fol. 86r (cont.)I
Passus .xvus.quindecimus &c finit do-wel & incipit do-bet

AC after my wakynge . it was wonder longe
Er I koude kyndely . knowe what was dowel
And so my wit weex and wanyed . til I a fool weere
And some lakkede my lif . allowed it fewe
And lete me for a lorel . and looþ to reuerencen
Lordes or ladies . or any lif ellis
As persons in pelure . wiþ pendauntz of siluer
To sergeauntz ne to swiche . seide I noȝt ones
God loke yow lordes . ne loutede faire
That folk helden me a fool . and in þat folie I raued
Til reson hadde ruþe on me . and rokked me a-slepe
Til I seiȝ as it sorcerie were . a sotil þyng wiþ-alle
Oon wiþ-outen tonge and teeþ . tolde me whider I sholde
And wher-of I cam & of what kynde . I coniured hym at þe laste
If he were cristes creature . anoon me to tellen
fol. 86vI
W.15.16KD.15.16, 17
I am cristes creature quod he . and cristene in many a place
In cristes court yknowe wel . and of his kyn a party
Is neiþer Peter þe Porter . ne Poul wiþ his fauchon
That wole defende me þe dore . dynge I neuer so late
At mydnyght at mydday . my vois so is knowe
That ech a creature of his court . welcomeþ me faire

What are ye called quod I in þat court . among cristes pepleW.15.22: A smudged What are ye cald is written in a later hand in the space between this line and the next.

The whiles I quykne þe cors quod he . called am I anima
And whan I wilne . and wolde animus ich hatte
And for þat I kan knoweW.15.25: W alone reads kan knowe; other manuscripts have can and knowe. . called am I mens
And whan I make mone to god . memoria is my name
And whan I deme domes . and do as truþe techeþ
Thanne is Racio my riȝte name . reson on englissh
And whan I feele þat folk telleþ . my firste name is sensus
And þat is wit and wisdom . þe welle of alle craftes
And whan I chalange or chalange noȝt . chepe or refuse
Thanne am I Conscience ycalled . goddes clerk and his Notarie
And whan I loue leelly . oure lord and alle oþere
Thanne is lele loue my name . and in latyn Amor
And whan I flee fro þe flessh . and forsake þe careyne
Thanne am I a spirit spechelees . Spiritus þanne ich hatte
Austyn and Ysodorus . eiþer of hem boþe
Nempnede me þus to name . andW.15.38: W alone has and before now. now þow myȝt chese
How þow coueitest to calle me . forW.15.39: W alone has for, which is omitted by other manuscripts. now þow knowest my names

W.15.40: Another hand has inserted in black ink in the left margin inside a box the following note: nota . quod anima
habet ix nomina
Anima pro diuersis accionibus diuersa nomina sortitur : dum
viuificat corpus . anima est  dum vult . animus est .
dum scit . mens est  dum recolit . memoria est . dum
iudicat . racio est  dum sentit . sensus est  dum amat .
Amor est  dum negat vel consentit . consciencia est
dum spirat . spiritus est
fol. 87rI
Ye ben as a bisshop quod I . al bourdynge þat tyme
For bisshopes yblessed . þei bereþ manye names
Presul and Pontifex . and Metropolitanus
And oþere names anheepan heep . Episcopus and PastorW.15.44: Between this line and the next a fifteenth-century hand (the same as on folios 1r and 147v) has written Jon Ryc.

That is sooþ seide he . now I se þi wille
Thow woldest knowe and konne . þe cause of alle my names
And of meW.15.47: W alone has me; other manuscripts have myne. if þow myȝtest . me þynkeþ by þi speche

Ye sire I seide . by so no man were greued
Alle þe sciences vnder sonne . and alle þe sotile craftes
I wolde I knewe and kouþe . kyndely in myn herte

Thanne artow inparfit quod he . and oon of prides knyȝtes
For swich a lust and likyng . Lucifer fel from heuene
Ponam pedem meum in aquilone & similis ero altissimo

It were ayeins kynde quod he . and alle kynnes reson
That any creature sholde konne al . except crist oone
Ayein swiche Salomon spekeþ . and despiseþ hir wittes
And seiþ . Sicut qui mel comedit multum non est ei bonum
Sic qui scrutator est maiestatis . opprimitur a gloria

To englisshe men þis is to mene . þat mowen speke and here
The man þat muche hony eteþ . his mawe it engleymeþ
And þe moore þat a man . of good matere . hereþ
But he do þer-after . it dooþ hym double scaþe
Beatus est seiþ Seint Bernard . qui scripturas legit
Et verba vertit in opera . fulliche to his power
Coueitise to konne . and to knowe sciences
Putte out of Paradis . Adam and Eue
Sciencie appetitus hominem inmortalitatis gloria spoliauit

And riȝt as hony is yuel to defie . and engleymeþ þe mawe
fol. 87vI
Right so he þat þoruȝ reson . wolde þe roote knowe
Of god and of hise grete myȝtes . hise graces it letteþ
For in þe likynge liþ a pride . and licames coueitise
Ayein cristes counseil . and alle clerkes techynge
That is Non plus sapere quam oportet sapere

