<div1>fol. 32v (cont.)I</div1>
<milestone>PassusB 8</milestone>
<head><hi><hi><foreign>hic incipit primus passus de</foreign> dowell</hi></hi></head>
<l> <hi>T</hi>h<del>u</del><add>v</add>s <app><lem>I robbed</lem></app><note>G.9.1: The majority <hi>B</hi> reading is <hi>yrobed</hi>. Whether G Bm <hi>I robbed</hi> is actually a substantive variant is unclear. Although the G scribe was clearly aware of the practice of using a double consonant to indicate a preceding short vowel, his practice in this respect was by no means consistent (see Introduction <xref>III.2</xref>). On the other hand, G's general problems with the <hi>y-</hi> past participle prefix (see Introduction <xref>III.1.4</xref>) suggest that he may well have misread this as a pronoun.</note> In r<del>u</del><add>v</add>ssett I romed abowte </l>
<l> all a somer seyson <app><lem>to</lem></app> seeke dowell</l>
<l> and freyned full ofte off folke þ<expan>a</expan>t I met<add>t</add>e<note>G.9.3: The second (added) <t> of <hi>mette</hi> is formed by a brown ink line crossing the horizontal line linking the first <t> and the <e>.</note><note>G.9.3: Cr<hi>1</hi> shares G's original reading <hi>mete</hi>. The correction brings G's reading into line with that of remaining <hi>B</hi> manuscripts.</note></l>
<l> yff any wyght <app><lem><add>knewe</add></lem></app> whare dowell was att ynne</l>
<l> & what man he myght be off many man I axed </l>
<l> was neu<expan>er</expan> wyght as I went þ<expan>a</expan>t me <del>w</del><add>v</add>ysse co<del>u</del><add>v</add>lde</l>
<l> where þis lede lenged lasse ne more</l>
<l> tyll ytt befell on a fryday twoo <note>G.9.8: A virgule has been added at this point to separate <hi>twoo</hi> and <hi>freres</hi>.</note> freres I mette</l>
<l> masters off þe myno<del>u</del><add>v</add>rs men off greyte wytt</l>
<milestone>fol. 33rI</milestone>
<l> I heylsed þem hendly as I had lerned </l>
<l> & preyed theym <foreign>p<expan>ar</expan> charyte</foreign> or they passed forther</l>
<l> yff they knewe <app><lem>In any</lem></app> contrey <del>c</del> or costes as they went</l>
<l> where þ<expan>a</expan>t / doowell /<note>G.9.13: For the G scribe's use of virgules for highlighting, see note to <xref>G.6.597</xref>.</note> dwellythe doythe me to wytten</l>
<l> for they be men <app><lem>on</lem></app> thys molde þ<expan>a</expan>t most wyde walken</l>
<l> & knowen contreys & co<del>u</del><add>v</add>rtes & manye kynnes places</l>
<l> bothe pryncys <app><lem>paleys</lem></app> & po<del>u</del><add>v</add>ere men<expan>es</expan> cootes</l>
<l> and do well & do e<del>u</del><add>v</add>ell <app><lem>& where</lem></app> þei dwell bothe</l>
<l> amongest vs q<expan>uo</expan>d þe myno<del>u</del><add>v</add>rs / þ<expan>a</expan>t man ys dwellyng</l>
<l> & eu<expan>er</expan> hathe as I hoope & eu<expan>er</expan> shall here<seg>-</seg>after</l>
<l> <foreign>contra</foreign> q<expan>uo</expan>d I as a <app><lem><sic>clere</sic><corr>cler[k]e</corr></lem></app> & comsed to dysp<del>u</del><add>v</add>ten</l>
<l> and seyd þem sothely <foreign><hi>sepcies In die cadit Iustus</hi></foreign></l>
