fol. 25v (cont.)I
passus vjus de visione
vt supra
vt supra
Passus vjusSextus
L.6.1: Three dots in brown ink arranged in a triangle appear in the left margin. ThisL.6.1: The ornamental character is six lines high and in blue with red flourishes and three sprays. A small guide letter <t> appears
in the left margin amidst the flourishes. were a wikked way · but who-so hadde a gyde
fol. 26rI
What sholde we wommen · worche þere-whilesL.6.8: The lection þere appears only in LMRF; most other B witnesses have þe.
¶ Somme shal sowe sakkeL.6.9: Sowe sakke appears only in L; most other B witnesses have sowe þe sak. quod Piers · for shedyng of þe whete
Þe nedy and þe naked · nymmeth hede how hijL.6.15: LM alone have the hij form at this point; most other B manuscripts have some form of þei. liggeth
Flesshe and bred bothe · to riche and to poreL.6.18: A large area in the right margin has been scraped. What was there is not legible.
¶ Bi crist quod a knyȝte þo · he kenneth vs þe bestL.6.22: A large area in the right margin has been scraped. What was there is not legible.
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to landlordes
For in charnel atteL.6.50: LHmM read atte, "at the," against all other B manuscripts' at. Since Hm routinely writes atte for at, only the agreement of LM is significant. chirche · cherles ben yuel to knowe
¶ And cast on meL.6.61: LR alone read me; other B manuscripts omit it. my clothes · yclouted and hole
Treuthe tolde me ones · and bad me tellenL.6.76: The lection tellen appears only in LR; other B witnesses have telle, permitting elision of the final <e> and a metrical half-line. it after
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They ben ascaped good auenture · nowL.6.80: The lection now appears only in LMRF; most other B witnesses omit it. god hem amende
piers testament
In dei nomine amen · I make it my-seluenL.6.89: A sixteenth-century scribe has written piers testament in the right margin. The end of testament has been cropped, perhaps removing -um.
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But if he be blynde andL.6.139: L uniquely has and. Other B witnesses have or. broke-legged · or bolted with yrnes
And of myL.6.150: LMRF alone have And of my; other B manuscripts have either And alone or And of. catel to cope hem with · þat han cloistres and cherches
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Worth neuere plente amonge þe poeple · þerL.6.166: LCM have þer. Most other B witnesses read þe. while my plow liggeth
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Þat seten to seten to[seten to]L.6.196: This line has a <+> in the left margin, but the dittographic error was never corrected. begge syluer · sone were þei heled
Home in-to his owne erdL.6.204: LR alone have erd, though HmMW have the related spelling yerd. Other B witnesses have erthe (BCC2OY). · and holden hym þere
Of beggeres and of bidderes · what best beL.6.207: L uniquely has be, omitting to, though the other B manuscripts vary between be to and is to. done
AnL.6.215: The corrector's <+> marks the scribe's An for And. how I myȝte amaistrien hem · and make hem to worche
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And if þow wilL.6.232: L uniquely has wil; other B manuscripts have wilt. be graciouse to god · do as þe gospel techeth
And bilowL.6.233: LMR alone have bilow; most other B manuscripts have biloue. The corrector has noted this difference with a marginal <+>. þe amonges low men · so shaltow lacche grace
a besaunt
Þat seruus nequam had a nam · L.6.245: The scribe added a besaunt (besaunt, "coin" or "talent") above the line to gloss nam or mnam, "a Biblical coin." He was, perhaps, drawing attention to the source of the tale, the parable of the talents in Matthew 25.
A similar gloss appears in HmMW. and for he wolde nouȝte chaffare
Contemplatyf lyf or actyf lyf · cryst wolde men wrouȝteL.6.255: LMRY alone read men wrouȝte; most other B witnesses have þei wroȝte.
Ac I hote þe quod hunger · as þow þyne hele wilnest L.6.266: A corrector's <X> appears in the right margin which is atypically large and oddly placed, extending two lines in height.
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AriseL.6.271: LMR alone have Arise; most other B manuscripts have And rys. vp ar appetit · haue eten his fulle
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L.6.314: The scribe's paraph indicator in the left margin was not executed by the rubricating scribe, probably because the original
scribe failed to skip a line. ¶ Laboreres þat haue no lande · to lyue on but her handes
Ne stryue aȝeines his statut · so sterneliche he lokedL.6.327: A later hand put a bracket in the right margin which extends to include the next line. The ink is darker than the text.
¶ Ac I warne ȝow werkemen · wynneth while ȝe moweL.6.328: A later hand has bracketed this verse paragraph and added a nota in the form of a pointing hand. The bracket includes all but the first and last lines of the line group. The ink is lighter
than text ink and of a finer pen stroke with three cross hatches and a final loop.
And a Mayde haue þe maistrie · and multipliedL.6.335: LMRF alone have the preterite form. All other B manuscripts have multiplie. bi eight