<div1>fol. 69r (cont.)I</div1>
<del><hi>pass<expan>us</expan> xv<expan>us</expan> de dowell & inc<expan>i</expan>p<expan>i</expan>t dobet</hi></del><note>M.15.0: The guide for the rubricator in the right margin has been erased, but <hi>pass<expan>us</expan> xv<expan>us</expan> de dowell & inc<expan>i</expan>p<expan>i</expan>t dobet</hi> is still legible under ultra-violet light. It may be that a <j> has been erased after <hi>xv</hi>.</note>
<hi><foreign>passus <orig>xv</orig><reg>quintodecimus</reg><del>.</del></foreign></hi></head>
<l><hi><hi>A</hi></hi>c aftur my wakynge . it was won<del>n</del>dur longe</l>
<l>Er I koude kyndly . knowe what is<note>M.15.2: M's <hi>is</hi> is not shared by other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, which read <hi>was</hi>.</note> dowel . </l>
<l>And so my wit wexe and wa<del>y</del><add>n</add><del>n</del><add>y</add>ed . til I a fool<del>e</del> were</l>
<l>And so<expan>m</expan>me lakked my lif . allowed it but<note>M.15.4: M's <hi>but</hi> is not shared by other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts.</note> fewe . </l>
<l>And leten <add>me</add><note>M.15.5: M's original reading without <hi>me</hi> was shared by HmGYOC<hi>2</hi>CL.</note> for a lorel . and loth to reu<expan>er</expan>encen . </l>
<l>Lordes or ladyes . or any lif elles</l>
<l>As p<expan>er</expan>sou<expan>n</expan>s in pellure . with pendauntz of siluer . </l>
<l>To sergauntz ne to suche . saide <add>I</add><note>M.15.8: The addition of <hi>I</hi> puts M in agreement with WHmCr.</note> nouȝt ones . </l>
<l>God loke <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ow lordus . ne louted faire</l>
<l>That folk helden me a fool . and in þat folye I rauede</l>
<l>Til reson hadde ruthe on me . and rokked me a<seg>-</seg>slepe</l>
<l>Til I seigh<del>e</del> as it sorcerie were . a sotil þing w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan><seg>-</seg>alle</l>
<l>Oon w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan><seg>-</seg>outen tonge or teeth . tolde me whider I sholde</l>
<l>And whereof I cam and of what kynde . I coniured hym atte laste</l>
<l><del>Ȝif</del><add>If</add> he were crist<del>.</del><add>e</add>s creature . for crist<del>.</del><add>e</add>s loue me to tellen</l>
M.15.16KD.15.16, 17
<l>I am cristes creature . quod he . and cristen in many a place</l>
<l>In crist<del>.</del><add>e</add>s Court<del>e</del> I knowe wel . and of his kyn a partie . </l>
<l>Is neither Pet<del>re</del><add>er</add> <del>..</del><add><seg></seg></add> þe porter . ne Poule with his fauchoun . </l>
<l>That wol deffende me þe dore . dynge I neu<expan>er</expan>e so late</l>
<l>At mydnyȝt at mydday . my vois so is y<seg>-</seg>knowe</l>
<l>That <del>.</del><add>e</add>ch<del>e</del> a creature of his court<del>e</del> . welcometh <add>me</add> faire</l>
<l>What ar <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>e called in þat Court<del>e</del> quod I . among<del>e</del> cristes p<del>.</del><add>e</add>ple</l>
# <foreign>disc<expan>ri</expan>pc<expan>i</expan>o<expan>n</expan>em ani<expan>m</expan>e</foreign>
<l>The w<del>....</del><add>hiles</add> I quyke þe corps . quod he . called am I <hi><foreign><hi>Anima</hi></foreign> .</hi></l>
<l>And whan I wilne and wolde . <hi><foreign><hi>Animus</hi></foreign></hi> ich hatte</l>
<l>And for þat I kan and knowe . called am I . <foreign><hi>mens</hi></foreign></l>
<l>And whan I make mone to god . <hi><foreign><hi>memoria</hi></foreign></hi> is my name</l>
<l>And whan I deme domes . and do as truthe techeth . </l>
<l>Than is <hi><foreign><hi>Racio</hi></foreign></hi> . my riȝt name . resou<expan>n</expan> on ynglissh . </l>
<l>And whan I feele þat folk<del>e</del> telleth . my furste name is <hi><foreign><hi>Sensus</hi></foreign> .</hi></l>
<milestone>fol. 69vI</milestone>
<l>And þat is wit and wisdome . þe welle of alle craftus . </l>
<l>And whan I chalange . or chalange nouȝt . chepe or refuse</l>
<l>Than am I Co<del>n</del><add><expan>n</expan>s</add>cience y<seg>-</seg>called . godes clerk and his Notarie</l>
<l>And whan I loue lelly . oure lord and alle oþer</l>
<l>Thanne is lele loue my name . and in latyn <hi><foreign><hi>Amor</hi></foreign> .</hi></l>
<l>And <add>whan</add> I fl<del>..</del><add>ee</add> from þe flessh . and forsake þe caroigne</l>
<l>Thanne am <add>I</add> spirit specheles . <hi><foreign><hi>sp<expan>irit</expan>us</hi></foreign></hi> þanne ich hatte</l>
<l>Austyn and <del>.</del><add>y</add>sodorus . either of hem bothe . </l>
<l>Nempned me þus to name . now þow myȝt chese</l>
<l>How þou coue<add>i</add>test to calle me . now þow knowest alle my names</l>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>Anima pro diu<expan>er</expan>sis accionib<expan>us</expan> diu<expan>er</expan>sa no<expan>m</expan>i<expan>n</expan>a sortit<expan>ur</expan> . du<expan>m</expan> viuificat corpus </hi><lb/>
<hi>a<expan>n</expan>i<expan>m</expan>a est . dum vult animus est . du<expan>m</expan> scit mens est . du<expan>m</expan> recolit </hi><lb/>
<hi>memoria est . du<expan>m</expan> iudicat racio est . dum sentit sensus est . dum </hi><lb/>
<hi>amat amor est . du<expan>m</expan> negat vel consentit consciencia est . dum </hi><lb/>
<hi>spirat Spiritus est .</hi></hi>
<l><del>Ȝ</del><add>Y</add>e ben as a bisshop quod I . al bourdynge þat tyme</l>
<l>For bisshopus yblessud . bereth many names . </l>
<l><hi><foreign><hi>Presul</hi></foreign> . and <foreign><hi>Pontifex</hi></foreign> . and <foreign><hi>Metropolitanus</hi> .</foreign></hi></l>
<l>And othere names an heep <foreign><hi><hi> Ep<expan>iscop</expan>us</hi></hi></foreign> and <foreign><hi><hi>pastor</hi></hi></foreign> . </l>
<l>That is soth saide he . now I se þi wille</l>
<l>Thow woldest know<add>e</add> and kunne . þe cause of alle hire names</l>
<l>And of myn <del>ȝ</del>if þow miȝtest . me thynketh by þi speche . </l>
<l><del>Ȝ</del><add>Y</add>e sire I saide by so no man . were agreued<del>e</del></l>
<l>Alle þe sciences vndur sonne . and alle þe sotil craftes . </l>
<l>I wolde I knewe and couthe . kyndly in myn herte . </l>
<l>Thanne art þow inp<expan>ar</expan>fit quod he . and oon of prides knyȝtes</l>
<l>For suche a lust<del>e</del> and likynge . lucifer fell<del>e</del> from heuene . </l>
<l><hi><foreign><hi>Ponam pedem meu<expan>m</expan> in aquilone & si<expan>mi</expan>lis ero altissimo</hi></foreign></hi> . </l>
<l>It were aȝeins kynde quod he . and alle kynnes resou<expan>n</expan> . </l>
<l>That eny creature shulde konne al . except Crist one . </l>
<l>Aȝeins suche sal<del>.</del><add>o</add>mon speketh and despiseth hire wittus . </l>
