BPassus 13
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G.14.1: A mark is present in the upper right hand corner, possibly a <c>. There seems to be no codicological reason for its presence.And I awaked ther-wyth wyttles nerhande
and as a freyke þat free were fortheG.14.2: The <r> and <t> of forthe have been re-outlined in black ink. gan I walke
In maner off a mendynant many yeres after
& off thys metyng many tymes moche thoght I hadde
furst how fortuvne me faylled at my most nede
& how þat elde manesed me we myght neuver mete
& how þat freres folowden folke þat were ryche
& folke þat was pouvre att lytle pryce they sett
& no corps In theyre kyrkyarde ne In theyr kyrke was buryed
but quvycke he byquvethe ought or helpe quvyte þer dettes
& how couvetyse ouercame clerkes & preestes
& how þat lewde men be ladde but our lorde þem helpe
thrughe vnconnyng cuvratours to vncuvrable paynes
& how þat ymagynatyve In dremles me tolde
off kynd & off connyng & how couvrteys he ys to beestes
& how louvyng he ys to bestes on land & on water
leynvethe he no lyffe lasse ne more
þe creatures þat crepen off kynd beene engendered
and sythe how Imagynatyve sayde vixG.14.19: The left hand side of the <x> of vix is faint and may have been subject to erasure (leaving vir, as in G.13.283). Iustus saluabitur . //
& when he had seyde so how sodenlyche he passed
I lyeG.14.21: The form lye is a possible preterite of the verb "to lie." See G.17.266 and note to G.6.224. downe long yn þis thoght & at þe last I slepte
& as cryste wold coameG.14.22: The top loop of the double-lobed <a> in the alteration of come to came together with the descender have been added in black ink. The alteration is very neat and it seems probable that it was carried out by the scribe who added the marginalia in an italic hand on ff.42v etc. (i.e. hand3). conscyence to conforte me þat tyme
& bad me come to hys couvrte wyth clargye shuvlde I dyne
& for conscyence off claregy spake / I comeG.14.24: It appears from Kane and Donaldson's edition that G omits "come" but that is not the case. wyll þe rather
& þer I sygh a mastre what man he was I nyste
that low lowted & louvelyche to scrypture
conscyence knewe hym well & welcomede hym fayre
they wassheden & wypeden & wenten to dynner
but pacyence In þe paleyesce stoode In pylgrymes clothes
and preyed meyte par charyte for a pouvre heremyte
conscyence called hym yn & couvrtesslyche sayed
welcome wysse go & whasshe youG.14.32: The correct reading is clearly þow (as remaining B manuscripts), but the use of inline <ou> instead of superscript <u> makes it clear that the G scribe has misread this word as "you." For scribal practice in this matter, see note to G.3.118. shallt sytt sone
thys master was made sytte & for þe most worthye
thenG.14.34: G's original reading the (i.e. the reading without added macron) is unique. clargy & conscyence & pacyence cam affter
pacyence & I were put to be macches
& sytten by our-seluve att a syde boorde
conscyence called after meyte & þen came scrypture
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and seruved þem þus soone wyth sondrye meytes manye
off austyne & ambros & off all þe foure euvangelytstes
edentes et bibentes que apud eos sunt
& thys master ne hys man no maner flesshe eyten
but þei eyte meyte off more coste mortrasesG.14.42: G uses the plural mortrases (i.e. "stews" as opposed to "stew"), while the reading of the remaining manuscripts (i.e. mortrewes) is a singular (see OED mortress, n.). & potages
off þat men mysswonne þei made them well att easse
& theyr sauvce was euer souvre and vnsauvourly grouvnde
In a morter post mortem off manye byttre paynes
but yff they syng for tho souvles & wepe salte teyres
vos qui peccata hominum comeditis nisi pro eis lacrimas
& oraciones effuderitisG.14.47: The M and Hm correctors both delete the letter <n> from original effunderitis, thus bringing their reading into line with that of G and other β4 manuscripts. Remaining manuscripts have the form with <n>. ea que In dilicijs comoedetis in tormen
tis euometis ://
conscyence couvrtesly tho commanded scrypture
before pacyence bredde to bryng & me that was hys make
he sett a souvre loofe afore vs & sayde agite penetentiam //
& sythe he drew vs drynke diuG.14.51: In both M and Bm, the reading diu (shared with G O C2) results from correction, in the case of M from the majority B reading dia. The G M O C2 B reading is adopted by Kane and Donaldson. perseuerans //
as long quod I as y lyuve & lygham may dure G.14.52: There is a line running from the top of the page to the place where this line should be inserted.
