<div1>fol. 163r (cont.)I</div1>
<head><handShift/><foreign><hi><hi>Passus <orig>xiij<expan>us</expan></orig><reg>terciodecimus</reg> · de visione · & <orig>vj<expan>us</expan></orig><reg>sextus</reg> · de</hi></hi></foreign> <hi><hi>do<seg>-</seg>weel · </hi></hi></head>
<l> <handShift/><hi><hi>A</hi></hi>nd y awakyd þ<expan>er</expan>wyth · wytles nere hande · </l>
<l> and as a freke that free were · foorþ gan y walke · </l>
<l> yn manere<note>Hm.13.3: What appears to be either an ink trail or stray mark appears above the first <e> of <hi>manere</hi>.</note> of <orig>amendynaunt</orig><reg>a mendynaunt</reg> · many <orig>aȝere</orig><reg>a ȝere</reg> after</l>
<l> and of <app><lem>þese metynges</lem></app> many <app><lem>tymes</lem></app> · muche þouȝt y hadde</l>
<l> furst how fortune me fayled · at my moste nede · </l>
<l><note>Hm.13.6: The rubricator ignored a paraph marker.</note> And how þat elde manasyd me · mygth we eu<expan>er</expan>e mete · </l>
<l> and how þat frerys folwyd · folk<del>e</del> that <app><lem>were</lem></app> ryche</l>
<l> and folk<del>e</del> þat were pouere · atte lytyll prys þey sette · </l>
<l> and none cors yn her kyrke<seg>-</seg>ȝerde · ne yn her kyrk was buryed</l>
<l> but quyk he byquaþ hem ougth · or schulde helpe quyte her dettys</l>
<l> and how þys couetyse ouercom · clerkes and p<expan>re</expan>estys</l>
<l> and <app><lem>how</lem></app> lewyd men ben ladde · but our lorde hem helpe</l>
<l> thurgh vnkunynge <app><lem>creatures</lem></app> · to yncurable<note>Hm.13.13: An otiose mark appears above the final <e> in <hi>yncurable</hi>. The same mark appears in the same position in <hi>kunynge</hi> in Hm.13.15.</note> peynes · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> And how that ymagynatyf · yn <app><lem>dremes</lem></app> me tolde</l>
<l> of kynde and of his ku<expan>n</expan>ynge<note>Hm.13.15: See Hm.13.13 above for an otiose mark similar to the one here over the final <e> in <hi>ku<expan>n</expan>ynge.</hi></note> · and how curteys he ys to bestys</l>
<l> and how louynge he is to bestys · on londe and on watre · </l>
<l> leeneth he no lyf<del>e</del> · lasse <app><lem>nor</lem></app> more · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> The creatures that crepyn of kynde · <app><lem>they ben</lem></app> engendryd</l>
<l> and sytthen how ymagynatyf seyde · <foreign><hi>vix saluabit<expan>ur</expan> iustus · </hi></foreign> </l>
<l> and whan he hadde seyde so · how sodeynly he passyd · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> I lay dou<expan>n</expan> longe yn þys thougth · and atte the laste <app><lem>slepte</lem></app> · </l>
<l> and as cryst wolde <orig>þ<expan>er</expan>come</orig><reg>þ<expan>er</expan> come</reg> conscyence · <app><lem>and conforted</lem></app> me þat tyme · </l>
<milestone>fol. 163vI</milestone>
<l> and bad me come to his court · wyþ clergye <app><lem>y schulde</lem></app> dyne</l>
<l> and for conscyence of clergye spak · y com well þe rather</l>
<l> and þere y seiȝe <orig>amayster</orig><reg>a mayster</reg> · what man he was y nyste · </l>
<l> þat lowe loutyd and louelyche · <app><lem>vnto</lem></app> scrypture</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Conscyence knewe hym well · and welcomyd hym fayre · </l>
<l> they wesschen and wypedyn · and wenten to þe dyner</l>
<l> ac pacyence yn þe paleys stood · yn pylg<expan>ri</expan>mes clothes</l>
<l> and prayde mete for charyte · for a poore heremyte · </l>
<l> conscyence callyd hym yn · and curteysly seyde · </l>
<l> welcome wy<del>e</del> go and wasch<del>e</del> · thu schalt sytte sone</l>
<l> <hi></hi> This mayster was maad sytte · and for þe moste wurthy</l>
<l> and thanne clergye and conscyence · and pacyence com after</l>
<l> pacyence and y · weren putte to be macchis</l>
<l> and setyn by our<seg>-</seg>sylue · atte <app><lem>the</lem></app> syde<seg>-</seg>boord</l>
<l> conscyence callyd after mete · and þa<expan>n</expan>ne cam sc<expan>ri</expan>pture</l>
<l> and seruyd <app><lem>hym</lem></app> thus sone · of sundry metys manye · </l>
<l> of austyn <app><lem>and</lem></app> ambrose · <app><lem>and of</lem></app> þe foure eu<expan>au</expan>ngelystes</l>
<l> <foreign><hi>Edentes & bibentes · que apud eos sunt · <app><lem>& c<expan>etera</expan></lem></app></hi></foreign></l>
<l> <hi></hi> Ac this mayster ne his man · <orig>nomaner</orig><reg>no maner</reg> flesch etyn · </l>
<l> ac þey etyn mete of more cost · mortrelles and potag<expan>es</expan></l>
<l> of that men myswonnyn · they madyn hem well at ese · </l>
<l> ac her sauce was ou<expan>er</expan>sour · and vnsauourly groundyn · </l>
<l> yn a mort<expan>er</expan> <foreign><hi>post morte<expan>m</expan></hi></foreign> · of many bytter peyne</l>
<l> but ȝif they synge for þe soules · and wepe salte teres · </l>
<l> <foreign><hi>Vos qui p<expan>e</expan>cc<expan>at</expan>a ho<expan>m</expan>i<expan>n</expan>um co<del>m</del>meditis · nisi p<expan>ro</expan> eis lacrima<add>s</add> & or<expan>ati</expan>ones<lb/>
effu<del>n</del>deritis<note>Hm.13.47: The correcting scribe erased a nasal in both <foreign>commeditis</foreign> and <foreign>effunderitis</foreign>, in both instances filling the space left by the erased character with two horizontal marks resembling an equal sign.</note>  ea que in delicijs · comeditis in torment<expan>is</expan> euometis · <add>c<expan>etera</expan></add></hi>
<l> <hi></hi> Conscyence full curteysly þoo · comaundyd scrypture</l>
<l> byfore pacyence breed to brynge · & me þat was his macche · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> He sette a soure loof <app><lem>before</lem></app> vs · & seyde <foreign><hi>agite penitencia<expan>m</expan></hi></foreign></l>
