fol. 28r (cont.)I
umme shal sowen sakkus oM.6.9: In place of M's reading , all other sakkus manuscripts have B, except L which has þe sak. This is followed by sakke in all manuscripts except G, which has quod Piers. quod he for spillingeM.6.9: M's reading of is not shared by other spillinge manuscripts, most of which read B. It is the reading of two shedyng manuscripts. A of þe whete
S fol. 28vI
# omo u miles optul do seip it ad arat sum rum q
# the Covennt by au- twene the knyght & the plowman
# b uian e dic e it q
im eM.6.43: M's original reading was unattested in other him manuscripts. The altered reading of B is shared with F and is the reading of some hem manuscripts. Most A manuscripts read B. it nauȝte an auenture ȝe may it nauȝt ye deserue
Nym h# the knyght Bondman
he be þin vndurling ȝe hereM.6.47: M's original reading is attested in most here manuscripts. The altered reading is unattested among B manuscripts. B wel may happe in heuene
Þowa t no
M.6.50: M shares plural with G. Other Charneles manuscripts have the singular. B atte churche . cherlus ben .uele to knowe e
For in Charneles fol. 29rI
vj p us assus
# the devils dysowrs
M.6.59: M shares the form with F, for Piers in other Perkyn manuscripts. B . in pilgrimes wise
And I shal apparaille me quod PiersM.6.64KD.6.62
e bringe me þere- in nneM.6.64: The correction has been made by erasing the first two minims. See Introduction III.1. .
A busshel of bredcornM.6.68KD.6.66
M.6.68: M shares the reading with F, omitted by other He manuscripts. B shal haue leue by oure lorde . to lese here in herueste
de . maugreeM.6.69: M's original reading without is an maugree reading not paralleled in other A manuscripts. B ...oso bigruccheþ it wh
And make hem myrie þere mid# oblacio uiaes n n debent recepi de hijs q onor u no umi ma deleant n & c ur etera q
fol. 29vI
the testament of Piers
itM.6.90: All other manuscripts place this B at the end of the line. M's original reading without it is unattested in other it manuscripts but is the reading of the B version. Kane and Donaldson record the rest of the line as A, perhaps referring to over erasure, but only its final <-e> is erased. disserued disseruede
He shal haue my soule þat beste hath M.6.91: M's reading of is not shared by other and manuscripts, which read B. It is the reading of the for version. C so I bileue
And fro þe fende it defende . andto pay preestly is nothig for they be all receyv ns erM.6.96: An example of the marginal commentator's anticlericalism?
M.6.96: M's reading is unattested in other him ful manuscripts. W reads B; most other it ful manuscripts read B. it hym prestly . for pil of my soule er
I paiede him ful ¶
.there werkemen þere O were .. þat wrouȝte ful fasteM.6.112: M shares the reading with C, for faste in other yerne manuscripts. It is the reading of B manuscripts. A
fol. 30rI
vj p us assus
ne greyne þat herM.6.122: M's addition of is an her reading unattested in other AC manuscripts. B groweth . glade ȝow at nede y
Shal no# the devill haue þt Reccheth
# omo uo truffatores Fingu dt se Fere n i mitulat i & Ceci m[uti]lat q
ȝe sain yM.6.132: M's reading of reverses the syntax of most other þat ye sain quod Piers manuscripts, which read B. G omits quod piers þat ye seyn entirely; YOC quod PiersCB omit 2. þat ye seyn quod Piers . I shal it sone aspie .
If it be soth þat # ra wasters
ȝ if he be blinde ... orM.6.139: M's altered reading agrees with most or manuscripts. L reads B. and broke- leggud . or boltede wt i yrnes h
But M.6.146-155: This paragraph and the next two are bracketed in left margin and marked in a seventeenth-century hand. It is not immediately clear which of the ideas in these paragraphs prompted the comment of
"heresy." heresiIn leccherie and in losengerie . ȝe lyuen and in sleuthe y
p mdit filiu er m qui parcit virga
con f trares rat
fol. 30vI
# omo uo q drit ue piers ad milit ur em q
XM.6.170: The <X> is written drypoint.
# the hopyg aft n hung er er
- wreke me onM.6.176: M shares the reading with Hm, for on in other of manuscripts. B þes wastours qd he þat þis world uoe schendeth
A# Fames venit ad puniend uod vast um um q
M.6.186: M's is unique. All other Er manuscripts read B. Or ellus me.. and mene ale þus praide piers for hem . lk
Er- mak.. edM.6.190: Something, no longer legible, is erased in the left margin.M.6.190: In the lower right corner of this leaf is a mark of some sort, about 1cm high, whose significance is unknown. It seems to
correspond to a similar mark, also visible on the current image, in the lower left corner of the facing leaf.