here ys propre seruvyce quod pacyence þer fareth no knyght bettre
& then he broght forthe other meyte off niserere[m]iserere mei deus :
andG.14.55: β4 manuscripts lack "he brought vs" after "and." beati quorum off beatus vir In a dysshe makyng
et quorum tecta sunt peccata In a dysshe
off derne shryfte dixi and confitebor tibi
bryng pacyence some pytance pryuvylye quod concyence
and then came to pacyence a pytance y-broghte
off pro hoc orabit ad te omnis sanctus in tempore oportuno//
and conscyence conforted vs & carped vs mery tales
cor contritum et humiliatum deus non dispicies://
pacyence was prouvde off that propre seruvyce
& made hym myrthe wyth hys meyte but I monedG.14.64: Kane and Donaldson interpret G's reading as moued rather than moned, but compare G's reading mowne at G.14.194. euer
for thys doctor on þe hygh dayes dronke wyne so faste
ve vobis qui potentes estis ad bibendum vinum et cetera//
he eyte manye sondrye meytes mortresesG.14.67: For G mortreses (for remaining B manuscripts mortrewes), see note to G.14.42. & puddynges
wombe clouvtes and wylde brauvne & egges fryed wyth greyce
þen sayd I to my-selfe so pacyence ytt herde
ytt ys not fouvr dayes þat þis freyke before þe deane of pouvles
preyched off pennances þat paule þe apostle suffered
In fame & fryigore G.14.72: With the exception of the very first stroke, the whole of the <y> of original frygore has been crossed out and a dot added to the resulting <i>. The G scribe does not normally use spellings in <y> for Latin. & shflappesG.14.72: The initial <s> has been provided with a cross bar, the bottom of the <h> has been deleted and an additional line through the loop of the <p> has created a double letter (all in black ink) (result: flappes). off scouvrges
ter cesus sum & a Iudeis quinquies quadragenas et cetera //
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but on worde þei ouerhyppen at eche tyme þatG.14.73: F shares G's original reading (i.e. tyme rather than tyme þat). G's corrected reading corresponds to that of remaining B manuscripts. þei preychen
that poule In hys pystle to allG.14.75: O C2 F share G's original reading (i.e. to). The correction (to to all) brings G's reading into line with that of remaining B manuscripts. þe poeple tolde
periculum est in falsis fratribus ·//
holy wrytt byddethe men beware I wole not wryte ytt here
oIn englysshe Inf inG.14.78: The ink used for added in suggests a correction by the original scribe, but the use of a lower case <i> suggests otherwise. However, the choice of letter may simply result from lack of room for a capital. auventure ytt were rehersed offte
& greuve therwyth þat goode beene but gramaryens shuolde rede
vnusquisque a fratre suoG.14.80: The word suo has been crossed out in the usual greyish ink and a caret mark inserted, but the word stet has been written above the deleted word, also in grey ink. This practice presumably comes from printing and is a very early usage; the earliest instance cited by the OED is in the mid-eighteenth century (though the quotation in question clearly refers to a practice already established). custodiat quia vt dicitur periculum est in falsis fratribus
I sagh neuver freyke þat as a frere yede en englysshe byfore men
take ytt for hys teme & tell ytt wyth-oute glosyng
they preychen þat pennance ys profetable to the soule
and what mysscheffe & malyceG.14.84: Given the G scribe's spelling practices (see Introduction III.2), it is difficult to be certain that the the G reading malyce is actually a different lexical item from that of Bx malese. cryste for man tholed
but þusG.14.85: G's use of "thus" for remaining manuscripts "this," is probably a back formation, resulting from frequent G use of "this" for "thus." See note to G.4.76. goddes glotton quod I wyth hys greate chekes
hathe no pyte on vs pouvre men he perfouvrmethe yuvell
that he preychethe he prouvethe noght to pacyence I tolde
and wyssedG.14.88: As far as G at least is concerned, the shared G C reading wyssed (for most manuscripts wishhed) is not necessarily a substantive variant, since at some stage in the G tradition <s> was clearly often used for <sh> (see Introduction III.4.1). wytterly wythe wyll full egre
that dysshes & dublers before thys ylke doctor
were molten leade In hys mawe & mawhouvnde yn þe mydest
I shall Iangell to þis Iordane wyth hys Iuvste wombe
to tell me whatt pennance ys off wyche he preyched rather
pacyence perceyuved watt I thoght & wynked on me to be stylle
& sayd þou shalte see þisG.14.94: For the G scribe's use of "this" for most B manuscripts "thus," see note to G.4.76. soone when he may no more
he shall haue a pennance In hys pauvnche & puffe at eche worde
& þen shall hys guvttes grothell & he shall galpen after
for now he hathe dronke so deepe he wyll denyeG.14.97: The Bm Bo reading dynye may be equivalent to G denye, though it is not recorded as a spelling variant of "deny" by either the OED or the MED. Most B manuscripts read deuyne. soone
and prouve ytt by theyre apocuvlyppes & passyon off seynte auveryzeG.14.98: In G Cr23, aueryze presumably means "avarice" (as far as G is concerned, note the spelling at G.15.250), but whether this should be considered a variant reading depends on the interpretation of the majority B reading Auereys. See Schmidt's note to this line.
