<milestone>fol. 1rI</milestone>
<milestone>BPassus P</milestone>
<note>Rubbing and cropping have rendered some text at the top of the page illegible. The interior characters in <hi>Pers</hi> are virtually illegible because of rubbing, and the end of <hi>Plowman</hi> has been lost to cropping. The following is legible:<lb/>
<foreign><hi>Incip<expan>it</expan></hi></foreign> Pers þe <damage>Plowman</damage> <lb/>
.No. 1668. 201. D.3.10.<lb/>
Piers the : Plowman.<lb/>
The shelfmark "D.3.10." is written in a darker ink in a modern hand. Other matter, perhaps a quotation of the first line (?), has been scraped and is illegible.
<l><hi><hi>A</hi></hi><hi>l</hi><note>F.1.1: The ornamental capital is blue with red and white flourishes. Set in gold foil is an image of the sleeping dreamer with his head in his left hand and an image of a walled city beneath his feet. He wears three-fingered laborer's gloves, perhaps suggesting that the illustrator has conflated dreamer and plowman.</note><note>F.1.1: All other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts begin "In a somer seson . . . ." Though certainty is not possible, the similar ornamental capital in the Ushaw College fragment written in the same workshop suggests that this lection is intended to take advantage of the workman's skill, since an <A> offers more scope for the illustration than an <I>. The change in the text is, in this instance, more probably the work of the immediate scribe than of the F-Redactor.</note> in som<expan>er</expan> sesou<expan>n</expan> / whan softe was the su<expan>n</expan>ne</l>
<l><hi>I</hi> shoop me in<seg>-</seg>to shrowdes / as y <sic>sheep</sic><corr>[a] sheep</corr> were<note>F.1.2: F omits the following line from <hi>Bx</hi>: "In habite as an heremite vnholy of werkes."</note></l>
<l><hi>&</hi> wente wyde i<expan>n</expan> . þis world / wondres to here</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> on <sic><hi>M</hi>ay</sic><corr>[a] <hi>M</hi>ay</corr> morwe / on malverne hillis</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>y<seg>-</seg>fel me a feerly / as fayrye me thowhte</l>
<l><hi>I</hi> was wery of wandry<expan>n</expan>ge / & wente me to reste</l>
<l><hi>V</hi>pon a brood banke / be a boorne syde</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> as y lay & lenede / & lokede on þe wawys</l>
<l><hi>I</hi> slu<expan>m</expan>brede in<seg>-</seg>to slepy<expan>n</expan>g / it swyȝede so merye</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>a<expan>n</expan> ga<expan>n</expan> y to meety<expan>n</expan> / a mervelo<expan>us</expan> sweuene</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t y was i<expan>n</expan> a wyldernesse / wiste y neu<expan>er</expan>e where</l>
<l><hi>I</hi> beheld in<seg>-</seg>to <sic><hi>E</hi>st</sic><corr>[þe] <hi>E</hi>st</corr> / an heyȝ to þe su<expan>n</expan>ne</l>
<l><hi>I</hi> seyȝ a tour on a tuft / tryally y<seg>-</seg>tymbryd</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> a deep dale be<seg>-</seg>nethe / a dongou<expan>n</expan> þer<seg>-</seg>Inne </l>
<l><hi>W</hi><expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> depe dychis & derke / & dredful to syghte</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> a fayr feeld ful of folk / y fond þ<expan>er</expan>e be<seg>-</seg>twene</l>
<l><hi>O</hi>f all<expan>e</expan> man<expan>er</expan>e of me<expan>n</expan> / þe mene & þe ryche</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>yrkynge & wandrynge / as this world askeþ</l>
<l><hi>S</hi>u<expan>m</expan>me pitte hem<seg>-</seg>selue to plowh / & pleyede seldyn</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> in settynge & sowynge / þey swonken ful harde</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> su<expan>m</expan>me pitte hem to p<expan>ri</expan>de / & a<seg>-</seg>p<expan>ar</expan>ayled hem þer<seg>-</seg>after</l>
<l><hi>I</hi>n co<expan>n</expan>tynances of clothynge / kemen fele dysgysyd<note>F.1.22: An otiose curl appears over the <g>.</note></l>
<l><hi>&</hi> wonnen þ<expan>a</expan>t þese wastoures / w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> glotenye dystroyen<note>F.1.23: This line appears after F1.20 in <hi>Bx</hi>.</note></l>
