fol. 19v (cont.)I
ra Passus quartus de visione vt sup
ay by crist quod N . congeye me er for eu Consciencee erW.4.4: W alone reads . Other er for euere manuscripts have B or for euere. raþer
fol. 20rI
fol. 20vI
W.4.67: A mark of punctuation looking like the top part of a punctus elevatus appears here. hadde I loue of my lord þe kyng . litel wolde I recche
And seide fol. 21rI
fol. 21vI
W.4.107: The ota n appears to the left of the line.
Wrong wendeþ noȝt so awey . erst wole I wite moore W.4.128KD.4.126
And til Seint Iames be souȝt . þ ¶e I shal assigne erW.4.128-129: The bottom part of the leaf is discolored and there is some bleedthrough, especially over these last two lines.
fol. 22rI
W.4.148: A scribe has drawn a pointing hand in the right margin.
And if ye werchen it in werk . I wedde myne erisW.4.158-159: The bottom two lines are affected by bleedthrough.
I falle in floryns quod þat freke . and faile speche ofte fol. 22vI
- so wilneþ hire to wif . for welþe of hire goodes W.4.165: The ota n appears to the left of the line.
Who fol. 23rI
And I graunte quod þe kyng . goddes forbode ellis ¶W.4.196: W alone reads . Other ellis witnesses read B. it faile