<l> and sytthe he <app><lem>brougth</lem></app> vs drynke · <foreign>dya <hi>p<expan>er</expan>seuerans · </hi></foreign> </l>
<l> as longe q<expan>uod</expan> y as y <app><lem>leue</lem></app> · and lykam may <app><lem>endure</lem></app></l>
<l> <hi></hi> <app><lem>There</lem></app> is p<expan>ro</expan>pre seruyce quod pacyence · <orig>þ<expan>er</expan>faryth</orig><reg>þ<expan>er</expan> faryth</reg> no p<expan>ri</expan>n<del>.</del><add>ce</add> bettre · </l>
<l> and þanne he brougth <del>vs f.... a ..s o. o... .... ..</del><add>forth other mete of <foreign>miserere mei deus ·</foreign> </add><note>Hm.13.54: The erased phrase is partially visible under ultra-violet light, and probably agreed with <hi>Bx</hi>. Hand3's correction agrees with beta4 family witnesses: <hi>And þanne he brouȝt vs forth...</hi>. For the stemma currently in use by the <hi><hi>Archive</hi></hi>, see Robert Adams, "The Kane-Donaldson Edition of <hi>Piers Plowman</hi>: Eclecticism's <hi>Ultima Thule</hi>," <title>TEXT</title> 16 (2006), 141. </note></l>
<l> and he brought us of <foreign>beati quor<expan>um</expan></foreign> · of <foreign>beatus virrys</foreign> makynge</l>
<l> <foreign><hi>Et quor<expan>um</expan> tecta sunt peccata</hi> · <app><lem>& c<expan>etera</expan></lem></app> </foreign> yn a dysch · </l>
<l> Of derne schryfte <foreign><hi>dixi</hi></foreign> · and <foreign><hi>confitebor tibi</hi></foreign></l>
<l> <hi></hi> bryng<del>e</del> pacyence sum pytaunce p<expan>ri</expan>uylyche quod conscyence · </l>
<l> and þanne hadde pacyence a pytaunce · <foreign><hi>p<expan>ro</expan> hac orabit ad te o<expan>mn</expan>is <app><lem>s<expan>an</expan>c<expan>t</expan>us</lem></app> · </hi></foreign> </l>
<l> and conscyence confortyd vs · and carpyd <app><lem>þus</lem></app> mery talys · </l>
<l> <foreign><hi>Cor contritu<expan>m</expan> & humiliatu<expan>m</expan> deus non despicies · <app><lem>& c<expan>etera</expan></lem></app> · </hi></foreign> </l>
<milestone>fol. 164rI</milestone>
<l> <hi></hi> Pacyence <app><lem>tho was</lem></app> proud · of þat p<expan>ro</expan>pre seruyce · </l>
<l> and made hym merthe wyth his mete · ac y moornyd eu<expan>er</expan>e · </l>
<l> for þys doctor on <app><lem>this</lem></app> hyȝe <app><lem>benche</lem></app> · drank<del>e</del> wyn so faste</l>
<l> <foreign><hi>ve vobis qui potentes estis · ad bibendu<expan>m</expan> vinu<expan>m</expan> · <app><lem>& c<expan>etera</expan></lem></app> · </hi></foreign> </l>
<l> <hi></hi> He eet many sundry metys · morterels and puddynggys</l>
<l> <orig>wombecloutys</orig><reg>wombe cloutys</reg> and wylde braun · and egges fryed wyth grece · </l>
<l> than seyde y to my<seg>-</seg>sylf<del>e</del> so · pacyence yt herde · </l>
<l> it is nougth four dayes that this frek<del>e</del> · byfore þe deen of poules · </l>
<l> prechid of penaunces · that poule the apostle suffryde · </l>
<l> <foreign><hi>in fame & frigore</hi></foreign> · and flappys of scourgys</l>
<l> <foreign><hi>Ter cesus sum & a iudeis qui<expan>n</expan>quies quadragenas · & c<expan>etera</expan> · </hi></foreign> </l>
<l> <hi></hi> Ac oo woord they ou<expan>er</expan>hyppyn · at eche tyme þat þey p<expan>re</expan>che · </l>
<l> that poule yn his pystyll · to alle the peple tolde · </l>
<l> <foreign><hi>Periculum est in falsis fratrib<expan>us</expan> · <app><lem>& c<expan>etera</expan></lem></app> · </hi></foreign> </l>
<l> <hi></hi> Holy wrytt<del>e</del> byddeþ men be war · y wol naugth wryte it here</l>
<l> on englysch <app><lem>yn</lem></app> auenture · yt schulde be rehercyd to ofte · </l>
<l> and greue þ<expan>er</expan>wyþ <app><lem>good men</lem></app> · ac g<expan>ra</expan>maryens schulde rede · </l>
<l> <foreign><hi>vnusquisq<expan>ue</expan> a fratre <app><lem>suo se</lem></app> custodiat · q<expan>uia</expan> vt d<expan>icitu</expan>r</hi></foreign></l>
<l> <foreign><hi>Periculum est in falsi<del>t</del><add>s</add> fratribus · <app><lem>& c<expan>etera</expan></lem></app> · </hi></foreign> </l>
<l> <hi></hi> <app><lem>For</lem></app> y wyste neu<expan>er</expan>e freke · <app><lem>þat</lem></app> a frere ȝede · byfore men on englysch · </l>
<l> takyn it for his teme · and <app><lem>tellyn</lem></app> · wyþ<seg>-</seg>oute glosynge · </l>
<l> they p<expan>re</expan>chyn þat penaunce is · p<expan>ro</expan>phitable to the soule · </l>
<l> and what myscheef and malese · cryst for man þoled</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Ac þis goddys glotou<expan>n</expan> q<expan>uod</expan> y · wyth his grete chekes · </l>
<l> haþ no pyte on vs pouere · he p<expan>er</expan>formeth euele</l>
<l> þat he p<expan>re</expan>cheþ he p<expan>re</expan>ueþ nougth · to pacyence y tolde</l>
<l> and wusschid <app><lem>full wytterly</lem></app> · wyth wylle full egre</l>
<l> þat dysches and dobelers · byfore þys ylke doctor · </l>
<l> were moltyn leed yn his mawe · and mahound amyddys</l>
<l> y schall iangle to this yurdan wyth his iuste wombe</l>
<l> to telle me what <app><lem>pacyence</lem></app> is · of whiche he p<expan>re</expan>chid raþ<expan>er</expan> · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> Pacyence parceyuyd <app><lem>þat</lem></app> y þougth · & wynkyd on me to be stylle · </l>
<l> and seyde thu schalt se thus sone · whan he may nomore · </l>
<l> he schall haue a penaunce yn his pau<expan>n</expan>ce · and puffe at eche woord · </l>
<l> and þanne schull his guttys gothelyn · and he schal galpyn after</l>
<l> for now he haþ dronkyn so depe · he woll dyuyne sone · </l>
<l> and p<expan>re</expan>uyn it by her pocalyps · and passyon of seynt <app><lem>auereynes</lem></app></l>