<l><hi>I</hi>n p<expan>ra</expan>yerys & i<expan>n</expan> penau<expan>n</expan>ces / pitte hem<seg>-</seg>selue manye</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or þe love of oure lord / þei lyvedyn ful streyte</l>
<l><hi>I</hi>n hope to have to hyre  heuy<expan>n</expan><seg>-</seg>ryche blysse</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>s <hi>A</hi>nkrys & <hi>h</hi>ermytys / þ<expan>a</expan>t holde he<expan>m</expan><seg>-</seg>selue i<expan>n</expan> sellys</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> coueyte nowht in cu<expan>n</expan>tres / to kayren a<seg>-</seg>bowte</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or no<note>F.1.29: An otiose curl appears over the <n>.</note> likorous lyflode / here lykame to plese</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> su<expan>m</expan>me chesen chaffare / to cheven þe bettre</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>s it semeþ to oure syght / þ<expan>a</expan>t swiche me<expan>n</expan> thryvyn</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> su<expan>m</expan>me merthis to make<note>F.1.32: F omits the b-verse "as Mynstralles konneth" and the following a-verse: "And geten gold with hire glee."</note> / synneles y leve</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>ut <hi>I</hi>aperis & <hi>I</hi>angeleris / ben <hi>I</hi>udas childryn</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>ei feynen hem fantesyes / & folis hem maken</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> welden wit at wille / to worche what þei sholde</l>
<l><hi>W</hi>hat <hi>P</hi>oul p<expan>re</expan>cheþ of hem / y wil not p<expan>re</expan>ue it heere<note>F.1.36: F omits the following line from <hi>Bx</hi>: "<foreign><hi>Qui loquitur turpiloquium</hi></foreign> is luciferes hyne."</note></l>
<l><hi>B</hi>oþe bidderis & beggeris / faste a<seg>-</seg>bowty<expan>n</expan> wentyn<note>F.1.37: F omits the following line from <hi>Bx</hi>: "Wiþ hire bely and hire bagge of breed ful ycrammed."</note></l>
<l><hi>&</hi> fele fayted for here foode / & fowtyn at þe ale<note>F.1.38: A late seventeenth- or early eighteenth-century Corpus Christi College librarian supplied the following inscription at the bottom of the page: <q>Liber C.C.C Oxon. <lb/>
Ex dono Gulielmi Fulman A. M. hujus Collegii quondam Socii.</q>
William Fulman (1632-1688), born Penshurst, Kent, in November, 1632, became a scholar at Corpus Christi College, Oxford, in 1647, was expelled in 1648 by Parliamentarians, and at the restoration in 1660 was created M.A. and Fellow of the college. He remained in college until 1669 when he took a living in Gloucestershire, where he died of a fever in 1688. See the <title>Dictionary of National Biography</title>, eds. Leslie Stephen and Sidney Lee (Oxford: Oxford U P, 1917): 7.767-68.
<milestone>fol. 1vI</milestone>
<l><hi>&</hi> god woot w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> glotenye / þey goon to<seg>-</seg>gydre to bedde</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> rysen vp / w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> rubawdye / þo roberis knavis</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> sleep & sory slewthe / sew<expan>e</expan>t<expan>h</expan> hem euere</l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>P</hi>ylgrymes & <hi>p</hi>almeris / pyghtyn he<expan>m</expan> to<seg>-</seg>gydre</l>
<l><hi>T</hi>o seken <hi>s</hi>ey<expan>n</expan>t <hi>I</hi>emes / & seyntis in <hi>R</hi>ome</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> wenty<expan>n</expan> forþ / on here way / w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> fele wyse talis</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> haddyn leve / for to lyȝen / al here lyve aft<expan>er</expan><note>F.1.45: F lacks the following lines attested by beta family manuscripts: <lb/>
I seiȝ somme þat seiden þei hadde ysouȝt Seintes <lb/>
To ech a tale þat þei tolde hire tonge was tempred to lye <lb/>
Moore þan to seye sooþ it semed bi hire speche <lb/>
Heremytes on an heep with hoked staues <lb/>
Wenten to walsyngham and hire wenches after.
