M.10.1KD.10.1<l><hi><hi>T</hi></hi>hanne hadde wit<del>te</del> a wyf was hoten dame studie</l>
M.10.2KD.10.2<l>Þat lene was of lere and of liche bothe</l>
M.10.3KD.10.3<l>She was wondurly wroþ þat wit<del>te</del> me þus tauȝte</l>
M.10.4KD.10.4<l>And al staringe dame <sic>sstudie</sic><corr>studie</corr> sturneliche seide</l>
M.10.5KD.10.5<l>Wel art þow wys q<expan>uo</expan>d she to wit<del>te</del> any wysdomes to tellen</l>
M.10.6KD.10.6<l>To flaterers or to folis þat frantik ben of wittes</l>
# <foreign>q<expan>uod</expan></foreign> perlis <foreign>no<expan>n</expan> debent mitt<expan>eri</expan> Coram porc<expan>is</expan></foreign>
M.10.7KD.10.7<l>And blamede him and bannede him & bad him be stille</l>
M.10.8KD.10.8<l>With suche wyse wordus to wyssen any sottus</l>
M.10.9KD.10.9<l>And saide <hi><foreign>Noli mitt<expan>er</expan>e</foreign> man</hi> marg<expan>er</expan>ie perles</l>
M.10.10KD.10.10<l>Amonges hogges þat han hawes at wille</l>
M.10.11KD.10.11<l>Þei doon but drauelen þere<seg>-</seg>on draff were hem leuere</l>
<del>ne</del><add><seg> —</seg></add> alle þe preciouse perre
<del>.</del><add>e</add> in p
<expan>ar</expan>adys þ
<expan>a</expan>t wexeþ
<note>M.10.12: M's b-verse reverses the syntax of other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, which read <hi>þat in paradis wexeþ</hi>.</note></l>
M.10.13KD.10.13<l>I saie it b
<del>.</del><add>y</add> suche q
<expan>uo</expan>d she þat sheweþ by
<note>M.10.13: All other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read <hi>hir</hi> at this place. An insertion line has been drawn between <hi>by</hi> and <hi>werkes</hi>, and a line drawn out to something, illegible even under ultraviolet light, erased in the margin, where there is also an
erased <X>.</note> werkes
M.10.14KD.10.14<l>Þat hem were leuere lond<del>e</del><add> &</add> lordshipe on erthe</l>
M.10.15KD.10.15<l>Or richesses
<note>M.10.15: Other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read <hi>richesse</hi>. For the same variation, see M.15.183.</note> or rentus and reste at hire wille
M.10.16KD.10.16<l>Þan<del>ne</del><add><seg> —</seg></add> alle þe sothe sawes <del>...</del><add>þat</add> sal<del>.</del><add>o</add>mon saide eu<expan>er</expan>e</l>
</lg> <lg>
<del>e</del> and wit
<del>te</del><add> </add> is now
<note>M.10.17: M's reading of <hi>is now</hi> is not shared by other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, which read <hi>now is</hi>.</note> not worth a carse
M.10.18KD.10.18<l>But it be carded<del>e</del> w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> couetise as clothers kemben here wolle</l>
M.10.19KD.10.19<l>Whoso can contreue desceitus and conspiren wronges</l>
M.10.20KD.10.20<l>And lede forth a loueday to l<del>..</del><add>et</add>te w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> truthe</l>
M.10.21KD.10.21<l>He þat suche craftus can to conseill is clepud</l>
M.10.22KD.10.22<l>Þei leden lordus w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> lesinges and bilien truþe</l>
</lg> <lg>M.10.23KD.10.23<l>Iob þe gentil in his gestus wittnesseþ</l>
M.10.24KD.10.24<l>Þat wikkud men þai welden þe welthe of þis world . </l>
# <foreign>q<expan>ua</expan>re impij b<expan>e</expan>n<expan>e</expan> viuu<expan>n</expan>t</foreign>
M.10.25KD.10.25<l>And þat þei ben lordus of iche a lond<del>e</del> þ<expan>a</expan>t out<del>e</del> of lawe libbeth</l>
M.10.26KD.10.25α<l><hi><foreign>Quare impij viuunt . &<note>M.10.26: M's reading of <hi>&</hi> is not shared by other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts.</note> bene est om<expan>n</expan>ib<expan>us</expan> qui p<expan>re</expan>uaricant<expan>ur</expan> & iniq<expan>ue</expan> agunt .</foreign></hi></l>
</lg> <lg>M.10.27KD.10.26<l>Þe sauter sai<del>..</del><add>th</add> þe same by suche þat don ille</l>
M.10.28KD.10.26α<l><hi><foreign>Ecce ip<expan>s</expan>i peccatores <add>h</add>abundantes in sec<expan>u</expan>lo obtinuerunt diuicias .</foreign></hi></l>
M.10.29KD.10.27<l>Lo saiþ holy lettrure . whiche lordus beþ þes shrewes</l>
M.10.30KD.10.28<l>Þilke þat moost
<del>e</del> good
<del>e</del> god
<note>M.10.30: M's a-verse is unique among <hi>B</hi> manuscripts. All others begin <hi>Thilke þat god</hi>; WHmCr continue <hi>gyueþ moost</hi> while OC<hi>2</hi> have <hi>most good gyueþ</hi>.</note> leest good þei deleþ
M.10.31KD.10.29<l>And moost
<del>e</del> vnkynde
<add>ben</add><note>M.10.31: This insertion brings M into agreement with Cr.</note> to þe comune þat moost
<del>e</del> catel weldeþ
M.10.32KD.10.29α<l><hi><foreign>Que p<expan>er</expan>f<del>.</del><add>e</add>cisti destruxerunt . iustus autem & c<expan>etera</expan> .</foreign></hi></l>
M.10.33KD.10.30<l>Harlotus for here herlot<expan>ri</expan>e may hauen of hire godus</l>
M.10.34KD.10.31<l>And Iapers and iogelours & Ianglers of gestus . </l>
<milestone>fol. 41v
M.10.35KD.10.32<l>Ac he þat haþ holi writ<del>..</del> <add></add> ay in his mouthe</l>
M.10.36KD.10.33<l>And can telle of Tobye & of
<add>þe</add><note>M.10.36: M's original reading without <hi>þe</hi> agreed with WY.</note> twelue apposteles
M.10.37KD.10.34<l>Or prechen of þe penaunce þat Pilat<del>e</del> wrouȝte</l>
M.10.38KD.10.35<l>To Ih<expan>es</expan>u þe gentil þat Iewes to<seg>-</seg>drowe</l>
M.10.39KD.10.37<l>Lytul is he loued<del>e</del> þat such<del>e</del> a lesson sheweþ</l>
M.10.40KD.10.38<l>Or daunted<del>e</del> or drawen forth I do it on god him<seg>-</seg>seluen</l>
</lg> <lg>M.10.41KD.10.39<l>But þo þat fainen hem folus and w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> faiting<del>e</del> libbeþ</l>
M.10.42KD.10.40<l>A<del>.</del><add>y</add>ein þe lawe of oure lord and lien on hem<seg>-</seg>seluen</l>
# <foreign><expan>con</expan><expan>tra</expan></foreign> Ribald<expan>is</expan>
M.10.43KD.10.41<l>Spitten and spuwen and speken foule wordus</l>
M.10.44KD.10.42<l>Drinken and driu<del>y</del><add>e</add>lin and doon men for to gapen</l>
M.10.45KD.10.43<l>Likkene men and lie<del>n</del> on hem þat leneth hem none <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>iftus</l>
M.10.46KD.10.44<l>Þei conn<del>..</del><add>e</add> no more mynstraulcie ne musyk<del>e</del> men to glade</l>
M.10.47KD.10.45<l>Þan<del>ne</del><add><seg> —</seg></add> Munde þe Meller of <hi><foreign>multa fecit deus .</foreign></hi></l>
M.10.48KD.10.46<l>Ne were here vile harlotrie haue god my truthe</l>
M.10.49KD.10.47<l>Shulde neyþur
<note>M.10.49: For <hi>neyþur</hi> all <hi>B</hi> manuscripts except F read <hi>neuere</hi>.</note> kyng
<del>e</del> ne kniȝt
<del>e</del> ne chanoun of seint
<del>.</del> Poules
M.10.50KD.10.48<l><del>Ȝ</del><add>Y</add>if hem to here <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>eres<del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>eue þe <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ifte of a grote</l>
</lg> <lg>M.10.54KD.10.52<l>Ac <del>ȝ</del>if þei carpen of Crist þise clerkus and þis lewede</l>
# <foreign>q<expan>uod</expan> n<expan>on</expan> laudat<expan>ur</expan> disput<expan>are</expan> doct<expan>or</expan> in <del>convijc</del> co<expan>n</expan>vivijs</foreign> #
M.10.55KD.10.53<l>Atte mete in here murthus whanne Minstralles ben stille</l>
M.10.56KD.10.54<l>Þanne telleþ þei of þe trinitee a tale oþur tweyne</l>
M.10.57KD.10.55<l>And bringen forth a balled resoun & taken Bernard<del>e</del> to w<del>.</del><add>y</add>tnesse</l>
