fol. 17r (cont.)I
passus v de visione vt supraL.5.000: The supra can almost be made out, but it is largely illegible.
Passus quintus de visione
TheL.5.1: The ornamental capital is five lines high, written in blue ink with red flourishes. kyng and his knightes · to the kirke wente
fol. 17vI
L.5.43: A pointing hand appears in the left margin, the work of a later scribe. This hand is in darker ink than the text and written
with a finer penstroke; it is placed low in relation to the line group so that the finger points to the paraph. Compare to
the hand on fol. 16r. ¶ And sithen he preyed prelatz · and prestes togideres
L.5.63: The original scribe put a paraph indicator in the left margin but did not skip a line, and the rubricator did not draw the
paraph. ¶ Thanne ran repentance · and reherced his teme
fol. 18rI
Superbia ·
Luxuria ·
Of a freres frokke · were forsleuesL.5.83: A word-long erased space occurs after were. It has been thoroughly scraped. Examination under ultra-violet light suggests that the scribe wrote forsleues, and only found the repetition in correcting the page. þe forsleues
L.5.102: An unrubricated paraph marker appears in the left margin. Since the scribe failed to skip a line, the rubricating scribe
may have failed to notice it. ¶ And whan I mete him in market · þat I moste hate
fol. 18vI
Ira ·L.5.136: The scribe has put 3 dots arranged in a triangle in the left margin inside a red box with the gloss.
And nyuelynge with þe nose · and his nekke L.5.137: The word nekke is added later by the original scribe in a blank he left, one not entirely filled. hangyngeL.5.137-138: Water damage has affected the left side of this line group and the final line on the page.
fol. 19rI
¶ And now personesL.5.145: LM alone omit han, which appears before or after persones in other B manuscripts. parceyued · þat Freres parte with hem
That whan þei preche þe poeple · in many placeL.5.148: LBCMY read singular place against the plural of all other manuscripts. aboute
¶ Of wykked wordes I wrath · here wortes I-madeL.5.164: The metrically required prefix is supplied for I-made (< OE gemacian) only in LROC2.
Hadde þei had knyues bi cryst · herL.5.167: LMWR read her or hir. All other B manuscripts omit it. eyther had killed other
fol. 19vI
Ac otherwhile whan wyn cometh · whanL.5.180: This word appears only in manuscripts LGMR. Most other beta witnesses have and. I drynke wyn at eue
Auaricia ·L.5.190: The scribe has put 3 dots arranged in a triangle to the left of Auaricia.
So hungriliche and holwe · sire henriL.5.191: LCGR alone read henri; most other B manuscripts have heruy. hym loked
She sholde nouȝte haue walked on þat welcheL.5.201: LR alone read on þat welche; other manuscripts have several different variants: Cr1MW read on þat welþe, and most other B manuscripts have there or theron. "Welche" is Welsh flannel. · so was it thredebare
Ne had þe grace of gyle ygo · amonge my wareL.5.209: L is joined by MRF in reading ware. Other B manuscripts have chaffare.
L.5.211: An unrubricated paraph marker appears in the left margin. Since the scribe failed to skip a line, the rubricating scribe
may have failed to notice it. ¶ Thanne drowe I me amonges draperes · my donet to lerne
To broche hem with a bat-nedleL.5.214: L and RF have the nonce-word bat-nedle, meaning "basting needle"; other B witnesses read pak-nedle. · and plaited hem togyderes
And put hem in a presse · and pynedL.5.215: L is joined by alpha manuscripts RF in reading pyned; most other B manuscripts have pynned. hem þerinne
Tyl ten ȝerdes or twelue · tolledL.5.216: LM are joined by alpha manuscripts RF in reading tolled; other B witnesses have hadde(n) tolled. out threttene
fol. 20rI
¶ Repentestow þe euere quod repentance · neL.5.234: LMR alone read ne; other B manuscripts have or. restitucioun madest
¶ Ȝus ones I was herberwed quod he · with an hep of chapmenL.5.235: This is the first appearance of a mark which looks here like a single character, a barred <g>, but which will sometimes be
extended to form a bracket. It is used here more like nota than as a bracket. The ink differs from text ink.