<l>And saith <hi><foreign><hi>Sicut qui mel comedit multu<expan>m</expan> no<expan>n</expan> est ei bonu<expan>m</expan> .</hi></foreign></hi></l>
<l><hi><foreign><hi>Sic qui scrutator est magestatis opprimit<expan>ur</expan> a gloria .</hi></foreign></hi></l>
<l>To ynglissh men þis is to mene . þat mowen speke and here . </l>
<milestone>fol. 70rI</milestone>
pass<expan>us</expan> xv<expan>us</expan>
<l>The man þat muche hony eteth . his mawe it engleymeth</l>
<l>And þe more þat a man . of good matire hereth</l>
<l>But he do theraftur it doth him double scathe</l>
<l><hi><foreign><hi>Beatus est</hi></foreign></hi> seith <hi>Bernard</hi> . <hi><foreign><hi>qui scripturas legit</hi></foreign></hi></l>
<l><foreign><hi>Et <hi> verba vertit in op<expan>er</expan>a</hi></hi></foreign> . fulliche to his power<del>e</del></l>
<l>Coue<add>i</add>tise to k<del>u</del><add>o</add>nne . and to knowe science</l>
<l>Pu<del>l</del><add>t</add>te<note>M.15.66: M's original <hi>pulte</hi> agreed with LR. OC<hi>2</hi> have <hi>pullede</hi>. Other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read <hi>putte</hi>.</note> out<del>e</del> of p<expan>ar</expan>adis . Adam and Eue</l>
<l><hi><foreign><hi>Sciencie appetitus hominem inmortalitatis gl<expan>or</expan>iam spoliauit</hi></foreign></hi></l>
<l>And riȝt as hony is <del>.</del><add>y</add>uel to deffie . and englemeth þe mawe</l>
<l>Riȝt so þat þoruȝ reson . wolde þe rote knowe</l>
# <foreign>no<expan>n</expan> plus sap<expan>er</expan>e q<expan>uam</expan> oportet</foreign>
<l>Of god and of hise grete miȝtes . his g<expan>ra</expan>ces it letteth</l>
<l>For in þe likynge lith a pride . and a licames coue<add>i</add>tise</l>
<l>A<del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>eins Cristes conseille . and alle clerkes techinge</l>
<l>That is <foreign><hi><hi>Non plus sap<expan>er</expan>e q<expan>ua</expan>m oportet sapere .</hi></hi></foreign></l>
<l>Freres and fele othere maistres . þat to þe lewed men prechen</l>
<l><del>Ȝ</del><add>Y</add>e mouen matires in<seg>-</seg>mesurables . to tellen of þe Trinite</l>
<l>That ofte tymes þe lewed poeple . of hire bileue douten</l>
<l>Bettre <del>...?...?...</del><add>were many docto<expan>ur</expan>s . <del>bi</del>leu<del>..</del><add>e</add></add> suche techinge<note>M.15.77: The line has been rewritten and then revised. The final version is unique but closest to W's <hi>Bettre it were to many doctours to leuen swich techyng</hi>. L has <hi>Bettre byleue were mony doctoures such techyng</hi>, and Y has <hi>Better to leue were many doctours swich techynge</hi>.</note></l>
<l>And tellen men of þe ten comandementz . and techen<note>M.15.78: M's <hi>techen</hi> is not shared by other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, which read <hi>touchen</hi>.</note> þe seuen synnes</l>
<l>And of þe braunches þat burioneth of hem . and bringeth men to helle</l>
<l>And how þat folk in hire<note>M.15.80: M's <hi>hire</hi> is not shared by other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts.</note> folies . myspenden here fyue wittes</l>
<l>As wel Freres as othere <del>....</del><add>folk</add> . folilich þei spenden . </l>
<l>In housynge in hateringe . and in<seg>-</seg>to heiȝe clergie shewynge</l>
<l>More for pompe þan for pure charite . þe poeple woot þe sothe . </l>
<l>That I lye not loo . for lordus <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>e plesen . </l>
<l>And reu<expan>er</expan>encen þe Riche . the rather for hire siluer . </l>
<l><hi><foreign><hi>Confundant<expan>ur</expan> omnes qui adorant sculptilia . Et alibi </hi></foreign></hi></l>
<l><hi><foreign><hi>Vt quid diligitis vanitatem & queritis mendacium .</hi></foreign></hi></l>
<l>Go to þe glose of þe vers . <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>e grete clerkes</l>
<foreign><hi>.no<expan>t</expan>a de fr<expan>atr</expan>ib<expan>us</expan>.</hi></foreign>
<l><del>Ȝ.</del><add>If</add> I lie on <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ow to my lewde wit . ledeth me to b<del>...</del><add>ren</add>nyng<del>e</del></l>
<l>For as it semeth <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>e forsaketh . no ma<add><expan>n</expan></add>n<del>.</del><add>e</add>s almesse</l>
<l>Of vsurers of hores . of auerous chapmen . </l>
<l>And louten to þese lordes . þat mowen lene <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ow nobles</l>
<l>A<del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ein <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>oure Rule and religiou<expan>n</expan> . I take record at<del>te</del> Ih<expan>es</expan>us</l>
<l>That saide to <del>.</del><add>h</add>is discipules . <hi><foreign><hi>ne sitis p<expan>er</expan>sonarum acceptores</hi></foreign></hi></l>
<l>Of þis matere I miȝte make a long<del>e</del> bible</l>
<foreign>Curat<expan>is</expan> loq<expan>ui</expan>t<expan>ur</expan></foreign>
<l>Ac of curatours of cristen p<del>.</del><add>e</add>ple . as clerkes bereth <del>...</del><add>wy</add>tnesse</l>
<l>I shal tellen it for truthes sake . take hede who<seg>-</seg>so like<del>..e</del><add>th</add></l>
<milestone>fol. 70vI</milestone>
<l>As holinesse and honestee . out of holy ch<del>u</del><add>y</add>rche<note>M.15.98: The alteration of <u> to <y> is slightly misplaced.</note> <del>...?...</del><add>spryngeth</add><note>M.15.98: M's revision <hi>spryngeth</hi> is not shared by other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, which read <hi>spredeþ</hi>.</note></l>
<l>Thoruȝ lele libbynge men . þat godes lawe techen</l>
<l>Right so out of holy churche . alle <del>.</del><add>y</add>ueles spredeth</l>
<l>There inparfit presthod is . p<expan>re</expan>chours & techers</l>
<l>And se it b<del>.</del><add>y</add> ensample . in somer tyme on trowes</l>
<l>There som<expan>m</expan>e bowes <del>.</del><add>b</add>eth leued . and so<expan>m</expan>me bereth none</l>
<l>There is a meschief in þe more . of suche man<expan>er</expan>e bowes</l>
# <foreign>de p<expan>re</expan>lat<expan>is</expan> & Curat<expan>is</expan></foreign>
<l>Riȝt so p<expan>er</expan>sones and prestes . and men<note>M.15.105: M's <hi>men</hi> is not shared by other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, which read <hi>prechours</hi>.</note> of holychurche</l>
<l>That arn rote of þe riȝt feith . to rule þe p<del>.</del><add>e</add>ple</l>
<l>Ac þere þe rote is roten . reson wot þe sothe</l>
<l>Shal neuere flour ne fruyt . ne faire leef be grene</l>
<l>For<seg>-</seg>þi wolde <del>ȝe</del><add>ye</add> lettrud leue . the leccherie of clothinge</l>
<l>And be kynde as bifel for clerkes . and curteis<del>.e</del><add>e</add> of cristus goodus . </l>