M.10.58KD.10.56<l>And putten forth a presumpciou<expan>n</expan> to preuen þe soþe</l>
M.10.59KD.10.57<l>Þus þei dryuelen at hire de<del>..</del><add>ys</add> þe deite to knowe . </l>
M.10.60KD.10.58<l>And gnawen god w
<expan>h</expan> þe gorge whanne
<del>..</del><add>hir</add><note>M.10.60: M's alteration to <hi>hir</hi> may conceal <hi>þe,</hi> the reading of Hm.</note> gutte
<add>s</add> <del>..</del><add>be</add><note>M.10.60: Before alteration, M may have agreed with YLR: <hi>gutte is</hi>. <hi>B</hi> manuscript readings vary between <hi>be (is, er, been) fulle</hi> and <hi>fullen</hi>.</note> fulle
</lg> <lg>M.10.61KD.10.59<l>Ac þe careful may crie and carpen atte <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ate</l>
M.10.62KD.10.60<l>Bothe afyngred<del>e</del> and a<seg>-</seg>thurst and for chele quake</l>
M.10.63KD.10.61<l>Is non to nymen him
<add>In</add><note>M.10.63: The addition of <hi>In</hi> is an <hi>A</hi> text reading not attested in other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts.</note> no
<del>...</del><add>r h</add>is no
<del>.</del><add>y</add> to amende
<del>......</del><add>hunten</add><note>M.10.64: M's altered <hi>hunten</hi> agrees with WHmCr. Other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>heon on</hi> and variants upon it.</note> him as
<del>on</del><add><seg> —</seg></add><note>M.10.64: M's original inclusion of <hi>on</hi> agreed with Cot.</note> an hound
<del>e</del> . & hoten him go þenn
M.10.65KD.10.63<l>Litul loueþ he þat lord þat lente him al þat blisse</l>
M.10.66KD.10.64<l>Þat þus parteth with þe pore a p<expan>ar</expan>cel whanne him nedeþ</l>
M.10.67KD.10.65<l>Ne were mercy . in mene men more þan<del>ne</del><add><seg> —</seg></add> in Riche</l>
M.10.68KD.10.66<l>Mendinauntz meteles miȝte go to bedde</l>
M.10.69KD.10.67<l>God is muche in þe gorge of þis grete maistres</l>
M.10.70KD.10.68<l>Ac amonges mene men his mercy and his werkes</l>
M.10.71KD.10.69<l>And so saiþ þe sauter I haue seen it ofte </l>
<milestone>fol. 42r
pass<expan>us</expan> x<expan>us</expan>
M.10.72KD.10.69α<l><hi><foreign>Ecce audiuimus eam in effrata inuenimus eam in campis silue </foreign></hi></l>
M.10.73KD.10.70<l>Clerkus and oþer kyn<del>nes</del><add>s<seg> —</seg></add> men carpen of god faste</l>
M.10.74KD.10.71<l>And haue him muche in mouthe
<note>M.10.74: M shares the reading <hi>mouthe</hi> with B; other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>þe mouþ</hi> or <hi>here mouþ</hi>.</note> but mene men in herte .
</lg> <lg>
M.10.75KD.10.72<l>Frerus and fa<del>u</del><add>y</add>tours han founden suche questionus</l>
M.10.76KD.10.73<l>To plese with proude men siþ þe pestelence tyme . </l>
M.10.77KD.10.74<l>And prechen at seint Poules for pure enuye of Clerkus</l>
M.10.78KD.10.75<l>Þat folk nys
<note>M.10.78: M's <hi>nys</hi> is not shared by other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, most of which read <hi>is</hi>.</note> nouȝt fermed in
<note>M.10.78: M alone among <hi>B</hi> manuscripts here lacks <hi>þe</hi>.</note> feith ne free of hire goodes
M.10.79KD.10.76<l>Ne sori of
<note>M.10.79: M's <hi>of</hi> is not shared by other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, which read <hi>for</hi>.</note> hire synnus so is pride waxen
M.10.80KD.10.77<l>In religiou<expan>n</expan> and in all<del>e</del> þe Reume amonges riche and pore</l>
M.10.81KD.10.78<l>Þat praiers haue no<del>ne</del><add><seg> —</seg></add> power þe pestilence to lette</l>
M.10.82KD.10.81<l>And <del>.</del><add>y</add>it þe wrecches of þis world is non<del>e</del> y<seg>-</seg>war by oþur . </l>
M.10.83KD.10.82<l>Ne for drede of deth withdrawe nouȝt here pride</l>
M.10.84KD.10.83<l>Ne beth plentiuous to þe pore as pure charite wolde</l>
M.10.85KD.10.84<l>But in gaynesse & glotonye for<seg>-</seg>gluttun here go<del>de</del><add>od</add> hem<seg>-</seg>seluen</l>
M.10.86KD.10.85<l>And breken nouȝt to þe begg<del>..</del><add>er</add> as þe bok techeþ</l>
M.10.87KD.10.85α<l><foreign><hi>Frange esurienti panem tuum . </hi><add>& c<expan>etera</expan></add></foreign><note>M.10.87: The underlining and <hi>& c<expan>etera</expan></hi> are later additions. M's original reading without the <hi>& c<expan>etera</expan></hi> agreed with C<hi>2</hi>F.</note></l>
M.10.88KD.10.86<l>And þe more he wynneth
<del>...?...?...</del><add>and weldeth welthes & richesse</add><note>M.10.88: The omission of <hi>& weldeþ</hi> was noted in the margin and then erased when incorporated into the text, an alteration which resulted in the entire b-verse
being rewritten.</note></l>
M.10.89KD.10.87<l>And lordeþ in londes / þe lasse good<del>e</del><add><seg> —</seg></add> he deleth</l>
</lg> <lg>M.10.90KD.10.88<l>Thobie telleth <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ow not so take heede <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>e Riche</l>
M.10.91KD.10.89<l>How þe boke bible of him bereth w<del>it</del><add>y</add>tnesse</l>
M.10.92KD.10.89α<l><hi><foreign>Si tibi sit copia <add>h</add>abundant<expan>er</expan> tribue si au<expan>tem</expan> exiguum illud imp<expan>er</expan>tir<expan>e</expan><note>M.10.92: M alone among <hi>B</hi> manuscripts here lacks <hi>stude</hi>, though RF transpose its position with <hi>libenter</hi>.</note> libe<expan>n</expan>t<expan>er</expan></foreign></hi></l>
M.10.93KD.10.90<l>Whoso haþ muche spene manliche so meneth Thobie</l>
M.10.94KD.10.91<l>And whoso litul weldeþ rule hym þer<del><expan>e</expan></del><seg>-</seg>aftur . </l>
M.10.95KD.10.92<l>For we haue no lettre of oure lif / how longe it shal dure . </l>
M.10.96KD.10.93<l>Suche lessouns lordus shulde loue to here /</l>
M.10.97KD.10.94<l>And how he miȝte moost<del>e</del> meyne manlych<add>e</add> fynde . </l>
</lg> <lg>
M.10.98KD.10.95<l>Nouȝt to fare as
<add>a</add> Frere or a fytheler
<note>M.10.98: M's <hi>Frere or a fytheler</hi> is not shared by other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, which read <hi>fiþeler or a frere</hi>.</note> for to seke feestus
M.10.99KD.10.96<l>Homeliche at oþer me<add><expan>n</expan></add>nus houses and haten her owen</l>
<note>M.10.100: M's original reading perhaps agreed with CotLR, which have <hi>Elynge</hi>.</note> is þe halle eche day in þe wyke /
M.10.101KD.10.98<l><note>M.10.101-106: A bracket begins here in the left margin and continues for rest of the paragraph. The last four lines are also bracketed
on the right.</note>Ther þe lord
<del>e</del> ne þe lady lykeþ nouȝt to sitte
# <foreign>q<expan>u</expan>omodo laudat hospit<expan>alitatem</expan></foreign>
M.10.102KD.10.99<l>Now haþ iche Riche a rule to eten by him<seg>-</seg>seluen</l>
M.10.103KD.10.100<l>In a priue parlour for pore me<add><expan>n</expan></add>nus sake</l>
M.10.104KD.10.101<l>Or in a chambre w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> a Chimyne and leue þe chief halle</l>
M.10.105KD.10.102<l>Þat was made for meles men to eten inne /</l>
M.10.106KD.10.103<l>And alle to spare to spille þat spende shulde on oþur
<note>M.10.106: M's <hi>shulde on oþur</hi> is not shared by other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, which read <hi>shal anoþer</hi>.</note></l>
</lg> <lg>M.10.107KD.10.104<l>I haue herd<del>e</del> heigh men etyng / at <add>þe</add> table</l>
M.10.108KD.10.105<l>Carpen as þei Clerkes were of Crist & his
<note>M.10.108: For <hi>his</hi> all <hi>B</hi> manuscripts except F read <hi>of his</hi>.</note> miȝtes .
