hi> þ<expan>er</expan><seg>-</seg>w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> <foreign><hi><hi>beati quor<expan>um</expan> / tecta s<expan>un</expan>t /</hi></hi></foreign> w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> blawnche poudr<expan>e</expan> stroued.<note> F's reading is unique. <hi>Bx</hi> reads as follows: <lb/>
And he brouȝte vs of <foreign><hi>Beati quorum</hi></foreign> of <foreign><hi>Beatus vir</hi></foreign>res makyng. <lb/>
<foreign><hi>Et quorum tecta sunt peccata</hi></foreign> in a dissh.
<l><hi>&</hi> <foreign><hi><hi>beat<expan>us</expan> v<expan>ir</expan> cui no<expan>n</expan> i<expan>m</expan>putau<expan>i</expan>t /</hi></hi></foreign> in a plater a loo<note>F.10.49: The reading appears only in F. <hi>Bx</hi> reads "dissh of." Possibly <hi>luce, lus</hi>, "pike" lies behind <hi>loo</hi>.</note></l>
<l><hi>&</hi> deerne shryfte <foreign><hi><hi>dixi / & co<expan>n</expan>fitebor tibi</hi></hi></foreign></l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>B</hi>ryng <hi><hi>pacyence</hi></hi> su<expan>m</expan> <hi>p</hi>itau<expan>n</expan>ce / <hi>p</hi>ryvyly q<expan>uo</expan>d <hi><hi>Concyense</hi></hi>.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> þan was brouht to <hi>pacyence</hi> / þis pytance ful soone.</l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>Pro hac orabat<note>F.10.53: Alpha and the majority of <hi>C</hi> manuscripts omit beta's <foreign><hi>ad te</hi></foreign>.</note> o<expan>mn</expan>is s<expan>anc</expan>tis in te<expan>m</expan>p<expan>or</expan>e op<expan>or</expan>tuno.</hi></hi></foreign></l>
<l><hi>&</hi> þan <hi><hi>Concyense</hi></hi> co<expan>n</expan>fortyd<expan>e</expan> me / & carpede m<expan>er</expan>ye talys.</l>
<l><hi>A</hi><seg>-</seg>mo<expan>n</expan>g was . <foreign><hi><hi>cor co<expan>n</expan>t<expan>ri</expan>tu<expan>m</expan> & humiliatu<expan>m</expan> de<expan>us</expan> no<expan>n</expan> despicies.</hi></hi></foreign></l>
<milestone>fol. 51rI</milestone>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>Þ</hi>an was <hi><hi>Pacyence</hi></hi> p<expan>ro</expan>whd / of þ<expan>a</expan>t p<expan>ro</expan>pre seruyse.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> maade m<expan>er</expan>the w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> his mowht<note>F.10.57: F's reading is unique, perhaps in response to corruption in alpha. R has <hi>mene</hi>. Beta and <hi>C</hi> read <hi>mete</hi>.</note> / but y moornede eu<expan>er</expan>e.</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or þe doctour<expan>e</expan>s on þe dees / dru<expan>n</expan>ke wyȝn so faste.</l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>Ve vobis qui pote<expan>n</expan>tes estis ad bibendu<expan>m</expan> vinu<expan>m</expan>.</hi></hi></foreign></l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>ey<note>F.10.60: F's reading is unique. R has <hi>And</hi>, and beta reads <hi>He</hi>.</note> <sic>etym</sic><corr>ety[n]</corr> many su<expan>n</expan>dry metys / & morterews y<seg>-</seg>powdr<expan>e</expan>d.<note>F.10.60: F's reading for the b-verse is unique. Most other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read "mortrews and puddynges." Compare F10.35b for similar variation.</note></l>
<l><hi>W</hi>hyȝlde braun & whombe clowtys / & bacou<expan>n</expan> w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> eggys fryed.</l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>Þ</hi>anne seyde y my<seg>-</seg>selue / þ<expan>a</expan>t <hi><hi>Pacyense</hi></hi> it herde.</l>
<l><hi>I</hi>t ys <add>not</add> goo four<expan>e</expan> dayes þ<expan>a</expan>t þis freek / be<seg>-</seg>for<expan>e</expan> folk at poul<expan>is</expan>.</l>
<l><hi>P</hi>rechede <foreign><hi><hi>In fame & frigore </hi></hi></foreign> & flappis of skorges.<note>F.10.64: F makes one line of two. <hi>Bx</hi> reads as follows: <lb/>
Preched of penaunces þat Poul þe Apostle suffrede <lb/>
<foreign><hi>In fame & frigore</hi></foreign> and flappes of scourges. <lb/>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>Ter cesus su<expan>m</expan>  & a Iudeis q<expan>ui</expan>nquies q<expan>ua</expan>dragen<expan>as</expan>.</hi></hi></foreign></l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>B</hi>ut o woord þey ouer<seg>-</seg>hyppid / at ech tyme þey p<expan>re</expan>che.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t <hi>P</hi>owl in his <hi>p</hi>istil / to þe peple tolde.</l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>Periculu<expan>m</expan><note>F.10.68: Alpha is responsible for the omission of beta's <foreign><hi>est</hi></foreign>.</note> in falsis fratrib<expan>us</expan></hi></hi></foreign> was neu<expan>er</expan>e ȝit no teeme.<note>F.10.68: As he frequently does, F adds a tag to make a full line.</note></l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>H</hi>oly wryt bidd<expan>is</expan> be war / y wil not wryte it heere.</l>
<l><hi>O</hi>n englyshȝ enawnt<expan>er</expan> / it shold<expan>e</expan> be reersyd to ofte.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> greve þ<expan>er</expan>ew<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> / þ<expan>a</expan>t goode me<expan>n</expan> been / but g<expan>ra</expan>maryenys shul it r<expan>e</expan>de.</l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>Vnusquisq<expan>ue</expan> a fr<expan>atr</expan>e se custodiat.</hi></hi></foreign></l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>Qvia dicit<expan>ur</expan>  p<expan>er</expan>iculu<expan>m</expan> e<expan>st</expan> / in falsis frat<expan>ri</expan>b<expan>us</expan>.</hi></hi></foreign></l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>I</hi> nyste neuer<expan>e</expan> ȝit Frer<expan>e</expan> p<expan>re</expan>che / be<seg>-</seg>fore me<expan>n</expan> on englyshȝ.</l>
<l><hi>T</hi>ook it for his teeme / & tolde it w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan><seg>-</seg>outy<expan>n</expan> glosyng.</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>ut<note>F.10.76: Alpha is responsible for <hi>But</hi> (R has <hi>Ac</hi>), which is omitted in beta.</note> þey p<expan>re</expan>chen þ<expan>a</expan>t penau<expan>n</expan>ce / ys p<expan>ro</expan>fytable to sowle.</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>hat myscheef & male<seg>-</seg>ese / c<expan>ri</expan>st for ma<expan>n</expan> tholede.</l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>B</hi>ut þis goddys glotou<expan>n</expan> q<expan>uo</expan>d y  w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> hise grete chekys.</l>
<l><hi>H</hi>e haþ no pyte on þe poore / he p<expan>ar</expan>formeþ h<expan>i</expan>s speche evele.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t he p<expan>re</expan>cheþ þ<expan>us</expan> & p<expan>re</expan>veþ yt<note>F.10.80: F's reading is unique. Beta reads "That he precheþ he preueþ noȝt to Pacience I tolde." R has "Þat he precheth and preueth to pacience I tolde."</note> / to <hi><hi>Pacyence</hi></hi> p<expan>ri</expan>uyly y tolde.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> wyȝshede wytt<expan>yr</expan>ly w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> will<expan>e</expan> / w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> woordys ful egre.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t dysshes & dubbler<expan>e</expan>s / on dees be<seg>-</seg>for<expan>e</expan> þe <hi>d</hi>octour.<note>F.10.82: F's b-verse is unique. Beta reads "bifore þis ilke doctour." R has "byfor þis doctor."</note></l>
<l><hi>W</hi>ere Mooltyn leed in his <hi>M</hi>awe // & <hi>M</hi>ahou<expan>n</expan> a<seg>-</seg>myddys.</l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>I</hi> shal <hi>I</hi>angle to þ<expan>a</expan>t <hi>I</hi>urdan / w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> his Iusty whombe.</l>
<l><hi>T</hi>o telle me what penau<expan>n</expan>ce ys / of wyche he p<expan>re</expan>chiþ eu<expan>er</expan>e.<note>F.10.85: F's <hi>euere</hi> is unique. R has nonsensical <hi>þere aþ</hi>, and beta reads <hi>raþer</hi>.</note></l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>Pacyense</hi> <sic>p<expan>ar</expan>seyve</sic><corr>parseyve[d]</corr> what y seid<expan>e</expan> / & bad holde me styll<expan>e</expan><note>F.10.86: F's b-verse is unique, though derived from alpha. Beta reads "and wynked on me to be stille." R has "and bad me be stille."</note></l>
<l><hi>&</hi> <hi>s</hi>eyd<expan>e</expan> þ<expan>o</expan>u shalt seen aft<expan>er</expan> soone / whan he may etyn no mor<expan>e</expan>.</l>
<l><hi>H</hi>e<note>F.10.88: The red touch on the <H> is very faint.</note> shal have penau<expan>n</expan>ce in h<expan>i</expan>s paunche / & puffe at eu<expan>er</expan>y speche</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> þa<expan>n</expan>ne shull<expan>e</expan> hise guttys gowle / & he shal galpen after.</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or now he haþ dru<expan>n</expan>ke so depe / he will<expan>e</expan> dyvyne sone.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> p<expan>re</expan>ue it in<note>F.10.91: An otiose curl appears on the <n>.</note> þe a<seg>-</seg>pokelyps / & in þe passiou<expan>n</expan> of sey<expan>n</expan>t <sic>savour<expan>e</expan>s</sic><corr>[Auereys]</corr>.<note>F.10.91: This curious name probably reflects scribal misunderstanding of <S> appearing before <hi>auereys</hi> as an abbreviation for "saint." It would be entirely characteristic of F to have supplied <hi>seynt</hi> where he believed it was missing.</note></l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t neyþ<expan>ir</expan> bakou<expan>n</expan> ne brawn / ne<note>F.10.92: Alpha is responsible for <hi>ne</hi> which does not appear in beta.</note> blameg<expan>er</expan>is / ne Mortreus.</l>
<l><hi>I</hi>s neyþ<expan>ir</expan> fyshȝ ne fleshȝ / but foode for penauntys.<note>F.10.93: Alpha is responsible for <hi>penauntys</hi>. Beta manuscripts have singular <hi>a penaunt</hi>.</note></l>
<milestone>fol. 51vI</milestone>
<l><hi>&</hi> takþ testemonye on þe Try<expan>n</expan>nyte / & ek h<expan>i</expan>s felowe to borwe.</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>hat he fond in a sell<expan>e</expan> / aft<expan>er</expan> a<note>F.10.95: An otiose curl appears above the <a>.</note> frerys dyȝeng.<note>F.10.95: <hi>Bx</hi> reads "What he fond in a frayel after a freres lyuyng."</note></l>
<l><hi>&</hi> but þe firste lyȝne be in a lesy<expan>n</expan>g / leve me neu<expan>er</expan>e aft<expan>er</expan>.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> þa<expan>n</expan>ne is tyme to a<seg>-</seg>posen / & pyttyn to þe <hi>D</hi>octo<expan>ur</expan>.</l>
<l>If <hi><hi>Dowel</hi></hi> and <hi><hi>Dobet /</hi></hi> and <hi><hi>Dobest</hi></hi> be penau<expan>n</expan>ce.</l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>I</hi> sat <space></space>stylle as pacyence bad / & sone þe <hi>D</hi>octo<expan>ur</expan> aft<expan>er</expan>.</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>s rody as þe <hi>R</hi>ose / gan rodye hise chekys.</l>
<l><hi>H</hi>e Cowhede & <hi>C</hi>arpede / & <hi><hi>C</hi>oncyense</hi> hy<expan>m</expan> herde.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> <sic>tolde</sic><corr>tolde [hym]</corr> of þe <hi>T</hi>rynnyte / & towardis v<expan>us</expan> he lokede.</l>
<l><sic>/</sic> <corr>[¶]</corr> <hi>W</hi>hat ys <hi><hi>Dowel</hi></hi> sir<expan>e</expan> <hi>.</hi> <hi>q<expan>uod</expan> y</hi>  & is <hi><hi>Dobest</hi></hi><note>F.10.103: Alpha is responsible for <hi>Dobest</hi>. Beta manuscripts have <hi>Dowel</hi>.</note> ony penau<expan>n</expan>ce.</l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>D</hi>o<seg>-</seg>wel is q<expan>uo</expan>d þe <hi>D</hi>octour / & dronk a<seg>-</seg>no<expan>n</expan> þ<expan>er</expan>e<seg>-</seg>aft<expan>er</expan>.<note>F.10.104: F's b-verse is unique. Beta reads "and took þe cuppe and drank." R is defective, reading "and dronk after."</note></l>
<l><hi>D</hi>o no evil to þy<expan>n</expan> evync<expan>ri</expan>ste<expan>n</expan>n / nowht be þy<expan>n</expan> powher.</l>
<l><sic>/</sic> <corr>[¶]</corr> <hi>B</hi>y þis day sir<expan>e</expan> q<expan>uod</expan> y  þan be <add>ȝee</add> nowht nou in <hi><hi>Dowel</hi></hi>.</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or ȝee have harmed v<expan>us</expan> two / in þ<expan>a</expan>t ȝee ety<expan>n</expan> þe puddy<expan>n</expan>g.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> <hi>M</hi>orterelis & oþ<expan>ir</expan> mete / & we no mussel hadde.</l>
<l><hi>I</hi>f ȝe fare so in ȝour<expan>e</expan> fermerye / ferly me þy<expan>n</expan>keþ.</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>ut <hi>C</hi>heeste w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> <hi>C</hi>haryte be / y chyll<expan>e</expan> on ȝow pleyne.<note>F.10.110: F has revised the line, especially the b-verse. <hi>Bx</hi> reads "But cheeste be þer charite sholde be and younge children dorste pleyne." R divides the line into two defective lines, reading:<lb/>
But cheste be þere charite schulde be <lb/>
And ȝonge children durst pleyne.<lb/>
F's revision is striking, since <hi>ych</hi> is the form of neither the immediate scribe nor the revisor we think responsible for the more substantial revisions in the text. Obviously the form is motivated by the demands of alliteration, and it is perhaps not remarkable that an East Anglian scribe should have known and used the doublet form.