<l> sey<del>u</del><add>v</add>en sythes seyethe þe boke synnethe the ryghtfull</l>
<l> and wo<seg>-</seg>so synnethe I seyde dothe e<del>u</del><add>v</add>ell as me thynkethe</l>
<l> & dowell & doe<del>u</del><add>v</add>ell may noght dwell to<seg>-</seg>gedders</l>
<l> <foreign><hi>ergo</hi></foreign> he ys noght alway among you freres</l>
<l> he ys other<seg>-</seg>wyle elles<seg>-</seg>where to <del>w</del><add>v</add>ysse the poeple</l>
<l> I shall sey þe my so<add><expan>n</expan></add>ne sayde þe frere then</l>
<l> howe se<del>u</del><add>v</add>en sythes þe sad man on a day synnethe</l>
<l> by a forbyzyne q<expan>uo</expan>d þe frere I shall þe fayre shewe</l>
<l> lett bryng a man In a boot<add>t</add>e<note>G.9.30: The downward stroke of the second (added) <t> of <hi>bootte</hi> has been written across the line joining the first <t> to the <e> in browner ink.</note> amydest þe brod water</l>
<l> the wynd & þe water & þe <add>boot<add>t</add>e</add><note>G.9.31: For the alteration of added <hi>boote</hi> to <hi>bootte</hi>, see note to previous line.</note> waggyng</l>
<l> makethe a man many a tyme to fall & to stande</l>
<l> for stand he neu<expan>er</expan> so styffe he stomelythe yff he mo<del>u</del><add>v</add>ethe </l>
<l> and yet ys he sa<del>u</del><add>v</add>e & so<del>n</del><add>v<expan>n</expan></add>de <app><lem>so</lem></app> hym beho<del>u</del><add>v</add>ethe</l>
<l> for yff he ne arysse the rather & raght to þe stere</l>
<l> the wynd wolde w<expan>y</expan>t<expan>h</expan> þe water þe boot<add>t</add>e<note>G.9.36: For the alteration of <hi>boote</hi> to <hi>bootte</hi>, see note to <ref>G.9.30</ref>.</note> ou<expan>er</expan>throwe</l>
<l> <app><lem>then</lem></app> were hys lyffe lost thr<del>u</del><add>v</add>gh lacches off hym<seg>-</seg>sel<del>u</del><add>v</add>e</l>
<l> & þus ytt <app><lem>farethe</lem></app><note>G.9.38: The G F reading <hi>farethe</hi>, which is adopted by Kane and Donaldson, is also that of the <hi>A</hi> version. Remaining <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read <hi>falleth</hi>.</note> q<expan>uo</expan>d þe frere by folke h<unclear>e</unclear>re <app><lem>on thys</lem></app> yerthe</l>
<l> the water ys lykened to þe worlde þ<expan>a</expan>t wanyethe & waxethe</l>
<l> the goodes off þis grou<expan>n</expan>de are lyke to þe greyte wawes</l>
<l> þ<expan>a</expan>t as wyndys & wedders walkethe a<seg>-</seg>bowte</l>
<l> þe boot<add>t</add>e<note>G.9.42: For the alteration of <hi>boote</hi> to <hi>bootte</hi>, see note to <ref>G.9.30</ref>.</note> ys lykened to our bodye þ<expan>a</expan>t brytyll ys off kynde</l>
<l> that thr<del>u</del><add>v</add>gh þe fende <app><lem>þe</lem></app> Flesshe & the freyle worlde</l>
<milestone>fol. 33vI</milestone>
<l> synnethe þe sad man <app><lem>on a day</lem></app> sey<del>u</del><add>v</add>en <app><lem>tymes</lem></app></l>
<l> <app><lem>but</lem></app> deydly synne dothe he nat for dowell hym kepethe</l>
<l> and þ<expan>a</expan>t ys charyte þe <app><lem>chapman þe</lem></app> cheffe <app><lem>helper</lem></app> ageynst synne</l>
<l> for he strenghythe man to stond & sterethe mannes so<del>u</del><add>v</add>le</l>
