fol. 34v (cont.)I
i . . de visione . . . assus
. . . sr ...
... pL.9.000: The guide for the rubricator is extemely faded and difficult to read, even with ultra-violet light.
. . . sr ...
... pL.9.000: The guide for the rubricator is extemely faded and difficult to read, even with ultra-violet light.
non us us Pass
SireL.9.1: The ornamental capital of seven lines height is done in blue ink with red flourishes. dowel dwelleth qd witte · nouȝt a day hennes uo
fol. 35rI
d est adam
And made man ¶L.9.34: The gloss d est adam i appears above the line, inserted by a contemporary hand. The same gloss appears in M. likkest · to hym- self one
fol. 35vI
L.9.64: LMR alone read ; other soule manuscripts have B. soules shal he haue
For þei seruen sathan · her souleX
how bishops
shoulen besten
their gud es
shoulen besten
their gud es
L.9.71-75: This line group is bracketed in the left margin with the following gloss written in a hand: s. xvi
shoulen besten
their gud es. A large <X> also appears to the left of the line group. how bishops Foles þat fauten Inwitt ¶ · I fynde þat holicherche e
shoulen besten
their gud es. A large <X> also appears to the left of the line group. how bishops Foles þat fauten Inwitt ¶ · I fynde þat holicherche e
elees children erL.9.72: An <X> marking two lines appears in the right margin.
Shulde fynden hem þat hem fauted · and fad fol. 36rI
L.9.106: LR alone have verbo, which explains the corrector's marginal <+>. Most other manuscripts have B vno, and F has vno verbo. in omib n est reus us Qui offendit in verbo
L.9.108: LCMR alone have . Most other vp manuscripts have B, though vpon is a later addition in M. on erthe · of hem þat beth in heuene
Is moste yhated vp fol. 36vI
L.9.133: The last two words may possibly have been added by a later hand.
And alle þat come of þat caym come to yuel ende for for[th]L.9.151: A corrector's <+> in the left margin notes L's omission of <þ> in . forþ with other bestes
And þe foules þat fleeghen · ris & p atr no ate portabit iniq ntat ui f em &c · ilijL.9.157: LHmW alone have after &c filij. Filius non portabit iniquitatem p
fol. 37rI
- þi haue þei maugre forL.9.167: LMR alone have . Other for manuscripts have B. of her mariages · þat marye so her childeren eL.9.167-203: A bracket in the right margin extends the length of the page.
It is an ¶comely onL.9.174: The prefix was added supralinearly after initial copying, perhaps in response to the corrector's <+> in the left margin. F also omitted
the prefix. L uniquely has the spelling on; most other on manuscripts have B. Kane-Donaldson take the interlinear addition to be in the main text hand, but we think the correction is added by a later
hand. vn couple · bi cryst as me þinketh
L.9.178: L alone reads , and this is the only instance of this form in the manuscript; all other hom manuscripts have B. hem togideres
Many a peire sithen þe pestilence · han pliȝt hom+
L.9.181: The corrector has noted the scribe's for an with a <+> in the left margin. and choppyng hem bitwene
Haue þei no children but cheste · ann ota
n ota
n ota
L.9.195: L alone has ; all other wil witnesses read B. wolt ben excused
Wreke þe with wyuynge · ȝif þow wil fol. 37vI
L.9.204: LR alone have . Most other liked manuscripts have B. likeþ god almiȝti
And if þei leden þus her lyf · it liked