I roos whan þei were arest · and yrifledL.5.236: LR alone have unmetrical yrifled. Other B manuscripts have riflede. here males
fol. 20vI
L.5.255-258: A bracket, supplied by a later hand, extends from this line through the following three lines in the left margin. Lenestow euere lordes · for loue of her mayntenaunce
Ne þine ysueL.5.267: L and R alone have ysue, meaning "issue, progeny." Most other B manuscripts have heires. The original scribe first wrote vsue and then in response to the corrector's <+> corrected the first character to <y>. after þe · haue ioye of þat þow wynnest
And I wyst wytterly · þow were suche as þow tellethL.5.274: L uniquely has telleth here; the other B manuscripts read tellest. This probably motivated the corrector's <+> in the left margin.
¶ For alle þat hathL.5.282: LMR alone read hath; C2HmOW have han and CCrGYF read haue. of þi good · haue god my trouthe
IsL.5.283: LMR alone have Is; other B witnesses have Ben. holden at þe heighe dome · to helpe þe to restitue
fol. 21rI
Omnis iniquitas quantum ad misericordiam dei · estL.5.296: L alone omits quasi after est. sintilla in medio maris
Gula ·
And sithen I wil be shryuen · and synne namoreL.5.314-318: A later hand has added in the right margin a bracket extending to include the next four lines.
gluons fisik
¶ I haue gode ale gossib quod she · glotown wiltow assayeL.5.315: In the right margin are the words gluons (for glu[t]ons) fisik.
¶ I haue peper and piones quod heL.5.317: The form he for "she" is a relict from Bx, and it appears in LBCCrY and the first version of M. · and a pounde of garlike
fol. 21vI
Who-so hauethL.5.337: LGMR read haueth. Other B manuscripts favor hadde, though hath and haue occur in some instances. þe hood · shuld haue amendes of þe cloke
His guttis gunne to godlyL.5.351: LMR alone read godly. The corrector's marginal <+> suggests that he thought this required correction, perhaps to god[e]l[e] as in L.13.95: And þanne shullen his guttis godele. See MED s.v. gothelen v. · as two gredy sowes
He trembledL.5.361: L alone reads trembled, though R has tremled and F tripplid. Most other B witnesses have some form of stombled. A corrector's <+> appears in the margin, though that possibly marks the scribe's spelling an for "and" later in the line. on þe thresshewolde · an threwe to þe erthe
fol. 22rI
Durst lape of þeL.5.367: LGMR alone read þe. Most other B manuscripts have þat. Kane-Donaldson mistakenly read M as þo. leuynges · so vnlouely þei smauȝte
And avowed fastL.5.392: LGR and the first copy of M omit to before fast. · for hunger or for thurst
Shal neuere fisshe on þeL.5.393: LBoCotR alone have þe. It is omitted by most other B witnesses. fryday · defien in my wombe
fol. 22vI
Or lesynges to laughe at · and belye my neighboreL.5.418: LMR alone read neighbore; most other B manuscripts have the plural.
Construe oon clause wel · and kenne it to my parochienesL.5.430: The words oon and wel have been written by a contemporary hand in blank spaces. The <c> of clause and the medial raised point has been retouched by the same hand.
Ac in canoun ne in þeL.5.432: Manuscripts LGMR alone supply þe. Most other manuscripts omit it. decretales · I can nouȝte rede a lyne
¶ Ȝif I bigge andL.5.433: The <d> is a later addition in the blank space between the two words. The corrector's <+> appears faintly in the left margin,
further out than most such marks. Though the ink is darker than that of the text hand, the correction may well have been made
by the original scribe. borwe it · but ȝif it be ytailled
I forȝete it as ȝerne · and ȝifL.5.434: LHmR read alliterating ȝif; most other B manuscripts read if. men me it axe
Reuthe is to hereL.5.438: Where LMRF have here alone, most other B manuscripts have here þe. rekenynge · whan we shal rede acomptes
fol. 23rI
I namL.5.443: LMO read nam. All other B witnesses have am. nouȝte lured with loue · but þere ligge auȝte vnder þe thombe
And euere sith beL.5.451: LR alone read be; other B manuscripts read haue be, haue I be, or I haue be. True to form, the corrector has noted the reading with a marginal <+>. beggere · for my foule sleuthe
For is no gult here so grete · þat his goodnesse nysL.5.459: LMW alone have nys. All other B manuscripts read is. more
And for þer was nouȝte · where-of he wepeL.5.474: The strong preterite form wepe appears in alpha and M as well. Most beta witnesses have wepte. swithe sore
fol. 23vI
Ne neuere wene to wynne · with crafte þat I oweL.5.480: The gloss debeo appears over the last word of this line.