<l>Truwe of <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>owre tonge . and of <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>oure tail<del>le</del> bothe</l>
<l>And haten to her<expan>e</expan> harlotrie . and nouȝt to vndurfonge</l>
<l>Tithes of vntrewe thing<del>e</del> . ytilied or chaffared . </l>
<l>Lothe were lewed men . but þei <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>owre loore folwede</l>
<l>And amenden hem þat mysdou<expan>n</expan> . moore for <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>our<add>e</add> ensamples</l>
<l>Than<del>ne</del><add><seg></seg></add> for to prechen and p<expan>re</expan><del>...</del><add>uen</add> it nouȝt . <del>..</del><add>yp</add>ocrisie it semeth . </l>
<l>For ypocrisie in latyn . is likned to a donghull . </l>
<l>That were bisnewed with snow<del>.</del><add> .</add> and snakes withinne</l>
<l>Or to a wal þat were whitlymed <del>...?...</del><add>withouten</add> and were foul w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan>inne<note>M.15.119: M's revised line is unique. Most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts lack <hi>withouten</hi>; Cr<hi>23</hi>YOC<hi>2</hi> have <hi>withouten</hi> but lack <hi>were</hi> in the b-verse.</note></l>
<l>Ri<del>...</del><add>ght</add> so many preestus . p<expan>re</expan>chours and prelatus</l>
<l><del>Ȝ</del><add>Y</add>e arn blaunched<note>M.15.121: M shares the reading <hi>blaunched</hi> with F; other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>enblaunched</hi>.</note> w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> <foreign>bele p<expan>ar</expan>oles</foreign> . and w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> clothes also . </l>
<l>Ac <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>oure werkes and <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>owre wordes . þ<expan>er</expan>evndur arn ful vnloueliche</l>
<l><hi><hi>Ioh<expan>ann</expan>es Crisostomus</hi></hi> of clerkus speketh and preestus . </l>
NB<note>M.15.124: The same ornate abbreviation is found on fol. 73v.</note>
<l><foreign><hi><hi>Sicut de templo omne bonu<expan>m</expan> progreditur . sic de templo omne </hi><lb/>
<hi>malum procedit . Si sacerdocium integrum fu<expan>er</expan>it tota floret ecc<expan>les</expan>ia </hi><lb/>
<hi>Si autem coruptum fu<expan>er</expan>it <del></del> om<expan>n</expan>i<expan>um</expan> fides marcida est . Si sacerdocium </hi><lb/>
<hi>fu<expan>er</expan>it in p<expan>e</expan>cc<expan>at</expan>is totus populus conuertitur ad peccandum . Sicut </hi><lb/>
<hi>cum videris arborem pallidam & marcidam . intelligi<del>.</del><add>s</add> q<expan>uo</expan>d vici<seg>-</seg></hi><lb/>
<hi>um h<expan>ab</expan>et in radice . Ita cum videris populum indisciplinatum </hi><lb/>
<hi>& irreligiosum / s<expan>i</expan>n<expan>e</expan> dubio sacerdociu<expan>m</expan> eius non est sanum .</hi></hi>
<l><del>Ȝi</del><add>I</add>f lewed men wiste . what þat þis <add>latyn</add> meneth . </l>
<l>And <del>..</del><add>who</add> was myn auctour . muche wondur me þinketh</l>
# p<expan>re</expan>st<expan>is</expan> Baselardis
<l>But <del>ȝ</del>if many preest beere . for hire baselardus and hire brooches</l>
<l>A peire of bedes in hire hand . and a book in<note>M.15.128: M's <hi>in</hi> is not shared by other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, which read <hi>vnder</hi>.</note> hire arme</l>
<l>Sir Iohan and sire Geffray . hath a gerdel of siluer . </l>
<milestone>fol. 71rI</milestone>
passus xv<expan>us</expan>
<l>A baselard or a ballo<del>..</del><add>k</add> <add>knyf</add> with botones ouergilte</l>
<l>Ac a porth<del>..</del><add>ors</add> þat <del>shuld</del><add><seg> ——</seg></add> sholde be his plow . <foreign>placebo</foreign> to segge</l>
<l>Hadde he neu<expan>er</expan>e s<expan>er</expan>uice to saue siluer þer<seg>-</seg>to . seith it with idel wille</l>
<l>Allas <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>e lewede men muche lese <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>e on preestus</l>
<l>Ac þing þat is wikkedliche<note>M.15.134: M's <hi>is wikkedliche</hi> is not shared by other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, which reverse the order.</note> y<seg>-</seg>wonnen . and with false sleightes</l>
<l>Wolde neu<expan>er</expan>e wit of witty god . but wikked men it hadden . </l>
<l>The w<del>..</del><add>hic</add>he arn prestus inp<expan>ar</expan>fite . and p<expan>re</expan>chours aftur siluer . </l>
<l><del>.......</del><add>Executo<expan>ur</expan>s</add><note>M.15.137: M's revised form <hi>Executo<expan>ur</expan>s</hi> agrees with WHmCr; other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>sectours</hi> or something similar.</note> and suddenes . somonours and hire lemmans</l>
<l>This þat with gile was geten . vng<expan>ra</expan>ciousliche is spended</l>
<l>So harlotes and hoores . arn holpen with suche goodus</l>
<l>And godes folk for defaute therof . forfaren and spillen . </l>
<l>Curatours of holikyrke . as clerkes þat ben auerouse</l>
<foreign><expan>con</expan><expan>tra</expan> Curat<expan>os</expan> Auaros</foreign>
<l>Ligthliche þat þei leuen . loseles it habbeth</l>
<l>Or de<del></del><add>y</add>eth intestate . and þanne þe bisshop entreth</l>
<l>And maketh murthe þ<expan>er</expan>ewith . and hise men bothe</l>
<l>And seggen he was <add>a</add> Nygard . þat no go<del>de</del><add>od</add> myȝte spare . </l>
<l>To freend ne to fre<expan>m</expan>med . the fiend<del>e</del> haue his soule</l>
<l>For a wrecched hous he held . al his lif<seg>-</seg>tyme</l>
<l>And þat he spared and sperede<note>M.15.148: M shares the reading <hi>sperede</hi> with F; other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>bisperede</hi>.</note> . spene we in murthe</l>
<l>B<del>y</del><add>e</add> <add>it</add> lered . <del>by</del><add>be it</add> lewed<del>e</del><note>M.15.149: The revised a-verse agrees with Hm. The original reading is that of most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, including WCr.</note> . þat loth is to spende</l>
<l>Thus goon hire goodus . be þe goost faren . </l>
<l>Ac for goode men god woot . grete doel men maken . </l>
<l>And bymeneþ goode mete <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>euers . and in mynde haueth . </l>
<hi><foreign>.quid est caritas</foreign></hi>
<l>In preiers and in penaunces . and in p<expan>ar</expan>fite charite</l>
<l>What is charitee quod I thoo . a childissh þinge h<del>.</del><add>e</add> saide</l>
<l><hi><foreign><hi>Nisi efficiamini sicut p<expan>ar</expan>uuli . non intrabitis in regnu<expan>m</expan> celorum .</hi></foreign></hi></l>
<l>With<seg>-</seg>outen fauntel<add>te</add> or foly<add>e</add> . a fre lib<expan>er</expan>al wille</l>
