<div1>fol. 8v (cont.)I</div1>
<head><hi><hi><foreign><hi>Passus secundus de visione vt supra</hi></foreign></hi></hi></head>
<l> <hi><hi>Y</hi></hi>Et I courbed on my knees . and cried hire of g<expan>ra</expan>ce</l>
<l> And seide m<expan>er</expan>cy madame . for Marie loue of heuene</l>
<l> That bar þat blisful barn . þat bouȝte vs on þe Rode</l>
<l> Kenne me by som craft . to knowe þe false</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Loke vp<seg>-</seg>on þi left half . and lo where he stondeþ</l>
<l> Boþe Fals and Fauel . and hire feeres manye</l>
<l> <hi></hi> I loked on my left half . as þe lady me tauȝte</l>
<l> And was war of a wo<expan>m</expan>man . worþiliche y<seg>-</seg>cloþed</l>
<l> <hi></hi><note>W.2.9: The paragraph sign was probably entered in error, since it is not motivated by the syntax, and there is not the usual space separating paragraphs.</note> Purfiled wiþ Pelure . þe fyneste vp<seg>-</seg>on erþe</l>
<l> Ycorouned wiþ a coroune . þe kyng haþ noon bettre</l>
<l> Fetisliche hire fyngres . were fretted w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> gold wyr</l>
<l> And þ<expan>er</expan><seg>-</seg>on rede Rubies . as rede as any gleede</l>
<hi><hi>A</hi>nd diamaundes</hi>
<milestone>fol. 9rI</milestone>
<l> And Diamaundes of derrest pris . and double man<expan>er</expan>e Saphires</l>
<l> Orientals and Ewages . enuenymes to destroye</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Hire Robe was ful riche . of reed scarlet engreyned</l>
<l> Wiþ Ribanes of reed gold . and of riche stones</l>
<l> Hire array me rauysshed . swich richesse sauȝ I neu<expan>er</expan>e</l>
<l> I hadde wonder what she was . and whos wif she were</l>
<l> <hi></hi> What is þis wo<expan>m</expan>man quod I . so worþili atired</l>
<l> <hi></hi> That is Mede þe mayde quod she . haþ noyed me ful ofte</l>
<l> And ylakked my lemman . þat leautee is hoten</l>
<l> And bilowen hire to lordes . þat lawes han to kepe</l>
<l> <hi></hi> In þe popes Paleis . she is pryuee as my<seg>-</seg>selue</l>
<l> But sooþnesse wolde noȝt so . for she is a Bastard</l>
<l> For Fals was hire fader . þat haþ a fikel tonge </l>
<l> And neu<expan>er</expan>e sooþ seide . siþen he com to erþe</l>
<l> And Mede is man<expan>er</expan>ed after hym . riȝt as kynde askeþ</l>
<l> <hi><foreign><hi>Qualis pater talis filius . Bon<expan>us</expan> arbor bonu<expan>m</expan> fructu<expan>m</expan> facit</hi></foreign></hi> </l>
<l> <hi></hi> I ouȝte ben hyer<expan>e</expan> þan she . I kam of a bettre</l>
<l> My fader þe grete god is . and ground of alle g<expan>ra</expan>ces</l>
<l> Oo god wiþ<seg>-</seg>outen gynnyng . and I his goode douȝter</l>
<l> And haþ yeuen me mercy . to marie wiþ my<seg>-</seg>selue</l>
<l> And what man be m<expan>er</expan>ciful . and leelly me loue</l>
<l> Shal be my lord and I his leef . in þe heiȝe heuene</l>
<l> <hi></hi> And what man takeþ Mede . myn heed dar I legge </l>
<l> That he shal lese for hire loue . a lappe of <hi><foreign><hi>Caritatis</hi></foreign></hi></l>
<l> <hi></hi> How construeþ Dauid þe kyng . of men þat takeþ Mede</l>
<l> And men of þis moolde . þat maynteneþ truþe</l>
<l> And how ye shul saue your<seg>-</seg>self . þe Sauter bereþ witnesse</l>
<milestone>fol. 9vI</milestone>
<l> <hi><foreign><hi>Domine quis habitabit in tabernaculo tuo &c</hi></foreign></hi></l>
<l> <hi></hi> And now worþ þis Mede ymaried . vn<seg>-</seg>to a mansed sherewe</l>
<l> To oon fals fikel tonge . a fendes biyete</l>
<l> Fauel þoruȝ his faire speche . haþ þis folk enchaunted </l>
<l> And al is lieres ledynge . þ<expan>a</expan>t she is þus ywedded</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Tomorwe worþ ymaked . þe maydenes bridale</l>