<l><hi>I</hi> wil p<expan>er</expan>myte<note>F.10.111: Most other <hi>B</hi> witnesses read <hi>permute</hi> "exchange." F's <hi>permyte</hi> is a spelling variant and not an error.</note> my<expan>n</expan> penau<expan>n</expan>ce w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> ȝour<expan>e</expan> / for y <sic>am</sic><corr>am [in]</corr> poy<expan>n</expan>t to <sic>spill<expan>e</expan></sic><corr>[dowel]</corr>.</l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>Þ</hi>a<expan>n</expan>ne <hi><hi>Conscyence</hi></hi> ful<note>F.10.112: Alpha and <hi>C</hi> have <hi>ful</hi>. Beta manuscripts omit it.</note> c<expan>ur</expan>teysly / a contynau<expan>n</expan>ce he made.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> <hi>p</hi>lukkid vp<seg>-</seg>on pacyense / & p<expan>ra</expan>yede hy<expan>m</expan> be styll<expan>e</expan>.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> seyd<expan>e</expan> hy<expan>m</expan><seg>-</seg>selue / <hi>s</hi>ir<expan>e</expan> <hi>D</hi>octour / & it be ȝour<expan>e</expan> will<expan>e</expan>.</l>
<l><note>F.10.115: An ordinary abbreviation for <hi>n<expan>ota</expan></hi> was written by a later hand in the left margin. In what appears to be the same ink, the symbol for a musical note also appears just below the abbreviation, a fairly common visual pun in late medieval manuscripts.</note> What is <hi><hi>Dowel</hi></hi> & <hi><hi>Dobet</hi></hi> / ȝee dyvynoures knowe.</l>
<l><sic>/</sic> <corr>[¶]</corr> <hi><hi><hi>D</hi>owel</hi></hi> <space></space> <hi>q</hi><expan>uo</expan>d þ<expan>a</expan>t doctour / ys / to doon as clerkes teche.</l>
<l>& <hi><hi>dobet</hi></hi> ys he / þ<expan>a</expan>t techeþ / & t<expan>ra</expan>uayleþ to teche oþer<expan>e</expan>.</l>
<l>& <hi><hi>dobest</hi></hi> dooþ hy<expan>m</expan><seg>-</seg>selue so / as he seyþ & techeþ.</l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>Q<expan>u</expan>i facit & docuerit . h<expan>ic</expan> magn<expan>us</expan> uocabit<expan>ur</expan> i<expan>n</expan> regno celor<expan>um</expan>.</hi></hi></foreign></l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>A</hi> <hi>C</hi>lergye q<expan>uod</expan> <hi>C</hi>onscience / þ<expan>o</expan>u carpist what is <hi><hi>Dowel</hi></hi>.</l>
<l><hi>I</hi> have sevene sones he seyd<expan>e</expan> / þ<expan>a</expan>t s<expan>er</expan>uy<expan>n</expan> in a <hi>C</hi>astel.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>er<expan>e</expan> þe lord of lyf woneþ / to lerne hem to dowel.</l>
<l><hi>I</hi> wolde see þo sevene sones / & ȝo<expan>ur</expan>e<seg>-</seg>selue a<seg>-</seg>corde.<note>F.10.123: F's reading is unique. <hi>Bx</hi> reads "Til I se þo seuene and myself acorden."</note></l>
<l><sic>/</sic> <corr>[¶]</corr> <hi>I</hi> am vnhardy q<expan>uo</expan>d he þa<expan>n</expan> / to ony wyght p<expan>re</expan>ve<note>F.10.124: Alpha lacks beta's <hi>to</hi> before <hi>preve</hi>.</note> it.</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or pers plowhma<expan>n</expan> a<seg>-</seg>p<expan>er</expan>tly / haþ repugned<note>F.10.125: F alone reads <hi>repugned</hi> in place of <hi>Bx</hi>'s <hi>impugned</hi>. The words overlap in their semantic range (see <title>MED</title>, s.v. <hi>repugned</hi> v. [2], citing the <hi>C</hi> substitution in at least one manuscript of <hi>repugnen</hi> for <hi>impugnen</hi> at C.Prol.136). The same pattern of variation occurs in F8.310.</note> v<expan>us</expan> all<expan>e</expan>.</l>
<l><hi>H</hi>e set all<expan>e</expan> scyenses at a sop / save love oone.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> no<expan>n</expan><expan>ir</expan> tyxt takþ he / to mey<expan>n</expan>tene his cause.</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>ut <foreign><hi><hi>dilige deu<expan>m</expan></hi></hi></foreign> / and <foreign><hi><hi>d<expan>omi</expan>ne quis habitabit.</hi></hi></foreign></l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>H</hi>e seyþ þ<expan>a</expan>t <hi><hi>dowel</hi></hi> & <hi><hi>Dobet /</hi></hi> ben tweye Infynytis.</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>iche Infynytis w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> a feyþ / fyȝnden <sic>owt</sic><corr>owt [Dobest]</corr>.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t shal save ma<expan>n</expan>nys soule / þus seyþ <hi>Peers P</hi>lowhma<expan>n</expan>.</l>
<milestone>fol. 52rI</milestone>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>I</hi> can not heere on / q<expan>uod</expan> <hi><hi>C</hi>onscyense</hi> / & ȝit y knowe wel <hi>P</hi>erkyn<note>F.10.132: F's revision here of <hi>Bx</hi>'s <hi>Piers</hi> to <hi>Perkyn</hi> is surprising since all other <hi>Bx</hi> references to <hi>Perkyn</hi>, save one, have been revised in F to <hi>Piers</hi>.</note></l>
<l><hi>H</hi>e wil not speke a<seg>-</seg>gey<expan>n</expan> holy wryt / y dar <sic>wel wel</sic><corr>wel</corr> vndir<seg>-</seg>take.</l>
<l><hi>N</hi>ow passe we ou<expan>er</expan> tyl <hi>P</hi>ers come / & p<expan>re</expan>ve þis in deede.</l>
<l><hi>P</hi>acyense haþ ben in many place / & p<expan>ar</expan>avent<expan>ur</expan>e he know<expan>e</expan>t<expan>h</expan>.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>ere ben no <hi>C</hi>lerkis kone<note>F.10.136: Alpha and OC<hi>2</hi> omit beta's <hi>ne</hi> before <hi>kone</hi>.</note> so meche / as c<expan>ri</expan>st beriþ witnesse.<note> The silverpoint line indicators for this leaf are unusually dark, but they are not intended for emphasis.</note></l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>Pacientes vincunt</hi></hi></foreign></l>
<l><sic>/</sic> <corr>[¶]</corr> <hi>A</hi>t ȝowr<expan>e</expan> p<expan>ra</expan>yer<expan>e</expan> q<expan>uod</expan> <hi>Pacyense</hi> þo / so no man be displesyd.</l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>Disce</hi></hi></foreign> <hi>q<expan>uo</expan>d he and</hi> <foreign><hi><hi>doce</hi></hi></foreign> /<hi>and</hi> <foreign><hi><hi>dilige i<expan>n</expan>imicos tuos.</hi></hi></foreign></l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>Disce</hi></hi></foreign> <hi>and</hi> <hi><hi>dowel /</hi></hi> <foreign><hi><hi>doce</hi></hi></foreign> <hi>and</hi> <hi><hi>dobet.</hi></hi></l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>Dilige</hi></hi></foreign> and <hi><hi>dobest</hi></hi> / thus was tawht me onis.</l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>Þ</hi>anne <hi><hi>a Lemman</hi></hi> þ<expan>a</expan>t Lovely spak / <hi><hi>Love</hi></hi> was hir<expan>e</expan> name.</l>
<l><hi>W</hi><expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> wordis & w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> werkis q<expan>uod</expan> <hi>s</hi>he / & good will<expan>e</expan> of þy<expan>n</expan> herte.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>y sowle þowh love leely / al þyn lyf<seg>-</seg>tyȝme.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> so to leerne to lowe the<note>F.10.145: <hi>Bx</hi> reads "And so þow lere þe to louye . . . ."</note> / for þe <hi>L</hi>ordis love of hevene.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> þyn <hi>E</hi>nemy in all<expan>e</expan> wyse / love evene as þy<seg>-</seg>selue.</l>
<l><hi>C</hi>aste kolys on his heed / þ<expan>a</expan>t ys  all<expan>e</expan> kynde speche.</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>oþe w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> werkis & w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> wordis / to wynne h<expan>i</expan>s love þ<expan>o</expan>u fonde.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> leyȝ on hy<expan>m</expan> þus w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> love / tyl he lawhe on the.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> but he bowe for þys betynge / blynd mote he worthe.</l>
<l><sic>/</sic> <corr>[¶]</corr> <hi>B</hi>ut for to fare þus w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> þy freend / greet folye it were.</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or he þ<expan>a</expan>t loveþ the leelly / lytyl of þy<expan>n</expan> he dysyreþ.<note>F.10.152: Alpha is responsible for <hi>dysyreþ</hi>. Beta manuscripts and <hi>C</hi> have <hi>coueiteþ</hi>.</note></l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or kende love coueyteþ not / no catel / but speche.</l>
<l><hi>W</hi><expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> half a lampe lyne of latyȝn <foreign><hi><hi>/ ex vi t<expan>ra</expan>nsic<expan>i</expan>o<expan>n</expan>is.</hi></hi> </foreign></l>
<l><hi>&</hi> beryþ þ<expan>er</expan>Inne a<seg>-</seg>bowte / faste y<seg>-</seg>bownde <hi><hi>Dowel.</hi></hi></l>
<l><hi>I</hi>n a sygne of þe <hi>S</hi>at<expan>ur</expan>day / þ<expan>a</expan>t syt first in þe kalender.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> al the wit of þe wednysday / & þe nexte wyke aft<expan>er</expan>.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>e <hi>M</hi>yddil of þe <hi>M</hi>oone / ys þe myght of bothe.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> þ<expan>er</expan>for<expan>e</expan> am y wolkome / þere y have yt w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> me.</l>
<l><hi>V</hi>ndo it &<note>F.10.160: Alpha is responsible for <hi>&</hi>, which is omitted in beta.</note> lete þe <hi>D</hi>octo<expan>ur</expan> se<note>F.10.160: Alpha is responsible for <hi>se</hi>. F alone adds <hi>it</hi>. Beta manuscripts have <hi>deme</hi>. L had <hi>sen</hi>, but corrected it to <hi>deme</hi>.</note> it / wher<note>F.10.160: Alpha is responsible for <hi>wher</hi>. Beta manuscripts have <hi>if</hi>.</note> <hi><hi>dowel</hi></hi> be þ<expan>er</expan><seg>-</seg>Inne.</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or by hy<expan>m</expan> þ<expan>a</expan>t me maade / myghte neu<expan>er</expan>e pou<expan>er</expan>te.</l>
<l><hi>M</hi>yssese ne myscheef / ne ma<expan>n</expan> w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> his tunge.</l>
<l><hi>N</hi>e <hi>C</hi>atel ne <hi>C</hi>are / ne cu<expan>m</expan>panye of thevys.</l>
<l><hi>N</hi>eyþ<expan>ir</expan> heete ne hayl / ne no<expan>n</expan> helle powke.</l>
<l><hi>N</hi>e neythir feyȝr ne flood / ne feere of þy<expan>n</expan> enemy.</l>
<l><hi>T</hi>eene the ony tyme / & þ<expan>o</expan>u take it w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> the.</l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>Caritas nichil timet.</hi></hi></foreign></l>
<l><hi>&</hi> eek so have god my soule / & þ<expan>o</expan>u wilt love crave.<note> These lines are attested only in alpha.</note></l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>er<expan>e</expan> nys <hi>E</hi>mp<expan>er</expan>o<expan>ur</expan> ne <hi>E</hi>mpr<expan>e</expan>sse / neyþ<expan>ir</expan> <hi>E</hi>rl ne barou<expan>n</expan>.</l>
<l><hi>P</hi>ope ne <hi>P</hi>at<expan>ri</expan>ark / þ<expan>a</expan>t pure resou<expan>n</expan> shal the make.</l>
<l><hi>M</hi>ayst<expan>er</expan> of all<expan>e</expan> me<expan>n</expan> / þoruhȝ myght of his reede.</l>
<milestone>fol. 52vI</milestone>
<l><hi>N</hi>owht þoruh no ryche craft / but þoruh wit of he<expan>m</expan><seg>-</seg>selue.<note>F.10.172: F omits the following line attested only in R: "Do kyng and quene and alle þe comune after."</note></l>
<l><hi>T</hi>o ȝeve þe al þ<expan>a</expan>t þey may ȝeve / as þ<expan>o</expan>u for beest ȝeemer<expan>e</expan>.<note>F.10.173: F omits the following line attested only in R: "And as þou demest wil þei do alle here dayes after."</note></l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>Pacientes vincunt</hi></hi></foreign></l>
<l><sic><hi>/</hi></sic> <corr>[¶]</corr><note>F.10.175: The scribe in rubricating the leaf noted that he had not marked for the paraph and made the correction in red ink.</note> It ys but a dydo q<expan>uo</expan>d þe <hi>D</hi>octour / & a dysoures tale.</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or all<expan>e</expan> wyttys of þis world / ne wayty<expan>n</expan>g of ma<expan>n</expan>nys stre<expan>n</expan>gþe.<note>F.10.176: The b-verse in <hi>Bx</hi> reads "and wiȝt mennes strengþe."</note> </l>
<l><hi>K</hi>u<expan>n</expan>ne not co<expan>n</expan>ferme pees / twixe þe pope & hise <sic>enenyȝs</sic><corr>ene[m]yȝs</corr>.</l>
<l><hi>N</hi>e twene two c<expan>ri</expan>stene kyngis / þei cu<expan>n</expan>ne no pees make.</l>
<l><hi>P</hi>rofytable to eu<expan>er</expan>y peple / & þ<expan>er</expan>w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan>  he pytte þe table fra<expan>m</expan> hy<expan>m</expan>.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> took <hi><hi>C</hi>lergye</hi> & <hi><hi>C</hi>onsciense</hi> / to conseyl<expan>e</expan> as it were.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> leet <hi><hi>P</hi>acyense</hi> forþ passe / for <sic>pylg<expan>ri</expan>me</sic><corr>pylgrime[s]</corr> ku<expan>n</expan>ne wel lyȝe.</l>
<l><note>F.10.182: A clumsily drawn pointing hand is supplied in the left margin by a later reader.</note> <hi></hi> <hi>Þ</hi>an <hi><hi>C</hi>onscyense</hi> carpede lowhde / & c<expan>ur</expan>teysly seyde.</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>reendys fareþ all<expan>e</expan> wel / & fair<expan>e</expan> spak to <hi><hi>C</hi>lergye</hi>.</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or y will<expan>e</expan> goon w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> þis goome / if god wil gyve me g<expan>ra</expan>ce.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> been pylgrym w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> pacyense / tyl y have p<expan>re</expan>ved moore.</l>
<l><sic>/</sic> <corr>[¶]</corr> <hi>W</hi>hat q<expan>uo</expan>d <hi><hi>C</hi>onscyense</hi> to <hi><hi>C</hi>lergye</hi> / ar<expan>e</expan> ȝee coveytous nowthe</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>fter ȝyresȝevis & ȝiftys / or ȝeerny<expan>n</expan> to reedy<expan>n</expan> redelys.</l>
<l><hi>I</hi> shal brynge ȝow a byble / a book of þe olde lawe.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> leerne ȝow if ȝee lykyn<note>F.10.189: Alpha is responsible for the personal form of the verb. Beta manuscripts have the impersonal construction "yow like."</note> / þe leeste lyȝne to knowe.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t <hi><hi>P</hi>acyense</hi> þ<expan>a</expan>t pylgrym / p<expan>ar</expan>fyȝtly knewh neu<expan>er</expan>e.</l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>N</hi>ay be c<expan>ri</expan>st q<expan>uo</expan>d <hi><hi>C</hi>onsciense</hi> / cryst þe for<seg>-</seg>beede.</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or al <hi>P</hi>acyense me p<expan>ro</expan>feryþ / p<expan>ro</expan>whd am y / but lyte.</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>ut þe will<expan>e</expan> of þe weyȝ / & will<expan>e</expan> of folk heere.</l>
<l><hi>H</hi>ave meved my mood / to moorne for my synnys.</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or þe goode will<expan>e</expan> of eu<expan>er</expan>y whyȝt / was neu<expan>er</expan>e bowht to der<expan>e</expan>.</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or þ<expan>er</expan>e is no t<expan>re</expan>sor þ<expan>er</expan>to / as to a trewe will<expan>e</expan>.</l>
<l><sic>/</sic> <corr>[¶]</corr> <hi>H</hi>adde not <hi>M</hi>arie <hi>M</hi>awdeley<expan>n</expan> / mor<expan>e</expan> for a boox of salue.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>anne <hi><hi>Z</hi>acheus hadde</hi> / for <foreign><hi><hi>dimidiu<expan>m</expan> bonor<expan>um</expan> meor<expan>um</expan> do paup<expan>er</expan>ib<expan>us</expan>.</hi></hi></foreign></l>
<l><hi>&</hi> þe <hi>p</hi>oore wydewe / for a peyȝre of Mytys.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>a<expan>n</expan>ne alle þo þ<expan>a</expan>t offreden gold / in <hi>G</hi>azophylac<expan>i</expan>o<expan>m</expan>.</l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>Þ</hi>us c<expan>ur</expan>teysly <hi><hi>C</hi>oncyense</hi> / concludid<expan>e</expan> þe <hi>M</hi>ayst<expan>er</expan>.<note>F.10.201: F alone has this b-verse. Other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read "congeyed first þe frere."</note></l>
<l><hi>&</hi> sytthe softely he seyde / in <hi>Clergyes</hi> ere.</l>
<l><hi>M</hi>e wolde leuer<expan>e</expan>re by our<expan>e</expan> lord / & longe y lyve sholde.</l>
<l><hi>H</hi>ave <hi><hi>P</hi>acyence</hi> p<expan>ar</expan>fyȝtly / þan half þy pakke of bookys.</l>