<milestone>fol. 42v
M.10.109KD.10.106<l>And le<del>..</del><add>yd</add> fautes vpon þe fadur þat fourmede vs alle</l>
M.10.110KD.10.107<l>And carpen a<del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ein Clerkus / crabbede wordus</l>
M.10.111KD.10.108<l>Whi wolde oure saueour
<del>e</del> suffre such
<del>e</del> a worm
<del>e</del> <del>...?...</del><add>in blisse</add><note>M.10.111: M's altered <hi>in blisse</hi> agrees with F. Other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read <hi>in his blisse</hi>. Here begins a series of altered readings agreeing with F: M.10.178, M.10.241, and M.10.295.</note></l>
M.10.112KD.10.109<l>That bigiled þe womman and þe man aftur</l>
M.10.113KD.10.110<l>Thor<del>..</del><add>gh</add> whiche wiles and wordus þei wenten to helle</l>
M.10.114KD.10.111<l>A<expan>n</expan>d al hire seed for hire synne þe same deth suffred</l>
<space> </space><foreign>.i<expan>d est</expan>. me<expan>n</expan>tit<expan>ur</expan></foreign><note>M.10.115: This gloss is not attested in other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts.</note>
M.10.115KD.10.112<l>Here lieþ <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>oure lore þise lordus gynneth dispute</l>
M.10.116KD.10.113<l>Of þat <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>e clerkes vs kenneth of crist by þe gospell</l>
M.10.117KD.10.114<l><hi><foreign>Filius non portabit iniquitatem p<expan>at</expan>ris & c<expan>etera</expan></foreign></hi></l>
# why men p<expan>er</expan>issh For Adams syn
M.10.118KD.10.115<l>Whi shulde we þat now ben for þe werkes of Adam . </l>
M.10.119KD.10.116<l>Roten and rende reson wold it neu<expan>er</expan>e</l>
M.10.120KD.10.116α<l><hi><foreign>Vnusquisq<expan>ue</expan> portabit onus suum & c<expan>etera</expan></foreign></hi></l>
M.10.121KD.10.117<l>Swiche mo<del>.......</del><add>tyues</add> þei moeue þise maistres in hire glorie</l>
M.10.122KD.10.118<l>And make men in mys bileue . þat muse muche on hire wordus</l>
M.10.123KD.10.119<l>Ymagynatyf here afturward shal onswere to <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>oure purpos</l>
M.10.124KD.10.120<l>Augustyn to swiche arguers he telleth hem þis teme</l>
M.10.125KD.10.121<l><hi><foreign>Non plus sapere q<expan>ua</expan>m oportet .</foreign></hi></l>
M.10.126KD.10.122<l>Wilneþ neuere to wite whi þat god wolde</l>
M.10.127KD.10.123<l>Suffre Sathan his seed to bigile</l>
M.10.128KD.10.124<l>Ac bileueþ lelly . in þe lore of
<add>al</add><note>M.10.128: M's insertion of <hi>al</hi> is not attested by other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts.</note> holy churche
M.10.129KD.10.125<l>And praie hym of pardoun and penaunce in þi liue</l>
M.10.130KD.10.126<l>And for his muche mercy to amende <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ow here . </l>
<foreign>no<expan>n</expan> su<expan>n</expan>t om<expan>nes</expan> ca<expan>us</expan>e querende</foreign>
M.10.131KD.10.127<l>For alle þat wilneth to wite þe whyes of god almyghty</l>
M.10.132KD.10.128<l>I wolde his eiȝe were in his ers and his fynger after</l>
# <foreign>q<expan>uia</expan> talib<expan>us</expan> vellet oculu<expan>m</expan> in ano</foreign>
M.10.133KD.10.129<l>That euere wilneth to wite whi þat god wolde</l>
M.10.134KD.10.130<l>Suffre sathan . his seed to bigile</l>
M.10.135KD.10.131<l>Or Iudas to þe Iuwes Ih<expan>es</expan>u bitraye</l>
M.10.136KD.10.132<l>Al was as þow woldest lord y<seg>-</seg>worshiped be þow . </l>
M.10.137KD.10.133<l>And al worth as þow wolt what so we dispute . </l>
</lg> <lg>M.10.138KD.10.134<l>And þo þat vsen þise hauelons to blende mennus wittes</l>
M.10.139KD.10.135<l>What is dowel fro do<seg>-</seg>bet now deef mote he worthe</l>
M.10.140KD.10.136<l>Sithe he wilneth to wite w<del>.</del><add>h</add>iche þei ben bothe</l>
M.10.141KD.10.137<l>But <del>ȝ</del>if he lyue in þe lif þat longeth to dowell</l>
<foreign>b<expan>e</expan>n<expan>e</expan> loq<expan>ui</expan>t<expan>ur</expan></foreign>
M.10.142KD.10.138<l>For I dar ben his bolde borgh þat do<seg>-</seg>bet wol he neu<expan>er</expan>e</l>
M.10.143KD.10.139<l>Theiȝ do<seg>-</seg>best drawe on hym . day aftur oþur . </l>
</lg> <lg>M.10.144KD.10.140<l>And whan þat wit was ywar what dame studie tolde</l>
M.10.145KD.10.141<l>He bicom<del>e</del> so confus he couthe nouȝt loke</l>
M.10.146KD.10.142<l>And as doumb<del>e</del> as deth and drowe hym arere . </l>
<milestone>fol. 43r
<expan>us</expan> x
<expan>us</expan><note>M.10.147a: Below the running header in the upper right is a very faint <hi>Sanctus</hi> written in very formal script. Examination under ultraviolet light reveals nothing more.</note>
M.10.147KD.10.143<l>And for no carpynge I couthe after ne knelynge to þe grounde</l>
M.10.148KD.10.144<l>I miȝte gete no greyn of his grete wittes</l>
M.10.149KD.10.145<l>But al laughynge he louted and loked vp<seg>-</seg>on studye</l>
M.10.150KD.10.146<l>In signe þat I shulde biseche hire of grace . </l>
</lg> <lg>M.10.151KD.10.147<l>And whan I was war of his wille to his wif gan I loute</l>
M.10.152KD.10.148<l>And saide mercy ma<seg>-</seg>dame ȝowre man shal I worthe</l>
M.10.153KD.10.149<l>As longe as I liue bothe late and rathe</l>
M.10.154KD.10.150<l>For to wurche <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>owre wille þe while my lif dureth</l>
M.10.155KD.10.151<l>With þat <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>e kenne me kyndely to knowe what is do<seg>-</seg>wel</l>
</lg> <lg>M.10.156KD.10.152<l>For thi mekenesse man quod she and for þi mylde speche</l>
M.10.157KD.10.153<l>I shal kenne þe to my cosyn þat clergie is hoten</l>
<foreign>notic<expan>ia</expan> ad sc<expan>ri</expan>ptur<expan>am</expan></foreign>
M.10.158KD.10.154<l>He hath wedded a wif with<seg>-</seg>Inne þis sex monthes</l>
M.10.159KD.10.155<l>Is sib<del>be</del><add><seg> —</seg></add> to þe seuene artz scripture is hire name</l>
M.10.160KD.10.156<l>Thei two as I hope aftur my techynge</l>
M.10.161KD.10.157<l>Shullen wissen þe to dowel I dar it vndurtake . </l>
</lg> <lg>M.10.162KD.10.158<l>Than was I als fayn as fow<del>..</del><add>l<seg> —</seg></add> of faire morwe</l>
M.10.163KD.10.159<l>And gladdere þan þe gleman þat gold haþ to <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ifte</l>
M.10.164KD.10.160<l>And axede hire þe heie wa<del>..</del><add>y</add> where þat clergie dwelte</l>
<del>...?...</del><note>M.10.165: Something, no longer legible, has been erased from the right margin.</note>
M.10.165KD.10.161<l>And telle me su<expan>m</expan>me tok<del>u</del><add>n</add><del>n</del><add>e</add> q<expan>uo</expan>d I for tyme is þat I wende . </l>
</lg> <lg>
<foreign>no<expan>t</expan>a de pacienc<expan>ia</expan></foreign>
M.10.166KD.10.162<l>Axe þe heiȝe w<del>...</del><add>ey</add> quod she hennus to suffre</l>
M.10.167KD.10.163<l>Bothe wele and wo <del>ȝ</del>if þat þou wolt l<del>.</del><add>e</add>rne . </l>
M.10.168KD.10.164<l>And ride forth by richesse ac reste þow not þer<del>e</del><seg>-</seg>Inne . </l>
M.10.169KD.10.165<l>For <del>ȝ</del>if þow couplest þe þ<expan>er</expan><del>e</del><seg>-</seg>wiþ to clergie comest þow neu<expan>er</expan>e . </l>
</lg> <lg>
# <foreign> q<expan>u</expan>i claricar<expan>e</expan> velit neq<expan>ue</expan> deuicijs neq<expan>ue</expan> luxurijs Freque<expan>n</expan>tet</foreign>
M.10.170KD.10.166<l>And also þe likerouse launde þat leccherie hatte</l>
M.10.171KD.10.167<l>Leue hym on þe
<note>M.10.171: M's <hi>þe</hi> is not attested in other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, which read <hi>þi</hi>.</note> lifte half a large myle or more .