<l> <app><lem>thogh</lem></app> <app><lem>þe</lem></app> bodye bowe as boot<add>t</add>e<note>G.9.48: For the alteration of <hi>boote</hi> to <hi>bootte</hi>, see note to <ref>G.9.30</ref>.</note> dothe In þe water</l>
<l> ay ys <app><lem>þe</lem></app> so<del>u</del><add>v</add>le sa<del>u</del><add>v</add>fe but yff þi<seg>-</seg>selffe wole</l>
<l> do a deydly synne & drenche <app><lem>þe</lem></app> so<del>u</del><add>v</add>le</l>
<l> god wyll suffer well þi slought yff þi<seg>-</seg>sel<del>u</del><add>v</add>e lykethe</l>
<l> for he ga<del>u</del><add>v</add>e þe <app><lem>a</lem></app> yeresgyfte to <app><lem>seme</lem></app> well þi<seg>-</seg>sel<del>u</del><add>v</add>e</l>
<l> & þ<expan>a</expan>t ys wytt & frewyll to eu<expan>er</expan>y wyght a portyon</l>
<l> to flyeng fowles to fysshes & also to beystes</l>
<l> <app><lem>and</lem></app> man hathe most theroff & most ys to blame</l>
<l> but yff he worche well þerw<expan>y</expan>t<expan>h</expan> as dowell hym teychythe</l>
<l> I ha<del>u</del><add>v</add>e no kynd knoyng q<expan>uo</expan>d I to concey<del>u</del><add>v</add>e all your wordes</l>
<l> <app><lem>but</lem></app> yff I mey ly<del>u</del><add>v</add>e & loke I shall go lerne better</l>
<l> I bekenne þe cryste þ<expan>a</expan>t <app><lem>on</lem></app> crosse dyed </l>
<l> & I seyd þe same sa<del>u</del><add>v</add>e you from myschance</l>
<l> & gy<del>u</del><add>v</add>e you grace on thys gro<del>u</del><add>v</add>nde goode men to worthe</l>
<l> & þus I wente wyde<seg>-</seg>whare walkyng myne oone</l>
<l> by a wylde wyldrenes & by a woddys syde</l>
<l> blysse off þe bryddes broght me a<seg>-</seg>slepe</l>
<l> and vndre a lynde <app><lem>on</lem></app> a la<del>u</del><add>v</add>nde leynyde<note>G.9.65: The first <e> of <hi>leynyde</hi> appears to be a correction. It seems likely that the scribe began to write <ly>- but realised his mistake before he had written the descender of the <y>.</note> I a sto<del>u</del><add>v</add>nde</l>
<l> to lythe þe leyes tho lo<del>u</del><add>v</add>elyche <app><lem>fo<del>u</del><add>v</add>le</lem></app> made</l>
<l> myrthe off theyre mo<del>u</del><add>v</add>thes made me þer to slepe</l>
<l> the m<expan>er</expan><del>u</del><add>v</add>yolo<del>u</del><add>v</add>seste meytell<expan>es</expan> mett me then </l>
<l> that eu<expan>er</expan> dreymyd wyght In worlde as I <app><lem><sic>we<del>n</del><add>v</add>e</sic><corr>we[n]e</corr></lem></app></l>
<l> a moche man as me thoght & lyke to my<seg>-</seg>sel<del>u</del><add>v</add>e</l>
<l> came & called me by my <app><lem>ryght</lem></app> name</l>
<l> watt arte þ<expan>o</expan>u q<expan>uo</expan>d I tho / þ<expan>a</expan>t þ<expan>o</expan>u my name knowest</l>
<l> that þ<expan>o</expan>u wootest well q<expan>uo</expan>d he & no wyght better</l>
<l> woot I whatt þ<expan>o</expan>u arte thoght seyde he then</l>
<l> I ha<del>u</del><add>v</add>e s<del>u</del><add>v</add>ede þe þis sey<del>u</del><add>v</add>en yere syegh þ<expan>o</expan>u me no rather</l>
<l> <add><supplied> Art þ<expan>o</expan>u thoght q<expan>uo</expan>d I tho þ<expan>o</expan>u coudest me wisse</supplied></add></l>