Freres and fele oþere maistres . þat to lewed men prechen
Ye moeuen materes vnmesurable . to tellen of þe Trinite
That ofte-tymes þe lewed peple . of hir bileue doute
Bettre it were to manye doctours . to leuen swich techyngW.15.77: The variants are complex, and W's version of the line is unique. M is closest with Bettre were many doctours . bileue suche techinge. Most other manuscripts have bettre to leyve were many doctovrs seyche teychyng (in the spelling of G).
And tellen men of þe ten comaundementz . and touchen þe seuene synnes
And of þe braunches þat burioneþ of hem . and bryngen men to helle
And how þat folk in folies . mysspenden hir fyue wittes
As wel freres as ooþer folk . foliliche spenden
In housynge / in haterynge . and in to heigh clergie shewynge
Moore for pompe þan for pure charite . þe peple woot þe soþe
That I lye noȝt loo . for lordes ye plesen
And reuerencen þe riche . þe raþer for hir siluer

Confundantur omnes qui adorant sculptilia / Et alibi
Vt quid diligitis vanitatem & queritis mendacium

Gooþ to þe glose of þise vers . ye grete clerkes
If I lye on yow to my lewed wit . ledeþ me to brennyng
For as it semeþ ye forsakeþ . no mannes almesse
Of vsurers of hoores . of Auarouse chapmen
And louten to þise lordes . þat mowen lene yow nobles
Ayein youre rule and Religion . I take record at Iesus
That seide to hise disciples . Ne sitis personarum acceptores
Of þis matere I myȝte . make a long bible
Ac of curatours of cristen peple . as clerkes bereþ witnesse
I shal tellen it for truþes sake . take hede who-so likeþ

As holynesse and honeste . out of holy chirche spredeþ
fol. 88rI
Thoruȝ lele libbynge men . þat goddes lawe techen
Right so out of holi chirche . alle yueles spryngeþW.15.100: W alone has spryngeþ; all other manuscripts have spredeth.
There inparfit preesthode is . prechours and techeris
I se it by ensaumple . in somer tyme on trowes
Ther some bowes ben leued . and some bereþ none
Ther is a meschief in þe more . of swiche manere bowes

Right so biW.15.105: All other manuscripts omit bi, added above the line in W. persons and preestes . and prechours of holi chirche
That aren roote of þe right feiþ . to rule þe peple
And þer þe roote is roten . reson woot þe soþe
Shal neuere flour ne fruyt . ne fair leef be grene
For-þi wolde ye lettrede leue . þe lecherie of cloþyng
And be kynde as bifel for clerkes . and curteise of cristes goodes
Trewe of youre tonge . and of youre tail boþe
And hatien to here harlotrie . and noȝt to vnderfonge
Tiþes but of trewe þyng . ytilied or chaffared
Loþe were lewed men . but þei youre loore folwede
And amendeden hem þat mysdoon . moore for youre ensaumples
Than for to prechen and preuen it noȝt . ypocrisie it semeþ
The whichW.15.117: W alone has The which; all other manuscripts have For ypocrisie. in latyn . is likned to a dongehille
That were bisnewed wiþ snow . and snakes wiþ-Inne
Or to a wal þat were whitlymed . and were foul wiþ-Inne

Right so manye preestes . prechours and prelates
Ye aren enblaunched wiþ bele paroles . and wiþ cloþes also
Ac youre werkes and youre wordes þer-vnder . aren ful vnloueliche
Iohannes Crisostomus . of clerkes spekeþ and preestes

Sicut de templo omne bonum progreditur . sic de temploW.15.124: A later fifteenth-century hand has written nota in the right margin, as on fol. 56r.
omne malum procedit  Si sacerdocium integrum fuerit tota
floret ecclesia  Si autem corruptum fuerit omnium fides mar-
cida est  Si sacerdocium fuerit in peccatis . totus popu-
lus conuertitur ad peccandum . Sicut cum videris
arborem pallidam & marcidam / intelligis quod vicium
fol. 88vI
habet in radice . Ita cum videris populum indisciplinatum & irre-
ligiosum sine dubio sacerdocium eius non est sanum

If lewed men wiste . what þis latyn meneþ
And who was myn Auctour . muche wonder me þinkeþ
But if many a preest beere . for hir baselardes and hir broches
A peire of bedes in hir hand . and a book vnder hir arme
Sire Iohan and sire Geffrey . haþ a girdel of siluer
A baselard or a ballokknyf . wiþ botons ouer-gilte
Ac a Porthors þat sholde be his Plow . Placebo to sigge
Hadde he neuere seruice to saue siluer þer-to . seiþ it with ydel wille