<l><hi>&</hi> grete longe lobyes / þ<expan>a</expan>t looþ wery<expan>n</expan> to swynke</l>
<l><hi>C</hi>lothid hem in copis / to be knowe f<expan>ra</expan>m oþere</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> shoop hem lyk <hi>h</hi>ermytis / her<expan>e</expan> ese for to kacche</l>
<l><sic>/</sic> <corr>[¶]</corr> <hi>I</hi> fond þer<expan>e</expan> of þe freris / alle þe fowre ordris</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t p<expan>re</expan>cheden þe peple / for p<expan>ro</expan>fyȝt of hem<seg>-</seg>selue</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> gloseden þe gospel / as hem<seg>-</seg>selue lykede</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or coueytyse of copis / þei co<expan>n</expan>st<expan>ru</expan>e as þei will<expan>e</expan></l>
<l><hi>F</hi>ele of þe <hi>M</hi>ayst<expan>ri</expan>s / may cloþe hem at lykyng</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or here mone & marchaundyse / marchyn to<seg>-</seg>gydre</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or sytthe <hi>C</hi>harite is chapman / & cheef to shryve lord<expan>is</expan></l>
<l><hi>F</hi>ele ferlijs have ben falle / in a fewe ȝeeris</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> but holy chirche & they / holde bettr<expan>e</expan> to<seg>-</seg>gydre</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>e mooste myschef on moolde / ys mou<expan>n</expan>ty<expan>n</expan>ge faste</l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>T</hi>here p<expan>re</expan>chede a p<expan>ar</expan>don<expan>er</expan> / as he a preest where</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> browhte forþ a bulle / w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> bysshopis selys</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> seyde þ<expan>a</expan>t hym<seg>-</seg>selue / myghte a<seg>-</seg>soyle he<expan>m</expan> alle</l>
<l><hi>O</hi>f false oþis & fastyngis / & fele avowys brokene</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> lewide me<expan>n</expan> belevid he<expan>m</expan> wel / & lykeden hise woordis</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> keme<expan>n</expan> vp knelynge / & kessed<expan>e</expan> his bulle</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> he blessid hem w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> his brevet / & blered<expan>e</expan> here eyȝen</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> <sic>lawhte</sic><corr>[r]awhte</corr> w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> his ragman / ryngis & brochis</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> þorghȝ þe seelis on þe selk / syluer gret plente<note> These two lines appear only in F.</note></l>
<l><hi>W</hi><expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> wheche his konkebyne at hom / is klad ful klene</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> þus me<expan>n</expan> gyven here gold / glotonys to kepe</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> be<seg>-</seg>leven on þo loselis / þat leccherye hawnten</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>ut where þe blessynge <hi>b</hi>isshop / worþ boþe his eryn</l>
<l><hi>H</hi>is seel sholde not be sent / to disseyve þe peple</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>ut <sic>it</sic><corr>it [is]</corr> not be þe bisshop / þ<expan>a</expan>t so þe boy precheþ</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>ut þe <hi>p</hi><expan>ar</expan>sou<expan>n</expan> er þe <hi>p</hi>reest / ys cawse of þe gilte<note>F.1.74: This line appears only in F.</note></l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or þe <hi>p</hi><expan>re</expan>st & þe <hi>p</hi><expan>ar</expan>doner / shull<expan>e</expan> dep<expan>ar</expan>ten þe syluer<note>F.1.75: The <l> was inserted after the word was initially written, probably by the original scribe.</note></l>
<l><note>F.1.76: An early scribe has written an abbreviation for <hi>n<expan>ota</expan></hi> in the left margin. Note that the curious mark beneath it is repeated again on passus 27<hi>r</hi>, again in connection with a <hi>nota</hi> abbreviation.</note> <hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t þe pore me<expan>n</expan> of þe p<expan>ar</expan>schȝ  sholde have if þey nere</l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>B</hi>othe p<expan>ar</expan>sonys & vikerys<note>F.1.77: F's a-verse is unique. Beta witnesses have "Persons and parisshe preestes." In the absence of R, it is not possible to identify the source of the error.</note> / pleynede to þe bisshop</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>at here p<expan>ar</expan>schenys where pore / sitthe þe pestyle<expan>n</expan>ce tyme</l>
<milestone>fol. 2rI</milestone>
<l><hi>T</hi>o have <hi>l</hi>ycence & <hi>l</hi>eve / at <hi>l</hi>oonde<expan>n</expan>n to dwe<hi>l</hi>lyn.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> syngy<expan>n</expan> þer<expan>e</expan> for Symony / for siluer ys swete.</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>oþe <hi>M</hi>ayst<expan>ri</expan>s & <hi>B</hi>isshopis / & bacheler<expan>e</expan>s & doctoris.<note>F.1.81: F's reading is unique. Beta witnesses have "Bisshopes and Bachelers boþe maistres and doctours." In the absence of R, it is not possible to identify the source of the error.</note></l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t have cure vndir c<expan>ri</expan>st / & konynge to knowe.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> charge<note>F.1.83: F's <hi>charge</hi> is unique. Beta witnesses have <hi>signe</hi>.</note> þ<expan>a</expan>t þei sholden at hom / shryvy<expan>n</expan> her<expan>e</expan> p<expan>ar</expan>sshenis.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> p<expan>re</expan>chen & p<expan>ra</expan>ye for hem  & þe poore leene & feede.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> nowht lyȝn i<expan>n</expan> <hi>L</hi>onde<expan>n</expan>n / in <hi>L</hi>entene & ellys.</l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>&</hi> su<expan>m</expan>me seruy<expan>n</expan> þe kyng / & his syluer tellyn.</l>
<l><hi>I</hi>n þe cheker & i<expan>n</expan> þe <hi>C</hi>hauncery / to chalange hise dettes.</l>
<l><hi>O</hi>f wardis / & of warde<seg>-</seg>motis / of wayvis & strayes.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> su<expan>m</expan>me be <hi>C</hi>lerkis of þe <hi>k</hi>y<expan>n</expan>gys bench / þe cu<expan>n</expan>t<expan>re</expan> to shende.<note>F.1.89: This line appears only in F in the <hi>B</hi> textual tradition. Cf. Kane, <hi>A</hi> Prol.95.</note></l>
<l><hi>&</hi> su<expan>m</expan>me s<expan>er</expan>uy<expan>n</expan> as s<expan>er</expan>uau<expan>n</expan>tys / <hi>L</hi>ordys & ladijs.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> in þe stede <sic>os</sic><corr>o[f]</corr> styward / þey Iuggyn & demen.<note>F.1.91: F's b-verse is unique. Beta witnesses have "sitten and demen."</note></l>
<l><hi>B</hi>ut here mase ne matynys / ne manye of her<expan>e</expan> oures.</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>e not salysbery hews / her<expan>e</expan> <hi>O</hi>rdynal so tellyþ.<note>F.1.93: This line in F replaces two in <hi>Bx</hi>: <lb/>
Arn doon vndeuoutliche drede is at þe laste <lb/>
Lest crist in consistorie acorse ful manye.
