L.13.1KD.13.1<l> <hi><hi>A</hi></hi>nd
<note>L.13.1: The ornamental capital <A> is eight lines high in blue ink with red flourishes. A small guide-letter <a> is obscured by the
flourishes.</note> I awaked þ
<seg>-</seg>with · witles nerehande
L.13.2KD.13.2<l> And as a freke þat fre were · forth gan I walke</l>
L.13.3KD.13.3<l> In manere of a mendynaunt · many a ȝere after</l>
L.13.4KD.13.4<l> And of þis metyng many tyme · moche þouȝt I hadde</l>
L.13.5KD.13.5<l> First how fortune me failled · at my moste nede</l>
L.13.6KD.13.6<l> And how þat elde manaced me · myȝt we euere meten</l>
</lg> <lg>L.13.7KD.13.7<l> <hi>¶</hi> And how þat freris folwed · folke þat was riche</l>
L.13.8KD.13.8<l> And folke þat was pore · at litel prys þei sette</l>
L.13.9KD.13.9<l> And no corps in her kirkeȝerde · ne in her kyrke was buryed</l>
<milestone>fol. 53r
L.13.10KD.13.10<l> But quikke he biquethe hem auȝte · or shulde helpe quyte her dettes</l>
L.13.11KD.13.11<l> And how þis coueitise ouercome · clerkes and prestes</l>
L.13.12KD.13.12<l> And how þat lewed men ben ladde · but owre lorde hem helpe</l>
L.13.13KD.13.13<l> Þorugh vnkonnyng curatoures · to incurable peynes</l>
</lg> <lg>L.13.14KD.13.14<l> <hi>¶</hi> And how þat ymagynatyf · in dremeles me tolde</l>
L.13.15KD.13.15<l> Of kynde and of his connyng · and how curteise he is to bestes</l>
L.13.16KD.13.16<l> And how louynge he is to bestes · on londe and on water</l>
L.13.17KD.13.17<l> Leneth he no lyf · lasse ne more</l>
L.13.18KD.13.18<l> Þe creatures þat crepen · of kynde ben engendred</l>
L.13.19KD.13.19<l> And sitthen how ymagynatif seyde <foreign>vix iustus saluabit<expan>ur</expan></foreign></l>
L.13.20KD.13.20<l> And whan he had seyde so · how sodeynelich he passed</l>
</lg> <lg>L.13.27KD.13.27<l> <hi>¶</hi> Conscience knewe hym wel · and welcomed hym faire</l>
L.13.28KD.13.28<l> Þei wesshen and wypeden · and wenten to þe dyner</l>
L.13.29KD.13.29<l> Ac pacience in þe paleis stode in pilgrymes clothes</l>
L.13.30KD.13.30<l> And preyde mete for charite · for a pore heremyte</l>
</lg> <lg>L.13.37KD.13.37<l> <hi>¶</hi> Conscience called after mete · and þanne cam script<expan>ur</expan>e</l>
L.13.38KD.13.38<l> And serued hem þus sone · of sondry metes manye</l>
L.13.39KD.13.39<l> Of <hi>austyn of ambrose</hi> · of alle þe foure <hi>euangelistes</hi></l>
L.13.40KD.13.39α<l> <hi><foreign>Edentes & bibentes · que apud eos sunt</foreign></hi></l>
L.13.41KD.13.40<l> Ac þis maister ne his man · no maner<expan>e</expan> flessh eten</l>
L.13.42KD.13.41<l> Ac þei ete mete of more coste · mortrewes and potages</l>
L.13.43KD.13.42<l> Of þat men mys<seg>-</seg>wonne · þei made hem wel at ese</l>
L.13.44KD.13.43<l> Ac her sauce was ouer soure · & vnsauourely grounde</l>
L.13.45KD.13.44<l> In a morter <hi><foreign>post mortem ·</foreign></hi> of many bitter peyne</l>
L.13.46KD.13.45<l> But if þei synge for þo soules · and wepe salt teres</l>
<foreign>co<expan>n</expan>tra sacerdotes</foreign>
L.13.47KD.13.45α<l> <hi><foreign>Vos qui p<expan>ec</expan>cata hominu<expan>m</expan> comeditis nisi p<expan>ro</expan> eis lacrimas & or<expan>aci</expan>o<expan>n</expan>es <lb/>
effunderitis · ea que i<expan>n</expan> delicijs comeditis · in tormentis euometis</foreign></hi><note>L.13.47: The words <hi><foreign>co<expan>n</expan>tra sacerdotes</foreign></hi> appear in the right margin as well as a cross under <hi>con-</hi>.</note></l>
L.13.48KD.13.46<l> Conscience
<del>for</del><add>ful</add><note>L.13.48: L alone reads <hi>for</hi> in place of the marginally supplied <hi>ful</hi>; other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts either omit it or have <hi>ful</hi>. The corrector had marked the line with his usual <+> and underlined <hi>for</hi>. He or another hand supplied <hi>ful</hi> in the left margin in a lighter ink than the text. Kane and Donaldson suggest tentatively that the word <hi>for</hi> may have been written over an erasure, but we see no evidence to support that suggestion.</note> curteisly þo · comau
<expan>n</expan>ded scripture
<milestone>fol. 53v
L.13.49KD.13.47-48<l> Bifor pacience bred to brynge · and me þat was his macche</l>
L.13.50KD.13.49<l> He sette a soure lof to<seg>-</seg>for vs · and seyde <hi><foreign>agite penitenciam</foreign></hi></l>
L.13.51KD.13.50<l> And sith he drough vs drynke · <hi><foreign>dia p<expan>er</expan>seuerans</foreign></hi></l>
L.13.52KD.13.51<l> As longe q<expan>uo</expan>d I as I lyue · and lycame may dure</l>
L.13.53KD.13.52<l> Here is p<expan>ro</expan>pre seruice q<expan>uo</expan>d pacience · þer fareth no prynce better<expan>e</expan></l>
</lg> <lg>L.13.54KD.13.54<l> <hi>¶</hi> And þanne he brouȝt vs
<note>L.13.54: LMWR alone read <hi>vs</hi>; all other <hi>B</hi> witnesses omit it.</note> forth a mees of other mete
<hi>of <foreign><sic>Mis<expan>er</expan>rere</sic><corr>Mise[r]ere</corr> mei d<expan>eu</expan>s</foreign></hi></l>
L.13.55KD.13.53<l> And he brouȝte vs of <hi><foreign>Beati quor<expan>um</expan></foreign> of <foreign>beat<expan>us</expan> virres</foreign> makyng</hi></l>
L.13.56KD.13.54α-55<l> <hi><foreign>Et quor<expan>um</expan> tecta sunt peccata</foreign></hi> in a dissh</l>
L.13.57KD.13.55<l> Of derne shrifte <foreign>dixi</foreign> and <foreign>confitebor tibi</foreign></l>