<l><sic>/</sic> <corr>[¶]</corr> <hi>C</hi>lergye ne <hi><hi>C</hi>onsciense</hi> / no congye wolde take.</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>ut þei seiden ful sobr<expan>e</expan>ly / þ<expan>o</expan>u shalt se the tyme.</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>han þ<expan>o</expan>u art wery for<seg>-</seg>walkyd / wylne me to co<expan>n</expan>seyle.</l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t is soþ <hi>q</hi><expan>uo</expan>d <hi><hi>C</hi>o<expan>n</expan>sciense</hi> / so me god helpe.</l>
<milestone>fol. 53rI</milestone>
<l><hi>I</hi>f <hi><hi>P</hi>acyense</hi> be our<expan>e</expan> p<expan>ar</expan>tynge feere / & p<expan>re</expan>ve w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> vs boþe.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>er<expan>e</expan> is no wrong in þ<expan>i</expan>s world / þ<expan>a</expan>t <sic>we</sic><corr>we [ne]</corr> shull<expan>e</expan> yt a<seg>-</seg>me<expan>n</expan>de.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> co<expan>n</expan>forme kyngis to pees / of<note>F.10.211: Alpha reads <hi>of</hi> against beta's <hi>and</hi>.</note> alle kenne londys.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi><note>F.10.212: Beta lacks alpha's <hi>&</hi>.</note> <hi>s</hi>arsynes of <hi>S</hi>uryȝe / & so forþ alle þe <hi>I</hi>ewis.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> turnen he<expan>m</expan> to trewe feyþ / & in<seg>-</seg><add>to</add> trewe beleve.</l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>Þ</hi>at is soþ q<expan>uo</expan>d <hi><hi>C</hi>lergye</hi> / I see wel what þ<expan>o</expan>u menys.</l>
<l><hi>I</hi> shal dwelly<expan>n</expan> as y doo / my dever to shewe.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> enformen fawntekynes / & oþ<expan>ir</expan>e folk to leerne.</l>
<l><hi>T</hi>yl <hi>P</hi>acyense haþ p<expan>re</expan>vid þe / & <sic>p<expan>ar</expan>fyȝtly</sic><corr>parfyȝt</corr> þe makyd.</l>
<l><sic>/</sic> <corr>[¶]</corr> <hi><hi>C</hi>onsciense</hi> w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> Pacyense / passeden / pylg<expan>ri</expan>mes as þei wer<expan>e</expan>.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>a<expan>n</expan> hadde <hi><hi>P</hi>acyense</hi> in his pooke / pylg<expan>ri</expan>mes vytailys.</l>
<l><hi>S</hi>obrete & symple speche / & soþfast beleve.</l>
<l><hi>T</hi>o co<expan>n</expan>forte hy<expan>m</expan> & co<expan>n</expan>sciense / where þey keme<expan>n</expan> in place.</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or vnkyȝndeness<expan>e</expan> & coveytyse / be hu<expan>n</expan>g<expan>ri</expan> cu<expan>n</expan>tr<expan>e</expan>s bothe.</l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>&</hi> as þey wenty<expan>n</expan> be þe wey / & of <hi><hi>Dowel</hi></hi> carpeden.<note>F.10.223: Beta manuscripts have "of Dowel þei carped."</note></l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>ey mettyn w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> a Menstral / a mychil ma<expan>n</expan> he<expan>m</expan> þowhte.<note>F.10.224: F's b-verse is unique. <hi>Bx</hi> reads "as me þo þouȝte."</note></l>
<l><hi><hi>P</hi>acyense</hi> a<seg>-</seg>posed<expan>e</expan> hy<expan>m</expan> / & p<expan>ra</expan>yede hy<expan>m</expan> to tellen.</l>
<l><hi>T</hi>o <hi><hi>C</hi>onsciense</hi> what craft he cowhde / & to what cu<expan>n</expan>tr<expan>e</expan> he wold<expan>e</expan></l>
<l><sic>/</sic> <corr>[¶]</corr> <hi>I</hi> am a <hi>M</hi>enstral q<expan>uo</expan>d þ<expan>a</expan>t <hi>M</hi>an / my name is <foreign><hi><hi>actiua vita</hi></hi></foreign></l>
<l><hi>A</hi>l maner ydelnesse y hate / for <hi><hi>actif</hi></hi> ys my name.</l>
<l><hi>I</hi> am a wafer<expan>e</expan>r / wil ȝee wete / & worshepe<note>F.10.229: F alone has an alliterating stave in the b-verse. <hi>Bx</hi> reads <hi>serve</hi>. The scribe initially wrote <hi>worchepe</hi> and corrected <c> to <s> by overwriting.</note> manye lord<expan>is</expan>.</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>ut fewe <hi>R</hi>obis y fonge / or onye furrede gownes.</l>
<l><hi>C</hi>owhde y lyȝe / &<note>F.10.231: Alpha reads <hi>&</hi>. Beta manuscripts have <hi>to</hi>.</note> doon me<expan>n</expan> lawhe / þa<expan>n</expan> lacche su<expan>m</expan> y wolde.</l>
<l><hi>E</hi><expan>ir</expan> Mentyl or <hi>M</hi>oonee / a<seg>-</seg>mongys oþ<expan>ir</expan>e <hi>M</hi>enstralis.</l>
<l>But for y can neyþ<expan>ir</expan> tabour<expan>e</expan> / ne telly<expan>n</expan> no <hi>I</hi>eestys.</l>
<l><hi>N</hi>e fayten<note>F.10.234: <hi>Bx</hi> reads <hi>Farten</hi>.</note> ne <hi>F</hi>ythely<expan>n</expan> / at none fair<expan>e</expan> feestys.</l>
<l><hi>N</hi>e <hi>I</hi>apen ne <hi>I</hi>anglyn<note>F.10.235: Alpha is responsible for <hi>Ianglyn</hi>. Beta witnesses have <hi>Iogele</hi>. <hi>C</hi> witnesses are divided between these variants as well.</note> / ne <hi>I</hi>entilly pype.</l>
<l><hi>N</hi>e sawtrye ne saylen / ne sy<expan>n</expan>ge w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> þe harpe.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>erfor<expan>e</expan> fewe rewarde me / my re<expan>n</expan>te is þe lasse.<note>F.10.237: This line appears only in F.</note></l>
<l><hi>I</hi> have no good gyftes / of þese grete <hi>L</hi>ordis.</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or no breed y browhte<note>F.10.239: Alpha is responsible for the preterite form here.</note> hem / save a bu<expan>n</expan>ne<note>F.10.239: <hi>Bx</hi> reads "saue a benyson on þe sonday."</note> a su<expan>n</expan>day.</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>han þe p<expan>re</expan>est p<expan>ra</expan>yeþ þe peple / þe <hi><hi>Pater noster</hi></hi> to bidd<expan>e</expan>.</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or <hi>Pers þ</hi>e <hi>P</hi>lowhma<expan>n</expan> / & all<expan>e</expan> hy<expan>m</expan> p<expan>ro</expan>fyghte wayteþ.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> for me Actyf also / þat haate al ydelnesse.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> for alle trewe tylyeris / & t<expan>ra</expan>uaylour<expan>e</expan>s on erthe.</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>ram <hi>M</hi>yhelmesse tyl <hi>M</hi>yhelmess<expan>e</expan> / þo me<expan>n</expan> t<expan>ra</expan>uaile sor<expan>e</expan>.<note>F.10.244: F's b-verse is unique in the <hi>B</hi> tradition. <hi>Bx</hi> reads as follows: "I fynde hem wiþ wafres."</note></l>
<l><hi>B</hi>oþe beggerys & bydderys / of my<expan>n</expan> breed craven.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> <hi>F</hi>reris & <hi>F</hi>aytour<expan>e</expan>s / & folk w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> brode crownes.</l>
<milestone>fol. 53vI</milestone>
<l><hi>I</hi> fyȝnde payn for þe <hi>P</hi>ope / & p<expan>ro</expan>vendr<expan>e</expan> for his palfrey.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> ȝit hadde y neuer<expan>e</expan> of hy<expan>m</expan> / have god my trewthe.</l>
<l><hi>N</hi>eyþ<expan>ir</expan> p<expan>er</expan>sonage ne p<expan>ro</expan>vendr<expan>e</expan> / of þe popis gyfte.</l>
<l><hi>S</hi>ave a p<expan>ar</expan>dou<expan>n</expan> w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> a plu<expan>m</expan> of leed / & twey pollys a<seg>-</seg>myddis.</l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>I</hi> wolde eu<expan>er</expan>y clerk þ<expan>a</expan>t cowde wryte / hadd<expan>e</expan> cast hy<expan>m</expan> a byll<expan>e</expan>.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t þe <hi>P</hi>ope wolde seendy<expan>n</expan> his seel / a salue for þe pestyle<expan>n</expan>ce.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t<note>F.10.253: Beta manuscripts have <hi>And</hi> before <hi>Þat</hi>.</note> his blessynge & his bull<expan>e</expan> / bocchis myghte distroyen.</l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>In no<expan>m</expan>i<expan>n</expan>e meo demonia eicient </hi></hi></foreign></l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>Et sup<expan>er</expan> egros man<expan>us</expan> i<expan>m</expan>pone<expan>n</expan>t  & b<expan>e</expan>n<expan>e</expan> habebu<expan>n</expan>t</hi></hi></foreign></l>
<l><sic>/</sic> <corr>[¶]</corr> <hi>Þ</hi>a<expan>n</expan>ne wolde y <sic>pre</sic><corr>[be] pre[st]</corr><note>F.10.256: Kane and Donaldson read "prs," which is also possible.</note> to þe peple / paast for to make.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> buxu<expan>m</expan> & besy also / a<seg>-</seg>bowty<expan>n</expan> breed & drynke.</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or hy<expan>m</expan> & for all<expan>e</expan> hise / to fyȝnden swich a p<expan>ar</expan>dou<expan>n</expan>.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t myghte leechen a ma<expan>n</expan> / as y be<seg>-</seg>leeve he sholde.</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or sytthe þe <hi>P</hi>ope haþ power / as <sic>sey<expan>n</expan>t</sic><corr>seynt [Peter]</corr> hadde.<note>F.10.260: A scribe unintentionally omitted <hi>Peter</hi>, but the line had already been substantially revised. <hi>Bx</hi> reads "For siþ he haþ þe power þat Peter hymself hadde."</note> </l>
<l><hi>H</hi>e haþ þe pot w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> þe salue / soþly as me þynkyþ.</l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>Argentu<expan>m</expan> & auru<expan>m</expan> no<expan>n</expan> est m<expan>ichi</expan> q<expan>uo</expan>d aute<expan>m</expan> habeo h<expan>oc</expan> t<expan>ibi</expan> do.</hi></hi></foreign> </l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>In no<expan>m</expan>i<expan>n</expan>e d<expan>omi</expan>ni Surge & ambula.</hi></hi></foreign></l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>B</hi>ut if myracle hy<expan>m</expan> fayle / to me<expan>n</expan> þ<expan>a</expan>t be not worthy.</l>
<l><hi>T</hi>o have no<note>F.10.265: Alpha is responsible for <hi>no</hi>. <hi>C</hi> and beta manuscripts have <hi>þe</hi>.</note> g<expan>ra</expan>ce of god / to gete gryþ of þe pope.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>er<expan>e</expan> may no blessynge do vs boote / but we will<expan>e</expan> a<seg>-</seg>me<expan>n</expan>de vs.</l>
<l><hi>N</hi>e no myscheef make pees<note>F.10.267: F's a-verse is unique. <hi>Bx</hi> has "Ne mannes masse make pees."</note> / a<seg>-</seg>mong c<expan>ri</expan>stene peple.</l>
<l><hi>T</hi>yl p<expan>ri</expan>ȝde be p<expan>ri</expan>uyly<note>F.10.268: Alpha is responsible for <hi>priuyly</hi>. Beta manuscripts read <hi>pureliche</hi>. Note alpha's similar substitution at 12.55.</note> for<seg>-</seg>do  þorhu paynes defawhte.</l>
<l><sic>/</sic> <corr>[¶]</corr> <hi>F</hi>or er y have breed of mele / mychil moste y swete.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> er þe co<expan>m</expan>mounys have hoom her<expan>e</expan> corn / is many a cold morwe.</l>
<l><hi>E</hi>r my <sic>wafrer<expan>e</expan>s</sic><corr>wafres</corr> been wrouht / mychel woo y tholye</l>
<l><note>F.10.272: A later hand has written <hi>Nota</hi> followed by a <hi>n<expan>ota</expan></hi> brevigraph in the left margin.</note> <hi></hi> <hi>A</hi>l<note>F.10.272: We have not interpreted the barred <l> as significant.</note> <hi>L</hi>u<expan>n</expan>de<expan>n</expan>n as y leve / lyken wel my wafres.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> þey þ<expan>a</expan>t lakke hem lowren / for largyte þey wanty<expan>n</expan>.<note> F has revised to make two lines of one. <hi>Bx</hi> reads "And louren whan þei lakken hem it is noȝt longe ypassed."</note></l>
<l><hi>I</hi>t was not longe y<seg>-</seg>passed / lewed me<expan>n</expan> wery<expan>n</expan> needy.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>er<expan>e</expan> was a kar<expan>e</expan>ful comou<expan>n</expan>te / wan no carte co<expan>m</expan> to towne.</l>
<l><hi>W</hi><expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> bake breed fram Stratford<expan>e</expan> / þo ga<expan>n</expan> begg<expan>er</expan>ys wepe.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> werkme<expan>n</expan> wer<expan>e</expan> so a<seg>-</seg>gast / it be þouht on longe aft<expan>er</expan>.</l>
<l><hi>I</hi>n þe date of our<expan>e</expan> dryghten / in a drye <hi>A</hi>p<expan>ri</expan>ll<expan>e</expan>.</l>
<l><hi>A</hi> thowsand<expan>e</expan> & þr<expan>e</expan> hu<expan>n</expan>dr<expan>e</expan>d ȝeer / & two & <abbr>XX<hi>ty</hi></abbr> & ten.<note>F.10.279: F's reading is unique. The b-verse in <hi>Bx</hi> reads "twies þritty and ten," though only LR retain that reading and most beta witnesses have <hi>twenty</hi> in place of <hi>thirty</hi>.</note></l>
<l><hi>M</hi>y wafres wer<expan>e</expan> þer<expan>e</expan> gesene<note>F.10.280: <hi>gesene</hi>, "scarce, rare."</note> / wan o<expan>ur</expan> meyȝr <hi>C</hi>hychestr<expan>e</expan>.<note>F.10.280: The b-verse in <hi>Bx</hi> reads "whan Chichestre was Maire."</note> </l>
<l><sic>/</sic> <corr>[¶]</corr> <hi>I</hi> took gret<note>F.10.281: Alpha reads <hi>gret</hi>. Beta manuscripts have <hi>good</hi>.</note> kep / of pacyense<note>F.10.281: F alone reads "of pacyense."</note> / be <sic>c<expan>ri</expan></sic><corr>cri[st]</corr> & of <hi>Consciens</hi>e boþe.<note>F.10.281: <hi>boþe</hi> appears to have been added by the scribe in the right margin after the page had been written.</note></l>
<l><sic><hi>H</hi>ow</sic><corr>[Of]</corr> <hi>H</hi>aukyn þe actyf man / & how he was y<seg>-</seg>Clothyd.</l>
<l><hi>H</hi>e hadde on a cote of c<expan>ri</expan>stendom / as holy chirche be<seg>-</seg>leviþ.</l>
<milestone>fol. 54rI</milestone>
<l><hi>B</hi>ut yt was moolyd in manye placis / fele su<expan>n</expan>dry spottys.<note>F.10.284: F's b-verse is unique, destroying the alliterative pattern. Other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have "wiþ manye sondry plottes."</note></l>
<l><hi>O</hi>f <hi>p</hi><expan>ri</expan>ȝde was þ<expan>er</expan>e a spoot / & of vn<seg>-</seg>buxu<expan>m</expan> speche.<note>F.10.285: F's reading is unique. <hi>Bx</hi> reads "Of pride here a plot and þere a plot of vnbuxom speche."</note></l>
<l><hi>O</hi>f skorny<expan>n</expan>g<expan>is</expan> of skoffyngis / & of vn<seg>-</seg>skylful bery<expan>n</expan>ge.</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>s of a<seg>-</seg>p<expan>ar</expan>ayle peyntyd / & prowhd a<seg>-</seg>mo<expan>n</expan>g þe peple.</l>
<l><hi>O</hi>þir<seg>-</seg>wise þa<expan>n</expan> he haþ herd / seyd m<expan>er</expan>veyles.<note>F.10.288: F is confused. <hi>Bx</hi> reads "Ooþerwise þan he haþ wiþ herte or siȝte shewynge."</note></l>
<l><hi>H</hi>y<expan>m</expan> weny<expan>n</expan>ge<note>F.10.289: F uniquely reads <hi>wenynge</hi>. <hi>Bx</hi> has <hi>Willyng</hi>.</note> þ<expan>a</expan>t all<expan>e</expan> me<expan>n</expan> / wende he wer<expan>e</expan> most myghty.</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or<seg>-</seg>why  he bosteþ & braggeþ / w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> fele bolde oþis.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> looþ<note>F.10.291: F uniquely reads <hi>looþ</hi>. <hi>Bx</hi> reads <hi>inobedient</hi>.</note> to been vndir<seg>-</seg>nome / of ony lyf lyvynge.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> <sic>goo</sic><corr>[s]oo</corr> syng<expan>u</expan>ler be hy<expan>m</expan><seg>-</seg>selue / in syghte of þe peple.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t þer<expan>e</expan> is no<expan>n</expan> swich as he ys / ne no<expan>n</expan> so poppe<seg>-</seg>holy.<note>F.10.293: This spelling is unusual and appears only, at least so far as <title>MED</title> citations suggest, in manuscripts of <title>Piers Plowman</title>. Kane and Donaldson list parallel spellings for <hi>poppe-holy</hi> in OCotBmBoYC<hi>2</hi>C as well. <title>MED</title> offers no spellings with doubled consonants under <hi>pope</hi>. WHmL read <hi>pomp holy</hi>.</note></l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or he is <sic>en<seg>-</seg>habyȝtid</sic><corr>habyȝtid</corr> lyȝk an h<expan>er</expan>myte<note>F.10.294: <hi>Bx</hi> is more laconic, reading "Yhabited as an heremyte."</note> / & <sic>ordr<expan>e</expan>d</sic><corr>[an] ordre</corr> be hy<expan>m</expan>selue.</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>ut religiou<expan>n</expan> is saved be rewle / & be resonable obedyence.<note> F's reading for these three lines is unique. <hi>Bx</hi> reads as follows: <lb/>
Religion saunz rule and resonable obedience <lb/>
Lakkynge lettrede men and lewed men boþe <lb/>
In likynge of lele lif and a liere in soule.