that nether bakon ne brawne blankmangere ne morteresse
ys nether fysshe ne flesshe but foode for a penauvnte
& then shall he testyfye off a trynyte & take hys felowes to wyttnes
what he fouvnde In a freyle after freres leyuvyngG.14.102: The G C2 R reading leyuyng (for most B manuscripts lyuyng) is not necessarily a substantive variant since forms of "live" in <e>/<ey> are possible. See OED live, v.1 and LALME 1, Dot Map 467.
but yff þe furste leyeffeG.14.103:The G O C2 Cot reading leyeffe, which is adopted by Kane and Donaldson, is also the reading of Cx. Remaining B manuscripts read lyne, lyue or lif. be lesyng leuve me neuer after
& then ys tyme to take & to appose thys doctor
off dowell & dobetter & yff dobestG.14.105: The end of the word dobest has been re-outlined in black. be pennance
& I sett st.yll as pacyence seyde & soone þusG.14.106: The G scribe's use of "thus" for most manuscripts "this" is probably a back formation reflecting frequent G use of "this" for "thus." See note to G.4.76. doctouvr
as ruvddy as a roos ruvbbed hys chekes
coghed & carped & conscyence hym herde
& tolde hym off a trynyte & towarde vs he loked
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what ys dowell syr doctoivr quod I ys dowell any pennacepenna[n]ce
dowell quod thys doctouvr & toke þe covppeG.14.111: The ink colour used for the change from coppe to cvppe is not quite the same as that normally used for corrections by hand1.1, but the form and type of correction are typical of this corrector. See, e.g., the similar change at G.11.318. & dranke
do non yuvell to þi euven-crystyen t noght to thye power
by þis day syr doctouvr quod I then be ye noght In dowell
for ye han harmed vs two In that ye yete þe puddyng
mortres & other meyte & we no morssell hade
& yff youG.14.116: For the G scribe's use of you for remaining manuscripts ȝe, see note to G.2.180. fare so In your fermyerye farlye me thynkethe
but chest theyre charyte shuolde be & chyldre dorste playne
I wold permuvte my pennance wyth yours I am In poynt to dowell
then conscyence couvrteslyche a couvntenance made
and preynte vp-on pacyence to prey me be styll
and seyde hym-selffe syr doctour & yff ytt be your wyll
whatt ys dowell dobetter ye deuvynours knowen
dowell quod thys doctour do as clerkes teychen
& dobetter ys he þat teychethe & trauveylethe to teyche other
& do-best hym-seluve so as he sayethe & teychethe
NotaG.14.126: The symbol expanded here as "Nota" corresponds to that found at G.11.193, which Benson and Blanchfield interpret as "Nota." See note to that line.