M.10.172KD.10.168<l>Til þow come to a courte kepe wel þi tonge</l>
M.10.173KD.10.169<l>Fro lesynges and lither<del>e</del> speche and likerouse drynkes . </l>
</lg> <lg>M.10.177KD.10.173<l>Seie hym þis signe I sette hym to scole</l>
<del>...?...</del><note>M.10.178: The erasure of a note in the right margin has affected the final six letters of the line. As a result, <hi>bokes</hi> has been re-inked. Probably there is no alteration to the text.</note>
M.10.178KD.10.174<l>And þat I grette wel his wif for I wrot
<del>e</del> hire
<add>bokes</add><note>M.10.178: M's reading <hi>bokes</hi> agrees with F. Other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read <hi>manye bokes</hi>.</note></l>
M.10.179KD.10.175<l>And sette hire to Sapience and to þe sauter glose . </l>
<milestone>fol. 43v
M.10.180KD.10.176<l>Log<add>h</add>yke I lerned hire and many oþ<del>.</del><add>e</add>r lawes</l>
M.10.181KD.10.177<l>And alle þe musons in musike I made hire to knowe</l>
</lg> <lg>M.10.182KD.10.178<l>Plato þe poete I putte hym furst<del>e</del> to boke</l>
M.10.183KD.10.179<l>Aristotle . and oþur moo I tauȝte to argue
<note>M.10.183: M and Hm reverse the syntax of all other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, which read <hi>to argue I tauȝte</hi>.</note> .
M.10.184KD.10.180<l>Gramere for gerls I gerte first<del>e</del> to write</l>
M.10.185KD.10.181<l>And bette hem with a baleys but <del>ȝ</del>if þei wolde l<del>.</del><add>e</add>rne</l>
M.10.186KD.10.182<l>Of alle kynn<del>..</del><add>es</add> craftus I contreuede toles</l>
M.10.187KD.10.183<l>Of carpentrie of keruers and compassed masons</l>
M.10.188KD.10.184<l>And lerned <del>hem</del><add><seg> —</seg></add> hem leuel and lyne þowgh I loke dymme . </l>
</lg> <lg>
M.10.189KD.10.185<l>Ac theologie haþ tened me ten score tymes
<note>M.10.189-197: This paragraph is marked by a curly bracket on the right side.</note></l>
M.10.190KD.10.186<l>Þe more I muse þere<seg>-</seg>inne þe mistier it semeþ</l>
M.10.191KD.10.187<l>And þe depper I dyuyne þe derker me it þinkeþ</l>
M.10.192KD.10.188<l>It is no science for<seg>-</seg>soþe for to sotile inne . </l>
M.10.193KD.10.189<l>A ful lethy þing it were if þat loue nere . </l>
M.10.194KD.10.190<l>Ac for it
<del>....</del><add>stant</add><note>M.10.194: M's reading <hi>stant</hi> is unattested among other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, most of which read <hi>let best</hi>, although F also omits <hi>best</hi>.</note> bi loue I loue it þe bettre .
# <foreign>q<expan>uia</expan> vbi amor ibi gr<expan>ati</expan>a</foreign>
M.10.195KD.10.191<l>For þere as loue is ledere ne lakked neu<expan>er</expan>e grace . </l>
M.10.196KD.10.192<l>Loke þow loue lelly if þe liketh dowel . </l>
M.10.197KD.10.193<l>For do<seg>-</seg>bet and do<seg>-</seg>best ben of loues kynne</l>
</lg> <lg>M.10.198KD.10.194<l>In other science it seith I seiȝ it in Catou<expan>n</expan></l>
M.10.199KD.10.195<l><hi><foreign>Qui simulat verbis <del>vel</del><add>nec</add><note>M.10.199: M's original reading agreed with WLR. M's altered reading <hi>nec</hi> agrees with most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts.</note> corde est fidus amicus</foreign></hi></l>
M.10.200KD.10.196<l><hi><foreign>Tu quoq<expan>ue</expan> fac simile sic ars deluditur arte .</foreign></hi></l>
# <foreign>q<expan>uia</expan> n<expan>on</expan> solu<expan>m</expan> amicis s<expan>ed</expan> ecia<expan>m</expan> inimicis bo<expan>n</expan>a op<expan>er</expan>em<expan>ur</expan></foreign>
M.10.201KD.10.197<l>Whoso gloseþ as gylours don go me to þe same</l>
M.10.202KD.10.198<l>And so shalt þow fals folk and faitheles bigile</l>
M.10.203KD.10.199<l>This is Catons kennyng to clerkus þat he lereth</l>
M.10.204KD.10.200<l>Ac Theologie techeþ nouȝt so whoso taketh <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>eme . </l>
M.10.205KD.10.201<l>He kenneth vs þe contrarie aȝein catons wordus</l>
M.10.206KD.10.202<l>For he bit vs be as bretheren and bidde for oure enemys</l>
M.10.207KD.10.203<l>And loue hem þat lien on vs and lene hem whan hem nedeth</l>
M.10.208KD.10.204<l>And do good aȝeins
<del>.</del><add>y</add>uel god hym
<seg>-</seg>self it
<sic>hoteh</sic><corr>hote[t]h</corr><note>M.10.208: For similar instances of a dropped <t> see M.11.98, M.13.157, and M.14.307.</note></l>
M.10.209KD.10.204α<l><hi><foreign>Dum tempus h<expan>ab</expan>emus . op<expan>er</expan>em<expan>ur</expan> bonu<expan>m</expan> ad o<expan>mn</expan>es / maxime aute<expan>m</expan> ad domesticos fidei .</foreign></hi></l>
M.10.210KD.10.205<l>Poule preched þe poeple þat p<expan>ar</expan>fitnesse louede</l>
M.10.211KD.10.206<l>To do good for godes loue and <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>euen men þat asked<del>e</del> . </l>
M.10.212KD.10.207<l>And nameliche to suche þat suweth oure bileue</l>
M.10.213KD.10.208<l>And al þat lakkeþ vs and lieþ
<add>on</add> vs
<note>M.10.213: M's original reading of <hi>lieþ vs</hi> was shared by YOC<hi>2</hi>CLR. In the <hi>B</hi> manuscripts the addition of <hi>on</hi> is attested only in F, which reads <hi>lyȝe on vs</hi>, though is is the reading of <hi>A</hi> manuscripts.</note> oure lord techeþ vs to lou
M.10.214KD.10.209<l>And nouȝt to greuen hem þat greueþ vs god hym<seg>-</seg>self forbad it . </l>
# <foreign>q<expan>uia</expan> amor maxi<expan>m</expan>e p<expan>ro</expan>ffic<expan>i</expan>t ad salut<expan>em</expan> a<expan>n</expan>i<expan>m</expan>e</foreign>
M.10.215KD.10.209α<l><hi><foreign>Michi vindictam & ego retribuam </foreign></hi></l>
<seg>-</seg>þi loke þou louye as longe as þou l
<note>M.10.216: M's <hi>lyuest</hi> is not shared by other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, most of which read <hi>durest</hi>.</note></l>
M.10.217KD.10.211<l>For is no science vndur s<del>u</del><add>o</add>nne so sou<expan>er</expan>ain for þi soule . </l>
<milestone>fol. 44r
pass<expan>us</expan> x<expan>us</expan>
M.10.218KD.10.212<l>Ac astronomye is an hard<del>e</del> þing and <del>.</del><add>y</add>uel for to knowe</l>
# <foreign><expan>con</expan><expan>tra</expan> Ast<expan>r</expan>onomiam</foreign>
M.10.219KD.10.213<l>Geometrie and geomesye is gynful of speche</l>
M.10.220KD.10.214<l>Whoso þenkeþ worche with þo two thryueþ ful late</l>
M.10.221KD.10.215<l>For sorcerye is þe souerein book þat to þe science longeth</l>
</lg> <lg>
M.10.222KD.10.216<l><del>Ȝ</del><add>Y</add>et ar þere fybicches in Forcers of fel
<del>e</del><add>l</add><note>M.10.222: For M's altered reading <hi>fell</hi>, C reads <hi>fell</hi> but all other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>fele</hi> which seems to be M's original reading.</note> me
<expan>n</expan>nus makyng
M.10.223KD.10.217-218<l>Exp<expan>er</expan>imentz of Alkenamye þe p<del>.</del><add>e</add>ple to desceiue . </l>
M.10.224KD.10.219<l><del>Ȝif</del><add>If <seg> —</seg></add> þow þen<del>..</del><add>ke</add> to do wel dele þ<expan>er</expan>e<seg>-</seg>with neu<expan>er</expan>e</l>
M.10.225KD.10.220<l>Alle þise sciences I my<seg>-</seg>self sotiled and ordeinede</l>
M.10.226KD.10.221<l>And founded hem formest folk to desceiue</l>
</lg> <lg>M.10.229KD.10.224<l>I saide graunt mercy ma<seg>-</seg>dame and mekelyche hire grette</l>
M.10.230KD.10.225<l>And wente wiȝt<del>h</del><add><seg>—</seg></add>liche a<seg>-</seg>way<del>e</del> with<seg>-</seg>outen more lettyng<del>e</del></l>
M.10.231KD.10.226<l>And til I com<del>e</del> to clergye I couthe neu<expan>er</expan>e stente . </l>
M.10.232KD.10.227<l>And grette þe godeman as studie me tauȝte</l>
M.10.233KD.10.228<l>And aft<del>..</del><add>er</add>wardus þe wif and worshepede hem boþe . </l>
M.10.234KD.10.229<l>And tolde hem þe tokenes þat me tauȝt were . </l>
M.10.235KD.10.230<l>Was neu
<expan>er</expan>e gome vpon þis grounde siþ god
<del>...?...?...</del><add>the world made<note>M.10.235: The syntax of M's reading of <hi>the world made</hi> agrees with F's <hi>þis world made</hi>; other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read <hi>made þe world</hi>.</note></add> .