<l> where þ<expan>a</expan>t dowell dwellythe <app><lem>do</lem></app> me that to knowe</l>
<l> dowell & dobettre & dobest þe thyrde q<expan>uo</expan>d he</l>
<milestone>fol. 34rI</milestone>
<l> arne th<del>e</del><add>r</add>e fayre wert<del>u</del><add>v</add>es & be not farre to fynde</l>
<l> wo<seg>-</seg>so ys trewe off hys tong & off hys too handes</l>
<l> & thr<del>u</del><add>v</add>ghe <app><lem>þe</lem></app> labo<del>u</del><add>v</add>re <app><lem>off</lem></app> hys <app><lem>handys</lem></app> hys ly<del>u</del><add>v</add>elode wynnethe</l>
<l> and ys tr<del>u</del><add>v</add>sty <app><lem>off</lem></app> taylleende <app><lem>& takethe</lem></app> b<del>u</del><add>v</add>t hys owen</l>
<l> and ys not dro<expan>n</expan>nkelewe ne dysdeyno<del>u</del><add>v</add>s dowell hym folowethe</l>
dobettre<note> As Benson and Blanchfield point out (pp.42 and 132.1) the form of the letters here suggests that the scribe and rubricator are the same using different scripts. See also Introduction <xref>I.7</xref>.</note>
<l> dobet dothe ryght þus & he doythe <app><lem>ryght moche</lem></app> more</l>
<l> he ys as lowe as a lambe & lo<del>u</del><add>v</add>elyche off speche</l>
<l> and helpethe all men after þ<expan>a</expan>t þeim nedethe</l>
<l> the bagges & þe bygerdell<expan>es</expan> he hathe <app><lem>broke<add>n</add></lem></app> þem all</l>
<l> that þe <del>yel</del> erle a<del>u</del><add>v</add>aro<del>u</del><add>v</add>s helde & hys heyres</l>
<l> & þus w<expan>y</expan>t<expan>h</expan> ma<expan>m</expan>mones money he hathe made hym frendes</l>
<l> & ys ronne to relygyon & hathe rendered þe byble</l>
<l> & preyched to þe poeple seynte powles wordes</l>
<l> <foreign><hi>libenter suffertis insipientes cu<expan>m</expan> sitis ipsi sapientes</hi></foreign></l>
<l> and s<del>u</del><add>v</add>ffer þe vnwysse wythe you <app><lem>to</lem></app><note>G.9.93: A high proportion of <hi>A</hi> manuscripts share the G F reading <hi>to</hi> (for remaining <hi>B</hi> manuscripts <hi>forto</hi>),and this is the reading which is adopted by Kane and Donaldson.</note> ly<del>u</del><add>v</add>e</l>
<l> & w<expan>y</expan>t<expan>h</expan> gladde wyll do þem goode for so god you hoot<del><unclear>h</unclear></del><add>e</add>the</l>
<l> dobest ys abo<del>u</del><add>v</add>e bothe & beyrythe a bysshop<expan>es</expan> crosse</l>
<l> ys hoked on <app><lem>þe</lem></app> on hende to hal<del><unclear>y</unclear></del><add>e</add> men from hell <lb/>
<del>that weyten any wyckednes dowell to tene</del> <note>G.9.96: This deleted line has been written in the wrong place and appears as G.9.98 below.</note></l>
<l> a pyke <add>ys</add> on þe potente to p<del>u</del><add>v</add>t a<seg>-</seg>downe þe wycked </l>
<l> that wayten any wyckednesse dowell to teene</l>
<l>& dowell & dobett<expan>er</expan> amonge <note>G.9.99: Kane and Donaldson apparently interpret the final backward curve on the <g> of "among" as an abbreviation for <es> (unless they do not consider the form <hi>amonge</hi> to be a variant). However, G would normally have a loop for such an abbreviation, and it seems more likely that the final letter should be read as a residual <e>. Compare the form of "among" at <xref>G.12.51</xref>.</note> þem ordeynyd </l>