<l> that noþer bacou<expan>n</expan> ne braun · <app><lem><sic>blamanc</sic><corr>blaman[ger]</corr></lem></app> no morterels</l>
<l> ys nother fysch <app><lem>nor</lem></app> flesch · but food for a penaunt · </l>
<l> and þanne schall he testifye · <app><lem>it of</lem></app> þe trynyte · & take his felaw to wytnes</l>
<milestone>fol. 164vI</milestone>
<l> what he fonde yn a frayel · after a frerys lyuynge</l>
<l> and but <app><lem>he</lem></app> furste lyue <app><lem>by</lem></app> lesynge · leue me neu<expan>er</expan>e after</l>
<l> and þanne is tyme to take · and to oppose þys doctor</l>
<l> of do<seg>-</seg>wel and dobet · and ȝif do<seg>-</seg>best be any penaunce</l>
<l> and y sat stylle as pacyence seyde · and þus sone this doctor · </l>
<l> <app><lem>also</lem></app> <del>..</del><add>rudy</add> as a rose · <app><lem>ruddud</lem></app> his chekys</l>
<l> <del>.....</del><add>coughed</add> and carpide · and conscyence hym herde</l>
<l> and tolde hym of a trynyte · and toward vs he lokede</l>
<l> <hi></hi> What is dowel sere doctor q<expan>uod</expan> y · is dowel any penaunce</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Dowel quod this doctor · and took the cuppe and drank</l>
<l> doo noon euyl to thy euencrystyne · nougth by þy powere</l>
<l> <hi></hi> by this day sere doctor q<expan>uod</expan> y · þan be ȝe nougth yn dowel · </l>
<l> for ȝe han harmyd vs two · yn þat ȝe ete þe puddyng</l>
<l> morterellys and oþ<expan>er</expan> mete · and we no morsel hadde · </l>
<l> and ȝif ȝe fare so yn ȝowr fermorye · ferly me þynketh · </l>
<l> but cheste be <app><lem>þere as</lem></app> charyte schulde be · & ȝong chyldryn durst playne</l>
<l> y wolde p<expan>er</expan>mute my penaunce · wyþ ȝoure · for y am yn puynt to dowel · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> Thanne conscyence curteysly · a contynaunce he made · </l>
<l> and preynte vpon pacyence · to praye me to be stylle</l>
<l> and seyde hym<seg>-</seg>sylf <del>...?...</del><add>s<expan>ir</expan>e docto<expan>ur</expan></add> · and it be ȝour wylle · </l>
<l> what is dowel and do<seg>-</seg>bet · <del>...</del><add>ȝhe</add> <app><lem>dyuy<del>....</del><add>nes</add></lem></app> <add>k</add>noweth · </l>
<l> dowel q<expan>uod</expan> þis doctor · do as clerkys techeth</l>
<l> and dobet ys he that techeth · and trauayleþ to teche oþre</l>
<l> and <app><lem>doiþbest</lem></app> dooþ hym<seg>-</seg>self<del>e</del> so · as he seyth and <app><lem>p<expan>re</expan>ueth</lem></app> · </l>
<l> <foreign><hi>Qui facit & docuerit · magnus vocabitur in regno celor<expan>um</expan> · & c<expan>etera</expan></hi></foreign> </l>
<l> <hi></hi> Now<del>e</del> thu clergye q<expan>uod</expan> conscyence · carpyst what is dowel · </l>
<l> <del>..</del><add>y</add> haue seuene sonys he seyth · seruyn yn a castel · </l>
<l> þere þe lord of lyf wonyeþ · to lerne hem what ys dowel</l>
<l> tyl y see þoo seuene · and my<seg>-</seg>sylf<del>e</del> accordyn · </l>
<l> y am vnhardy q<expan>uod</expan> he · to any wygth to p<expan>re</expan>ue yt</l>
<l> for <del>.</del>on peris the ploughman · haþ ynpugnyd vs alle</l>
<l> and sette alle scyences atte a sop · saue loue one</l>
<l> and no texte ne takeþ · to ma<del>......</del><add>yntene</add> his cause</l>
<l> but <foreign><hi><app><lem>diligo</lem></app> deu<expan>m</expan></hi></foreign> and <foreign><hi>d<expan>omi</expan>ne quis habitabit · </hi></foreign> </l>
<l> and seith that dowel and dobet ar two ynfynytes</l>
<l> whyche ynfynytes wyth a feith · fyndyn oute dobest</l>
<l> whiche schall saue mannys soule · <app><lem>þys</lem></app> seyþ peris ploughman · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> I can nougth her<seg>-</seg>onne q<expan>uod</expan> conscyence · ac y knowe wel peris</l>
<l> he wyll nougth aȝen holy wrytt spekyn · y dar wel vndurtake</l>
<l> thanne passe we ouer tyl perys come · and p<expan>re</expan>ue þys yn dede</l>
<milestone>fol. 165rI</milestone>
<l> pacyence hath ben yn many place · and p<expan>er</expan>aduenture <app><lem>moutheþ</lem></app><note>Hm.13.142: Hm alone reads <hi>moutheþ</hi> against <hi>cnoweth</hi> in other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, though CrW have <hi>mouþed</hi>.</note> · </l>
<l> that no clerke ne can · as cryst bereþ wytnesse</l>
<l> <foreign><hi>Pacientes vincunt · & c<expan>etera</expan> · </hi></foreign> </l>
<l> <hi></hi> Ac ȝour prayer q<expan>uod</expan> pacyence tho · so noman dysplese hym · </l>
<l> <foreign>disce</foreign> <del>...?...?...</del><add>q<expan>uod</expan> he <foreign>& doce · &</foreign></add> <foreign><hi>dilige inimicos · </hi></foreign> </l>
<l> <foreign>disce</foreign> and dowel <foreign>doce</foreign> and dobet <foreign>dilige</foreign> and dobest · þus taugth me onys</l>
<l> a lemman that y louyde · loue was her name · <note>Hm.13.147-148: Hm.13.147-148 appear as two lines in OC<hi>2</hi> also, although they are divided differently there. Most other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts divide these two verses into three.</note></l>
<l> wyþ woordys and wyþ werkys q<expan>uod</expan> sche and wyll of þyn herte · </l>
<l> thu loue lely thy soule · all þy lyf<del>e</del><seg>-</seg>tyme · </l>
<l> and so þu lere the to louye · for þe lordes loue of heuene</l>
<l> thyn enemy yn alle wyse · euene foorþ wyth þy<seg>-</seg>sylue</l>
<l> caste colys on his hed · of alle <app><lem>kyn</lem></app> speche</l>
<l> boþe wyþ werkys and wyþ woordys · fonde his loue to wynne</l>
<l> and leye on hym þus wyþ loue · tyl he laugh on thee</l>