M.10.236KD.10.231<l>Fairer vndurfoungen ne frendeloker at ese</l>
M.10.237KD.10.232<l>Than my<seg>-</seg>self soþely soone so he wiste</l>
M.10.238KD.10.233<l>That I was of wittus hous and with his wif dame Studye . </l>
M.10.239KD.10.236<l>I saide to hym soþely þat sent<del>e</del> was I thider . </l>
M.10.240KD.10.237<l>Do<seg>-</seg>wel and dobet and dobest to lurne . </l>
</lg> <lg>M.10.241KD.10.238<l>It is a comune lif quod clergie on holychurche
<del>to</del><add><seg> —</seg></add><note>M.10.241: The erasure of <hi>to</hi> brings M into agreement with F.</note> bileue .
# <foreign>de trinit<expan>ate</expan></foreign>
M.10.242KD.10.239<l>Wiþ alle þe articles of þe feith
<del>e</del> þat falleþ
<add>be</add><note>M.10.242: The insertion appears to be misplaced. All other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts place this word after <hi>to</hi>.</note> to knowe
M.10.243KD.10.240<l>And þat is to bileue lelly boþe lered<del>e</del> and lewed<del>e</del></l>
M.10.244KD.10.241<l>On þe grete god þat gynnynge hadde neu<expan>er</expan>e . </l>
M.10.245KD.10.242<l>And on þe soþefast<del>e</del> sone þat sauede mankynde</l>
M.10.246KD.10.243<l>From þe dedly de<del>.</del><add>þ</add> and þe deueles power<del>e</del></l>
M.10.247KD.10.244<l>Thoru<del>ȝ</del><add><seg>—</seg></add>gh þe help<del>e</del> of þe holy goost þe w<del>....</del><add>hich</add> goost is of boþe</l>
M.10.248KD.10.245<l>Thre p<expan>er</expan>sones ac nouȝt in plurel nombre</l>
M.10.249KD.10.246<l>For al is but oon god and ech<del>e</del> is god hym<seg>-</seg>seluen . </l>
M.10.250KD.10.246α<l><hi><foreign>Deus pater . deus filius . deus sp<expan>irit</expan>us . s<expan>anc</expan>tus .</foreign></hi></l>
M.10.251KD.10.247<l>God þe fadur . god þe sone god holy goost of boþe . </l>
M.10.252KD.10.248<l>Makere of mankynde and of bestus boþe . </l>
</lg> <lg>M.10.253KD.10.249<l>Austyn the olde here<seg>-</seg>of made bookes . </l>
<milestone>fol. 44v
M.10.254KD.10.250<l>And hym<seg>-</seg>self ordeynede to sadde vs in bileue</l>
M.10.255KD.10.251<l>Who was his auctour alle þe foure eu<expan>au</expan>ngelistes</l>
M.10.256KD.10.252<l>And Crist cleped hym<seg>-</seg>self so þe Eu<expan>au</expan>ngelistes bereth wittnesse . </l>
M.10.257KD.10.252α<l><hi><foreign>Ego in P<expan>at</expan>re & pat<expan>er</expan> in me est . et qui videt me videt & p<expan>at</expan>rem meu<expan>m</expan></foreign></hi></l>
# <foreign>de Fide aut<expan>em</expan> noli disputar<expan>e</expan></foreign>
M.10.258KD.10.253<l>Alle þe Clerkes vndur Crist ne couthe þis assoille</l>
M.10.259KD.10.254<l>But þus it bilongeth to bileue to lewed þat wolen dowel</l>
# <foreign><expan>Sext</expan>a disc<expan>ri</expan>pc<expan>i</expan>o de</foreign> dowell
M.10.260KD.10.255<l>For hadde neu<expan>er</expan>e fr<del>.</del><add>e</add>ke fyn wit þe feith<del>e</del> to dispute . </l>
M.10.261KD.10.256<l>Ne man hadde no merite myȝte it be
<del>y</del><note>M.10.261: The erasure of <y> brings M into agreement with GBRF.</note> proued
M.10.262KD.10.256α<l><hi><foreign>Fides non h<expan>ab</expan>et meritum . vbi humana racio p<expan>re</expan>bet exp<expan>er</expan>ime<expan>n</expan>tum .</foreign></hi></l>
</lg> <lg>M.10.263KD.10.257<l>Thanne is dobet to suffre for þi soules helthe</l>
M.10.264KD.10.258<l>Al þat þe book bit bi holychurche techynge . </l>
M.10.265KD.10.259<l>And þat is man by þi miȝt for m<expan>er</expan>cies sake</l>
M.10.266KD.10.260<l>Lok<add>e</add> þow worche it in werk þat þi word<del>e</del> sheweþ . </l>
M.10.267KD.10.261<l>Swich<del>e</del> as þow semest in sight<add>e</add> be in assay yfounde</l>
M.10.268KD.10.261α<l><hi><foreign>Appare quod es . vel esto quod appares</foreign></hi></l>
M.10.269KD.10.262<l>And lat no<seg>-</seg>body be by þi beryng bigiled</l>
M.10.270KD.10.263<l>But be such<del>e</del> in þi soule as þow semest w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan>oute</l>
</lg> <lg>M.10.271KD.10.264<l>Thanne is do<seg>-</seg>best to be bold to blame þe gulty</l>
M.10.272KD.10.265<l>Sithenes þow seest þi<seg>-</seg>self as in soule clene</l>
M.10.273KD.10.266<l>Ac blame þow neu<expan>er</expan>e body and þow be blame<seg>-</seg>worthy . </l>
M.10.274KD.10.266α<l><hi><foreign><hi>Si culpare velis . culpabilis esse cauebis</hi></foreign></hi></l>
M.10.275KD.10.266β<l><hi><foreign><hi>Dogma tuu<expan>m</expan> sordet . cum te tua culpa remordet .</hi></foreign></hi></l>
</lg> <lg>M.10.276KD.10.267<l>God in þe gospel grymly reproueth</l>
M.10.277KD.10.268<l>Al þat lakken any lif and lakkes han hem<seg>-</seg>seluen . </l>
M.10.278KD.10.268α<l><hi><foreign><hi>Quid consideras festuca<expan>m</expan> in oculo fr<expan>atr</expan>is tui . trabe<expan>m</expan> in oculo tuo & c<expan>etera</expan><note>M.10.278: Kane and Donaldson erroneously record M as omitting <hi>& c<expan>etera</expan></hi>.</note></hi></foreign></hi></l>
M.10.279KD.10.269<l>Whi meuestow þi mode for a mote in þi broþeres eiȝe</l>
M.10.280KD.10.270<l>Sith a beem in þin owne ablyndeth þi<seg>-</seg>selue</l>
M.10.281KD.10.270α<l><hi><foreign><hi>Eice primo trabem de oculo tuo & c<expan>etera</expan></hi></foreign></hi></l>
M.10.282KD.10.271<l>W<del>....</del><add>hich</add> letteþ þe to loke lasse oþur more</l>
</lg> <lg>
# to abbott<expan>is</expan> and priours
M.10.283KD.10.272<l>I rede ich a blynde bosard do bet
<note>M.10.283: M shares the reading <hi>bet</hi> with C<hi>2</hi>; other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>boote</hi>.</note> to hym
M.10.284KD.10.272.1<l>For abbotes . and for priours and for alle man<expan>er</expan>e p<expan>re</expan>latus</l>
M.10.285KD.10.273<l>As p<expan>er</expan>sons and parisshe preestus þat p<expan>re</expan>che shulde & teche</l>
M.10.286KD.10.274<l>Alle man
<add>of</add><note>M.10.286: The addition of <hi>of</hi> brings M into agreement with HmYOC<hi>2</hi>CBF.</note> men to amenden by hire miȝte
M.10.287KD.10.275<l>Þis tixte was told
<del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ow be
<note>M.10.287: For <hi>be</hi> all <hi>B</hi> manuscripts except F read <hi>to be(n)</hi>.</note> war er
<del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>e tauȝte
M.10.288KD.10.276<l>Þat <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>e were suche as <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>e saide to saluen w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> oþere</l>
M.10.289KD.10.277<l>For godes word wol
<del>.</del><note>M.10.289: The erasure, perhaps of <-d> attested in other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts, brings M into agreement with Bm.</note> not be lost
<del>e</del> for þat wercheþ eu
<expan>er</expan>e .