qui facit et docuerit magnus vocabitur in regno celorum. //
now þou clargy quod conscyence carpethe watt ys dowell
I haue seyuven sonnes he sayed seruven att a castell
ther þe lorde off lyffe wonnethe to lerne þem watt ys dowell
tyll I see thos seyuven & my-seluve accorden
I am vnhardye quod he to any wyght to preuventeG.14.131: The letters <nte> appear to have been crossed out more than once, both horizontally in black ink and vertically with thin lines in brown ink. Presumably the scribe originally read "preven it" as "prevent it." Note also that the form of the <p> plus bar is that normally used as the abbreviation for pro (see, e.g., prouysours at G.4.148), but the scribe must originally have intended the abbreviation here to represent <pre> (i.e. prevente rather than provente). ytt
for on pyers þe plowman hathe ympuvngned vs all
and sett all scyenses att a soppe sauve louve alone
& no text ne takethe to meynteygne hys cauvse
but dilige deum and domine quis habitabit et cetera//
& sayethe þat dowell & dobetter are two InsermytyesIn[fyn]ytyesG.14.136: Kane and Donaldson read G Infinytyes but the scribe has clearly written a long <s> with a slanting bar to indicate an abbreviation of er. Compare, e.g., the similar abbreviations at G.1.95 and contrast with <fy>- in fynden at G.14.137. Where the language is English, the G scribe normally uses <y> rather than <i> after <f>. Note also the apparent correction to the word Infynytes in the following line.
wyche Inf.ynytesG.14.137: For the G scribe's problems with the word "infinities," see previous line. wyth a faythe fynden oute dobeste
wych shall haue mannes souvle þus sayethe pyers plowman
I can not heyren quod conscyence but I knowe pyers plowman
he wyll nott ageynst holy wrytte speke I dare vndretake
þen passe we ouer tyll pyers come & preuve we þus In dede
pacyence hathe bynne In manye places & perauventure knowethe
þat no clerecler[k]e ne can as cryste beyrethe wyttnes
pacientes vincunt et cetera
att your preyere quod pacyence þen so no man dyspleasse hym
disce quod he doce & dilegedil[i]ge inimicos
disce & dowell doce & dobetter
dilige & dobest thus taght me onesce
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a leymman þat I louved louve was hyr name
wyth wordes & werkes quod she & louve off thyne herte
thow louve leally thye soule all thy lyffe tyme
and so þou lere þe to louve for þe lordes louve off heyuven
thyne enmye In all wyse euvene-forthe wyth thy-seluven
cast coles on hys heyde & all kynd speches
both wyth worke & worde fonde hys louve to wynne
& ley on hym þus wyth louve tyll he laghe on the
& but he bowe for þis beytyng blynd mote he worthe
but to fare þus wyth thye frende folye ytt were
for he þat louvethe þe leally lytle off thyne couvetethe
kynd louve couvetethe naght no catell but speche
wyth halfe a loumvngeG.14.161: Kane and Donaldson see the <g> and the <e> of G lovnge as resulting from an alteration by the main scribe. However, though the alteration of <um> to <vng> has been carried out in the brown ink used by hand1.1 (i.e. the original scribe making later spelling corrections), the final <e>, though dark, is written in the usual grey-black ink, and thus appears to be original. lyne In laten ex vi transicionis //
I bere therynne a beauvte fast y-bouvnde doowell
In a sygne off aþe saterday þat sett furst þe kalendre
& all þe wytt off þe wensday off þe next weke after
the mydle off þe moone ys þe myght off bothe
& therwyth am I welcome ther I haue ytt wyth me
vndoo ytt lett þis doctour deme yff dowell be theryn
for by hym þat me made myght neuer pouverte
myssease ne myscheffe ne man wyth hys tonge
colde ne care ne companye off theuves
ne neyther heate ne haelle ne non hell pouvke
ne nother fyre ne floode ne feere off thyne enmye
teene þe att any tyme & þou take ytt wyth the
charitas nichil timet et cetera //
ytt ys but a dido quod thys doctour a dysouvrs tale
all þe wytt off þis worlde & wyght menes strenght
can not confyrme a peasce betwene þe pope & hys enmyes
ne betwene two crysten kynges can no wyght peasce make
profytable to eyther poeple & put þe table fro hym
& toke claregy & conscyence to couvnseale as ytt were
that pacyence þo movste passe for pylgrymes can lye
but conscyence carped louvde & couvrteslyche sayde
Freendes farethe well & fayre spake to claregye
for I wyll goo wyth thys goome yff god wyll gyve me grace
& be pylgryme wyth pacyence tyll I haue prouved more
what quod clargye to coscyenceco[n]scyence are youG.14.186: For the G scribe's use of you for remaining manuscripts ȝe, see note to G.2.180. couvetouvs noweG.14.186: For G Cr nowe for remaining manuscripts nouthe, see note to G.4.295.