L.13.58KD.13.56<l> Brynge pacience some pitaunce · pryueliche q<expan>uo</expan>d conscience</l>
</lg> <lg>L.13.59KD.13.57<l> <hi>¶</hi> And þanne had pacience a pitau<expan>n</expan>ce <hi><foreign>p<expan>ro</expan> hac orab<expan>i</expan>t ad te om<expan>n</expan>is s<expan>an</expan>c<expan>t</expan>us i<expan>n</expan> te<expan>m</expan>pore oportuno</foreign></hi></l>
L.13.60KD.13.58<l> And conscience conforted vs · and carped vs mery tales</l>
L.13.61KD.13.58α<l> <hi><foreign>Cor contritu<expan>m</expan> & humiliatu<expan>m</expan> deus non despicies</foreign></hi></l>
<lg>L.13.62KD.13.59<l> <hi>¶</hi> Pacience was proude of þat p<expan>ro</expan>pre seruice</l>
L.13.63KD.13.60<l> And made hym muirth with his mete · ac I morned euere</l>
L.13.64KD.13.61<l> For þis doctour<expan>e</expan> on þe heigh dese · dranke wyn so faste</l>
L.13.65KD.13.61α<l> <hi><foreign>Ve vobis qui potentes estis ad bibendu<expan>m</expan> vinu<expan>m</expan></foreign></hi></l>
</lg> <lg>L.13.66KD.13.62<l> <hi>¶</hi> He eet many sondry metes · mortrewes and puddynges</l>
L.13.67KD.13.63<l> Wombe cloutes and wylde braune · & egges y<seg>-</seg>fryed with grece</l>
L.13.68KD.13.64<l> Þanne seide I to my<seg>-</seg>self so · pacience it herde</l>
L.13.69KD.13.65<l> It is nouȝt foure dayes · þat þis freke · bifor þe den of poules</l>
L.13.70KD.13.66<l> Preched of penaunces · þat poule þe apostle suffred</l>
L.13.71KD.13.67<l> <hi><foreign>In fame & frigore</foreign> ·</hi> and flappes of scourges</l>
L.13.72KD.13.67α<l> <hi><foreign>Ter cesus sum & a iudeis quinquies quadragenas &c ·</foreign></hi></l>
</lg> <lg>L.13.73KD.13.68<l> <hi>¶</hi> Ac o worde þei ouerhuppen · at ech a
<note>L.13.73: LMWR read <hi>a</hi>; all other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts omit it.</note> tyme þat þei preche
L.13.74KD.13.69<l> Þat poule in his pistel · to al þe peple tolde</l>
L.13.75KD.13.70<l> <hi><foreign>Peric<expan>u</expan>l<expan>u</expan>m est in falsis fr<expan>atr</expan>ib<expan>us</expan></foreign></hi></l>
L.13.76KD.13.71<l> holywrit bit men be war · I wil nouȝt write it here</l>
L.13.77KD.13.72<l> On englisch an auenture · it sholde be reherced to ofte</l>
L.13.78KD.13.73<l> And greue þere
<seg>-</seg>with þat good men ben
<note>L.13.78: LRF alone read <hi>þat good men ben</hi>; other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read either <hi>þat goode beene</hi> or just <hi>goode men</hi>.</note> · ac gramarienes shul rede
L.13.79KD.13.73α<l> <hi><foreign><del>...?...?...</del><add>Vnusquisq<expan>ue</expan> a fratre se custodiat quia vt dicitur</add><note>L.13.79: The first half of the line has been erased and written over in black ink by a later hand, dating to <hi>s. xvii</hi> at the earliest. The addition accords with the readings of other <hi>B</hi> witnesses.</note> p<expan>er</expan>ic<expan>u</expan>l<expan>u</expan>m est i<expan>n</expan> falsis fr<expan>atr</expan>ib<expan>us</expan></foreign></hi></l>
</lg> <lg>L.13.80KD.13.74<l> <hi>¶</hi> Ac I wist neuere freke þat as a frere ȝede · bifor men on englissh</l>
L.13.81KD.13.75<l> Taken it for her teme · and telle it with<seg>-</seg>outen glosynge</l>
L.13.82KD.13.76<l> <note>L.13.82: This line and the next are marked in the left margin with two distinct dots one under the other like a colon in text brown
ink. A <foreign><hi>nota</hi></foreign> (or perhaps the corrector's <+>?) near them may have been scraped.</note> Þei p
<expan>re</expan>chen þat pen
<del>u(?)</del><add>a</add>unce is · p
<expan>ro</expan>fitable to þe soule
L.13.83KD.13.77<l> And what myschief and malese · cryst for man tholed</l>
L.13.84KD.13.78<l> Ac þis goddes gloton q<expan>uo</expan>d I · with his gret chekes</l>
L.13.85KD.13.79<l> Hath no pyte on vs pore · he p<expan>er</expan>forneth yuel</l>
L.13.86KD.13.80<l> Þat he precheth he preueth nouȝt · to pacience I tolde</l>
L.13.87KD.13.81<l> And wisshed witterly · with wille
<del>for</del><note>L.13.87: Although incorrect <hi>for</hi> before <hi>egre</hi> was not erased, the corrector who added <hi>ful</hi> in the right margin and scraped the corrector's <+> presumably intended replacement in keeping with other <hi>B</hi> witnesses.</note> <add>ful</add> egre
L.13.88KD.13.82<l> Þat disshes a
<note>L.13.88: L alone has written <hi>a</hi>, "and," in place of the full form <hi>and</hi> found in all other <hi>B</hi> witnesses.</note> dobleres · bifor þis ilke doctour
L.13.89KD.13.83<l> Were moltou<expan>n</expan> led in his maw · and Mahoun amyddes</l>
L.13.90KD.13.84<l> I shal iangle to þis Iurdan · with his iust wombe</l>
<milestone>fol. 54r
L.13.91KD.13.85<l> To telle me what penaunce is · of which he p<expan>re</expan>ched rather</l>
L.13.92KD.13.86<l> <hi>Pacience p<expan>ar</expan>ceyued</hi> what I thouȝt · and wynked on me to be stille</l>
L.13.93KD.13.87<l> And seyde þow
<add>shalt</add><note>L.13.93: A contemporary hand, perhaps the original scribe's though with a thinner nib than usual, has written the correction in the
right margin. The ink is much more pale than the text.</note> se þus sone · whan he may no more
L.13.94KD.13.88<l> He shal haue a penaunce in his paunche · and puffe at ech a worde</l>
L.13.95KD.13.89<l> And þanne shullen his guttis godele