M.10.290KD.10.278<l><del>Ȝi</del><add>I</add>f it auailled nouȝt þe co<expan>mun</expan>e it miȝte auaille <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ow<seg>-</seg>seluen . </l>
<milestone>fol. 45r
pass<expan>us</expan> x<expan>us</expan>
M.10.291KD.10.279<l>Ac it semeþ now
<note>M.10.291: The <w> is written over a <t>; F's reading is <hi>not</hi>.</note> sothely to þe worldus sighte
M.10.292KD.10.280<l>That godes word w<del>.</del><add>e</add>rcheþ nouȝt on lered ne on lewed<del>e</del></l>
M.10.293KD.10.281<l>But in suche a manere as . Mar<del>c</del><add>k</add> meneth in þe gospell</l>
M.10.294KD.10.281α<l><hi><foreign><hi>Dum cecus ducit cecum ambo in foueam cadunt</hi></foreign></hi></l>
</lg> <lg>M.10.295KD.10.282<l>Lewede men may likkne
<del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ow þus
<del>þat</del><add><seg> —</seg></add><note>M.10.295: M's original reading agreed with most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts; the deletion of <hi>þat</hi> brings M into agreement with GF.</note> þe beem lith in
<del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>oure eighen
M.10.296KD.10.283<l>And þe festu is fallen for <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>owre defaute</l>
# <foreign><expan>con</expan><expan>tra</expan></foreign> mansid p<expan>re</expan>st<expan>is</expan>
M.10.297KD.10.284<l>In alle man<expan>er</expan>e men þorugh mansede prestus</l>
M.10.298KD.10.285<l>Þe bible bereth wittnesse þat alle þe folk<del>e</del> of Israel</l>
M.10.299KD.10.286<l>Bittre abouȝte þe gultes of two badde preestus</l>
<del>un</del><add>ny</add><note>M.10.300: M's original <hi>Offun</hi> agreed with Bm and probably Hm, which have also been altered to <hi>Offny</hi>, agreeing with BoCot and with C<hi>2</hi>. C<hi>2</hi> originally had <hi>Offyn</hi>, which is the reading of other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts.</note> and fynes for hire couetise
M.10.301KD.10.288<l><hi><foreign>Archa dei</foreign> mishapped</hi> . and Ely brak<del>e</del> his nekke</l>
</lg> <lg>M.10.302KD.10.289<l>For<seg>-</seg>þi <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>e corectours claweth here<seg>-</seg>on & corecteþ furst <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ow<seg>-</seg>seluen</l>
M.10.303KD.10.290<l>And þanne mowe <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>e saufly seie as dauid made þe sauter</l>
M.10.304KD.10.291<l><hi><foreign>Existimasti i<expan>n</expan>iq<expan>ue</expan> q<expan>uo</expan>d ero tui s<expan>im</expan>ilis . argua<expan>m</expan> te & statua<expan>m</expan> co<expan>n</expan>t<expan>ra</expan> facie<expan>m</expan> tua<expan>m</expan> .</foreign></hi></l>
</lg> <lg>M.10.305KD.10.292<l>And þanne shul borel clerkes ben abasshed to blame <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ow or to greue</l>
M.10.306KD.10.293<l>And carpen nouȝt as þei carpen now and calle <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ow doumbe houndes . </l>
M.10.307KD.10.293α<l><hi><foreign><hi>Canes non valentes latrare</hi> .</foreign></hi></l>
M.10.308KD.10.294<l>And drede to wratthe <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ow in any word <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>owre werkemanship to lette</l>
M.10.309KD.10.295<l>And be prest<del>..</del><add>er</add> at <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>owre praiere þan<del>..</del><add><seg> —</seg></add> for a pound of nobles . </l>
M.10.310KD.10.296<l>And al for <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>owre holinesse haue <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>e þis in herte</l>
</lg> <lg>
# <foreign>Con<expan>tra</expan> Religios<expan>os</expan> ex<expan>tra</expan> vagantes</foreign>
M.10.311KD.10.309<l>In scole þ<expan>er</expan>e is scorn<del>e</del> but <del>ȝ</del>if a clerk wol lerne</l>
M.10.312KD.10.310<l>And gret<del>e</del> loue and likyng for ech of hem loueþ oþur</l>
M.10.313KD.10.311<l>Ac now is Religion a ridere a Romere by stretes</l>
M.10.314KD.10.312<l>A leder of louedays and a lond<seg>-</seg>bugger</l>
M.10.315KD.10.313<l>A priker on a palfray fro manoir to manoir</l>
<del>.</del><note>M.10.316: C here reads <hi>And</hi>, which may be M's original reading. Bo shows a similar alteration.</note> hep of houndes at his ers as he a lord were .
# <foreign><expan>con</expan><expan>tra</expan></foreign> kneling off the knave
M.10.317KD.10.315<l>And but <del>ȝ</del>if his knaue knele þat shal his cuppe bringe</l>
M.10.318KD.10.316<l>He loureth on hym and axeth hym who tauȝte hym curtesie . </l>
M.10.319KD.10.317<l>Litel hadde lordes to done to <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>eue lond from hire heires</l>
M.10.320KD.10.318<l>To Religious þat haue no reuthe thouȝ it reyne on hire auteres</l>
</lg> <lg>
M.10.324KD.10.322<l>Ac þere shal come a kyng<del>e</del> and confesse <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ow religiouses</l>
M.10.325KD.10.323<l>And bete
<del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ow as þe bible telleþ for brekyng of
<note>M.10.325: M's addition of <y> brings it into agreement with all other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts.</note> rule .