<l> and but he bowe for <app><lem>his</lem></app> betyng · blynde moot he worthe</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Ac forto fare þus wyþ þy frende · fol<del>y</del><add>y</add>e it were</l>
<l> for he þat loueþ þe lely · lytyl of thyn coueyteþ</l>
<l> kynde loue coueyteþ nougth · no catel but speche</l>
<l> wyþ half a <app><lem>launpe lyf<del>e</del></lem></app><note>Hm.13.160: Hm alone reads <hi>launpe lyf</hi> against <hi>laumpe lyne</hi> in most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts. The form <hi>lyf</hi> would have arisen from <hi>lyne</hi> misread as <hi>lyue</hi> and rendered <hi>lyfe</hi>.</note> yn latyn · <foreign><hi>ex vi transisc<expan>i</expan>o<expan>n</expan>is</hi></foreign></l>
<l> y bere þ<expan>er</expan>ynne abou<del>...</del><add>ute<note>Hm.13.161: Kane and Donaldson read HmY as having produced <hi>abounte</hi>, but <u> and <n> are not distinguished in this hand. Compare hand2's forms in Hm.3.205, Hm.14.218, and Hm.20.58. Most <hi>B </hi>manuscripts read <hi>aboute</hi>.</note> · </add> faste y<seg>-</seg>bounde dowel · </l>
<l> yn a sygne of þe saturday · þat sette ferst þe calender</l>
<l> and all · þe wytt of þe wednysday · of þe next wyke after</l>
<l> þe myddel of þe mone · <app><lem>as</lem></app> þe nygth of boþe</l>
<l> and herwyth am y welcome · þ<expan>er</expan>e y haue it wyþ me</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Vndo it late þys doctor deme · ȝif dowel be þ<expan>er</expan>ynne</l>
<l> for by hym þat me made · mygth neuere pouerte</l>
<l> mysayse ne myscheef · ne man wyþ his tonge</l>
<l> colde ne care ne companye of the<del>...</del><add>uys · </add></l>
<l> ne neyþ<expan>er</expan> hete ne hayl<del>e</del> · ne none helle powke</l>
<l> ne neyþ<expan>er</expan> fuyre ne flood · ne fere of þyn enemy</l>
<l> tene þe any tyme · and thu take it wyth þe</l>
<l> <foreign><hi>Caritas nichil timet · & c<expan>etera</expan></hi></foreign></l>
<l> <hi></hi> It is but a dydo q<expan>uod</expan> þis doctor <orig>adysours</orig><reg>a dysours</reg> tale</l>
<l> al þe wytt of þys world<del>e</del> and wygth mennys strenkþe · </l>
<l> can nougth conformen a pees · bytwene þe pope & his enemys</l>
<l> ne bytwene two crystyn kyng<expan>es</expan> · can no wygth pees make </l>
<l> p<expan>ro</expan>phitable to eyþ<expan>er</expan> peple · and putte þe table from hym · </l>
<l> and took clergye and conscyence to counseyl as it were</l>
<l> þat pacyence <del>...?...</del><add>tho moste</add> passe · for pylg<expan>ri</expan>mes connyn wel lye</l>
<l> <hi></hi> And conscyence carpid <app><lem>wyde</lem></app> · and curteysly seyde · </l>
<milestone>fol. 165vI</milestone>
<l> frendes fareþ wel · and fayre spak to clergye</l>
<l> for y woll go wyth þys gome · ȝif god woll gyue me grace · </l>
<l> and be pylgrym · wyþ pacyence · tyl y haue p<expan>re</expan>uyd more · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> What q<expan>uod</expan> clergye to conscyence · are ȝe coueytous nowthe · </l>
<l> after ȝeresȝyues or ȝiftes · or ȝernyn to rede redels · </l>
<l> y schall brynge ȝow<del>e</del> <orig>abyble</orig><reg>a byble</reg> · a book of þe olde lawe</l>
<l> and lere ȝow ȝif ȝow<del>e</del> lyke the leste poynt to knowe · </l>
<l> þat pacyence <del>...</del><add>the</add> pylgrym · p<expan>ar</expan>fytly knewe <app><lem>eu<expan>er</expan>e</lem></app> · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> Nay by cryst q<expan>uod</expan> conscyence to clergye · god þe furȝelde</l>
<l> for all that pacyence me p<expan>ro</expan>freþ · proud am y lytyl</l>
<l> ac the wylle of þe wye · and þe wylle of folke here · </l>
<l> haþ meuyd my mood · to moorne for my synnys</l>
<l> þe good wylle of a wygth · was neu<expan>er</expan>e bouȝt to þe fulle</l>
<l> for þ<expan>er</expan>e is no tresor þ<expan>er</expan>to · <app><lem>vnto</lem></app> a trewe wylle</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Hadde nougth magdaleyn more · for a box of salue · </l>
<l> than zacheus for he seyde · <foreign><hi>dimidiu<expan>m</expan> bonor<expan>um</expan> meor<expan>um</expan> do paup<expan>er</expan>ib<expan>us</expan></hi></foreign></l>
<l> and the pore wydewe · for a peyre of mytes · </l>
<l> than all tho that offredyn · ynto <foreign>gazophilaciu<expan>m</expan></foreign></l>
<l> <hi></hi> Thus curteysly conscyence · congeyed furst the frere · </l>
<l> and suþþyn softly he seyde · yn clergyes ere · </l>
<l> me were leuer by our lord · and y lyue schulde</l>
<l> Haue pacyence p<expan>ar</expan>fytly · þa<expan>n</expan> half þy packe of bookes · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> Clergye to conscyence · no congeye woold take · </l>
<l> but seide full sobrely · thu schalt see þe tyme · </l>
<l> whan thu art wery for<seg>-</seg>walkyd · wyl me to counseyle · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> That is sooþ seyde conscyence · so me god helpe</l>
<l> ȝif pacyence be our p<expan>ar</expan>tynge felawe · & p<expan>ri</expan>uee wyþ vs boþe · </l>
<l> ther is no woo yn this world<del>e</del> · þat we ne schulde amende</l>
<l> and conformyn kynges to pees · and alkyn londys</l>
<l> sarrasenys and <app><lem>surres</lem></app> · and so foorþ alle the iewys</l>
<l> turne into þe trewe feyth · and ynto oon byleue</l>
<l> <hi></hi> That is sooþ q<expan>uod</expan> clergye · <app><lem>see</lem></app> what thu meneste</l>
<l> y schall dwelle as y do · my deuer to schewyn</l>
<l> and conferme fauntekyns · & oþ<expan>er</expan> folke y<seg>-</seg>leryd</l>
<l> tyl pacyence haþ preuyd þe · and p<expan>ar</expan>fit þe makyd · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> Conscyence þo wyþ pacyence passyd · <app><lem>pylg<expan>ri</expan>mag<expan>es</expan></lem></app> as it were · </l>