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after yersgyfftes and gyfftes or yerne to rede rydylles
I shall bryng you a byble a boke off þe old lawe
& lerne you yff you lyke þe best poynt to knowe
that pacyence þe pylgryme perfyttly knewe neuer
nay by cryst quod conscyence to claregye god þe foryelde
For all þat pacyence me proferethe prouvde am I but lytle
but þe wyll off þe wyȝe & þe wyll off folke here
hathe mouved my moode to mowneG.14.194: For G "moan" (for Bx "mourn"), compare the reading at G.14.64. for my synnes
þe good wyll off a wyght was neuer boght to þe full
for þer ys no treasouvr ther-to to a trewe wyll
had not mary magdelyne more for a box off saluve
then sacheuvs for he seyde dimidium bonorum meorum do pauperibus
and þe pouvere wydowe for a payere off mytes
þen all þo þat offered yn-to gazaphilacium.//
thuvs couvrteslyche conscyence congeryde the frere
and syth sothelyche he seyde In clargyes yere
me were lyuer by our lorde and I lyuve sholde
haue pacyence perfyttly þen halffe þi packe off bokes
clergye off conscyence no congye wolde take
but seyd full sobrelyche þou shalte see þe tyme
when þou arte wery for-walked wylne me to couvnseyle
thys ys sothe quod conscyence so me god helpe
yff pacyence be our partyng felowe & pryuvye wyth vs bothe
there ys no wo In þis worlde þat we ne shuolde amende
and confyrmen kynges to peasce & all kynnes landes
sarazenes & surrye & so forthe all the Iewes
torne In-to þe trew faythe & In-to oone byleuve
that ys sothe quod clargye I se what þou meynest
I shall do well as I doo my deuvoyer to showe
& confouvrmen fantykynnes & other folke lered
tyll pacyence haue prouved þe & perfytt þe maked
conscyence þo wyth pacyence passed pylgrymes as þei were
then had pacyence as pylgrymes hauve In hys pooke wytayles
sobreete & symple speche & sothefast byleuve
to conforte hym & conscyence yff they come In place
þer vnkyndnes & couvetyse þes are hongre couvntreyes bothe
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& as þei went by þe way off dowell þei carped
they mett wyth a mynstrell as me tho thoght
pacyence apposed hym furste & preyede he shold thyem tell
to conscyence watt craft he couvde & what couvntrey he wolde
I am a mynstrell quod þat man my name ys / actiua vita : /
all Idle y hate for off actyuve ys my name
a wafrere wole þe G.14.229: The grammatical construction makes it clear that the correct reading is "will ye" (as all manuscripts except G), but the G scribe appears to have misread this as wole þe (i.e he reads the second element as either "thee" or "the"). The G scribe's practice is to use superscript letters after <þ> and inline letters after <y>. See note to G.3.118. wytt & seruve many lordes
and fewe robes I fonge or furred gownes
couvlde I lye to do men laghe then lacchen I sholde
other mantell or money amongest lordes mynstrelles
but for þat I am nother taber ne trompe ne tell no gestes
farten ne fythelen att feastes ne harpen
Iape ne Iogle ne gentylyche pype
ne neyther salye ne sawte ne syng wyth þe gyttren
I haue no goode gyfftes off thees greate lordes
for no bred þat I bryng forthe sauve a benyson on þe sonday
when þe preste preyeth the poeple þe theyr pater noster to bydde
for pyres þe plowman and þat hym profytt weyten
and þat I am actyuve & Idlenes hate
for all trewe trauvylours & tyllouvrs off yerthe
for mychylmas to mychylmas I fynd them wyth waffres
beggers & bydders off my bred crauven
Faytouvrs & freres and folke wyth broode crouvnes
I fynd payne for þe pope & prouvendre for hys palferey
and I had neuer off hym haue god my trewght
nother prebend ne personage yet off popes gyfte
sauve a perdone wyth a pece off leade and two polles In þe myddes
hatde eche a clerecler[k]e þat couvde wryte I wold cast hym a byll
that he sendG.14.251: The G B reading send (for most manuscripts sent) is ambiguous: the verb could be in the preterite or in the present tense. Note, however, that send does appear as a preterite in G in less ambiguous contexts (see G.8.23 and G.10.132). me vndre hys seale a saluve for þe pestylence
and þat hys blyssyng & hys bulles bocches myght destroye
In nomine meo demonia eicient & super egros
manus imponent et bene habebunt et cetera G.14.253: The two rubricated lines are bracketed in red on the right.