<l>Where shulde men fynde such<del>e</del> a freend . w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> so fre an herte . </l>
<hi>longe will</hi>
<l>I haue liued in londe quod I . my name is <hi><hi>longe wille</hi></hi></l>
<l>And fonde I neu<expan>er</expan>e ful charite . bifore ne by<seg>-</seg>h<del>.</del><add>y</add>nd<add>e</add></l>
<l>Men ben merciable . to mendinauntz and to pore</l>
<l>And wolen lenen þ<expan>er</expan>e þei leue . lelly to be paied<del>e</del> . </l>
<l>Ac charite þat Poule preiseth best . and moost plesaunt to oure Saueour</l>
<l><del>..</del><add>Is</add><note>M.15.163: M's altered reading of <hi>Is</hi> agrees with WHmCr. YOC<hi>2</hi>LRF read <hi>As</hi>.</note> . <hi><foreign><hi>non inflatu<del>.</del><add>r</add> non <add>est</add><note>M.15.163: It is likely that the original reading was that of L, which has <hi>inflatus</hi> and omits <hi>est</hi>.</note> ambiciosa . non querit que sua sunt</hi> .</foreign></hi></l>
<l>I seigh neu<expan>er</expan>e such<del>e</del> a man . so me god helpe . </l>
<milestone>fol. 71vI</milestone>
<l>That he ne wolde aske aftur his . and otherwhile coueite</l>
<l>Thing þat neded hym nouȝt . and nyme it <del>ȝ</del>if he myghte</l>
<l>Clerkes kennen me . þat Crist is . in alle places</l>
<l>Ac I seigh him neu<expan>er</expan>e soþely . but as my<seg>-</seg>sel<del>.</del><add>f</add> in a <del>.....</del><add>Mirour</add></l>
<l><hi><foreign><hi>Hic<note>M.15.169: M's <hi>Hic</hi> agrees with RF; other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read <hi>Ita</hi>, <hi>It</hi>, or omit.</note> in enigmate tunc facie ad faciem</hi></foreign> .</hi></l>
<l>And so I trowe truly by þat men telleth of charite</l>
<l>It is nouȝt champions fiȝt<del>e</del> . ne chaffare as I trowe</l>
<l>Charite quod he ne chaffareth nouȝt . ne chalangeth ne craueth</l>
<foreign>q<expan>uo</expan>m<expan>od</expan>o laudat<expan>ur</expan> carit<expan>as</expan></foreign>
<l>As proude of a peny . as of a pound<del>e</del> of golde</l>
<l>And is as glad of a gowne . of a gray russet</l>
<l>As of a tunicle of Tarse . or of trye scarlet<del>e</del></l>
<l>He is glad with alle glade . and good<del>e</del> til al wikked . </l>
<l>And leneth and loueth . al þat oure lord made</l>
<l>Curseth he no creature . ne he kan bere no wrathe</l>
<l>Ne no likynge hath to lye . ne laughe men to scorne</l>
<l>Al þat men saien he leet it soth . and in solace taketh</l>
<l>And alle man<expan>er</expan>e myschi<del>...</del><add>efs</add> . in myldenesse he suffreth</l>
<l>Coue<add>i</add>teth he noon <del>....</del><add>erþeli</add><note>M.15.182: The form underlying <hi>erþeli</hi> was probably <hi>erly</hi>, as in F.</note> good . but heuene<seg>-</seg>riche blisse . </l>
<foreign>qu<expan>esti</expan>o de Carit<expan>ate</expan></foreign>
<l>Hath he any rentes or richesses<note>M.15.183: M's <hi>richesses</hi> is not shared by other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, which read <hi>richesse</hi>. For other examples see M.10.15 and M.15.184.</note> . or any riche freendes . </l>
<l>Of rentes ne of richesse<add>s</add><note>M.15.184: M's original <hi>richesse</hi> agreed with all other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts. For other examples see M.10.15, M.15.183.</note> ne reccheth he neu<expan>er</expan>e</l>
<l>For a frend<del>e</del> þat fyndeth hym . failled hym neu<expan>er</expan>e at nede</l>
<l><hi><foreign><hi>Fiat voluntas tua</hi> .</foreign></hi> fynt hym eu<expan>er</expan>e<seg>-</seg>moore . </l>
<l>And <del>ȝ</del>if he soupe eteth . but a sop . of <hi><foreign><hi>Spera in deo .</hi></foreign></hi></l>
<l>He kan purtreie wel þe <hi><foreign>Pater<seg>-</seg>noster</foreign></hi> . and peinte <del>...?...</del><add>it w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> aues</add></l>
<l>And otherwhile is his wone . to wenden in pilgrimage</l>
<l>There pouere men and prisones liggeth . hire p<expan>ar</expan>don to haue . </l>
<l>Though he bere hem no bred . he bereth swetter <sic>liflide</sic><corr>lifl[o]de</corr> . </l>
<l>Loueth hem as oure lord biddeth . and loketh how þei fare . </l>
<l>And whan he is wery of þat werk . þan wol he so<expan>m</expan>me<seg>-</seg>tyme</l>
<l>Labouren in lauendrie . wel þe lengthe of a myle . </l>
<l>And <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>erne in<seg>-</seg>to <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>outhe and <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>epliche speke . </l>
<l>Pride with alle þappurtenaunces . and pakken hem to<seg>-</seg>gedre</l>
<l>And bouken hem at his brest . and beten hem clene</l>
<l>And leggen on longe . w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> <hi><foreign><hi>laboraui in gemitu meo</hi></foreign></hi></l>
<l>And with warme watur at his eighen . whasshen hem aftur</l>
<l>And þanne he syngeth whanne he doth so . and som<del><expan>m</expan>e</del><seg>-</seg>tyme saith wepy<expan>n</expan>ge</l>
<milestone>fol. 72rI</milestone>
passus xv<expan>us</expan>
<l><hi><foreign><hi>Cor contritum & humiliatum deus non despici<del>..</del><add>as</add><note>M.15.201: M's revised <hi>despicias</hi> is not shared by other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, which read <hi>despicies</hi>.</note></hi></foreign></hi></l>
<l>By Crist I wolde þat I knew hym quod I . no creature leu<expan>er</expan>e</l>
<l>With<seg>-</seg>oute<note>M.15.203: The scribe wrote the first letter of this line immediately below the preceding line. He then realized he needed to leave space for a new verse paragraph and erased the <W>.</note> helpe of piers þe<note>M.15.203: M shares the reading <hi>þe</hi> with R; all other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts omit it.</note> plowman q<expan>uo</expan>d he . his p<expan>er</expan>sone seest þow neu<expan>er</expan>e</l>
<l>Wher clerkes knowen hym quod <del>h</del><add>I</add> . þat kepen holy kyrke</l>
<l>Clerkes haue no knowynge quod he . but by werkes and by wordes</l>
<l>Ac Piers þe plowman p<expan>ar</expan>ceyueth moore depper</l>
<l><del>.</del><add>Wh</add>at<note>M.15.207: M's original reading is not legible here. LRF read <hi>Þat</hi>.</note> is þe wille . and wherefore . þat many wiȝt suffreth . </l>
<l><hi><foreign><hi>Et vidit deus cogitaciones eorum</hi></foreign></hi></l>
<l>For þere arn ful proude<seg>-</seg>herted men . pacient of tonge</l>
<l>And buxome as of berynge . to burgeys and to lordes</l>
<l>And to pou<expan>er</expan>e poeple han peper in þe nose</l>
<l>And as a lyon he loketh . þ<expan>er</expan>e men lakken his werkes</l>
<l>For þere arn beggers and bidders . bedmen as it were</l>