<l> And þ<expan>er</expan>e myȝtow witen if þow wilt . whiche þei ben alle</l>
<l> That longen to þat lordshipe . þe lasse and þe moore</l>
<l> Knowe hem þ<expan>er</expan>e if þow kanst . and kepe þow þi tonge</l>
<l> And lakke hem noȝt but lat hem worþe . til leaute be Iustice</l>
<l> And haue power to punysshe hem . þanne put forþ þi reson</l>
<l> Now I bikenne þee crist quod she . and his clene moder</l>
<l> And lat no conscience acombre þee . for coueitise of Mede </l>
<l> <hi></hi> Thus lefte me þat lady . liggynge aslepe</l>
<l> And how Mede was ymaried . in Metels me þouȝte</l>
<l> That al þe riche retenaunce . þat regneþ w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> þe false</l>
<l> Were boden to þe bridale . on boþe two sides</l>
<l> Of alle man<expan>er</expan>e of men . þe meene and þe riche</l>
<l> To marien þis mayde . were many men assembled</l>
<l> As of knyȝtes and of clerkes . and ooþ<expan>er</expan> co<expan>m</expan>mune peple</l>
<l> As Sisours and Somono<expan>ur</expan>s . Sherreues and hire clerkes</l>
<l> Bedelles and baillifs . and Brocours of chaffare</l>
<l> Forgoers and vitaillers . and Aduokettes of þe Arches</l>
<l> I kan noȝt rekene þe route . þat ran aboute Mede</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Ac Symonie and Cyuylle . and Sisours of courtes</l>
<l> Were moost pryuee w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> Mede . of any men me þouȝte</l>
<l> Ac Fauel was þe firste . þat fette hire out of boure</l>
<l> And as a Brocour brouȝte hire . to be wiþ fals enioyned</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Whan Symonye and Cyuylle . seighe hir boþ<expan>er</expan> wille</l>
<milestone>fol. 10rI</milestone>
<l> Thei assented for siluer . to seye as boþe wolde</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Thanne leep liere forþ . and seide . lo here a chartre</l>
<l> That Gile wiþ hise grete oþes . gaf hem togidere</l>
<l> And preide Cyuylle to see . and Symonye to rede it</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Thanne Symonye and Cyuylle . stonden forþ boþe</l>
<l> And vnfoldeþ þe feffement . that Fals hath ymaked</l>
<l> And þus bigynnen þise gomes . to greden ful heiȝe</l>
<l> <hi><foreign><hi>Sciant p<expan>re</expan>sentes & futuri &c</hi></foreign></hi></l>
<l> <hi></hi> Witeþ and witnesseþ . þat wonieþ vp<seg>-</seg>on þis erþe</l>
<l> That Mede is y<seg>-</seg>maried . moore for hire goodes </l>
<l> Than for any v<expan>er</expan>tue or fairnesse . or any free kynde</l>
<l> Falsnesse is fayn of hire . for he woot hire riche</l>
<l> And Fauel wiþ his fikel speche . feffeþ by þis chartre</l>
<l> To be Princes in pride . and pouerte to despise</l>
<l> To bakbite and to bosten . and bere fals witnesse</l>
<l> To scorne and to scolde . and sclaundre to make</l>
<l> Vnbuxome and bolde . to breke þe ten hestes</l>
<l> <hi></hi> And þe Erldom of Enuye . and wraþe togideres</l>
<l> Wiþ þe Chastilet of cheste . and chaterynge out of reson</l>
<l> <hi></hi> The Countee of Coueitise . and alle þe costes aboute</l>
<l> That is vsure and Auarice . al I hem graunte</l>
<l> In bargaynes and in brocages . wiþ al þe Burgh of þefte</l>
<l> <hi></hi> And al þe lordshipe of leccherie . in lengþe and in brede</l>
<l> As in werkes and in wordes . and in waitynges w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> eiȝes</l>
<l> And in wedes and in wisshynges . and wiþ ydel þouȝtes</l>
<l> There as wil wolde . and werkmanshipe fayleþ </l>
<l> <hi></hi> Glotonye he gaf hem ek . and grete oþes togidere</l>
<milestone>fol. 10vI</milestone>
