fol. 86r (cont.)I
Passus .xvus.quindecimus &c finit do-wel & incipit do-bet
fol. 86vI
What are ye called quod I in þat court . among cristes pepleW.15.22: A smudged What are ye cald is written in a later hand in the space between this line and the next.
And for þat I kan knoweW.15.25: W alone reads kan knowe; other manuscripts have can and knowe. . called am I mens
How þow coueitest to calle me . forW.15.39: W alone has for, which is omitted by other manuscripts. now þow knowest my names
W.15.40: Another hand has inserted in black ink in the left margin inside a box the following note: nota . quod anima
habet ix nomina ¶ Anima pro diuersis accionibus diuersa nomina sortitur : dum
viuificat corpus . anima est dum vult . animus est .
dum scit . mens est dum recolit . memoria est . dum
iudicat . racio est dum sentit . sensus est dum amat .
Amor est dum negat vel consentit . consciencia est
dum spirat . spiritus est
habet ix nomina ¶ Anima pro diuersis accionibus diuersa nomina sortitur : dum
viuificat corpus . anima est dum vult . animus est .
dum scit . mens est dum recolit . memoria est . dum
iudicat . racio est dum sentit . sensus est dum amat .
Amor est dum negat vel consentit . consciencia est
dum spirat . spiritus est
fol. 87rI
And oþere names anheepan heep . Episcopus and PastorW.15.44: Between this line and the next a fifteenth-century hand (the same as on folios 1r and 147v) has written Jon Ryc.
And of meW.15.47: W alone has me; other manuscripts have myne. if þow myȝtest . me þynkeþ by þi speche
fol. 87vI
Bettre it were to manye doctours . to leuen swich techyngW.15.77: The variants are complex, and W's version of the line is unique. M is closest with Bettre were many doctours . bileue suche techinge. Most other manuscripts have bettre to leyve were many doctovrs seyche teychyng (in the spelling of G).
fol. 88rI
Right so out of holi chirche . alle yueles spryngeþW.15.100: W alone has spryngeþ; all other manuscripts have spredeth.
¶ Right so biW.15.105: All other manuscripts omit bi, added above the line in W. persons and preestes . and prechours of holi chirche
The whichW.15.117: W alone has The which; all other manuscripts have For ypocrisie. in latyn . is likned to a dongehille
¶ Sicut de templo omne bonum progreditur . sic de temploW.15.124: A later fifteenth-century hand has written nota in the right margin, as on fol. 56r.
omne malum procedit Si sacerdocium integrum fuerit tota
floret ecclesia Si autem corruptum fuerit omnium fides mar-
cida est Si sacerdocium fuerit in peccatis . totus popu-
lus conuertitur ad peccandum . Sicut cum videris
arborem pallidam & marcidam / intelligis quod vicium
ligiosum sine dubio sacerdocium eius non est sanum
omne malum procedit Si sacerdocium integrum fuerit tota
floret ecclesia Si autem corruptum fuerit omnium fides mar-
cida est Si sacerdocium fuerit in peccatis . totus popu-
lus conuertitur ad peccandum . Sicut cum videris
arborem pallidam & marcidam / intelligis quod vicium
fol. 88vI
habet in radice . Ita cum videris populum indisciplinatum & irre-ligiosum sine dubio sacerdocium eius non est sanum
That þat wiþ gile was geten . vngraciousliche is despendedW.15.138: W alone has despended. Most other manuscripts have spended.
For a wrecchede hous held heW.15.147: W alone has held he; most other manuscripts have he held. . al his lif-tyme
And þat he spared and bisperede . dispendeW.15.148: W alone has dispende. Other manuscripts have spende or spene. we in murþe
By lered / by lewed . þat looþ is to despendeW.15.149: W alone reads despende; most other manuscripts have spende.
What is charite
fol. 89rI
W.15.155-156: The scribe has added in the left margin boxed in red the words quid est
caritas. Nisi efficiamini sicut paruuli . non intrabitis in regnum celorum
caritas. Nisi efficiamini sicut paruuli . non intrabitis in regnum celorum
I haue lyued in londe quod heW.15.158: WHmCr1 have he; all other manuscripts read I. . my name is longe wille
And leneþW.15.177: The word could, of course, be leueþ, the reading chosen by Skeat. Modern editors have chosen leneþ. and loueþ alle . þat oure lord made
fol. 89vI
¶ Of rentes norW.15.184: W alone has nor; other manuscripts have ne. of richesse . ne rekkeþ he neuere
fol. 90rI
fol. 90vI
In þat secte siþþe . to selde haþ he ben foundeW.15.241: W alone reads founde; all other manuscripts have knowe(n).
For who-so myȝte meete mydW.15.256: W alone has myd; other manuscripts have wiþ. hym . swiche maneres hym eileþ
fol. 91rI
fol. 91vI
¶ Numquam dicit Iob rugit onager cum herbam habuerit
aut mugiet bos cum ante plenum presepe steterit . brutorum
animalium natura te condempnat . quia cum eis pabulum
aut mugiet bos cum ante plenum presepe steterit . brutorum
animalium natura te condempnat . quia cum eis pabulum
fol. 92rI
commune sufficiat ex adipe prodijt iniquitas tua ¶ If lewed men knewe þis latyn . þei wolde loke whom þei yeueW.15.323-329: A rough decorative line runs down the left margin from 15.323-329.
Er þei amortisede . to monkes or Chanons hir renteW.15.325: W alone has rente; all other manuscripts have plural rentes.
Quia sacrilegium est res pauperum non pauperibus dare W.15.348: A later hand has written nota in the right margin.
fol. 92vI
By þe seed þat þei sewe . what þei seldeW.15.374: W alone has selde; other manuscripts have selle. myȝte
fol. 93rI
For is noon of þise newe clerkes . who-so nymeþ hedeW.15.382: WHmCr omit the following line attested by other witnesses: Þat can versifye faire . ne formalich enditen (in the spelling of L).
fol. 93vI
That lyued þo þere and lyue ȝit . leeue..nW.15.418: Letters have been erased between leeue and on, with <n> added to leeue and followed by a dash, probably in the scribal hand. on hise lawes
And folkes sholden fareW.15.432: W alone has fare, though Hm has faren with the last four letters written over an erasure in a different ink. Other manuscripts have fynde. . þat ben in diuerse siknesse
fol. 94rI
So is mannes soule sooþly . þat seeþ no goode ensamplesW.15.444: W alone has plural ensamples. Other manuscripts have the singular.
RightW.15.466: W alone reads Right. All other manuscripts have And. so it fareþ by a barn . þat born is of a wombe
fol. 94vI
Rude and vnresonable . rennynge wiþ-outen cropiersW.15.471: W alone has the spelling cropiers, "cruppers, straps" (French cropiere). R alone has the probably correct keperes, while other manuscripts have variations on creperes (GC2LYO) and cropers (HmCrCBM).
Right as þe cow calf . coueiteþ melk sweteW.15.481: W alone reads melk swete. Other manuscripts have swete mylke (in the spelling of L).
And as hym-self seide . to lyue and toW.15.495: W alone has to which is omitted by the other witnesses. dye
fol. 95rI
Is reuerenced er þe Roode . and receyued for worþierW.15.512: W alone omits þe before worþier.
fol. 95vI
¶ If knyghthod and kynde wit . and þeW.15.526: W alone reads þe, which is omitted in other manuscripts. In many manuscripts the b-verse reads and comune conscience (in the spelling of L). commune by conscience
The lordshipe of youreW.15.528: W alone has youre; other manuscripts omit it. londes . for euere shul ye lese
fol. 96rI
fol. 96vI