Allas ye lewed men . muche lese ye on preestes
Ac þing þat wikkedly is wonne . and wiþ false sleightes
Wolde neuere þe wit of witty god . but wikkede men it hadde
The whiche arn preestes inparfite . and prechours after siluer
Executours and Sodenes . Somonours and hir lemmannes
That þat wiþ gile was geten . vngraciousliche is despendedW.15.138: W alone has despended. Most other manuscripts have spended.
So harlotes and hores . arn holpe wiþ swiche goodes
And goddes folk for defaute þer-of . forfaren and spillen

Curatours of holy kirke . as clerkes þat ben auarouse
Lightliche þat þei leuen . losels it habbeþ
Or deieþ intestate . and þanne þe bisshop entreþ
And makeþ murþe þer-myd . and hise men boþe
And seyen he was a nygard . þat no good myȝte aspare
To frend ne to fremmed . þe fend haue his soule
For a wrecchede hous held heW.15.147: W alone has held he; most other manuscripts have he held. . al his lif-tyme
And þat he spared and bisperede . dispendeW.15.148: W alone has dispende. Other manuscripts have spende or spene. we in murþe
By lered / by lewed . þat looþ is to despendeW.15.149: W alone reads despende; most other manuscripts have spende.
Thus goon hire goodes . be þe goost faren
Ac for goode men god woot . greet doel men maken
And bymeneþ goode mete-ȝyueres . and in mynde haueþ
In preieres and in penaunces . and in parfit charite .
What is charite
fol. 89rI
What is charite quod I þo . a childissh þyng he seide
W.15.155-156: The scribe has added in the left margin boxed in red the words quid est
Nisi efficiamini sicut paruuli . non intrabitis in regnum celorum
Wiþ-outen fauntelte or folie . a fre liberal wille

Where sholde men fynde swich a frend . wiþ so fre an herte
I haue lyued in londe quod heW.15.158: WHmCr1 have he; all other manuscripts read I. . my name is longe wille
And fond I neuere ful charite . bifore ne bihynde
Men beþ merciable . to mendinauntz and to poore
And wollen lene þer þei leue . lelly to ben paied
Ac charite þat Poul preiseþ best . and moost plesaunt to oure lord
Is Non inflatur . non est ambiciosa . non querit que sua sunt &cW.15.163: W alone has &c.

I seiȝ neuere swich a man . so me god helpe
That he ne wolde aske after his . and ouþerwhile coueite
Thyng þat neded hym noȝt . and nyme it if he myȝte

Clerkes kenne me . þat crist is in alle places
Ac I seiȝ hym neuere sooþly . but as my-self in a Mirour
In enigmate tunc facie ad faciem
And so I trowe trewely . by þat men telleþ of charite
It is noȝt chaumpions fight . ne chaffare as I trowe

Charite quod he ne chaffareþ noȝt . ne chalangeþ ne craueþ
As proud of a peny . as of a pound of golde
And is as glad of a gowne . of a gray russet
As of a tunycle of tarse . or of trie scarlet
He is glad wiþ alle glade . and good til alle wikkede
And leneþW.15.177: The word could, of course, be leueþ, the reading chosen by Skeat. Modern editors have chosen leneþ. and loueþ alle . þat oure lord made
Corseþ he no creature . ne he kan bere no wraþe
Ne no likynge haþ to lye . ne laughe men to scorne
Al þat men seyn he leet it sooþ . and in solace takeþ
And alle manere meschiefs . in myldenesse he suffreþ
Coueiteþ he noon erþely good . but heuene-riche blisse
fol. 89vI
Haþ he anye rentes or richesse . or any riche frendes

Of rentes norW.15.184: W alone has nor; other manuscripts have ne. of richesse . ne rekkeþ he neuere
For a frend þat fyndeþ hym . failed hym neuere at nede
Fiat voluntas tua . fynt hym euere-moore
And if he soupeþ eteþ but a sop . of Spera in deo
He kan portreye wel þe Pater noster . and peynte it with Aues
And ouþerwhile he is woned . to wenden on pilgrymages
Ther poore men and prisons liggeþ . hir pardon to haue
Thouȝ he bere hem no breed . he bereþ hem swetter liflode
Loueþ hem as oure lord biddeþ . and lokeþ how þei fare

And whan he is wery of þat werk . þan wole he somtyme
Labouren in lauendrye . wel þe lengþe of a Mile
And yerne in-to youþe . and yepeliche speke
Pride wiþ al þe appurtenaunces . and pakken hem togideres
And bouken hem at his brest . and beten hem clene
And leggen on longe . wiþ Laboraui in gemitu meo
And wiþ warm water at hise eiȝen . wasshen hem after
And þanne he syngeþ whan he doþ so . and som-tyme seiþ wepynge
Cor contritum & humiliatum deus non despicies

By crist I wolde þat I knewe hym quod I . no creature leuere

Wiþ-outen help of Piers Plowman quod he . his persone sestow neuere

Wheiþer clerkes knowen hym quod I . þat kepen holikirke

Clerkes haue no knowyng quod he . but by werkes and by wordes
Ac Piers þe Plowman . parceyueþ moore depper
What is þe wille and wher-fore . þat many wight suffreþ
Et vidit deus cogitaciones eorum
For þer are ful proude-herted men . pacient of tonge
And buxome as of berynge . to burgeises and to lordes
fol. 90rI
And to poore peple . han pepir in þe nose
And as a lyoun he lokeþ . þer men lakken hise werkes