and then wold I be preste to þe poeple past for to make
and buxome & bysye a-bouvte breyd & drynke
for hym & for all hys / fond I that hys perdone
myght lechen a man as I beleuve ytt sholde
for sythe he hathe þe power þat petur hym-seluve hadde
fol. 58vI
he hathe þe pott wyth þe saluve sothely as me thynkethe
argentum et aurum non est michi quod autem
habeo tibi do In nomine domini surge et ambula G.14.260: The two rubricated lines are bracketed in red on the right.
but yff myght off myracle fayle yt ys for men be not worthy
to haue þe grace off god and no gylt off the pope
For may no blyssyng done vs bote but yff we wyll amend
ne mannes masse make peasce among crystene poeple
tyll pryde be puvrelyche fordoo and þat thrughe payne defauvte
for er I haue bredde or meyle erst most I sweyte
and er þei come haue corne Inowe many colde mornynges
so er my waffres be wroght moche wo I tholye
all london I leeuve lykethe well my wafres
and louvren when þei lacken ytt ytt ys not long passed
there was a carefull comen when no carte cam to towne
wyth bredde fro strettforde then ganne beggers wepe
& werkmen were agast a lytle þis wylbewyl be thoght long
In þe date off our drythe In a drye aprell
a thowsand & thre huvndrethe twysse twenty & tenne
my waffres were geyson when chechester was meyre
I tooke goode kepe by cryste & conscyence bothe
off haukyn þe actyuve man and how þat he was clothed
he had a cyte off crystendome as holye churche byleuvethe
but ytt was moled In many places wyth many sondry plaottes G.14.280: This and the two examples of "plots" in the following line have all been altered in the same way. Compare plottes at G.14.317 and note the different position of the line linking the vowel to the following <t>.
off pryde here a plaotte & þer a plaott off vnboxome speche
off scornyng & off scoffyng & off vnscyllfull beyryng
as yn apparell and In porte prouvde amonge þe poeple
other wayes then he hathe wyth herte or eyghe shewyng
hym wyllyng þat all men wend he were þat he ys noght
forthy he bostethe & braggethe wyth many greate othes
and Inobeydyent to vndrenomme off any lyfe lyuvyng
and so synguvler by hym-seluve ne non so pope holye
habytyd as an herymyte an ordre by hym-seluve
relygyon saansceG.14.290: The superscript <a> added by the brown ink corrector may be intended as an abbreviation mark (with resultant saunce). For the treatment of superscript <a> in G, see notes to G.3.157, G.4.156, and Introduction IV.1.1. ruvle and reysonable obeydyence
lakkyng lettered men & lewde men bothe
In lykyng off leall lyfe and a lyere In souvle
wyth yn-wytt & wyth oute-wytt ymagenyng & stuodye
as best for hys bodye be to haue a badde name
fol. 59rI
& entermetten hym ouer all þer he hathe nothyng a doone
wylnyng þat men wend hys wytt were þe beste
and yff he gyuvethe ought to þe pouvre gomes tell whatt he deylethe
pouvre yn possessyon yn pursce & In cofers bothe
and as a lyon on to looke and lordlyche off speche
boldest off beggers a booster þat noght hathe
In townes & In tauerens tales to tell
and segge thyngesG.14.302: Probably G interprets "thing" as an uninflected plural and therefore adds -es; see, e.g., G thynges for remaining manuscripts þyng at G.10.30. þat he sygh neuer & for sothe sweyre ytt
off dedys þat he neuer dyd demen & bosten
and off workes þat he well dyd seggen & wyttnessen
loo yff þou leeuve me noght or þat I lye wenestG.14.305: The form of the verb used by G here (i.e. wenest) is consistent with the subject "thou." Most manuscripts read "ye" but all β4 manuscripts read "thou," though the form of the verb in witnesses other than G is either wene or, less acceptably, wenen.
aske att hym or at hym and he you can tell
what y suffered & seghe & some-tymes hadde
& what I couvld &
knewe & whatt
kynne I cam off
G.14.308: A line from the boxed section indicates where this material is to be inserted.
all he wold þat men wyst off werkes & off wordes
wyche myght pleasse þe poeple & preysen hym-seluve G.14.310: The words hym-selue appear to have been re-outlined in black ink, before the corrector altered <u> to <v>.
si hominibus placerem Cristi seruus non essem
et alibi: nemo potest duobus dominis seruireG.14.312: The two rubricated lines are bracketed in red on the right.