<l><sic>/</sic> <corr>[¶]</corr> <hi>I</hi> p<expan>ar</expan>ceyvede of þ<expan>a</expan>t <hi>p</hi>ower / þ<expan>a</expan>t <hi>P</hi>et<expan>er</expan> hadd<expan>e</expan> to kepe</l>
<l><hi>T</hi>o byȝnde & vnbyȝnde / as þe book telliþ.</l>
<l><hi>H</hi>ow he lefte it w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> love / as our<expan>e</expan> lord hy<expan>m</expan> hyghte.</l>
<l><hi>A</hi><seg>-</seg>mongys four<expan>e</expan> v<expan>er</expan>tues / most v<expan>er</expan>tuous of hevene.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi><expan>a</expan>t <hi>C</hi>ardinalis ben callid / to closen hevene ȝatys.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>er<expan>e</expan> c<expan>ri</expan>st ys in hys kyngdo<expan>m</expan>m / to close & to shette.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> to opene it to hem / & heuene blysse hem shewe.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> þe <hi>C</hi>ardynalis at þe court / of he<expan>m</expan> kawty<expan>n</expan> name.</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or <hi>P</hi>owher <sic><hi>P</hi><expan>re</expan>sumeþ</sic><corr><hi>P</hi>resume[d]</corr> i<expan>n</expan> hem / a pope to make.</l>
<l><hi>T</hi>o haue þe Powher / þ<expan>a</expan>t pet<expan>er</expan> hadde / Inpugne y nylle.</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or in love & in lettrur<expan>e</expan> / þe lecc<expan>i</expan>ou<expan>n</expan> by<seg>-</seg>longeþ.</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or<seg>-</seg>þy  y can / & can not  of þe cowrt carpy<expan>n</expan> mor<expan>e</expan>.</l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>Þ</hi>anne kam þ<expan>er</expan>e a kyng / knyghthod he ladde.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> þe myght of hyse como<expan>n</expan>ys / maden hy<expan>m</expan> to regne.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> forþ kam kyȝnde wyt  & clerkys he hadde.</l>
<l><hi>F</hi>or to <expan>con</expan>seyle þe kyng / & hise como<expan>n</expan>is save.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> þe kyng & his knyghthod / & þe clergye also.</l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>ey casten þ<expan>a</expan>t<note>F.1.111: The scribe first wrote <hi>þ<hi>e</hi></hi> and corrected it to <hi>þ<hi>t</hi></hi>.</note> þe como<expan>n</expan>ys / sholde fyȝnde he<expan>m</expan><seg>-</seg>selue.<note>F.1.111: An otiose curl appears above the second <e> in <hi>hemselue</hi>.</note></l>
<l><hi>Þ</hi>e como<expan>n</expan>ys be kynde wit / cont<expan>ri</expan>veden craftes.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> for p<expan>ro</expan>fyȝt of þe peple / plowhme<expan>n</expan> þey made.</l>
<l><hi>T</hi>o swynke / & to tylye<note>F.1.114: F's a-verse is unique. Beta witnesses have "To tilie and to trauaille."</note> / as trewe skyl askeþ.</l>
<l><sic>/</sic> <corr>[¶]</corr> <hi>Þ</hi>a<expan>n</expan>ne þe kyng & como<expan>n</expan>ys / & kyȝnde wit þe thryde.</l>
<l><hi>S</hi>chopen lawe / be lewte / ech lyf to knowe his owe.</l>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>Þ</hi>a<expan>n</expan>ne lookede a lunatyk / a lene þy<expan>n</expan>g w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan><seg>-</seg>alle.</l>
<l><hi>H</hi>e ga<expan>n</expan> knele to þe kyng / & clergyaly seyde.</l>