<l>Loken as lambren . and semen lif<seg>-</seg>holy</l>
<l>Ac it is more to haue hire mete . with such an esy man<expan>er</expan>e</l>
<l>Than<del>ne</del><add><seg></seg></add> for penaunce and p<expan>ar</expan>fitenesse . þe pou<expan>er</expan>te þat suche taketh</l>
<l>Therfore by colour ne by clergie . know shalt þow hym neu<expan>er</expan>e</l>
<l>Neither þoruȝ wordus ne werkes . but þoruȝ wille oone</l>
<l>And þat knoweth no clerk . ne creature in erthe</l>
<l>But piers þe plowman . <hi><foreign><hi>Petrus id est <expan>Cristus</expan></hi></foreign></hi></l>
<foreign>Caritas o<expan>mn</expan>ia libent<expan>er</expan> suffert</foreign>
<l>For he ne is not in lollers . ne in londlepers hermytes</l>
<l>Ne at ancres þ<expan>er</expan>e a box hangeth . alle suche þei faiten</l>
<l>Fy on faitours and <hi><foreign><hi>in fautores suos .</hi></foreign></hi></l>
<l>For charite is godes champiou<expan>n</expan> . and as a good child hende</l>
<l>And þe merieste of mouthe . at mete where he sitteth</l>
<l>Þe loue þat lith in his herte . maketh hym light of speche</l>
<l>And is companable and confortatif . as crist bit hym<seg>-</seg>seluen . </l>
<l><hi><foreign><hi>Nolite fieri sicut ypocrite tristes .</hi> & c<expan>etera</expan></foreign></hi></l>
<l>For I haue sein hym in silk . and some<seg>-</seg>tyme in russet</l>
<l>Bothe in grey and in grys . and in gilt herneys . </l>
<l>And as gladliche he it gaf . to gomes þat it neded . </l>
<l><hi><hi>Edmond</hi></hi> and <hi><hi>Edward</hi></hi> either were kynges</l>
<l>And <add>be</add><note>M.15.233: M's addition of <hi>be</hi> is attested in F.</note> seintes y<seg>-</seg>set . <del>...</del><add>for</add><note>M.15.233: M's revised <hi>for</hi> is the reading of WCr, and of Hm by correction. The erased reading looks as though it was <hi>til</hi>, as in all other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts except RF which have <hi>so</hi>.</note> charite hem folwed</l>
<l>I haue seiȝen charite also . syngen and reden. /</l>
<milestone>fol. 72vI</milestone>
<l><note>M.15.235: Along the top and the left margin there is written, in light, large, pencil: <lb/>
<hi>Cruke Cruke <lb/>
Ioh<expan>a</expan>nes <lb/>
Ioh<expan>a</expan>nes <lb/>
Ioh<expan>a</expan>nes <lb/>
Riden and rennen in ragged wedes</l>
<foreign>no<expan>t</expan>a de me<expan>n</expan>dica<expan>n</expan>tib<expan>us</expan></foreign>
<l>Ac biddynge as <add>a</add> begger<del>s</del><add>e</add><note>M.15.236: M's original <hi>beggers</hi> agreed with all other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts except BF, which have the singular.</note> . biheld I hym neu<expan>er</expan>e</l>
<l>Ac in riche Robes . rathest he walketh</l>
<l>Y<seg>-</seg>called and y<seg>-</seg>crymylled . and his croune shaue</l>
<l>And in<note>M.15.239: The scribe has avoided a 2 cm slit in the parchment. No text has been lost.</note> a Freres frokke . he was founden oones</l>
<foreign>audi frat<expan>er</expan></foreign>
<l>Ac it is ferre a<seg>-</seg>goo . in seint Fraunceys tyme</l>
<l>In þat secte sithe to selde . hath he ben knowe</l>
<l>Riche men he recomendeth . and of hire robes taketh</l>
<l>That w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan><seg>-</seg>outen wyles . ledeth hire lyues</l>
<l><hi><foreign><hi>Beatus est diues qui </hi> & c<expan>etera</expan></foreign></hi></l>
<l>In kynges court<del>e</del> he cometh ofte . þ<expan>er</expan>e þe counseill<del>e</del> is trewe</l>
<l>Ac <del>ȝ</del>if coue<add>i</add>tise be of þe conseill . he wil not come þ<expan>er</expan>e<seg>-</seg>inne . </l>
<l>In court<del>e</del> amonges Iapers . cometh he<note>M.15.247: M's <hi>cometh he</hi> is not shared by other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, which reverse the order.</note> but selden . </l>
<l>For braulynge and bakbytynge and beryng of fals wittnesse</l>
<l>In þe Consistorie bifore þe Co<expan>m</expan>missarie . he cometh not ful ofte</l>
<foreign><expan>con</expan><expan>tra</expan> legu<expan>m</expan> doctor<expan>es</expan></foreign>
<l>For hire lawe dureth ou<expan>er</expan><del>e</del><seg>-</seg>longe . but <del>ȝ</del>if þei lacchen siluer . </l>
<l>And matrimoigne for moneye . þei<note>M.15.251: M's <hi>þei</hi> is not shared by other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts.</note> maken and vnmaken . </l>
<l>And þat conscience and crist . hath y<seg>-</seg>kny<del>...</del><add>t<seg></seg></add> faste</l>
<l>Thei vndoon it vnworth<del>.</del><add>i</add>ly þo doctours of lawe . </l>
<l>Ac I lakke<note>M.15.254: M shares the reading <hi>lakke</hi> with F; other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>ne lakke</hi>.</note> no lif . but lord amende vs alle</l>
<l>And gif vs grace goode god . charite to folwe . </l>
<l>For whoso miȝte mete with hym . swych<add>e</add> man<expan>er</expan>s hym eileth</l>
<l>Neither he blameþ . ne he<note>M.15.257: M's <hi>he</hi> is not shared by other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts.</note> banneþ . boosteth ne preiseth</l>
<l>Lakketh n<del>o</del><add>e</add> loseth . ne loketh vp sterne</l>
<l>Craueth ne coueiteth . ne crieth aftur moore</l>
<l><hi><foreign><hi>In pace in id<expan>i</expan>p<expan>su</expan>m dormiam & c<expan>etera</expan></hi></foreign></hi></l>
<l>The mooste liflode he lyueth by . is loue in godes passion . </l>
<l>Neither he biddeth ne beggeth . ne borweth to <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>elde</l>
<l>Misdoth he no man . ne with his mouth<del>e</del> greueth . </l>
<l>Amonges cristen men þis myldenesse shulde laste</l>
# <foreign>q<expan>ua</expan>nt<expan>a</expan> erat hu<expan>m</expan>ilit<expan>as</expan> <expan>Cristi</expan></foreign>
<l>In alle man<expan>er</expan>e angres . haue þis at herte</l>
<l>That þouȝgh þei suffre al þis . god suffreth<note>M.15.266: Both verbs in the line are in the past tense in all other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, except F, which has <hi>suffre</hi> in the a-verse.</note> for vs more</l>
<l>In ensample we shulde do so . and take no vengeaunce . </l>
<l>Of oure foes þat doth vs falsenesse . þat is oure fadres wille . </l>
<hi>For wel may eu<expan>er</expan>y man</hi>
<milestone>fol. 73rI</milestone>
passus xv<expan>us</expan>
<l>For wel may eu<expan>er</expan>y man wite  <del>ȝ</del>if god hadde wolde hym<seg>-</seg>seluen</l>
<l>Shulde neu<expan>er</expan>e Iudas ne iewe . haue Ih<expan>es</expan>u doon on rode </l>
<l>Ne han martired pet<del>re</del><add>er</add> ne poule . <add>ne</add><note>M.15.271: M's original reading without <hi>ne</hi> agreed with G.</note> in prisou<expan>n</expan> holden . </l>