fol. 24rI
Of þyne douȝtiestL.5.518: LMRF agree in reading douȝtiest; other B witnesses have douȝty. dedes · were don in owre armes
InL.5.547: The <n> is in red ink and was inserted in the space reserved for the capitals, not as a regular item of text. ermonye in alisaundre · in many other places
fol. 24vI
L.5.556: A square about an inch in size appears in the left margin. It is drawn with very fine penstrokes in pale brown ink, and each
side of it is scored by three small strokes evenly spaced. In the middle is a tiny circle. The strokes do not radiate from
the circle. Peter quod a plowman · and put forth his hed
I haue ben his folwar · al þis fourtyL.5.561: LMRF read fourty; other B witnesses have fifty. wyntre
Ich haue mymynL.5.569: A contemporary hand subpuncted and struck through my and added myn in the left margin. huire wel · and otherwhiles more
Treuthe wolde loue me þe lasse · a longe tyme þere-afterL.5.579: LHmWR supply the necessary syllable þer for the medial dip. Most other B witnesses omit it.
decem preceptaL.5.591: The gloss is in a sixteenth-century hand.
Ne none of here seruantz The end of seruantz is illegible except under ultra-violet light at the gutter edge. The image can also be sharpened to make them visible.
fol. 25rI
Boterased with bileue so · or þow beest nouȝte ysauedL.5.610: Most other B witnesses omit the unmetrical prefix to saued. This form appears only in LMYR.
WitL.5.612:The corrector's <+> in the margin presumably notes the scribe's rendering of Wit for Wiþ here. The same error is marked at L.20.118. It was not corrected either place. no lede but with loue · and lowe speche as bretheren
And if grace graunte þe · to go in inL.5.627: LM alone have in in; other B witnesses have in. þis wise
In a cheyne of charyte · as þow a clildec[h]ildeL.5.629: The form is ambiguous. What we have transcribed as clilde was transcribed by Kane and Donaldson as chlde. The <+> in the right margin marks the error for correction. were
¶ Ac bewar þanne of wrath þeL.5.631: LGHmWR have þe; other B witnesses omit it. · þat is a wikked shrewe
fol. 25vI
And pukketh ....forþL.5.633: Forþ and the <h> of pukketh have been corrected over an erasure in darker brown ink by a later hand. The <h> was converted from an <l>. pruyde to prayse þi-seluen
Kayed andL.5.636: The <d> has been inserted in the same darker brown ink used by a later corrector above. clikated · to kepe þe with-outen
And aren ...porteresL.5.641: The first three letters of porteres are written over an erasure in the same darker ink used above plus some overwriting in <t>. of þe posternes · that to þe place longeth
vij sisters
Þat one hatL.5.642: The <h> is written over in the darker ink of the later correcting scribe. abstenence · and humilite an-other
Pacience andL.5.644: The <d> is a later insert in red ink. pees · moche poeple þei helpeth
Largenesse þe lady · heoL.5.645: L alone reads heo, though R has he. Most B manuscripts have she. let in ful manye
HeoL.5.646: LR have the relict form Heo; other witnesses have she or sho. hath hulpe a þousande oute · of þe deueles ponfolde
¶ And who is sibbe to þis seueneL.5.647: The final <e> is in the darker ink of a later correcting scribe. · so me god helpe
NeL.5.653: LMRF agree in reading Ne; most other B witnesses have Nor. I quod an apewarde · bi auȝte þat I knowe