<l><hi>C</hi>ryst kepe þe sir<expan>e</expan> kyng / & þy<expan>n</expan> kyngdom ryche.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> <sic>leve</sic><corr>le[n]e</corr> þe / so lede þyn lond / so lewhte þe a<seg>-</seg>lowe.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> for þy<expan>n</expan> ryght<seg>-</seg>ful rewly<expan>n</expan>g / þ<expan>o</expan>u be rewardid i<expan>n</expan> heuene.</l>
<milestone>fol. 2vI</milestone>
<l><hi>&</hi> a<seg>-</seg>no<expan>n</expan> fram þe hevene on heyȝ / com dou<expan>n</expan> an <hi>A</hi>ngyl<expan>e</expan>.<note>F.1.122: F's line is unique. <hi>Bx</hi> has "And siþen in þe Eyr an heiȝ an Aungel of heuene."</note><note> The scribe neglected to supply red touches on the beginning letters of lines and on highlighted words on folios 2v-3r. He sometimes failed throughout the manuscript to supply colored parasigns, though he marked the place for each with a light solidus.</note></l>
<l><hi>&</hi> lowhde spak in <hi>L</hi>atyn / for lewede me<expan>n</expan> ne sholde.</l>
<l><hi>I</hi>anglyn ne Iuggen hym / ne Iustefye hy<expan>m</expan> w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> mowþe.</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>ut suffr<expan>e</expan>n & s<expan>er</expan>uy<expan>n</expan> / softly / for<seg>-</seg>þy  seyde þe angil.</l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>S</hi></hi><hi><hi>u<expan>m</expan> rex su<expan>m</expan> p<expan>ri</expan>nceps . neutru<expan>m</expan> fortasse deinceps.</hi></hi></foreign></l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>O</hi></hi> <hi><hi>qui iura regis . <expan>cristi</expan> specialia <sic>legis</sic><corr>[r]egis</corr>.</hi></hi></foreign></l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>H</hi></hi><hi><hi>oc q<expan>uod</expan> agas melius . iust<expan>us</expan> es esto pius.</hi></hi></foreign></l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>N</hi></hi><hi><hi>udu<expan>m</expan> vis<note>F.1.129: Alpha reads <hi>vis</hi>. All beta family manuscripts read <hi>ius</hi> with version <hi>C</hi>.</note> a te . vestire<note>F.1.129: Alpha is responsible for <hi>vestire</hi>, though the reading is shared by H. Beta witnesses have <hi>vestiri</hi>.</note> vult pietate.</hi></hi></foreign></l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>Q</hi></hi><hi><hi>valia vis metere . talia grana sere.</hi></hi></foreign></l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>S</hi></hi><hi><hi>i vis<note>F.1.131: RFH read <hi>vis</hi> against <hi>ius</hi> in all other manuscripts.</note> nudatur . nudo de iure metatur.</hi></hi></foreign></l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>S</hi></hi><hi><hi>i seritur pietas . de pietate metas.</hi></hi></foreign></l>
<l><sic>/</sic> <corr>[¶]</corr> <hi>T</hi>hanne grevid hy<expan>m</expan> a Goliardes / a glotou<expan>n</expan> of woordys.</l>
<l>& to þe Angel on hey  he answerede soone.</l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>D</hi></hi><hi><hi>u<expan>m</expan> rex a reg<expan>er</expan>e . dicatur nome<expan>n</expan> h<expan>ab</expan>ere</hi></hi></foreign></l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>N</hi></hi><hi><hi>ome<expan>n</expan> h<expan>abe</expan>t sine re . n<expan>isi</expan> studet iura tenere.</hi></hi></foreign></l>
<l><sic>/</sic> <corr>[¶]</corr> Thanne cryeden alle þe como<expan>n</expan>ys / w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> o voys <orig>a tonys</orig><reg>at onys</reg>.<note>F.1.137: Alpha omits the following line attested by beta witnesses: "To þe kynges counseil construe whoso wolde."</note></l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>P</hi></hi><hi><hi>recepta regis . su<expan>n</expan>t nobis ui<expan>n</expan>c<expan>u</expan>la legis.</hi></hi></foreign></l>