<l>Ac he suffrede in ensample  þat we shulde suffre also . </l>
<l>And saide to suche þat suffre wolden . þat <hi><foreign><hi>Pacientes vincu<expan>n</expan>t</hi></foreign></hi> . </l>
<l><hi><foreign><hi>Verbi gracia</hi></foreign> q<expan>uo</expan>d he .</hi> and <del>..</del><add>ve</add>rrey ensamples manye</l>
<l><hi><hi>In <foreign>legenda s<expan>anc</expan>tor<expan>um</expan></foreign></hi></hi> . the lif of holy seintes . </l>
<l>What penaunce and pou<expan>er</expan>te . and passion þei suffrede</l>
<foreign>de paup<expan>er</expan>tat<expan>e</expan> & pacienc<expan>ia</expan></foreign>
<l>In hunger in hete in alle man<expan>er</expan>e angres . </l>
<l>Antonye and Egidie . and other holy fadres . </l>
<l>Woneden in wildernesse  amonges wilde beestes</l>
<l>Mon<del>ȝkes</del><add>kes</add> and mendinauntz  men by hem<seg>-</seg>seluen . </l>
<l>In spekes and spelonkes . selden speken to<seg>-</seg>g<del>.</del><add>y</add>dre . </l>
<l>Ac neither Antonye ne Egidie . ne heremite that tyme . </l>
<l>Of lyons ne of lypardes . no liflode ne toke</l>
<l>But of fowles þat fleeth . þus fyndeth men in bokes . </l>
<l>Excepte þat Egidie . aftur <sic>and</sic><corr>an</corr><note>M.15.285: An error for <hi>an</hi> as in all other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, perhaps through confusion with the form <hi>an</hi> for <hi>and</hi> as at M.6.98, M.7.2, M.7.185, etc.</note> hynde criede</l>
<l>And þoruȝ þe mylk<del>e</del> of þat mylde beest<del>e</del> . the man was susteigned . </l>
<l>And day by day hadde he hire nouȝt . his hunger for to slake</l>
<l>But selden and sundr<del>.</del><add>y</add> tymes . as saith<del>e</del> the book and techeth . </l>
<l>Antony a dayes . aboute nones<note>M.15.289: For M's <hi>nones</hi> other <hi>B</hi> manuscript read <hi>noon</hi> or <hi>none</hi>.</note> tyme</l>
<l>Hadde a brid<del>de</del> that brouȝte hym bred . that he by lyuede . </l>
<l>And þouȝ þe gome hadde a gest<del>e</del> . god fonde hem bothe</l>
<l><hi><hi>Poule <foreign><sic>primis</sic><corr>prim[u]s</corr> heremita .</foreign></hi></hi> hadde parrokede hym<seg>-</seg>seluen . </l>
<l>That no man miȝte hym se . for mosse and <del>......</del><add>for leues</add></l>
<l>Fowles hym fedde fele wyntres / with<seg>-</seg>alle . </l>
<foreign>q<expan>ui</expan>d coq<expan>ue</expan>ris</foreign>
<l>Til he founded Freres . of Austyns ordre . </l>
<l><hi><hi>Poule</hi></hi> after his prechinge . panyers he made . </l>
<l>And w<del>..</del><add>an</add> with his hon<del>...</del><add>des</add> . þat his wombe neded . /</l>
<l>Pet<del>re</del><add>er</add> fisshed for his fode . and his felawe Andrew . </l>
<l>Som<del>e</del> þei solde . and som<del><expan>m</expan>e</del> thei sothe . and so þei liued bothe</l>
<l>And also Marie Maudeleyne . by <del>a</del>mores l<del>e</del><add>i</add>ued<note>M.15.300: The notion that Mary Magdalene lived on love<seg>-</seg>affairs and dews, though delightful, has no support from the other manuscripts. The reading <hi>amores</hi> has been corrected to <hi>mores</hi>, i.e. "roots," the reading of all other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts.</note> and dewes . </l>
<l>Ac moost þoruȝ deuociou<expan>n</expan> . and mynde of god almiȝty . </l>
<l>I shulde<del>n</del> not þise seuene dayes . seggen hem alle</l>
<l>That lyueden þus for oure lordes loue . many longe <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>eres</l>
<l>Ac þ<expan>er</expan>e ne was lyo<del>.</del><add>n</add> ne lypard<del>e</del> . þat on laundes wenten . </l>
<l>Neither beere ne boor . ne other beest<del>e</del> wilde</l>
<l>That ne felle to hire feet . and fawned with þe tailles</l>
<l>And <del>ȝ</del>if þei couthe han y<seg>-</seg>carped . by crist as I trowe</l>
<l>They wolde haue y<seg>-</seg>fed þat folk<del>e</del> . byfore wylde fowles .</l>
<milestone>fol. 73vI</milestone>
<l> Ac god sente hem fode by fowles . and by no fierse beestes .<note>M.15.309-312: The first four lines are bracketed in right margin. There is a large NB ornament in the left margin.</note></l>
<l>In menynge þat meke þing<del>e</del> . mylde þing<del>e</del> shulde fede . </l>
<l>As whoso<note>M.15.311: M shares the reading <hi>whoso</hi> with F; other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read <hi>who</hi>.</note> seith Religious . riȝtful men sholde fynde</l>
<foreign><expan>con</expan><expan>tra</expan> rapacitat<expan>em</expan> d<expan>omi</expan>nor<expan>um</expan> s<expan>upe</expan>r tenent<expan>ibus</expan></foreign>
<l>And laweful men to lif<seg>-</seg>holy men . liflode bringe . </l>
<l>And þanne wolde lordes and ladyes . be loth to agylte</l>
<l>And to take of hire tenauntz . more þan<del>ne</del> truthe wolde</l>
# <foreign>Frater</foreign>
<l>Founde þei þat Freres . wolden forsake hire almes . </l>
<l>And bidden hem bere it . þere it was y<seg>-</seg>borwed<del>e</del></l>
<l>For we ben godes Fowles . and abiden alwey</l>
<l>Til briddes bringe vs . þat we shulde lyue by . </l>
<l>For hadde <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>e potage and payn y<seg>-</seg>nough . and penyale to drynke</l>
<l>And a me<del>sse</del><add>s</add> þere<seg>-</seg>myde . of on man<expan>er</expan>e kynde</l>
<l><del>Ȝ</del><add>Y</add>e hadden riȝt y<seg>-</seg>nough <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>e religious . and so <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>oure reule me tolde . </l>
<l><hi><foreign><hi>Numq<expan>ua</expan>m dicit Iob rugit onager cu<expan>m</expan> herbam h<expan>ab</expan>u<expan>er</expan>it  aut mugiet <lb/>
bos . cu<expan>m</expan> ante plenu<expan>m</expan> p<expan>re</expan>sepe stet<expan>er</expan>it  brutor<expan>um</expan> a<expan>n</expan>i<expan>m</expan>aliu<expan>m</expan> natura te co<expan>n</expan>de<expan>m</expan>pnat <lb/>
quia cu<expan>m</expan> eis pabulu<expan>m</expan> co<expan>mun</expan>e sufficiat . ex adipe p<expan>ro</expan>dijt iniquitas tua .</hi>
<l><del>Ȝif</del><add>If</add> lewed men knewe þis latyn . þei wolde loke whom þei <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>eue </l>
<foreign><expan>con</expan><expan>tra</expan> mort Main</foreign>
<l>And auyse hem byfore . a fyue dayes or sexe</l>
<l>Er þei amortisede to m<del>u</del><add>o</add>nkes . or Chanouns hire rentes . </l>
<l>Allas lordes and ladys . lewede conseill<del>e</del> haue <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>e . </l>
<l>To <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>eue from <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>oure heires . þat <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>oure aieles <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ow lefte . </l>