<l> And al day to drynken . at diu<expan>er</expan>se Tau<expan>er</expan>nes</l>
<l> And þ<expan>er</expan>e to Iangle and Iape . and Iugge hir euenc<expan>ri</expan>sten</l>
<l> And in fastynge<seg>-</seg>dayes to frete . er ful tyme were</l>
<l> And þanne to sitten and soupen . til sleep hem assaille</l>
<l> And breden as Burgh swyn . and bedden hem esily</l>
<l> Til Sleuþe and sleep . sliken hise sydes</l>
<l> And þanne wanhope to awaken hem so . wiþ no wil to amende</l>
<l> For he leueþ be lost . þis is hir laste ende</l>
<l> <hi></hi> And þei to haue and to holde . and hire heires after</l>
<l> A dwellynge wiþ þe deuel . and dampned be for eu<expan>er</expan>e</l>
<l> Wiþ alle þe appurtinaunces of Purgatorie . in<seg>-</seg>to þe pyne of helle</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Yeldynge for þis þyng . at one dayes tyme<note>W.2.107: W alone reads <hi>dayes tyme</hi>. All other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>yeres ende</hi>.</note></l>
<l> Hire soules to Sathan . to suffre w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> hym peynes</l>
<l> And w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> hym to wonye w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> wo . while god is in heuene</l>
<l> <hi></hi> In witnesse of which þyng . wrong was þe firste</l>
<l> And Piers þe P<expan>ar</expan>doner . of Paulynes doctrine</l>
<l> Bette þe Bedel . of Bokyngham<seg>-</seg>shire</l>
<l> Reynald þe Reue . of Rutland Sokene</l>
<l> Maud þe Millere . and many mo oþere</l>
<l> <hi></hi> In þe date of þe deuel . þis dede I ensele</l>
<l> By siȝte of sire Symonie . and Cyuyles leeue</l>
<l> <hi><hi>T</hi></hi>hanne tened hym Theologie . whan he þis tale herde</l>
<l> And seide vn<seg>-</seg>to<note>W.2.118: W alone reads <hi>vn-to</hi>. All other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>to</hi>.</note> Cyuyle . now sorwe mote þow haue</l>
<l> Swiche weddynges to werche . to wraþe wiþ truþe</l>
<l> And er þis weddynge be wroȝt . wo þee bitide</l>
<l> <hi></hi> For Mede is muliere . of Amendes engendred</l>
<l> And god g<expan>ra</expan>unteþ to gyue . Mede to truþe</l>
<l> And þow hast gyuen hire to a gilour . now god gyue þee sorwe</l>
<milestone>fol. 11rI</milestone>
<l> Thi text telleþ þee noȝt so . Truþe woot þe soþe</l>
<l> For <hi><foreign><hi>Dignus est op<expan>er</expan>arius .</hi></foreign></hi> his hire to haue </l>
<l> And þow hast fest hire to Fals . fy on þi lawe</l>
<l> For al bi lesynges þow lyuest . and lecherouse werkes .</l>
<l> Symonye and þi<seg>-</seg>self . shenden holi chirche</l>
<l> The Notaries and ye . noyen þe peple</l>
<l> Ye shul abiggen it boþe . by god þ<expan>a</expan>t me made</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Wel ye witen wernardes . but if your<expan>e</expan> wit faille</l>
<l> That Fals is feiþlees . and fikel in hise werkes </l>
<l> And was a Bastard ybore . of Belsabubbes kynne</l>
<l> And Mede is muliere . a maiden of goode</l>
<l> And myȝte kisse þe kyng . for cosyn and she wolde</l>
<l> <hi></hi> For<seg>-</seg>þi wercheþ by wisdom . and by wit also</l>
<l> And ledeþ hire to Londou<expan>n</expan> . þ<expan>er</expan>e it is yshewed</l>
<l> If any lawe wol loke . þei ligge togideres</l>
<l> And þouȝ Iustices Iuggen hire . to be Ioyned to Fals</l>
<l> Yet be war of weddynge . for witty is truþe</l>
<l> And Conscience is of his counseil . and knoweþ yow echone</l>
<l> And if he fynde yow in defaute . and w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> þe false holde</l>
<l> It shal bisitte youre soules . ful soure at þe laste</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Her<seg>-</seg>to assenteþ Cyuyle . ac Symonye ne wolde</l>