be cryst quod conscyence þo thy best cote haukyn
hathe many mooles & spottes ytt wold beene y-wasshen
ye wo-so tooke kepe quod haukyn byhynd & byfore
whatt on backe & on bodye and by þe two sydes
men sholde fynd many frouvnces & many foule plottes
& he torned hym as tyte and then toke I hede
yt was fowler by
fellG.14.319: For G's treatment of B fele (here appearing as G Cr R fell), see note to G.4.349. folde that ytt
fustfu[r]st semed
G.14.319: A line leading from the boxed section indicates where this material should be inserted.
ytt was by-dropped wyth wrathe and wycked wyll
wyth enuvye & yuvell wyll entysyng to fyght
lyeyng & laghyng and aG.14.322: Kane and Donaldson state that G's added <a> is "above line main ink" but in fact the ink is brown. leeuve tong to chyde
all þat he wyst wycked by any wyght tell ytt
and blame men byende þer l.. backes & byd þem myschance
and þat he wyste by wyll / tellen ytt watt
and þat watt wyste / wyll wyste ytt after
and made off frendes foos thrugh a falsce tonge
or wyth myght or mowthe or wyth mannes strenght
auvenge me fell tymes or freyte my-seluve
wythyn as a shepster shere I shrewed men & cuvrsed
cuius malidictione os plenum est et amaritudo sub lingua eius & cetera
et alibi : filij hominum dentes eorum
arma & sagitte IG.14.332: Kane and Donaldson appear to read G's deleted <I> as an ampersand, but although some form of et is the majority reading, the mark in the text is nothing like the G scribe's usual form for <&>. lingua eorum gladius acutus
there ys no lyfe þat I louve lastyng any whyle
for tales þat I tell no man truvstethe to me
fol. 59vI
& when I may noght haue þe mastrye wyth malyncoly I take
that I cacche þe crampe þe cardyacle some-tyme
or an aguve yn suoche a angre & some-tyme a feuver
and takethe me all a twelmonthe tyll þat I dyspyse
lechecrafte off our lorde & take me to a wycche
and segge þat no clerke can ne cryste as I leeuve
to þe sowter off sothwarke off shordyche dame emme
and segge þat no goddes worde gauve me neuer boote
but thrugh a charme had y chaunce & my cheffe heale
I wayted more buvsyly & þen was ytt soyled
wyth lykyng off leycherye and lokyng off hys eyghe
for eche meyde þat he mette he made hyr a sygne
semyng to synwarde & some-tyme he gan taste
abowte þe mowthe or bynethe begynnethe to groope
tyll ether wyll waxe kene & to þe werke yeden
as well In fastyngdayesfastyng dayes as frydayes & other forbydden nyghtes
as well In lent as owte off lente all tymes ylyche
suoche werkes wyth them were neuer owte off season
tyll þei myght no more & then hadde mery tales
and how þat lecherouvs louven laghen & Iapen
& off þer harlotrye & woredome yn theyr elde tellethe
then pacyence perceyuved off poyntes off hys cote
was colomy thrugh couvetyse and vnkynd desyre
more to good þen to god þe gome hys louve cast
and ymagened how he ytt myght haue
wyth falsce measuvrs and mett & wyth falsce wyttnes
leyned for louve off þe wedde & lothe to do trewthe
& awayted thrugh wyche way to begyle
and menged hys marchadyzesmarcha[n]dyzes & made a good muvstre
þe worste wythyn was a greate wyte I leete ytt
and my neghbour had any hynde or any beaste elles
more profytable then myne many shleygthes I made
how I myght haue ytt all my wytt I caste
and but I hadde by other way att þe last I stale ytt
or pryuvylyche hys pursce shookeG.14.369: The words "purse" and "shook" look as if they have been written as one, but that is just because the alteration adds a letter. vnpyked hys lockes
or by nyght or by day a-bouvte was I euver
thrugh gyle to geddre þe goode þat y haue
yff I yede to þe plouvghet I pynched so narowe
that a foote land or a forowe facchen I wolde
fol. 60rI
off my next neghbour nymen off hys yerthe
and yff I reype ouverreyche & gauveG.14.375: The alteration of gaue to gave has been made in black ink, and therefore does not appear to be part of the G scribe's later programme of spelling corrections. It may simply result from the correction by the original scribe of a poorly formed letter. þem rede þat ropen
& seyse to me wyth my sycle þat I sewe neuver
& wo borowethe off me abouvte þe tyme