<l>And <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>eueth to bidde for <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ow . to suche as ben riche . </l>
<l>And ben founded and feffed eke . to bidde for othere</l>
<l>Who p<expan>ar</expan>fourneth þis p<expan>ro</expan>phecie . of þe p<del>.</del><add>e</add>ple þat now libbeth . </l>
<hi><foreign>Optime dicit & veru<expan>m</expan></foreign></hi>
<l><hi><foreign><hi>Dispersit dedit paup<expan>er</expan>ibus & c<expan>etera</expan> .</hi></foreign></hi></l>
<l><del>Ȝ.</del><add>I</add>f any poeple p<expan>ar</expan>fourne þat texte . it aren þise pou<expan>er</expan>e freres . </l>
<l>For þat þei beggen aboute . in buyldynge þei spene</l>
<l>And on hem<seg>-</seg>selue som<del><expan>m</expan>e</del> . and suche as ben hire laborers . </l>
<l>And of hem þat habbeth þei taken . and <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>eueth hem þat ne habbeth . </l>
<l>Ac clerkes and knyȝtes . and Comuners þat ben riche . </l>
<l>Fele of <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ow fareth . as <del>ȝ</del>if I hadde a Forest<del>e</del><note>M.15.337: M's syntax <hi>hadde a Forest</hi> is not attested in other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, which read <hi>a Forest hadde</hi>.</note></l>
<l>That were ful of faire trees . and I fonded and caste</l>
<l>How I miȝte mo þere<seg>-</seg>inne . amonges hem sette . </l>
<l>Right so <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>e riche <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>e <del>rob</del><add>ro</add>beth<note>M.15.340: M's original reading was probably <hi>robbeth</hi>, agreeing with the majority of <hi>B</hi> manuscripts. WYCL have M's revised reading <hi>robeth</hi>.</note> . þat ben riche . </l>
<l>And helpeth hem þat helpeth <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ow . and <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>eueth þ<expan>er</expan>e no need is . </l>
<l>As whoso fillede a tonne . of a fressh ryuer</l>
<l>And wente forth w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> þat water to woke with Themese</l>
<l>Right so <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>e riche . <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>e rob<del>.eth</del><add>eth</add><note>M.15.344: M's original reading was probably <hi>robbeth</hi>, agreeing with the majority of <hi>B</hi> manuscripts. WL alone have M's revised reading <hi>robeth</hi>.</note> . and fedeth . </l>
<milestone>fol. 74rI</milestone>
passus xv<expan>us</expan>
<l>Hem þat han as <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>e han . hem <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>e make at ese</l>
<l>Ac Religious þat riche ben . sholde rather feeste beggers</l>
<l>Than burgeys þat riche ben . as þe book techeth</l>
<l><hi><foreign><hi>Quia sacrilegium est . res paup<expan>er</expan>um non paup<expan>er</expan>ibus dare .</hi></foreign></hi><note>M.15.348: This long Latin quotation is boxed in two separate boxes: one containing the first three lines, the other the final two.</note></l>
<l><hi><foreign><hi>Item peccatoribus dare  est demonibus immolare </hi></foreign></hi></l>
<l><hi><foreign><hi>Item monache si indiges & accipis . pocius das q<expan>ua</expan>m accipis </hi></foreign></hi></l>
<l><hi><foreign><hi>Si autem non eges & accipis  rapis .</hi></foreign></hi></l>
<l><hi><foreign><hi>Porro non indiget monachus  si h<expan>ab</expan>eat quod nat<expan>ur</expan>e sufficit .</hi></foreign></hi></l>
<foreign>n<expan>ot</expan>a b<expan>e</expan>n<expan>e</expan></foreign><note>M.15.353-364: This and the next eleven lines are bracketed in the left margin.</note>
# <foreign>q<expan>uia</expan> s<expan>upe</expan>r o<expan>mn</expan>ia Carit<expan>as</expan></foreign>
<l>For<seg>-</seg>þi I counseille alle cristene . to co<expan>n</expan>fourmen hem to charite</l>
<l>For charite w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan>outen chalangynge  vnchargeth þe soule . </l>
<l>And many a prison<expan>er</expan><note>M.15.355: For the abbreviation see M.14.187,<figure></figure> <hi>prison<expan>er</expan>s</hi>. The majority of <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read <hi>prison</hi>, but CrGC<hi>2</hi>CotF read <hi>prisoner(s)</hi>. The rather ambiguous abbreviation in M explains the variation.</note> from purgatorie  þor<del>ȝ</del><add>wgh</add> his p<expan>ra</expan>iers he deliu<expan>er</expan>eth</l>
<l>Ac þ<expan>er</expan>e is a defaute in þe folk . þat þe feith kepeth . </l>
<l>Wherfore folk is þe febler . and nouȝt ferme of bileue</l>
<l>As in lussheburwes is a lether alay . and <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>et loketh he lik a st<expan>er</expan>ling<del>e</del></l>
<l>Þe merk<del>e</del> of þat monee is good . ac þe metal is feble . </l>
<l>And so it fareth by so<expan>m</expan>me folke now<del>e</del> . þei han a faire speche</l>
<l>Croune and cristendome . þe kynges merke of heuene . </l>
<l>Ac þe metal þat is ma<expan>n</expan>n<del>.</del><add>e</add>s soule  with synne is foule alayed<del>e</del></l>
<l>Bothe lettred and lewede beth now alayed w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> synne . </l>
<l>That no lif loueth other . ne oure lord as it semeth . </l>
<l>For þoruȝ werre and wykked werkes and wederes vnresonable</l>
<l>Weder<seg>-</seg>wise shippmen . and witty clerkes also . </l>
<l>Han no bileue to <del>..</del><add>þe</add><note>M.15.367: The alteration is made in a hand in which <þ> is indistinguishable from <y>.</note> lifte . ne to þe loore of philosophres</l>
# <foreign>Facult<expan>as</expan> Ast<expan>ro</expan>logor<expan>um</expan></foreign>
<l>Astron<del>....</del><add>omiens</add><note>M.15.368: While M's original reading is not legible, the word is variously spelled in the manuscripts.</note> <orig>alday</orig><reg>al day</reg> . in <add>hir</add> art<del>e</del> faillen . </l>
<l>That whilom warned bifore . what<del>.</del> shulde falle after . </l>
<l>Shippmen and sheperdes . þ<expan>a</expan>t w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> shipp . and sheep wenten . </l>
<l>Wisten by the walkene . what sholde bytyde . </l>
<foreign>Fallac<expan>ia</expan> sig<expan>n</expan>or<expan>um</expan> p<expan>re</expan>t<expan>er</expan>itor<expan>um</expan> & Futuror<expan>um</expan></foreign><note>M.15.372: This note is written over a drypoint <X>.</note>
<l>As of wederes and wyndes . þei warned men ofte . </l>
<l>Tiliers þat tileden þe erthe . tolden hire maistres . </l>
<l>By þe seed<del>e</del> þat þei s<del>...</del><add>ewe</add> what þei selle mighte</l>