For a potful of peses . þat Piers hadde I fol. 31rI
vj p us assus
# that was baken For I bayerd
M.6.198: M's is unattested in other ful manuscripts, except F, which reads B. ful bown buxom. was to swynke
And many a begger for benes . ful... hem mete as he miȝte forthe yafM.6.202: Most manuscripts read B; Cr reads aforþe. ford . and mesurable .... hyre
And M.6.203: M's reading is unattested in other And manuscripts. B þanne hadde Piers pite . and praide hungre to wende
- to his owne erd yM.6.204: The alteration to brings M into agreement with WHmCr. M's original yerd agreed with LR. erd . and holden him þere
Hom in...?...?...d pieres . for god bouȝte vs alle . uo qM.6.211: It seems probable that M originally agreed with and A in lacking Cd pieres uo, and so the corrector needed to rewrite the b-verse and insert another punctus. q
Þey arn my blody breþeren . # ciliu n Famis m con audaces me tradican n tes co
ȝ if þe grom.s eM.6.220: M's is unattested among other gromes manuscripts, most of which read B. The gomes reading is also AC, though this is not immediately obvious from Kane and Russell-Kane. gromes grucche bidde hem go swynke
And fol. 31vI
e . and lateM.6.229: M shares the reading with Hm; other and late manuscripts omit B. and god take þe veniaunce
Loue hem and lakke hem nouȝtM.6.236KD.6.230
.ynnele s.. esM.6.236: M's reading of is unique among do synnelees manuscripts. All other B manuscripts read B. synnelees do as þou saist . saide Piers þanne
Miȝte I do In sudore / and in swynke þow shalt þi bredeM.6.239: M's reading of is not shared by other brede manuscripts, most of which read B. mete tillie
/ no felde wolde /M.6.242: This erasure is legible under ultraviolet light.
Piger pro frigore . no ...?... feld woldeM.6.242: M's altered reading agrees with HmCrFR. All other wolde manuscripts read B. nolde tilie
besaunteM.6.245: This gloss on appears directly over the word. WHmL also attest this gloss. nam
besauntM.6.247: This gloss is in different hand than that two lines up, and is not shared by other manuscripts. B
- nam hymM.6.247: M's original reading without was shared by L. hym his M nam . for he nolde worche .
And byM.6.248KD.6.242
ȝaf him yM.6.248: Most other manuscripts omit the word B here and include him after the first to him. Mnam þat mnam . þat ten Mmna M mmes hadde
And M.6.250: M's reading of is not shared by other þerewith þat manuscripts, most of which read B. þere it nedeth
He þat hath shal haue . and helpe þerewith þatM.6.252KD.6.246
M.6.252: M's reading is unique. Other reue manuscripts have B. bireue .
And þat he weneth wel to haue . I wil it him reue quia manducabis & c um etera Labores manuum tuarM.6.259: F ends this Latin tag with ; most manducabis batus es &c manuscripts end after B. tuarum
e . lere it meM.6.261: M here lacks , which is attested in all other my manuscripts save F. B dere
Eny leef of lechecrafte a wyke wor... nouȝt chee . ...?...?...M.6.263: This plural is unattested in other manuscripts. Kane and Donaldson state that "s added over erasure another ink," but the full half-line is rewritten. B aketh so oure wombes
Of all fol. 32rI
vj pas us sus
# con manging to moch
M.6.267: M's is unattested in other ne manuscripts. B drinke no.. — day . tilM.6.267: M's reading of is not shared by other til manuscripts, which read B. For the same variation see M.5.400. er þow haue dinedeM.6.267: M's reading of is not shared by other haue dined manuscripts, which read B. dyne sumwhat
Þat þow ne.M.6.269: M shares the reading with F, for þy in other with þy manuscripts. It is an B version reading. A lippus
And sende þe of his sauce . to sauoure þye til soperM.6.270: M shares the reading with F, for soper in other soper tyme manuscripts. B . and sitte nouȝt to longe
And kepe somM.6.274: M shares the reading with C, for maners in other maner manuscripts. B of mete . his mawe is afingrede
And aftur many manersȝ if þow diete þeeM.6.275: M's original reading without was shared with CCot. þee þus . I dar legge myn eres .
And M.6.277: M's plural is unattested in other manuscripts. B ...?... with alle þe knappus of golde of Calabre .
And his Clokes con medicos tra
fol. 32vI
ripe +M.6.301: The deleted text is legible under ultraviolet light.
... piers þis ede.....sent re to plese with phis —M.6.302: M's original inclusion of placed it in agreement with Cr hisOC 3CBmBo. 2 hunger
And profr itM.6.306: M's original reading without agreed with YC. it neiȝede nere herueste newe corne come to chepinge
By þat M.6.315: All other manuscripts here include B, except F which has a day. or suppe . niȝt olde wortus
Deined nouȝt to dyneM.6.317: M shares the reading with F; other it be manuscripts have B or omit the phrase. if it be fressh flessh . ...?...?...M.6.317: M's reading of is not shared by other rosted manuscripts, most of which read B. fryed or baken or fissh rostedM.6.317: This half line is written over a significantly longer erasure.
But it beM.6.320KD.6.313
- wrouȝte . wail.. he þe while eþM.6.320: M's b-verse is unique among manuscripts. Most other B manuscripts read B. waille þe tyme .
And þat he was werkman yM.6.328KD.6.321
ȝow werkemen . wurche yM.6.328: M's reading of is not shared by other wurche manuscripts, most of which read B. wynneþ wil ȝe mowe y
Ac I warne M.6.331: M's reading is unique among rise manuscripts, the rest of which read B. aryse .
Ar fyue be fulfullude . such famyn shal riseM.6.332KD.6.325 flodus and foule wedres . fruitus shal falle ruM.6.332: M's reading of is not shared by other fall manuscripts, which read B, though it is the reading of six faille manuscripts. A
Þoa t No
.. edM.6.335: M's altered reading agrees with LRF. Other multiplied manuscripts read B. multiplie bi ..... eighte
And a mayde haue þe maistrie . and multiplicor
us iiij