<l><sic>/</sic> <corr>[¶]</corr> W<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> þat kemen<note>F.1.139: F's <hi>kemen</hi> is unique. <hi>Bx</hi> has <hi>ran þer</hi>.</note> a rowhte / of Ratonys manye.</l>
<l>& Manye Mees w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> hem / moo þanne a þowsand<expan>e</expan></l>
<l>& wenty<expan>n</expan><note>F.1.141: F's <hi>wentyn</hi> is unique. <hi>Bx</hi> has <hi>comen</hi>.</note> to a conseyl / for þe comou<expan>n</expan> p<expan>ro</expan>fyȝt.</l>
<l>For a Cat in þe court / cam whan <sic>hire</sic><corr>[hym]</corr> lykede.</l>
<l>& ouer<seg>-</seg>leep hem lyghtly / & lawht hem at wylle.</l>
<l>& pleyeþ w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> vs ap<expan>er</expan>tly / & posseþ vs a<seg>-</seg>bowhte.</l>
<l>& for drede of deeþ / we ne dore not wel looken.</l>
<l>& if we grucche<note>F.1.146: Alpha is responsible for the omission of <hi>of</hi> after <hi>grucche</hi>. F alone has <hi>wille</hi> in place of <hi>gamen</hi>.</note> his will<expan>e</expan> / he wil greve vs sore.</l>
<l>& cracche vs / & clawe vs / & in his cloche vs holde.</l>
<l>Þ<expan>a</expan>t we loþyn oure lyf / er he leete vs passen.</l>
<l><sic>/</sic> <corr>[¶]</corr> But myghte we be ony wit / hys will<expan>e</expan> w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan><seg>-</seg>stonde.</l>
<l>We weryn lordys on lofte / & lyven i<expan>n</expan> gret ese.</l>
<l><sic>/</sic> <corr>[¶]</corr> Þa<expan>n</expan>ne a Ratou<expan>n</expan> of renou<expan>n</expan> / moost renable of tu<expan>n</expan>ge.</l>
<l>Seyde a resonable resou<expan>n</expan><note>F.1.152: F's a-verse is unique. <hi>Bx</hi> has "Seide for a souereyn."</note> / & helplych to he<expan>m</expan> alle.<note>F.1.152: Alpha is responsible for "hem alle." Beta witnesses have "to hymselue."</note></l>
<l>I have herd of<note>F.1.153: F's "herd of" is unique. Beta witnesses have "yseyen."</note> seggis q<expan>uod</expan> he  in þe Cyte of Lundou<expan>n</expan>.</l>
<l>Þ<expan>a</expan>t me<expan>n</expan> bery<expan>n</expan> bryghte byȝes / a<seg>-</seg>bowtyn here nekkys.</l>
<l>& su<expan>m</expan>me Coler<expan>e</expan>s of c<expan>ra</expan>fty werk / vn<seg>-</seg>cowpled þey walke.</l>
<l>Boþe in wareyn & in waast / wher<expan>e</expan> hem best lykeþ.</l>
<l>& oþ<expan>ir</expan>e<seg>-</seg>whylys ellys<seg>-</seg>where / as weyȝes me telle.<note>F.1.157: F has revised the line, changing the alliterative pattern. <hi>Bx</hi> has "And ouþer-while þei arn elliswhere as I here telle."</note></l>
<l>Where þer<expan>e</expan> a belle on her<expan>e</expan> beyȝe / by <expan>Iesus</expan><note>F.1.158: Alpha is responsible for <hi>Iesus</hi>. Beta witnesses have <hi>Iesu</hi>.</note> as me þy<expan>n</expan>keþ.</l>
<l>Men myghte<expan>n</expan> wetyn / where þei wente / & a<seg>-</seg>wey renne.</l>
<l>Ryght so q<expan>uod</expan> þe Ratou<expan>n</expan> / as resou<expan>n</expan> me shew<expan>e</expan>t<expan>h</expan>.</l>
<l>It were best to begge a bras belle / or of shyȝn<note>F.1.161: F's <hi>shyȝn</hi> is unique. <hi>Bx</hi> has <hi>briȝt</hi>.</note> syluer.</l>
<l>& knette it on a Coler / for oure Comou<expan>n</expan>e p<expan>ro</expan>fyȝt</l>
<l>& hange it a<seg>-</seg>bowte þe Cattys hals / þ<expan>a</expan>t here hy<expan>m</expan> we mowe.<note>F.1.163: Alpha lacks the following two lines attested by beta witnesses: <lb/>
Wher he ryt or rest or renneþ to pleye <lb/>
And if hym list for to laike þanne loke we mowen.