For þer are beggeris and bidderis . bedemen as it were
Loken as lambren . and semen fulW.15.214: W alone has ful; all other witnesses have lif. holy
Ac it is moore to haue hir mete . wiþ swich an esy manere
Than for penaunce and parfitnesse . þe pouerte þat swiche takeþ

Ther-fore by colour ne by clergie . knowe shaltow neuere
Neiþer þoruȝ wordes ne werkes . but þoruȝ wil oone
And þat knoweþ no clerk . ne creature on erþe
But Piers þe Plowman . Petrus .id est. christus
For he nys noȝt in lolleris . ne in lond-leperis heremytes
Ne at Ancres þere a box hangeþ . alle swiche þei faiten
Fy on faitours . and in fautores suos
For charite is goddes champion . and as a good child hende
And þe murieste of mouþ . at mete where he sitteþ
The loue þat liþ in his herte . makeþ hym liȝt of speche
And is compaignable and confortatif . as crist bit hym-selue
Nolite fieri sicut ypocrite tristes &c
For I haue seyen hym in silk . and somtyme in russet
Boþe in grey and in grys . and in gilt harneis
And as gladliche he it gaf . to gomes þat it neded

Edmond and Edward . boþe were kynges
And seintes yset . for charite hem folwede

I haue yseyen charite also . syngen and reden
Riden and rennen . in raggede wedes
Ac biddynge as beggeris . biheld I hym neuere
Ac in riche robes raþest he walkeþ .
Ycalled and ycrymyled . and his crowne yshaue
And in a freres frokke . he was yfounden ones
Ac it is fern ago . in Seint Fraunceis tyme
fol. 90vI
In þat secte siþþe . to selde haþ he ben foundeW.15.241: W alone reads founde; all other manuscripts have knowe(n).

Riche men he recomendeþ . and of hir robes takeþ
That wiþ-outen wiles . ledeþ hir lyues
Beatus est diues qui &c

In kynges court he comeþ ofte . þer þe counseil is trewe
Ac if coueitise be of þe counseil . he wol noȝt come þer-Inne

In court amonges Iaperis . he comeþ noȝt but selde
For braulynge and bakbitynge . and berynge of fals witnesse

In þe Consistorie bifore þe Commissarie . he comeþ noȝt ful ofte
For hir lawe dureþ ouer-longe . but if þei lacchen siluer
And matrimoyne for moneie . maken and vnmaken
And þat Conscience and crist . haþ yknyt faste
Thei vndoon it vnworþily . þo doctours of lawe

Ac I ne lakke no lif . but lord amende vs alle
And gyue vs grace goode god . charite to folwe
For who-so myȝte meete mydW.15.256: W alone has myd; other manuscripts have wiþ. hym . swiche maneres hym eileþ
Neiþer he blameþ ne banneþ . bosteþ ne preiseþ
Lakkeþ ne loseþ . ne lokeþ vp sterne
Craueþ ne coueiteþ . ne crieþ after moore
In pace in id-ipsum dormiam &c

The mooste liflode þat he lyueþ by . is loue in goddes passion
Neiþer he biddeþ ne beggeþ . ne borweþ to yelde
Misdooþ he no man . ne wiþ his mouþ greueþ

Amonges cristene men . þis myldenesse sholde laste
In alle manere angres . haue þis at herte
That þeiȝ þei suffrede al þis . god suffrede for vs moore
In ensample we sholde do so . and take no vengeaunce
fol. 91rI
Of oure foes þat dooþ vs falsnesse . þat is oure fadres wille

For wel may euery man wite . if god hadde wold hym-selue
Sholde neuere Iudas ne Iew . haue Iesu doon on roode
Ne han martired Peter ne Poul . ne in prison holden
Ac he suffrede in ensample . þat we sholde suffren also
And seide to swiche þat suffre wolde . þat Pacientes vincunt

Verbi gracia quod he . and verray ensamples manye
In legenda sanctorum . þe lif of holy Seintes
What penaunce and pouerte . and passion þei suffrede
In hunger / in hete . in alle manere angres

Antony and Egidie . and oþere holy fadres
Woneden in wildernesse . among wilde beestes
Monkes and mendinauntz . men by hem-selue
In spekes and in spelonkes . selde speken togideres

Ac neiþer Antony ne Egidie . ne heremyte þat tyme
Of leons ne of leopardes . no liflode ne toke
But of foweles þat fleeþ . þus fyndeþ men in bokes
Except þat Egidie . after an hynde cride
And þoruȝ þe mylk of þat mylde beest . þe man was sustened
And day bi day hadde he hire noȝt . his hunger for to slake
But selden and sondry tymes . as seiþ þe book and techeþ