wyth presentes pryuvylyche or payed somme certayne
so wold he or he nold wynne I wolde
& bothe to kyth & to kynne vnkynd off þat I hadde
& wo-so cheypythe my chaffayre chyden I wolde
but he profered me to pay a pennye or tweyne
more þen ytt was worthe & yet wolde I sweyre
that ytt coste me moche more sware manye othes
In halydayes yn holychurcheholy churche when I herd mas
I had neuer wyll woote god / wytterly to byseche
mercy for my myssdedes þat I ne mouvrned more
For losse off good leuve me then for my lyghames gylte
and yff I had deydly synne done I drede nothG.14.389: For the spelling <<noth>, see note to G.12.236. þat so soore
& when I leyned I leeuved ytt lost / or long or yt were payed
so yff I kydde any kyndnes myne euven-crysten to helpe
vpon a cruvell couvetyse my herte gan hange
& yff y sent ouer þe sey my seruvantes to brydgys
or yn-to spruvce land my prentyse my profytt to awayte
to marchandyeG.14.395: Forms of "marchandie" in -y(e are not recorded as verbs by either the MED or the OED but it seems likely that G's reading reflects the extension of such forms from the noun. Most B manuscripts read marchaunden. wyth money & make þer eschanges
myght neuer man me conforte In þe meane tyme
neyther masse ne matyns ne no nother syghtes
ne neuer pennance performed ne pater noster sayed
þat my mynd ne was more In a dowte on my good In dowte
then yn þe grace off god & In hys greate helpes
vbi thesaurus tuus ibi et cor tuum et cetera//
wych beene þe branches þat bryng a man to sloghte
hys woman mouvrnethe noght for hys myssdedes makethe no sorowe
but pennance þat þe preste enIoygnethe perfouvrnethe yuvell
doyth / non almese dede dedeG.14.405: Deletion and subsequent addition of dede suggest that the scribe thought that he should have written drede and then realised he had been right in the first place. drede hym off no synne
lyuvethe ageynst þe byleuve & no lawe holdethe
eche day is an halyday wyth hym or a hygh feyrye
and yff he oght wyll here ytt ys an harlotes tong
when men carpen off cryst or cleynnes off soule
he waxeth wrothe & wyll not here but wordes off myrthe
pennance and pouvre men & þe passyon off seyntes
fol. 60vI
he hatethe to here þeroff and all þat ytt tellythe
thes be þe branches bewarre þat bryng amana man to whanope
the lordes & ladyes & legates off holychercheholy cherche
that fedethe (fooles sages)G.14.415: For the G scribe's use of brackets for highlighting, see note to G.6.597. flaterers and lyers
& haue lykyng to to leyen to do you laghe
ve vobis qui reidetis & cetera //
& gyuvethe meyte & mede & pouvre men refuvse
II[n] your dethe dyenge I dreede me full sore
lest þe thre maner men to moche sorowe you bryng
consencientes et agentes pari pena punientur ://
patryarkes & prophetes & preychers off goddes wordes
sauve thrugh þer sermone mannes souvle from hell
ryght so flaterers & fooles & the fendes dyscyples
to entyse men thrugh þer tales to synne & toG.14.425: M originally read and, as most manuscripts. The word "to" has been added above the line by hand2, bringing M's reading into line with that of G and W (& to). harlottrye
but clerkes þat knowe wolyG.14.426: For forms in <who>- for earlier <ho>- (of which G's reading woly is presumably a development), see Wyld, Modern Colloquial English, 307, and see also note to G.18.208. wrytte sholde kenne lordes
what dauyd sayethe off suoche men as þe sauvter tellethe
non habitabit in medio domus mee qui facit
superbiam et qui loquitur mendatia iniqua
G.14.428: The two rubricated lines are bracketed in red on the right.
sholde non harlott haue auvdyence In hall ne yn chambre
ther wyse men were wyttnessen goddes wordes
ne no myssprouvde man among lordes beene alowed
but flaterers & fooles thruvgh theyre fowle wordes
leyden þem þat louven theym to ly lucyfers feaste
wyth turpiloquio a lay off sorowe & lyvcyfers fydle
thysG.14.435: For the G scribe's use of "this" for remaining manuscripts "thus," see note to G.4.76. haukyn þe actyuve man had soyled hys cote
tyll conscyence couvped hym theroff In a couvrteyse maner
why he ne hadde whasshen ytt or wyped ytt wyth a bruvsshe
explicit passus sextus de dowell