<l>& a<seg>-</seg>peren i<expan>n</expan> his abse<expan>n</expan>se<note>F.1.164: F's addition of <hi>vus</hi> in the b-verse shows that the revision of <hi>Bx</hi>'s <hi>presence</hi> to <hi>absense</hi> was intended.</note> / þe while v<expan>us</expan> pleye lykeþ.</l>
<l>& yf he wratthe / to be war / & hise weye shone.</l>
<milestone>fol. 3rI</milestone>
<l>Þa<expan>n</expan>ne alle þe<note>F.1.166: Alpha is responsible for <hi>þe</hi>. Beta witnesses have <hi>þis</hi>.</note> rowhte of Ratonys / to þis resou<expan>n</expan> assentid.</l>
<l>But whanne þe bell<expan>e</expan> was bowht / & on þe byȝe hanged.</l>
<l>Þer<expan>e</expan> was no ratou<expan>n</expan> / of þ<expan>a</expan>t rowhte / for þe Rewhme of Frau<expan>n</expan>ce.</l>
<l>Þ<expan>a</expan>t durste a bownde þ<expan>a</expan>t bond / a<seg>-</seg>bowte þe Cattys nekke.</l>
<l>Ne honge yt a<seg>-</seg>bowte his<note>F.1.170: Alpha and <hi>C</hi> have <hi>his</hi>. Beta witnesses have <hi>þe cattes</hi>.</note> hals / al Ingelond to wynne.</l>
<l>But helden he<expan>m</expan><seg>-</seg>selue vn<seg>-</seg>hardy / & al her<expan>e</expan> co<expan>n</expan>seyl feble.</l>
<l>& al here labour was loost / & here large costes.</l>
<l><sic>/</sic> <corr>[¶]</corr> Tha<expan>n</expan>ne a Mows / þ<expan>a</expan>t mychil good / cowhde / as me thowhte.</l>
<l>Strook forþ sternely / & stood be<seg>-</seg>for<expan>e</expan> hem alle.</l>
<l>& to þe rowhte of ratonys / he reersyd<expan>e</expan> þese wordys.</l>
<l><sic>/</sic> <corr>[¶]</corr> They we haddy<expan>n</expan> kyllyd þ<expan>a</expan>t Cat / ȝyt sholde þ<expan>er</expan>e come a<seg>-</seg>noþ<expan>ir</expan>.</l>
<l>& kacche v<expan>us</expan> & our<expan>e</expan> kyȝnde / whan we kroule a<seg>-</seg>bowte.</l>
<l>For<seg>-</seg>þy  by my co<expan>n</expan>seyl / to soffr<expan>e</expan> þe Cat a<seg>-</seg>worthe.<note>F.1.178: F's line is unique. <hi>Bx</hi> has "Forþi I counseille al þe commune to late þe cat worþe."</note></l>
<l>& no bacheler be so bold / þe belle hy<expan>m</expan> to shewe.<note>F.1.179: See Kane-Donaldson, 176, for their editorial reasoning on re-ordering this passage.</note></l>
<l>For y herde my<expan>n</expan> syre sey<expan>n</expan> / is sevene ȝeer y<seg>-</seg>passed.</l>
<l>Þere þe Cat ys kytou<expan>n</expan> / þe court ys elenge.</l>
<l>Þ<expan>a</expan>t witnessiþ holy wryt / who<seg>-</seg>so will<expan>e</expan> it rede.</l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>U</hi></hi><hi><hi>e terre . ubi puer rex est.</hi></hi></foreign><note>F.1.183: A cross is written in the right margin beside this line in an ink like that used by the original scribe.</note></l>
<l>There may no renke haue reste / for rattys on nyghtis.</l>
<l><sic>/</sic> <corr>[¶]</corr> For whilis he cacchiþ conyes / he coueyteþ not our<expan>e</expan> bowkys.<note>F.1.185: <hi>bowkys</hi>, "bodies, carcasses."</note></l>
<l>But fediþ hy<expan>m</expan> w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> fenysou<expan>n</expan> / defame we hy<expan>m</expan> neuere.</l>
<l>For bettr<expan>e</expan> ys a lytil los / þan a long sorwe.</l>
<l>Þe Maase  a<seg>-</seg>mong vs alle / þey we mysse a shrewe.</l>
<l>For manye me<expan>n</expan>nys malt ell<expan>is</expan> / we myȝs will<expan>e</expan> distroye.</l>
<l>& also ellis ȝee ratonys / wolde renden renkes clothys.<note>F.1.190: F's reading is unique. <hi>Bx</hi> reads "And also ye route of Ratons rende mennes cloþes." H also omits "route of."</note></l>
<l>Ne wer<expan>e</expan> þe cat of þe court / þ<expan>a</expan>t can a<seg>-</seg>mong ȝow lepe.</l>
<l>For hadde ȝe ratonys<note>F.1.192: Alpha reads <hi>ratonys</hi>, a reading in which it is joined by GH and the <hi>C</hi> version. Beta manuscripts have <hi>rattes</hi>.</note> ȝo<expan>ur</expan>e wille / ȝee cowhde not rewle ȝo<expan>ur</expan><seg>-</seg>selue.</l>