Antony a-dayes . aboute noon-tyme
Hadde a brid þat brouȝte hym breed . þat he by lyuede
And þouȝ þe gome hadde a gest . god fond hem boþe

Poul primus heremita . hadde parroked hym-selue
That no man myȝte hym se . for mosse and for leues
Foweles hym fedde . fele wyntres wiþ-alle
Til he foundede freres . of Austynes ordre
fol. 91vI
Poul after his prechyng . paniers he made
And wan wiþ hise hondes . þat his wombe neded

Peter fisshed for his foode . and his felawe Andrew
Som þei solde and som þei soden . and so þei lyued boþe

And also Marie Maudeleyne . by mores lyuede and dewes
Ac moost þoruȝ deuocion . and mynde of god almyghty
I sholde noȝt þise seuen daies . siggen hem alle
That lyueden þus for oure lordes loue . many longe yeres

Ac þer ne was leoun ne leopard . þat on laundes wenten
Neiþer bere ne boor . ne ooþer beest wilde
That ne fil to hir feet . and fawned wiþ þe tailles
And if þei kouþe han ycarped . by crist as I trowe
Thei wolde haue yfed þat folk . bifore wilde foweles
Ac god sente hem foode by foweles . and by no fierse beestes
In menynge þat meke þyng . mylde þyng sholde fede

As who seiþ Religiouses . rightfulle men sholde fede
And lawefulle men to lifholy men . liflode sholde brynge
And þanne wolde lordes and ladies . be looþ to agulte
And to taken of hir tenauntz . moore þan trouþe wolde
Founde þei þat freres . wolde forsake hir almesses
And bidden hem bere it . þere it was yborwed
For we ben goddes foweles . and abiden alwey
Til briddes brynge vs . þat we sholde lyue by
For hadde ye potage and payn ynogh . and peny ale to drynke
And a mees þer-myd . of o maner kynde
Ye hadde riȝt ynoȝ ye Religiouse . and so youre rule me tolde

Numquam dicit Iob rugit onager cum herbam habuerit
aut mugiet bos cum ante plenum presepe steterit . brutorum
animalium natura te condempnat . quia cum eis pabulum
fol. 92rI
commune sufficiat ex adipe prodijt iniquitas tua

If lewed men knewe þis latyn . þei wolde loke whom þei yeueW.15.323-329: A rough decorative line runs down the left margin from 15.323-329.
And auisen hem bifore . a fyue dayes or sixe
Er þei amortisede . to monkes or Chanons hir renteW.15.325: W alone has rente; all other manuscripts have plural rentes.
Allas lordes and ladies . lewed counseil haue ye
To ȝyue from youre heires . þat youre Aiels yow lefte
And ȝyueþ it to bidde for yow . to swiche þat ben riche
And ben founded and feffed ek . to bidde for oþere

Who parfourneþ þis prophecie . of þe peple þat now libbeþ
Dispersit dedit pauperibus

If any peple parfourne þat text . it are þise poore freres
For þat þei beggen aboute . in buyldynge þei spende it
And on hem-self som . and swiche as ben hir laborers
And of hem þat habbeþ þei taken . and ȝyueþ hem þat habbeþ

Ac clerkes and knyȝtes . and communers þat ben riche
Fele of yow fareþ . as if I a forest hadde
That were ful of faire trees . and I fondede and caste
How I myȝte mo þer-Inne . amonges hem sette

Right so ye riche . ye robeþ þat ben riche
And helpeþ hem þat helpeþ yow . and ȝyueþ þer no nede is
As who-so filled a tonne . of a fressh ryuer
And wente forþ wiþ þat water . to woke wiþ Temese
Right so ye riche . ye robeþ and fedeþ
Hem þat han as ye han . hem ye make ateseat ese

Ac Religiouse þat riche ben . sholde raþer feeste beggeris
Than burgeises þat riche ben . as þe book techeþ
Quia sacrilegium est res pauperum non pauperibus dare W.15.348: A later hand has written nota in the right margin.
Item peccatoribus dare est demonibus immolare
fol. 92vI
Item monache si indiges & accipis pocius das quam accipis
Si autem non eges & accipis rapis
Porro non indiget monachus si habeat quod nature sufficit

For-þi I counseille alle cristene . to conformen hem to charite
For charite wiþ-outen chalangynge . vnchargeþ þe soule
And many a prison fram purgatorie . þoruȝ hise preieres he deliuer
Ac þer is a defaute in þe folk . þat þe feiþ kepeþ
Wher-fore folk is þe febler . and noȝt ferm of bileue
As in lussheburwes is a luþer alay . and yet lokeþ he lik a sterlyng
The merk of þat monee is good . ac þe metal is feble

And so it fareþ by som folk now . þei han a fair speche
Crowne and cristendom . þe kynges mark of heuene
Ac þe metal þat is mannes soule . wiþ synne is foule alayed
Boþe lettred and lewed . beþ alayed now wiþ synne
That no lif loueþ ooþer . ne oure lord as it semeþ
For þoruȝ werre and wikkede werkes . and wederes vnresonable
Wederwise shipmen . and witty clerkes also
Han no bileue to þe lifte . ne to þe loore of Philosofres

