fol. 6v (cont.)I
s assusc ed uns de visio ue n
vt sup ra. p
vt sup ra. p
c edus de visione vt sup un ra Passus s
ȜetL.2.1: The six-line ornamental Lombard capital is written in blue with red flourishings and two marginal leaf sprays. I courbed on my knees · and cryed hir of gce ra
fol. 7rI
usL.2.28: WLM alone read bonus, although F has Iterum bonus. The remaining witnesses read B bona. arbor · bonu fructum facit m Qualis pater talis filius · bon
- self · þ eL.2.39: The original scribe inserted the <e> of after initial copying, no doubt in response to the corrector's <+> in the right margin, which has since been partially erased. þe Sauter bereth witnesseL.2.39: A blurred red line under the final <e> of and a blue dot at the end of the line are offset from the initial on the facing leaf. witnesse
And how ȝe shal saue ȝowL.2.48KD.2.47
L.2.48: LCR alone have . Most other þi manuscripts have B or þow þi. wel þi tonge
Knowe hem þere if þow canst · and kepe þi fol. 7vI
L.2.68: LC alone have , the genitive form of beire, "both"; most other bo manuscripts have synonymous B. boþer wille
Whan symonye and cyuile · seiȝ here beire+
Simoni and siuilyeL.2.70: A hand has inserted in the left margin s. xvi. Simoni and siuilye
Witeth and witnesseth · þat wonieth vpon þis erthe ¶L.2.77: Each of the first three lines of the group is clearly marked with a punctus in brown ink in the left margin. Below and extending
through L.2.94 in the left margin is a bracket in very light black ink.
L.2.79-92: A non-continuous bracket in pale ink runs from L.2.79-92.
Þan for ani vertue or fairenesse · or any free kynde+
wolde · neand wermanship failleth wer[k]manshipL.2.94: The word was inserted after original copying by the text scribe; only LCY among ne witnesses have the negative. The word B has been subpuncted at the beginning of the b-verse. A small <+> in the left margin may mark either of these for correction,
or may refer to the scribe's and for wermanship. werkmanship
There as wille nota
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L.2.106: LRF alone read . Other purtenaunces witnesses vary between B and appurtinaunces. purtynaunce of purgatorie · in- to þe pyne of helle
Wiþ al þe purtenauncesL.2.111: The <a> and the <o> have been overwritten in a later ink. · of paulynes doctrine
And Pieres þe pardonereTheologie to mede
Þenne tened hym theologye · whan he þis tale herde ¶L.2.117: A marginal hand, not represented elsewhere in the manuscript, wrote in the right margin , then lined through Theologie to mede and added mede. Three heavy black points, arranged vertically, also appear in the right margin. civile
wendynges we[d]dyngesL.2.119: A <+> in the left margin marks the text for correction. The scribe, however, failed to correct to wendynges, the reading of most weddynges witnesses. LC alone have B. such wendynges to worche to wratthe with treuthe
Such For Mede is moylere · of amendes engendreth ¶L.2.121: LCYR alone have the form ; all other engendreth manuscripts have the past participle. The form spelled B in some engendrit manuscripts perhaps accounts for the error. A
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Ȝet beth war of weddyng · for witty is truthe ·L.2.140: This line is supplied in an early fifteenth-century hand in the blank space above the top line.
Ac þanne cared þei for caplus · to kairen ¶L.2.164: LMR alone read ; most other kairen manuscripts have B. carien hem þider
L.2.168: Only LF have , from OF flatere Other flateor, flatour. manuscripts read B. flaterere · fetislich atired
And fauel on a flatere nota
Denes and suddenes · drawe ȝow togideres ¶L.2.175: A scribe has put the symbol for a musical note to indicate both next to this line and again in the bottom left margin. nota
As auoutrie and deuoses ·
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notaL.2.213: The symbol for a musical note to represent appears in the left margin. Another is written at the far right margin. nota
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Ac ¶ mynstalles mynst[r]allesL.2.230: A <+> appears in the left margin, although no correction was made to erroneous . The same error occurs at L.3.134, where it was also marked for correction and the correction not made. mynstalles and messageres · mette with hym ones