<l><hi>I</hi>t is lakky<expan>n</expan>g to lewid me<expan>n</expan> / & to lered<expan>e</expan> me<expan>n</expan> boþe.</l>
<l><hi>I</hi>n lyknesse it is a leel lyf / & a lyȝer<expan>e</expan> to his soule.</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>oþe w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> Inwit & owtwit / he ymageneþ & stodyeþ.</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>s best for his body bee / to ber<expan>e</expan> a bold<note>F.10.299: Alpha reads <hi>bold</hi>. Beta has <hi>badde</hi>.</note> name.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> to entr<expan>e</expan>mete hy<expan>m</expan> ou<expan>er</expan>al / þ<expan>er</expan>e he haþ nouht to done.</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>yllynge þ<expan>a</expan>t me<expan>n</expan> wendyn / his wit wer<expan>e</expan> þe beeste.</l>
<l><hi>O</hi>r for his c<expan>ra</expan>fty kony<expan>n</expan>gge / of clerkis he wer<expan>e</expan> þe wisest.<note> These lines are attested only in alpha.</note></l>
<l><hi>O</hi>r strengest on steede / or styffest gyrt w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> gyrdel.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> lowlyest<note>F.10.304: The scribe occasionally writes <w> for /v/, and that is perhaps what is intended here. In that case, no emendation is required.</note> to loken on / & leellest of werkys.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> no<expan>n</expan> so holy as he / ne non of lyf clennere.</l>
<l><hi>O</hi>r fayrest of fetour<expan>e</expan>s / of face / ne of forme.</l>
<l><hi>O</hi>r most sotyl of song / or slyest of hondys.</l>
<l><hi>O</hi>r looþ for to leene / & large for to cacche.<note>F.10.308: The reading is unique to F. Beta family manuscripts lack the line, and R reads "And large to lene losse þere-by to cacche."</note></l>
<l><hi>&</hi> if he ȝeve to poor<expan>e</expan> me<expan>n</expan> / to tell<expan>e</expan> what he delte.<note>F.10.309: F omits the following line from <hi>Bx</hi>: "Pouere of possession in purs and in cofre."</note></l>
<l><hi>&</hi> as a lyou<expan>n</expan> to looken on / & lordly of speche.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> boldest of beggerys / boostynge at þe nale.<note>F.10.311: F's b-verse is unique. <hi>Bx</hi> reads "a bostere þat noȝt haþ."</note></l>
<l><hi>I</hi>n towne & in tauernys / talis to tellyn.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> sey<expan>n</expan> þy<expan>n</expan>g he neu<expan>er</expan>e <add>y</add><seg>-</seg>seyȝ / & for<seg>-</seg>soþe swere it.</l>
<l><hi>O</hi>f dedis he neu<expan>er</expan>e dyde / to demen & boosten.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> of werkis he wel dede / wytnesse & tellyn</l>
<l><hi>L</hi>oo  if ȝee leve nowht / þ<expan>a</expan>t y lyȝe / ȝee wene.</l>
<l><hi>G</hi>oo  aske hy<expan>m</expan> / or hir<expan>e</expan> / & he ȝow can telle.</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>hat y suffr<expan>e</expan>de / or seyde / or what y su<expan>m</expan><seg>-</seg>tyme hadd<expan>e</expan>.</l>
<l><hi>O</hi>r what y cowde or knew / or of what ken y co<expan>m</expan> of.</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>l he wold<expan>e</expan> þ<expan>a</expan>t me<expan>n</expan> wiste / of werkys & wordis.</l>
<l><hi>S</hi>wiche talis plese þe peple / wan he p<expan>re</expan>yseþ hy<expan>m</expan><seg>-</seg>selue.</l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>Si ho<expan>m</expan>i<expan>ni</expan>bus placere<expan>m</expan><expan>cristi</expan> seruus no<expan>n</expan> e<expan>ss</expan>em.</hi></hi></foreign></l>
<milestone>fol. 54vI</milestone>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>Et alibi . Nemo p<expan>otest</expan> duob<expan>us</expan> d<expan>omi</expan>nis seruire</hi></hi></foreign></l>
<l><hi>B</hi>y c<expan>ri</expan>st <hi>q</hi><expan>uo</expan>d <hi><hi>Consciense</hi></hi> þo / þy corteby Haukyn.</l>
<l><hi>H</hi>aþ manye moolis & spottys / yt moste ben y<seg>-</seg>washe.</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>ho takþ heede / q<expan>uo</expan>d <hi>Ha</hi>ukyn / by<seg>-</seg>hyȝnde & be<seg>-</seg>fore.</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>hat on bak & on body half / & on bothe syȝdes.</l>
<l><hi>M</hi>en sholde fyȝnde fele fru<expan>n</expan>nces / & fele foule spottys.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> þ<expan>er</expan>w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> / he t<expan>ur</expan>nede hy<expan>m</expan> as tyȝt / & þanne y took heede.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t yt was fouler<expan>e</expan> be fele fold / þan it first semede.</l>
<l><hi>I</hi>t was by<seg>-</seg>droppid w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> wratthe / & w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> wykkid<expan>e</expan> wylle.</l>
<l><hi>W</hi><expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> evil speche & envye / & excitynge to fyghte.</l>
<l><hi>W</hi><expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> lyenge / & lakkynge<note>F.10.333: <hi>Lakkynge</hi> is from alpha. Beta witnesses attest erroneous <hi>laughynge</hi>.</note> / & w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> a leef tu<expan>n</expan>ge to chyde.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> al þ<expan>a</expan>t he wiste be ony wyȝt / wykkydly out it telle.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> blame me<expan>n</expan> by<seg>-</seg>hyȝnde her<expan>e</expan> bak / & bydde he<expan>m</expan> myschau<expan>n</expan>ce.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> þ<expan>a</expan>t he wyste by willyem / to tellen yt to walt<expan>er</expan>.<note> In these two lines F uniquely substitutes <hi>willyem</hi> for <hi>Bx</hi>'s <hi>wille</hi> and <hi>walter</hi> for <hi>watte</hi>.</note></l>
<l><hi>&</hi> al þ<expan>a</expan>t he of walt<expan>er</expan> wiste / willyem wiste it soone.</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>lso he made freendis foos / þoru his false tu<expan>n</expan>ge.</l>
<l><hi>O</hi>r þoru myght of mowþe / or þorwh ma<expan>n</expan>nys stre<expan>n</expan>gþe.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> but y a<seg>-</seg>venge me fele tymes / evele y frete my<seg>-</seg>selue.</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>s dooþ a shepperis sher<expan>e</expan> / so shrewidly y grynte.<note>F.10.341: F's b-verse is unique. <hi>Bx</hi> reads "I shrewed men & cursed."</note></l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>Cui<expan>us</expan> maledicc<expan>i</expan>one os plenu<expan>m</expan> est  & amaritudine & dolo sub lingua eius labor & dolor.</hi></hi></foreign><note>F.10.342: Alpha omits a second verse from Ps. 56.5, "<foreign><hi>Et alibi Filij hominum dentes eorum arma & sagitte et lingua eorum gladius acutus</hi></foreign>." The first Latin quotation is from Ps. 9.28.</note></l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>ere is no lyf y leve / will<expan>e</expan> leste me ony whyle.</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or talis þ<expan>a</expan>t y tell<expan>e</expan> / no ma<expan>n</expan> t<expan>ri</expan>stneþ to me.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> whan y have not þe mayst<expan>ri</expan>e / swich malekolye y take.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> þ<expan>a</expan>t sone y cacche þe <hi>C</hi>rompe / & þe <hi>C</hi>ardyacle aft<expan>er</expan>.</l>
<l><hi>O</hi>r an <hi>A</hi>gewh / for ang<expan>er</expan> / & þ<expan>er</expan>w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> an hoot fyu<expan>er</expan>e.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t takþ me a twelmoneþ / tyl þ<expan>a</expan>t y dispyse.</l>
<l><hi>L</hi>echecrafte be our<expan>e</expan> lord / & be<seg>-</seg>leve on a wycche.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t seyþ / þ<expan>a</expan>t no <hi>C</hi>lerk can / by c<expan>ri</expan>st as y beleve.</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>s doþ <hi>s</hi>owter<expan>e</expan> of <hi>s</hi>owþwerk / or of <hi>s</hi>ordych <hi>d</hi>ame <hi>E</hi>mme.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>ey seyn þ<expan>a</expan>t goddis woord / gaf me neuer<expan>e</expan> boote.</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>ut þoru a charm / he hadde chau<expan>n</expan>ce / & his cheef heele.<note> F in this passage, sometimes influenced by alpha, changes the person of pronouns. In 10.353, <hi>his</hi> appears in place of <hi>Bx</hi>'s first person. In 10.354, F uniquely adds <hi>on hym</hi> after <hi>wislykore</hi> and has <hi>he</hi> for beta's <hi>it</hi> and R's <hi>I</hi>, while in 10.355, alpha has <hi>myn</hi> in place of beta's <hi>his</hi>. In 10.356 and 10.357, F has first person for <hi>Bx</hi>'s <hi>he</hi>.</note></l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>I</hi> wayted wislykor<expan>e</expan> on hy<expan>m</expan> / & þa<expan>n</expan> was he soyled.</l>
<l><hi>W</hi><expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> <sic>lykyngeryȝe</sic><corr>[lykynge of leccheryȝe]</corr> / w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> lokyngis w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> my<expan>n</expan> eyȝen.</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or eu<expan>er</expan>y <hi>M</hi>ayde þ<expan>a</expan>t y mette / y made swiche syghnes.</l>
<l><hi>S</hi>emy<expan>n</expan>ge to synne<seg>-</seg>ward<expan>e</expan> / & su<expan>m</expan>me y ga<expan>n</expan> a<seg>-</seg>taste.</l>
<l><hi>M</hi>owþ<note>F.10.358: The word is badly rubbed and barely legible.</note> w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> mowþ / or be<seg>-</seg>nethe / p<expan>ri</expan>uyly ga<expan>n</expan> hir<expan>e</expan> g<expan>ro</expan>pe.<note>F.10.358: F has revised the line, perhaps motivated by erosion of b-verse <hi>bigynneþ</hi> to apheretic <hi>gynneþ</hi> (as happened in Y) and subsequent confusion about the alliterative pattern. <hi>Bx</hi> reads "Aboute þe mouþ or byneþe bigynneþ to grope."</note></l>
<l><hi>T</hi>yl eythrys wyll<expan>e</expan> wexe kene / & þa<expan>n</expan> to werke wenty<expan>n</expan>.</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>s wel fastyng day & fryday / & for<seg>-</seg>bode nyghtys.</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>s leef in lentou<expan>n</expan> as owte / & all<expan>e</expan> tymes y<seg>-</seg>lyke.<note>F.10.361: F has revised the line, perhaps in response to what he perceived to be corruption in <hi>Bx</hi>. Beta manuscripts read: "And as wel in lente as out of lente alle tymes yliche." Alpha has <hi>lef</hi> in place of beta's <hi>wel</hi>.</note></l>
<l><hi>S</hi>wiche werkys w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> me & he<expan>m</expan><note>F.10.362: F's unique reading curiously anticipates the <hi>C</hi> revision of this passage in moving it from Haukyn's confession to the confession of the deadly sins in the Visio. <hi>Bx</hi> reads "Swiche werkes with hem . . . ." <hi>Cx</hi> reads "Such werkes with vs . . . ."</note> / wer<expan>e</expan> neu<expan>er</expan>e out of sesou<expan>n</expan>.</l>
<milestone>fol. 55rI</milestone>
<l><hi>T</hi>yl þey myg<hi>h</hi>te no mor<expan>e</expan> do / <hi>b</hi>ut <hi>h</hi>e<hi>l</hi>de it m<expan>er</expan>ye talky<expan>n</expan>g.</l>
<l><hi>H</hi>ow þ<expan>a</expan>t leccherous me<expan>n</expan> love wel / w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> lawynge & Iapis.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> of<note>F.10.365: Alpha reads <hi>of</hi>. Beta manuscripts have <hi>of hir</hi>.</note> harlot<expan>ri</expan>e & of hordom / in eelde þey have burde.</l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>Þ</hi>an <hi><hi>P</hi>acience</hi> p<expan>ar</expan>ceyvede / þe poyntes of his coote.</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>as cru<expan>m</expan>plyd / þoru coveytyse / w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> vnkynde dysyry<expan>n</expan>g.</l>
<l><hi>M</hi>oor<expan>e</expan> to good / þan to god / þe goome his love caste.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> ymagenede nyght & day / how he myghte it have.</l>
<l><hi>W</hi><expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> false Mesures / & false met / & eek w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> fals witnesse.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> leenede for love of þe weed / & looþ to doon trowþe.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> waytede þoru his wit / fele wyȝes / to be<seg>-</seg>gyle.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> mengede his <hi>M</hi>archau<expan>n</expan>dyse / & made a fayr mustr<expan>e</expan>.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> þe werste w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan><seg>-</seg>Inne was / a greet wit he<note>F.10.374: F alone reads <hi>he</hi>. All other <hi>B</hi> witnesses change from third person reported speech to the first person at this point.</note> held it.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> if my<expan>n</expan> <hi>N</hi>eyhebor<expan>e</expan> have an<note>F.10.375: Alpha reads <hi>an</hi>. Beta manuscripts have <hi>any</hi>.</note> hyȝne / or ony beeste ellis.</l>
<l><hi>M</hi>ore p<expan>ro</expan>fytable þan my<expan>n</expan> / manye sleyghtis y maake.</l>
<l><hi>H</hi>ow y myghte wynne yt / al my wit y caste.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> but y gete yt be ony way / y geete it be stelthe.<note>F.10.378: F's reading is unique. <hi>Bx</hi> reads "And but I hadde by ooþer wey at þe laste I stale it."</note></l>
<l><hi>O</hi>r <hi>p</hi><expan>ri</expan>vyly his purs y shook / or y vn<seg>-</seg>pykede<note>F.10.379: An otiose curl appears above the <p>.</note> hise lokkys.</l>
<l><hi>E</hi><expan>ir</expan><note>F.10.380: Alpha is responsible for dissyllabic <hi>Eyþir</hi>. Beta manuscripts have <hi>Or</hi>.</note> be nyght or be day / a<seg>-</seg>bowte harm was y eu<expan>er</expan>e.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>oru gyle to gadren / þe goodis þ<expan>a</expan>t y welde.</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or if y ȝeede to þe plowhȝ / y pynchede so narwe.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>at a foote lond ou<expan>er</expan><note>F.10.383: <hi>Bx</hi> reads <hi>or</hi>.</note> a forw / fecchen y wolde.</l>
F.10.384KD.13.372, 373
<l><hi>O</hi>f my<expan>n</expan> neeste neyhebor<expan>e</expan> / whan y sholde repen it.<note>F.10.384: Alpha had made one line of two. Beta reads as follows: <lb/>
Of my nexte Neghebore nymen of his erþe <lb/>
And if I rope ouerreche or yaf hem reed þat ropen.<lb/>
<l><hi>T</hi>o seese me w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> her<expan>e</expan> sykyl / þe wiche y sew neu<expan>er</expan>e.</l>
<l><sic>/</sic> <corr>[¶]</corr> <hi>&</hi> who wolde borwe <hi>M</hi>onee // tyl a s<expan>er</expan>tey<expan>n</expan> tyȝme.</l>
<l><hi>H</hi>e muste legge pleggys of heuyer<expan>e</expan> peyȝs / & p<expan>ri</expan>uy p<expan>re</expan>sentis.<note>F.10.387: F's line is unique. <hi>Bx</hi> reads as follows: "Wiþ presentes pryuely or paide som certeyn."</note></l>
<l><hi>S</hi>o wheyþ<expan>ir</expan> he wolde / or he nolde / wynny<expan>n</expan> y wolde.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> boþe to kyþ & to kyn / vnkyȝnde of þ<expan>a</expan>t y hadde.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> who þ<expan>a</expan>t <hi>C</hi>hepede my chaffar<expan>e</expan> / chyden y wolde.</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>ut he p<expan>ro</expan>ferede to peyȝen / a peny or tweyne.</l>
<l><hi>M</hi>oor<expan>e</expan> þan it was worþ / & ȝit wolde y swer<expan>e</expan> faste.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t it coste<note>F.10.393: Alpha reads <hi>coste</hi>. Beta manuscripts have <hi>coste me</hi>.</note> mychil moore / y swoor manye oþis.</l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>&</hi> in halydayes in holy chirche / wan y shold<expan>e</expan> her<expan>e</expan> mess<expan>e</expan>.</l>
<l><hi>H</hi>adde y neu<expan>er</expan>e will<expan>e</expan> god whot / witt<expan>ur</expan>ly god by<seg>-</seg>sechen.</l>
<l><hi>N</hi>e aske m<expan>er</expan>cy for my mys<expan>e</expan> / þ<expan>a</expan>t y ne moornede moor<expan>e</expan>.</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or leesynge of my<expan>n</expan> goodys / þan for my lykames gilte.</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>s whan y hadde do dedly sy<expan>n</expan>ne / y dredde not þ<expan>a</expan>t so sor<expan>e</expan>.</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>s whan y leenede good / & lost it / or longe er it wer<expan>e</expan> peyed.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> if y kydde ony kyȝndenesse / my<expan>n</expan> evy<expan>n</expan><seg>-</seg>c<expan>ri</expan>stene to helpe.</l>
<l><hi>V</hi>p<seg>-</seg>on a c<expan>ru</expan>el <hi>C</hi>oveytyse / my <hi>C</hi>onscience ga<expan>n</expan> hangen.</l>
<l><sic>/</sic> <corr>[¶]</corr> <hi>&</hi> if y sente ou<expan>er</expan> þe see / ony s<expan>er</expan>uaunt to <hi>B</hi>rugges.</l>
<l><hi>O</hi>r in<seg>-</seg>to sprws<note>F.10.403: <hi>Bx</hi> reads <hi>Prucelond</hi>.</note> my<expan>n</expan> p<expan>re</expan>ntyȝs / my<expan>n</expan> profyȝte to wayte.</l>
<milestone>fol. 55vI</milestone>
<l><hi>T</hi>o <hi>M</hi>archaunte my <sic>menee</sic><corr>m[o]nee</corr> / or to<note>F.10.404: F uniquely reads <hi>or to</hi>. Other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>and</hi>.</note> ma<hi>k</hi>en c<hi>h</hi>aungis.<note>F.10.404: Alpha reads <hi>chaungis</hi>. Beta manuscripts have dissyllabic <hi>eschaunges</hi>.</note></l>
<l><hi>M</hi>yghte neu<expan>er</expan>e þynk co<expan>n</expan>forte me / in þe mene tyme.</l>
<l><hi>N</hi>eyþ<expan>ir</expan> messis ne matynys / ne no man<expan>er</expan>e syghtis.</l>
<l><hi>N</hi>e penau<expan>n</expan>ce p<expan>ar</expan>forme / ne <hi><hi>pater n<expan>oste</expan>r</hi></hi> byddyn</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t my<expan>n</expan> myȝnde <sic>was</sic><corr>[ne] was</corr> moor<expan>e</expan> / on my good in dowhte.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>an in þe g<expan>ra</expan>ce of god / or in hise goode halwis</l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>Vbi thesaurus tuus . ibi & cor tuu<expan>m</expan> est.</hi></hi></foreign></l>
<l><hi>Ȝ</hi>eet þ<expan>a</expan>t goome w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> grete oþis / his garneme<expan>n</expan>t was soiled.<note> These lines are attested only in alpha.</note></l>