<note>L.13.95: LR alone contain the spelling <hi>godele</hi>; the majority of other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>goþele</hi>. Cf. <ptr></ptr>L.5.351 above.</note> · and he shal galpen after
L.13.96KD.13.90<l> For now he hath dronken so depe · he wil deuyne sone</l>
L.13.97KD.13.91<l> And p<expan>re</expan>uen it by her pocalips · and passiou<expan>n</expan> of seynt Auereys</l>
L.13.98KD.13.92<l> Þat neither bacou<expan>n</expan> ne braune · blanmanger<expan>e</expan> ne mortrewes</l>
L.13.99KD.13.93<l> Is noither fisshe no
<note>L.13.99: L alone reads <hi>no</hi>; most other <hi>B</hi> witnesses have <hi>ne</hi>.</note> flesshe · but fode for a penaunte
L.13.100KD.13.94<l> And þanne shal he testifye of a trinitee · and take his felawe to witnesse</l>
L.13.101KD.13.95<l> What he fonde in a freyel · after a freres lyuyng</l>
L.13.102KD.13.96<l> And but if þe fyrst lyne be lesyng · leue me neuere after</l>
L.13.103KD.13.97<l> And þanne is tyme to take · and to appose þis doctoure</l>
L.13.104KD.13.98<l> Of dowel and of dobet · and if dobe<del>t</del><add>s</add>t be any penaunce</l>
</lg> <lg>L.13.105KD.13.99<l> <hi>¶</hi> And I sete stille as pacience seyde · and þus sone þis doctour</l>
L.13.106KD.13.100<l> As rody as a rose · rubbed his chekes</l>
L.13.107KD.13.101<l> Coughed and carped · and conscience hym herde</l>
L.13.108KD.13.102<l> And tolde hym of a trinite · and toward vs he loked</l>
</lg> <lg>L.13.112KD.13.106<l> <hi>¶</hi> By þis day sire doctour q<expan>uo</expan>d I þanne be ȝe nouȝt in dowel</l>
L.13.113KD.13.107<l> For ȝe han harmed vs two · in þat ȝe eten þe puddyng</l>
L.13.114KD.13.108<l> Mortrewes and other mete · and we no mussel hade</l>
L.13.115KD.13.109<l> And if ȝe fare so in ȝowre fermorie · ferly me þinketh</l>
L.13.116KD.13.110<l> But chest be þere charite shulde be · & ȝonge childern dorste pleyne</l>
L.13.117KD.13.111<l> I wolde p<expan>er</expan>mute my penaunce with ȝowre · for I am in poynte to dowel</l>
</lg> <lg>L.13.118KD.13.112<l> <hi>¶</hi> Þanne conscience curteisliche · a contenaunce he made</l>
L.13.119KD.13.113<l> And preynte vpon pacience · to preie me to be stille</l>
L.13.120KD.13.114<l> And seyde hym<seg>-</seg>self sire doctour · and it be ȝowre wille</l>
L.13.121KD.13.115<l> What is dowel and dobet · ȝe deuynours knoweth</l>
</lg> <lg>L.13.122KD.13.116<l> <hi>¶</hi> Dowel q<expan>uo</expan>d þis doctour · do as clerkes techeth</l>
doe well <lb/>
doe better <lb/>
doe best
L.13.123KD.13.117<l> And dobet is he þat techeth · and trauailleth to teche other
<note>L.13.123: A sixteenth-century secretary hand has written in the right margin the words <hi>doe well <lb/>
doe better <lb/>
doe best</hi>. They are written over an erasure of a fifteenth-century gloss, now mainly illegible; the word <hi>beste</hi> is all that can be seen through the erasure and overwriting. A bracket appears to have been erased as well.</note></l>
L.13.124KD.13.118<l> And dobest doth hym<seg>-</seg>self so · as he seith & precheth</l>
L.13.125KD.13.118α<l> <hi><foreign>Qui facit et docu<expan>er</expan>it magn<expan>us</expan> vocabitur in regno celor<expan>um</expan></foreign></hi></l>
</lg> <lg>L.13.129KD.13.122<l> <hi>¶</hi> Til I se þo seuene · and my<seg>-</seg>self acorden</l>
L.13.130KD.13.123<l> I am vnhardy q<expan>uo</expan>d he · to any wyȝt to preue it</l>
<milestone>fol. 54v
L.13.131KD.13.124<l> For one pieres þe ploughman hath inpugned vs alle</l>
L.13.132KD.13.125<l> And sette alle sciences at a soppe · saue loue one</l>
L.13.133KD.13.126<l> And no tixte ne taketh to meyntene his cause</l>
L.13.134KD.13.127<l> <hi>But <foreign>dilige deum</foreign> · and <foreign>d<expan>omi</expan>ne quis h<expan>ab</expan>itabit &c</foreign></hi></l>
L.13.135KD.13.128<l> And seith þat dowel and dobet aren two infinites</l>
L.13.136KD.13.129<l> Whiche infinites with a feith fynden oute dobest</l>
L.13.137KD.13.130<l> Which shal saue mannes soule · þus seith piers þe ploughman</l>
</lg> <lg>L.13.138KD.13.131<l> <hi>¶</hi> I can nouȝt her<seg>-</seg>on q<expan>uo</expan>d conscience · ac I knowe wel pieres</l>
L.13.139KD.13.132<l> He wil nouȝt aȝein holy writ speken · I dar wel vndertake</l>
L.13.140KD.13.133<l> Þanne passe we ouer til piers come · and preue þis in dede</l>
L.13.141KD.13.134<l> Pacience hath be in many place · and p<expan>ar</expan><seg>-</seg>auntre cnoweth</l>
L.13.142KD.13.135<l> Þat no clerke ne can · as cryst bereth witnesse</l>
L.13.143KD.13.135α<l> <hi><foreign>Pacientes vincunt &c</foreign></hi></l>
L.13.144KD.13.136<l> Ac ȝowre preyere q<expan>uo</expan>d pacyence þo · so no man displese hym</l>
disce / doce / et <lb/>
L.13.145KD.13.137<l> <hi><foreign>Disce</foreign> q<expan>uo</expan>d he <foreign>doce · dilige inimicos</foreign></hi></l>
L.13.146KD.13.138<l> <hi><foreign>Disce</foreign></hi> and <hi>dowel · / <foreign>doce</foreign> / & dobet</hi></l>
L.13.147KD.13.138-139<l> <hi><foreign>Dilige</foreign> / and dobest ·</hi> þus tauȝte me ones</l>
L.13.148KD.13.139<l> A lemman þat I loued · loue was hir name</l>
L.13.149KD.13.140<l> With wordes and with werkes q<expan>uo</expan>d she · and wille of þyne herte</l>
L.13.150KD.13.141<l> Þow loue lelly þi soule al þi lyf<seg>-</seg>tyme</l>
L.13.151KD.13.142<l> And so þow lere þe to louye · for þe lordes loue of heuene</l>