<l> Til he hadde siluer for his seruice . and also þe Notaries</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Thanne fette Fauel forþ . floryns ynowe</l>
<l> And bad gile to gyuen . gold al aboute</l>
<l> And namely to þe Notaries . þ<expan>a</expan>t hem noon ne faille</l>
<l> And feffe false witnesses . wiþ floryns ynowe</l>
<l> For þei may Mede amaistrye . and maken at my wille</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Tho þis gold was ygyue . gret was þe þonkyng</l>
<l> To Fals and to Fauel . for hire f<damage>a</damage>ire ȝiftes</l>
<milestone>fol. 11vI</milestone>
<l> And comen to conforten . from care þe false</l>
<l> And seiden c<expan>er</expan>tes sire . cessen shul we neu<expan>er</expan>e</l>
<l> Til Mede be þi wedded wif . þoruȝ wittes of vs alle</l>
<l> For we haue Mede amaistried . wiþ oure murie speche</l>
<l> That she graunteþ to goon . wiþ a good wille</l>
<l> To london to loken . if þe lawe wolde</l>
<l> Iuggen yow ioyntly . in ioie for euere</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Thanne was Falsnesse fayn . and Fauel as bliþe</l>
<l> And leten somone alle segges . in shires aboute</l>
<l> And bad hem alle to be bown . beggers and oþere</l>
<l> To wenden wiþ hem to westmynstre . to witnesse þis dede</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Ac þanne cared þei for caples . to carien hem þider</l>
<l> And Fauel fette forþ þanne . foles ynowe</l>
<l> And sette Mede vp<seg>-</seg>on a Sherreue . shoed al newe</l>
<l> <hi></hi> And Fals sat on a Sisour . þat softeli trotted</l>
<l> And Fauel on a Flaterer<expan>e</expan> . fetisly atired</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Tho hadde Notaries none . anoyed þei were</l>
<l> For Symonye and Cyuylle . sholde on hire feet gange</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Ac þanne swoor Symonye . and Cyuylle boþe</l>
<l> That Somono<expan>ur</expan>s sholde be Sadeled . and s<expan>er</expan>uen hem echone</l>
<l> And late apparaille þise p<expan>ro</expan>uisours . in palfreyes wise</l>
<l> Sire Symonye hym<seg>-</seg>self . shal sitte vp<seg>-</seg>on hir bakkes</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Denes and Southdenes . drawe yow togideres</l>
<l> Erchedekenes and Officials . and alle youre Registrers</l>
<l> Lat sadle hem wiþ siluer . oure synne to suffre</l>
<l> As Auoutrye and diuorses . and derne vsurie</l>
<l> To bere Bisshopes aboute . abrood in visitynge</l>
<milestone>fol. 12rI</milestone>
<l> <hi></hi> Paulynes pryuees . for pleintes in Consistorie</l>
<l> Shul s<expan>er</expan>uen my<seg>-</seg>self . þat Cyuyle is nempned</l>
<l> <hi></hi> And Cartsadle þe Co<expan>m</expan>missarie . oure cart shal he lede</l>
<l> And fecchen vs vitailles . at <hi><foreign><hi>Fornicatores</hi></foreign></hi></l>
<l> <hi></hi> And makeþ of lyer<expan>e</expan> a lang cart . to leden alle þise oþere</l>
<l> As Freres and Faitours . þat on hire feet rennen .</l>
<l> <hi></hi> And thus Fals and Fauel . fareþ forþ togideres</l>
<l> And Mede in þe myddes . and alle þise men after</l>
<l> <hi></hi> I haue no tome to telle . þe tail þ<expan>a</expan>t hire folwed<note>W.2.188: Following this line, all <hi>B</hi> manuscripts except WCr<hi>1</hi>GHm have the line: <hi>Of many maner man . þat on þis molde libbeth</hi> (in the spelling of L).</note></l>
<l> Ac Gyle was Forgoer . and gyed hem alle </l>
<l> <hi></hi> Sothnesse seiȝ hem wel . and seide but litel</l>
<l> And priked his palfrey . and passed hem alle</l>
<l> And com to þe kynges court . and Conscience it tolde</l>