<l><hi>&</hi> foule be<seg>-</seg>flobered it / al w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> fals speche.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> þer<expan>e</expan> no neede was / ne<expan>m</expan>pnede god ydellyche.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> swoor þ<expan>er</expan>by / swythe ofte / a<seg>-</seg>bowte þe ale cuppe.<note>F.10.414: F's b-verse is unique. R reads as follows: "and al by-swatte his cote."</note></l>
<l><hi>&</hi> ofte moor<expan>e</expan> eet & dra<expan>n</expan>k / þa<expan>n</expan> kynde myȝhte defye.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> su<expan>m</expan>tyme kawte seknesse / þoruh surfetys ofte.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t for dowhte y dr<expan>e</expan>dde / to dyȝen in dedly synne.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> into wanhope y wente / y wende neu<expan>er</expan>e to be savid.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>e wyche slewþe is so slowhȝ / þ<expan>er</expan>e may no sleyghte <add>it</add> helpe.</l>
<l><hi>N</hi>e no m<expan>er</expan>cy a<seg>-</seg>mende it / þe ma<expan>n</expan> þ<expan>a</expan>t dyȝeþ þ<expan>er</expan>e<seg>-</seg>Inne.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>ese been þe brau<expan>n</expan>chis / þ<expan>a</expan>t bry<expan>n</expan>gþ a man in slewþe.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t moorneþ not for his myssis / ne makþ for he<expan>m</expan> sorwe.</l>
<l><hi>N</hi>e penau<expan>n</expan>ce þ<expan>a</expan>t þe preest hy<expan>m</expan> took / he p<expan>ar</expan>formed<expan>e</expan> neu<expan>er</expan>e.</l>
<l><hi>N</hi>e neyþ<expan>ir</expan> doþ almesse<seg>-</seg>dede / ne dr<expan>e</expan>diþ neu<expan>er</expan>e synne.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> he þ<expan>a</expan>t lyȝeþ a<seg>-</seg>gey<expan>n</expan> be<seg>-</seg>leve / & no lawe holdeþ.</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or ech day is halyday w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> hy<expan>m</expan> / <sic>os</sic><corr>o[r]</corr> is an heyȝ feste.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> if he wil owt heere / it ys an harlotys tu<expan>n</expan>ge.</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or whan me<expan>n</expan> carpen of c<expan>ri</expan>st / or clennesse of soule.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>a<expan>n</expan>ne wexeþ he wroþ / & wolde her<expan>e</expan> word<expan>is</expan> of m<expan>er</expan>the.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> þe penau<expan>n</expan>ce of poor<expan>e</expan> me<expan>n</expan> / & þe passiou<expan>n</expan> of sey<expan>n</expan>tys.</l>
<l><hi>H</hi>e hateþ to heery<expan>n</expan> of hem / & alle þo hit telleþ.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>ese ben þe brau<expan>n</expan>chis / þ<expan>a</expan>t bry<expan>n</expan>ge me<expan>n</expan> in wanhope.</l>
<l><sic>/</sic> <corr>[¶]</corr> <hi>I</hi> co<expan>n</expan>seyle lordis & ladijs / & legatys of holy chirche.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t fynde folis sage / & flat<expan>er</expan>es ben & lyerys.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> have lyst to lystne hem / to do ȝow to lawhe.</l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>Ve vobis qui ridetis.</hi></hi></foreign></l>
<l><hi>&</hi> ȝeve swiche mete & meede / & por<expan>e</expan> me<expan>n</expan> refuse.</l>
<l><hi>S</hi>yker in ȝour<expan>e</expan> dyenge / ȝee may drede sore.</l>
<l><hi>L</hi>eest swiche man<expan>er</expan>e of me<expan>n</expan> / to myche sorwe ȝou bry<expan>n</expan>ge.</l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>Consencientes & age<expan>n</expan>tes  pari pena puniendi su<expan>n</expan>t.</hi></hi></foreign><note>F.10.440: Alpha reads <hi>puniendi sunt</hi> against beta's <hi>punientur</hi>.</note> </l>
<l><hi>P</hi>at<expan>ri</expan>arkys & <hi>p</hi><expan>ro</expan>ph<expan>et</expan>is / & <hi>p</hi>rechour<expan>e</expan>s of god i<expan>n</expan> hevene.</l>
<l><hi>S</hi>aven þoruh her<expan>e</expan> s<expan>er</expan>mou<expan>n</expan> / ma<expan>n</expan>nys soule f<expan>ra</expan>m helle.</l>
<milestone>fol. 56rI</milestone>
<l><hi>R</hi>yg<hi>h</hi>t so f<hi>l</hi>at<expan>er</expan>ys & fo<hi>l</hi>ys / are þe feendis dyssyp<hi>l</hi>ys.</l>
<l><hi>T</hi>o te<expan>m</expan>pte me<expan>n</expan> þoruh her<expan>e</expan> talis / to synne & harlot<expan>ri</expan>ȝe.</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>ut <hi>C</hi>lerkys þ<expan>a</expan>t knowe holy writ / sholde kenny<expan>n</expan> so lord<expan>is</expan>.</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>hat <hi>D</hi>auyd seyþ of swiche me<expan>n</expan> / as þe sawht<expan>er</expan> telliþ.</l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>No<expan>n</expan> habitabit i<expan>n</expan> medio dom<expan>us</expan> mee  q<expan>ui</expan> facit superbiam.</hi></hi></foreign><note>F.10.447: F omits <hi>Bx</hi>'s "<foreign><hi>& qui loquitur iniqua</hi></foreign>."</note> </l>
<l><hi>S</hi>holde no<expan>n</expan> harlot haue no<expan>n</expan> audiense / in hall<expan>e</expan> ne i<expan>n</expan> <hi>C</hi>hambr<expan>e</expan>.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>er<expan>e</expan> þ<expan>a</expan>t wise me<expan>n</expan> wery<expan>n</expan> / witnesse on godd<expan>is</expan> woord<expan>is</expan>.</l>
<l><hi>N</hi>e no<expan>n</expan> mys<seg>-</seg>prowhd ma<expan>n</expan> / a<seg>-</seg>mo<expan>n</expan>g lordis a<seg>-</seg>lowed.</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>oþe knyghtis & <hi>C</hi>lerkis / wolkome kyngis me<expan>n</expan>stral<expan>is</expan>.<note> These lines appear only in alpha.</note></l>
<l><hi>&</hi> for þe love of here loord / þey lyghten he<expan>m</expan> at festis.</l>
<l><hi>M</hi>ychil mor<expan>e</expan> me þy<expan>n</expan><sic>þa<expan>n</expan> /</sic><corr>[/ þan]</corr> ryche me<expan>n</expan> sholde.</l>
<l><hi>H</hi>ave beggeris be<seg>-</seg>for<expan>e</expan> he<expan>m</expan> / wiche ben godd<expan>is</expan> me<expan>n</expan>st<expan>ra</expan>lis.</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>s he seyþ hy<expan>m</expan><seg>-</seg>selue / sey<expan>n</expan>t Ioh<expan>a</expan>n beryþ witnesse.</l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>Qvi vos spernit  me sp<expan>er</expan>nit.</hi></hi></foreign></l>
<l><sic>/</sic> <corr>[¶]</corr> <hi>Þ</hi><expan>er</expan>for<expan>e</expan> y rede ȝou ryche me<expan>n</expan> / at <hi>R</hi>evelis whan ȝe make.</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or to solace ȝour<expan>e</expan> soulis / swiche me<expan>n</expan>stral<expan>is</expan> ȝee have.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>e poor<expan>e</expan> for a fool sage / ȝee sette at þe table.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> a leerned ma<expan>n</expan> to leerne the / what our<expan>e</expan> lord suffred<expan>e</expan>.</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or to save þy soule / fram <hi>S</hi>athan þy<expan>n</expan> enemy.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan>owty<expan>n</expan> flat<expan>er</expan>ynge fythele / of good <sic>frydaes</sic><corr>fryda[y]es</corr> storye.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> tak a blynd ma<expan>n</expan> þy burdo<expan>ur</expan> / or a bedrede wo<expan>m</expan>man</l>
<l><hi>T</hi>o c<expan>ri</expan>ȝe a largesse to our<expan>e</expan> lord / þy<expan>n</expan> goode loos to shewe.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>ese þr<expan>e</expan> man<expan>er</expan>e of me<expan>n</expan>stral<expan>is</expan> / make me<expan>n</expan> to lawhe.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> in his deþ dyeng / þei doon hy<expan>m</expan> gr<expan>e</expan>t co<expan>n</expan>fort.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t be his lyve he lystned he<expan>m</expan> / & lovede he<expan>m</expan> to heere.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>ey solace þy soule / tyl þy<seg>-</seg>selue be fallyn.</l>
<l><hi>I</hi>n a wol good hope / a<seg>-</seg>mongis goode seyntys.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>er<expan>e</expan> flat<expan>er</expan>is & foolis / w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> her<expan>e</expan> foule woordis.</l>
<l><hi>L</hi>eden þo / þ<expan>a</expan>t lovedy<expan>n</expan><note>F.10.471: Alpha has the preterite form. Beta manuscripts have <hi>louen</hi>.</note> he<expan>m</expan> / to lucyferis feeste.</l>
<l><hi>W</hi><expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> <foreign><hi><hi>t<expan>ur</expan>piloquio</hi></hi></foreign> a lay of sorwe / in lucyferis fythele.</l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>Þ</hi>us <hi><hi>Haukyn</hi></hi> <hi><hi>Actyf</hi></hi> ma<expan>n</expan> / hadd<expan>e</expan> y<seg>-</seg>soyled his coote.</l>
<l><hi>T</hi>yl <hi><hi>Conscience</hi></hi> a<seg>-</seg>cowpid hy<expan>m</expan> / in a curteyȝs manere.</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>hy he ne hadde wasshe yt / er w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> a brushȝ rubbid it.<note>F.10.475: <hi>Bx</hi> reads "or wiped it wiþ a brusshe."</note></l>
<milestone>BPassus 14</milestone>
<l><sic>/</sic> <corr>[¶]</corr> <hi>I</hi> have but on hat<expan>er</expan>e<note>F.10.476: Alpha and L lack beta's <hi>hool</hi> before <hi>hatere</hi>.</note> q<expan>uo</expan>d <hi><hi>Haukyn</hi></hi> / y am þe lasse to blame.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>eyhȝ it be soyled & selde clene / for y slepe þ<expan>er</expan><seg>-</seg>in on nyghtis.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> also y have an houswif / & hewen boþe & chyldren.</l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>Vxorem duxi . & ideo no<expan>n</expan> possu<expan>m</expan> ve<expan>n</expan>ire.</hi></hi></foreign></l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t will<expan>e</expan> be<seg>-</seg>moole it manye tymes<note>F.10.480: Alpha and Cr<hi>2,3</hi>G have the plural form for beta's <hi>tyme</hi>.</note> / mawgr<expan>e</expan> my chekys.</l>
<l><hi>I</hi>t haþ ben laven in <hi>L</hi>entou<expan>n</expan> / & out of <hi>L</hi>entene boþe.</l>
<milestone>fol. 56vI</milestone>
<l><hi>W</hi><expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> soope of syknesse / þ<expan>a</expan>t seekeþ wonder depe.<note>F.10.482: The top lines of each leaf, with the exception of the drawings on fol. 76v, are undecorated to the end of the manuscript.</note></l>
<l><hi>&</hi> w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> loos of Catel / þ<expan>a</expan>t looþ me was to leese.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> grucched<expan>e</expan> a<seg>-</seg>gey<expan>n</expan> god / whan grevis he me sente.<note>F.10.484: F revises this line extensively. <hi>Bx</hi> reads "To agulte god or any good man by aught þat I wiste."</note></l>
<l><hi>&</hi> was shryve of þe <hi>p</hi>reest / þ<expan>a</expan>t ȝaaf me for my sy<expan>n</expan>nys.</l>
<l><hi>P</hi>acyense to <hi>p</hi>enau<expan>n</expan>ce / & <hi>p</hi>oore me<expan>n</expan> to feeden.</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or <hi>c</hi>oveytyse of my c<expan>ri</expan>stendom / in clennesse to kepe it.</l>
<l><note>F.10.488: A large <X>, about seven lines high, appears in the left margin.</note> <hi></hi> <hi>B</hi>ut y cowhde not kepe it be c<expan>ri</expan>ȝst / not an hour to<seg>-</seg>gydr<expan>e</expan>.<note>F.10.488: F's reading is unique. Beta manuscripts have "And kouþe I neuere by crist kepen it clene an houre." Alpha has <hi>not</hi> in place of beta's <hi>neuere</hi>.</note></l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t <sic>y</sic><corr>y [ne]</corr> soyled it w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> syght / or w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> su<expan>m</expan> ydel speche.</l>
<l><hi>O</hi>r þoruh werk or ell<expan>is</expan> þowht / or þoruh wil of herte.<note>F.10.490: Alpha introduced <hi>þowht</hi>, spoiling the alliterative pattern. <hi>Bx</hi> reads "Or þoruȝ werk or þoruȝ word or wille of myn herte."</note></l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t y flobered ful foule / fram morwe tyl þe eve.</l>
<l><sic>/</sic> <corr>[¶]</corr> <hi>I</hi> shal kenne the q<expan>uo</expan>d <hi>Conscience</hi> / of <hi>c</hi>o<expan>n</expan>t<expan>ri</expan>ciou<expan>n </expan> a brushȝ to make.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t shal clawe of þy coote / all<expan>e</expan> vn<seg>-</seg>clene fylthys.<note>F.10.493: F omits the following line: "<foreign><hi>Cordis contricio &c.</hi></foreign>"</note></l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi><hi>Dowel</hi></hi> wasshe it & wry<expan>n</expan>ge it / w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> a wyȝs co<expan>n</expan>fessour.<note>F.10.494: F omits the following line: "<foreign><hi>Oris confessio &c.</hi></foreign>"</note></l>
<l><hi><hi>Dobet</hi></hi> bowke it & beete it / as bryght as ys skarlet.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> engreyne it w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> good will<expan>e</expan> / w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> helpe of godd<expan>is</expan> g<expan>ra</expan>ce.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> <hi><hi>Dobest</hi></hi> & keep þe cleene / fram vnkyȝnde werkis.<note>F.10.497: The portion of this line following <hi>Dobest</hi> is attested only in F.</note></l>
<l><hi>&</hi> þey þ<expan>o</expan>u slyde or stu<expan>m</expan>ble sor<expan>e</expan> / soone vp þ<expan>o</expan>u ryȝse.<note>F.10.498: This line appears uniquely in F.</note></l>
<l><hi>&</hi> goo to <hi>Satisfacciou<expan>n</expan></hi> sone / for to su<expan>n</expan>ne þe after.<note>F.10.499: F omits the following line from <hi>Bx</hi>: <hi><foreign>Satisfaccio</foreign></hi>. In <hi>Bx</hi> this line and the omitted Latin tag appear before 10.497.</note></l>
<l><hi>&</hi> þa<expan>n</expan> shal neu<expan>er</expan>e myst moole it / ne motthe do it skaþe.</l>
<l><hi>N</hi>e neyþ<expan>ir</expan> feend ne fals ma<expan>n</expan> / defoule it in þy<expan>n</expan> lyve.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>er</expan>e shal no <hi>h</hi>eroud<expan>e</expan> ne <hi>h</hi>arpo<expan>ur</expan> / have an hender<expan>e</expan><note>F.10.502: F's reading is unique. <hi>Bx</hi> reads <hi>fairer</hi>.</note> garneme<expan>n</expan>t.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>an <hi>Haukyn</hi> þe <hi>Actif ma<expan>n</expan></hi> / & þ<expan>o</expan>u do my techyng.</l>
<l><hi>N</hi>e no Menstral<note>F.10.504: A faint hint of red on the initial <M> may indicate that the scribe intended to highlight it.</note> be mor<expan>e</expan> worþ / a<seg>-</seg>mo<expan>n</expan>g poor<expan>e</expan> & ryche.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>an <hi>Haukyn</hi> þe <hi>W</hi>aferer / wich is<note>F.10.505: Beta manuscripts have "with his" in place of "wich is."</note> / <foreign><hi>actiua vita</hi></foreign>.</l>
<l><sic>/</sic> <corr>[¶]</corr> <hi>&</hi> y shal p<expan>ur</expan>ueye þe past / q<expan>uo</expan>d pacie<expan>n</expan>ce / þeih þ<expan>o</expan>u<note>F.10.506: Beta lacks <hi>þou</hi>.</note> no plowh<note>F.10.506: An otiose curl appears over the <p> in <hi>plowh</hi>.</note> holde.</l>
<l><hi>O</hi>f flour to feede folk w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> / as beest be for þy soule.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>ey neu<expan>er</expan>e grey<expan>n</expan> g<expan>ro</expan>we on g<expan>ro</expan>wnde / ne g<expan>ra</expan>pe vp<seg>-</seg>on vyne.</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or all<expan>e</expan> þ<expan>a</expan>t lyven & looken / lyfloode wil y fyȝnde.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> þ<expan>a</expan>t y<seg>-</seg>nowhȝ shal no<expan>n</expan> fayle / of swich as he<expan>m</expan> neediþ.</l>
<l><hi>N</hi>oma<expan>n</expan> shal be besy / a<seg>-</seg>bowty<expan>n</expan> his lyf<seg>-</seg>loode.</l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>Ne soliciti scitis</hi></hi></foreign><note>F.10.512: F truncates the Latin tag, which in <hi>Bx</hi> continues "<foreign><hi>&c. Volucres celi deus pascit &c. pacientes vincunt &c.</hi></foreign>"</note></l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>Þ</hi>an lawhede <hi>Haukyn</hi> a lyte / & a lytil ooþ he made.<note>F.10.513: <hi>Bx</hi>'s b-verse reads "and lightly gan swerye."</note></l>
<l><hi>W</hi>ho<seg>-</seg>so trow<expan>e</expan>t<expan>h</expan> eyþ<expan>ir</expan> of ȝow / y trowe he be vnblessid.<note>F.10.514: F's reading is unique. Beta reads "Whoso leueþ yow by oure lord I leue noȝt he be blessed." R is much the same, but adds <hi>noþer</hi> after <hi>yow</hi>.</note></l>
<l><sic>/</sic> <corr>[¶]</corr> <hi>N</hi>oo  q<expan>uo</expan>d <hi>Pacience</hi> paciently / & out of h<expan>i</expan>s poke he hente.</l>
<l><hi>V</hi>ytayles<note>F.10.516: An otiose curl appears over the second <y>.</note> / g<expan>re</expan>te vertues / of all<expan>e</expan> man<expan>er</expan>e goodnesse.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> seyde loo  her<expan>e</expan> is lyflode y<seg>-</seg>nou / if our<expan>e</expan> feyþ<note>F.10.517: F's reading is unique. <hi>Bx</hi> reads <hi>bileue</hi>.</note> be tr<expan>e</expan>we.</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or lewte was neu<expan>er</expan>e so ryf / as lyflode is y<seg>-</seg>shape.<note>F.10.518: F's nonsense is the product of confusing <n> with <u>, eventually producing <hi>lewte</hi> instead of <hi>lente</hi>, and <l> with anglicana <r> to make <hi>ryf</hi> in place of <hi>lyf</hi>. <hi>Bx</hi> reads "For lent neuere was lif but liflode were shapen." F omits the following archetypal line: "Wherof or wherfore or wherby to libbe."</note></l>
<l><sic>/</sic> <corr>[¶]</corr> <hi>F</hi>yrst þe wilde worm / vndir þe weet erthe.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> in þe flodis fysshis / & in þe fyȝr þe kreket.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>e <hi>C</hi>orlewh be kyȝnde / most klennest is of foulis.</l>
<milestone>fol. 57rI</milestone>
<l><hi>&</hi> beestis by g<expan>ra</expan>sees þey<note>F.10.522: An otiose curl appears above the <þ>.</note> lyve / & be greene rootys.</l>
<l><hi>I</hi>n meeny<expan>n</expan>ge þ<expan>a</expan>t all<expan>e</expan> me<expan>n</expan> / sholde doon þe same.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> lyve þoru leel by<seg>-</seg>leeve / as goode god witnessiþ.</l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>Q<expan>uo</expan>dcu<expan>m</expan>q<expan>ue</expan> pecieritis<note>F.10.525: The omission of <hi>Bx</hi>'s <foreign><hi>a patre</hi></foreign> occurred in alpha. For variants in the Vulgate text of Jn. 14.13, see John A. Alford, <title>Piers Plowman: A Guide to the Quotations</title> (Binghamton, NY: Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies, 1992), p. 87.</note> in no<expan>m</expan>i<expan>n</expan>e meo dabit<expan>ur</expan> vobis.<note>F.10.525: F alone completes the quotation with <foreign><hi>Dabitur vobis.</hi></foreign></note> Et alibi. Non i<expan>n</expan> solo pane viuit h<expan>om</expan>o . Sed i<expan>n</expan> o<expan>mn</expan>i verbo q<expan>uo</expan>d p<expan>ro</expan>cedit de ore dei.</hi></hi></foreign></l>