L.13.152KD.13.143<l> Þine enemye in al wyse · euene<seg>-</seg>forth with þi<seg>-</seg>selue</l>
L.13.153KD.13.144<l> Cast coles on his hed · and al kynde speche</l>
L.13.154KD.13.145<l> Bothe with werkes and with wordes fonde his loue to wynne</l>
L.13.155KD.13.146<l> And lay on hym þus with loue · til he laghe on þe</l>
L.13.156KD.13.147<l> And but he bowe for þis betyng blynde mote he worthe</l>
</lg> <lg>L.13.161KD.13.152<l> <hi>¶</hi> I bere þere
<seg>-</seg>inne aboute · fast ybounde dowel
<note>L.13.161-165: A box-style bracket in rubricator's red refers this whole line group to the gloss <foreign><hi>solucio</hi></foreign>.</note></l>
L.13.162KD.13.153<l> In a signe of þe saterday · þat sette firste þe kalendar<expan>e</expan></l>
L.13.163KD.13.154<l> And al þe witt<expan>e</expan> of þe wednesday · of þe nexte wyke after</l>
L.13.164KD.13.155<l> Þe myddel of þe mone is þe miȝte of bothe</l>
L.13.165KD.13.156<l> And here<seg>-</seg>with am I welcome · þere I haue it with me</l>
</lg> <lg>L.13.166KD.13.157<l> <hi>¶</hi> <hi>Vndo it late þis doctour <del>sen</del><add>deme</add> · if dowel be þer<seg>-</seg>inne</hi><hi>/</hi></l>
L.13.167KD.13.158<l> For bi hym þat me made · miȝte neuere pouerte</l>
L.13.168KD.13.159<l> Miseise ne myschief ne man with his tonge</l>
L.13.169KD.13.160<l> Colde ne care ne compaignye of theues</l>
L.13.170KD.13.161<l> Ne noither hete ne haille · ne non helle pouke</l>
L.13.171KD.13.162<l> Ne noither fuire ne flode · ne fere of þine enemy</l>
L.13.172KD.13.163<l> Tene þe eny tyme · and þow take it with þe</l>
L.13.173KD.13.163α<l> <foreign><hi>Caritas nichil timet</hi></foreign></l>
L.13.174KD.13.172<l> <note>L.13.174: An unrubricated paraph marker appears in the left margin. Since the scribe failed to skip a line, the rubricating scribe
may have failed to notice it.</note> ¶ It is but a dido q
<expan>uo</expan>d þis doctour · a dysoures tale
<milestone>fol. 55r
L.13.175KD.13.173<l> Al þe witt of þis worlde · and wiȝte mennes strengthe</l>
L.13.176KD.13.174<l> Can nouȝt confourmen a pees · bytwene þe pope and his enemys</l>
L.13.177KD.13.175<l> Ne bitwene two cristene kynges · can no wiȝte pees make</l>
L.13.178KD.13.176<l> Profitable to ayther peple · and put þe table fro hym</l>
L.13.179KD.13.177<l> And toke clergye and conscience · to conseille as it were</l>
L.13.180KD.13.178<l> Þat pacience þo moste passe · for pilgrimes kunne wel lye</l>
</lg> <lg>L.13.181KD.13.179<l> <hi>¶</hi> Ac conscience carped loude and curteislich seide</l>
L.13.182KD.13.180<l> Frendes fareth wel · and faire spake to clergye</l>
L.13.183KD.13.181<l> For I wil go with þis gome · if god wil ȝiue me g<expan>ra</expan>ce</l>
L.13.184KD.13.182<l> And be pilgryme with pacience · til I haue proued more</l>
</lg> <lg>L.13.185KD.13.183<l> <hi>¶</hi> What q<expan>uo</expan>d clergye to conscience · ar ȝe coueitouse nouthe</l>
L.13.186KD.13.184<l> After ȝeresȝyues or ȝiftes · or ȝernen to rede redeles</l>
L.13.187KD.13.185<l> I shal brynge ȝow a bible · a boke of þe olde lawe</l>
L.13.188KD.13.186<l> And lere ȝow if ȝow lyke · þe leest poynte to knowe</l>
L.13.189KD.13.187<l> Þat pacience þe pilgryme · p<expan>ar</expan>fitly knewe neuere</l>
</lg> <lg>L.13.190KD.13.188<l> <hi>¶</hi> Nay bi cryste q<expan>uo</expan>d conscience to clergye god þe forȝelde</l>
L.13.191KD.13.189<l> For al þat pacience me p<expan>ro</expan>freth · proude am I litel</l>
L.13.192KD.13.190<l> Ac þe wille of þe wye · and
<add>þe</add> wille folke here
<note>L.13.192: This b-verse caused scribes some trouble. LBCR omit <hi>of</hi>, and it is added above the line in M.</note></l>
L.13.193KD.13.191<l> Hath moeued my mode · to mourne for my synnes</l>
L.13.194KD.13.192<l> Þe good wille of a wiȝte · was neure bouȝte to þe fulle</l>
L.13.195KD.13.193<l> For þere nys
<note>L.13.195: LWR alone read <hi>nys</hi>; all other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>is</hi>.</note> no tresore þerto · to a trewe wille
</lg> <lg>L.13.196KD.13.194<l> <hi>¶</hi> Haued nouȝt <hi>Magdeleigne</hi> more · for a boxe of salue</l>
L.13.197KD.13.195<l> Þan zacheus for he seide · <hi><foreign>dimidiu<expan>m</expan> bonor<expan>um</expan> meor<expan>um</expan> do paup<expan>er</expan>ib<expan>us</expan></foreign></hi></l>
L.13.198KD.13.196<l> And þe pore widwe for a peire of mytes</l>
L.13.199KD.13.197<l> Þan alle þo that offreden · in<seg>-</seg>to <hi><foreign>gazafilaciu<expan>m</expan></foreign></hi></l>
</lg> <lg>L.13.200KD.13.198<l> <hi>¶</hi> Þus curteislich conscience · congeyde fyrst þe Frere</l>
L.13.201KD.13.199<l> And sithen softliche he seyde · in clergyes ere</l>
L.13.202KD.13.200<l> Me were leuer by owre lorde · and I lyue shulde</l>
L.13.203KD.13.201<l> Haue pacience p<expan>ar</expan>fitlich · þan half þi pakke of bokes</l>
</lg> <lg>L.13.207KD.13.205<l> <hi>¶</hi> Þat is soth seyde conscience · so me god helpe</l>
L.13.208KD.13.206<l> If pacience be owre partyng felawe · and pryue with vs bothe</l>
L.13.209KD.13.207<l> There nys wo in þis worlde · þat we ne shulde amende</l>
L.13.210KD.13.208<l> And confourmen Kynges to pees · and al<seg>-</seg>kynnes londes ·</l>
L.13.211KD.13.209<l> Sarasenes and surre · and so forth alle þe iewes ·</l>
L.13.212KD.13.210<l> Turne in<seg>-</seg>to þe trewe feith · and in<seg>-</seg>til one byleue</l>