Astronomiens alday . in hir Art faillen
That whilom warned bifore . what sholde falle after

Shipmen and shepherdes . þat wiþ ship and sheep wenten
Wisten by þe walkne . what sholde bitide
As of wedres and wyndes . þei warned men ofte

Tilieris þat tiled þe erþe . tolden hir maistres
By þe seed þat þei sewe . what þei seldeW.15.374: W alone has selde; other manuscripts have selle. myȝte
And what to leue and what to lyue by . þe lond was so trewe

Now faileþ þe folk of þe flood . and of þe lond boþe
Shepherdes and shipmen . and so do þise tilieris
fol. 93rI
Neiþer þei konneþ ne knoweþ . oon cours bifore anoþer

Astronomyens also . aren at hir wittes ende
Of þat was calculed of þe element . þe contrarie þei fynde
Grammer þe ground of al . bigileþ now children
For is noon of þise newe clerkes . who-so nymeþ hedeW.15.382: WHmCr omit the following line attested by other witnesses: Þat can versifye faire . ne formalich enditen (in the spelling of L).
Nauȝt oon among anhundredan hundred . þat an Auctour kan construwe
Ne rede a lettre in any langage . but in latyn or in englissh

Go now to any degree . and but if gile be maister
And Flaterere his felawe . vnder hym to fourmen
Muche wonder me þynkeþ . amonges vs alle
Doctours of decrees . and of diuinite maistres
That sholde konne and knowe . alle kynnes clergie
And answere to Argumentz . and also to a Quodlibet
I dar noȝt siggen it for shame . if swiche were apposed
Thei sholde faillen of hir Philosophie . and in Phisik boþe

Wher-fore I am afered . of folk of holy kirke
Lest þei ouerhuppen as ooþere doon . in office and in houres
And if þei ouerhuppe as I hope noȝt . oure bileue suffiseþ
As clerkes in Corpus Christi feeste . syngen and reden
That sola fides sufficit . to saue wiþ lewed peple
And so may Sarzens be saued . Scribes and Iewes

Allas þanne but oure looresmen . lyue as þei leren vs
And for hir lyuynge þat lewed men . be þe loþer god agulten
For Sarzens han somwhat . semynge to oure bileue
For þei loue and bileue . in o persone almyghty
And we lered and lewed . in oon god almyȝty
And oon Makometh a man . in mysbileue brouȝte
Sarzens of Surree . and see in what manere

This Makometh was a cristene . and for he moste noȝt ben a pope
fol. 93vI
In-to Surrie he souȝte . and þoruȝ hise sotile wittes
He daunted a dowue . and day and nyȝt hire fedde
The corn þat she croppede . he caste it in his ere
And if he among þe peple preched . or in places come
Thanne wolde þe coluere come . to þe clerkes ere
Menynge as after mete . þus Makometh hire enchauntede
And dide folk þanne falle on knees . for he swoor in his prechyng
That þe coluere þat com so . com from god of heuene
As messager to Makometh . men for to teche
And þus þoruȝ wiles of his wit . and a whit Dowue
Makometh in mysbileue . men and wommen brouȝte
That lyued þo þere and lyue ȝit . leeue..nW.15.418: Letters have been erased between leeue and on, with <n> added to leeue and followed by a dash, probably in the scribal hand. on hise lawes

And siþþe oure Saueour suffred . þe Sarzens so bigiled
Thoruȝ a cristene clerk . acorsed in his soule
For drede of þe deeþ . I dar noȝt telle truþe
How englisshe clerkes a coluere fede . þat coueitise hiȝte
And ben manered after Makometh . þat no man vseþ trouþe

Ancres and heremytes . and Monkes and freres
Peeren to þe Apostles . þoruȝ hire parfit lyuynge
Wolde neuere þe feiþful fader . þat hise Ministres sholde
Of tirauntz þat teneþ trewe men . taken any almesse
But doon as Antony dide . dominyk and Fraunceys
Beneit and Bernard . þe whiche hem first tauȝte
To lyue by litel and in lowe houses . by lele mennes almesse
Grace sholde growe and be grene . þoruȝ hir goode lyuynge
And folkes sholden fareW.15.432: W alone has fare, though Hm has faren with the last four letters written over an erasure in a different ink. Other manuscripts have fynde. . þat ben in diuerse siknesse
The bettre for hir biddynges . in body and in soule
Hir preieres and hir penaunces . to pees sholde brynge
Alle þat ben at debaat . and bedemen were trewe
Petite & accipietis &c
Salt saueþ þe catel . siggen þise wyues
Vos estis sal terre &c
fol. 94rI
The heuedes of holy chirche . and þei holy were
Crist calleþ hem salt . for cristene soules
Et si sal euanuerit in quo salietur &c