<l><sic>/</sic> <corr>[¶]</corr> <hi>Þ</hi>a<expan>n</expan> y lookede what þ<expan>a</expan>t lyflode<note>F.10.526: Alpha is responsible for "þat lyflode." Beta and <hi>C</hi> manuscripts have "liflode it."</note> was / þ<expan>a</expan>t <hi>Pacyense</hi> p<expan>re</expan>ysede.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>er</expan>e was<note>F.10.527: Alpha and HmCr lack beta's <hi>it</hi> after <hi>was</hi>.</note> a pece of þe <hi>Pat<expan>er</expan> nost<expan>er</expan></hi> . <foreign><hi><hi>fiat volu<expan>n</expan>tas tua.</hi></hi></foreign></l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>H</hi>av <hi>Haukyn</hi> q<expan>uod</expan> <hi>Pacience</hi> / & ete þ<expan>i</expan>s whan þe hu<expan>n</expan>greþ.</l>
<l><hi>O</hi>r wan þ<expan>o</expan>u clu<expan>m</expan>sist for cold / er klyngyst for drowhtys.<note>F.10.529: Alpha and <hi>C</hi> agree in reading <hi>drouȝthe</hi>. Beta manuscripts have <hi>drye</hi>. F alone has the plural form.</note></l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>er<expan>e</expan> shal neu<expan>er</expan>e fayto<expan>ur</expan><note>F.10.530: Alpha reads <hi>faytour</hi> against beta's correctly alliterating <hi>gyues</hi>.</note> þe g<expan>re</expan>ve / ne g<expan>re</expan>te lord þe wratthe.</l>
<l><hi>N</hi>e <hi>P</hi><expan>ri</expan>sou<expan>n</expan> þe peyghne / whil <foreign><hi><hi>Pacientes ui<expan>n</expan>cu<expan>n</expan>t.</hi></hi></foreign></l>
<l><hi>B</hi>e so / þ<expan>o</expan>u be sobr<expan>e</expan> / boþe of syght & tu<expan>n</expan>ge.</l>
<l><hi>I</hi>n ety<expan>n</expan>ge & handly<expan>n</expan>ge / & in all<expan>e</expan> þi fyve wittis.</l>
<l><hi>N</hi>eu<expan>er</expan>e tharst þ<expan>o</expan>u car<expan>e</expan> for corn / ne lyne<expan>n</expan> ne wollene.</l>
<l><hi>N</hi>e for drynk deþ drede / but dyȝe wan god will<expan>e</expan>.</l>
<l><hi>N</hi>e for hu<expan>n</expan>g<expan>ir</expan> ne heete / for no þy<expan>n</expan>g shal þe greve.<note>F.10.536: F's b-verse is unique. <hi>Bx</hi> reads as follows: "at his wille be it."</note></l>
<l><hi>I</hi>f þ<expan>o</expan>u leve aft<expan>er</expan> his loor<expan>e</expan> / þe short<expan>er</expan>e lyf þe leuer<expan>e</expan>.<note>F.10.537: This is the alpha reading. Beta witnesses have <hi>þe bettre</hi>.</note></l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>Si quis amat <expan>cristum</expan>  mu<expan>n</expan>du<expan>m</expan> no<expan>n</expan> diligit istu<expan>m</expan>.</hi></hi></foreign></l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or þoruhȝ his breeþ beestys were<expan>n</expan> / & wyȝde a<seg>-</seg>brood wenty<expan>n</expan>.<note>F.10.539: F omits the following line from <hi>Bx</hi>: "<foreign><hi>Dixit & facta sunt &c</hi></foreign>."</note></l>
<l><sic>/</sic> <corr>[¶]</corr> <hi>E</hi>rgo  þoruh his breeþ mowe we / beestis & me<expan>n</expan> lybben.</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>s holy writ witnessiþ / & <hi>d</hi>auid in þe <hi>s</hi>awter.<note>F.10.541: <hi>Bx</hi> reads "whan men seye hir graces." The scribe is correct in saying that the following quotation is from the psalter. It is Ps. 144.16.</note></l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>Aperis tu manu<expan>m</expan> tua<expan>m</expan> & i<expan>m</expan>ples om<expan>n</expan>e a<expan>n</expan>i<expan>m</expan>al</hi></hi></foreign><note>F.10.542: The flourish on the <l> is not significant.</note> <foreign><hi><hi> b<expan>e</expan>n<expan>e</expan>dict<expan>i</expan>o<expan>n</expan>e</hi></hi></foreign></l>
<l><sic>/</sic> <corr>[¶]</corr> <hi>I</hi>t is founde þ<expan>a</expan>t fourty wy<expan>n</expan>t<expan>er</expan> / folk lyvede w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan>outy<expan>n</expan> tilthe.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> out of þe flynt sprong þe flood / þ<expan>a</expan>t folk & beestis dru<expan>n</expan>ke.</l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>&</hi> also in helyes tyme / hevene was y<seg>-</seg>closed.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t no reyn reyȝnede / þus me<expan>n</expan> rede in bookys.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> ȝit me<expan>n</expan> leveden / & mete & drynk hadden.<note>F.10.547: F's line is unique, reversing the sense of <hi>Bx</hi>'s "That manye wyntres men lyueden and no mete ne tulieden."</note></l>
<l><hi>&</hi> seue<expan>n</expan> me<expan>n</expan> slepen as seyþ þe book / seuy<expan>n</expan> hu<expan>n</expan>dr<expan>e</expan>d wy<expan>n</expan>t<expan>er</expan>.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> lyveden w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan>outy<expan>n</expan> lyflode / & at þe laste þei a<seg>-</seg>woken.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> if me<expan>n</expan> lyvede be mesur<expan>e</expan> / þer<expan>e</expan> sholde be no defawte.</l>
<l><hi>A</hi><seg>-</seg>mo<expan>n</expan>gis<note>F.10.551: The <o> is ill-formed, the scribe having begun to make a <g>.</note> c<expan>ri</expan>stene c<expan>re</expan>at<expan>ur</expan>is / if c<expan>ri</expan>stis wordys þei take.</l>
<l><sic>/</sic> <corr>[¶]</corr> <hi>B</hi>ut <hi>welth</hi>e is so mych<expan>e</expan> a maist<expan>er</expan><note>F.10.552: F's reading is unique. The a-verse in <hi>Bx</hi> reads "Ac vnkyndenesse <foreign><hi>caristia</hi></foreign> makeþ."</note> / a<seg>-</seg>mo<expan>n</expan>g<expan>is</expan> c<expan>ri</expan>sten<expan>e</expan> peple.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t ou<expan>er</expan><seg>-</seg>plente makeþ p<expan>ri</expan>ȝde / a<seg>-</seg>mo<expan>n</expan>gis poor<expan>e</expan> & ryche.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> <hi>mesur<expan>e</expan></hi> is so mychil worþ / it may not be to deer<expan>e</expan>.</l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>F</hi>or þe myschef & myschaunce / a<seg>-</seg>mongis me<expan>n</expan> of Sodoom.</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>as þoruh ple<expan>n</expan>te / of payn / & of pure slewthe.<note>F.10.556: F omits the following line from <hi>Bx</hi>: "<foreign><hi>Ociositas & habundancia panis peccatum turpissimum nutriuit</hi></foreign>," though it is worth noting that R also omits <hi>Bx</hi>'s "<foreign><hi>peccatum . . . nutriuit</hi></foreign>."</note></l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or þei mesur<expan>e</expan>de not hem<seg>-</seg>selue / neyþ<expan>ir</expan> meete ne dry<expan>n</expan>ke.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> dyden swich<expan>e</expan> dedly synnes / þ<expan>a</expan>t þe devil he<expan>m</expan> lykede. </l>
<l><hi>&</hi> swich vengau<expan>n</expan>ce fel on he<expan>m</expan> / for her<expan>e</expan> foule synnes.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t þei su<expan>n</expan>ken in<seg>-</seg>to hell<expan>e</expan> / þo <hi>C</hi>ytees bothe.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>erfor<expan>e</expan> mesur<expan>e</expan> þe wel / & mak þy feyþ / þy sheltrou<expan>m</expan>.<note>F.10.561: F has revised this line. <hi>Bx</hi> reads "Forþi mesure we vs wel and make oure feiþ oure sheltrom." The scribe initially wrote <hi>cheltroum</hi> but corrected himself.</note></l>
<milestone>fol. 57vI</milestone>
<l><hi>F</hi>or þoruh feyþ comeþ <hi>Cont<expan>ri</expan>cio</hi>u<expan>n</expan> / <hi>Conc</hi>ien<hi>se</hi> heer whoot wel.</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>iche dryveþ a<seg>-</seg>wey dedly sy<expan>n</expan>nes / & doþ he<expan>m</expan> be as venyal.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> if a ma<expan>n</expan> may not speke / ȝit <hi>Cont<expan>ri</expan>ciou<expan>n</expan></hi> may hy<expan>m</expan> save.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> bry<expan>n</expan>ge <sic>his</sic><corr>his [sowle]</corr> to blysse / be soo þ<expan>a</expan>t feyþ beriþ witnesse.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t whiles he be<seg>-</seg>levede / in loor<expan>e</expan> of holy chirche he leevede.<note>F.10.566: F revised this line. <hi>Bx</hi> reads "That whiles he lyuede he bileuede in þe loore of holy chirche."</note></l>
<l><hi>C</hi>oncyense  <foreign><hi>Ergo</hi></foreign>  feyþ / & co<expan>n</expan>t<expan>ri</expan>ciou<expan>n</expan> / keendely is to <hi>Dowel</hi>.</l>
<l><hi>S</hi>orwe for dedly senne ys / whan shryfte of mowþe fayleþ.</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>ut shryfte of mowþ / mor<expan>e</expan> worþy ys / if ma<expan>n</expan> be <sic>w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan></sic><corr>with[in]</corr><note>F.10.569: <hi>Bx</hi> reads "if man be ynliche contrit."</note> co<expan>n</expan>t<expan>ri</expan>t.</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or shryfte of mowþ / sleeþ sy<expan>n</expan>ne / be it neu<expan>er</expan>e so dedly.</l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>Per confessione<expan>m</expan></hi></hi></foreign> to a preest / <foreign><hi><hi>peccata occidu<expan>n</expan>tur.</hi></hi></foreign></l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>ere <hi>Contriciou<expan>n</expan></hi> ne doþ / but dryveþ it dou<expan>n</expan> / <sic>in</sic><corr>in[to]</corr> a venyal sy<expan>n</expan>ne.</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>s <hi>d</hi><expan>aui</expan>d seyþ in þe sawht<expan>er</expan> / <foreign><hi><hi>quor<expan>um</expan> tecta su<expan>n</expan>t peccata.</hi></hi></foreign></l>
<l><hi>B</hi>ut <hi>Sat</hi>i<hi>sf</hi>a<hi>cciou<expan>n</expan></hi> sekþ out þe roote / & sleeþ boþe & voydeþ.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> as it neu<expan>er</expan>e hadde be / ys þan þ<expan>a</expan>t dedly synne.</l>
<l><hi>N</hi>e neu<expan>er</expan>e aft<expan>er</expan> þ<expan>a</expan>t soor is seene / but semeþ a wownde helid.</l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>Ȝ</hi>ee<note>F.10.577: Alpha is responsible for <hi>Ȝee</hi>.</note> wher<expan>e</expan> woneþ <hi>Char</hi>ite / q<expan>uod</expan> <hi>hauk</hi>y<expan>n</expan> / ȝit wiste y neu<expan>er</expan>e.</l>
<l><hi>O</hi>ny ma<expan>n</expan> þ<expan>a</expan>t w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> hy<expan>m</expan> spak / as wyȝde as y have wandr<expan>e</expan>d.</l>
<l><sic>/</sic> <corr>[¶]</corr> <hi>Q</hi><expan>uo</expan>d hee / þ<expan>er</expan>e p<expan>ar</expan>fyȝt lyf / & por<expan>e</expan> h<expan>er</expan>te is / & <sic>pacyet</sic><corr>pacye[n]t</corr> of tu<expan>n</expan>ge.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>er<expan>e</expan> is charytees / chambr<expan>e</expan> / for he is god hy<expan>m</expan><seg>-</seg>selue.<note>F.10.580: <hi>Bx</hi> reads "There is Charite þe chief chambre (<hi>or</hi> chaumbrere?) for god hymselue."</note></l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>W</hi>heyþ<expan>ir</expan> paciense & pou<expan>er</expan>te<note>F.10.581: Alpha and <hi>C</hi> read "paciense & pouerte." Beta manuscripts have "paciente (<hi>or</hi> pacience) pouerte."</note> q<expan>uod</expan> haukyn / be plesant <add>to</add> god more.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>an <hi>Rycchess<expan>e</expan></hi> ryȝghtfully wonne / & resonabely spe<expan>n</expan>dyd.</l>
<l><hi>Ȝ</hi>ee  <foreign><hi><hi>quis est ille</hi></hi></foreign> q<expan>uo</expan>d Pacience / quik <foreign><hi><hi>laudabim<expan>us</expan> eu<expan>m</expan>.</hi></hi></foreign></l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>ey me<expan>n</expan> reden of rycchesse / ryght to þe worldis ende.</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>ond neu<expan>er</expan>e renke þ<expan>a</expan>t ryche was / þa<expan>n</expan> wan he r<expan>e</expan>kene sholde.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> drowh to h<expan>i</expan>s deþ<seg>-</seg>day / þ<expan>a</expan>t he ne dredde hy<expan>m</expan> soore.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t his rekeny<expan>n</expan>g in rerage fel / rather<expan>e</expan> þan out of dette.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>ere þe poore dar plete / & preve it be pure resou<expan>n</expan>.</l>
<l><hi>T</hi>o have a<seg>-</seg>lowance of h<expan>i</expan>s lord / be lawe he it cleymeþ.</l>
<l><sic>/</sic> <corr>[¶]</corr> <hi>A</hi> wyȝe<note>F.10.590: F revises the a-verse. <hi>Bx</hi> reads "Ioye þat neuere ioye hadde."</note> þ<expan>a</expan>t neu<expan>er</expan>e Ioye hadde / of a Iugge he askeþ.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> seyþ loo  brydd<expan>is</expan> & beestis / þ<expan>a</expan>t no blysse ne knowe.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> wyȝlde wormes in wodys / w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> wynt<expan>ri</expan>s þ<expan>o</expan>u he<expan>m</expan> grevist.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> makst hem wol meeke / & myȝlde for defawhte.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> aft<expan>er</expan> þ<expan>o</expan>u sendist hem som<expan>er</expan> / þ<expan>a</expan>t ys her<expan>e</expan> sou<expan>er</expan>ey<expan>n</expan> Ioyȝe.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> gret<note>F.10.595: An otiose curl appears above the <re>.</note> blysse to all<expan>e</expan> þ<expan>a</expan>t been / boþe wyȝlde & tame.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>a<expan>n</expan>ne may begger<expan>e</expan>s & beestis / aft<expan>er</expan> boote wayten.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t al here lyf have lyved / in lango<expan>ur</expan> & in defawte.</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>ut god wold<expan>e</expan> sende he<expan>m</expan> su<expan>m</expan>tyme / su<expan>m</expan> man<expan>er</expan> of Ioyȝe.</l>
<l><hi>E</hi><expan>ir</expan> here / or ell<expan>is</expan><seg>-</seg>wher<expan>e</expan> / god wolde so be keende.<note>F.10.599: <hi>Bx</hi> reads "kynde wolde it neuere."</note></l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or to <sic>wrothele was</sic><corr>wroth[erh]ele was [he]</corr> wrouht / þ<expan>a</expan>t neu<expan>er</expan>e Ioye was shape.</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>ng<expan>e</expan>lis þ<expan>a</expan>t in hell<expan>e</expan> nou been / hadden Ioye su<expan>m</expan><seg>-</seg>tyme.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> dives in dey<expan>n</expan>tees lyvede / & in <foreign>dowce vyȝe.</foreign></l>
<l><hi>R</hi>yght so <hi>R</hi>esou<expan>n</expan> redyþ / þo me<expan>n</expan> shull<expan>e</expan> r<expan>e</expan>dyly a<seg>-</seg>cou<expan>n</expan>te.<note>F.10.603: F's reading is unique. <hi>Bx</hi> reads as follows: "Right so reson sheweþ þat þo men þat were riche." R reads "Riȝt so resoun scheweth þat þo men."</note></l>
<l><hi>&</hi> her<expan>e</expan> makys also / þ<expan>a</expan>t ledden her<expan>e</expan> lyve in m<expan>er</expan>the.</l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>B</hi>ut god is of a wondir will<expan>e</expan> / by þ<expan>a</expan>t kende wit shew<expan>e</expan>t<expan>h</expan>.</l>
<l><hi>T</hi>o ȝeve ma<expan>n</expan> his m<expan>er</expan>cyme<expan>n</expan>t / er he have it disservid.</l>
<milestone>fol. 58rI</milestone>
<l><hi>R</hi>yght so doþ god be su<expan>m</expan> ryche ma<expan>n</expan> / rewþe me þy<expan>n</expan>kiþ.</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or þei have here / her<expan>e</expan> heere / & hevene as it were.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> gret lykynge of lyf / w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan><seg>-</seg>outyn body t<expan>ra</expan>uayle.<note> <hi>Bx</hi> reads as follows: <lb/>
And greet likynge to lyue wiþouten labour of bodye <lb/>
And whan he dyeþ ben disalowed as Dauid seiþ in þe Sauter.
<l><hi>&</hi> in her<expan>e</expan> dyȝenge ben dislowed / as dauid in þe sawt<expan>er</expan> tell<expan>e</expan>t<expan>h</expan></l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>Dormier<expan>un</expan>t & nichil i<expan>n</expan>uener<expan>un</expan>t . et alibi<note>F.10.611: F uniquely adds <hi><foreign>et alibi</foreign></hi>.</note> . Velud sompniu<expan>m</expan> surge<expan>n</expan>ciu<expan>m</expan> d<expan>omi</expan>ne i<expan>n</expan> ciuitate tua  ad<note>F.10.611: Alpha and OC<hi>2</hi> lack beta's <foreign><hi>et</hi></foreign> before <hi><foreign>ad</foreign></hi>.</note> nichillu<expan>m</expan> r<expan>e</expan>diges ymagine<expan>m</expan>.</hi></hi></foreign></l>
<l><sic>/</sic> <corr>[¶]</corr> <hi>A</hi>llas þ<expan>a</expan>t rycchesse shal reve / & robbe ma<expan>n</expan>nys sowle.</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>ram þe love of our<expan>e</expan> lord / at his laste ende.</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or þ<expan>a</expan>t have her<expan>e</expan> heere to<seg>-</seg>for<expan>e</expan> / been heer<expan>e</expan> moost <sic>nedys</sic><corr>nedy</corr><note>F.10.614: F's reading is unique. Beta reads "Hewen þat han hir hire afore arn eueremoore nedy." Alpha is responsible for <hi>tofore</hi> in place of <hi>afore</hi>.</note></l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or selde þei suppe out of dette / & dyȝhgne er þei aserue it.<note>F.10.615: <hi>Bx</hi> reads "And selden deyeþ he out of dette þat dyneþ er he deserue it." Alpha is responsible for omitting the first <hi>he</hi> and converting the second to plural <hi>þei</hi>. That led F to supply a plural subject for <hi>suppe</hi>.</note></l>
<l><hi>T</hi>yl he have doon h<expan>i</expan>s devir / & his dayes Iurne</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or whan a werk<seg>-</seg>ma<expan>n</expan> haþ wrouht / þa<expan>n</expan> me<expan>n</expan> may se þe soþe.</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>hat he wer<expan>e</expan> worthy / & what he haþ disservid.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> nowht to fongen be<seg>-</seg>for<expan>e</expan> / for dr<expan>e</expan>de of dislowy<expan>n</expan>g.</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>e ryche me<expan>n</expan> yt semeþ ryght soo / þe same þ<expan>a</expan>t ȝee shull<expan>e</expan>.<note> F's reading is unique. Beta witnesses vary, though most read as follows: <lb/>
So I seye by yow riche it semeþ noȝt þat ye shulle <lb/>
Haue heuene in youre here beyng and heuene þerafter. <lb/>
Alpha had the phrase "two hevenys," and it reappears in a revised line in <hi>C</hi>.