</lg> <lg>L.13.213KD.13.211<l> <hi>¶</hi> Þat is soth q<expan>uo</expan>d clergye · I se what þow menest</l>
L.13.214KD.13.212<l> I shal dwelle as I do · my deuore to shewen</l>
<milestone>fol. 55v
L.13.215KD.13.213<l> And confermen fauntekynes · and other folke ylered</l>
L.13.216KD.13.214<l> Tyl pacience haue preued þe · and parfite þe maked</l>
</lg> <lg>L.13.217KD.13.215<l> <hi>¶</hi> Conscience þo with pacience passed · pilgrymes as it were</l>
L.13.218KD.13.216<l> Þanne had pacience as pylgrymes han · in his poke vittailles</l>
L.13.219KD.13.217<l> Sobrete and symple speche · and sothfaste byleue</l>
L.13.220KD.13.218<l> To conforte hym and conscience · if þey come in place</l>
L.13.221KD.13.219<l> Þere vnkyndenesse and coueytise is · hungrye contrees bothe</l>
</lg> <lg>L.13.226KD.13.224<l> <hi>¶</hi> I am a mynstral q<expan>uo</expan>d þat man · my name is <hi><foreign>actiua vita</foreign></hi></l>
L.13.227KD.13.225<l> Alle ydel ich hatye · for of actyf is my name</l>
L.13.228KD.13.226<l> A wafrer<expan>e</expan> wil ȝe wite · and serue many lordes</l>
L.13.229KD.13.227<l> And fewe robes I fonge · or furred gounes</l>
L.13.230KD.13.228<l> Couthe I lye to do men laughe · þanne lacchen I shulde</l>
L.13.231KD.13.229<l> Other mantel or money amonges lordes mynstralles</l>
L.13.232KD.13.230<l> Ac for I can noither tabre ne trompe · ne telle none gestes</l>
L.13.233KD.13.231<l> Farten ne fythelen at festes ne harpen</l>
L.13.234KD.13.232<l> Iape ne iogly · ne gentlych pype</l>
L.13.235KD.13.233<l> Ne noyther sailly ne saute · ne synge with þe gyterne</l>
L.13.236KD.13.234<l> I haue none gode gyftes · of þise grete lordes ·</l>
L.13.237KD.13.235<l> For no bred þat I brynge forth · saue a b<expan>e</expan>n<expan>e</expan>son on þe sonday</l>
L.13.238KD.13.236<l> Whan þe prest preyeth þe peple · her pat<expan>er</expan> noster to bidde</l>
L.13.239KD.13.237<l> For peres þe plowman · and þat hym profite wayten</l>
L.13.240KD.13.238<l> And þat am I actyf · þat ydelnesse hatye</l>
L.13.241KD.13.239<l> For alle trewe t<expan>ra</expan>uaillours · and tilieres of þe erthe</l>
L.13.242KD.13.240<l> Fro mychelmesse to mychelmesse · I fynde hem with wafres</l>
</lg> <lg>L.13.243KD.13.241<l> <hi>¶</hi> Beggeres and bidderes · of my bred crauen</l>
L.13.244KD.13.242<l> Faitoures and freres · and folke with brode crounes</l>
L.13.245KD.13.243<l> I fynde payne for þe pope · and prouendre for his palfrey</l>
L.13.246KD.13.244<l> And I hadde neuere of hym · haue god my treuthe</l>
L.13.247KD.13.245<l> Noither prouendre ne p<expan>ar</expan>sonage · ȝut of the popis ȝifte</l>
L.13.248KD.13.246<l> Saue a pardou<expan>n</expan> with a peys of led · and two pollis amydde</l>
L.13.249KD.13.247<l> Hadde iche a clerke þat couthe write · I wolde caste hym a bille</l>
L.13.250KD.13.248<l> Þat he sent me vnder his seel · a salue for þe pestilence</l>
L.13.251KD.13.249<l> And þat his blessyng & his bulles · bocches miȝte destroye</l>
L.13.252KD.13.249α<l> <hi><foreign>In no<expan>m</expan>i<expan>n</expan>e meo demonia <app><lem>eiciunt</lem></app> & sup<expan>er</expan> egros man<expan>us</expan> imponent & b<expan>e</expan>n<expan>e</expan> h<expan>ab</expan>ebunt</foreign></hi></l>
L.13.253KD.13.250<l> And þanne wolde I be prest to peple · paste for to make</l>
L.13.254KD.13.251<l> And buxome and busy aboute bred and drynk<expan>e</expan></l>
L.13.255KD.13.252<l> For hym and for alle his · fonde I þat his pardou<expan>n</expan></l>
L.13.256KD.13.253<l> Miȝte lechen a man · as I bileue it shulde</l>
L.13.257KD.13.254<l> For sith he hath þe power<expan>e</expan> · þat peter hym<seg>-</seg>self hadde</l>
L.13.258KD.13.254<l> He hath þe potte with þe salue · sothly as me þinketh</l>
<milestone>fol. 56r
L.13.259KD.13.254α<l> <hi><foreign>Argentu<expan>m</expan> & auru<expan>m</expan> no<expan>n</expan> est m<expan>ichi</expan> q<expan>uo</expan>d aute<expan>m</expan> h<expan>ab</expan>eo t<expan>ibi</expan> do i<expan>n</expan> no<expan>m</expan>i<expan>n</expan>e d<expan>omi</expan>ni surge & ambula</foreign></hi></l>
</lg> <lg>L.13.260KD.13.255<l> <hi>¶</hi> Ac if miȝte of miracle hym faille · <add>it</add> is for men ben nouȝt worthy</l>
L.13.261KD.13.256<l> To haue þe grace of god · & no gylte of þe pope</l>
L.13.262KD.13.257<l> For may no blyssyng done vs bote · but if we wil amende</l>
L.13.263KD.13.258<l> Ne mannes masse make pees · amonges cristene peple</l>
L.13.264KD.13.259<l> Tyl pruyde be purelich fordo · and þat þourgh payn defaute</l>
</lg> <lg>L.13.268KD.13.263<l> <hi>¶</hi> Alle <hi>Londou<expan>n</expan></hi> I leue · liketh wel my wafres</l>
L.13.269KD.13.264<l> And lowren whan þei lakken it · it is nouȝt longe ypassed</l>
L.13.270KD.13.265<l> Þere was a carful co<expan>mun</expan>e · whan no carte come to toune</l>
L.13.271KD.13.266<l> With bred fro stretforth · þo gan beggeres wepe</l>
L.13.272KD.13.267<l> And werkmen were agaste a litel · þis wil be þouȝte longe</l>
L.13.273KD.13.268<l> In þe date of owre dryȝte · in a drye app<expan>ri</expan>le</l>
L.13.274KD.13.269<l> A þousande and thre hondreth · tweis thretty
<note>L.13.274: LR alone read <hi>thretty</hi>; other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>twenty</hi>.</note> & ten
L.13.275KD.13.270<l> My wafres þere were gesen · whan <hi>chichestre</hi> was <hi>Maire</hi></l>