<milestone>fol. 45v
M.10.326KD.10.324<l>And amende monyales Monkes and Chanouns . </l>
M.10.327KD.10.325<l>And puten hem to hire penaunce <hi><foreign><hi>Ad pristinu<expan>m</expan> statu<expan>m</expan> ire</hi> .</foreign></hi></l>
M.10.328KD.10.326<l>And Barons with Erles beten hem þoruȝ <hi><foreign><hi>Beatus Virres</hi></foreign></hi> techyng</l>
M.10.329KD.10.327<l>That hire barnes claymen and blame <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>ow foule . </l>
M.10.330KD.10.327α<l><hi><foreign><hi>Hij in currib<expan>us</expan> hij<note>M.10.330: M shares the reading <hi>hij</hi> with L; other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts have <hi>& hij</hi>.</note> in equis . ip<expan>s</expan>i obligati sunt & c<expan>etera</expan></hi> .</foreign></hi></l>
</lg> <lg>
Thabbot of
<hi>Abyndou<expan>n</expan></hi><note>M.10.334: <hi>Abyndoun</hi> is in a different ink, but there does not seem to be an erasure here.</note>
M.10.334KD.10.331<l>And þan shal þe Abbot of Abyndon and al his issue for euere</l>
M.10.335KD.10.332<l>Haue a knok of a kyng and incurable þe wounde</l>
M.10.336KD.10.333<l>That þis worth soth seke <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>e þat ofte ouersee þe bible </l>
M.10.337KD.10.333α<l><hi><hi><foreign>Quomodo cessauit exactor . quieuit tributu<expan>m</expan> contriuit d<expan>omin</expan>us baculu<expan>m</expan> <lb/>
impior<expan>um</expan> & virgam d<expan>omi</expan>na<add>n</add>ciu<expan>m</expan> . crede<expan>n</expan>ciu<expan>m</expan> plaga insanabili & c<expan>etera</expan></foreign></hi></hi></l>
M.10.338KD.10.334<l>Ac er þat kyng come Caym<del>e</del> shal awake</l>
M.10.339KD.10.335<l>Ac dowel shal dynge hym doun and destruyen his miȝte</l>
M.10.340KD.10.336<l>Thanne is dowel and dobet<del>te</del> quod I <hi><hi><foreign>d<expan>omin</expan>us</foreign></hi> and knyȝthode</hi> . </l>
</lg> <lg>M.10.341KD.10.337<l>I nel not scorne quod scripture but <del>ȝ</del>if scryueyns lye</l>
# q<expan>uod</expan> kynghod helpith not to heuenward
M.10.342KD.10.338<l>Kynghode ne knyȝthode by auȝt I can awayte</l>
M.10.343KD.10.339<l>Helpeþ nouȝt to heuenward one heres ende</l>
M.10.344KD.10.340<l>Ne richesse riȝt nouȝt ne rea<del>u</del><add>ll</add>te of lordes . </l>
</lg> <lg>M.10.345KD.10.341<l>Poule preueth it impossible riche men haue heuen</l>
M.10.346KD.10.342<l>Sal<del>.</del><add>o</add>mon saith also þat siluer is worst<del>e</del> to louye . </l>
M.10.347KD.10.342α<l><hi><foreign><hi>Nichil iniquius q<expan>ua</expan>m amare pecuniam</hi></foreign></hi></l>
M.10.348KD.10.343<l>And Caton kenneth vs to coueite it nauȝt but as nede techeth</l>
M.10.349KD.10.343α<l><hi><hi><foreign>Dilige denarium . set parce dilige formam</foreign></hi> .</hi></l>
</lg> <lg>M.10.350KD.10.344<l>And patriarches and p<expan>ro</expan>phetes <del>..</del> and poetes boþe</l>
M.10.351KD.10.345<l>Wryten to wissen vs to wilne no richesse</l>
M.10.352KD.10.346<l>And praiseden pou<expan>er</expan>te wiþ pacience þapost<del>o</del><add>e</add>les bereþ w<del>it</del><add>y</add>tnesse</l>
M.10.353KD.10.347<l>That þai han heritage in heuen<add>e</add> and by trwe riȝte</l>
M.10.354KD.10.348<l>There riche men no riȝt may clayme but of ruthe and grace . </l>
M.10.355KD.10.349<l><hi><foreign><hi>Contra</hi></foreign></hi> quod I by Crist þat can I reproue</l>
M.10.356KD.10.350<l>And proue it by Petre and by Poule bothe . </l>
M.10.357KD.10.351<l>That ben baptised . ben saued<del>e</del> be þei riche or pou<expan>er</expan>e . </l>
</lg> <lg>M.10.358KD.10.352<l>That is <hi><foreign><hi>in extremis</hi></foreign></hi> q<expan>uo</expan>d Scripture amonges Sar<del>.</del><add>s</add>yns & Iewes</l>
M.10.359KD.10.353<l>Þei mow<add>e</add> be saued so and þat is oure bileue . </l>
<milestone>fol. 46r
pass<expan>us</expan> x<expan>us</expan>
# <foreign>q<expan>uod</expan> inffidel<expan>is</expan> in casu p<expan>otes</expan>t Baptizare inffedel<expan>is</expan></foreign>
M.10.360KD.10.354<l>That an vncristen . in þat cas may cristen an heþen . </l>
M.10.361KD.10.355<l>And for his lele bileue whan he þe lif tyneþ</l>
M.10.362KD.10.356<l>Haue þe heritage of heuen<add>e</add> as any man cristen . </l>
</lg> <lg>M.10.363KD.10.357<l>Ac Cristen men with<seg>-</seg>outen more may not come to heuene</l>
M.10.364KD.10.358<l>For þat Crist . for Cristen men deide and confermed þe lawe</l>
M.10.365KD.10.359<l>That whoso wolde and wilneth with Crist to arise</l>
M.10.366KD.10.359α<l><hi><foreign>Si cum <expan>Cristo</expan> surexistis . & c<expan>etera</expan></foreign></hi></l>
M.10.367KD.10.360<l>He shulde louye and lene and þe lawe fulfulle</l>
M.10.368KD.10.361<l>That is loue þi lord god leuest abouen alle</l>
M.10.369KD.10.362<l>And aftur alle cristene creatures in comune eche man other</l>
M.10.370KD.10.363<l>And þus bilongeth to louye þat leueth to be saued<del>e</del></l>
M.10.371KD.10.364<l>And bote we do þus in dede er þe day of dome . </l>
M.10.372KD.10.365<l>It shal bi<seg>-</seg>sitten vs ful soure þe siluer þat we kepen . </l>
<foreign> .i<expan>d est</expan>. vestes</foreign> <add>clothis</add><note>M.10.373: The gloss <hi>vestes</hi> is the same ink and hand as the main text. The hand of the later gloss <hi>clothis</hi> resembles that of the Latin note at the top of fol 104v, as well as that of the verses about the mace at the foot of that
leaf. The sidenote <hi>fiat volu<expan>n</expan>tas</hi> on fol. 64v may also be compared. A gloss on <hi>bakkes</hi> in L reads <hi>id est panni</hi>.</note>
M.10.373KD.10.366<l>And oure <hi>bakkes</hi> þat motheten ben <del>.</del><add> & </add> seen beggers go naked<del>e</del></l>
M.10.374KD.10.367<l>Or delite in wyn and wildfoule and wot any in defaute</l>
M.10.375KD.10.368<l>For eu<expan>er</expan><del>ery</del><add>y</add> cristen creature shulde be kynde til other</l>
M.10.376KD.10.369<l>And sithen . hethen to helpe in hope of amendement</l>
M.10.377KD.10.370<l>God hoteth boþe heighe and lowe þat no man hurte oþer</l>
M.10.378KD.10.371<l>And saith sle nouȝt þat semblable is to myn owne likkenesse</l>
M.10.379KD.10.372<l>But if
<add>I</add> sende þe som token and saith .