<l><hi>C</hi>leyme two hevenys / oon her<expan>e</expan> / & a<seg>-</seg>noþ<expan>ir</expan> heer<expan>e</expan>aft<expan>er</expan>.</l>
<l><hi>R</hi>yght as a s<expan>er</expan>uau<expan>n</expan>t takeþ / his sallarie be<seg>-</seg>for<expan>e</expan> h<expan>i</expan>s t<expan>er</expan>me.<note> Alpha has two lines for beta's one.</note></l>
<l><hi>&</hi> aft<expan>er</expan> wolde cleyme / his heere eft<seg>-</seg>soones.</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>s he þ<expan>a</expan>t no<expan>n</expan> hevene hadde / & haþ hevene<note>F.10.624: F adds <hi>hevene</hi> in the a-verse for greater explicitness. Alpha is responsible for the second <hi>hevene</hi>. Beta manuscripts have <hi>hire</hi> in the b-verse.</note> at þe laste.</l>
<l><hi>I</hi>t may<note>F.10.625: An otiose curl appears over the <m>.</note> not so be ȝee ryche me<expan>n</expan> / if Matthew be t<expan>re</expan>we.</l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>De delicijs / ad delicias . difficile e<expan>st</expan> ascendere.</hi></hi></foreign><note>F.10.626: Alpha is responsible for <hi>ascendere</hi>. Beta manuscripts have <hi>transire</hi>.</note></l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>I</hi>f þe <hi>R</hi>yche man have rewþe / & rewarde þe poore.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> lyve as lawe tellyþ / & dooþ lewte to his brothir.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>an c<expan>ri</expan>st of h<expan>i</expan>s c<expan>ur</expan>tesye / shal co<expan>n</expan>forte ȝou at þe laste.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> rewarde duble rycchesse / þ<expan>a</expan>t rewful hertys haddy<expan>n</expan>.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> as an hyȝne haþ his hyȝr<expan>e</expan> / er he h<expan>i</expan>s werk by<seg>-</seg>gy<expan>n</expan>ne.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> he dooþ wel his devir / he is ou<expan>er</expan> þat / rewardyd.</l>
<l><hi>A</hi> coote ou<expan>er</expan> his cou<expan>n</expan>au<expan>n</expan>t / ryght so / c<expan>ri</expan>st ȝeveþ hevene.</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>oþe to ryche / & to <sic>no</sic><corr>no[t]</corr> ryche / þat ryght<seg>-</seg>fully<note>F.10.634: Alpha is responsible for <hi>ryght-fully</hi>. Beta manuscripts read <hi>rewfulliche</hi>.</note> heer<expan>e</expan> lybben.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> þo þ<expan>a</expan>t doon her<expan>e</expan> devir wel / have dubble for her<expan>e</expan> t<expan>ra</expan>uayle.</l>
<l><hi>O</hi>f forgyfnesse of her<expan>e</expan> sy<expan>n</expan>nes / & hevene blysse after.<note>F.10.636: Alpha omitted the following five lines: <lb/>
Ac it is but selde yseien as by holy seintes bokes <lb/>
That god rewarded double reste to any riche wye <lb/>
For muche murþe is amonges riche as in mete and cloþyng <lb/>
And muche murþe in May is amonges wilde beestes <lb/>
And so forþ while somer lasteþ hir solace dureþ.
<l><sic>/</sic> <corr>[¶]</corr> <hi>B</hi>ut beggerys a<seg>-</seg>bowty<expan>n</expan> myssom<expan>er</expan> / breedles þey sowpe</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> ȝit is wynt<expan>er</expan> for hem werse / for weet<seg>-</seg>shood þey wandr<expan>e</expan>.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> a<seg>-</seg>fyrst & <sic>a<seg>-</seg>fryngrid</sic><corr>a<seg>-</seg>fyngrid</corr> / & foule ofte rebewked.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> a<seg>-</seg>rated of ryche me<expan>n</expan> / þat rewþe it is to heere.</l>
<l><hi>N</hi>ow lord sende to hem som<expan>er</expan> / & su<expan>m</expan> man<expan>er</expan> of Ioyȝe.</l>
<l><hi>H</hi>evene aft<expan>er</expan> her<expan>e</expan> hens goeng / þ<expan>a</expan>t her<expan>e</expan> have swich defawte.</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or alle myghtyst þ<expan>o</expan>u have maad / & noon mener<expan>e</expan> þa<expan>n</expan><expan>ir</expan>.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> y<seg>-</seg>lyche wytty & wyȝs / If þy will<expan>e</expan> hadde lykyd.</l>
<milestone>fol. 58vI</milestone>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>H</hi>ave rewthe ȝee ryche men / þ<expan>a</expan>t rewarde no porayle.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> ȝeve hem of þy<expan>n</expan> good / for <foreign>ing<expan>ra</expan>ty</foreign> ben manye.</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>ut god of þy goodnesse / gyve hem g<expan>ra</expan>ce of me<expan>n</expan>deme<expan>n</expan>t.</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or may no derthe ben to deer<expan>e</expan> / neyþ<expan>ir</expan> drowhte ne weete.</l>
<l><hi>N</hi>eyþ<expan>ir</expan> heete ne hayl / if þey haven here hele.</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or al þ<expan>a</expan>t þey wilne & wolde have / wanteþ he<expan>m</expan> no<expan>n</expan> heere.</l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>B</hi>ut þe poore in p<expan>ri</expan>sou<expan>n</expan> lyȝn<note>F.10.651: F's a-verse is unique. <hi>Bx</hi> reads "Ac poore peple þi prisoners (<hi>Alpha had</hi> prisoun <hi>or R's</hi> prisones) lord."</note> / in þe pit of myscheef.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>o</expan>u co<expan>n</expan>forte þo creat<expan>ur</expan>is / þat mychil care suffren.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>oruh derthe / þoruh drowhte / all<expan>e</expan> here dayes heere.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>ey have woo / in wynt<expan>ri</expan>s tyme<note>F.10.654: Beta manuscripts have "wynter tymes."</note> / & wanty<expan>n</expan>ge of cloþis.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> seelden in þe som<expan>er</expan> tyme / suppe þey to þe fulle.</l>
<l><hi>N</hi>ow c<expan>ri</expan>st conforte þo careful / kyng in þy<expan>n</expan> ryche.</l>
<l><hi>H</hi>ow þ<expan>o</expan>u co<expan>n</expan>fortist all<expan>e</expan> creat<expan>ur</expan>es / clerkys knowen all<expan>e</expan>.</l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>Conuertimini ad me / & salui eritis.</hi></hi></foreign></l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>T</hi>hus <foreign>in genere</foreign> of alle Ientylis<note>F.10.659: Alpha is responsible for <hi>alle</hi>. R has <hi>his genitrice</hi>, and beta has <hi>gentries</hi> for F's <hi>Ientylis</hi>.</note> / <expan>Iesu</expan> c<expan>ri</expan>st seyȝde.</l>
<l><hi>T</hi>o robberis & to reverys / to ryche & to poore.</l>
<l><hi>T</hi>o harlotys / & to hoorys / & to all<expan>e</expan><expan>ir</expan> peple.<note>F.10.661: This line is attested only in alpha.</note></l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>o</expan>u tawhtist he<expan>m</expan> of þe t<expan>ri</expan>nyte / to taken bapteme.</l>
<l><hi>T</hi>o been clene þoru c<expan>ri</expan>stny<expan>n</expan>ge / of all<expan>e</expan> kenne sennys.</l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>&</hi> ȝif vs be<seg>-</seg>felle / be folye / to fally<expan>n</expan> in synne aft<expan>er</expan>.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> be<seg>-</seg>knowleche it In co<expan>n</expan>fessiou<expan>n</expan><note>F.10.665: F's a-verse is unique. Beta reads "Confession and knowlichynge," and R has "Knowlechynge and confession."</note> / & c<expan>ra</expan>ue þy<expan>n</expan> m<expan>er</expan>cy.</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>e shold<expan>e</expan> a<seg>-</seg>me<expan>n</expan>d vs as ofte / as we wolde dysyr<expan>e</expan>.</l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>&</hi> If þe powke plede þ<expan>er</expan>e a<seg>-</seg>gey<expan>n</expan> / to punshe vs in <expan>con</expan>sciense.</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>e<note>F.10.668: F uniquely reads <hi>We</hi>. Beta manuscripts have <hi>He</hi>, and R has <hi>Ho</hi>.</note> sholde take a<seg>-</seg>q<expan>ui</expan>taunce / & to þe qweed it shewe.</l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>Pateant vniu<expan>er</expan>si p<expan>er</expan> passione<expan>m</expan> d<expan>omi</expan>ni n<expan>ost</expan>ri <expan>Iesu</expan> <expan>cristi</expan></hi></hi></foreign><note>F.10.669: The scribe may have underestimated the size of the Latin quotation to be supplied, for he left the next line blank. Or perhaps, in view of his reaching the end of the quire at the end of a stint of copying, he was simply padding.</note> <lb/>
<l><hi>&</hi> so pytte of þe powke / & preve vs vndir borwe</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>ut þe p<expan>ar</expan>chemy<expan>n</expan> of þis pate<expan>n</expan>te / muste be<expan>n</expan> of pou<expan>er</expan>te.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> of pure <hi><hi>P</hi>acyense</hi> / & of p<expan>ar</expan>fyȝt be<seg>-</seg>leve.</l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>&</hi> if pompe or p<expan>ri</expan>de / doþ þe p<expan>ar</expan>chemy<expan>n</expan> cowre.<note>F.10.673: The b-verse in <hi>Bx</hi> reads "þe parchemyn decourreþ." <hi>Decourreþ</hi> is a nonce word, here used figuratively to mean "shuns, avoids, parts from." <title>MED</title> provides no parallels for F's <hi>cowre</hi>.</note></l>
<l><hi>&</hi> p<expan>ri</expan>ncipaly of þe peple / but þey been poor<expan>e</expan> of h<expan>er</expan>te.</l>
<l><hi>E</hi>llis is al ydelnesse / al þ<expan>a</expan>t euer<expan>e</expan> þey wryten.</l>
<milestone>fol. 59rI</milestone>
<l><foreign><hi>P</hi>at<expan>er</expan> nost<expan>ri</expan>s</foreign> & <hi>p</hi>enau<expan>n</expan>tis<note>F.10.676: Alpha, Hm, and a slightly revised <hi>C</hi> have the plural form. Beta manuscripts have singular <hi>penaunce</hi>.</note> / & pilg<expan>ri</expan>mes to Rome.</l>
<l><hi>W</hi><expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> our<expan>e</expan> spendyng of spekynge / sp<expan>ri</expan>nge of a trewe well<expan>e</expan>.<note> F's revisions of this passage fail in sense. <hi>Bx</hi> reads as follows: <lb/>
But oure spences and spendynge sprynge of a trewe welle <lb/>
Ellis is al oure labour lost lo how men writeþ <lb/>
In fenestres at þe freres if fals be þe foundement <lb/>
Forþi cristene sholde be in commune riche noon coueitous for hymselue. <lb/>
F omits the last of these lines entirely.
<l><hi>E</hi>llis al our<expan>e</expan> labour is / laweles y trowe.<note>F.10.678: The phrase "labour . . . trowe" is written over an erasure.</note></l>
<l><hi>L</hi>ooke how me<expan>n</expan> wryten / in fenest<expan>ri</expan>s at þe freris.</l>
<l><hi>I</hi>f fals be þe fowndeme<expan>n</expan>t / it fawseþ al <orig>atoonys</orig><reg>at oonys</reg>.</l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>S</hi>evene sy<expan>n</expan>nes þere been / þ<expan>a</expan>t asayle vs euere.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> þe fend folw<expan>e</expan>t<expan>h</expan> hem all<expan>e</expan> / & fondiþ hem to helpen.</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>ut w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> rycchesse þo rybawdis<note>F.10.683: Alpha and <hi>C</hi> have the plural. Beta manuscripts have "þat ribaude."</note> / rathest me<expan>n</expan> by<seg>-</seg>gyle.</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or þer<expan>e</expan> þ<expan>a</expan>t rycchesse reygneþ / reu<expan>er</expan>ences<note>F.10.684: Alpha and <hi>C</hi> have the plural. Beta manuscripts have a singular form. F alone has <hi>it</hi>.</note> it folwiþ.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> <sic>þ<expan>a</expan>t</sic><corr>þat [is]</corr> plesau<expan>n</expan>t to p<expan>ri</expan>de / to poore & eek to ryche.</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>ut<note>F.10.686: Alpha is responsible for <hi>But</hi> (or R's <hi>Ac</hi>). Beta manuscripts have <hi>And</hi>.</note> þe ryche is reu<expan>er</expan>encid / be resou<expan>n</expan> of his rychesse.<note> <hi>Bx</hi> reads as follows: <lb/>
Ac (<hi>or</hi> And) þe riche is reuerenced by reson of his richesse <lb/>
Ther þe poore is put bihynde and parauenture kan moore <lb/>
Of wit and of wisdom þat fer awey is bettre <lb/>
Than richesse or reautee, and raþer herd in heuene.<lb/>
The revision of the fourth line above suggests that the omission of the third had already occurred in F's exemplar.
<l><hi>Þ</hi>er<expan>e</expan> þe poor<expan>e</expan> is pit by<seg>-</seg>hyȝnde / & p<expan>ar</expan>aunt<expan>er</expan> ca<expan>n</expan> moore.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>an þe ryche ma<expan>n</expan> so ryal / & rather<expan>e</expan> herd in hevene.</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or þe ryche haþ mychel to rykne / & ryght softe walkeþ.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>e ryght<note>F.10.690: Alpha and G read <hi>ryght</hi> in place of correctly alliterating <hi>Bx/Cx</hi>'s <hi>heiȝe</hi>.</note> wey to hevene<seg>-</seg>ward / but ofte þe ryche is lettyd.<note>F.10.690: F omits the following line from <hi>Bx</hi>: "<foreign><hi>Ita inpossibile diuiti &c.</hi></foreign>"</note></l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>ere þe poor<expan>e</expan> p<expan>ro</expan>cheþ<note>F.10.691: Scribal interpretation of a suspension in alpha is responsible for F's <hi>p(ro)cheþ</hi> and R's <hi>p(re)cheth</hi>. Beta manuscripts and <hi>C</hi> have <hi>preesseþ</hi>.</note> to<seg>-</seg>foor<expan>e</expan> / w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> a pakke y<seg>-</seg>charged.<note>F.10.691: F omits the following three lines from <hi>Bx</hi>: <lb/>
<foreign><hi>Opera enim illorum sequntur illos</hi></foreign> <lb/>
Batauntliche as beggeris doon and boldeliche he craueþ <lb/>
For his pouerte and his pacience a perpetuel blisse.<lb/>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>Beati paup<expan>er</expan>es sp<expan>irit</expan>u  q<expan>uonia</expan>m ip<expan>s</expan>or<expan>um</expan> e<expan>st</expan> eni<expan>m</expan><note>F.10.692: F uniquely adds <hi>enim</hi>.</note> regnu<expan>m</expan> celor<expan>um</expan>.</hi></hi></foreign></l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>B</hi>ut<note>F.10.693: Alpha is responsible for <hi>But</hi> (or R's <hi>Ac</hi>). Beta manuscripts and <hi>C</hi> have <hi>And</hi>.</note> p<expan>ri</expan>de in rycchesse reygneþ / rathere þan in pou<expan>er</expan>te.</l>
<l><hi>O</hi>r in þe <hi>M</hi>ayst<expan>er</expan> . or in his man / su<expan>m</expan> mansyou<expan>n</expan> he haveþ.</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>ut in pou<expan>er</expan>te þer<expan>e</expan> pacience is / p<expan>ri</expan>ȝde haþ no strengthe.</l>
<l><hi>N</hi>e no<expan>n</expan> of þe seuy<expan>n</expan> sy<expan>n</expan>nes / sytte ne mowe þ<expan>er</expan>e longe.</l>
<l><hi>N</hi>e have powher in pou<expan>er</expan>te / if pacience hem folwe.</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or þe poor<expan>e</expan> ys ay p<expan>re</expan>st / for to pleesen þe ryche.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> buxu<expan>m</expan> at his byddy<expan>n</expan>ge / for hise broode noblis.<note>F.10.699: F uniquely reads "broode noblis." Other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have "broke loues."</note></l>
<l><hi>&</hi> buxu<expan>m</expan>nesse . & boost / þey been euere at werre.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> eyþir hateþ oþ<expan>ir</expan> / in all<expan>e</expan> maner<expan>e</expan> of werkis.</l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>&</hi> if wratthe wrastle w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> þe poor<expan>e</expan> / he haþ þe worse ende.</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or if þey boþe pleyne / þe poor<expan>e</expan> ys to feeble.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> if he chyde or chatr<expan>e</expan> / hy<expan>m</expan> cheeviþ þe worrse.</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or lowly he lookeþ / & lovely is his speche.<note> These lines are attested only in alpha.</note></l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t ony meete or monee / of oþer<expan>e</expan> me<expan>n</expan> mote asken.</l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>&</hi> if <hi>G</hi>lotenye g<expan>re</expan>ve pou<expan>er</expan>te / he gadr<expan>e</expan>þ þe lasse.</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or hise rentys wil not reche / no ryche meetys to bygge.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> þowh his glut<note>F.10.709: The required sense "gluttony" for <hi>glut</hi> is not elsewhere attested in Middle English. See <title>MED</title> s.v. <hi>glut</hi>, meaning "glutton."</note> be in good ale / he gooþ a<seg>-</seg>cold to bedde.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> hys hevid euele y<seg>-</seg>helyd / & vnesely y<seg>-</seg>wryȝe.</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or whan he streyneþ hy<expan>m</expan> to strecche / þe straw is his schete.</l>
<l><hi>S</hi>o for his grete glotenye<note>F.10.712: F alone omits <hi>Bx</hi>'s "and his greete sleuthe."</note> / he haþ a g<expan>re</expan>uous penau<expan>n</expan>ce.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t is wellawo whan he wakeþ / & wepiþ sor<expan>e</expan> . for colde.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> su<expan>m</expan><seg>-</seg>tyme for hise synnes / so he is neu<expan>er</expan>e merye.</l>
<l><hi>W</hi><expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan><seg>-</seg>outy<expan>n </expan> moornyng<expan>e</expan> a<seg>-</seg>moong . & myche myschef to boote.</l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>&</hi> þey<note>F.10.716: Alpha is responsible for <hi>þey</hi>, "though." Beta manuscripts have <hi>If</hi>.</note> <hi>C</hi>oueytyse wolde cacche þe poor<expan>e</expan> / þey mowe not come<expan>n</expan> same.</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>e þe nekke namely / þer no<expan>n</expan> may henden oþir.</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or me<expan>n</expan> knowe wel þ<expan>a</expan>t coueytyse / ys of a kene will<expan>e</expan>.</l>
<milestone>fol. 59vI</milestone>
<l><hi>&</hi> <sic>haveþ</sic><corr>has</corr> hondis & armes / of an huge lengthe.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> pou<expan>er</expan>te is but a pety þyng . & a<seg>-</seg>periþ not to his novele.</l>
<l><hi>A</hi> lovely leyk ys it neuer<expan>e</expan> / be<seg>-</seg>twene þe longe & schorte.</l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>&</hi> þey <hi>A</hi>ueryse wolde angr<expan>e</expan> þe poor<expan>e</expan> / he haþ but lytyl strengþe.</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or pou<expan>er</expan>te haþ but pokes / to pytty<expan>n</expan> in hise goodis.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>ere <hi>A</hi>ueryȝse haþ Almerijs . & yrene bownde coffr<expan>e</expan>s.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> wheyþ<expan>ir</expan> be lyghter<expan>e</expan> to breke / lasse boost he makeþ.</l>
<l><hi>A</hi> beggerys bagge / or a bownden coffre.</l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>L</hi>eccherye loveþ hy<expan>m</expan> nowht . for lytyl syluer he delyþ.</l>
<l><hi>T</hi>o doon hy<expan>m</expan> dyghne delycatly ./ ne to dry<expan>n</expan>ke wyȝn ofte.<note>F.10.728: Alpha omitted two lines attested by beta manuscripts: <lb/>
A straw for þe stuwes it stoode noȝt I trowe <lb/>
Hadde þei no þyng but of poore men hir houses stoode vntyled.