</lg> <lg>L.13.276KD.13.271<l> <hi>¶</hi> I toke gode kepe by cryst · and conscience bothe</l>
L.13.277KD.13.272<l> Of <hi>haukyn</hi> þe actyf man · and how he was yclothed</l>
L.13.278KD.13.273<l> He hadde a cote of crystendome · as holykirke bileueth</l>
L.13.279KD.13.274<l> Ac it was moled in many places · with many sondri plottes</l>
L.13.280KD.13.275<l> Of pruyde here a plotte · and þ<expan>er</expan>e a plotte of vnboxome speche</l>
L.13.281KD.13.276<l> Of scornyng and of scoffyng · and of vnskilful berynge</l>
L.13.282KD.13.277<l> As in aparaille and in porte · proude amonges þe peple</l>
L.13.283KD.13.278<l> Otherwyse þan he hath · with herte or syȝte shewynge</l>
L.13.284KD.13.279<l> Hym willynge þat alle men wende · he were þat he is nouȝte</l>
L.13.285KD.13.280<l> For<seg>-</seg>why he bosteth and braggeth · with many bolde othes</l>
L.13.286KD.13.281<l> And in<seg>-</seg>obedient to ben vndernome · of any lyf lyuyng</l>
L.13.287KD.13.282<l> And so synguler
<expan>e</expan> by hym
<seg>-</seg>self · as to syȝte of þe poeple
<note>L.13.287-88: L and alpha alone have two lines here. Other beta witnesses have variants of <hi>And noon so singuler by hym-self · ne so pope-holy</hi>.</note> </l>
L.13.288KD.13.283<l> Was none suche as hym
<seg>-</seg>self · ne none so pompe
<note>L.13.288: LHmW alone read <hi>pompe holy</hi>; other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>pope holy</hi>.</note></l>
L.13.289KD.13.284<l> Yhabited as an hermyte · an ordre by hym<seg>-</seg>selue</l>
L.13.290KD.13.285<l> Religioun sanz reule · and resonable obedience</l>
L.13.291KD.13.286<l> Lakkyng lettred men · and lewed men bothe</l>
L.13.292KD.13.287<l> In lykyng of lele lyf · and a lyer in soule</l>
L.13.293KD.13.288<l> With Inwit and with outwitt · ymagenen and studye</l>
L.13.294KD.13.289<l> As best for his body be · to haue
<del>......</del><add>a badde<note>L.13.294: All beta manuscripts read <hi>badde</hi>; alpha has <hi>bolde</hi>. This is of some interest in light of the fact that <hi>badde</hi> is written over an erasure here. The original is not legible. Manipulation of the image in Photoshop 6.0 shows the final
letter was an <e>.</note></add> name
L.13.295KD.13.290<l> And entermeten hym ouer al · þer he hath nouȝt to done</l>
L.13.296KD.13.291<l> Wilnyng þat men wende · his witte were þe best</l>
L.13.297KD.13.299<l> And if he gyueth ouȝte pore gomes
<note>L.13.297: LR omit <hi>to</hi>, attested in most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, before <hi>pore gomes</hi>. The corrector's larger than usual <+> in the right margin was perhaps intended to call attention to both this line and the
next.</note> · telle what he deleth
L.13.298KD.13.300<l> Pore of possessiou
<expan>n</expan> in purse · and in coffre
<note>L.13.298: LR alone omit <hi>boþe</hi> after <hi>coffre(s)</hi>. The corrector has marked the omission with a marginal <+>. This is perhaps another instance in which the corrector and original
scribe worked from different exemplars.</note></l>
L.13.299KD.13.301<l> And as a lyon on to loke · and lordeliche of speche</l>
</lg> <lg>L.13.300KD.13.302<l> <hi>¶</hi> Baldest of beggeres a bostour þat nouȝt hath</l>
L.13.301KD.13.303<l> In towne and in tauernes · tales to telle</l>
<milestone>fol. 56v
L.13.302KD.13.304<l> And segge þinge þat he neuere seigh · and for soth sweren it</l>
L.13.303KD.13.305<l> Of dedes þat he <del>he</del> neuere dyd · demen and bosten</l>
L.13.304KD.13.306<l> And of werkes þat he wel dyd · witnesse and seggen</l>
L.13.305KD.13.307<l> Lo if ȝe leue me nouȝt · or þat I lye wenen</l>
L.13.306KD.13.308<l> Axeth at hym or at hym · and he ȝow can telle</l>
L.13.307KD.13.309<l> What I suffred and seighe · and some<seg>-</seg>tymes hadde</l>
L.13.308KD.13.310<l> And what I couth and knewe · and what kynne I come of</l>
L.13.309KD.13.311<l> Al he wolde þat men wiste of werkes and of wordes</l>
L.13.310KD.13.312<l> Which myȝte plese þe peple · and praysen hym<seg>-</seg>seluen</l>
L.13.311KD.13.312α<l> <hi><foreign>Si ho<expan>min</expan>ib<expan>us</expan> placerem <expan>cristi</expan> s<expan>er</expan>uus non essem</foreign></hi></l>
L.13.312KD.13.312α<l> <hi><foreign>Et alibi nemo potest duob<expan>us</expan> d<expan>omi</expan>nis s<expan>er</expan>uire</foreign></hi></l>
</lg> <lg>L.13.315KD.13.315<l> <hi>¶</hi> Ȝe who<seg>-</seg>so toke hede q<expan>uo</expan>d haukyn · byhynde and bifore</l>
L.13.316KD.13.316<l> What on bakke and what on bodyhalf · & by þe two sydes</l>
L.13.317KD.13.317<l> Men sholde fynde many frounces · and many foule plottes</l>
L.13.318KD.13.318<l> <note>L.13.318: An unrubricated paraph marker appears in the left margin. Since the scribe failed to skip a line, the rubricating scribe
may have failed to notice it.</note> ¶ And he torned hym as tyte · and þanne toke I hede
L.13.319KD.13.319<l> It was fouler by felefolde · þan it firste semed</l>
L.13.320KD.13.320<l> It was bidropped with wratthe · and wikked wille</l>
L.13.321KD.13.321<l> With enuye and yuel speche entysyng to fyȝte</l>
L.13.322KD.13.322<l> Lyinge and laughynge · and leue tonge to chyde</l>
L.13.323KD.13.323<l> Al þat he wist wykked · by any wiȝte tellen it</l>
L.13.324KD.13.324<l> And blame men bihynde her bakke · and bydden hem meschaunce</l>