For fressh flessh ouþer fissh . whan it salt failleþ
It is vnsauory for-soþe . ysoden or ybake
So is mannes soule sooþly . þat seeþ no goode ensamplesW.15.444: W alone has plural ensamples. Other manuscripts have the singular.
Of hem of holi chirche . þat þe heighe wey sholde teche
And be gide and go bifore . as a good Banyer
And hardie hem þat bihynde ben . and ȝyue hem good euidence

Elleuene holy men . al þe world tornede
In-to lele bileue . þe lightloker me þinkeþ
Sholde alle maner men . we han so manye maistres
Preestes and prechours . and a pope aboue
That goddes salt sholde be . to saue mannes soule

Al was hethynesse somtyme . Engelond and Walis
Til Gregory garte clerkes . to go here and preche
Austyn at Caunterbury . cristnede þe kyng
And þoruȝ miracles as men mow rede . al þat marche he tornede
To crist and to cristendom . and cros to honoure
And follede folk faste . and þe feiþ tauȝte
Moore þoruȝ miracles . þan þoruȝ muche prechyng
As wel þoruȝ hise werkes . as wiþ hise holy wordes
And seide hem . what fullynge and feiþ was to mene

Clooþ þat comeþ fro þe weuyng . is noȝt comly to were
Til it be fulled vnder foot . or in fullyng stokkes
Wasshen wel wiþ water . and wiþ taseles cracched
Ytouked and yteynted . and vnder taillours hande
RightW.15.466: W alone reads Right. All other manuscripts have And. so it fareþ by a barn . þat born is of a wombe
Til it be cristned in cristes name . and confermed of þe bisshop
It is heþene as to heueneward . and helplees to þe soule
fol. 94vI
Heþen is to mene after heeþ . and vntiled erþe
As in wilde wildernesse . wexeþ wilde beestes
Rude and vnresonable . rennynge wiþ-outen cropiersW.15.471: W alone has the spelling cropiers, "cruppers, straps" (French cropiere). R alone has the probably correct keperes, while other manuscripts have variations on creperes (GC2LYO) and cropers (HmCrCBM).

Ye mynnen wel how Mathew seiþ . how a man made a feste
He fedde hem wiþ no venyson . ne fesauntz ybake
But wiþ foweles þat fram hym nolde . but folwede his whistlyng
Ecce altilia mea & omnia parata sunt
And wiþ calues flessh he fedde . þe folk þat he louede

The calf bitokneþ clennesse . in hem þat kepeþ lawes
For as þe Cow þoruȝ kynde mylk . þe calf norisseþ til an Oxe
So loue and leaute . lele men susteneþ
And maidenes and mylde men . mercy desiren
Right as þe cow calf . coueiteþ melk sweteW.15.481: W alone reads melk swete. Other manuscripts have swete mylke (in the spelling of L).
So doon riȝtfulle men . mercy and truþe

Ac who beþ þat excuseþ hem . þat ben persons and preestes
That heuedes of holy chirche ben . þat han hir wil here
Wiþ-outen trauaille þe tiþe deel . þat trewe men biswynken
They wol be wrooþ for I write þus . ac to witnesse I take
Boþe Mathew and Marc . and Memento domine dauid

What pope or prelat now . parfourneþ þat crist highte
Ite in vniuersum mundum & predicate &c

Allas þat men so longe . on Makometh sholde bileue
So manye prelates to preche . as þe Pope makeþ
Of Nazareth of Nynyue . of Neptalym and Damaske
That þei ne wente as crist wisseþ . siþen þei wille haue name
To be pastours and preche . þe passion of Iesus
And as hym-self seide . to lyue and toW.15.495: W alone has to which is omitted by the other witnesses. dye
Bonus pastor animam suam ponit &c
And seide it in saluacion . of Sarzens and oþere
fol. 95rI
For cristene and vncristene . crist seide to prechours
Ite vos in vineam meam &c

And siþ þat þise Sarzens . Scribes and Iewes
Han a lippe of oure bileue . þe lightlier me þynkeþ
Thei sholde turne who-so trauailed . to teche hem of þe Trinite
Querite & inuenietis &c

It is ruþe to rede . how riȝtwise men lyuede
How þei defouled hir flessh . forsoke hir owene wille
Fer fro kyth and fro kyn . yuele ycloþed yeden
Baddely ybedded . no book but conscience
Ne no richesse but þe roode . to reioisse hem Inne
Absit nobis gloriari nisi in cruce domini nostri &c

And þo was plentee and pees . amonges poore and riche
And now is rouþe to rede . how þe rede noble
Is reuerenced er þe Roode . and receyued for worþierW.15.512: W alone omits þe before worþier.
Than cristes cros þat ouercam . deeþ and dedly synne
And now is werre and wo . and who-so why askeþ
For coueitise after cros . þe croune stant in golde
Boþe riche and Religious . þat roode þei honoure
That in grotes is ygraue . and in gold nobles
For coueitise of þat cros . men of holy kirke
Shul torne as templers dide . þe tyme approcheþ faste