<l><hi></hi> <hi>&</hi> þey slewhthe sewe pou<expan>er</expan>te / & s<expan>er</expan>ue not god to payȝe.</l>
<l><hi>M</hi>ischef is his mayst<expan>er</expan> ./ & makeþ hym to þy<expan>n</expan>ken.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t god is <sic>grettest his</sic><corr>[his grettest]</corr><note>F.10.731: Alpha and B omit <hi>his</hi> before <hi>grettest</hi>. F in correcting the error presumably misplaced <hi>his</hi>. </note> helpe / & no goome ellis.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> he his s<expan>er</expan>uau<expan>n</expan>t as he seyȝþ / & of his sewt boþe.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> wheyþ<expan>ir</expan> he be / or be not  he beriþ þe sygne of pou<expan>er</expan>te.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> in þ<expan>a</expan>t sewte is our<expan>e</expan> <hi>s</hi>aviour / þ<expan>a</expan>t saueþ al man<seg>-</seg>kynde.</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or<seg>-</seg>þy all<expan>e</expan> poor<expan>e</expan> þ<expan>a</expan>t pacie<expan>n</expan>t ys / may cleyme<expan>n</expan> & asken.</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>ffter here endynge day / hevene<seg>-</seg>ryche blysse.</l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>M</hi>ichil hardier<expan>e</expan> may he aske / þ<expan>a</expan>t haþ heer<expan>e</expan> myght & will<expan>e</expan>.</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>s a lord . of lordschepe / & haþ lykynge of bodily helþe.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> for goddis love / leveþ al / & lyviþ as a beggere.</l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>&</hi> as a <hi>M</hi>ayde for ma<expan>n</expan>nys love / hir<expan>e</expan> moodir for<seg>-</seg>sakeþ.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> hire fadir & all<expan>e</expan> hir<expan>e</expan> frend<expan>is</expan> / & folw<expan>e</expan>t<expan>h</expan> forþ hir<expan>e</expan> make.</l>
<l><hi>M</hi>iche<note>F.10.742: An otiose curl is written over the <c>. The spelling <hi>miche</hi> does not elsewhere appear in this manuscript.</note> is þ<expan>a</expan>t mayde to love / of hym þ<expan>a</expan>t swich oon takeþ.</l>
<l><hi>M</hi>oore þan þ<expan>a</expan>t mayden ys / þ<expan>a</expan>t ys maried þorghȝ brokage.</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>s be a<seg>-</seg>se<expan>n</expan>t of su<expan>n</expan>dry p<expan>ar</expan>tyes / & peyȝe syluer to boote.</l>
<l><hi>M</hi>oor<expan>e</expan> for coueytyse of good / þan kende love of boþe.</l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>S</hi>o it fareþ be eu<expan>er</expan>y p<expan>er</expan>sone / þ<expan>a</expan>t possessiou<expan>n</expan> for<seg>-</seg>sakeþ.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> pit hym to ben pacye<expan>n</expan>t / & pouerte weddiþ.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>e wiche is sybbe to god hym<seg>-</seg>selue / & so neer is þ<expan>a</expan>t p<expan>er</expan>sone.<note>F.10.748: F's b-verse is unique. Beta has "and so to hise seintes," and R reads "and so neyȝ is pouerte."</note></l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>H</hi>ave god my trewthe q<expan>uo</expan>d haukyn / y <sic>heer<expan>e</expan></sic><corr>heere [ȝou]</corr> p<expan>re</expan>yse pou<expan>er</expan>te.<note>F.10.749: F's b-verse is unique. Beta manuscripts read "ye preise faste pouerte." R's reading is corrupt.</note></l>
<l><hi>W</hi>hat is pouerte <hi>q</hi><expan>uo</expan>d he  <hi>p</hi><expan>ro</expan>perly to meene.</l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>Paup<expan>er</expan>tas</hi></hi></foreign> q<expan>uo</expan>d pacience / <foreign><hi><hi>est odib<expan>i</expan>le bonu<expan>m</expan> . remocio curar<expan>um</expan> / possessio sine calu<expan>m</expan>pnia . donu<expan>m</expan> d<expan>e</expan>i . sanitatis mat<expan>er</expan> . absq<expan>ue</expan> <sic>Solitudine</sic><corr>Sol[lic]itudine</corr> semita . Sapiencie te<expan>m</expan>p<expan>er</expan>at<expan>ri</expan>x . negociu<expan>m</expan> sine da<expan>m</expan>pno . Incerta fortuna . Absq<expan>ue</expan> solicitudi<expan>n</expan>e felicitas.</hi></hi></foreign></l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>I</hi> can not co<expan>n</expan>strue al þis / <hi>q</hi><expan>uo</expan>d <hi>h</hi>aukyn / þ<expan>o</expan>u kenne it on englyȝs.</l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>Q</hi><expan>uo</expan>d Pacience in englyȝs it is hard / to expowne it to soþe.</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>ut su<expan>m</expan>del y schal seyȝn yt / by so þ<expan>o</expan>u vndirstonde it.</l>
<l><hi>P</hi>ou<expan>er</expan>te is þe firste poy<expan>n</expan>t / þ<expan>a</expan>t p<expan>ri</expan>ȝde moost hateþ.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>an is it good by good skyl / þ<expan>a</expan>t it a<seg>-</seg>gaste pryȝde.</l>
<milestone>fol. 60rI</milestone>
<l><hi>R</hi>yght as Cont<expan>ri</expan>ciou<expan>n</expan> is co<expan>n</expan>fortable þy<expan>n</expan>g / co<expan>n</expan>science woot wel</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>ey it be sorwe to hy<expan>m</expan><seg>-</seg>selue / It is solace <add>to</add> his sowle.</l>
<l><hi>R</hi>yght so / pou<expan>er</expan>te p<expan>ro</expan>perly / ys penaunce & Ioyȝe.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> to þe body ys / pure spyrytual helpe.</l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>Ergo paup<expan>er</expan>tas est odib<expan>i</expan>le bonum.</hi></hi></foreign></l>
<l><hi></hi> <foreign><hi>C</hi>ont<expan>ri</expan>cio</foreign> is confort / & <foreign><hi>cura a<expan>n</expan>i<expan>m</expan>ar<expan>um</expan></hi> </foreign>.<note>F.10.762: < .1. > is written in the right margin, probably by the original scribe, to identify the first of the "solaces" mentioned in 10.758. The third is identified in the text at 10.768.</note></l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or selden syt pouerte / þe soþe to declar<expan>e</expan>.</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>s sytt a <hi>I</hi>ustise / to Iugge me<expan>n</expan> of gyltys.<note>F.10.764: F's b-verse is unique. R has no b-verse reading at all, and beta witnesses read "enioyned is no poore." </note></l>
<l><hi>N</hi>e as a <hi>M</hi>eyȝr on<note>F.10.765: R has <hi>ouer</hi>, and given beta's synonymous <hi>aboue</hi>, F's <hi>on</hi> probably reflects either a failure in his exemplar to provide the suspension above <ou> or his own oversight.</note> men / ne my<expan>n</expan>stre vndir kyngis.</l>
<l><hi>S</hi>eelden ys þe poor<expan>e</expan> y<seg>-</seg>pyt / to punchen þe peple.<note>F.10.766: F omits <hi>Bx</hi>'s "<foreign><hi>Remocio curarum.</hi></foreign>"</note></l>
<l><foreign><hi>E</hi>rgo</foreign>  pou<expan>er</expan>te & poor<expan>e</expan> me<expan>n</expan> / p<expan>ar</expan>forme<expan>n</expan> godd<expan>is</expan> comau<expan>n</expan>deme<expan>n</expan>t.</l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>Nolite iudicare que<expan>m</expan>q<expan>ua</expan>m .</hi></hi></foreign> the thrydde.</l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>S</hi>eelden ys pore . ryght ryche / but it be of ryght<seg>-</seg>ful erytage.</l>
<l><hi>H</hi>e wynneþ nowht w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> hise wyȝles / ne w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> vn<seg>-</seg>selyd mesures.<note>F.10.770: < .2. > is written in the right margin, probably by the original scribe, to identify the second of the "solaces" mentioned in 10.758. The third is identified in the text at 10.768.</note></l>
<l><hi>N</hi>e borweþ of his neyhebour<expan>e</expan> / but þ<expan>a</expan>t he may wel payen</l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>Possessio sine calu<expan>m</expan>pnia.</hi></hi></foreign></l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>Þ</hi>e feerthe is a <hi>F</hi>ortune / þat florcheþ þe sowle.</l>
<l><hi>W</hi><expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> sobrete fram all<expan>e</expan> synne / & also ȝit moore.</l>
<l><hi>I</hi>t a<seg>-</seg>faytethȝ þe fleschȝ / fram folijs ful manye.</l>
<l><hi>A</hi> collaterel confort / comeþ of c<expan>ri</expan>stis ȝifte.</l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>Donu<expan>m</expan> dei.</hi></hi></foreign></l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>Þ</hi>e fyfte is / þe Moodir of hele<note>F.10.778: Beta manuscripts have "moder of helþe" in place of alpha's "þe Moodir of hele."</note> / and freend in alle fondy<expan>n</expan>g<expan>e</expan>.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> for þe lawe eu<expan>er</expan>e y<seg>-</seg>lyche / a lemman of clennesse.</l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>Sanitatis mat<expan>er</expan>.</hi></hi></foreign></l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>Þ</hi>e sixte is a paþ of pees / platou<expan>n</expan> beryþ witnesse.<note>F.10.781: F has completely rewritten the b-verse. <hi>Bx</hi> reads "ye þoruȝ þe paas of Aultoun." R is defective in sense here, reading "ȝe þoruȝ þe pa altone," and F's revision may be a response to a problem in alpha.</note></l>
<l><hi>P</hi>ouerte myghte passe / w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan>owtyn p<expan>er</expan>eyl of robbynge.</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or þer<expan>e</expan> þ<expan>a</expan>t pou<expan>er</expan>te passeþ / pees folw<expan>e</expan>t<expan>h</expan> after.<note>F.10.783: F omits the following line: "And euer þe lasse þat he bereþ þe hardier he is of herte."</note></l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or<seg>-</seg>þy  seyþ <hi>S</hi>eneca / <foreign><hi><hi>Paup<expan>er</expan>tas e<expan>st</expan> absq<expan>ue</expan> solitudi<expan>n</expan>e<note>F.10.784: Alpha is responsible for <foreign><hi>solitudine</hi></foreign>, a reading shared by C<hi>2</hi>BmBoCot. Beta manuscripts have <foreign><hi>sollicitudine</hi></foreign>. Both variants appear in the <hi>C</hi> tradition as well.</note> semita.</hi></hi></foreign></l>
<l><hi>H</hi>e is an hardy man of herte / a<seg>-</seg>mong an hep of þevis.</l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>Cantabat paup<expan>er</expan>tas cora<expan>m</expan> lat<expan>ro</expan>ne viator.</hi></hi></foreign></l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>Þ</hi>e seuenthe is well<expan>e</expan> of wisdom / & fewe wordis he shew<expan>e</expan>t<expan>h</expan>.</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or loordis a<seg>-</seg>low<expan>e</expan>t<expan>h</expan> hy<expan>m</expan> lytel / or lystneþ to his resou<expan>n</expan>.</l>
<l><hi>H</hi>e te<expan>m</expan>preþ his tu<expan>n</expan>ge to trewþe<seg>-</seg>ward / þ<expan>a</expan>t no t<expan>re</expan>sou<expan>n</expan><note>F.10.789: F uniquely reads <hi>tresoun</hi>. Other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>tresor</hi>.</note> coueytyþ.<note>F.10.789: Alpha and most <hi>C</hi> manuscripts lack beta's "<foreign><hi>Sapiencia temperatrix</hi></foreign>" following this line.</note></l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>Þ</hi>e <abbr>.<hi>viij</hi><hi>e</hi>.</abbr> is a leel labourer<note>F.10.790: Alpha is responsible for <hi>labourer</hi>, a reading shared by CrL. Other <hi>B</hi> and <hi>C</hi> manuscripts have <hi>labour</hi>.</note> / & looþ to taken moor<expan>e</expan>.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>an he may wel disserue / in som<expan>er</expan> or in wynt<expan>er</expan>.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> if he chaffareþ / he chargeþ no los / if he charyte wynne.</l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>Negociu<expan>m</expan> sine da<expan>m</expan>pno.</hi></hi></foreign></l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>Þ</hi>e <abbr>.<hi>ix</hi><hi>e</hi>.</abbr> is sweete to þe sowle / no sugre is swetter<expan>e</expan>.</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or pacyence is peyne / for pou<expan>er</expan>te he is hy<expan>m</expan><seg>-</seg>selue.<note>F.10.795: F has miscomprehended the sense here, confusing <hi>payn</hi>, "bread," with <hi>peyne</hi>, "pain." He then revised the b-verse in an attempt to make sense of the line. <hi>Bx</hi> reads "For pacience is payn for pouerte hymselue."</note></l>
<l><hi>&</hi> sobrete is sweete dryng / & a good leche in seknesse.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>us lerned me a lerid<note>F.10.797: Alpha and most <hi>C</hi> manuscripts read <hi>lerid</hi>. Beta manuscripts have <hi>lettred</hi>.</note> man / for our<expan>e</expan> lordis love of heue<expan>n</expan>ne.</l>
<milestone>fol. 60vI</milestone>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>S</hi>ey<expan>n</expan>t <hi>A</hi>ustyn seyþ it ys a blessid lyf / w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan><seg>-</seg>outy<expan>n</expan> ony besynesse.</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or body & for sowle / <foreign><hi><hi>absq<expan>ue</expan> solicitudine felicitas.</hi></hi></foreign></l>
<l><hi>N</hi>ow god þ<expan>a</expan>t all<expan>e</expan> goode gyviþ / grawnte his sowle reste.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t þus first wroot to wisse me<expan>n</expan> / what pou<expan>er</expan>te was to meene.</l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>A</hi>llas <hi>q</hi><expan>uo</expan>d <hi>H</hi>aukyn<note>F.10.802: Alpha is responsible for omitting "þe Actif man" after "Haukyn."</note> þanne / þ<expan>a</expan>t after my c<expan>ri</expan>stendome.</l>
<l><hi>I</hi> <sic>hadde</sic><corr>[ne] hadde</corr> ben deed / & doluen / for doweelis sake.</l>
<l><hi>S</hi>o hard it is to lyven heere / & to lyȝn longe in synne.</l>
<l><hi>S</hi>ynne schew<expan>e</expan>t<expan>h</expan> vs good se<expan>m</expan>blau<expan>n</expan>t / & sory gan he wexen.<note>F.10.805: Erroneous <hi>scheweth</hi> is owed to alpha. Beta reads "Synne seweþ vs euere quod he and sory gan wexe." F revises to supply an appropriate direct object for the verb.</note> </l>
<l><hi>&</hi> wepte wat<expan>er</expan> w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> hise eyes / & weylede þe tyme.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t euer<expan>e</expan> he dide ony dede / þ<expan>a</expan>t deere god dysplesede.</l>
<l><hi>H</hi>e swownede & sobbede / & sykede ful ofte.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t eu<expan>er</expan>e he hadde lond or lordchepe / lasse eyþ<expan>ir</expan> moor<expan>e</expan>.</l>
<l><hi>E</hi>r mayst<expan>ri</expan>e ou<expan>er</expan> ony ma<expan>n</expan> / moor<expan>e</expan> þan ou<expan>er</expan> hy<expan>m</expan><seg>-</seg>selue.</l>
<l><hi>I</hi> were not worthy q<expan>uo</expan>d haukyn / to weryn ony cloþis.</l>
<l><hi>N</hi>eyþir scherte ne schoon / save for schame oone.</l>
<l><hi>T</hi>o kou<expan>er</expan>e my<expan>n</expan> kareyne q<expan>uo</expan>d hee  & c<expan>ri</expan>ȝede m<expan>er</expan>cy faste.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> wepte & weyȝlede / & þerw<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> y awakede.</l>
<trailer> <foreign><hi><hi>Explicit Passus <abbr>.X<hi>us</hi>.</abbr></hi></hi></foreign> </trailer>