<l> And Conscience to þe kyng . carped it after</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Now by crist quod þe kyng . and I cacche myȝte</l>
<l> Fals or Fauel . or any of hise feeris</l>
<l> I wolde be wroken of þo wrecches . þat wercheþ so ille</l>
<l> And doon hem hange by þe hals . and alle þ<expan>a</expan>t hem maynteneþ</l>
<l> Shal neu<expan>er</expan>e man of þis molde . meynprise þe leeste</l>
<l> But riȝt as þe lawe wol loke . lat falle on hem alle</l>
<l> <hi></hi> And comaunded a Constable . þat com at þe firste</l>
<l> To attachen þo Tyrauntz . for any þyng I hote</l>
<l> And fettreþ faste Falsnesse . for any kynnes ȝiftes</l>
<l> And girdeþ of Gyles heed . and lat hym go no ferþer</l>
<l> And if ye lacche lyer<expan>e</expan> . lat hym noȝt ascapen</l>
<l> Er he be put on þe Pillory . for any preyere I hote</l>
<l> And bryngeþ Mede to me . maugree hem alle</l>
<milestone>fol. 12vI</milestone>
<l> <hi></hi> Drede at þe dore stood . and þe doom herde</l>
<l> And how þe kyng comaunded . Constables and s<expan>er</expan>geauntz</l>
<l> Falsnesse and his felawship . to fettren and to bynden</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Thanne Drede wente wyȝtliche . and warned þe False</l>
<l> And bad hym fle for fere . and hise felawes alle</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Falsnesse for fere þanne . fleiȝ to þe Freres</l>
<l> And Gyle dooþ hym to go . agast for to dye</l>
<l> Ac Marchauntz metten w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> hym . and made hym abyde</l>
<l> And bishetten hym in hire shoppes . to shewen hire ware</l>
<l> Apparailed hym as App<expan>re</expan>ntice . þe peple to serue</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Liȝtliche Lyere . leep awey þanne</l>
<l> Lurkynge þoruȝ lanes . tolugged of manye</l>
<l> He was nowher welcome . for his manye tales</l>
<l> Ouer al yhonted<note>W.2.220: The reading could equally well be <hi>yhouted</hi>. <hi>B</hi> manuscripts vary between forms of <hi>hunten</hi> and <hi>houten</hi>.</note> . and yhote trusse</l>
<l> Til P<expan>ar</expan>doners hadde pite . and pulled hym in<seg>-</seg>to house</l>
<l> They wesshen hym & wiped hym . & wounden hym in cloutes</l>
<l> And senten hym wiþ seles . on Sondayes to chirches</l>
<l> And yeuen<note>W.2.224: W alone reads <hi>yeuen</hi>, while all other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>gaf</hi> or <hi>ȝaf</hi>.</note> pardoun for pens . poundemele aboute</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Thanne lourede leches . and lettres þei sente</l>
<l> That he sholde wonye w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> hem . watres to loke</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Spycers speken w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> hym . to spien hire ware</l>
<l> For he kouþe of hir craft . and knew manye go<expan>m</expan>mes</l>
<l> <hi></hi> And Mynstrales and Messagers . mette w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> hym ones</l>
<l> And helden hym an <orig>halfyeer</orig><reg>half yeer</reg> . and elleuene dayes</l>
<l> <hi></hi> Freres wiþ fair speche . fetten hym þennes</l>
<l> And for knowynge of comeres . coped hym as a Frere</l>
<l> Ac he haþ leue to lepen out . as ofte as hym likeþ</l>
<milestone>fol. 13rI</milestone>
<l> And is welcome whan he wile . and woneþ w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> hem ofte .</l>
<l> <hi>A</hi>lle fledden for fere . and flowen in<seg>-</seg>to hernes</l>
<l> Saue Mede þe mayde . namo dorste abide</l>
<l> Ac trewely to telle . she trembled for drede</l>
<l> And ek wepte and wrong . whan she was attached</l>