<foreign>non <del>...?...</del><add>occides</add><note>M.10.379: M's <hi>occides</hi>, written over a longer erasure, is unique. This word is attested variously among <hi>B</hi> manuscripts: <hi>mecaberis</hi>, <hi>necaberis</hi>, <hi>necabis</hi>. The corrector recognized Langland's error, as does one <hi>A</hi> text scribe. See Luke 18.20, and Skeat's explanation of the readings (2.160). John Alford provides further comment (<title>Piers Plowman: A Guide to the Quotations</title> (Binghamton, 1992) pp. 68-69).</note></foreign></l>
<del>.</del><note>M.10.380: M's altered reading <hi>I</hi> agrees with Cr<hi>23</hi>YOC<hi>2</hi>CB. Most other <hi>B</hi> manuscripts read <hi>Is</hi>.</note> sle nouȝt but suffre and al for þe beste
M.10.381KD.10.375<l>For I shal punisshe hem in purgatorie or in þe put of helle . </l>
M.10.382KD.10.376<l>Eche man for his mysdedes but mercy it lette . </l>
</lg> <lg>M.10.383KD.10.377<l>This is a long<del>e</del> lesson quod I and litel am I þe wyser</l>
M.10.384KD.10.378<l>Where dowel is or dobet derkeliche <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>e shewen</l>
M.10.385KD.10.379<l>Many tales <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>e tellen þat theologye lerneth</l>
M.10.386KD.10.380<l>And þat I man made was and my name y<seg>-</seg>entred<del>e</del></l>
M.10.387KD.10.381<l>In þe legende of lif longe er I were . </l>
M.10.388KD.10.382<l>Or elles writen for som wikkednesse as holy writ w<del>.</del><add>y</add>tnesseth</l>
M.10.389KD.10.382α<l><hi><foreign><hi>Nemo ascendit in celum nisi qui de celo descendit .</hi></foreign></hi></l>
</lg> <lg>M.10.390KD.10.383<l>I leue it wel
<note>M.10.390: Most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts include either here or after <hi>quod I</hi> the phrase, <hi>by oure lord</hi>.</note> quod I and on no lettrure bettre
M.10.391KD.10.384<l>For sal<del>.</del><add>o</add>mon þe sage þat sapience tauȝte</l>
M.10.392KD.10.385<l>God gaf hym grace of wit<del>te</del> and alle his godes aftur</l>
M.10.393KD.10.387<l>He demed wel and wisely as holy writ telleth</l>
# <foreign>opi<expan>ni</expan>o<expan>n</expan>em q<expan>u</expan>om<expan>od</expan>o Salamou<expan>n</expan> et Aristotill da<expan>m</expan>pna<expan>n</expan>t<expan>ur</expan></foreign>
M.10.394KD.10.388<l>Aristotle and he who wissud men bettre . </l>
M.10.395KD.10.389<l>Maistres þat of godes mercy techen men and prechen</l>
M.10.396KD.10.390<l>Of hire wordus þei wissen vs for wisest in hire tyme</l>
M.10.397KD.10.391<l>And al holy churche holdeþ hem bothe ydampned . </l>
<milestone>fol. 46v
M.10.398KD.10.392<l>And <del>ȝ</del>if I shulde werke bi here werkes to wynnen me heuen<add>e</add></l>
M.10.399KD.10.393<l>That for hire werkes and wit now woneth in pyne</l>
M.10.400KD.10.394<l>Thanne wrouȝt I vnwisely what so eu<expan>er</expan>e <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>e preche</l>
</lg> <lg>M.10.401KD.10.395<l>Ac of fel<del>.</del><add>e</add> witty in feith litel ferly I haue</l>
M.10.402KD.10.396<l>Thouȝ hire goost be vngracious god for to plese . </l>
M.10.403KD.10.397<l>For many
<add>men</add><note>M.10.403: M's addition of <hi>men</hi> is attested in most <hi>B</hi> manuscripts.</note> on þis molde more sette hire hertes
M.10.404KD.10.398<l>In good þan in god for<seg>-</seg>þi hem grace failleth</l>
M.10.405KD.10.399-400<l>At hire moost meschief whan þei shul lif lete</l>
M.10.406KD.10.401<l>As sal<del>.</del><add>o</add>mon d<del>.</del><add>i</add>de and suche oþ<del>..</del><add>er</add>e þat s<del>.</del><add>h</add>ewede grete wittus . </l>
M.10.407KD.10.402<l>Ac hire werkes as holy writ seith was eu<expan>er</expan>e þe cont<expan>ra</expan>rie . </l>
M.10.408KD.10.403<l>For<seg>-</seg>þi wise witted men and wel y<seg>-</seg>lettred clerkes</l>
M.10.409KD.10.404<l>As þei saien hem<seg>-</seg>self selden don þere<seg>-</seg>aftur</l>
M.10.410KD.10.404α<l><hi><foreign><hi>Sup<expan>er</expan> cathedra moysy . & c<expan>etera</expan> .</hi></foreign></hi></l>
</lg> <lg>M.10.411KD.10.405<l>Ac I wene it worth<del>e</del> of many as was in Noe<del>.</del><add>s</add> tyme . </l>
M.10.412KD.10.406<l>Tho he shop þat sh<del>.</del><add>i</add>pp of shides and bordus</l>
M.10.413KD.10.407<l>Was neu<expan>er</expan>e wriȝte saued þat wrouȝte þere<seg>-</seg>on ne oþur werkeman elles . </l>
# <foreign>archam Noe</foreign>
M.10.414KD.10.408<l>But briddes and bestes and þe blessud Noe</l>
M.10.415KD.10.409<l>And his wif w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> his sones and also hire wifes</l>
M.10.416KD.10.410<l><add>And<note>M.10.416: M alone among <hi>B</hi> manuscripts begins the line with <hi>And</hi>.</note> of wr<del>.</del><add>y</add>ghtes þat it wrouȝt was non of he<expan>m</expan> y<seg>-</seg>saued .</add><note>M.10.416: This line was added in a darker ink, but probably by the main hand, in a space dividing paragraphs. In this omission, M originally
agreed with GYOC<hi>2</hi>CB, which also omit this line.</note></l>
M.10.417KD.10.411<l>God lene it fare not so bi folk þat þe feith techen</l>
M.10.418KD.10.412<l>Of holy churche þat herberwe is and godes hous to saue . </l>
M.10.419KD.10.413<l>And shilde vs fram shame þ<expan>er</expan>e<seg>-</seg>Inne as Noes shipp dede bestes</l>
M.10.420KD.10.414<l>And men þat maden it
<del>...?...</del><add><seg> ——</seg></add><note>M.10.420: The corrector most likely erased an extra <hi>amydde</hi>.</note> amydde þe flood adreynten
<foreign>culor<expan>um</expan></foreign> of þis c
<note>M.10.421: M's original reading may have agreed with OC<hi>2</hi>, which read <hi>cause</hi>.</note> is Curatours to mene
M.10.422KD.10.416<l>That ben carpentiers holy kyrke to make for cristus owne bestus</l>
M.10.423KD.10.416α<l><hi><foreign><hi>Homines & iumenta saluabis d<expan>omi</expan>ne & c<expan>etera</expan></hi></foreign></hi></l>
</lg> <lg>M.10.424KD.10.420<l>On gode friday I fynde a felou<expan>n</expan> was y<seg>-</seg>saued<del>e</del></l>
M.10.425KD.10.421<l>Þat hadde y<seg>-</seg>l<del>.</del><add>i</add>ued al his lif w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> lesynges and w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> thefte</l>
M.10.426KD.10.422<l>And for he by<seg>-</seg>knew on þe cros and to Crist shrof hym</l>
M.10.427KD.10.423<l>He was s<del>u</del><add>o</add>nner saued þan<del>ne</del><add><seg> —</seg></add> seint Iohan þe baptist<del>e</del></l>
M.10.428KD.10.424<l>And er Adam or ysaie or any of þe p<expan>ro</expan>phetes</l>
M.10.429KD.10.425<l>That hadde y<seg>-</seg>layn w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> lucifer . many longe <del>ȝ</del><add>y</add>eres</l>
M.10.430KD.10.426<l>A robbere was y<seg>-</seg>raunceoned <del>.</del><add>r</add>ather þan<del>ne</del><add><seg> —</seg></add> þei alle</l>
M.10.431KD.10.427<l>With<seg>-</seg>owten any penaunce of purgatorie to p<expan>er</expan>petuel blisse</l>
</lg> <lg>M.10.432KD.10.428<l>Than Marie Magdaleyne what womman ded<add>e</add> worse</l>
M.10.433KD.10.429<l>Or who worse þan dauid þat vries deth conspired<del>e</del></l>
M.10.434KD.10.430<l>Or Poul<del>.</del><add>e</add> . þe appostele þat no pite hadde </l>
<milestone>fol. 47r
pass<expan>us</expan> x<expan>us</expan>
M.10.435KD.10.431<l><note>M.10.435: The scribe begins by writing to the right of the box as he had done in the first quire; then, realizing his misplacement,
writes the next initials in their correct position.</note>Muche Cristene kynde to kille to dethe
M.10.436KD.10.432<l>And now ben þes as souereins w<expan>i</expan>t<expan>h</expan> saintes in heuene</l>
M.10.437KD.10.433<l>Tho þat wrouȝten wikkedliest<del>e</del> in world þo þei were</l>
</lg> <lg>M.10.438KD.10.434<l>And þo þat wysely wordeden and wryten many bookes</l>
M.10.439KD.10.435<l>Of wit and of wisdom<del>e</del> with dampnede soules wonye . </l>
M.10.440KD.10.436<l>That Salamon seith I trowe be soth and certeyn of vs alle</l>
M.10.441KD.10.436α<l><hi><foreign><hi>Sine iusti atq<expan>ue</expan> sapientes . & op<expan>er</expan>a eor<expan>um</expan> in manu dei sunt & c<expan>etera</expan></hi></foreign></hi></l>
</lg> <lg>M.10.442KD.10.437<l>Ther aren witti and wel libbynge ac hire werkes ben yhudde</l>
M.10.443KD.10.438<l>In þe hondes of almiȝty god and he wot þe sothe . </l>
M.10.444KD.10.439<l>Wher for loue a man worth allowed<del>e</del> þere and his lele werkes</l>
M.10.445KD.10.440<l><orig>Orelles</orig><reg>Or elles</reg> for his yuel wil and enuie of herte</l>
M.10.446KD.10.441<l>And be allowed as he liuede so for by lither men knoweth the goode</l>
M.10.447KD.10.442<l>And wherby w
<del>.....</del><add>iste</add><note>M.10.447: This alteration occurs at a place where <hi>B</hi> manuscripts attest a wide variety of readings. Bm also has the last three letters of <hi>wist</hi> over an erasure; many other manuscripts have a form of <hi>witen</hi>.</note> men
<del>e</del> is white if alle þing
<del>e</del> blak were
M.10.448KD.10.443<l>And who were a gode man but <del>ȝ</del>if þere were sum shrewe</l>
M.10.449KD.10.444<l>For<seg>-</seg>þi lyue we forth wiþ liþere