<l> þa<expan>n</expan> had pacyence as pylgrymes han · yn his poke vytayles</l>
<l> soberte and symple speche · and soþfaste byleue</l>
<l> to confortyn hym and conscyence · ȝif þey come yn place · </l>
<l> there vnkyndenesse and couetyse · <app><lem>arn</lem></app> hungry contrees bothe · </l>
<milestone>fol. 166rI</milestone>
<l> <hi></hi> And as they wentyn by the weye · of dowel they carpid</l>
<l> þey mettyn wyþ <orig>amenstrel</orig><reg>a menstrel</reg> · as me thoo thougth · </l>
<l> pacyence opposyd hym ferst · and prayde he schulde hym telle</l>
<l> to conscyence what craft<del>e</del> he cou<del>.</del><add>d</add>e · & to what contre he wolde</l>
<l> <hi></hi> y am a mynstral q<expan>uod</expan> þat man · myn name is <app><lem><foreign><hi>actiua</hi></foreign></lem></app></l>
<l> alle <app><lem>ydelnesse</lem></app> y hate · for of actif is myn name</l>
<l> a wafrer woll ȝe wyte · and serue many lordes · </l>
<l> and fewe robys y fonge · or furryd gownys</l>
<l> coude y lyȝe to don men laughe · þa<expan>n</expan> lacchyn y schulde</l>
<l><expan>er</expan> mantell <app><lem><expan>er</expan></lem></app> moneye amonges lordys mynstrals</l>
<l> ac for y can <app><lem>nougth noþ<expan>er</expan></lem></app> tabour ne tru<expan>m</expan>ppe · ne telle none Iestys</l>
<l> fartyn <app><lem>nor</lem></app> fythelyn · <app><lem>and atte</lem></app> <app><lem>festys</lem></app> <app><lem>iapyn</lem></app> · </l>
<l> <app><lem>harpyn</lem></app> <app><lem>nor</lem></app> <app><lem>iogolou<expan>n</expan></lem></app> · ne gentelly pypyn · </l>
<l> <app><lem>neyþ<expan>er</expan></lem></app> saylyn ne sauten · ne synge wyþ þe gyt<expan>er</expan>ne · </l>
<l> y haue noone good <del>.</del><app><lem><add>i</add>eftys</lem></app><note>Hm.13.236: Hm uniquely reads <hi>ieftys</hi> against other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts' <hi>gyftes</hi>. The original scribe appears to have written <hi>geftys</hi>, and the corrector to have taken the <ft> ligature to be <st> and intended <hi>iestys</hi>, "gestes, heroic stories." That reading appears in Cot.</note> · of these grete lordys</l>
<l> for <app><lem>breed</lem></app> that y brynge foorth · saue a benysou<expan>n</expan> on þe sonynday · </l>
<l> whan þe p<expan>re</expan>est preyȝeþ þe peple · her pat<expan>er</expan> nost<expan>er</expan> to bydde · </l>
<l> for <del>.</del><add>p</add>ers the ploughman · and þat hym p<expan>ro</expan>fyte w<del>o</del><add>a</add>ytyn · </l>
<l> and þat am y actyf · that ydelnesse hateth</l>
<l> for alle trewe traueylours · and tylyers of erthe</l>
<l> fro myȝhelmasse to myȝhelmasse · y fynde hem wyth wafres</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Beggers and bydders · of my breed crauyn · </l>
<l> faytours and frerys · and folk<del>e</del> wyþ brode crownys</l>
<l> y fynde payn for þe pope · and p<expan>ro</expan>uendre for his palfray</l>
<l> and y hadde neu<expan>er</expan>e of hym · haue god my trowthe</l>
<l> neyþ<expan>er</expan> p<expan>ro</expan>uendre ne p<expan>er</expan>sonage · ȝit of þe popes ȝifte · </l>
<l> saue a p<expan>ar</expan>dou<expan>n</expan> wyth a peys of lede · and two pollys amyddys</l>
<l> hadde y a clerke þat cowde wryte · y wolde castyn hym a bylle</l>
<l> that he sente me vndur his seal · a salue for þe pestylence · </l>
<l> and þat his blessyng<expan>e</expan> and his bull<expan>es</expan> · bocches myghten destruye · </l>
<l> <foreign><hi>In no<expan>m</expan>i<expan>n</expan>e meo demo<expan>n</expan>ia eicient <app><lem>sup<expan>er</expan></lem></app> egros man<expan>us</expan> impone<expan>n</expan>t & b<expan>e</expan>n<expan>e</expan> h<expan>ab</expan>ebu<expan>n</expan>t · </hi></foreign> </l>
<l> <hi></hi> And þa<expan>n</expan>ne wolde y be p<expan>re</expan>est to <app><lem>peple</lem></app> · pa<del>...</del><add>ast</add> forto make</l>
<l> and buxum and besy · a<seg>-</seg>boute breed and drynke · </l>
<l> for hym and <app><lem>alle</lem></app> hyse · fonde y þat his p<expan>ar</expan>dou<expan>n</expan></l>
<l> myght lechyn a man · as y byleue it schulde</l>
<l> for seþþe he haþ þe power · þat pet<expan>er</expan> hym<seg>-</seg>self hadde</l>
<l> he haþ the potte wyþ þe salue · soþly as me þynkeþ</l>
<l> <foreign><hi>Argentu<expan>m</expan> & auru<expan>m</expan> non est michi quod autem h<expan>ab</expan>eo<lb/>
tibi do in no<expan>m</expan>i<expan>n</expan>e d<expan>omi</expan>ni surge & ambula <app><lem>& c<expan>etera</expan></lem></app></hi>
<l> <hi></hi> Ac ȝif mygth of myracle hym fayle · it is for men be nougth wurþy</l>
<milestone>fol. 166vI</milestone>
<l> to haue the grace of god · and no gulte of the pope</l>
<l> for may no blyssyng<expan>e</expan> don vs bote · but ȝif we woln amende</l>
<l> ne mannys masse make pes · amonge crysten peple</l>
<l> tyl pryde be purly fordo · and þat <del>.....</del><space>  </space> þurgh p<del>...</del><add>ayn</add> deffaute · </l>
<l> <app><lem>or</lem></app> y haue breed of mele · <app><lem>efte</lem></app> moot y swete · </l>
<l> and or þe comou<expan>n</expan> haue corn ynow · many a colde mornyng<expan>e</expan></l>
<l> so er my wafrys ben y<seg>-</seg>wrougth · moche wo y þolye · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> <app><lem>Ac</lem></app> londone y leeue · lyketh well my wafrys</l>
<l> and louryn whan þey lackyn it · it is nougth longe passyd</l>
<l> ther was a carfull comou<expan>n</expan> · whan no cart cam to toune</l>
<l> wyþ breed fro stratford · tho g<del>..</del><add>un</add> beggers wepe</l>
<l> and werkmen were agast <orig>alytyl</orig><reg>a lytyl</reg> · þis wyl ben þouht longe</l>