<l> to crowne on to be kyng to re<del>u</del><add>v</add>len þem bothe</l>
<l> that yff dowell or dobet <app><lem>do</lem></app> ageynst dobest</l>
<l> then shall þe kyng come & cast theym In Irens</l>
<l> & but yff dobest byd for theym þei <app><lem>be</lem></app> þer for e<del>u</del><add>v</add>er</l>
<l> th<del>u</del><add>v</add>s dowell & dobett<expan>er</expan> & do<seg>-</seg>best þe thyrde</l>
<l> crowned on to be kyng to kepen theym all</l>
<l> & to re<del>u</del><add>v</add>le þe realme by theyre thre wyttes</l>
<l> & noon other wyse b<del>u</del><add>v</add>t as they <app><lem>ther</lem></app> assentyd </l>
<l> I thanked thoght tho / þ<expan>a</expan>t he me th<del>u</del><add>v</add>s taght</l>
<l> <app><lem>but</lem></app> <app><lem>ytt</lem></app> sa<del>u</del><add>v</add>erythe me noght thy seggyng <del>&</del><add>I</add> co<del>u</del><add>v</add>eyte to lerne</l>
<l> how dowell dobett<expan>er</expan> & dobest<note>G.9.110: Kane and Donaldson record that G shares Cr's variant reading <hi>dobetter</hi> (for remaining <hi>B</hi> manuscripts <hi>dobest</hi>). However, the penultimate letter in G is a long <s>, giving <hi>dobest</hi>.</note> doon <app><lem><sic>amogest</sic><corr>amo[n]gest</corr></lem></app> þe poeple</l>
<l> <app><lem>wytt</lem></app> can wysse þe q<expan>uo</expan>d thoght / where tho thre dwell</l>
<milestone>fol. 34vI</milestone>
<l> elles woote I non þ<expan>a</expan>t kanne þ<expan>a</expan>t now ys a<seg>-</seg>ly<del>u</del><add>v</add>e</l>
<l> thoght / & . y / th<del>u</del><add>v</add>s thre dayes yedene</l>
<l> dysp<del>u</del><add>v</add>tyng vpon dowell day after other</l>
<l> & er we were <app><lem>I<seg>-</seg>warre</lem></app> w<expan>y</expan>t<expan>h</expan> wytt gan we mete</l>
<l> he was long & leyne <app><lem>& lyche</lem></app> to non other</l>
<l> was no pryde <app><lem>In</lem></app> hys apparell ne po<del>u</del><add>v</add><expan>er</expan>te nother</l>
<l> sadde off hys semblant & off softe chere</l>
<l> I dorste moue no matt<expan>er</expan> to make hym to Iangell</l>
<l> but as I bad thoght tho be meane betwene</l>
<l> & putt forthe some purpose to pro<del>u</del><add>v</add>en hys wyttes</l>
<l> what was dowell fro dobet<add>t<expan>er</expan></add> & dobest from þem bothe</l>
<l> then thoght In þ<expan>a</expan>t tyme seyde thes wordes</l>
<l> where dowell do<seg>-</seg>better & dobest be In lande</l>
<l> <app><lem>there</lem></app> ys wyll wold wytt / yff wytt co<del>u</del><add>v</add>de <app><lem>hym teyche</lem></app><note>G.9.125: G's reading, <hi>hym teyche</hi>, which is adopted by Kane and Donaldson, provides a metrically more satisfactory b-verse than the majority <hi>B</hi> reading <hi>teche hym</hi> (though see Duggan, "Notes on the Metre").</note></l>
<l> & wether he be man or woman þis man wold aspye</l>
<l> and worchen as þei <app><lem>þer</lem></app> wold þis ys hys Intent</l>
<trailer><hi><hi><foreign>explicit primus passus de</foreign> dowell</hi></hi></trailer>