<l>And what to leue . and to <orig>l<del>e</del><add>i</add>ueby</orig><reg>l<del>e</del><add>i</add>ue by</reg> . þe lond was so trewe . </l>
<l>Now failleth þe folk of þe flood . and of þe lond<del>e</del> bothe</l>
<l>Sheperdes and shippmen . and so do þise tiliers</l>
<l>Neither þei k<del>u</del><add>o</add>nneth ne knoweth . oon cours byfore another . </l>
<l><note>M.15.379-383: This line and the next four are bracketed in the left margin.</note>Astronomiens also aren at hire wittus ende . </l>
# New Gram<expan>er</expan>
<l>Of þat was calkulede of þe element . þe contrarie þei fynde</l>
<l>Gramer þe ground<del>e</del> of al . bigileth now children . </l>
<l>For is noon of þise <add>newe</add> clerkes . whoso nymeth hede</l>
<l>That kan v<expan>er</expan>sifien faire . ne fourmeliche enditen . </l>
<milestone>fol. 74vI</milestone>
<l>Ne nouȝt oon among<del>e</del> an hundered . þat an Auctour kan construe</l>
<l>Ne rede a l<expan>ett</expan>re in any langage . but in latyn or in englissh . </l>
<foreign><expan>con</expan><expan>tra</expan></foreign> Gyle & Flat<expan>er</expan>e
<l>Go now to any degre . and but <del>ȝ</del>if gile be maist<del>re</del><add>er</add></l>
<l>And flaterer his felawe . vnder hym to fourmen . </l>
<l>Muche wonder me thy<expan>n</expan>keth . amonges vs alle . </l>
<l>Doctours of decres . and of diuynite maistres</l>
<l>That shulden k<del>u</del><add>o</add><expan>n</expan>ne . and knowe . alle kynnes clergye</l>
# <foreign>Respon<expan>sum</expan> ad q<expan>uo</expan>dl<expan>ibet</expan></foreign>
<l>And answere to argumentz . and also to a <hi><foreign><hi>Quodlibet</hi></foreign></hi></l>
<l>I dar nouȝt seggen it for shame . <del>ȝ</del>if swiche weren apposed . </l>
<l>That<note>M.15.393: M's <hi>That</hi> is not shared by other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, which read <hi>Thei</hi>.</note> shulde faille in hire philosophie . and in hire Phisik<del>e</del> bothe</l>
<l>Wherfore I am aferd<del>e</del> . of folk of holy kyrke</l>
<l>Lest þei ou<expan>er</expan>ehuppen as other doon  in office and in houres . </l>
<l>Ac <del>ȝ</del>if þei ou<expan>er</expan><del>e</del>huppe as I hope nouȝt . oure bileue suffiseth . </l>
# <foreign>festum Corp<expan>or</expan>is <expan>Cristi</expan></foreign>
<l>As Clerkes in <foreign><hi>Corpus <expan>Cristi</expan></hi></foreign> feeste . syngen and reden . </l>
<l>That <hi><foreign><hi>sola fides sufficit</hi> .</foreign></hi> to saue w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> lewede poeple</l>
<l>And so may Sarasines ben saued . scribes and Iewes . </l>
<l>Allas þanne but oure loresmen . lyuen as þei leren vs</l>
<l>And for hire lyuynge þat lewede men . ben þe lother god agulten . </l>
<l>For Sarasines han sumwhat . semynge to oure bileue</l>
<l>For þei loue and bileue . in oon p<expan>er</expan>sone almiȝty</l>
<l>And we lered and lewede . in oon <add>god</add> bileueth</l>
<l>And on Makometh . a man . in mysbileue</l>
<l>Brouȝte Sarasines of Surr<del>.</del><add>ie</add> and se in what manere</l>
<l>This Makometh was a <expan>Cristen</expan> . and for he moste not be pope</l>
<l>In<seg>-</seg>to surrye he souȝte . and þorugh his sotile wittes</l>
<l>Dawunted a dow<del>e</del><add>ue</add> . and day and niȝt<del>e</del> hire fedd<del>e</del> . </l>
<l>The corn þat she kroppud . he kast it in his ere</l>
<l>And if he among<del>e</del> þe p<del>.</del><add>e</add>ple p<expan>re</expan>ched . or in places come</l>
x<note>M.15.412: The <x> is written in drypoint.</note>
<l>Þanne wolde þe coluere . come to þe clerkes ere</l>
<l>Menynge as after mete . thus makometh hire enchauntede</l>
<l>And dede folk<del>e</del> þanne falle on knees . for he swoor in his p<expan>re</expan>chynge</l>
<l>That þe coluere þat com so . c<del>..</del><add>oo</add>m from god of heuene</l>
<l>As messager to Makometh . men for to techen . </l>
<l>And þus þoruȝ <del>..</del><add>wy</add>les of his wit . and a whit dowue</l>
# <foreign>discept<expan>i</expan>o<expan>nem</expan></foreign> Machamit<expan>is</expan>
<l>Makometh in mysbileue . men and wymmen brouȝte</l>
<l>That <del>....</del><add>lyued</add> <add>þo</add> þere and l<del>....</del><add>yuen</add> <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>et<note>M.15.419: M's original reading in the a-verse was perhaps that of L, which has <hi>þat lered þere and lewed ȝit</hi>. Most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have similar readings. The alterations bring M into agreement with WCr.</note> . lieuen on hise lawes</l>
<l>And sith oure saueour suffred . þo<note>M.15.420: M's <hi>þo</hi> is not shared by other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, which read <hi>þe</hi>.</note> sarasines so bigiled</l>
<l>Thoruȝ a cristene clerk . <del>...</del><add>acur</add>sed in his soule</l>
<l>And for drede of þe deth<del>e</del> . I dar nouȝt telle þe truthe</l>
<milestone>fol. 75rI</milestone>
passus xv<expan>us</expan>
# Englissh Clerk<expan>is</expan> Fede Couetise
<l>How englissh clerkes <add>a coluere</add> feden . þat coue<add>i</add>tise hatte</l>
<l>And ben manered after Makometh . þat no man vseth truthe . </l>
<l>Ankres and hermytes . monkes and Freres . </l>
<l>Peren to apostoles . þoruȝ hire p<expan>ar</expan>fit lyuynge</l>
<l>Wolde neu<expan>er</expan>e þe faitheful fader . þat hise Mynystres shulden</l>
# ¶ <foreign>q<expan>uod</expan> de reb<expan>us</expan> male ad<expan>qui</expan>sit<expan>is</expan> no<expan>n</expan> d<expan>ebet</expan> dari elemosina</foreign>
<l>Of tirauntes þat teneth trwe men . taken any almesse</l>
<l>But doon as Antony dide . Domynyk and Fraunceys</l>
<l>Benet and Bernard . þe w<del>...</del><add>hiche</add> hem furst<del>e</del> tauȝte</l>
<l>To lyue bi litel and in lowe houses . by lele me<expan>n</expan>n<del>u</del><add>e</add>s almesse</l>
<l>Grace shulde growe and be grene . þoruȝ hire goode lyuynge</l>
<l>And folkes shulde fynde . þat ben in diu<expan>er</expan>se sekenesse</l>
<l>The bettre for hire biddynges . in body and in soule . </l>
<l>Hire praiers and<note>M.15.435: M alone among <hi>B</hi> manuscripts lacks the word <hi>hir</hi> here.</note> penaunces . to pees shulde bringe . </l>
<l>Alle þat ben at debate . and bedemen were truwe</l>
<l><hi><foreign><hi>Petite & accipietis & c<expan>etera</expan> .</hi></foreign></hi></l>
<l>Salt<del>e</del> saueth catel seggen þise wyues . </l>
<l><hi><foreign><hi>Vos estis sal terre </hi> & c<expan>etera</expan></foreign></hi></l>
<l>The heuedes of holychurche . and þei holy were</l>
<l>Crist calleth hem salt<del>e</del> . for cristene soules . </l>
<l><hi><foreign><hi>Et si sal euanu