<l> yn the date of our <app><lem>dryȝtne</lem></app><note>Hm.13.273: Hm reads <hi>dryȝtne</hi> against <hi>dryȝte</hi> in all <hi>B</hi> manuscripts except F which has the related <hi>dryghten</hi>.</note> · yn a dryȝe apryle · </l>
· 1<del>.</del><add>3</add>69 ·
<l> a thowsand and thre hundryd <del>...?...?...</del><add>syxty and nyne<note>Hm.13.274: Hm alone reads <hi>sixty and nyne</hi> against <hi>tweis twenty and ten</hi> in most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts. On the text of this line and the insertion of the date <hi>1369</hi> as a gloss in Arabic numerals, see R. W. Chambers, "The Manuscripts of <title>Piers Plowman</title> in the Huntington Library, and Their Value for Fixing the Text of the Poem," <title>Huntington Library Bulletin</title> 8 (1935): 8-9, who explains their origins and history. He suspects that the original, erroneous line in Hm's exemplar was <hi>a thousand and thre hundryd twice twenty and ten</hi>, displaying the widely attested error "20" for authorial and historical "30" (<hi>thretty</hi>) attested in LR. The Hm 128 scribe (hand2) wrote something which is now partly legible, under an erasure: <hi>th[ries twenty] & [n]yne</hi>. (Conjectured characters are inside square brackets.) The corrector erased this correctly alliterating line (though LR's <hi>twies thretty</hi> obtains more common alliteration than Hm's <hi>thries twenty</hi>) and wrote in the current <hi>sixty & nine</hi> for unknown reasons. Chambers notes that the events depicted actually occurred in 1370. In sum, Chambers as well as Kane and Donaldson think that the poet wrote: <hi>A thousand three hundred, twice thirty and ten</hi> (in Chamber's spelling). For Ralph Hanna's attribution of this date to John Bale see the <xref>Introduction, I.11 Provenance</xref>.</note>.</add></l>
<l> my wafres <app><lem>were þ<expan>er</expan>e</lem></app> gesene · whan chichestre was mayre</l>
<l> <hi></hi> I took <app><lem>keep good</lem></app> by cryst · and conscyence bothe</l>
<l> of haukyn þe actyf man · and how he was y<seg>-</seg>clothid</l>
<l> he hadde a cote of crystendom · as holycherche byleueth</l>
<l> ac it was molyd yn many placys · wyþ many sundry <app><lem><del>...</del><add>sp</add>ottys</lem></app></l>
<l> of pryde · here a <del>..</del><add>sp</add>ot and þ<expan>er</expan>e <orig>a<del>..</del><add>sp</add>ot</orig><reg>a <app><lem><del>..</del><add>sp</add>ot</lem></app></reg><note>Hm.13.280: In both instances, <hi>spot</hi> in this line is unique to Hm, but is the result of a correction; all other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts but F read <hi>plotte</hi> in both instances. F has <hi>spoot </hi>for the whole phrase.</note><note>Hm.13.280: The <o> in <hi>spot</hi> has been re-inked.</note> · of vnbuxu<expan>m</expan> speche · </l>
<l> of scornynge and <app><lem><sic>of of</sic></lem></app><corr>of</corr> scoffynge · and of vnskylfull beryng<expan>e</expan></l>
<l> as yn app<expan>ar</expan>ayle and yn porte · proud amonges þe peple</l>
<l><expan>er</expan>wyse þan he haþ · wyth herte or sygth schewynge · </l>
<l> hym wyllynge that all men wende he were þat he is nougth</l>
<l> forwhi he bosteþ and braggeþ · wyþ many bolde othes</l>
<l> and ynobedyent to ben vndurnome · of eny lyf lyuynge</l>
<l> and so synguler by hym<seg>-</seg>self <app><lem>noon</lem></app> so <app><lem>pomp</lem></app> holy · </l>
<l> y<seg>-</seg>abytyd as an heremyte · an ordre by <app><lem>hem<seg>-</seg>selue</lem></app></l>
<l> religyou<expan>n</expan> sanz reule · and resonable obedyence</l>
<l> lackynge lettryd men · and lewyd men bothe</l>
<l> yn lykynge of lele lyfe · and a lyȝere yn soule</l>
<l> wyþ ynwytt and wyþ out<seg>-</seg>wytt · ymagynen and studye</l>
<l> as best for his body be · to haue a badde name</l>
<l> and entermentyn <app><lem>ou<expan>er</expan> al</lem></app> · þere he haþ nougth to done</l>
<l> wylnynge þat men <app><lem>wolde</lem></app> · his wytt were þe beste</l>
<l> and ȝif he ȝyueþ ouȝt to poore gomes · telle what he deleþ</l>
<l> poore of poscessiou<expan>n</expan> yn purs · and yn coffre boþe</l>
<l> and as a lyou<expan>n</expan> on to looke · and lordlyche of speche</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Baldest of beggers · a bostere þat nougth haþ</l>
<l> yn towne and yn tauernys · tales to telle · </l>
<milestone>fol. 167rI</milestone>
<l> and segge thynge þat he neu<expan>er</expan>e saw<del>e</del> · & <app><lem>for a</lem></app> sooþ sweryn yt</l>
<l> of dedys þat he neu<expan>er</expan>e dude · demyn and bosten · </l>
<l> and of werkes that he well dude · wytnesse and <app><lem>syngyn</lem></app></l>
<l> Loo ȝif ȝe leeue me nougth · or þat y lyȝe <app><lem>ȝe wenen</lem></app> · </l>
<l> askeþ at hym or at hym · and he ȝow can telle · </l>
<l> what y suffryd and seyȝe · and sumtyme hadde</l>
<l> and what y cou<del>..</del><add>de</add> and knew<del>e</del> · and what kyn y com of</l>
<l> all he wolde þat men wyste · of werkes and of woordes</l>
<l> whiche mygthen plese þe peple and preysen hym<seg>-</seg>selue</l>
<l> <foreign><hi>Si ho<expan>min</expan>ibus placere<expan>m</expan> <expan>christi</expan> seruus non e<expan>ss</expan>em · & alibi · nemo potest duob<expan>us</expan> do<expan>min</expan>is seruire · </hi></foreign> </l>
<l> <hi></hi> By cryst q<expan>uod</expan> concyence tho · thi beste cote haukyn · </l>
<l> hath many molys and spottys · it muste ben y<seg>-</seg>wasche</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Ȝee who<seg>-</seg>so took hede q<expan>uod</expan> haukyn · byhynde and byfore</l>