Wite ye noȝt ye wise men . how þo men honoured
Moore tresor þan trouþe . I dar noȝt telle þe soþe
Reson and rightful doom . þe Religiouse demede

Right so ye clerkes . for youre coueitise er longe
Shal þei demen dos ecclesie . and youre pride depose
Deposuit potentes de sede &c
fol. 95vI
If knyghthod and kynde wit . and þeW.15.526: W alone reads þe, which is omitted in other manuscripts. In many manuscripts the b-verse reads and comune conscience (in the spelling of L). commune by conscience
Togideres loue leelly . leueþ it wel ye bisshopes
The lordshipe of youreW.15.528: W alone has youre; other manuscripts omit it. londes . for euere shul ye lese
And lyuen as Leuitici . as oure lordW.15.529: W alone omits yow after lord. techeþ
Per primicias & decimas &c

Whan Costantyn of curteisie . holy kirke dowed
Wiþ londes and ledes . lordshipes and rentes
An Aungel men herden . an heigh at Rome crye
Dos ecclesie þis day . haþ ydronke venym
And þo þat han Petres power . arn apoisoned alle

A medicyne moot þer-to . þat may amende prelates
That sholden preie for þe pees . possession hem letteþ
Takeþ hire landes ye lordes . and leteþ hem lyue by dymes

If possession be poison . and inparfite hem make
Good were to deschargen hem . for holy chirches sake
And purgen hem of poison . er moore peril falle

If preesthode were parfit . þe peple sholde amende
That contrarien cristes lawe . and cristendom dispise
For alle paynymes preieþ . and parfitly bileueþ
In þe holy grete god . and his grace þei asken
And make hir mone to Makometh . hir message to shewe
Thus in a feiþ leue þat folk . and in a fals mene
And þat is rouþe for riȝtful men . þat in þe Reawme wonyen
And a peril to þe pope . and prelates þat he makeþ
That bere bisshopes names . of Bethleem and Babiloigne
That huppe aboute in Engelond . to halwe mennes Auteres
And crepe amonges curatours . and confessen ageyn þe lawe
Nolite mittere falsem in messem alienam &c

Many man for cristes loue . was martired in Romayne
fol. 96rI
Er any cristendom was knowe þere . or any cros honoured

Euery bisshop þat bereþ cros . by þat he is holden
Thoruȝ his prouince to passe . and to his peple to shewe hym
Tellen hem and techen hem . on þe Trinite to bileue
And feden hem wiþ goostly foode . and gyue þere it nedeþ
In domo mea non est panis neque vestimentum
et ideo nolite constituere me Regem

Ozias seiþ for swiche . þat sike ben and feble
Inferte omnesW.15.562: W alone omits decimas after omnes. in orreum meum vt cibus in domo mea

Ac we cristene creatures . þat on þe cros bileuen
Arn ferme as in þe feiþ . goddes forbode ellis
And han clerkes to kepen vs þer-Inne . & hem þat shul come after vs

And Iewes lyuen in lele lawe . oure lord wroot it hym-selue
In stoon for it stedefast was . and stonde sholde euere
Dilige deum & proximum . is parfit Iewen lawe
And took it Moyses to teche men . til Messie coome
And on þat lawe þei lyue ȝit . and leten it þe beste
And ȝit knewe þei crist . þat cristendom tauȝte
For a parfit prophete . þat muche peple sauede
Of selkouþe sores . þei seiȝen it ofte
Boþe of miracles and merueilles . and how he men festede
Wiþ two fisshes and fyue loues . fyue þousand peple
And by þat mangerie men myȝte wel se . þat Messie he semede
And whan he lifte vp Lazar . þat leid was in graue
And vnder stoon deed and stank . wiþ stif vois hym callede
Lazare veni foras .
Dide hym rise and rome . riȝt bifore þe Iewes

Ac þei seiden and sworen . wiþ sorcerie he wrouȝte
And studieden to struyen hym . and struyden hem-selue .
fol. 96vI
And þoruȝ his pacience hir power . to pure noȝt he brouȝte
Pacientes vincunt .

Daniel of hire vndoynge . deuyned and seide
Cum sanctus sanctorum veniat cessabit vnxio vestra
And wenen þo wrecches . þat he were pseudo propheta
And þat his loore be lesynges . and lakken it alle
And hopen þat he be to come . þat shal hem releue
Moyses eft or Messie . hir maistres ȝit deuyneþ

Ac pharisees and Sarzens . Scribes and Iewes
Arn folk of oon feiþ . þe fader god þei honouren
And siþen þat þe Sarzens . and also þe Iewes
Konne þe firste clause of oure bileue . Credo in deum patrem omnipotentem
Prelates of cristene prouinces . sholde preue if þei myȝte
To lere hem litlum and litlum . et in Iesum Christum filium
Til þei kouþe speke and spelle . et in Spiritum sanctum
And reden it and recorden it . wiþ remissionem peccatorum
Carnis resurreccionem . et vitam eternam amen