L.13.325KD.13.325<l> And þat he wist bi wille · tellen it watte</l>
L.13.326KD.13.326<l> And þat watte wiste · wille wiste it after</l>
L.13.327KD.13.327<l> And made of frendes foes · þorugh a false tonge</l>
L.13.328KD.13.328<l> Or with myȝte of mouthe or þorugh mannes strengthe</l>
L.13.329KD.13.329<l> Auenge me fele tymes · other frete my<seg>-</seg>selue</l>
L.13.330KD.13.330<l> Wyth<seg>-</seg>inne as a shepster shere · I<seg>-</seg>shrewed men & cursed</l>
L.13.331KD.13.330α<l> <foreign><hi>Cui<expan>us</expan> maledict<expan>i</expan>o<expan>n</expan>e os plenu<expan>m</expan> est & amaritudi<expan>n</expan>e sub lingua ei<expan>us</expan> labor & dolor</hi></foreign></l>
L.13.332KD.13.330α<l> <foreign><hi>& alibi filij ho<expan>m</expan>i<expan>nu</expan>m dentes eor<expan>um</expan> arma & sagitte & lingua eor<expan>um</expan> gladius acutus</hi></foreign></l>
</lg> <lg>L.13.333KD.13.331<l> <hi>¶</hi> Þere is no lyf þat I louye · lastyng any while</l>
L.13.334KD.13.332<l> For tales þat I telle · no man trusteth to me</l>
L.13.335KD.13.333<l> And whan I may nouȝt haue þe maistrye · w
<expan>h</expan> malencolye I take
<note>L.13.335: The spelling is ambiguous. Kane and Donaldson interpret the form as a past participle, and Schmidt takes it to be a finite
L.13.336KD.13.334<l> Þat I cacche þe crompe · þe cardiacle some<seg>-</seg>tyme</l>
L.13.337KD.13.335<l> Or an ague in suche an angre · and some<seg>-</seg><damage>tyme</damage> a feure</l>
L.13.338KD.13.336<l> Þat taketh me al a twelf<seg>-</seg>moneth · tyl <damage>þat</damage> I dispyse</l>
L.13.339KD.13.337<l> Lechecrafte or
<note>L.13.339: LR alone read <hi>or</hi>, prompting the corrector's marginal <+>. Most other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>of</hi>.</note> owre lorde · and leue on a wicche
L.13.340KD.13.338<l> And segge þat no clerke ne can · ne cryste as I leue</l>
L.13.341KD.13.339<l> To þe souter of southwerke · or of shordyche dame emme</l>
L.13.342KD.13.340<l> And segge þat no goddes worde · gaf me neuere bote</l>
L.13.343KD.13.341<l> But þorw a charme had I chaunce · & my chief hele</l>
</lg> <lg>L.13.344KD.13.342<l> <hi>¶</hi> I wayted wisloker · and þanne was it soiled</l>
L.13.345KD.13.343<l> With lykyng of lecherye · as by lokyng of his eye</l>
<hi>for eche a mayde þ<expan>a</expan>t he met<supplied>te</supplied></hi>
<milestone>fol. 57r
L.13.346KD.13.344<l> For vche a mayde þat he mette · he made hir a signe</l>
L.13.347KD.13.345<l> Semynge to synne<seg>-</seg>ward · and some<seg>-</seg>tyme he gan taste</l>
L.13.348KD.13.346<l> Aboute þe mouth or bynethe · bygynneth to grope</l>
L.13.349KD.13.347<l> Tyl eytheres wille waxeth kene · and to þe werke ȝeden</l>
L.13.350KD.13.348<l> As wel in fastyng<seg>-</seg>days & frydayes · and forboden nyȝtes</l>
L.13.351KD.13.349<l> And as wel in lente as oute of lente · alle tymes ylyche</l>
L.13.352KD.13.350<l> Suche werkes with hem · was
<note>L.13.352: L alone reads <hi>was</hi>; most other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>were</hi>.</note> neuere oute of sesou
L.13.353KD.13.351<l> Tyl þei myȝte namore · and þanne had merye tales</l>
L.13.354KD.13.352<l> And how þat lechoures louyen · lauȝen an iapen</l>
L.13.355KD.13.353<l> And of her harlotrye and horedome · in her elde tellen</l>
</lg> <lg>L.13.356KD.13.354<l> <hi>¶</hi> Thanne pacience parceyued of poyntes his
<note>L.13.356: LR alone read <hi>his</hi>; other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>off hys</hi> or <hi>of þis</hi>.</note> cote
L.13.357KD.13.355<l> Was colmy þorw coueityse · and
<sic>vkynde</sic><corr>v[n]kynde</corr><note>L.13.357: The corrector's marginal <+> indicates that he caught the omission of the first <n> from <hi>vnkynde</hi>, which was nevertheless not corrected by the scribe.</note> desyrynge
L.13.358KD.13.356<l> More to good þan to god · þe gome his loue caste</l>
L.13.359KD.13.357<l> And ymagyned how · he it myȝte haue</l>
L.13.360KD.13.358<l> With false mesures and mette · and with false witnesse</l>
L.13.361KD.13.359<l> Lened for loue of þe wedde · and loth to do treuthe</l>
L.13.362KD.13.360<l> And awaited þorwgh which wey to bigile</l>
L.13.363KD.13.361<l> And menged his marchaundyse · and made a gode moustre</l>
L.13.364KD.13.362<l> Þe worste with<seg>-</seg>in was · a gret witte I lete hit</l>
L.13.365KD.13.363<l> And if my neighbore had any hyne · or any beste elles</l>
L.13.366KD.13.364<l> More profitable þan myne · many sleightes I made</l>
L.13.367KD.13.365<l> How I myȝte haue it · al my witte I caste</l>
L.13.368KD.13.366<l> And but I it had
<note>L.13.368: LMW (and <hi>C</hi> manuscripts XYcJcUcDcVcAcScFcKc) read <hi>it had</hi>, while HmY (and <hi>C</hi> manuscripts P<hi>2</hi>PEcRcMcNc) have <hi>hadde it</hi> and F has <hi>yt</hi>. Most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts only record <hi>hadde</hi>.</note> by other waye · atte laste I stale it
L.13.369KD.13.367<l> Or pryuiliche his purse shoke · vnpiked his lokkes</l>
L.13.370KD.13.368<l> Or by nyȝt or by day · aboute was ich euere</l>
L.13.371KD.13.369<l> Þorwgh gyle to gadren þe good þat ich haue</l>
</lg> <lg>L.13.381KD.13.379<l> <hi>¶</hi> And who<seg>-</seg>so cheped my chaffare · chiden I wolde</l>
L.13.382KD.13.380<l> But he profred to paye · a peny or tweyne</l>