<l> what on bakke and what on body half · and by the two sydes · </l>
<l> men schuldyn fynde many frounsys · and many foule plottes</l>
<l> and he turnyd hym <app><lem>all so</lem></app> tyt<del>e</del> · and thanne took y hede</l>
<l> yt was <app><lem>fouler</lem></app> felefolde · þan it furst semyde</l>
<l> yt was by<seg>-</seg>droppid wyth wratthe · and wykkyd wylle</l>
<l> wyþ enuye and euyll <del>......</del><add>speche</add> entysynge to fygth<add>e</add> · </l>
<l> lyȝinge and lauhinge · and leefe tongge to chide<note>Hm.13.320-322: The vellum is rough and stained over the middle of this line and the next two.</note></l>
<l> all þat he <del>...?...?...</del><add>wiste wikked be eny wyght</add> <app><lem>it telle</lem></app></l>
<l> and blamen men byhynd her bak · and byddyn hem meschaunce</l>
<l> and þat he wyste by wylle · tellyn it to watte</l>
<l> and þat watte wyste · wylle wyste it after</l>
<l> and made of frendys fos · þurgh a fals tongge</l>
<l> or wyþ mygth of mouþ · or þurgh mennys strengþe</l>
<l> auenge me fele tymes · other frete my<seg>-</seg>sylue</l>
<l> wyþ<seg>-</seg>ynne as a schepsters schere · <app><lem>y scherewyd</lem></app> men and <app><lem>cursyd hem</lem></app> · </l>
<l> <foreign><hi>Cuius maladicc<expan>i</expan>one os plenu<expan>m</expan> est · & amaritudine sub li<expan>n</expan>gua ei<expan>us</expan> labor <lb/>
& dolor · & alibi · Filij ho<expan>m</expan>i<expan>n</expan>um dentes eor<expan>um</expan> arma et sagitte & lingua <lb/>
eorum gladius acutus · <app><lem>& c<expan>etera</expan></lem></app> · </hi>
<l> <hi></hi> There is no lyf þat y loue · lastynge any while</l>
<l> for tales þat y telle · noman trosteþ to me · </l>
<l> and whan y may nougth haue þe maystry · <del>....</del><add>swich</add><note>Hm.13.332: As in M, <hi>swich</hi> is written over an erasure.</note> malencolye y take</l>
<l> that y cacche þe crompe · the cardyacle sumtyme</l>
<l> or an <app><lem><sic>augue</sic><corr>ague</corr></lem></app> yn such <app><lem>a manere</lem></app> · & sumtyme a feuere</l>
<l> þat <app><lem>heldeþ</lem></app> me all a twelue monthe tyl þat y despyse</l>
<l> lechecrafte of our lord · and leeue on a wycche</l>
<l> and sygge þat no clerke ne can · ne cryst as y leeue · </l>
<l> to þe sout<expan>er</expan> of southwerke · or of schordych dame Emme · </l>
<milestone>fol. 167vI</milestone>
<l> and sugge <app><lem>that</lem></app> goddes woord · gaf<del>e</del> me neu<expan>er</expan>e bote</l>
<l> but þurgh a cha<del>....</del><add>rm</add> hadde <del>y</del><add>y</add> <app><lem>hele · & of þe feu<expan>er</expan>e</lem></app> <del>....</del><add>bote · </add></l>
<l> <hi></hi> y waytede wyseloker · and thanne was yt soylyd</l>
<l> wyþ lykynge of leccherye and by lokyng of his yȝe · </l>
<l> for <orig>echa</orig><reg>ech a</reg> mayde þat he mette · he made here a sygne</l>
<l> semynge to synnewarde · and sumtyme he ga<expan>n</expan> taste · </l>
<l> aboute þe mouþ or by<seg>-</seg>neþe · bygynneþ to grope</l>
<l> tyl eyþres wylle wexeþ kene · & to þe werke ȝede</l>
<l> as well <app><lem>on</lem></app> fastyng<expan>e</expan><seg>-</seg>dayes and frydayes · & forbod nyȝt<expan>es</expan> · </l>
<l> and as wel yn lent as out of lente · al tymys ylyche</l>
<l> such werkys wyþ hem · were neu<expan>er</expan>e out of seysou<expan>n</expan> · </l>
<l> tyl þey myghtyn nomore · and <app><lem>þa<expan>n</expan></lem></app> mery talys · </l>
<l> & how þat lecchours louyen · <app><lem><sic>laughtyn</sic><corr>laughyn</corr></lem></app> and iapen · </l>
<l> & of her harlotrye & hordom · yn her elde tellyn · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> Than pacyence p<expan>ar</expan>ceyuyd · of poynt<expan>es</expan> of <app><lem>this</lem></app> cote</l>
<l> was <app><lem>comely</lem></app> þurgh couetyse · and vnkynde desyryng<expan>e</expan></l>
<l> more to good þa<expan>n</expan> to god · the goom his loue caste · </l>
<l> & ymagyned how · he yt mygth haue · </l>
<l> wyþ fals mesurys and met<del>te</del> and wyþ fals wytnes</l>
<l> lenyd for loue of þe wed<del>de</del> and looþ to do trewþe · </l>
<l> & awaytyd <app><lem>yn</lem></app> whiche weye · <app><lem>his neyhbo<expan>ur</expan>s</lem></app> <orig>tobegyle</orig><reg>to begyle</reg><note>Hm.13.359: The vellum is rough and stained over the end of this line and the next.</note></l>
<l> & mengyd his marchaundyse & made a good moustre</l>
<l> þe werst wyþ<seg>-</seg>ynne was <app><lem>y<seg>-</seg>stuffyd</lem></app> · a gret wytt y let it</l>
<l> & if my neyhbo<expan>u</expan>r hadde any hyne · or <app><lem>ell<expan>es</expan> eny beest</lem></app></l>
<l> more p<expan>ro</expan>phitable þan myne · many sleyht<expan>es</expan> y made · </l>
<l> how y mygth haue it · <app><lem>and all</lem></app> my wytt y keste</l>
<l> & but y hadde <app><lem>it by</lem></app> other weye · at þe last y stal it</l>
<l> or p<expan>ri</expan>uylyche his purs schook · vnpykyd his lockes</l>
<l> or by nygth or by daye · aboutyn was y euere</l>
<l> þurgh gyle to gadryn · the good that y haue · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> Ȝif y ȝede to the plough · y pynchid so narwe</l>
<l> þat a foot lond or a forowe · fecchyn y wolde</l>
<l> of my nexte neyhbour · nymyn of his erþe · </l>
<l> & if y repe <app><lem>y ou<expan>er</expan>reche</lem></app> · or <app><lem>ȝ<del>...</del><add>eue</add> h<del>..</del><add>em</add></lem></app> red <del>...?...</del><add>þat ropen</add></l>
<l> <del>...?...</del><add>to sese <app><lem>me</lem></app></add> wyþ her sykell · þat y ne sew neu<expan>er</expan>e · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> And who<seg>-</seg>so borweþ of me · <del>.......</del><add>abouthte</add> the tyme</l>