<l>I sey þis<note>F.1.193: Alpha is responsible for the direct object. R has <hi>it</hi>. Beta manuscripts lack an object.</note> for my<seg>-</seg>selue q<expan>uo</expan>d þe Mous / & see so mychil after.</l>
<l>Shal neu<expan>er</expan>e Cat ne kytou<expan>n</expan> / by my<expan>n</expan> co<expan>n</expan>seyl be grevid.</l>
<l>Ne carpynge of his coler / coste me neu<expan>er</expan>e aft<expan>er</expan>.</l>
<l>& þowh it coste<note>F.1.196: Alpha and G lack beta's <hi>hadde</hi> before <hi>coste</hi>.</note> me catel / by<seg>-</seg>knowe it<note>F.1.196: An otiose curl appears above the <t>.</note> y nylle.</l>
<l>But suffre as su<expan>m</expan>me oþ<expan>ir</expan>e do / to slen what hy<expan>m</expan> lykeþ.</l>
<l>Cowpled / & vncowplyd / to cacche what he wille.</l>
<l>& euery wyȝs Mows y warne / to wacche wel hy<expan>m</expan><seg>-</seg>selue.</l>
<l><sic>/</sic> <corr>[¶]</corr> What þis Metelys meneþ / ȝee me<expan>n</expan> / þ<expan>a</expan>t been her<expan>e</expan><seg>-</seg>Inne.</l>
<l>I ne dar dyvyne it ȝow / be dere god in hevene.</l>
<l><sic>/</sic> <corr>[¶]</corr> Ȝit hovede þere an hu<expan>n</expan>dr<expan>e</expan>d / in howfes on Molde.<note>F.1.202: The scribe was perhaps confused by <hi>howfes</hi>, "coifs." <hi>Bx</hi> reads "in howues of selk."</note></l>
<l>Sergawntys þey semeden / þ<expan>a</expan>t s<expan>er</expan>ued<expan>e</expan> at þe barre.</l>
<l>Pleteden for þe peny / & pownded þe lawe.</l>
<l>& nowht for our<expan>e</expan> lordys love / vn<seg>-</seg>lose her<expan>e</expan> lyppe onys.</l>
<l>Þ<expan>o</expan>u myghtyst bettr<expan>e</expan> meten myst / on Maluerne hellys  </l>
<l>Þa<expan>n</expan> gety<expan>n</expan> a Mu<expan>m</expan> of her<expan>e</expan> mowht / er<note>F.1.207: Alpha is responsible for <hi>er</hi>. Beta manuscripts have <hi>til</hi> or <hi>but</hi>.</note> mone be shewyd.<note>F.1.207: F omits the following line from <hi>Bx</hi>: "Barons and burgeis and bondemen als."</note></l>
<milestone>fol. 3vI</milestone>
<l><hi></hi> <hi>I</hi> seyȝ in þis a<seg>-</seg>sem<hi>bl</hi>e / as ȝee <hi>sh</hi>u<hi>ll</hi>e here after.</l>
<l><hi>B</hi>oþe <hi>B</hi>akerys / & <hi>B</hi>rewsteres / & Bocherys manye.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> also wolle websterys / & webberys of Lynene.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> <hi>T</hi>aylour<expan>e</expan>s & <hi>T</hi>ynkeres / & tollerys of Market.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> <hi>M</hi>asonys & <hi>M</hi>ynowrys / & manye oþ<expan>ir</expan>e craftys.</l>
<l><hi>O</hi>f alle<note>F.1.213: Alpha lacks beta's <hi>kynne</hi> before <hi>lyvynge</hi>.</note> lyvynge laborerys / lope þer<expan>e</expan> furthȝ su<expan>m</expan>me.</l>
<l><hi>A</hi>s dykerys & delueres / þ<expan>a</expan>t doon her<expan>e</expan> ded<expan>es</expan> ylle.</l>
<l><hi>&</hi> dryve furthȝ þe fayre day / w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> <foreign>deu vo<expan>us</expan> saue dame Emme</foreign>.</l>
<l><sic>/</sic> <corr>[¶]</corr> <hi>Þ</hi>er<expan>e</expan> wheren kene Cokys knavis / c<expan>ri</expan>ȝeden / hote pyes hote  </l>
<l><hi>G</hi>oode fatte gryȝs & gees / <orig>gowe</orig><reg>go we</reg> dyghne . <orig>gowe</orig><reg>go we</reg>.</l>
<l><sic>/</sic> <corr>[¶]</corr> <hi>&</hi> þe <hi>T</hi>auernerys vn<seg>-</seg>tyl he<expan>m</expan> / tolledyn þe same.</l>
<l><hi>W</hi><expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> good fyȝn <hi>M</hi>aluesyn<note>F.1.219: F alone has this reading. <hi>Bx</hi> reads "Whit wyn of Oseye." Malvesie is a sweet Greek wine from Napoli di Malvasia.</note> / or wyn of <hi>G</hi>askoyne.</l>
<l><hi>O</hi>r <hi>R</hi>ochel or <hi>R</hi>omeney<note>F.1.220: F's a-verse is unique. <hi>Bx</hi> reads "Of þe Ryn and of þe Rochel."</note> / þe roost to diffyȝe.</l>
<trailer> <foreign><hi><hi><hi>E</hi>xplicit passus <hi>P</hi>rim<expan>us</expan> . <hi>P</hi>etri <hi>P</hi>louhma<expan>n</expan>.</hi></hi></foreign></trailer>