L.13.383KD.13.381<l> More þan it was worth · and ȝet wolde I swere</l>
L.13.384KD.13.382<l> Þat it coste me moche more · swore manye othes</l>
</lg> <lg>L.13.385KD.13.383<l> <hi>¶</hi> In halydayes at holicherche · whan ich herde masse</l>
L.13.386KD.13.384<l> Hadde
<note>L.13.386: LR alone omit <hi>I</hi> after <hi>Hadde</hi>. The omission prompted the corrector's marginal <+>.</note> neuere wille wot god · witterly to biseche
L.13.387KD.13.385<l> Mercye for my mysdedes · þat I ne morned more</l>
L.13.388KD.13.386<l> For losse of gode leue me · þan for my lykames giltes</l>
<milestone>fol. 57v
L.13.389KD.13.387<l> As if I had dedly synne done · I dred nouȝt þat so sore</l>
L.13.390KD.13.388<l> As when I lened and leued it lost · or longe ar it were payed</l>
L.13.391KD.13.389<l> So if I kydde any kyndenesse · myn euen<seg>-</seg>cristene to helpe</l>
L.13.392KD.13.390<l> Vpon a cruel coueityse · myn herte gan hange</l>
L.13.393KD.13.391<l> And if I sent ouer<seg>-</seg>see · my s<expan>er</expan>uauntz to Bruges</l>
L.13.394KD.13.392<l> Or in<seg>-</seg>to Pruslonde my prentys · my p<expan>ro</expan>fit to wayten</l>
L.13.395KD.13.393<l> To marchaunden with monoye · and maken her eschaunges</l>
L.13.396KD.13.394<l> Miȝte neuere me conforte · in þe mene<seg>-</seg>tyme</l>
L.13.397KD.13.395<l> Noither messe ne matynes · ne none manere siȝtes</l>
L.13.398KD.13.396<l> Ne neuere penaunce perfourned · ne pat<expan>er</expan> noster seyde</l>
L.13.399KD.13.397<l> Þat my mynde ne was more · on my gode in a doute</l>
L.13.400KD.13.398<l> Þan in þe grace of god · and his grete helpes</l>
L.13.401KD.13.398α<l> <foreign><hi>Vbi thesaurus tuus · ibi & cor tuu<expan>m</expan></hi></foreign></l>
</lg> <lg>L.13.402KD.13.409<l> <hi>¶</hi> Which ben þe braunches · þat bryngeth a man to sleuth</l>
L.13.403KD.13.410<l> His woman morneth nouȝte for his mysdedes · ne maketh no sorwe</l>
L.13.404KD.13.411<l> Ac penaunce þat þe prest enioigneth · p<expan>er</expan>fourneth yuel</l>
L.13.405KD.13.412<l> Doth none almes<seg>-</seg>dede · dret hym of no synne</l>
L.13.406KD.13.413<l> Lyueth aȝein þe bileue · and no lawe holdeth</l>
L.13.407KD.13.414<l> Vch day is haliday with hym · or an heigh ferye</l>
L.13.408KD.13.415<l> And if he auȝte wole here · it is an harlotes tonge</l>
L.13.409KD.13.416<l> Whan men carpeth of cryst · or of clennesse of soule</l>
L.13.410KD.13.417<l> He wexeth wroth & wil nouȝte here · but wordes of myrthe</l>
L.13.411KD.13.418<l> Penaunce and pore men · and þe passiou<expan>n</expan> of seyntes</l>
L.13.412KD.13.419<l> He hateth to here þere<seg>-</seg>of · and alle þat it telleth</l>
L.13.413KD.13.420<l> Þise ben þe braunches beth war · þat bryngeth a man to wanhope</l>
L.13.414KD.13.421<l> Ȝe lordes and ladyes · and legates of holicherche</l>
L.13.415KD.13.422<l> Þat fedeth foles sages · flatereres and lyeres</l>
L.13.416KD.13.423<l> And han likynge to lythen hem · to do ȝow to lawghe</l>
L.13.417KD.13.423α<l> <foreign><hi>Ve vobis qui ridetis &c</hi></foreign></l>
L.13.418KD.13.424<l> And ȝiueth hem mete and Mede · and pore men refuse</l>
L.13.419KD.13.425<l> In ȝowre deth<seg>-</seg>deyinge · I drede me ful sore</l>
L.13.420KD.13.426<l> Lest þo thre maner men · to moche sorwe ȝow brynge</l>
L.13.421KD.13.426α<l> <foreign><hi>Consencientes & agentes pari pena punient<expan>ur</expan></hi></foreign></l>
L.13.422KD.13.427<l> Patriarkes & p<expan>ro</expan>phetes · and prechoures of goddes wordes</l>
L.13.423KD.13.428<l> Sauen þorw her sarmou<expan>n</expan> · mannes soule fram helle</l>
L.13.424KD.13.429<l> Riȝt so flat
<note>L.13.424: A corrector's <+> appears in the left margin, perhaps objecting to the spelling <hi>flateres</hi> (from OF <hi>flateor</hi>, <hi>flatour</hi>), although he does not mark this spelling where it occurs elsewhere, as it does again on this page eight lines below. F also
at this point reads <hi>flaterys</hi>, but most other <hi>B</hi> witnesses, including R, have <hi>flatereres</hi>.</note> and foles · aren þe fendes disciples
L.13.425KD.13.430<l> To entice men þorw her tales to synne and harlotrye</l>
L.13.426KD.13.431<l> Ac clerkes þat knowen holywryt · shulde kenne lordes</l>
L.13.427KD.13.432<l> What dauid seith of suche men · as þe sauter telleth</l>
L.13.428KD.13.432α<l> <foreign><hi>Non habitabit in medio dom<expan>us</expan> mee · q<expan>ui</expan> fac<expan>i</expan>t sup<expan>er</expan>bia<expan>m</expan> & q<expan>ui</expan> loq<expan>ui</expan>tur iniqua</hi></foreign></l>
L.13.429KD.13.433<l> Shulde none harlote haue audience · in halle ne in chambres</l>
L.13.430KD.13.434<l> Þere wise men were · witnesseth goddes wordes</l>
L.13.431KD.13.435<l> Ne no mysproude man · amonges lordes ben allowed</l>
</lg> <lg>L.13.432KD.13.454<l> <hi>¶</hi> Ac flateres and foles þorw her foule wordes</l>
L.13.433KD.13.455<l> Leden þo þat louen hem · to luciferes feste</l>
L.13.434KD.13.456<l> With <foreign><hi>turpiloquio</hi></foreign> a lay of sorwe · and luciferes fithele</l>
<milestone>fol. 58r
L.13.435KD.13.457<l> Thus haukyn þe actyf man · hadde ysoiled his cote</l>
L.13.436KD.13.458<l> Til conscience acouped hym þere<seg>-</seg>of · in a curteise manere</l>
L.13.437KD.13.459<l> Whi he ne hadde wasshen it · or wyped it with a brusshe</l>