<l> wyþ presentys p<expan>ri</expan>uylyche · or payde sum certayn · </l>
<l> so wolde he or nouht wolde he · <del>......</del><add>wynnyn</add> <del>y</del><add>y</add> · wolde</l>
<l> and boþe to kyth and to kyn · vnkynd of þat y hadde</l>
<l> <hi></hi> And who<seg>-</seg>so cheped my chaffare · chidyn y wolde · </l>
<milestone>fol. 168rI</milestone>
<l> <del>...?...?...</del><add>but he p<expan>ro</expan>fered me to paye a peny or tweyne</add></l>
<l> more þan yt was wurth · and ȝit wolde <del>y</del><add>y</add> swere</l>
<l> that it coste me moche more · <app><lem>y swoor</lem></app> many oþes</l>
<l> <hi></hi> In holydayes at holycherche · whan y herd masse</l>
<l> had y neuere wyl <app><lem>god wote</lem></app> · wyttyrly to beseche · </l>
<l> mercy for my mysdedys · that y ne mornyd more</l>
<l> for los of good leeue <app><lem>thu me</lem></app> · þa<expan>n</expan> for my lykamys gult<expan>es</expan> · </l>
<l> as if y hadde dedly synne doon · y drede nougth þ<expan>a</expan>t so sore · </l>
<l> as whan y lent and leuyd it lost · or longe or it wer payed</l>
<l> so ȝif y kydde any kyndenesse · myn euencrystyn to helpe</l>
<l> vppon a cruel couetyse · myne herte <app><lem>bygan to</lem></app> hange · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> & if y sent ouer <app><lem>þe see</lem></app> · my seruauntys to Brugge<del>.</del><add>s</add></l>
<l> or ynto pruce<seg>-</seg>londe my p<expan>re</expan>ntys · my p<expan>ro</expan>fite to wayte</l>
<l> to marchaunt<del>u</del><add>y</add>n wyþ moneye · & make her eschau<expan>n</expan>g<expan>es</expan></l>
<l> mygth neu<expan>er</expan> <del>...?...?...</del><add><app><lem>thyng conforte me</lem></app>  in the mene</add> <app><lem>while</lem></app> · </l>
<l> neyther masse ne matynes · ne no man<expan>er</expan> syȝt<expan>es</expan> · </l>
<l> ne neu<expan>er</expan>e penaunce p<expan>ar</expan>formyd · ne pat<expan>er</expan> n<expan>oste</expan>r seyde · </l>
<l> þ<expan>a</expan>t my mynde ne was more · on my good i<expan>n</expan> a doute</l>
<l> þa<expan>n</expan> yn þe grace of god · <app><lem>and yn</lem></app><note>Hm.13.397: F has the possibly related lection <hi>or in</hi>.</note> his grete helpes</l>
<l> <foreign><hi>Vbi thesaurus tuus · ibi et cor tuum · <del>...</del><add><app><lem>& c<expan>etera</expan></lem></app></add></hi></foreign></l>
<l> <app><lem>þe whiche</lem></app> whiche ben þe braunches · þ<expan>a</expan>t bryngyn <orig>aman</orig><reg>a man</reg> to slewthe</l>
<l> <hi></hi> he þat moorneþ nouht for his mysdedes · ne makeþ no sorwe · </l>
<l> and penaunce that the preest <del>........</del><add>enioyneþ</add> parformeþ <app><lem>it euele</lem></app></l>
<l> dooþ noon almas<seg>-</seg>dede · <app><lem>dredeth</lem></app> hym of noone synne · </l>
<l> lyueþ aȝenst<del>e</del> the beleeue · and noon lawe holdeth · </l>
<l> eche day is holyday wyth hym · or an hiȝe ferye · </l>
<l> and ȝif he auȝt wol here · yt is an harlottys tonge</l>
<l> whan men carpyn of cryst or of clennesse of soule</l>
<l> he wexeþ wroth and woll nougth here · but woordys of merþe · </l>
<l> penaunce and poore men · and the passyou<expan>n</expan> of seyntys</l>
<l> he hateth to here therof · and alle that yt telleth</l>
<l> these ben þe braunches beth war · þat bryngyn <orig>aman</orig><reg>a man</reg> to wanhope</l>
<l> <hi></hi> ȝee lordys and ladyes · and legates of holycherche</l>
<l> that fedeþ folys sages · flaterers and lyers</l>
<l> and han lykynge to lyþen hem · to doon ȝow to laugh · </l>
<l> <foreign><hi>Ve vobis qui ridetis · & c<expan>etera</expan></hi></foreign></l>
<l> <hi></hi> And ȝiueth hem mete and mede · and pore men refuse</l>
<l> yn ȝour deeþ deyȝynge · y drede me ful sore · </l>
<l> laste<note>Hm.13.417: <hi>Laste</hi>, "lest."</note> tho thre man<expan>er</expan> men · to moche sorow ȝow brynge · </l>
<l> <foreign><hi>Con<del>c</del><add>s</add>encientes · & agentes · pari pena punientur <app><lem>& c<expan>etera</expan></lem></app> · </hi></foreign> </l>
<milestone>fol. 168vI</milestone>
<l> <hi></hi> Patryarkes and p<expan>ro</expan>phetes · and p<expan>re</expan>chours of goddys <app><lem>woord</lem></app> · </l>
<l> sauen þurgh her <app><lem>sarmou<expan>n</expan>s</lem></app> · mannys soule from helle · </l>
<l> rygth so flaterers and foles · arn þe fendys dysciples</l>
<l> to entyce men þurgh her tales · to synne and harlotrye · </l>
<l> ac clerkes þat knowyn holy wrytt · schuldyn kenne lordes · </l>
<l> what dauid seith of suche men · as þe saut<expan>er</expan> telleþ · </l>
<l> <foreign><hi>Non h<expan>ab</expan>itabit in medio domus · mee · qui facit <app><lem>sup<expan>er</expan>bia<expan>m</expan></lem></app> <del>&</del><note>Hm.13.425: Hm's erasure of original ampersand after <hi>superbiam</hi> brings it into agreement with alpha and <hi>Cx</hi>.</note> qui loquit<expan>ur</expan> <del>...?...</del><add>iniqua <app><lem>& c<expan>etera</expan></lem></app></add></hi></foreign></l>
<l> <hi></hi> Schulde noon <app><lem>haue</lem></app> audyence · yn halle ne yn chaumbres · </l>
<l> ther wyse men were · wytnesseth goddys <app><lem>woord</lem></app> · </l>
<l> ne no mysproud man · amonge lordys ben alowyd · </l>
<l> <hi></hi> Ac flaterers and folys · þurgh her foule woordys</l>
<l> ledyn tho þat louyn hem · to lucyferes feste</l>
<l> wyþ <foreign><hi>turpiloquio</hi></foreign> a lay of sorwe · and lucyferys fythele</l>
<l> thus haukyn þe actif man · hadde soylyd his cote</l>
<l> tyl conscyence acoupyd hym þ<expan>er</expan>of · yn a curteys man<expan>er</expan>e · </l>
<l> whi he ne hadde waschyn it · or wypyd it wyþ a brusche</l>