fol. 9v (cont.)I
t assuscius de vi er .....L.3.000: The rest of the word has been lost in the gutter.
vt sup ra p
vt sup ra p
us iij tercius Passus
NowL.3.1: The five-line ornamental capital is in blue with red flourishes and with two red marginal sprays. A small guide letter <N>
appears in the left margin. is Mede þe Maide · and namo of hem alle
fol. 10rI
L.3.12: The scribe put a paraph indicator here, but the rubricating scribe did not draw the paraph as usual. He may have missed it because he was
looking for skipped lines between line groups, not applicable here because the line group begins the page. cc ¶ They þat wonyeth in westmynstre · worschiped hir alle
L.3.27: Illegible scribbles appear in the right margin.
And beden hire be blithe · for we beth þine owneL.3.29: The scribe skipped a line as for a strophe break, but there is no <cc> to indicate further his intention. Hendeliche heo þanne · bihight hem þe same
L.3.30: LR alone read ; most other ȝow manuscripts have B. hem lelli · and lordes to make
To loue ȝowL.3.48KD.3.48
- wirchyng wil sitten vs welL.3.48: L alone reads ; most other wel manuscripts have B. ful heigh
We han a wyndowe a fol. 10vI
fol. 11rI
la eor u qui libent um accipiu ert mun na &c er Ignis deuorabit tabernacL.3.97: A hand has written s. xvi nota in the right margin.
hem hem [þat]L.3.100: A <+> appears in the left margin marking the omission of after þat. hem desireth
The houses and þe homes · of +
.... haueL.3.112: The word is a later addition over an erasure, which may also have partially obliterated a <+> in the right margin. haue
Ȝif he wilneth þe to wyf · wyltow hym fol. 11vI
mynstalles mynst[r]allesL.3.134: A <+> in the left margin appears to have been partly erased, but the error for mynstalles was not corrected. The scribe made the same error at L.2.230 where it was also marked for correction, but the correction
was not made. mynstralles · to meseles in hegges
To monkes to fol. 12rI
fol. 12vI
Quatȝ þe kynge to conscience · bi criste as me thy ¶..eth nkL.3.229: The letters <nk> are written over an erasure. A <+> in the left margin may have prompted the correction.
L.3.238: LMRF alone read ; all other on manuscripts have B. in þi holy hilles · þis asketh dauid
Or resten on fol. 13rI
L.3.285: The rubricating scribe failed to note the original scribe's paraph indicator in the left margin, probably because the original
scribe did not skip a line. The culor of þis cas · kepe I nouȝte to shewe um
¶ fol. 13vI
kynde wytt techeth
consyenceL.3.289: A hand entered the gloss in the left margin. s. xvi
consyenceL.3.289: A hand entered the gloss in the left margin. s. xvi
alle hemL.3.294: A <+> in the right margin prompted the original scribe to insert before hem. alle
And one cristene Kynge · kepen L.3.298-303: This verse paragraph is bracketed in the left margin, though it is not possible to determine whether the hand appearing elsewhere on this leaf is responsible. s. xvi And who ¶- so trespasseth ayein treuthe · or taketh aȝein his wille
tL.3.308: The original scribe changed to Þa in response to a <+> appearing in the left margin. The same spelling has been marked but not corrected at L.11.308 and L.15.19. Þat Moises or Messie · be come in- to þis erthe
Þa Alle þat bereth baslard ¶ eL.3.310: The scribe inserted the final <e> over an erasure, taking the space reserved for the punctus. brode swerde or launce
L.3.334: A scribe, identified by Skeat as the original scribe, put a pointing hand in the right margin.
And þe myddel of a mone · shal make þe iewes to torneL.3.348KD.3.341
L.3.348: LB alone read ; all other ȝe manuscripts have B. she loked þat other half · and þe lef torned
Had ȝeL.3.349: LB alone read ; most other Ȝe manuscripts have B. She shulde haue founden fele wordis · folwyng þ er- after